#and he was passed around the Seeds as they tried to brainwash him
imogenkol · 2 years
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[template by @unholymilf]
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takenbythebliss · 4 months
He didn’t know how long he’d been out for, but it must’ve been a while, judging by the reactions from the other Whitetails and Linny. Everything hurt. His shoulder was in utter shit, his entire body protested at any movement.
It was the whispers he heard when they thought he was asleep that filled him in on what happened; Jacob had brainwashed the Deputy. Well shit, he hopes the Dep was okay. That first thought surprised even Eli as he lay on the bed. The Dep didn’t know any better … whereas he’d known the Seeds. He’d known Jacob - he should have seen the signs and not shoved so much pressure on the Dep.
Bombs had been deployed and the world was ruined. But Hope County’s worrying percentage of preppers had actually been an advantage. Wheaty was safe, so Tammy had told him the minute he was conscious, but holed up in Nick and Kim’s bunker down in Holland Valley. Good. Props to Kim and Nick for looking out for the kid.
Slowly he reclaimed some strength and wandered up and down the narrow metal hallway of the Den to try and make his muscles work again. Which was how he ambled past Wheaty’s room and saw her
Slowing his already painfully-slow pace, Eli leaned heavily against the doorway and watched as Linny listened to an MP3. He waved his good arm until she sat up and saw him. “It’s good to see you kid, I know we had some bad interactions.”
When she had proclaimed Joseph as a prophet and John as her protector. Poor Kid. She’d been an easy target for those fuckers; that was why poor Mark had tried his hardest to save his little sister. He was gone now, poor lad, but at least Linny was safer here than with the Seeds.
“I know I was rude to you before Linny, but I really am glad you’re here.”
the radios weren’t working, they weren’t doing anything other than crackling static down the line - the cameras were knocked out and they were literally holed up in the wolf’s den blind for the most part. nothing to pass the time but wander around the metal halls of the bunkers. that’s what she’d been doin’ earlier, but a pang of homesickness had her turn right into wheaty’s room. she’d found an MP3 player squirreled away in the little locker next to his bed and it was there that linny had found the song she’d been listening to on repeat.
crooked tree hides the moon … wheels turning over too …
she’d lost count how many times she’d listened to the song over and over. it wasn’t that there wasn’t anything else to listen to, god no - if there was one thing wheaty had made sure of, it was that he’d stave out the apocalypse with the most eclectic collection of records known to man. but he weren’t here. he was safe, but he wasn’t here, and no one knew how long it would be before they saw the others again … if ever. 
the world up top was either still burnin’ or it was too radioactive for them to survive. but as dumb as it sounded, she got the smallest bit of comfort out of being curled up on wheaty’s bed, wearing a hoody she’d pilfered from his wardrobe and listening to the song she’d heard him strum away on his guitar in the spread eagle and the 8-bit pizza bar way too many times to count.
blinking out of her stupor when she saw some movement out of the corner of her eye, linny yanked the earbuds from her ears and sat up straighter, like a bold child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. 
’ eli - tammy’s gonna yell at you for bein’ out of bed. ’
that was a shit response. but those were the first words that the teenager blurted out, immediately feeling her cheeks redden. scooting further up the bed, linny pulled her feet off of the comforter, making room for the man to sit down before he fell down. the soft lilt of huxlee’s crooked tree clung onto the still air of the bunker, the earbuds making the guitar sound tinny. nodding her head at the man’s words, linny had to swallow a couple of times to force the knot in her throat back down … he had been right all along, and she had been too blind to see. but wheaty and eli had been right and the project at eden’s gate had taken so many people - they’d taken mark and all he’d wanted to do was protect her.
and now the collapse had happened just like how joseph said it would and they were all stuck here and no one knew when they might see their friends and families again … she might never see nana or pawpaw, or wheaty again.
’ i’m really glad you’re alive. ’
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scrubbing the heel of her palm across her cheeks, linny swiped away a rogue tear that managed to make a break to roll down her cheek. nu-uh. she’d done enough crying already. and it was just like what tammy had said - there weren’t nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself every once in a while, but you had to pick yourself back up again. reaching out to hit the pause button on the MP3 player, linny shook her head at eli’s words.
’ you weren’t rude to me, eli. you were worried and i couldn’t see it … i didn’t want to see it. ’
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lancermylove · 4 years
Brainwashed (Scenarios)
Fandom: BSTS
Pairing: Menou x fem!MC, Yakou x fem!MC, Rico x fem!MC, Gui x fem!MC (MC or reader, your choice~)
Warning: Heavy angst, mention of blood, avoid reading Gui’s scenario if you’re squeamish!
