#oc anthena
apollomidnight12 · 3 months
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sp00pypumpkins · 7 months
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This is how I feel Zero would met player HAHHA, they werent prepared to face an adult human per se XD.
Au belongs to @asamary!
I am going to rant a bit about it under the cut.
He uses they/he pronouns
He is slightly smaller than catnap
So Zero was just in a intership for a short period before he found the truth and wanted to out it but they got him and turn him into a toy! When he found the truth he met the prototype but his fascination of gadgets and mechanism was stronger than feeling fear XD
He can produce energy via his emotions and on his own will if he is in good shape, he met the critters soon after, he was in charge of the time for movies or shows and story telling. His knowledge in mechanism made him be able to have more dinamic storytelling using tricks with lights and such.
Zero then loses their temper electrocuting a scientist not on purpose trying to stop them for taking more kids, in wich the scientist take notice and take him to the labs in wich he got experimented more and amplifying his production of electricity.
He then kept being experimented while being plugged to the facility providing electricity to a portion of it. He became a living generator.
The prototype then offered them to be part of the hour of joy by the promise of revenge and freedom and no more pain, he accepted and shut the facility down from electricity and closed the doors from many places trapping everyone inside.
Now this is where the the au and canon takes different paths
Since in canon Zero gets deceived by the Prototype and was kept as a generator for the prototype (basically he will still be used as a generator by the prototype) the prototype would carve a mouth in the shape of a smile on Zero so he can feed. Zero dislikes him after being betrayed.
In the au since the prototype just killed the scientists and the bad people, Zero is very loyal to the prototype and helps them finding the more bad people by hacking security cameras or websites, but he stays in the town most of the time.
In the au Zero lives in the basement of the aparment the critters live in (if they are in a building and not just a singular house lmao) He produces the energy of a portion of the city, if he doesnt their electricity would go hirewire, he just plugs himself at night and acumulates the electricity in the generators.
If there is a storm and ther ei s apower outage he can easily feed the building, you just need to wake him up and tell him about it.
Zero has 6 minicritters of themselfves in wich some are patrolling and some are around him, they are like security cameras in a way
They go around fixing a lot of stuff around town specially electronics,
He likes to create gadgets, toys or artwork from metal, thats why he would go to the dupmster zone to search for parts and bring them home, they find admiration how the prototype can dissamble an object to create another so he looks up to the prototype like a teacher.
He is usually in the background doing mundane fixes there and there, because he was isolated and the only contact was when they experimented on him, he gets veyr anxious around adult humans but with time you can see he is just a silly guy who adores affection he just doesnt know how to handle it yet.
I like to think they are the guy whom people go when something gets broken or need assitance with.
I really couldnt stop thinkning about the au, its 2 am but I probs forgot things.
If ya dont mind I shall keep doing lil comics about this au with my oc in it qwq
Now just a wip of a future ref I am making
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Some fun facts:
He dislikes being touched in the back
The Prototype helped zero gain a mouth and get unplugged from the cables since it was a tedious and careful task.
The minicriters have different shapes (i forgot to put the x body marks on the square anthena minicrtitter :()
Simple shape on anthena= complex shape on body and vice versa.
He can speak human language very soflty but it feels off for him specially if he talks for to long it starts to hurt. (He normally talks in gibberish like puppycat from the show :D)
The stronger the emotion the more energy he can produce
If there are tvs plug on them or he touches them, he can comunicate with those using memories and replicating the voice from that memory (is like doing a collage of different voices and images in a tv) he can also project their dreams on tvs
He is very light
The scarf/coat is attached to them like part of their body.
They are protective of their friends he isnt very strong but will fight for them
He gets sometimes ghost pains in their back, the scale of pain depends of the day
ANYWAYS thats it me thinks I shall make lil comics about all the facts and other stuff other times qwq
If u read everything, thank you and hello! Hope u have a good day :D
Also sorry about the grammar and writting english is not first language and its 2 am HAHAHA
They have a hard time hidding how they really feel because the color their anthena, eyes and stars may change by how he feels
He tries to always stay calm and with right composure but he is actually very emotional, he just had learn how to manage the emotions
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shittydrawsworld · 5 years
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Irken OC jskdbsk
Invader Hin
Long anthenas
Doesn't talk whit others
Talks whit himself
Sent to earth to extract information
It was hard to draw the Irken but still, I think you could like it! This is my first Irken OC djndke, forgive me if there's something wrong!
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xoxavery · 4 years
Yessssssssssssss OC AMV love seeing anthena happy
Omg right this is one of the most adorable drawings in it
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If u want to see any of the art individually lmk I’m posting a bunch in my portfolio and on ig soon anyway lol
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ladyof-spades-blog · 8 years
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Rhea: I can’t accept this!
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apollomidnight12 · 4 months
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Rosalind & anthena
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apollomidnight12 · 4 months
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Anthena and Rosalind
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apollomidnight12 · 6 months
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New oc
Update name is Athena
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