#oc amathluin
arofili · 2 years
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tolkien south asian week day seven | colors abound ♦ unnamed characters | lost wives of finwë’s heirs | @arwenindomiel​
Of the néri of the House of Finwë, three wedded níssi whose names were lost to historical records, but recent scholarship has brought them back to light. Maglor son of Fëanor wed Ezellë Tecnyarindë, a writer and poet who remained in Tirion after the Darkening. Curufin son of Fëanor wed Quildalótië Ñillendil, an embroideress who bore him one child in Valinor, but did not follow him into Exile. And Orodreth son of Angrod wed Amathluin Celerieth of the Mithrim Sindar, a princess of Denethor’s line who survived the fall of her kingdom to lead her people to the Havens of Sirion.
Some accounts claim Caranthir son of Fëanor was wed, also, but others dispute this and claim he remained unmarried. The identity of his spouse remains unknown, if indeed they existed at all.
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annaquenta · 4 years
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[Image description: A colored pencil drawing of Orodreth and his wife from the Silmarillion. Orodreth is a blond elf man with blond hair, purple eyes, and dark circles under his eyes; he is wearing a silver crown, green dangly earrings, a blue cloak, and a slight frown. Orodreth’s wife, an OC named Amathluin, is an elf woman with dark brown hair, brown skin, and golden eyes; she is wearing purple earrings, a red and blue hood, a mahogany cloak, a gold scale breastplate partially covered by a red stomach covering, and a gold-brown shirt; strapped to her belt is a sword, and strapped to her back is a circular blue shield. She is looking to the right with an open smile. End image description.]
really like how this one turned out! Orodreth is a gloomy lad with too much weight on his shoulders - but Amathluin, my OC for his wife, is clever and quick, and she can always make him smile :)
refs: Orodreth, outfit, Amathluin, outfit
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arofili · 5 years
was thinking about my Gil-galad Aegnorion theory and... came to a conclusion that makes... a lot of sense....
basically, Aegnor and Andreth had a peredhel child out of wedlock (before Beren and Luthien!!), and they can’t keep this kid or publicly claim him. it breaks their hearts, but that’s the way it is. so Aegnor’s nephew Orodreth, who just had a baby girl a few years ago and is in his childrearing years, offers to take in the baby and raise him as if he’s his own.
now, the child-who-will-become-Gil-galad has a lot of names. Ereinion is very political; it’s cementing his claim as high king. Gil-galad is probably a given name, about the stars, it’s very pretty, and it’s only in Sindarin...perhaps his mortal mother Andreth or his Sindarin foster mother gave it to him.
but he’s also known as Rodnor, or Artanaro. this has to be a father name, given to him either by Aegnor or by Orodreth, because it was originally in Quenya. only they would have been familiar enough with Quenya for that. but Artanaro? “high flame”? where did that one come from?
i think Aegnor and Orodreth came up with it together. after all, their Quenya names are Artaresto and Aikanaro. combine them and you get Artanaro. it’s a reference to his birth father and his foster father, how he’s related to both of them and can claim them both as parents.
i think the kid grew up mostly using the name Gil-galad, Gil for short, and claimed Ereinion later...but even if he didn’t use it much, he always knew his father-name. and later on, when he discovered the depth of his parentage, he was grateful for the hint and reminder brought by the name Artanaro.
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arofili · 5 years
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@finweanladiesweek day six | textual ghosts | amathluin celerieth, wife of orodreth, mother of finduilas | @princess-faelivrin
          Orodreth son of Angrod wed the Sinda warrior A M A T H L U I N of the Blue Shield, to whom he gave the epessë C E L E R I E T H, Brilliant One, for her beauty. Amathluin fought bravely against Morgoth before the arrival of the Noldor and was instrumental in uniting her people, the Mithrim, with her husband’s people in the safety of Nargothrond.
          Amathluin bore Orodreth one child, Finduilas Faelivrin who became Ereinion Gil-galad. Though her husband perished in the Fall of Nargothrond, Amathluin survived and aided her daughter Gil-galad in her rise to power. Together with the remnant of the Nargothrondrim, Amathluin forged a new life at the Havens of Sirion. She perished defending her people in the Third Kinslaying, valiant to the last.
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arofili · 5 years
if you don’t mind my sending another request—could i have O with orodreth mayhap?
O: friends with benefits
cw: discussion of abortion (implied), pregnancy
“We have…a problem,” Amathluin said flatly.
Orodreth set down his quill and turned to his wife. “What kind of problem?” he asked, his heart sinking.
She sighed, pulling a tie out of her hair and letting it fall down into loose curls. “This arrangement has been favorable for both of us. Your people and mine are less likely to quarrel, and our mutual desires can be fulfilled without anyone blinking an eye.”
“We have been fortunate,” he agreed.
“And considering how far down the line of succession you are, we needn’t bother with children,” Amathluin continued. She looked at him pointedly. “Well. Therein lies the problem.”
Orodreth frowned. “What do you—” He broke off, looking down at her stomach. She showed no signs of it, not yet, but if she was implying… “Oh.”
