#oc - rooney
Leon, crashing their place for the night : I’m really drunk, by the way. I’m sorry.
Y/N, placed the cup of water on the table : Oh, how drunk?
Leon, laying on the couch : I don’t know—
Leon, sluggishly looks at them : —do I still have pupils?
Y/N, chuckles : Yeah, they’re huge…
Leon, with a dopey smile : Oh well…
Leon : They get like that when I see you anyway. ( ˶ˆᗜˆ˵ )
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spookberry · 3 months
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Angry dance
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aceghosts · 2 months
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Screenshots of Rooney Shepard (They/Them) in Cyberpunk 2077 (21/X)
*Le Castle Vania Intensifies*
Taglist (Like this post to opt in/out for edits): @bbrocklesnar,@marivenah, @sergeiravenov, @alexxmason, @voidika,
@strangefable, @imogenkol, @hookhearted, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @confidentandgood,
@onehornedbeast, @direwombat, @thedeadthree, @theelderhazelnut, @cloudofbutterflies92,
@katsigian, @clicheantagonist, @cassietrn, @captastra, @inafieldofdaisies
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hexfrogs · 10 months
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yayy a digital watercolor brush that doesn’t make me want to explode yippie
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because-she-goes · 8 months
warnings: bit of matty headrot, some enemies to lovers, old lady thinking they’re a couple trope, swearing, some pretentious music references. Enjoy!
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With a click and a woosh, the document Rooney has spent the past month or so working on was sent to the editing team. For the past month, Rooney has spent every day thinking and writing solely about Matty. Glad to finally have every last one of her thoughts about him out of her brain and sent off for someone else to deal with, she decided to take Arlo for a walk before heading home to Bowness-On-Windemere. where she would begin the planning stages on her next piece for NME.
Grabbing her keys and Arlo’s leash and giving it a jangle, she awaits the puppy to come bounding to her. From the door, she sees her adorable companion come around the corner, and near her. Panting, barking, blissfully unaware of how Rooney has barely slept and is in desperate need for some fresh air and a fridge restock as she’s been living off of microwavable instant ramen the past week.
Clasping the leash on Arlo’s collar and stepping out into the world, she locks her door behind her and starts walking around Notting Hill. Passing the famous bookstore with teenage girls excitedly waiting to get inside the rather underwhelming building - she was once one of those girls. She too once thought it would be a wonderfully curated shop like in the movie only to find out that it truly only sold bestsellers and what she had seen on the glossy pages of magazines where publishers pay the company for the advertisement. Dreams of her local bookstore back home came to mind, bookshelves filled with Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau and Louisa May Alcott - real literature she thinks, the type that got her to want to be a writer in the first place. She soon became overwhelmed with how much she loved her life now and how amazed she was by it. If young Rooney could see herself now and how different her life was…
Smack, splat. Onto the ass of her jeans she falls - Arlo’s leash coming out of her manicured hand. Arlo jumps onto her hind legs and as luck would have it, a mop of curls come into her periphery. For fucks sake. He sticks a hand out to help her and she bats it away.
“Yikes, clover! Geez it’s just me, no need to get your panties in a bunch.”
“I’m fine and for the record, my panties are none of your business Healy.”
“We’ll see about that…anyways, who is this adorable creature?” Matty bends down to grab the leash and pat Arlo’s side softly.
“Arlo… after Guthrie.” That just about knocks Matty on his ass, who else would know about american folk singers - let alone enough and have enough passion about them to name their fucking dog after them. Matty’s own dog comes to mind and he really named Allen after the american poet Ginsberg. They were too alike, he thinks. He silently melts as he watches her fumble to her feet and bends to dust off her jeans, her crimson hair blowing in the London breeze. He looks away quickly when he spots a series of delicate ink lines dancing and swirling down her spine. It is like he is reading her teenage diary, something sacred and deeply personal, like another aspect of her life has been revealed to him. If only he could see the whole piece of artwork. if only he could see it fully, if only he could know Rooney fully. Truly know her, not just as a work acquaintance or friend. Matty immediately wants to know what side of the bed she sleeps on, what music she listens to while cooking, if she prefers scented or unscented laundry detergent. In an instant, he is even more enthralled by her. It is in that moment, while he takes her in and pets her dog that Matty Healy knows he is well and truly enraptured. He comes out of his spell when he feels Arlo brush against his knees a bit.
