#oc rosalind thorn
apollomidnight12 · 10 months
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Ocs inspired/inspo of Rosalind thorn(in style then character)
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pinkartwitch · 4 months
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Here's Rosalind, my other title character from my book series Blood and Thorns 💖 They're a particular favourite of mine, and I'm looking forward to sharing more about them in the future because they're one of the most complex characters I've ever had the pleasure of writing. After all, who doesn't love a love-sick necromancer?
This is part of a series I started posting last month where I'm re-doing my characters' portraits to mark my improvement over the past year or so. Rosalind's was one of my favourites out of the bunch when I did them early last year but...
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I think I can safely say there was a massive amount of improvement. :D
If you like this, please reblog (it really helps artists out!!), leave a like or comment (I love hearing your thoughts, it keeps me drawing), and follow me for more (I update at least once a week) 💖
Available for commissions! For more information, please check out my post here: https://www.tumblr.com/pinkartwitch/739257460225916928/novas-art-commissions
Come along with me to Ozelea, a world bursting with magic and drama! I'm building the world that these characters live in, and you can learn about it in Blood and Thorns: https://pinkchaosstories.tumblr.com/bloodandthorns
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saintgoths · 2 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱɪx
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WORD COUNT - 2,489.
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“Here,” Robin passes a small packet of Daffodil seeds anent his mother, they both stood on her wooden porch deck under the warm heat of Jackson, Robin found the packet in his class that had a bunch of Daffodil plants on the window sills, Robin concepted that his class had enough of those and it’ll be cordial for his mother to restart her plant collections.
Isabella looked down at the small package with a little smile on her face, appreciative at her son’s kind gesture, she took the little bag with her left hand and ruffled Robin’s hair with her right hand, “thank you my sweet boy,” Isabella kindly displayed appreciation.
Robin smiled under his mother’s praise, his smile toothy and optimistic as he lightly begged his mother to stop messing with his hair.
“Alright,” Isabella aforesaid as she straightened her back, Robin threw his hood over his head, cheeks red, hoped no one saw the teasing his mother recently put him through. “Go get ready for the house warming, don’t want you looking destitute for the guests who kindly agreed to come.”
Robin cocked his eyebrow in disbelief, “and who was the one who just made me look homeless?”
Isabella lightly giggled at his complaint then shooed him off so she could continue to prep her home for the dinner that would begin a couple of hours later.
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Isabella requested the people she was most familiar with to her house warming dinner, with aim and purpose to get closer to them and have them on her family’s side. She invited the Miller family, Joel, Tommy and Maria, along with Ellie Williams whose guardian was Joel but it seemed like the two were quite distant and aloof with one another.
She also requested the presence of Kaylee and Adam Lorde, Isabella learned that the two were twins, Isabella figured that they were related but the Lorde siblings being twins was the last information she would have guessed.
Nonetheless, the Rosalind Matriarch also invited Seth, concretely to get on his good side, perhaps Seth saw through Isabella’s motives but it did surprise Isabella when he approved and sanctioned of her invitation. Ere coming to the house warming dinner, Seth did promise Maria that he was going to be on his best behaviour, considering his best behaviour was him being hushed and reticent, Isabella and Maria would rather Seth being incoherent than him starting a commotion.
Aside from Seth’s faint stance, it was quickly looked over with how everyone loudly communicated with each other, notably Venus herself spoke a couple of times. Joel and Isabella engaged in a cordial and genial conversation, Joel Miller’s sincere and fervent interaction with Isabella caused the widowed woman to be cheerful and gracious that he slowly opened up to her.
“It’s incredible that you brought up these children on your own, during the apocalypse things get ten times harder than it usually would be,” Joel pleasantly lauded the woman who had a content and gratified smile on her face.
“Please, it was really difficult---”
“What did you think Isabella’s not capable of raising the children on her own?”
Eyes fixed to look at the proprietor of the voice and there sat Adam Lorde, he sat far from Joel and Isabella, the dining table they had to use was long as there were eleven of them. Isabella sat at the end of the dining table and opposite her was Tommy who had Adam on his right side.
The noise fell awkwardly silent, as there were shared glances, specifically from Ivy and Robin who sat opposite each other on the dining table, without doubt, the two Rosalind siblings were going to parrot about the graceless and unfit moments of the house warming once it was over.
“I—I’m sure he didn’t mean that,” Isabella knitted down her eyebrows, perplexed and, untimely embarrassed about Adam’s comment.
Maria peered at Tommy with a knowing look on her face; Maria sat on Tommy’s left side, sneakily entertained about the scenario.
“Our gun classes are fun,” Ivy coughed, in hopes that the tension of the dinner would change and everyone would gather their positively entertained spirits back. “Teacher said that I can start patrolling soon.”
“I didn’t expect you to be so good at using a pistol,” Ellie covertly teased and Ivy threw a humoured look towards the freckled-faced girl who laughed behind her drink.
“We used to patrol in the last community we were in,” Robin forwardly mentioned, “well not Venus, but Ivy and I helped out a lot, trust me when I say that I believe Ivy could win against you in a gun fight.”
Ellie audibly snorted at Robin’s comment, “I doubt that, I had a lot of practice,” she slowly trailed off as she remembered that majority of her practice was with her ex-guardian, Joel.
 “If you’d want, I can help you with gun practice,” Joel attentively suggested towards the Rosalind boy; Robin’s eyes swiftly brightened with anticipation and elation. Ellie raised the both of her eyebrows in a balked demeanour which was hastily hidden as she picked on her food.
“That would be so cool,” Robin happily approved and Isabella felt like she hadn’t stopped beaming throughout the entire dinner.
If the woman was candid, she didn’t care if her clear infatuation towards the older Miller boy was evident, the contended and ecstatic emotion he brought her overtook the thought of rejection.
