#oc 2024: Fal
nokk0 · 5 months
Honorable Fal, would you like a red velvet cupcake?
-From Kurabe
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kirbyoctournament · 1 month
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turquoisetuber · 3 months
A nervous Fal approached to Jade
"Greetings, pon...! How you going, Jade?... Pon... Fal wanted to ask... Do you... Think that all Dark Matters are bad, pon? Or do you think there are... Good ones? Do you think some of them deserve a chance, pon?"
🌟 - Jade remained quiet for a moment in response to this question.
"That's a layered question."
She took a quick breath. "I think everyone deserves a chance. I know Dark Matter is typically considered 'objectively bad' but... As long as there is free will there's an oppertunity, right?"
She kneeled down next to Fal. "I can speak personally on that. One of my friends, she's my mirror counterpart. And we gave her a chance. She's almost all Dark Matter, but... she's a good person. dare I say, she never was bad."
Jade set a hand on Fal's head. "If we hadn't spared her, she never would have gotten to where she is now. How I see it... Well, it's better to risk getting hurt than never give someone the oppertunity they needed."
"So... In short... Everyone deserves a chance. Dark Matter, human, angel, butterfly—whatever they are there's always room for change."
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nokk0 · 5 months
🌟 - Fal!- I didn't know you were in the tourney too!- It's nice to see you here!! I'm glad there's a friendly face..- I was gettin' pretty anxious, haha-
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Pon!? You're in the Tournament too, pon!? That's great, pon- Fal shares that anxiety, it's the very first time Fal participate in an event like this... Fal guess this is the first big performance of both, pon?
However, it's great to see you again, pon!
Anyway, how have you been, do you... Have being careful, right...? Fal heard there are some... Dark... Lurking...
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nokk0 · 5 months
Ok... I'm not sure if someone would be interested on this... But i'm not afraid anymore... I will do it anyway!
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Well... Since Fal is participating in this thing of the "Tournament", Fal is going be answering questions, pon!
Be respectful, and do not do unsuitable ask, Fal and the others (Magolor, Sis- er, Lor, Susie, Marx, Taranza and Kirby) are going to responding your questions, pon!
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nokk0 · 5 months
He knows
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W-What do you mean w-with that Fal i-is going t... To participate in a Tournament, pon!?
Prev/Next, p-pon...
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nokk0 · 5 months
Fylass: Hello! You seem to be participating in this tournament as well! I would love to say hi!
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O-oh, an ask already, pon...?
For the way you say it, You're another participant, right? Fal hasn't meet the other participants yet, pon... Well, Fal send a "hi" as well, pon!
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nokk0 · 5 months
Fal receives another letter...
"Hello again! Waiting to hear back from you. What do you say about our deal. You watch out for this guy for me, and in exchange... well, whatever you want, I can get it for you."
There's a small photo in the letter.
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"Ah! Is «A-San» again, pon! Well, well, Fal admits that you got Fal's attention with all the mistery around this not-suspicious request, pon! And-- You are reaaaally desesperate for finding out about this guy? Curious, pon, curious, pon...
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Fal will accept (The curiousity is a terrible implement of the Ancients, pon) but allow Fal to let things clear, if You're involving Fal with any unfortunate situation... You have to assume the responsibility, pon
Now! You can't regret, pon! It's a deal, pon~!
This investigation have to wait, Fal was supposed to meet someone a few days ago, but! To bussy, pon!"
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nokk0 · 5 months
Hi Fal,what is your favorite activity to do :3
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Fal: Ah! Hi there! Oh? Fal's favorite activity, pon??
Puzzles, any kind of them, pon! But, the fun runs out very quickly... When Fal finish, Fal framed the puzzle, there a lot in Fal's home, like thropies, pon~
There are also videogames. Rpg and puzzles are on the top with no doubt, pon!
Board games are fun too, but... Do you played with an AI before? Well, let's say there aren't a lot of players interested in loosing, pon... Thankfully, Lor is an adversary that always makes things fun, pon!
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nokk0 · 5 months
This was supposed to be for an ask, but... There were closed...
Anyway, Fal loves desserts, but he will cheer you up with this:
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Fal: In any case, what do you expect with this, pon? That place... "Yomi" and the Butterfly Knight are just Legends the Warriors spread generation to generation, pon. Besides... Fal stopped all research for Snow White after the 1.3456746 attempt to poin point her location, pon...
Usselles anyway... All of them died long ago... Pon...
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nokk0 · 2 months
Fal won his poll...
It's Waddle Wednesday...
How about if we celebrate with...?
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Poor Cibernetic Wanya can't walk (he doesn't know how)
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kirbyoctournament · 3 months
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ROUND TWO: Shade Knight VS Fal
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kirbyoctournament · 4 months
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ROUND ONE: Galaxia VS Fal
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kirbyoctournament · 3 months
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nokk0 · 2 months
Galaxia flew around the area looking for…
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"umh there he is... I think a visit wouldn't hurt."
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"Mhpp. Hello Fal, sorry for the inconvenience"
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"It's been a while and I wanted to ask about you, how have you been..? uh..."
"I see you are not alone"
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[I really don't know if I'm doing it right jsjs srry]
Fal and Snow watched as the yellow dot approached. At first Snow was preparing for anything... Except a Waddle Dee
A Waddle Dee? With wings!? No... That was a cape... That added to the helmet... A warrior...? No, no... It can't be...
Fal seemed to recognize the new visitor, although he seemed to hesitate in his response. Snow has noticed something strange about Fal. Well, everything about the “new Fal” was strange in her eyes. But, it was still Fal. That definitely wouldn't change
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“G-Galaxia, hi! How have you been, pon? Oh, Fal? Well, recently the third round ended... Fal still is surprised... Oh! How mean, Fal didn't introduce you, pon! Galaxia, she's Snow White, pon! Snow White, she's Galaxia, she is a Warrior, pon!”
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The little Puffball looked at the aforementioned Galaxia with concern. A Waddle Dee? A warrior!? It was difficult for her to believe it and no matter how hard she tried, she might end up brutally failing to hide her surprise
That fact was something... Admirable
But also scary... Because? From Snow's experience, being a warrior is not an easy job. It's not something for everyone but… A Waddle Dee was able to achieve that goal… She was fascinated and disturbed by this fact
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"... Greetings... It's a... It's a pleasure to meet you... Galaxia? Lady Galaxia...? Ms. Galaxia...?"
Great introduction, Snow...
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nokk0 · 2 months
"Hey, Fal! Look at these goggles I found!"
Dotty holds Gizmo's visor.
"Can I scan you with them?"
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Fal was helping Snow in the solving of a Rubik's cube. The Waiter seemed to be thinking on something until the sudden appearance of Dotty
Dotty was pleasantly received, although when Fal saw Gizmo's visor and heard Dotty's question, he seemed somewhat downcast and surprised in turn. Did Dotty ask Gizmo for them or had they stolen them from Gizmo? In any case, the answer was the same:
“Fal believes you aren't going to get anything... if Fal's right, those are from Gizmo... After a test he find out that something’s interfering with the scanners, pon... So those probably won't work on Fal, but... Well, Fal guess you can try, though like Fal said they won't work, pon”
Fal was disillusioned by his own words. He always wondered what kind of information could be obtained from him. His own goggles don't work on mirrors, and the goggles couldn't be used for anyone aside from Fal. However, his mind was thinking more severely on the Shade topic but he was trying to distract himself with... Anything
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