#oc insp: Lorna Holt
imogenkol · 5 months
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Imogen Kol (sw) | Nora (fo4)
Hael Ashwood (bg3) | Lorna Holt (fc5)
tagged by lovelies @rhettsabbott @kyber-infinitygems @leviiackrman to do this picrew! Thank you 💕💕💕
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @voidika @inafieldofdaisies @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @gwynbleidd @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @g0dspeeed @mandalhoerian
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imogenkol · 1 year
rules: post a song(s) that is relevant to your WIP or inspires it!
tagged by @inafieldofdaisies thank you!! 💕
tagging: @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @marivenah @sstewyhosseini @jinfromyarikawa @corvosattano @voidika @shegetsburned @simonxriley @kyber-infinitygems @detectivelokis @aceghosts @roofgeese @risingsh0t @florbelles @v0idbuggy @theelderhazelnut @chuckhansen @queennymeria @shallow-gravy + anyone else who wants to!
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he could never love you // but baby I, baby I can // would you let me hold you // with blood on my, blood on my hands?
and I would know all about ghosts // ‘cause I buried his body // and found my way home // you’re the first to know
did it out of love for ya // nothing ever grows if you never wanna face the truth // hang my head, tears on my boots
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Yeaaah, I must be good for something // Yeaaah, yeaah, yeah // Oh sinners come down, come gather 'round // Oh sinners come down, yeah-eh-eh //
Dancing on cold feet // Marching on cobble streets // Oh sinners come down, yeah-eh-eh // Yeaaah, I must be good for something // Yeaaah, yeaaah, yeah
Down and out, and out of luck // We're spinning, but the needle 's stuck // Let's go have some fun before // They go and put us in the ground
Lions sit in solemn lines // Drinking gin and dropping lines // Wasting beats in this heart of mine // Until the morning comes around
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imogenkol · 1 year
tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton and @corvosattano to do this uquiz thank you both!!! 💕💕💕
tagging: @marivenah @chuckhansen @risingsh0t @detectivelokis @inafieldofdaisies @adelaidedrubman @sstewyhosseini @florbelles @jinfromyarikawa @aceghosts @simonxriley @queennymeria @voidika @shegetsburned @kyber-infinitygems @loriane-elmuerto @shellibisshe @unholymilf @jackiesarch @roofgeese @indorilnerevarine + anyone else who wants to!
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Oh, sweet child of doom and strife! Your father is the hateful driver of fate, and your mother the vengeful sewer of discord. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by angst, determination, and chaos. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of devastation and insanity as you grow into your power.
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Oh, sweet child of penance and revenge! Your father eternally holds up the skies, and your mother the punisher of mortal sin. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by endurance, patience, and retribution. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of coups and comeuppance as you grow into your power.
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Oh, sweet child of wine and flowers! Your father stands of pleasure and madness, and your mother the Queen of the Underworld. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by revelry, happiness, and compassion. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of honey and art as you grow into your power.
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Oh, sweet child of crafting and rainbows! Your father is the wronged blacksmith of the gods, and your mother the winged messenger of Olympus. A life of greatness stands before you dictated by hard work, idiosyncrasy, and devotion. No man can tell you what realm you preside over, but look to themes of fluorescence and electricity as you grow into your power.
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imogenkol · 1 year
tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton @corvosattano @theelderhazelnut to do this uquiz and this uquiz thank you!!! 💕💕💕
tagging: @marivenah @adelaidedrubman @risingsh0t @chuckhansen @simonxriley @inafieldofdaisies @jinfromyarikawa @sstewyhosseini @kyber-infinitygems @detectivelokis @queennymeria @voidika @aceghosts @shellibisshe @shegetsburned @loriane-elmuerto @florbelles @shallow-gravy + anyone else who wants to!
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Your heart is very lonely, isn't it? Is your fortress of ice self-made? Are others afraid of you, or are you afraid of them? Are you afraid of hurting them, or of being hurt? Vulnerability and connection can be frightening, but that's no reason to shy away from their light, to tuck yourself small into corners, to build up frigid walls to keep yourself from feeling. You will heal when you allow yourself to draw closer to the flames and thaw.