Ergo, the house warming dinner continued with compliments towards Isabella’s food and drink making were thrown around numerous of times, the thought of making Isabella a chef had occurred in Maria’s mind a couple of times, and the mixture and range of food that were given to everyone on the table had boosted Isabella’s claim in the cuisine.
Speaking of variety of food, Kaylee recognised that much of the food were diverse and desired to know of Isabella’s roots, aside from her having previous British Nationality. “Ethnically where are you from Isabella?”
Isabella perked her head towards Kaylee, taken aback that Kaylee was able to notice the foreign persona the matriarch had. “Brazilian,” Isabella happily retorted, Isabella was a White Brazilian and with her change of last name it would’ve been difficult for the usual person to mark on the foreign background Isabella had, if Isabella were to use her birth last name, it would have been Isabella Silva.
“Ah,” Maria gasped intrigued. “Are your children fully Brazilian as well?”
Isabella shortly smiled just as she shook her head, “no, their father was from Egypt,” she listlessly responded including the way Isabella unenthusiastically replied to Maria’s question, the leader of the Jackson community was adept to read the room and dropped the list of questions she desired to ask.
“Was?” Kaylee innocently wondered, “meaning he’s dead?”
Isabella felt a hard kick in her throat, as she struggled to answer the question, she shared a shy glance with Seth who also silently required to hear Isabella’s response. Even though it seemed like Kaylee noticed her inappropriate demeanour and wanted to make up for her ill-timed manners, Isabella was able to cut-through her anxiety, “yes,” Isabella softly replied and quickly looked down at her food as she attempted to find a way to overcome her sullen attitude.
Kaylee felt herself sink in her seat, disconcerted and ashamed by her curt behaviour. She looked briefly at Adam who ogled at Isabella who seemed to cover her dour and fretful behaviour with a laugh as she heard her daughter, Venus mention something towards Tommy which seemed to make the guests laugh.
“How comes you didn’t invite Rowan?” Venus impertinently questioned Ivy who once again coughed in awkwardness, surprised by the arbitrary question her younger sister asked her. Ellie looked at Ivy taken aback and stupefied of the knowledge that Ivy and Rowan might’ve gotten close enough for her youngest sibling to know of him.
Isabella frowned, confused, she had the idea that Ivy liked Ellie, not the unfamiliar name that Venus spoke about, “who’s Rowan?”
Ivy shot Venus a soft glare and the young curly-haired girl shot back a gaze that was filled with fluster. “Rowan Sparke,” Ivy dully replied. “He’s just a boy.”
“Yeah, the most annoying,” Ellie rudely muttered.
“For Venus to bring him up I’m sure he’s just not a boy,” Isabella pointed out, entertained by the information her youngest easily spilled. Though with the uncomfortable movements Ivy made, Isabella quickly closed the topic and brought up if anyone of the adults wanted any liquor while the children could go upstairs and entertain themselves with board and card games.
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Isabella considered the housewarming dinner to be a success; aside from the few grunts and glares from Seth, she felt like she had advanced in the Jackson Community, having the main leaders of the society, Tommy and Maria beyond shadow of doubt were on Isabella’s side. Isabella was also able to feel the empathy points she secured from them when Kaylee asked about her husband, even though it wasn’t the optimum to speak about her husband as Isabella still mourned the loss of her Kai despite it being more than a decade of his death.
Despite the fact that if Isabella could love again, she would continuously grieve the death of him.
“Thank you for hosting,” Joel asserted and Isabella could feel her eyes glow as she noted his presence.
“Thank you for coming,” she acknowledged and Ellie walked by Isabella and cogent like the rest of the guests who recently left, she thanked Isabella for the invitation outwardly glanced at Joel as she sauntered out of the main Rosalind building. Joel ineptly looked down, patient till Ellie left before he bid Isabella a farewell and left to his home.
When Isabella was sure that all guests were gone and Venus was in her room and her other two children were in their cabins, the matriarch apace walked to her kitchen and took out the dessert she once made for Tommy and Maria as well as exiting her home to speak to the last guest she requested to wait outside her home.
“Here,” Isabella gently passed on the dessert to the older man, “made it just for you.”
The hour was indubitable late, as each lamp posts of the society were on, it’s orange hue glimmering on both of their skins as they stood opposite each other. Isabella was sure almost everyone was home, tucked away in their beds at this time, but Isabella contemplated that at least there wouldn’t be anyone to see their interaction.
“You may have everyone kissing your feet but I’ll not fall for it.”
Isabella remained quiet, her arms by her side, hands gently clenched as she held herself back from saying anything. “You appearing, pretty like a damsel in distress with your traumatised children might’ve got everyone to believe the innocent façade you display,” his voice grunted, “you inviting me to your dinner will not cross out the fact that you murdered Alexander in cruel cold blood.”
Upset, Isabella gently lifted her head up so her eyes could level with his. “I did what I had to do to survi---”
“He was a good man!”
Isabella clenched her jaw, avoided his enraged and convulsed gaze, “I’ll tell Tommy and Maria of the woman you are---”
“And how?” Isabella angrily retorted, “you have no proof. No proof that I killed him, no proof of an image Alexander and I together.”
Seth sneered at the lady as he took out a small polaroid out his left back pocket with his free hand. He then balanced the picture with his thumb and index finger and there in the print was Alexander and Isabella, sixteen-year-old Isabella sat on Alexander’s lap as the man had his arm wrapped around the young lady’s waist.
Seth mentioned that this was the picture he found amongst the many things he discovered upon his arrival to retrieve Alexander and supposedly Isabella. Isabella was always divulged that she looked older than her age when she was younger, Isabella didn’t know how to forward Seth that she was a young teenager during that picture whilst Alexander was twenty-four.