“Yes,” Amathluin said, pursing her lips. “I am with child.”
“Oh, dear,” Orodreth murmured. He paused. “Is Minas Tirith safe enough for a child?”
“We don’t have to keep it,” Amathluin said. “I am not overly thrilled at the prospect.”
“Yes, but…” Orodreth ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind being a father. I think I would like it, actually.”
“I might mind being a mother. And any child we bring into the world deserves someone who is enthusiastic about the role.”
“My father would be delighted,” Orodreth murmured. He smiled at the thought of Angrod holding the baby prince, or perhaps princess. “You always did remind him of my mother…”
“Don’t get sappy on me, Oro,” Amathluin warned.
He sighed. “I wish I could carry the child for you,” he said. “But it is your decision. I know my uncle, Aegnor, knows wise-women among the Edain who may help you—”
“I didn’t say I wanted—” Amathluin broke off, tears budding in her eyes. “Oh, Oro. I’m worried the child will be unhappy if we don’t love each other.”
Orodreth opened his arms, and his best friend fell into his embrace. This was not how husbands held their wives, it was how friends held each other—and that was what he and Amathluin were: friends, above all else. Even if there were complications. Even if others didn’t understand.
“You don’t have to decide now,” he murmured. “But if you want to keep the baby, I will be a father to your child.”
“Thank you,” Amathluin murmured, sitting up straight and wiping tears away from her eyes. “I know I can count on you, Oro.”
send me aro writing prompts!
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arofili · 5 years
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@arafinweanweek day six | ereinion gil-galad
          Rumors abound of the true parentage of G I L - G A L A D, last High King of the Noldor. Raised by Orodreth and Amathluin in Nargothrond, Gil-galad was an unlikely candidate for king of all his people, but he survived as the only heir at the end of the First Age. Close in friendship with Círdan of the Havens, he led the remaining Noldor into the new kingdom of Lindon in Eriador. As king, Gil-galad allied himself with Númenor and rejected the friendship of Annatar. When Annatar revealed himself as Sauron and attacked, Gil-galad led the counter-offense in the War of the Elves and Sauron, aided by the power of the two elven-rings Vilya and Narya given to him by Celebrimbor. At the end of the Second Age, Gil-galad led the elves in the Last Alliance against Sauron, and with Elendil of Gondor fought Sauron in single combat, where he was slain by the Dark Lord personally.
          The true father of Gil-galad was unknown even to him for much of his life. His name E R E I N I O N claimed he was the Scion of Kings, but from whose line? Before her death at the Havens, his mother revealed to him that he was in truth the child of Orodreth’s uncle Aegnor and his mortal lover Andreth, making him the earliest known peredhel predating Dior by several decades. Neither parent could care for a half-elven child born out of wedlock, so they gave him to Orodreth to be the younger brother of Finduilas. This truth was kept secret to all but those closest to Gil-galad, and not revealed to history until after his re-embodiment in Valinor.
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arofili · 5 years
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@arafinweanweek day five | orodreth, amathluin, and finduilas
          O R O D R E T H was the only son of Angrod and Eðellos, known for his compassion and the leadership as the second king of Nargothrond. He was young during the Flight of the Noldor, the only one of his house save his grandfather Finarfin to speak soft words in an attempt to soothe the Noldor. When such efforts failed, he followed his father to Middle-earth and became close with his father’s brother Finrod, who gave him the isle of Tol Sirion to hold as a fortress against the Enemy. When the island was overrun by Sauron, he fled to Nargothrond, where he took the crown after Finrod’s death. He expelled Curufin and Celegorm from his kingdom for their treachery, and heeded the words of Túrin when he urged the creation of a bridge to the outside world. This ultimately led to the downfall of Nargothrond and Orodreth’s death at the Battle of Tumhalad.
          Orodreth wed the Sinda warrior A M A T H L U I N of the Blue Shield, whom he gave the epessë Celerieth, Brilliant One, for her beauty. Amathluin fought bravely against Morgoth before the arrival of the Noldor and was instrumental in uniting her people, the Mithrim, with her husband’s people in the safety of Nargothrond. She survived the Fall of Nargothrond and led the remnant of her people to the Havens of Sirion, where she perished defending them in the Third Kinslaying.
          Amathluin bore Orodreth one daughter, the beautiful F I N D U I L A S. She was betrothed to Gwindor, who gave her the name F A E L I V R I N comparing her to the beauty of the gleam of the sun on the pools of Ivrin. Her heart was broken when Gwindor was presumed dead after the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, but his miraculous return some years later proved to bring short relief as she soon fell in love with Gwindor’s companion, the mortal Agarwaen son of Úmarth. When Agarwaen’s true identity was revealed to be Túrin son of Húrin, Finduilas’ love did not waver, but it would not save her when she was captured by orcs in the Fall of Nargothrond and killed and pinned to a tree with a spear at the Crossings of Teiglin. She was buried by the Haladin, and her mound became known as Haudh-en-Elleth.
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