#oc cummies are so serious and the way that ex weaponized my barbies against me was honestly so masterful. unhinged psycho bitch shit truly
shameboree · 1 month
I've been following you for a long time, and Fallon has changed a lot in that time! Can I ask what prompted you to change her from having short red hair to hair much more like her sister (Assuming her sister hasn't been retconned?)?
this ask inspired CHAOS in our home as me n polkie are fucking floored someone remembers ancient defunct oc lore from like, pre-2015 ocs era????? defunct oc lore never posted on this blog, ever, which means u managed to find your way here somehow from [redacted&burned]??! and somehow neither of us recognize you?? chaos, and mystery
around 2015 i started making fallons hair more strawberry blonde, and I was playing with length off n on for longer before that. We had an au where ashley was her teacher and she accidentally called him dad in class, and in the next au we were like 'he should adopt her. he should find her as a baby, in a dumpster' because we are disrespectful. after that came teen dad ashley, and that's when fallon went fully blonde. over time we played w family dynamics, and nowadays we mostly use them as twins bc the dynamic is impeccable (sometimes they have a darcy and georgiana type gap and relationship, and sometimes ashley is just a couple years older and so bad at being an older brother he ritual sacrifices her to colin's fucked up eldritch cat god. normal sibling fare). fallon got pointier and freckled over time to match ashley, who is a pointy little rat bitch, bc i wanted a family resemblanceđź’–protofallon (circa 2009-2014ish?) was recycled as a design for ellis, my 6ft nightmare twink, in probably 2016? fallons only sibling now is ashley, and addies an only child
many of my ocs personalities have either changed DRASTICALLY since that time OR ive just straight up dropped their asses, and thats primarily bc i was the main target of my bananas bonkers ex's unmanaged borderline obsession and she LOVED to use ocs to control me (very cute and normal behavior). if my ocs did something she didn't like then suddenly she'd be having a hysterical suicidal meltdown and id have to like hold her hand all night instead of sleep (which she only let me get 2-4hrs a night for actual years, so!!) while being told i was the crazy problem person , so like all my ocs had to be on their best caretaking behavior at all times. anyway the physical changes in fallon were the first manifestation of me getting away frm that control, which very first started happening in 2014, and fully took root when polks moved here to scare my evil ex away and thats why fallon now gets to be a mean little blonde girl instead of a docile perfect waifuđź’–
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