Requested by: (my neighborhood’s friendly) Potato
Prompt: ANGST!! I told you I was gonna think up something, I hope it's inspiring! MC is kidnapped as she's walking to Starless because her kidnappers think she can spill company secrets or something? The person/group that did it sends her guy a message and he runs to save her. He's too late to keep her from getting hurt and they sew a seed of doubt inside her mind, & turns her against him. Does it last? Can he bring her back into his life? Does he feel he deserves it? Deets are up to you! - Potato
A/N: I tried something different for this and wrote it from his POV. I tried writing it as a narrator but didn’t like how it turned out. T~T So sorry if this is not what you had in mind. >< 
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She was the first person to see through my spiteful exterior; the first person to lend me a shoulder to cry on; the first person who told me everything was going to be okay.
When I got the message from the host club owner, saying that he had kidnapped her, I dropped everything and ran. I knew what type of man he was and what he was capable of. Though I tried to stop my mind from imagining what-if scenarios, I couldn't help but think, what if I lost her?
I threw aside my pride and fell to the club owner's feet, begging him to let her go. How I wanted to punch his ugly face. He laughed, greeted me, and asked what was more precious to me: my body or her? Without thinking once, I said her. He freed her from his grasp, and ordered his lackeys to beat me senseless. Let's just say it took a lot of makeup to cover all my injuries on performance day. One day that man's club is going to go bankrupt, and I will laugh at the bas****'s face.
Then everything took a turn for the worse - a turn I never imagined, not even in my wildest nightmares. She started to give me a cold shoulder and refused to talk to me. To think the one person I trusted the most turned on me. I should've expected this...it's like the universe can't see me happy. Like Mizuki would say, fck you too, universe.
When I confronted her, she said she wasn't interested in me anymore and that I was a worthless person. Worthless? Ha. So you really are no different from the others...Rico, you're an idiot for not expecting this. You actually thought you could be happy for once? Hahahaha. Like that's ever going to happen. Why won’t my head stop spinning? Why does my body hurt so much?
I even tried to talk to her and demanded an explanation, but she said she wants nothing to do with me. Why? Why did she change so suddenly? Mizuki and the others are worried about me, but what do I tell them? I hate my life? I hate myself? I just want everything to be over? 
Why can't I be happy? Why are the people around me smiling, but I'm stuck with this pain? It wasn't my fault that I was a pretty boy growing up; it wasn't my fault that my parents never loved me; it wasn't my fault the customer conned me and ran away without paying the club bills. Then why am I paying for it? Please come back to me, my little bird. I miss you. I miss your voice, your warmth, your love...I-I need you. Please, come back.
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Rindou asked me again if I was okay and if I needed a break. What did he mean by 'your eyes look lifeless'? Even Maica seemed worried, and that's quite unusual. Is something wrong with my eyes? Maybe it has to do with my inability to sleep lately.
I tried talking to her again today, but once again she pretended she didn't hear me and walked away quickly. Did I do something to hurt her? Why has she changed so much since the day she got kidnapped? Who were those men and why did they abduct her? I know Starless is a shady place, but why would they target me? Others know far more information than I do, so why would they think I would open my mouth? Such insecure men. At least she's safe.
When I got the call from them, I felt a strange unexplainable sensation in my chest. Is that what people call fear? I can act out all emotions but feeling them myself...? I should focus on the rehearsal before Rindou tells me I need to rest again.
Why does Sinju keep asking me if I'm really okay? Is something wrong with my face? Nothing makes sense anymore. Hm, maybe I'm asleep and this is just a nightmare...a continuous nightmare.
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Since the day I got that call, my life turned upside down. They were going to announce the results of my job interview, and I knew I passed. But those men had to call me right at that time and say they kidnapped her. I had to decide between the love of my life and my thesis. Like I needed time to decide...her safety meant everything to me. Who were those people and what did they have against me? Are the rumors about Starless being a shady place true? Is she hiding something from me?
Thankfully, she was fine, but the situation seemed odd. They never asked me for anything, didn't hurt me in any way; instead, they laughed at me for looking frightened and left. Who were they? I guess it didn't matter since she was unharmed. I thought everything was going to be okay from then on but was I wrong.
For some reason, she wasn't herself...it's almost like she was a completely different person. Her eyes were emotionless, her behavior was cold, and her love for me vanished. She didn't let me touch her or kiss her and used every excuse to avoid me. If that wasn't enough, she started to get friendly with him - the one man I wanted to defeat the most in Starless.