An eery apparition, the old wood groaning. This vessel is your home, your essence has seeped into each nook and it beckons you. Your soul has carried you far but now you want to leave all that you are behind, you have ripped the planks apart and built a new vessel out of them. But can you sail to new horizons or are you doomed to repeat your past voyages? Built your ship out of your old one, each groove in the wood just a mark of all that you have experienced, and light your lamps to see whose hands help you steer towards a future you seek.
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Just because you cannot see your own heart doesn't mean that others can't. Your heart is blinding, captivating, a fire so bright that others can't bring themselves to look away. It illuminates the path they follow and cements you as a guiding star for their own wayward hearts. Every experience you've lived through has built your lighthouse heart up just a little higher. You are inspirational, a light that doesn't go out.
Walls that stretch, walls that move. There is a heartbeat running through the stone so listen closely for the secrets it whispers. It wasn't build, it was born from the sands, from despair and death, and the hope of a new dawn. Injustice gouged deep wounds into the land and the people hungered for revenge and the spilled blood of innocents is the greatest offering that could have been given. The nobility just smiled mockingly and continued their parties untilt the day they awoke to find their beloved city surrounded by walls so high and so sprawling you could never see an end. They were trapped and nothing could reach them. (Here is what they don't tell you: the maze is alive and it hungers for those full of greed and malice, the innocent could step into the opening and see a straight path to the other side. But the ones too corrupted? They still wander these walls and they will continue to do so until we are but dust.)
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Your heart has been torn before, chipped and maybe even shattered. Some pieces will never be recovered, and you are shaped by the loss. But it can still be shaped into something tangible, something good, even with its flaws and imperfections. You don't have to do all the work of rebuilding by yourself. Allow other hands to leave their fingerprints on the new heart you create from the remnants.
A glow dancing along the moors, that what you left behind to free yourself. A twin or a shadow? A mirror? Do you know, do you care? (A moonless night, cold stars gazing down.) Do you remember, you had prayed for so long (someone, please someone help, please-)? Is it murder if you cleave yourself apart until you can't even remember what you lost? You have left the forest, left the parts you couldn't shoulder, behind. Sometimes, you have to break yourself apart, sometimes there is no other way.
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You are an enigma. You take care to remain that way. You aim to keep people guessing; your motives are uncertain even to yourself. What is it you truly want? You'll never know if you keep your heart locked away like that. You deserve to be known, truly and fully. Stop being afraid of what you might find if you open your heart up to self-reflection. Stop thinking that no one will love you the moment they understand you. You are more than the facade you put on.
The memories left behind by others, each one taking their next step along side you. Softly rustling leaves in the wind, the full moon bathing the forest in a silvery light. A beaten path between towering trees, giant shadows slinking between them. Glowing eyes staring down at you, the animals' gazes piercing right through you. The fluttering of thousand of moths, each flap of their wings accompanied by whispers and the knowledge that somewhere someone's fate has taken a new path.
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imogenkol · 1 year
tagged by the lovely @inafieldofdaisies
no pressure tags: @marivenah @sstewyhosseini @socially-awkward-skeleton @adelaidedrubman @aceghosts @voidika @shegetsburned @florbelles @detectivelokis @corvosattano @jackiesarch @kyber-infinitygems @simonxriley @jinfromyarikawa @theelderhazelnut @v0idbuggy + anyone else that would like to share a wip!
In a shocking turn of events, I actually started writing a bit for Lorna! No clue where it’s gonna go, but I’ve been inspired by my recent gameplay
Lorna laid her foot into the gas pedal and reveled in the purr of the engine on the open road. On a bright and sunny day like this, the black paint of her car would bake her from the inside out, but with all the windows rolled down and the wild wind in her dark, choppy hair, she wasn't bothered by it. Her favorite classics blasted through the stereo and she could almost pretend it was just a regular old Sunday afternoon. Almost. 
Out of the corner of her eye, Lorna noticed movement in the sky. She glanced out of the driver’s side and spotted one of the cult’s dogfighters circling in the distance. They were too far away to cause her any trouble, but she kept moving. She wasn’t in the mood to tempt fate with that thing.
Just as her anxiety began to fade from the looming threat, she turned her attention back to the road. She peaked over the crest of a hill and saw a thin column of black smoke next to a line of white trucks about a couple hundred yards out. Another goddamn barricade. 
