#oc ezelle
uncannyoceanz · 6 months
Day 7. Make ur own Zalgoid Oc:
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keep in mind that this character is not at all finished. Feel free to make some possible lore and ideas about her!
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proffbon · 7 months
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My favorite child-soldier-turned-single-parent
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voxsanitybox · 3 months
While I wait for the website to resurrect, I’ll finish posting my characters on Tumblr.
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This is Ezel, my Divine Soul Sorcerer/Undead Warlock/Bard. He’s a lovely, awkward artist who likes almost everyone and hopes everyone is willing to return the feeling.
He started out as a sugary character I could hide behind in a new environment, but ended up inheriting quite a bit of my anxiety after a few incidents, resulting in him having probably the most emotional depth out of any of my characters.
If you’d like to learn a little more about him, he’s on my profile when the site is back up! My username is SalemVox.
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kayfullcolor · 1 year
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Leucos belongs to my friend Lilith
Ezel it’s my son
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"I just want to sleep…"
He whispered and you wondered if he was addressing you, despite your mostly asleep state. But as he sat up with an agitated sigh. Moved to fluff his pillow, laid back down on his back. You knew he was staring upwards, another, more defeated sigh escaped him.
The request came like a prayer. And you knew it wasn't you he was bargaining with. Instead some force unseen to you, maybe even unseen to him. But it was a plea nonetheless and you wished to comfort him, wished to turn around and sling your arm over his waist.
But you felt heavy, still, or maybe even frozen. He sat up again, his long hair brushed against your arm and you held your breath as he got out of bed. He was careful, quiet. If you weren't already awake, you'd have never known. He pulled the blanket back over you properly.
You licked your lips as you continued to face the wall away from him. He seemed to linger, as if waiting to see if you'd move. But you stayed still, chest rising and falling with soft breaths. As much as you wished to comfort him, you knew better. He was always like that, the more somebody cared, the worst he'd end up feeling.
So you stayed still.
Waited for him to leave the room.
And when he did you turned in the bed, pulling his pillow into your arms. You inhaled his scent, felt comforted by the lingering cold he left. You pressed your face against the soft fabric, exhaled into it. Eventually, he'd return, and eventually he'd need his pillow back.
At least you told yourself that, that he might come back to bed. But he rarely ever did, and that was the thought you fell asleep with.
(Pretend there's a banner here)
Taglist: @cerasus--flores
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vincentpchriswolf · 3 months
ezel ( the first light )
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Not an angel
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Admin companion
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nealtheneal · 6 months
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My Baldur's Gate 3 Oc, that is up to no good
At least he's handsome, I guess
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ozrockbitway · 8 months
Do you have any Vanguard OCs? 👀 (Or possibly any ones you'd want to see in a deck)
no unit??? OCs??? YET....but I want my funny Solrairon/Kheios/Mikani ship to have a kid...who let you have 3 dads??? they could be related to glitter or be one of those duel nation units
anyway SLAPS DOWN MY OC info that I still have thank god I saved this- I really should use toy house............
I've only draw a semi full pic of Michi...everyone else has a picrew cuz Im lazzzyyyy...mamoeni kid does have a headshot tho
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renai fankid. Kagero user. Psyqualia. A really nice kid. A bit lethargic and has his head in the clouds. He’s mostly daydreaming about vanguard and Cray. He keeps an optimistic attitude regardless of how others treat him. He can be a little sneaky and playful, using things to his own advantage (ie. using his cute charms for a headpat) but never had any ill intentions. Thanks to his best friend ‘mothering’ him he is a little spoiled and tends to expect the same from others. When he was younger, he was bullied and kept that to himself, not wanting to make his best friend or anyone else worried. He doesn’t want to feel like a burden to others. Is aware that he is a little ‘weird’ and is labelled as an ‘outcast’ so doesnt want others to fall into that same pit.
Link Joker user. transfer from Hong Kong (chinese/japanese) and knows the Soryuu family. Was supposed to be an Aqua Force user. A very serious cardfighter. Dislikes nicknames. Has a hard time getting along with others who are the ‘fooling around’ type. Isn’t mean but does speak his mind. He is actually a very chill and kind person but loses his chill when around kousuke and michi (mostly Michi). Doesn’t laugh a lot, more on the stoic side. Can knit. Might be nominated for Student Council president??