Where did I go wrong? My only dream since childhood was to debut as an idol. I worked hard to make that dream come true, but thanks to Sinju, that dream was destroyed. At first, my only reason to join Starless was to teach him a lesson, but then, I started to enjoy being on stage. I worked hard to balance college and work, but even that wasn't enough. I didn't have time to sleep or eat properly, but I still kept pushing myself. For what? Sinju to get all the attention while I got neglected? Did I really deserve to get demoted to an understudy just for challenging Rindou? I know you don't like me, but you didn't have to go that far.
Now...now, she's gone as well. Why do all my fears turn into reality? Wait...she's not going to go to Sinju, is she? She can't! I won't let her...he can't take anything more away from me. For heaven's sake, please don't go to him...don't go to anymore else. Please come back to me. Why can't you see how much I love you?
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(Don’t read if you’re squeamish/sensitive) 
Where did she go? Ginsei told me everything will be fine, but why do I feel strange? Master said to always trust my instinct, and my instinct says something is wrong. Kei and Sotetsu are looking for her as well, but they haven't found any clues yet.
Takami...do you know something? You said not to trust Master and to find her quickly. Do you know where she and Master are? Kei and Sotetsu also don't like it when I talk about Master...why?
Hm? Unei said there is a gift for me in the office? Who would send me a gift? The box is heavy...and has a familiar smell to it. Sotetsu? Why is he telling me not to open the box and look inside? It's a gift for me, right?
What is this red liquid? Smells like blood. Kei? Why did he run in here so fast? He nearly broke down the door...Haseyama wouldn't have like that. Don't look in the box? Why not?
Someone's hand...? Why would someone's hand be in a present? Hm? That ring...that's her favorite ring. This hand is...her hand?
Why do I feel dizzy?
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rocorambles · 4 years
Dark Desires
Pairing: Oikawa Tooru x Female Tanaka Ryuunosuke 
Genre: NSFW, PWP, Honestly just pure filth 
Warnings: Yandere, Rape, Non-con, Dub-con, Violence
Summary: Tanaka makes an agreement with Oikawa that she soon regrets
Co-written with @astrablossom    
Oikawa locked up the gym doors with an exhausted sigh. It had been a tough practice and he was looking forward to going home and collapsing on his bed. At the thought of rest, he happily hums when all of a sudden something collides with his head and he crashes face-first into the ground. The impact was hard and left him crouching on the floor, gingerly holding his nose. He scowls and whips his head around, ready to give whoever did this a piece of his mind, but stops and smirks at the sight of Tanaka Ryuunosuke glaring down at him, hands on her hips.
She stands above him and Oikawa whistles in appreciation. "White panties are my favorite, Tanaka-chan. How did you know?" It takes a second for his words to register, but then Tanaka is jumping back, hands clutching the hem of her short skirt down, while she furiously screams at him. But Oikawa isn't listening as his sharp eyes take in her flustered state. Cute, he thinks to himself. And so easy to get a reaction out of...I wonder what other reactions I can get out of her. And for the first time in a long time, volleyball isn't the only priority on his mind as a dark seed plant itself in his mind.
She sneers at the male beneath her with the most malice she could muster. Her eyes trail down to where the captain lies on the floor, cradling his nose from the mild pain. Tanaka is about to go off, yelling at him for being a disgusting pervert, but for once holds her tongue back and settles for getting straight to the point.
"Listen here you nasty boy toy!" she yells out, pointing her index finger accusingly at Oikawa. "If I hear about you trying to go after one of my friends again we're gonna have a little situation, ya hear?!" She punches her fist into her open hand to emphasize her intentions. Everyone knew Oikawa was smooth with the girls, always finding ways to lead one into his bed. They always ended up swooning over him and following him around the school. Even Tanaka wasn't that dense and she'd care less if it wasn't for the fact that she saw the ass trying to hit on one of her classmates earlier. Just the thought of one of them sleeping with Oikawa just to end up being brainwashed was enough to make her skin crawl.
"Ooo is Tanaka-chan jealous?" is the response she receives and she gapes at him bug-eyed at the question, a vein visibly popping up on her forehead. Nothing was stopping her from beating this clown up. Her fist tightens a bit at the thought, Oikawa could certainly use the lesson.