“God forbid I drive a fuckin’ mile in this county,” Lorna grumbled to herself. She slammed on the brakes, turning the steering wheel with a screech of rubber on asphalt to place her vehicle perpendicular on the road. 
Lorna swung the car door open impatiently and walked around to retrieve her sniper rifle from the trunk. Picking the Peggies off from a distance always seemed the best strategy for her. Or maybe she just enjoyed watching them scurry for cover through her scope. 
The long barrel of her rifle rested on the roof of her beloved 1970 Kimberlite ZZT as she took aim. It had never been that pristine of a ride to begin with, but every bullet hole, dent, and scratch from the cult left her as furious as seeing her fellow deputies in peril. Add it to the list of things they’ll pay for, she silently vowed. I’ll sure as hell make ‘em feel it. 
Lorna’s bullets found the skulls of three Peggies before they even noticed what happened. Another man tripped over himself while he tried to scramble away. She put him down with a shot in the back. It might not have been the classiest kill, but she was too tired to fight honorably anymore. 
“Maybe don’t block the damn road, dumbass,” She said under her breath and aimed at the last man standing. Almost done. 
This Peggie had a handgun in his grip, but he didn’t aim it at Lorna. She saw his arm shoot upwards and they both pulled their triggers at the same exact time. His body went down. The flare went up. 
Lorna’s head jerked behind her to where she saw the plane a few minutes earlier. The aircraft in the distance immediately changed course in her direction. Its chrome plating flashed so brightly in the sun that it made her squint. She had about fifteen seconds tops before it converged on her position. 
With the barricade opened, she might stand a chance to flee. There were enough pines to make it too difficult for the pilots to get a clear shot. But Lorna realized she didn’t want to run. If she wanted Eden’s Gate to take her seriously – to think twice about the power they held over Hope County – well, Lorna would have to continue pulling off extraordinary feats to keep their attention. 
“Oh, fuck it,” she groaned.
The deputy marched down the middle of the road. Away from her car. Away from any cover whatsoever. She wanted them to see her as clearly as she saw them. Then she knelt on one knee and hefted her rifle up, staring down the scope and watching the plane draw closer. In order to get the best opportunity, she would have to wait until the last possible second. 
They spotted her. Lorna saw the tip of the plane dip into an almost nosedive, their guns aligned and ready to fire. Her finger hovered over the trigger as the sensation of her heartbeat overtook her whole body like a heavy drum being struck inside a silent opera house. 
They got within range and Lorna heard the whirl of the plane’s weaponry. A few bullets peppered the road around her, but her coiled muscles kept her locked in place. The closer they got, the more accurate their aim was. She needed to see the shape of the pilot’s head at least. 
“Come on, come on,” she mumbled through clenched teeth.
Finally, she made out a silhouette in the cockpit and fired. With a small spark, she saw her bullet ricochet off the metal frame of the aircraft. Miss. It swerved left and circled for another attack. Lorna shifted her weight in frustration and leaned back into the stock of her rifle. She was determined, even if it took the entire magazine to take this damn plane down.
The plane lined up once more and didn’t hesitate to begin firing on the lone deputy. Lorna wouldn’t wait either. Don’t think too hard or you’ll fuck up your aim, a familiar gravel-rough voice echoed in her head along with the memory of the comforting scent of tobacco. She didn’t really need to see the pilot to know where they were. All she had to do was fire into the cockpit and have faith. 
Her finger gently squeezed the trigger and the kickback punched into her shoulder. This time, there was no spark. Lorna blinked and the aircraft suddenly dipped downward and spiraled out of control. She tracked the plane’s descent all the way into the field to her left. A broad grin gradually came across her face as it tore up the soil and brush with a loud crash, the accompanying fireball more satisfying than the illegal mortars her father would buy for the Fourth of July. 
Lorna let out a sigh of relief and straightened, nodding at her own accomplishment. “That’s fucking right.”
One less buzzard off her back. Not a bad day’s work.
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imogenkol · 2 years
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IMOGEN KOL (sw) | EDDY (dnd)
JAYDE THATCHER (original work) | BECK EMERSON (tlou hbo)
I was tagged by @jendoe and @corvosattano to do this cute picrew for some ocs! Thank you lovelies 💕💕💕
Tagging @chuckhansen @jackiesarch @indorilnerevarine @marivenah @phillipsgraves @simonxriley @detectivelokis @socially-awkward-skeleton @shellibisshe @florbelles @risingsh0t @aceghosts @jinfromyarikawa @sstewyhosseini @nokstella @shadowglens and anyone else who wants to!