Momoka (Momo)
Mikuru’s daughter. Pale Moon user. A vanguard nerd who keeps up to date with everything, it helps that she works at card capital. Keeps her job a secret bcuz she’s not supposed to have one but she doesnt work all the time. More like 1-2 days a week, 3 at most. Her mom wanted to be an idol and she does to so she has a stressed life. She’s not that popular, yet. Hardworking and determined but doesn’t really give herself a break. She comes off as tired but its worth seeing people smile, on or off the stage. Her stage name is the Pale Moon Witch? Uses a wig or lets her hair down as an idol, keeps it a secret.
Tatsunagi OC (I never named her cries)
Tatsunagi family (takes over after Nome). Like the others, she is simply an observer watching between Earth and Cray. Knows about the half units on Earth.
Shadow Paladin half unit. One of the Dark Dragon’s Grade 4 kids. Meant to oppose the Ezel half unit. Emotionless and sticks to the mission. Is somewhat curious about Earth and doesn’t know how some things work. Goes to Fukuhara. Clueless about relationships and is just a pawn to the Dark Dragon.
Mamoeni fankid (never named her either RIP)
nonbinary? Angel Feather/Gear Chronicle. Good and quiet child with a heart of gold but stricken with an illness.
Mamoru’s gf. Shadow Paladin user. Has a bad habit of smiling when nervous. Has to live up to older sister’s legacy but can’t handle it so she tries to come off as indifferent/nonchalant. Family thinks she’s heartless. Doesn’t know if she hates her sister or not because thanks! you left me with shit to deal with. Not lazy but hates being compared to her sister. Good but snarky.
Haru (not pictured here waaaaa)
Angel Feather user. sadistic/masochistic type of person. works as a bartender. an ex-delinquent. is still physically strong and can kick your ass outside a cardfight. doesn’t always think plays through, but lady luck is on his side so it turns out in his favor. doesn’t cuss at work but will 100% cuss outside of work.
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junkki · 1 year
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Idk what to really write, first post on Tumblr.
Real Name: Ezell Fake Name: Lance
Was born an angel with gorgeous blonde golden hair. Hated being controlled by God and had a huge obsession with Lucifer. He wanted freedom. He wanted the freedom demons and devils had. When Lance (or Ezell) finally was caught with this obsession he was killed out of heaven. Honestly, he was happy about it. He had freedom...not really. He fell into the mortal realm. He didn't know where he was, where to go, or what anyone was saying. Diavola found him roaming the streets of the mortal realm and decided to take him in. Turning into his dream to be a demon...but only under one condition. If he was to be by her side during the war she was about to create. She was yet to be Queen of Hell, aka the new Devil. But Diavola's lore is for next time. She saw he had smarts. He can help lead. Lance of course, agreed to this. He was even more loyal to Diavola when he found out she was descendant of Lucifer. He would ask a lot of questions about Lucifer which amused Diavola. Though she never told where Lucifer was located as for it was a secret that shall never be told. Over time they became best friends.
To Be Continued...
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theinkedfoxsl · 9 months
Choose violence all of them. All of the violence.
omg why
the character everyone gets wrong
not oc: tartaglia. oc: ezel
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
i don't have a compelling argument, all my favs are switches.
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
I've seen a lot of bad takes on tumblr, I've been here over a decade lmao. But honestly? Most "writing tips" are absolute garbage and constantly contradict themselves and each other.
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
I don't hesitate :) there are no last straws, if i do not like you, goodbye. this has gotten me into shit in bigger communities where people talk to each other but i do not care.
worst discord server and why
my old one<333
which ship fans are the most annoying?
mercy x moira fans and also any tart shipper.
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
Diluc. I was pretty mid on him but after following uhhh certain people who were super annoying about him and awful with his characterization i hate him now.
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
what's a common fandom opinion?
worst part of canon
retcons when a media becomes more popular. happened to genshin, overwatch, dbd, ect. They need to pump out more information and they end up contradicting themselves and making their media boring.
worst part of fanon
idk this might just be my issue personally but i watched a lot of people tell a lot of lies to make themselves look better and its. something. i'm here to enjoy a common media, not get into your little cat fights.
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
35 for JUST tags. And its because my mutuals can't tag consistently, yall ANNOYING as hell for that btw. its come to the point where i have to fucking post filter instead of tag filter. i hate yall.