Just as she’s about to square up her shoulders and go through with her thoughts, the captain gets to his feet and at his full height, he towers over her, his broad frame casting a slight shadow over her smaller figure. Tanaka prides herself on her height and athletic build, but she feels minuscule compared to Oikawa. He starts to try to smooth talk Tanaka who is less than impressed.
"Listen, I didn’t make any of those girls do anything they didn’t want to. I’m pretty sure they very much enjoyed the quality time we spent together if you know what I mean.” Oikawa has the nerve to shoot a wink her way with those words and she opens her mouth to retort when a gentle touch on her lips has her freezing. Oikawa’s pointer finger is pressed against her lips and now he’s leaning down so that his mouth brushes against her earlobe. “Why don’t you give me a chance? Go on one date with me. I promise you’ll see that I’m not all that bad. Don’t you think it’s unfair to judge me without any firsthand experience?”
Her face blooms into a shade of red that would give Nekoma's team uniform a run for their money. Just feeling his breath against her ear was enough for her to take a step back. Tanaka stares at him, sharp eyes scrutinizing him until they widen at what he just said. Oikawa watches as a flurry of emotions run through the second year’s face and he can’t help but smirk when he notices her avoiding eye contact. "And what makes ya' think I'll say yes?" Oikawa observes how her shoulders are hunched up and suffice to say, Tanaka is like an animal. You need to approach her calmly to show her you mean no harm. And to show her who the boss is around here.
He bends his neck down a bit till he's eye to eye with her and he smirks at the red flush gracing her cheeks, confusion swimming in her sharp gaze. "You're always talking about equality, equal rights, fairness...Don't you think judging me without any evidence is against all that?" Tanaka instinctively latches onto Oikawa's shoulders in an attempt to keep some space between the two of them, but his words make her think which causes what was supposed to be a harsher push to be merely a gentle hold on him. Oikawa doesn't complain and opts for basking in the feel of her hands through his uniform. "Fine, you're right." She raises a brow and humors him. "It is unfair of me to accuse you without any real experience, even if I still think you're a shitty person. One date and don't try any funny business or I'll beat your ass."
A wide smile finds its way onto Oikawa’s milky porcelain skin. He places his own hands on Tanaka, who quickly pulls away. He doesn't mind...in all due time. Tanaka watches, a bit appalled as Oikawa bends down to reach for his fallen backpack. Accidentally her eyes trail along the outline of his shoulder blade poking through his uniform. The uniform fits him rather well...She shakes her head at the thought and tries to clear her mind. She was only doing this because she had to.
"Tanaka-chan!" Said person's annoying voice disrupts her thought. Oikawa wiggles his smartphone in front of her face. "Lend me your number! I have just the perfect place we can go to." The way he’s smiling and bubbling up about a potential date that could run amok makes her stutter a bit before she reaches for her phone, albeit with slightly sweaty hands.
Grabbing a hold of her device, she offers it thinking Oikawa would just grab it from her, but a firm grasp wraps around her entire hand and he is sidling up right next to her, a burning heat on her side as his other hand wraps around her shoulders to input his number. Tanaka freezes at essentially being embraced by Oikawa and she's too aware of the weight of his arm around her and the slight smell of sweat she inhales as Oikawa's chin rests on her head and presses the back of her head against his throat. She could feel his Adam's apple poking through her scalp. As soon as he typed the last digit of his phone number, she grabs his phone and practically leaps a safe distance away from the overly touchy boy before she hastily types her number in his phone, chucking the device at him from her safe spot. "I-I'm free this weekend. Text me what you want to do." And with that she is scrambling away, her chest filled with mixed emotions. Too bad she misses the practically feral predatory look fixed on her as she makes her escape.
The expression on his face darkens as he watches Tanaka's departing silhouette. "Tanaka-chan~♡" he hums in a sing-song tone. Just thinkibng about how the date will go makes him hug himself, shivering slightly. "Ah...I can't help myself." Tanaka is just too cute for him. To think that there was a girl resistant to his charm only made him more tempted to lure her into his trap. Yes, he thinks to himself. It'll be fun breaking down Tanaka's facade. As Tanaka leaves the gym with her mind muddled with thoughts on how to deal with Oikawa, she keeps thinking back to how his body felt overly warm against her own, how he didn't hesitate to wrap himself around her. Slowing her steps down, she touches her lip in the same place he did and she suddenly shouts out loud, scaring someone passing by. Two could play at the game. "I'll make sure to knock his ass off at how amazing this stupid date will go!"