“Lilith Black and Alexander Black,” he rudely cited, the two names were tagged at the back of the small picture and Isabella remembered the moment Alexander scribbled the titles down with his pen. “Change of identity doesn’t clean your past,” the old man impolitely pointed out and Isabella understood Seth undoubtedly wanted Isabella to always retain what she has done in the past and would do anything to make her honour and rank decline.
“It was him that was supposed to be here, not you,” he bitterly bristled in disgust, he’s jaw clenched in terrible frustration and Isabella swore she could see a vein pop on his jaw.
Her eyes hung low in culpability and disgrace, the woman never thought that there’d be someone who would make her feel at fault to what she had done to Alexander, she reminisced telling the story to Kai and how he soothed and reassured the woman that she had done the right thing.
“He helped you, saved you and you killed him,” he heatedly coughed, “he took care of you whilst all you did was be a whore and ask him for more than he could give.” Seth angrily waved the dessert she gave him in her face, “thanks for the pie, but it doesn’t take away the fact that I want you and your kids gone by this week,” he sharply hissed ere he left the hopeless woman alone in the opaque atmosphere that was aided by the light shade of the orange lamp post she was under.
Isabella didn’t wait to see his entire physique gone and immediately marched into her home moreover hastily closed her front door fore she unconsciously began to weep into a fit of tears that she strongly held back amid the racket Seth had for her.
The back of her hand rested against her mouth as she struggled to keep down the noises of her cry, thankfully, Venus was deep asleep so she wouldn’t wake up to her mother’s mess. Isabella quickly wiped her tears away as waves of thoughts crashed into her mind.
Perhaps Seth was right, perhaps Alexander was a good man and she took advantage of that and murdered him. Murdered a good man for her own survival and she would have to carry that weight for her entire life, in a matter of fact she already did. It haunted her whenever she was awake or asleep along with the numerous of deaths she recalled.
Futile and discouraged, Isabella stood in the darkness of her home and speculated that if it were best to gather her things and begin to depart Jackson with her children or if she should hold her ground and resist the man who clearly despised her.
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liking, commenting, reblogging and following would be highly appreciated! since a song of thorns posts have returned that means my ask box for imagines/oneshots are closed until chapter ten!
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qrtrquell · 1 year
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As the youngest Tyrell sibling, ROSALIND has had a lot of expectations to live up to. She's excelled in her studies, become well-versed in politics, and has mastered the many talents of dancing. However, when her sister is to be the next Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, she feels as though nothing she does will ever compare.
ROSALIND is brought to King's Landing with Margaery and Loras in hopes to marry her off to a high Lord. Rumors spread that she may marry Tommen Baratheon but her heart is set on a little dove named Sansa Stark.
taglist: @ocappreciationtag
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ophelias-lamentation · 6 months
House Gardener OC’s
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So from left to right with little schpiels 1 and 2 are the brother and sister, children of the second born Gardener brother and his Hightower wife. Prince Andrys Gardener, The Thorn, is 22, a warrior born, gay, and extremely overprotective of his little sister. Princess Rosalind Gardener, Little Rose, 18, is the youngest gardener cousin, she is also the head lady-in-waiting to her Queen, born premature, her mother died in child birth, her father refused to hold her or name her, her brother named her, her father died when she was a year old, she is considered to be one of the most beautiful maidens in the realm. She is a kind girl, in love with plants and art. Queen Lynesse Gardener, 20, The Fair Flower of The Reach, the only daughter to the eldest Gardner brother, a king. She was raised as heir and is an extremely competent politician, currently trying to find matches for her cousins. Princess Desmera Gardener, 19, daughter to the youngest Gardener brother and a Redwyne mother. Desmera is a kind and quiet girl, growing up in the Arbor but moving to Highgarden when she was 16 after the death of both of her parents.
3/4 characters aren’t by me, they are from a discord rp server, Rosalind is my creation
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sunnyap · 1 year
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I haven't been able to draw very much lately (sad), so I'm gonna drop some of the few doodles I've managed to produce within the past few weeks! These are all SCP ocs :)
First pic is Dr. Rosalind Thorne (psychologist!)
Second is August Chauhan (Nu-7 servicemember)
Then there's Antonella (Medical doctor), Everest (Nu-7), and ofc Andrew (Nu-7 yay!)
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Writeblr Q&A Tag
1) What motivates you to write? Usually it’s a single scene or piece of dialogue that I want to write. But in order to get to it, I need to write the rest of it, don’t I? And then I make characters and get obsessed with them and making them do sexy shit (such as drinking tea, overthrowing assholes, and falling in love), so it becomes a reward in itself. When I’m writing, I feel like I get to hang out with these characters, so it very much feels like being with friends.
2) A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
(Blood and Thorns, chapter 6 - Please excuse my self-indulgent heart, I'm definitely not sorry about it.) They sat in the quiet for a few minutes, Razi’s face buried in Frigga’s hair with an arm around her waist, Frigga’s hand on top of it and her cheek leaning on Razi’s arm. They finally understood that they wanted each other, but there was no way to realize that dream. Razi wanted to take all the pressure away, to free this woman from her responsibilities. She prompted Frigga to sit up and with her free hand she moved Frigga’s single braid to fall over her shoulder, brushing the skin she found along the way. It was partially in comfort for Frigga and partially because Razi couldn’t resist touching her. It left part of Frigga’s shoulder and neck exposed. She wanted to kiss her, to hold her, to take her away from here if only for a heartbeat or two. So she did. Razi planted one kiss on Frigga’s neck, then two, and when Frigga turned her head slightly, she planted a kiss on her cheek, as if whispering a question. Frigga turned, answering the question. They touched lips, gently at first, asking each other over and over with their touch, do you want me? And over and over they answered each other: More than anything. They gently held each other, wrapped up in the moment, wishing the world was this simple, and for a few secret minutes they stole each other’s hearts. When they slowed and hesitantly pulled away, Frigga smiled as tears freely streamed down her cheeks. “I don’t know what to do.”
3) Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like? I mean, my main four OCs are like this (Frigga, Razi, Rosalind and Marcus), but I think Marcus makes me smile the most because he’s such a Good Boy. He’s the incarnation of my joy and what little social charm I have (apparently Libras are meant to be charming. I have yet to confirm this). Marcus is a sweetheart, a little bit oblivious, but very well-intentioned. He grew up with loving parents in a wealthy home, so he had a bit of a head start in life, but he knows that and does his best to help others when he sees them in need. Others think of him as a bit of an airhead and a bimbo, and maybe he had that phase of his life for sure, but he lets people continue to think that because it does give him an advantage. He can still be an airhead at times, but he’s a lot more cunning than most people realize and will do anything to protect those he loves. Anything.
4) What process of writing do you enjoy the most? Coming up to the finish line, when I can see all the work I’ve put in paying off and that I can be proud of it all. Like, omg I did this!?
5) What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay) I think being consistent is something I’ve been really good at. I write five days a week minimum, most weeks it’s six or seven. Not always what I meant to and not always what I expected, and it might not even be good, but most evenings I’m at my desk.
6) What is something in the writeblr community that is the most enjoyable? (Sorry I edited the grammar of this question, I had to) Honestly I love doing these tag games and getting to know people. I’m really quite terrible at reading others’ writing (I have a really hard time starting new media series in general because it’s an investment and I know that, if I get hooked, there goes the next year of my life a la The Locked Tomb) and I want to get better about it. These tag games really do help me get to know other writers and it helps me to know I’m not the only one that struggles during the process.
7) A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc) Text-to-speech is indispensable in my writing, I don’t know what I’d do without it. The software is built right into all my devices (because I’m an Apple slave, I know I know) as an accessibility feature and I listen to my own work over and over and over.
8) A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc) I feel like this is a cop-out, but I LOVE the Honeyshore Coven. We don’t actually see much of it in Blood and Thorns, but we see a LOT in the next one: Restructure. It’s such a weird mix of people that have almost nothing in common except magic working together (or trying to). I love how petty some of them are, how devious, and how oblivious they are. It was a lot of fun developing them and I can’t wait to share more of them with you. I’m hoping to start posting Restructure early next year. 💖
9) What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch? Write something else. Don’t give up but do take a break and come back to it. What I do is I have a folder full of short stories about my characters that aren’t in the books (they happen before, after or at the same time as the main story) and I find that it really helped me get to know my characters, how their relationships worked, and how the world functioned which helped me get un-stuck in places.
10) Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters: @orbwrapsupreme - my OG @asterhaze @holdmyteaplease @scifimagpie (Thank you for tagging me, this was a lot of fun!)
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achy-boo · 11 months
Contact names on each girl’s phone plus moots’s ocs:
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Isolabella Tsukii
Leona: Sleepy Kitty
Jack: Epel and Mina's boo
Ruggie: This Fcking Thief..
Malleus: Thorn Prince
Ace: Shitty Asshole
Deuce: Baby Chick
Riddle: Short Tyrant
Cater: Selfie Bestie
Trey: Chef of Heartslabyul
Azul: DNI
Jade: Mushroom
Floyd: Worse Menace than Jeanne
Kalim: Sunshine
Jamil: Dawn's Snake
Vil: Night's Queen
Rook: No
Epel: Jack and Mina's Boo
Silver: Sleeping Beauty
Sebek: Stop YELLING
Lilia: Grampa
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Jeanne Keket
Riddle: Tryant
Ace: 2nd Boo(He is mine :3)
Deuce: 1st Boo(He is also mine :3)
Cater: Cay-Cay~!
Trey: Trey the Chef
Leona: Kitty(How did Tsukii bagged him?)
Jack: Jackie(Mina and Epel's boo)
Ruggie: Menace like me :3
Azul: Stay Away
Jade: Mushroom Freak
Floyd: Riddle's thorn on the side
Kalim: Baby Sun
Jamil: Dawn's jelly Snake
Vil: Night's Queen/boyfriend
Rook: GO AWAY :D
Epel: Poison Apple (Mina and Jackie's bf)
Malleus: Tsukii's 2nd Prince(How did Tsukii BAGGED him too?!)
Silver: Sleepy boy
Sebek: STFU Sebek :)
Lilia: Old Man but wholesome
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Nightshade Libya
Riddle: Mommy Issues
Ace: Jeanne's blunt bf
Deuce: Jeanne's baby bf
Cater: Social Media Pal
Trey: Chef Trey of Heartslabyul
Leona: Tsukii's lazy kitty
Jack: Mina and Epel's Strong Wolf
Ruggie: Thief of Savanclaw
Azul: DNI(Do not like him)
Jade: Avoid at all costs
Floyd: MENACE #1
Kalim: Pure one in Scarabia
Jamil: Dawn's possessive bf(seen him fight a few times..)
Vil: My Queen/My love
Rook: Stop watching me Rook
Epel: Mina and Jack's deadly apple
Malleus: Tsukii's dragon
Silver: Tired Knight
Sebek: PLEASE use inside voice!
Lilia: Wise man plus menace
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Dawn Libya
Riddle: Mama's Boy(I hate that song..)
ADeuce: Jeanne's idiot 1 & 2
Cater: Selfie partner
Leona: Tsukii's Second Prince
Jack: The bf of Mina and Epel
Ruggie: Ruggie the Hyena
Azul: Shady mfer
Jade: No pt1
Floyd: NOPE pt2
Kalim: Jami's king
Jamil: The love of my life
Vil: Night's beauty plus her lover
Epel: The bf of Mina and Jack
Malleus: Tsukii's clingy dragon
Silver: Baby...