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imogenkol · 2 years
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JAYDE THATCHER (original work) | EDDY (dnd)
YRSA GUNNR (skyrim) | KÅRE BATTLE-BORN (skyrim)
BECK EMERSON (tlou hbo) | MORGAN REED (tlou)
No one tagged me, but I saw this picrew and had way too much fun with it. Idk if this has circled around before or not, but in the off chance it hasn’t I’ll tag a some of you! (If everyone has already done it then ignore this lol)
Tagging: @risingsh0t @corvosattano @chuckhansen @jendoe @jackiesarch @queennymeria @marivenah @phillipsgraves @shellibisshe @florbelles @indorilnerevarine @roofgeese @detectivelokis @nokstella @jinfromyarikawa @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @sstewyhosseini @simonxriley @unholymilf + anyone else I might’ve missed that wants to!
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imogenkol · 2 years
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JAYDE THATCHER (original work) | VAUNE IYER (CP2077)
LORNA HOLT (fc5) | YRSA GUNNR (skyrim)
I was tagged by @detectivelokis and @simonxriley to do this fun picrew for some buff ladies. Thank you!!
Tagging: @corvosattano @chuckhansen @jinfromyarikawa @phillipsgraves @marivenah @shadowglens @jackiesarch @shellibisshe @sstewyhosseini @queennymeria @indorilnerevarine @risingsh0t @unholymilf @florbelles @aceghosts + anyone who hasn’t done it yet and wants to! Sorry if any of you have been tagged already!
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imogenkol · 2 years
— what is your OC’s duality?
I was tagged by @socially-awkward-skeleton and @corvosattano for this uquiz thank you both!! 💕💕💕
Tagging: @chuckhansen @risingsh0t @jendoe @phillipsgraves @jackiesarch @sstewyhosseini @queennymeria @marivenah @simonxriley @shellibisshe @detectivelokis @roofgeese @aceghosts @jinfromyarikawa @indorilnerevarine @nokstella @florbelles @jacobseed @shadowglens @inafieldofdaisies and anyone else who wants to!
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wizened mentor and intrepid teenager
you may have been called an old soul as a kid, and now you're doing everything you can to benjamin button that back. in your head of heads you can hear yourself giving advice, but the heart of hearts says no, i will not miss out on myself ever again. i can do this. and it really is about finding that balance before you end up buying too many goddamned hatsune miku figurines trying to endorse that inner child. but please do buy at least two. i know you deserve it.
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sun and moon
for some you shine just right, and for others you are too much or too little. people either hate seeing you rise over the horizon or pray and send blessing to you like a favorite god. you are timeless and there are not many like you, you who can embody both a burning star and a cratered rock. what i'm trying to say is that your duality compliments itself very well, but not everyone will understand why they can't get what they want from you. it doesn't matter. burn strong when you feel the need, and be gentle in the nights it's called for.
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moon curse of the werewolf
you have found yourself hungered or sickened or ambitious to the point of emotional carnage. you are fine, until you're not, and then you could rip someone in your way apart with your bared teeth by complete accident, and later claw at yourself in fits of pain trying to apologize. do you look at the moon that blessed you in her name, at her marred beauty and baneful eyes, and wish she could just crush that loving-hateful heart of yours before it crushes itself? every bite you take out of flesh is a response to the threads of silver bullets in you that haven't healed. the duality is that the human inside is howling too, gnashing, and without the wolf pelt, everyone can ignore it and turn away. at some point, you got tired of the moon being your only witness. now the wolf is there to make sure others know that you are hurt, and deserving of humanity, of attention to wounds. because that wolf loves you; all of you; and knows when you are hurt better than yourself.
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carnal and holy sinning (this is a love letter to myself)
you are the world's leading cross bearer of the most guilty conscience. you feel everything you touch turns to gold but in the way that it becomes molten and rich; and what i mean is that when you allow yourself impulse (which is not often) it leads to disaster. when you want someone it feels like sorrow, and you love the world like tacky honey, and you'll wish it could all feel less heavy. you look at yourself in the mirror and yearn to stake the heart and ascend with peace. someday, you'll rot into the earth, and the dirt will cave with you like a sigh of relief.