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
(holding corvus) i just think hes pathetic.
worst blorboficiation
diluc or tartaglia, also lion(r6)
that one thing you see in fics all the time
I don't read fics anymore unless its my mutuals. Nothing interests me enough. That being said, lot of fuckboy shit in the old genshin days. he would not do that.
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
a lot of people can't seem the grasp the wide range of asian skintones, let alone shade them correctly.
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
cheating hcs, or thinking kaeya specifically would be a cheater. are you stupid or??
there should be more of this type of fic/art
genuine love for what you're writing rather than what'll get clicks. I can see how soulless some things are.
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
the paladins fandom in general is very much asleep, wake up bro
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Mutual obsession is my weirdest thing I g, it can be done well.
part of canon you found tedious or boring
As I mentioned before, once things start to get retconned and changed, it becomes tedious afterwards. You can see they're stitching together the pieces they think will do well, with no regard to the actual story.
part of canon you think is overhyped
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
Kaeya's favourite flower is a medicinal one.
ship you've unwillingly come around to
corvus/caspian, meg/trapper.
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
i don't know i don't pay attention lol
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Graphics updates for dbd.
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catonatrain · 1 year
top 5 men who have guns
this was so hard because i forgot every guy i liked who had a gun; also ill exclude ocs from this
sakamoto from the fate series -- he has a dragon wife what more do u want
rei suwa from buddy daddies -- i very much liked his arc
narancia with a stand thats a plane that shoots bullets counts as a gun right
enforcer from arknights!!! ezell :) my angel with a shotgun :)
vash from trigun :) i like him :)
wolfwood :) wolfwood is here because i had him on #5 originally until i remembered enforcer arknights so woofwoof is getting kicked out
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uncannyoceanz · 6 months
Some basic things about my Creepypasta au!
Ask me or the creepypastas anything! PLEASSEEE I NEED SOMETHING TO DO WITH MY LIFE 😭💀
Jeff the killer x Eyeless Jack
Candy Pop x Jason the Toymaker
Jane the Killer x Mary Vaughn
Bloody Painter x Puppeteer
Nathan the Nobody x Ciara
Suicide Sadie x Roadwalker
Clockwork x Nina the killer
Nurse Ann x Dr. smiley
Pinkamena x Rainbow factory
lulu x the skroll
Homicidal liu x Hannah the killer?
Ben drowned x Lost silver
Luring Lyra x Kate the chaser
Candy Cane x April fools?
Masky x hoodie?
Weeping Forest x Ally SlenderDoll
I don’t know a lot about marble hornets btw so…. :’)
Pasta groups:
circus pastas: Papa Grande, Jason the Toymaker, Candy Pop, Candy Cane, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, Puppeteer, Nathan the nobody.
The killerz: Jeff the killer, Homicidal Liu, Asylum Nancy, Nina the killer, Clockwork
The girls: Jane the killer, Nina the killer, Clockwork, Sally, Suicide Sadie
These people idk what to call them: puppeteer, Bloody painter, Zero, Nurse Ann, Judge Angel
Slender family: slenderman, Splendorman, Trenderman, Offenderman, Surrender, Slendrina.
The monochrome crew: Zero, Laughing Jack, Puppeteer, Kagekao, Hobo heart.
The doctors: Nurse Ann, Doctor smiley, Doctor pain, EJ.
The dumbass trio: Jeff the killer, Ticci-Toby, Ben drowned.
Slendrina is Slenderman’s daughter. Lazari lives with Sadiya and Puppeteer.
Puppeteer doesn’t really work for slenderman nor Zalgo. He’s just there honestly lol
Homicidal liu lives by himself in a cabin in the woods.
Jane and Mary live together
Slender’s main proxies:
Masky, Hoodie, Ticci-Toby, Weeping Forest, Kate the chaser, Ally SlenderDoll, Rogue.