Sebek: I want to mute him so bad..
Lilia: Father figure to Mina
Moot ocs plus others:
Minako: Bad Witch bitch(In GC), the gf of Epel and Jack(all four girls)
Rosalind: Bitchy cousin of Riddle(In GC), If I dont see her, she never existed(Dawn and Tsukii)
Morana: Dumb bitch(In GC of the girls)
Dimtri: Redacted(In GC), Get away from Night's plush, bitch!(Tsukii, Jeanne and Dawn)
Malina: Jealous bitch(In GC mostly used by Dawn), Can Tsukii eat her already?! SHE IS ANNOYING!(Jeanne, Night and Dawn)
Yui: Mina's sister, Yu-Yu(all four)
Minako, Rosalind, Morana, Dimtri and Malina belongs to @anxious-twisted-vampire
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cursed-moon-blossom · 4 years
Okay hi I saw you have a HPHL MC and I love her name so much!! I’d really love to know more about her (and maybe she could be friends with my MCs? 👉🏻👈🏻) — @cursebreakerfarrier
HI! I'm so sorry this took so long, life loves to get in the way, lol! Thanks so much for your patience!! Without further ado, here's what I currently have fleshed out for my darling girl! With a bonus aesthetic board~ (As for your OCs, I'm only sort of familiar with Teddy and Stella so far, but I look forward to learning more about all of them and seeing if Holly-Rose would click with them!)
About My OC: Holly-Rose Thorne
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Name: Holly Rosalinde Thorne, aka Holly-Rose
Gender: Cis Girl
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Nationality: British
Height: 5'0"
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: White streaked brunette
Skin Tone: Warm, sunkissed
Wand: Fir, Augury Feather, 12¼ in, Swishy (core may change)
Best Subjects: Potions, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts
Chosen Career Track: Healer
Pets: Ginger Kneazle named Clementine, Boreal Owl named Augustus
Patronus: Hare
Amortentia (What do they smell like?): Old parchment, fresh ground herbs, rain
Amortentia (What do they smell?): TBD
The Thornes were once a proud pureblood family, however in the last several generations the formerly mighty family has been brought low by a bloodline curse which seems to doom them all to premature death. Misfortune dogs their steps, every near death experience marked with a streak of white hair, and many of their former allies and friends have deserted them. In order to try to ensure their family's survival they were forced to relinquish their pureblood status and allow marriages to muggleborns and halfbloods, much to the chagrin of the few remaining older members of the family, stubborn and stuck in their ways as they are.
As the youngest daughter of the current Patriarch of the family Holly-Rose has been sheltered and coddled, but also trained intensely in order to better her chances of surviving to an old age. She is shy and bookish, with an intense love of gardening. She is easily startled or frightened, but she faces her fears head on, refusing to let herself cower away and hide like so many of her relatives. The Thornes have produced members of every house over the years, but she is the first Gryffindor in multiple generations, something that her parents, both Slytherins, aren't entirely sure how to handle, but they try to be supportive. Life is too often too short to let such things sow discord in the family.
(@cursebreakerfarrier lil ping jus in case, cuz I know tumblr alerts are crap at times)
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the-pherenike · 4 years
“Walking In My Shoes”: a Kids Next Door Fanfiction
❗️LAST UPDATE: March 25th 2021❗️
⚠️ NOTE: if you want to read this KND fanfiction I’m writing, you can read it here but it must be translate it from Italian.
PLOT: Four years after he was decommissioned, David Edward Garrison grew up in a charming 17 years old boy but despite time was passed by, inside his heart Ashley was always there.
For him, Ashley was not just a friend. No, she was more than just a friend and a teammate. Now David was ready to confess to her what he felt for her for all those years but at the same time he doesn’t know if this action would offer him a rosy destiny or he would surround in the thorns.
Main Characters: Sector Z/DCFDTL
Rating: 🟡
Secondary Characters: OC (Aurelia Odette Beaumont, Diane Garrison, Rosalind Celia Garrison, other OCs)
Type: Slice Of Life, Song-Fic, Family, Romantic.
Stay tuned my droogs 😎
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apollomidnight12 · 4 months
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Rosalind & anthena
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pinkartwitch · 1 month
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It was a clear summer’s day and Rosalind was on their way to tutor the boy their mother had nearly killed.
   They should have visited Leland sooner, but Rosalind didn’t need to be told that; they already felt terrible about it. Two weeks after Frigga left they received her first note from Bluehaven, and Rosalind decided they’d bring it to their visit with her younger brother. They hadn’t been putting this off on purpose, and the boy had other teachers around, but they’d promised to oversee Leland’s education. 
   For that to happen, Rosalind needed to spend some quality time with him but they had no idea how to do this. What are eight-year-olds like? How does one talk to them? Did Leland even care about magic or would he rather get messy in the dirt like his sister?
(Leland's Tutor, a short in the Blood and Thorns series)
As anyone that follows me may know, I have a book called Blood and Thorns! But what you may not know is it's not just a book! It's a series that includes (at present) 1 full-sized novel and several shorts that are all available to read for free. This illustration is for the story called "Leland's Tutor", which takes place after the main story, and it's a little short fic about how Rosalind and Leland begin their mentor/mentee relationship. It's very cute and explains a fair amount of magical theory for the universe, so I think it's worth a read. You can find that over on the Blood and Thorns World Anvil page here:
If you like this, please reblog (it really helps artists out!!), leave a like or comment (I love hearing your thoughts, it keeps me drawing), and follow me for more (I update at least once a week) 💖
Available for commissions! For more information, please check out my post here: https://www.tumblr.com/pinkartwitch/739257460225916928/novas-art-commissions
Come along with me to Ozelea, a world bursting with magic and drama! I'm building the world that these characters live in, and you can learn about it in Blood and Thorns: https://pinkchaosstories.tumblr.com/bloodandthorns
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saintgoths · 2 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ
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WORD COUNT - 2,450.