“May I join you and Arlo on your walk?” She looks into his eyes finally, they’re ocean deep and for the first time she feels like she can see Matthew. Not Matty Healy, the frontman or the guy trying to impress her in an interview, Matthew. The guy stood in front of her, petting her dog in his blue nike hoodie, sweatpants and sneakers. He looks like himself, not someone he is trying to be. She realizes she loves that about him. How comfortable he is in himself, how he can jus5 be Matty. She could only hope to have that level of confidence someday.
The rest of the walk is sublime, a picturesque day in her area of London. An ideal fall day, bright and sunny with still a nip in the air. They make their way to the Notting Hill Market. Matty still holding Arlo’s leash while Rooney scrolls on her phone to find some good walking music he may like. It is about a 15 minute journey to the market from where the two collided. Her iPhone begins to play No Matter What by Badfinger, one of her personal favorite bits of 70s music she would play while cooking. The harmonies, guitar riffs and percussion fill the air between them - Matty quietly whistling along to the tune. He always loved Badfinger and his dad would play it in their family car growing up - the fond memory of childhood planting a grin across his cheeks. Rooney continued selecting the music for their walk, not bothering with small talk since the two felt so comfortable in their quiet enjoyment of the afternoon together. Badfinger which turned into David Bowie then the Sex Pistols and The Clash finally finishing their walk with Supertramp.
Rooney made a note to herself to see if Matty liked her beloved Emerson, Lake and Palmer. Before she could ask, he had pulled her and Arlo towards a stall in the corner of the market.
“Hummingbird Bakery? I haven’t ever heard of this place, is it any good?” She quickly, albeit a bit nervously asks her companion.
“Best on Portabello Road, Sugar. Trust me.” He adds with a wink
“I never said I didnt, did I?” She adds with a smirk.
“Good. Hi Darling, A slice of the Halloween Batty Orange Chocolate Cheesecake and a pack of the assorted vegan cupcakes. Thank You!” Matty orders with a smile to the older woman working the stall.
“Here you go, dear and something for the adorable little munchkin down there. It’ll be 15 pounds.” The sweet woman informs, handing Rooney their treats as well as a pup cup for Arlo. Matty hands her some money and they thank her.
“Have a lovely rest of your outing , you two love birds!” She adds as they walk away.
“Oh we- we aren’t…. we’re not…” The pair stumble over each other frantically trying to correct her as Arlo eyed the pup cup ravenously hungry.
“Cute. Don’t worry, you’ll both realize it soon.” The woman winks and the two decide to just leave her be and enjoy the pastries at a bench nearby.
Matty takes a bite of the cheesecake and lets out what can only be described as a pornographic moan. He points at it, mouth full of sugar and hands it to Rooney. She mimics the action exaggeratedly throwing her head back.
“Fuckin hell, Healy! Who knew you had such good taste in sweets… and how did you know I loved chocolate oranges?” The redhead asks him once she’s passed the cheesecake slice back over and eaten her bite.
“You think my taste in sweets is good, you should see my dinner spots.”
“Not happening! Totally unprofessional, please I can’t be going on a date with the fuckin guy I’m writing an article about… are you mad?”
“Oh c’mon go on one date with me, Atkinson. I promise no funny business.” Matty says a silent prayer, he doesn’t miss the twinkle in her eyes when he says Atkinson. He takes another bite of the cake, humming in delight. He knows he is gonna win this. He passes her the pasty.
“Will it get you to leave me alone?” Please say no, please for the love of god let him say no. God, a date with him would rot her brain for good. God, why does this cheesecake have to be so good. She passes it back to him after her bite.