Zalgo’s main proxies:
Sonic.exe, Dr. locklear, Mr. Wide mouth, Stripes, Dark link, The Skroll, glitchy red, Jane Arkensaw
Jeff the killer (Jeffery Woods)
Ben drowned (Benjamin Lawman)
ticci-Toby (Tobias Rodgers)
masky (Tim Wright)
hoodie (Brian Thomas)
eyeless jack (Jack Nyras)
laughing jack
Lost silver (Gold)
Papa grande
Homicidal Liu (Liu Woods)
hobo heart
Jason the toymaker (Jason Meyers)
Vine the dollmaker
julius the dressmaker
Candy Pop / Night terrors
X-virus (Cody)
Smile dog
Nathan the nobody (Nathan Lux)
Puppeteer (Jonathan Blake)
Bloody Painter (Helen Otis)
Wilson the Basher
Jane the killer (Jane Richardson)
Sally Williams (Sally Maryam Williams)
Nina the killer (Nina Hopkins)
Judge Angels (Dina Angela Clark)
Lulu (Lucile Tiffany gracefield)
Nurse Ann (Ann Lusen Mia)
Clockwork (Natalie Ouellette)
Laughing Jill
Candy Cane
Zero (Alice Marie Jackson)
Suicide Sadie (Sadie Marie Bennett
Roadwalker (Zayner Nanook)
Jane Arkensaw
Mary Vaughn
Ally the Slenderdoll (Adeline Abendroth)
Weeping forest (Jennifer Ryhnes)
Rouge (Heather Marshall)
Lilly the Jester
Ms. P (Ms. Pencilneck)
Stripes (Eloise Sarah Bellarose)
Lazari (Lazari Natalie Swann)
Lifeless Lucy (Lucy Jones)
Lily Kennett
Ellison Burns (Ellison Wright)
Rose (Rose Fairen)
Elizabeth Vazquez
Anna (Anna Schurks)
Kate the chaser (Kate Milens/Hayes)
April Fools
I feel fantastic / Tara
Sadako (Samara Morgan)
Beings of the forest… (That hold a lot of power)
Candy Pop (Mostly Night Terrors)
Zalgo’s Family:
Cynthia Ezelle (My oc)
Realms (Within the slender forest and such)
The Slender Forest Itself
The slendermansion
Homicidal Liu’s Cabin (In the slenderforest)
Granny’s house
Slendrina’s Mansion
Zalgo’s territory and base.
Roadwalker’s clearing
Sadiya’s house (Puppeteer, Sadiya, and Lazari)
The old abandoned Hospital
Jason the toymaker’s realm
The Abyss (Candy Pop’s realm)
The Mindscape
The lake
Cynthia Ezelle’s house
The old abandoned treehouse (Slender proxy Base)
The Circus Realm
Please dear god ask me something😭 I’m too lonely and bored man 💀💀💀
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myriad-mage · 1 year
Will be available on Mondays and Tuesdays, Will respond to current threads Friday or over weekend. 
Also, going to make a multi-muse side blog. 
List will be below the cut due to length. 
Nova Butterfly (Star Versus the Forces of Evil [SVTFOE] OC)
Toffee (SVTFOE Canon)
Globgor (SVTFOE Canon)
Ethel (Fairy Fencer F [FFF] Canon)
Karin (FFF Canon)
Tiara (FFF Canon)
Fang (FFF Canon)
Cui (FFF Canon) *
Eryn (FFF Canon)
Apollonius (FFF Canon)
Seguro (FFF Canon) *
Harley (FFF Canon)
Bahus (FFF Canon)
Soji (FFF Canon)
Pippin (FFF Canon)
Galdo (FFF Canon)
Marissa (FFF Canon)
Terasion (FFF OC)
Amaria (FFF OC)
Luchs (Lord of Magna: Maiden Heaven [LoM] Canon)
Charlotte “Lottie” (LoM Canon)
Beatrix “Trixie” (LoM Canon)
Elfriede “Frida” (LoM Canon)
Gabrielle “Gabby” (LoM Canon)
Diana “Di” (LoM Canon)
Francesca “Fran” (LoM Canon)
Adelheid “Addie” (LoM Canon)
Gewalt (LoM Canon)
Kaiser (LoM Canon)
Creed Diskenth (Black Cat [BC] Canon)
Echidna Parass (BC Canon)
Kyoko Kirasaki (BC Canon)
Shiki (BC Canon)
Master Moro (BC Canon)
Saya Minatsuki (BC Canon)
Charden Flamberg (BC Canon)
Durham Glaster (BC Canon)
Sven Volfied (BC Canon)
Sephiria Arks (BC Canon)
Train Heartnet (BC Canon)
Rinslet Walker (BC Canon)
Eve (BC Canon)
Zagine (BC Canon)
Marche Radiuju (Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced [FFTA] Canon)
Ritz Malheur (FFTA Canon)
Llednar Twem (FFTA Canon)
Shara (FFTA Canon)
Remedi (FFTA Canon)
Cid Randell (FFTA Canon)
Babus Swain (FFTA Canon)
Ezel Berbier (FFTA Canon)
Amarus (FFTA OC)
Sissi Delmas (Code Lyoko [CL] Canon)
Lila Rossi (Miraculous Ladybug [ML] Canon)
Gabriel Agreste (ML Canon)
Seymour Guado (Final Fantasy X [FFX] Canon)
Auron (FFX Canon)
Torell (FFX OC)
Leblanc (Final Fantasy X-2 [FFX-2] Canon)
Nooj (FFX-2 Canon)
Ormi (FFX-2 Canon)
Logos (FFX-2 Canon)
Nagasumi Michishio (Seto No Hanayome [SnH] Canon)
Sun Seto (SnH Canon)
Gozaburo Seto (SnH Canon)
Shark Fujishiro (SnH Canon)
Lunar Edomae (SnH Canon)
Maki the Conch (SnH Canon)
Kirone Todoroki (SnH OC)
Jak (Jak and Daxter [JaD] Canon)
Keira (JaD Canon)
Sig (JaD Canon)
Ashelin (JaD Canon)
Torn (JaD Canon)
Baron Praxis (JaD Canon)
Kor (JaD Canon)
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arofili · 2 years
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tolkien south asian week day seven | colors abound ♦ unnamed characters | lost wives of finwë’s heirs | @arwenindomiel​
Of the néri of the House of Finwë, three wedded níssi whose names were lost to historical records, but recent scholarship has brought them back to light. Maglor son of Fëanor wed Ezellë Tecnyarindë, a writer and poet who remained in Tirion after the Darkening. Curufin son of Fëanor wed Quildalótië Ñillendil, an embroideress who bore him one child in Valinor, but did not follow him into Exile. And Orodreth son of Angrod wed Amathluin Celerieth of the Mithrim Sindar, a princess of Denethor’s line who survived the fall of her kingdom to lead her people to the Havens of Sirion.
Some accounts claim Caranthir son of Fëanor was wed, also, but others dispute this and claim he remained unmarried. The identity of his spouse remains unknown, if indeed they existed at all.
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kayfullcolor · 1 year
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Ezel is my baby boy uwu
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IMMEDIATELY uno reversing this one on you too bc i love this sm but. who would YOUR ocs main in val in a modern reality and why?
Ayo I never got this notification until now?? TUMBLR?
But heheh alrighty, I have a lot of ocs so I'll just do the ones most likely to play the game.
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Alee and Cirino canonically play Valorant, actually! They play together heart emote besties. Alee mains Skye and Omen, Cirino is a Duelist flex. Cirino is also allergic to smokes, he hates them. Alee specifically likes to block Cirino's angles with his Omen smokes as a result. <3
Esen would LOVE Valorant, and he would main Sova. For no good reason, he just immediately got access to Sova and has not switched since. He's got a whole Sova themed banner, title, gun collection/buddies, ect.
Katsumi is probably the one begging Eiji to play Valorant with him... Mains Astra or KJ, depends on how he's feeling. Hypes up Eiji every time he gets a kill or an assist like "that's my boyfriend!!!" support player i g.
I will say Ezel and Decord would both play Valorant, but they play it wrong. Ezel is an aggro Sage and Decord plays Omen like a support. Ezel doesn't need to heal others to get assists, he has 40 kills and 2 deaths. Decord is on top of the stupidest ledge smoking the point and snickering
Sulien would play because Ajax would ask him to. They both play Duelists. Ajax will sometimes play KJ when Sulien is Raze though. "Heh, now we match, solntse~" "Kill yourself."
Ares played Valorant when he was still alive as Zain and he plays it in death too. Zain was a Yoru/Phoenix main, and now Ares mains Phoenix/Iso.
Hàoyú also plays Valorant! He also makes the rest of the department play with her, since they're 5. She mains Fade! But if somebody instalocks Fade, he'll play Clove. But sometimes just. dcs.
And because Hàoyú makes the rest of the team play: Hien mains smokes in general. Ying Yue likes to play Brimstone LMAO. Mei Li is a Gekko/Reyna main. Jing mains Kay/o or Harbour!
And a final shoutout to Galin who is a chronic cheerlader in the vc
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