#obvsly I don't think he's trying to control her
dirkxcaliborn · 1 year
Reddit is absolutely insane sometimes. "my boyfriend gets sad when I don't want to watch him play video games and doesn't feel like playing anymore."
"Your boyfriend is a childish control freak" < not even paraphrased. That's literally how the comment started word for word.
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erectionsandtea · 3 years
cym as your poly party headcanons
This got away from me but I apologize for nothing bc it was so much fun xD no angst was allowed.
You: when Will and Mike have a tiring day, they just want to curl up under a blanket on the couch and cuddle and be tired. And then El is like "there's no room for me" so she sits at their feet, and tugs the blanket just enough to wrap around her shoulders. And then Max, who's always up for teasing the boys, comes in to cuddle with El and pulls the blanket even more, so now they have more of it than the boys do. And Mike is like "Lucas, can you make your girlfriend stop stealing our blanket?" And Lucas is like "bro, I can barely control my girlfriend, ask yours to stop" and El just looks up at him with this innocent smile that's so pure, and Mike just sighs. And Will says, "can you just bring us another blanket?" And Lucas is like 🙄 but he does it anyway, lol
@willthecleric : El goes to see Will and finds he has a bunch of crumpled up papers all around him. She picks one up and looks at it, and it's obvsly about Mike (Will is trying to comprehend his feelings thru his art), and she knows it means that he has feelings for Mike. She also knows that her bf Mike likes him back (as he has talked to her about it multiple times - bc they are still besties). She tells Will he should tell Mike and Will is like "why?" And friends don't lie but she also promised Mike she wouldn't tell, so just "trust me." "is it bad?" She shakes her head, and Will knows she wouldn't lie to him. So he goes over to Mike's, where El has actually just been, telling Mike he needs to tell Will his feelings.
Later, while watching soaps, she gets a phone call and Mike is just like "I can't believe you told him" but she can hear he's happy which means everything went well, and she's just like "I didn't tell him anything"
(also Mike totally sees all the crumpled up drawings later bc El uncrumpled and saved them, and he loves all of them, and Will is a little embarrassed)
@thief-and-dragonfly : when any of the couples are being sweet and cute, Will will draw them (he has a bunch, like a stack of drawings, lol). When Will is part of the sweet and cute, El practices her art by drawing them. They're not as good as Will's, but everyone loves them.
@bi-max-mayfield : Max isn't generally soft, but when she is it's more with El than with Lucas. El teases her about it, being like "you're soft" and Max is like "shut up, I am not". And Lucas says to El one day, "you should hang out with her more, I kinda like soft Max" and Max is stuck in goldfish mode, her mind between "I am NOT soft" and "wait, what do you mean 'kinda'???". And whenever Max gets annoyed at him, Lucas will call El like "come quick, I need you to make Max soft again" before she throws a pillow at him, lol
@bisexual-mike-wheeler : whenever the above does happen, Mike is laughing his ass off, and he's just like "I'm so glad you're soft" at Will and Will is just like "bitch, I am not soft" and Mike is like "pls" and so Will shoves some popcorn in his face for that
@ghostgirlinsatin : Duzie, whenever some shit/chaos goes down, like "well, they're doing it again, do we need to intervene?" "no, I think they can figure it out for themselves this time"
@strangercoco : the teens figuring everything out before the kids do, and while Nancy and Jonathan try to help the kids with their figuring out, Robin is just like "this is golden" *eats popcorn* and Steve is like "bro, I wouldn't even know where to start"
@tsugarubecker : Joyce and Karen being able to talk the kids (all of them, lol) thru their crises, bc Hopper just can't fuckin do it xD (literally, he just doesn't know), but they also assure the kids that he's okay with it, he just doesn't express himself very well
@mike-wheeler-is-gay : Dustin conspiring with the teens to help everyone finally figure their shit out, and the teens are like "it's kind of weird that you're this invested in your friends' love lives" and he's like "about as weird as you two being this invested in your brothers' love lives" and they're like "...okay, you can help"
@strangerbug08 : the party needs to restart the movie they're watching bc they spend the first 20-30 minutes trying to figure out a seating configuration so all the couples can be together, bc somehow no one thought of this ahead of time xD (the arrangement they come up with is the one they use at every movie night following)
@lilithisamess : chaos!party, lol. during the movie, people get distracted. Lumax is tossing snacks at each other, except when Lucas misses and gets a popcorn in El's hair, who is listening to Byler trying to explain the meaning behind a specific scene (they can't agree and just end up debating, lol). Mike brushes the tossed popcorn out of El's hair, and while he's distracted by that, the movie scene changes, meaning the debate is over (and therefore, a very smug Will wins bc he was the last one to say something).
@wise-the-will : the notes that get passed around during school, omg "hey, can you give this to El next period?" "put this in Will's locker when you have a chance" "next time you see Lucas, tell him-" etc. lol
@beepboop358 : Mike writes stories and Will draws pictures to go along with them, and then Max reads them to El as bedtime stories (don't even tell me El doesn't get bedtime stories, lolll)
@argyle3is9pan4 : until they can get a van, everyone has to squeeze into a tiny five-seater. Max isn't allowed to drive, lol, so Dustin does, and Suzie is his navigator. the order of the backseat is Will, Mike, El, Max, and then Lucas. this arrangement only works bc Mike is so skinny, and he basically gets squished, especially when El and Will lean across him to talk to each other.
I'm sorry some of you got longer ones than others, but please believe me when I say that the same amount of love and thought went into every single one (I hope that helps). <3
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