Texts were exchanged and the weekend quickly arrived. Oikawa patiently waits in front of the dessert shop they'd agreed to meet at and plays on his phone until he feels a presence stop in front of him. Looking up he freezes at the sight before him. Tanaka's wearing a white tank top that isn't form-fitting, but it's snug enough that Oikawa gets a good look at the figure she usually covers under the school blazer. His eyes continue trailing down to the short denim shorts she's wearing and he subconsciously licks his lips at the sight of tanned, muscular legs completely on view. "Oi, eyes up here, asshole!" Tanaka is furiously blushing as she shoves Oikawa into the shop. "I thought you were supposed to be proving me wrong about you. Ya sure ain't doing a good job of it. Don't leer at girls, ya perv!" Oikawa chuckles as he shrugs his shoulders. "I can't help it, Tanaka-chan. You're just so beautiful and I never see you in anything other than our school uniform." Tanaka continues to rant and shove him forward, but her heart flutters at his praise.
"Y-Yeah?" she stutters slightly, running a hand through her hair and goes to look him up and down. He wore a simple short sleeve black shirt with the collar unbuttoned a bit with fitting jeans that showed off his athletic physique. His hair, like usual, was styled to curve at the side, framing his face. When he starts walking ahead of her, Tanaka rolls her eyes and replies curtly. "At least you don't look like a fashion disaster." It's a backhanded compliment but it is what she can muster in the moment.
"Was that a compliment. Tanaka-chan?" "Absolutely not!" She yells loudly and opts for smacking him upside his head. Oikawa merely laughs at her reaction before guiding her to the booth that he'd booked. "Ladies first," Oikawa almost purrs and Tanaka mumbles a “whatever” before plopping down on the cushion seat, sliding down to the end. She bristles a bit when Oikawa slides in right beside her, their arms touching. Oikawa holds up two menus in his hand with a small smile. "Who said you could sit next to me? Ya trying to get handsy under the table?"
Oikawa gasps dramatically. "How could you think so poorly of me, Tanaka-chan? I figured this was the easiest way to share our dessert. The portions here are too big for each of us to get our own, so I thought we could just sit next to each other and share one." Oikawa had a point...Tanaka's been here before and their ice cream floats are heavenly, but also overwhelmingly large. Plus it saved on money. "Fine! But I have my eyes on ya," she hisses at him as her hands rise in a karate chop form. Oikawa laughs and ruffles her long locks. "Have some faith in me." Tanaka flinches at the touch and moves to squeeze even further into the booth, but Oikawa just takes that as a cue to sprawl out and his thigh is now pressed up against her, his arm is spread out and resting on the booth behind her back, and she feels trapped.
Two could play at that game. Never one to back down from a challenge Tanaka retaliates. A bit aggressively, she spreads her legs as well, putting one on top of his own. Her lips pulled up into a smile of mockery when Oikawa cheeks puff up, a tinge of pink dusting them. Finally, she is gaining the upper hand of the situation, and after a few minutes passes she decides to strike up a conversation to see what the himbo was into besides volleyball.
"So what do you do besides play volleyball and sexually harass girls?" Oikawa shifts his gaze from the warm leg curled around his inner thigh.
"You might find it a bit silly, but Iwa-chan and I go out looking for UFOs and aliens a lot. Well, I'm looking for aliens and he's looking for Godzilla." There's a pause before Tanaka is letting out an ugly brash laugh. Embarrassed and irritated, Oikawa fully turns to her, his free hand gripping her bare thigh harshly as he leans forward until they're nose to nose. "It's not funny," he seethes at her. All amusement has flushed out of Tanaka and she lets out a whimper. Oikawa's grip is so tight and she's never been touched so high up her thigh before...so close to an area she doesn't want to think about.
Her thigh bucks a little in his tight hold and she freezes up, unable to think up an excuse for this predicament. "You're too close" she half whispers, pushing her back up against the wall. It does little to space herself from Oikawa who is leering over her with his eyes. "Oh? Is Tanaka-chan a bit nervous?" He squeezes his hand on her thigh, fingernails scraping against the fabric of her shorts and he moves closer till their noses touch. He can hear Tanaka breathing heavily and his eyes trail down to the pink lip gloss she decided to wear. Oikawa licks his hungrily before completing pulling off of her, the tension immediately leaving his face. "Kidding!"
Tanaka awkwardly laughs. Trying to get the ambiance back to where it was, she asks about the aliens and they proceed to exchange stories about aliens, her older sister, and her abysmal test grades. Just as they agree that it might be a good idea for Oikawa to tutor her in some of the subjects she's struggling with, their ice cream float arrives. