#oc ; urzha gra-batob
throughtrialbyfire · 1 year
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re-uploading these from an old blog/art insta! my professors for the College of Winterhold! they're quite a fun bunch to write, and i look forward to posting about them! now if only i could sit down and draw all my bards college ocs…
top row, L-R: Nethalam, Maxim, Urzha gra-Batob bottom row, L-R: Deroth Duskmire, Talari, Blasphea
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throughtrialbyfire · 1 year
writing tag game!
thank you so much to @dirty-bosmer for tagging me, i had a blast filling this tag game out!! ♥
i'm tagging @skyrim-forever @thana-topsy @orfeoarte @totally-not-deacon @mareenavee and anyone else who wants to do this!! no pressure, and if you're not tagged and wanna participate, feel free to do it and say i tagged you!!
A line from your fic that makes you laugh
humor isn't my strong point, but this piece from this oneshot i did for tesfest makes me grin a little every time!
"Thank you," they mumbled against his neck, "you'll never know how much I care for you, Ja'dato." "I can only hope," he teased, earning a small pinch from the Altmer against his side.
A line from your fic that makes you sad
another line from a oneshot for tesfest, i had a blast writing this bit of wyndrelis' backstory!
The older Dunmer held up his hand. "I have one son, and one daughter, and you are neither of them."
A line from your fic you're proud of
this bit from Cycle of the Serpent, chapter 16 makes me think of these bastards frequently
What display was this? Some sort of urge to push him back, keep him away after the trio had begun to see one another as friends? He swallowed down any objections. He knew it, too. He'd been foolish to want to believe all of them were innocent, that Helgen was a mistake.
A line for your fic you think could have been better
oh man i'm always editing in my mind, but this one i think does it for me the most rn. Cycle of the Serpent, chapter 10
The beast roared through shoots of pain, uttering a word that sent the winds of Kynareth's plains silent. "Dovahkiin," it choked, "no!" The beast gave one final low roar, before it fell.
A line from your fic that makes you want to punch a character
from a future chapter of An Inner Sanctity (chapter 11, as of right now). ancano being ancano
"Once. But as for a Dragonborn, I don't believe in such stories. They do nothing but fuel the heretics who laud these false narratives of some man-god. It's pointless, really." He could see the anger boiling at Jordis' features. The reddening of her pale face. It made him snicker, defiant as he continued, "Have you even given it any thought that, perhaps, that beloved little Tiber Septim was not the hero you believe him to be? After all, what sort of hero uses a power such as the Numidium to subjugate and practically enslave all opposed to his rule? And yet, you Nords, you believe him a god for this?"
A line from your fic that makes you go 'aww'
from a bit of Cycle of the Serpent, not sure where this scene will show up chapter-wise, but it's in the Solitude arc!
Emeros chided himself mentally as he carried him. The younger man was perfectly capable of walking back to his dorm, and if he was awake enough to leave their dorm in the first place for a smoke, then they were more than capable of going right back. The halls of the Bard's College watched the pair easily, light streaming in from the silvery stars, the high-resting moons. He watched the soft rise and fall of the Altmer's chest, the powdery scent of blue mountain flower clinging to his nightshirt. He felt their eyes close against his neck, and knew that they were already half-asleep, arms looped around him.
A line from your fic that's full of symbolism
from my hadvar/ralof oneshot, "If by Sun and Moon I Swore"
The moons, orbiting quietly above, two opposing forces, two mismatched eyes peering down through the windows at the pair.
A line from your fic that contains an Easter egg
from Cycle of the Serpent, chapter 17, i got to throw in a mention to an OC who's gonna appear in the winterhold arc >:3c
"There's one particular rune that's my problem," the Nord scratched at his chin, "the one nearest the soul gem. It looks newer, like it was given to the staff recently. I tried sending an etching to Urzha gra-Batob up in Winterhold, but she hasn't gotten to me. Couriers take longer, these days." He explained as he drew closer, running his palm over the carving.
A line from your fic that's shocking
from An Inner Sanctity, chapter 9, aka the athenath flashback chapter
After all, they had contemplated killing him nearly a hundred times now. Athenath would pass the sleeping body stretched out on a makeshift bed in their living room and the thoughts would bloom to life. They'd think of poisoning the other. They'd think of the knife, or the sword, or spells, or any number of ways to do it, and claim it was an accident. No one would mind, nor care. Everyone in the house would go back to their lives, and that would be the end of it.
A line from your fic you want to talk about more
from a later piece of Cycle of the Serpent, when emeros is speaking with the alik'r warriors in rorikstead. this is definitely going to become relevant later and i Will be annoying about it <3
"The Dominion has taken much from me. I suspect the same can be said of you. In fact," he tugged at the chance for snaring information, leaning closer, speaking in a low tone, "if you help me, perhaps I can assist you."
all of my ocs have Problems HAHHGKDFHGKJ
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throughtrialbyfire · 1 year
eventually i will contribute to hot orc summer with my lovely lady Urzha. and then i will be at peace <3
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