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Lilith didn’t recognise or understand what she felt, or what she was supposed to feel. It was supposed to feel good? Wasn’t it? She was told that it was feel copacetic and inviting, but Lilith didn’t feel like that at all, a couple of hours ago Alexander did speak to his girlfriend and spoke to her in a way that made Lilith repute that she owed him her body.
He saved her, didn’t he? It was the least she could do, well, that was what Alexander said to Lilith.
He stood in front of her, shirtless, but his trousers pulled up to his waist as he completed to put on his belt, the room was stilled and whist, Lilith too soundlessly repulsed to say anything, Alexander caught onto her muted stance and dragged his index finger up her chin, “did you like it?”
His voice was quiet but rough, Lilith looked down at the ground as she accumulated the dispute she was going to say but all she could mutter was a simple, “yes.”
“Good,” Alexander kindly whispered ere he pecked a simple kiss on her forehead before he left the bedroom.
Left Lilith who sat on their cot in pain, she didn’t understand, she has done it with Alexander before numerous of times, but she couldn’t comprehend why it was today her body screamed in ache and discomfort. Perhaps, she wasn’t ready? Yet, Lilith believed she was damp enough for it to not hurt.
The amount of talk and thoughts that entered her mind overwhelmed her, aside from the pain, it was the alcohol bottles and the scent of lit candles and sliced cake on the table near their bed that added to her spiked emotions. It was Lilith’s sixteenth birthday and Alexander informed the young girl that it was two years till her official woman hood and that he wanted to appoint and prepare Lilith earlier and cause her to become a type of woman she morally shouldn’t have become until she was at least in her middle-ages.
Alexander had au fait Lilith that them having a child would strengthen the bond they currently had and Lilith knew that he just wanted to find a way to always have a connection towards her. For all that, Lilith was too tired to think of Alexander’s malicious motivations and she laid on their bed, tired and exhausted from their previous actions and had wished that time could just hastily hurry up so that the pain she felt between herself could work towards an end.
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It was Isabella’s day off from the Diner she worked in and the matriarch currently sat on a long chair on the deck. She was quiet throughout majority of the day and Isabella couldn’t remember if she slept or not; Venus and Ivy were at school whilst Robin was being taught how to better his use of a gun with Joel.
It wasn’t that busy in Jackson today, Isabella had only seen a couple of people walk past her within the last hour. Still, five minutes subsequent, Adam made his debut with a medium sized vase enclosed by his hands, the man thoughtful of the aesthetic of Isabella’s cabin, had painted the vase a dark shade of grey, sweet pea flowers established in the vase. Adam’s considerate gesture received Isabella’s grateful attention, Isabella was conversant about flower language and she theorised Adam knew what he was doing when he brought her sweet pea flowers as the plants meant, ‘thank you’ in flower language. 
Aware of Isabella’s disturbed and toppled spirit, the man still passed the vase full of sweet pea flowers to her, capsized that something or someone was the reason the woman was frantic. “I just wanted to thank you for inviting my sister and I to your housewarming party, it was a pleasure being there,” Adam’s astute voice trailed off as he recognised that Isabella attempted to hold back her tears, he could tell that she was overwhelmed, perhaps passing the flowers to the woman expanded her emotions, “if you don’t like the flowers I can take it back—”
“No!” Isabella quickly choked; she shook her head hastily as she forced a happy expression on her face. “Thank you for these flowers, I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome,” he beckoned his head, uneasy to leave the widowed woman alone, he wasn’t able to move more than three steps away from Isabella ere he returned to look at her, “if there’s an issue you can speak about it to me.”
“I’d rather just have your presence,” Isabella faintly commented, softly happy that Isabella didn’t shoo him away, Adam pulled himself up the deck stairs and walked towards the seat that was connected to what the woman sat on.
The Lorde man was certain that there would be whispers about him and Isabella moreover, Adam didn’t care if rumours about Isabella and him being in an affair would sprout, truthfully, it made Adam more confident about his pursue of the Rosalind woman; Adam thought to himself that it would be unrealistic if no one attempted to chase Isabella with romantic devotion.
She was beautiful, Isabella reminded people of old Hollywood beauty, with her brown curly hair, arched eyebrows, cupid bow lips and brown doe eyes. Adam’s eyes always fell on Isabella’s lips, especially during the night of the housewarming, it could be said that Isabella ticked off all the boxes for Adam, she was stunning, a great cook, a nurturer and evidently an admirable mother.
Adam believed that most men would’ve turned away from Isabella when they grasp that she has three children, but with the appearance the woman served was enough to keep someone around, the idea of having children of his own with Isabella was cordial, it was evident that the woman was able to produce fine and charming children. The Lorde man smiled at the thought of a kin of his running around with Isabella chasing after them.
It was silent between the two of them before Robin and Joel came back from training, when Isabella recognised the two boys, she automatically lifted her head from Adam’s shoulder, leaving the once warm spot cold. “Hi,” Isabella breathed during the moment she stood up to her feet.
Joel’s eyes flickered to Adam who followed Isabella and stood up from the seat they both once rested on. Joel nodded his head towards Isabella in acknowledgement as Robin greeted his mother with a hug, who then ordered her son to take the vase inside the house so she could privately converse with Joel and Adam.
Robin took the vase from his mother’s grasp and happily hiked into his mother’s home, Isabella turned away from Robin and dropped her eyes to Joel who stood at the bottom of the porch deck, not distressed to glance at Adam who stood tall beside her. “Thank you for helping Robin,” Isabella kindly mentioned, “I don’t know how I could repay you back.”
