#oc ; deroth duskmire
throughtrialbyfire · 1 year
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re-uploading these from an old blog/art insta! my professors for the College of Winterhold! they're quite a fun bunch to write, and i look forward to posting about them! now if only i could sit down and draw all my bards college ocs…
top row, L-R: Nethalam, Maxim, Urzha gra-Batob bottom row, L-R: Deroth Duskmire, Talari, Blasphea
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throughtrialbyfire · 10 months
"Not so Nice Edition" ASK GAME TIME!!!! :D
Tell me about what ever OC you're currently dying to talk about. (And totally don't take into consideration I have the biggest soft spot for bean-plant-boy Athenath. I mean it. Any OC out of any of your works. We all have that one that is over-looked and we NEED to rant about. Now's the time. :3) Or if there's multiple, all the better ❤❤❤
OOOOOOOOOO i'm very very excited to answer these >:3c i have some characters including the trio i'd like to throw into these! this is gonna get very very long unfortunately HAAHKJFHGKHDFGJK
i answered for emeros, athenath, wyndrelis, talari, maxim, casirus, and syranel!
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
athenath - it's hard to explain how it would wind up, but if we're talking worst of all worst possible futures? the trio is going to meet the dark brotherhood at some point, and however that goes is still up in the air, but if we want to talk about possibilities, the worst outcome for him would be to lose himself as Listener to the Night Mother. a complete inversion of their devotion to Mara, and the isolation of self that would come from it. athenath is a good person at heart, but they don't believe it, and if they allowed himself to be entirely isolated into the role of Listener and lose touch with everyone around them, SOLELY focusing on their duties as an assassin? they'd lose everything, in a way. they're not aware this is even on the table, if he lets it be.
emeros - emeros is not an angry person, to be honest, but if he loses himself in something he's currently seeking throughout the story… i'm not going to spoil too much, but vengeance is an obsessive weed, and he's got to have the power to pluck it where it stands and burn the roots. he's more than capable of that, but there's going to come a point where he's not even certain he could if he wanted to. worst possible outcome is becoming someone he can no longer look in the mirror, someone he doesn't even know, and losing his connections to his friends through this. he's very aware this is a possibility, and he's going to fight it tooth and nail if he can.
wyndrelis - trying not to spoil too much (as it's both a plot point in the future of CotS and his backstory fic, "Bone of my Bone"), but if wyndrelis returned to a path he used to walk when he was in the College of Whispers, then there would be a very real possibility his own talents would be his undoing and complete destruction. he used to have a mentor who saw insane talent in him, and worked with him constantly and diligently. this mentor is the reason wyndrelis started down a path that could have destroyed him. power-seeking is a big problem for him, and he's aware this is a possibility, and shudders to think what would happen if the temptation to go back arose again.
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
maxim - his home was in the city of winterhold, before the great collapse. all his friends, his family, his loved ones, all gone in the blink of an eye while he was away in dawnstar doing business as a bookseller. he does have nightmares about it, mostly about the "what ifs", what if he hadn't gone out the days before? what if he'd stayed home and done business locally? would he have been in the sea with them? would he have never become a scholar at winterhold, never a professor? when he cant sleep, he makes tea with a calming potion and sits by a window, drinking it slowly and trying to remind himself of the present moment.
casirus - his life as a former vigilant of stendarr still haunts him. he still keeps his amulet close. it means nothing to him anymore. he doesn't have nightmares, but he does lay awake thinking about his time there, what he did, the things he's responsible for. hunting down people for their beliefs, tormenting them for worshipping daedric princes, was he no better than the thalmor that prowl in pursuit of talos worshippers? he has a lot on his mind, and he tries to not let it eat him up. when he can't sleep, or when he wakes up and can't fall back to sleep, he'll grab his lute and head outside to the courtyard and spend time just strumming, returning to the basics, easy things he knows and won't take much thought. it keeps him grounded.
talari - guilt, mostly. she thinks that she should have been stronger, should have stayed with the Synod when the great war was starting, when they were gearing up to fight with the imperial battle mages against the aldmeri dominion. she left because her family had been loyal to the dominion for many years, and she didn't have the courage, in her mind, to fight her family. so, she often ponders the "what ifs" of this. sometimes, if she and deroth duskmire (a dominion defector) are awake at the same time on nights like these, they'll sit together in silence and read, or just talk a little, a sort of understanding with the other without words being needed.
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
athenath - i can't spoil it just yet, but there's a reason that athenath became a devotee to the goddess of compassion. she's the only one that he felt could give them absolution.
syranel - becoming a justiciar. he doesn't know its a mistake yet. he was already a low-ranking soldier for the dominion for many years (mostly just doing paperwork or guard duty) and when his talents were finally recognized and he could become a justiciar, he took it without thinking of the effect it would have. he's lost someone very, very close to him due to this decision, and while he thinks that this person was in the wrong, he'll come to realize one day that it was quite the opposite.
wyndrelis - he didn't check the enchantments properly on a staff one time, and it cost someone their life. he'll never really be able to fix it, but he's doing his best to move forward.
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
athenath - he never wants anyone to see them for who they really are: some grieving, scared kid who had to grow up too fast. a lot of their fear comes out as having a temper.
emeros - that he thinks he's a coward, incapable of ever really making amends for some of the greatest mistakes (and in his mind, acts of cowardice or ignorance) of his life.
wyndrelis - he'd give anything for no one to know it was him who caused the clocktower fire in his home town, and he never, ever wants to tell anyone about it.
thank you so much for sending these!! i had a hell of a great time answering them <33
not-so-nice oc asks
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throughtrialbyfire · 10 months
i love thinking abt deroth and nethalam. winterholds most toxic couple
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throughtrialbyfire · 1 year
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oughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh finally done with the lineart, since its 2 am i’m gonna call it a night on this but im excited to color/shade these tomorrow!
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