“Never. I'm addicted, sugar.” Another fucking wink, bite and pass. Jesus christ.
“Fine, Healy. Pick me up at 8pm, heres my London address.” She finishes the cheesecake, scrawls her address onto the wraper of the pastry and shoves it in his coat pocket roughly.
“Perfect. I’ll be counting the minutes.” He sings as she takes Arlo’s leash, her cupcakes and walks off. Fuckin hell, what has she gotten herself into.
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camodielsart · 1 year
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He's really fun to draw haha
He does hop around but only when he needs to go fast.
He's a very violent roo
🌈♣️ wanna commission? see cool shizz? click me! click me! ♣️🌈
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direwombat · 2 months
🎂 for whichever OC inspires you!
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— rooney shepard
"i know what is at stake. i've made a decision and decided i'm okay with that risk."
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eddysocs · 9 months
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Introducing: Keery Connelly
Fandom: Good Luck To You, Leo Grande
Face Claim: Rooney Mara
Full Name: Keery Elaine Connelly
Age: 24
Myers Briggs Type: INFJ
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Love Interest: Susan Robinson aka Nancy Stokes
Occupation: Barista/Photographer
Collections: Knee High Socks
Style/Clothing: Keery sort of has a light academia look about her. White, cream, tan, a lot of argyle. Preppy, but not altogether fashion forward.
Signature Quote: "I’ve often been told I’m a clever girl, but lately all I ever seem to be thinking about is you."
Plot Summary: After her arrangement with Leo comes to its end, Susan feels like a whole new world has opened up to her. When she meets Keery, however, she misses the telltale signs of the young woman's interest in her, panics at even the prospect of something and someone else new in her life, and once again gives her name as Nancy Stokes. Not deterred by her shy and flustered nature, Keery allows a friendship to blossom between them, even though she could have sworn she’d recognized her as her former teacher, Mrs. Robinson. Either way, they click and Keery is thrilled to have Nancy in her life, but will the secrets they keep from each other cause a rift to form?
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @foxesandmagic, @carmens-garden, @fawera, @themaradaniels, @that-demigirl, @iloveocs, @bossyladies, @b1rvt4, @getawaycardotmp3, @misshiraethsworld, @kmc1989
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iconicarunxz · 4 months
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Rooney on valentine day:
She chose violent
Puppet oc
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iceemoondemon · 11 months
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Here is two characters i thought about
Doris Rooney and Elenor Crow
they're from a series i call Midsummer Magic
The series is about Doris Rooney taking a train to Star Tropica after she graduated college, and she meets new people there, and one guy has a thing for her
Hope y'all like it : D
Might draw more of this series??? Idk???
Maaaybe i'll draw some other characters tbh XD
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aceghosts · 1 month
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Screenshots of Rooney Shepard (They/Them) in Cyberpunk 2077 (22/X)
Taglist (Like this post to opt in/out for edits): @bbrocklesnar, @marivenah, @sergeiravenov, @alexxmason, @voidika,
@carlosoliveiraa, @hookhearted, @strangefable, @direwombat, @cloudofbutterflies92,
@imogenkol, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @confidentandgood, @onehornedbeast, @thedeadthree,
@katsigian, @theelderhazelnut, @cassietrn, @captastra, @inafieldofdaisies
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because-she-goes · 8 months
october thirty first
warnings: headcannons, drinking, tooth achingly sweet fluff, lots and lots of domestic matty (my fave). Enjoy!