“You don’t need to do anything,” Joel gently reassured which caused Isabella to share a buoyant smile. Isabella couldn’t deny that his presence did make her happier, plus, Adam recognised her upbeat energy when the Miller man came forward. “He’s skilled at his age,” Joel surely said with a short simper on his manly face, to be precise, Isabella thought Joel who is usually perceived as a grumpy and cold man to smile, it was a strange thing to view, along with Adam who ogled at the macho masculine man who evidently was able to woo Isabella easier than him.
“And I’m done,” Robin swiftly exited the house, the hood of his hoody down and Isabella reached out to him to bring him closer to her body.
“Yeah, now it’s time to go to school,” Isabella light-heartedly joked. She could hear Robin click his tongue against the idea.
“I just came back from gun-training, it would be nice to rest.”
Isabella easily shrugged her shoulders, against the idea. “You can rest after school,” Isabella freely told Robin who didn’t stand a chance to argue with his mother, he quietly agreed to her claim and made way to his cabin to get his school supplies.
Humoured by their interaction, Adam hauled himself closer to Isabella, “it must be so tiring arguing with you seeing how easily he gave up.”
Isabella smirked at his devious comment. “Well, I’m his mother so he would never have a chance against me.”
“Isabella, can I speak to you privately?” Joel promptly interjected missing the swift glower that Adam sent his way.
The woman stood up straight, interested and prurient to what Joel had to speak to her about. “Uh, sure,” Isabella inquisitively answered and watched the man take the steps up her deck, Isabella curved to gaze at Adam who stood in hopes that Isabella would allow him in the house, “thank you for the flowers and thank you for being there for me,” she admiringly thanked.
Adam cheerily waved his hand, “it’s okay and you’re welcome,” Adam delightedly replied before he left the compound, pleased by their interaction Isabella turned to Joel then attentively approved the older man to enter her home.
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For Ivy’s class it was intermission, she was outside in the field that was specifically for the school, on a wooden bench with Rowan who accompanied her. “Cheers to your sister for mentioning me,” Rowan teasingly winked at the dark-haired girl who tried her best to not roll her eyes at him, he chuckled at her fake-provoked gesture.
“The more you annoy me the less I’d bring you over to see my mother,” Ivy moderately warned.
Rowan raised the both of his eyebrows at her taken aback. “You were going to make me meet your mother, already?!”
Ivy clicked her tongue, calmly annoyed but entertained by his annoying attitude. “As a friend, never as a lover.”
Rowan dramatically placed his hand against his chest as he muttered an “ouch” noise during the same moment Ellie came forward with Jesse beside her, “trouble incoming,” Rowan jokingly said under his breath as he watched the duo come closer into view.
“Ivy,” Ellie calmly greeted, deliberately ignoring the dark-haired male that sat with Ivy.
“Hi Ellie and Jesse,” Ivy coolly greeted. “What brings you here?”
Ellie and Jesse serenely looked briefly at each other. “We want you to come and hang out with us,” Jesse blithely responded, “and Dina’s waiting for us, so.”
Ivy shrugged her shoulders unbothered to move to another location to speak. “Why couldn’t you just all come here?” Ivy bluntly questioned yet keenly aware that the reason was because of the male figure beside her. Once noticing the second time Jesse and Ellie shared a glance the young girl heavily sighed, irritated by the petty dispute they shared with Rowan, specifically due to Dina. Ivy yet to question Rowan to what was the commotion between him and her precisely.
“Do not put me between you guy’s shallow bullshit, please.”
Ellie sighed frustrated, “it just makes things easier if you were just with us.”
“He’s barely did anything wrong for you guys to act so trivial,” Ivy rudely mentioned. “And I’m not going to argue about it,” Ivy earnestly thought that them being in a world where there was an apocalypse would make them augmented cultivated compared to teenagers who weren’t in a dystopia. To boot, it was likely because that they all took habit in a community that strongly took the stress of an undead dystopia off their shoulders that has caused them to act unfledged. 
Without caring for a response from either Jesse or Ellie, Ivy gestured Rowan to accompany her away from the two that were now perceived as immature by Ivy.
“What did you do for them to hate you so much?”
Rowan derided Ivy’s question, on the other hand, he wasn’t taken aback to why Ivy would ask him that simple inquiry, anyone who witnesses the animosity they each shared for him would just be as curious as her. “All I did was make fun of their little love triangle,” Rowan easily answered, although, Ivy could tell there was an unspecified thing Rowan hid.
Ivy gently hummed to his response, “whatever, just don’t mind them,” she therefore lightly bounced her shoulders as the two made their way back to class.
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Isabella and Joel strolled into the foyer; the woman utterly tense to what the Miller man wanted to speak to her about.
“Like I said before, your son is excellent at using guns,” Joel once against complimented.
Isabella friendly smiled at the enticing man that stood before her, “thank you, he’s had a lot of practice when we made our way here,” Isabella attentively mentioned, she awkwardly clasped her hand together and pondered if there was something else Joel wanted to speak about.
“If you want anything to drink,” the woman glanced at her kitchen and curved back to look at him, “I could get you some.”
“I don’t want anything to drink,” he simply replied, “but if Seth’s antics are bothering you, you can tell me.”
Isabella gently widened her eyes at Joel dazed at what he just said. “He isn’t bothering me, I invited him to the housewarming party.”
“To get him on your side.”
Isabella thinned her lips, caught openly by her silly lie. “How he feels about me is unimportant.”
“Unimportant enough for you to look like a crying mess.”
Isabella sighed at the obnoxiously smart responses Joel retorted towards her. “His feelings towards me are reasonable, Joel,” the woman then calmly explained to him which caused the older man to put the rest of his weight on his left leg, both of his eyebrows cocked upwards as he looked at the woman indifferent and firm of what she just said.
“And what did you do?”