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imogenkol · 1 year
tagged by @sstewyhosseini @shegetsburned @loriane-elmuerto @detectivelokis @simonxriley @shellibisshe @unholymilf @corvosattano @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts to do this uquiz thank you all 💕💕💕💕
I’m a little late to this one so I won’t tag anyone, but if someone hasn’t done it yet and wants to feel free to tag me!
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it was not your fault - at first, at least. you can not help being the way you are. and even if you could, would you choose to change? they met you with torches raised and screaming mouths, the only choice you had was to flee. but you will not stay away forever. they whisper your name in fear, and you will make sure you hurt them just as much as they hurt you.
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you're very tired, aren't you? thrashing and fighting and trying to survive- it has taken its toll, but that has not stopped you. you'll continue to gnaw and scream and bare teeth until you can free yourself from this mess, even if it means being the last one left. there is rest at the end of this hard battle, i promise you. there is a time when the fight will be over-but fighting is all you know, isn't it?
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death is not the end for everyone. it certainly was not the end for you. something within you tethers you here, like a heavy chain, and keeps you from well-deserved rest. love, rage, hunger, fear- do you even remember what it was? you wander here, awake, and your body lies below, asleep. maybe someone will find your disturbed grave and grant you a proper ending.
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was there ever a choice? maybe, but that fork in the road is far, far behind you. you surround yourself now with sharp things, tools to harm, and they have become your only family. you are the thing that goes bump in the night, and you hunt for scurrying mice like a hungry cat. maybe, just maybe, though, one can finally put an end to your hunt, and allow you to finally rest.
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imogenkol · 1 year
tagged by @corvosattano @inafieldofdaisies @chuckhansen @simonxriley and @shegetsburned to do this uquiz for some ocs! Thank you lovelies 💕💕💕
tagging: @unholymilf @florbelles @indorilnerevarine @jackiesarch @queennymeria @jendoe @phillipsgraves @risingsh0t @marivenah @shellibisshe @socially-awkward-skeleton @detectivelokis @minaharkers @rhetoricalrogue @sstewyhosseini @jinfromyarikawa + anyone else who wants to!
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for someone, something. their shadow follows you wherever you go
you yearn for a soulmate, or an equivalent. something life changing and earth shattering, that will make your world feel like it's finally right. like the final piece in a puzzle. your need for something to fill this void is so consuming that it often blinds you from the people who are already in your life, and causes you to hurt them without fully realizing it. you are not a selfish person by any means, but sometimes you take things from granted. chasing shadows will rarely lead you to anywhere good.
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to be good, to take hurt and see it as hope
you yearn to bear the weight of the world's hurt on your shoulders. you have made decisions that you aren't proud of and sometimes they fill you with so much guilt and regret that it feels like you can't breathe. but you are also optimistic, and time has taught you many things. to fix your wrongs, you want to do good, to be good. your hurt and pain isn't all suffering, you have learned to see it for what it can be: hope.
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to be forgiven, for them to stay
you yearn to be forgiven for the hurt you've caused others and you want nothing more than for them to stay. but it seems that the universe does not look kindly upon you, and they always leave, no matter how hard you try. but you've learned by now that it's a hopeless endeavour. you know that some of the things you've done were no fault but your own and therein lies the problem. how can you ask for forgiveness when you can't even forgive yourself?
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to hold a hand to your lips and call it yours
you yearn for a lover, a pure kind that fills you with sunlight and gold. you are full of so much love to give, yet it seems that no one wants to take them, to take you like you have taken them into your heart and chained it to your soul until the ends of the earth. you don't know when you are wanted, but more importantly, you don't know when you are unwanted. sometimes you are desperate in your desire, and ask for too much just because you've given parts of yourself like unwanted commodity. it's okay to stop looking. don't worry, they'll find you.
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imogenkol · 2 years
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[template by @unholymilf]
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imogenkol · 1 year
feel for the word ask 🤍
The long barrel of her rifle rested on the roof of her beloved 1970 Kimberlite ZZT as she took aim. It had never been that pristine of a ride to begin with, but every bullet hole, dent, and scratch from the cult left her as furious as seeing her fellow deputies in peril. Add it to the list of things they’ll pay for, she silently vowed. I’ll sure as hell make ‘em feel it.
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