nora x matty
george and charli throw a costume party for halloween that year
matty goes as frankenstein and nora goes as his wife
nora spends all of October crafting their costumes by running around the various thrift stores in London
Matty begrudgingly agrees to go along with her idea at first, but after some convincing and being told he’d be rewarded he lets her dress the two of them up
she paints his face green and does his makeup, he does the white streak in her hair
the two of them taking the other’s costume very seriously and trying their best to make the other look as good as possible
nora also decides on making graveyard brownies for the party and throws bits of candy bars upright in the pan of delectable chocolate batter
they end up each getting a bit wine drunk at the party and being complimented left and right over how cute their outfits are and how well-suited the are for each other
nora beams and giggles all night while matty makes terribly corny jokes over the blood-red punch bowl
the two end the evening by heading home and splitting a spliff still dressed in their elaborate outfits
quite high later that evening, while wrapped in bed sheets and bare-face matty recites some bits of the novel - they had started it on October 1st in preparation… matty claiming he had to go “method” for his costume
nora falls asleep in mattys arms as his glasses droop down his face and his voice lulls her into her dreams
rooney x matty
it is a quiet, cool, picture perfect halloween in the lakes district
matty is up visiting rooney from London after working on the boy’s 6th album
the two spend the holiday by watching some films in the afternoon (alternating between scary and cozy - “a palette cleanser” Rooney states as she turns on Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride, Matty picks The Blair Witch Project to follow it)
they fall asleep together halfway through Casper and awake to a knock echoing through the house coming through the front door
Luckily, Rooney had gone out and got assorted candies for trick or treating, making sure to grab some of Matty’s favorites - maltesers, sour spiders, mixed bags of haribo gummies and mini toblerones
Matty also decides that they should get dressed up if theyre gonna be handing out candy so he ran out that afternoon and grabbed two skeleton onesies and he watches some youtube videos about how to do skeleton facepaint
the pair quickly throw on their outfits and apply some of the makeup according to Matty’s instruction and greet the adorable boy dressed as a sheet ghost and girl dressed as a kitten at their front door
Rooney hands their parents over some cups of mulled wine and pop candy in the bags and wish them a happy halloween
the next group is two older girls dressed as “hot vampires”, Matty compliments their fangs and gives them wine and candy… Rooney spots the two girls kissing, holding hands and laughing as they make their way from the house and down the street and practically melts at how cute they are
Rooney and Matty finish passing out their treats to each group that knocks on their door and they tiredly collapse back onto their couch after wiping the makeup off… Rooney falls asleep quickly, but not before she can hear her favorite voice whisper a “Happy Halloween, Ro… I love you”
thea x matty
as for these two, matty has to work that night at the bar and his boss tells all the employees to dress in a costume
Matty dresses up as Woody from Toy Story since he had most of the supplies for it in his own closet and didn't want to spend much time or money finding materials
Unbeknownst to him, Thea leaves work early with Mona in tow and the two girls go around looking for supplies so she can be Jesse from Toy Story
She finds the cow-hide chaps and the red cowboy hat at the local Ralph Lauren store and she already owned a crisp white button down and some denim cut-offs
Throwing the outfit on and having Mona braid her hair into pig-tails, she prepares for surprising Matty at the bar
Mona drops her fellow texan off at the bar and wishes her a happy halloween as her mercedes peels away
Leaving her in a cloud of dramatic dust, Thea opens the old-timey saloon style door to the bar and saunters in like a pseudo-female John Wayne
Matty’s jaw hits the floor when he sees her roll in, he takes his hat off in shock and places it over his chest out of breath
“Cornflower… you look positively drool worthy, I love the chaps on you!” He quickly compliments and she makes her way over to him. She goes on to order a couple ranch waters and a plate of appetizers as she enjoys the live band and the atmosphere of the busy bar
She watches Matty move gracefully around the bar, quickly serving each customer happily and dancing to the music a bit, she practically becomes liquid as he winks at her at one point while making a sex-on-the-beach
They drive home that night in his Bronco and fall into their comfortable bed… it truly is domestic bliss
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camodielsart · 11 months
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works been killing me! fhdjjs
anyway have some more Farmtown Follies stuff!
i really need to draw more interactions with this cast.
🌈♣️ wanna commission? or just show support? click here! ♣️🌈
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borb-cheddorb · 5 months
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Profile Pic Fanart: The Doodlebops
YouTube link:
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realjem-art · 2 years
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wooooo finally redesigned them!! (except for mason she was already good lol)
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luupiirto · 2 years
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Inktober day 8
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