Isabella crossed her arms miffed about his persistence. “I—you know what? Why are you involving yourself in this situation? Joel?” She bluntly questioned clearly provoked by his interference, Joel shut down and took a step back, unaware on how to reply to Isabella’s rational inquiry. “I know what I’m doing and I know how I’m going to handle it.”
They two gaped at each other, Joel heedless and defeated on what to say. The only thing he could do was bow his head to a confused widow who stood opposite him, one who wondered why Joel participated in her situation with Seth so much.
“Okay,” Joel finally said, “I’ll leave you to it.”
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qrtrquell · 1 year
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pinkchaosart · 1 year
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Another portrait of my OC Rosalind from my book Blood and Thorns. I was finishing up a writing project so I got a bit side-tracked from my drawing. This was to get back into the process after the first drawing I attempted didn't go well. I find that when I end my drawing sessions on a bad note, like I'm not happy with something or it's been frustrating, it takes me a lot longer to get back to my drawing table. When that happens, I'll just draw something for me like my OCs because otherwise there's a sense that it has to look a specific way where as with my characters, I make those decisions. It's where I find my joy.
Also this gives me all sorts of gendery joy - Love seeing them happy and confident. ^^
Constructive criticism welcome 💖 If you like my work, please leave a like and a comment and follow me for more
If you'd like to read Blood and Thorns, an original story about queer love overcoming oppression, you can here: https://pinkchaosstories.tumblr.com/bloodandthorns
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twistedapple · 4 years
Bianca Bosconero - Snow White stayed in the wild (Interlude 2)
Who is up for some fashion talk? I certainly am! ( @tsuisute​ making this post got me in a fashion commentary mood lol sorry I lowkey highjacked your height chart posts)
Considering the general atmosphere of the Valley of Thorns (based on what we know so far, at least), I decided to go the fashion history way with my OCs, though I hit different time periods because I feel like the styles would fit each of them - and also because, having a twin brother IRL, I despise the “they’re twins so they must look/act alike” trope (uninspired, unimpressive). The only moment when I’m ok with it is when the twins in question have obviously different style and personality despite their generally similar face - so I’m ok with the eelboys, for example, because they very obviously are their own persons despite working as a team.
There’s gonna be illustrations so check under the cut!
With that said, as far as Bianca is concerned, I went for a modernised Edwardian aesthetic. So rather than aiming for the hour-glass figure that is in favour again nowadays (it was also all the rage during the Victorian era), I’m going for a clean, S-shaped silhouette.
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Of course, over the span of about 30 years, the silhouette has known variations (especially with the use of a bustle in the first half, or with the length of the jacket), so I’m precisely aiming for a silhouette similar to the one depicted in the gravure above for Bianca’s school uniform. A crisp line with a natural waist and elements of the outfit based on masculine fashion. The following breakdown of Rosalind Lutece’s (Bioshock Infinite) outfit provides a concise, visual explanation of the layers women would wear during the Edwardian era:
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While it’s not exactly what Bianca wears - especially when it comes to the underwears, it should help understand where I’m coming from with her cothing style. In her case, her underwears are more modern and include a body shaping slip dress to smooth all the lines. I considered going full corsetry initially, but yeah, modern clothing got the better of me (even though a properly fitted corset is, actually, very comfortable). Still, I’m on board with a potential small bustle to help give even more shape to the silhouette, and the slip dress definitely includes garters to keep the oldschool touch - however, those are not visible. At all. This is a school setting and Bianca possesses enough sense of decorum to pay attention and make sure everything is elegant. Besides, the contrary would be very out of character for her, and she doesn’t feel like she needs to use her physical charms anyway, so she expresses herself differently. From a meta point of view, this style also suits her strong interest for anything historical, I simply can’t see her go for something really modern.
Regarding the length and cut of her school skirt, the goal is to have a crisp line with a flair and clever pleating in the back to help provide shape and balance the waist/hips ratio in a feminine way. This is of course supported with the help of the small aforementioned bustle. And I’ll let Bernadette Banner explain the intricaties of such piece of clothing with her video regarding the creation of a 1895 walking skirt. However, the one I had in mind is another of Bernadette Banner’s projects, the modernised Edwardian walking skirt, set below the knee rather than at the ankle. These two videos should give you an idea of the shape and flow of the skirt, and used without corset/bodice in a manner matching Bianca’s appearance.
Now, onto her dorm uniform. There isn’t much to say, really. She wears it just like everybody else in Pomefiore. However, the purple overdress is definitely ankle-length in her case. Also, I mentioned in her profile that Bianca was unhappy with the over-the-ankle height of the boots, so she had them modified and turned into thigh high boots instead (to Vil’s displeasure)... Well my reference is riding boots men would wear during the late years of Louis XV’s reign. Let me give you two examples with the series Nicolas Le Floch (French series of police investigations in the historical context of Louis XV and Louis XVI’s reigns. There are novels, comics and a TV series, 10/10 would recommend):
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As you can see, the man in both pictures wears tall leather riding boots - the second picture is especially relevant since it’s a historical recreation for the TV series. It’s that sort of shape I have in mind, with a bit of a heel to make it more “urban” (if you will). While she’s well dressed, Bianca basically gives the impression she’s ready to hop on a horse for a ride in the countryside, it constrats with Vil’s more feminine and delicate look. When it comes to her makeup, however, she changed it at the start of her second second year (eh). Before, she had the same classic smokey brown style she normally wears with her school uniform, but now she transitioned to something more spectacular, as if she was putting her foot down and saying “I’m here now”. Of course, the colours match with her dorm uniform, contrast nicely with her eyes, and in my opinion it is very much in the style of Leesu’s vampire makeup.
Anyway that was my fashion interlude, this weekend I’ll get back to a normal rhythm and prepare the post detailing Bianca’s unique magic, before switching to Neve’s profile, backstory and unique magic! Stay tuned!
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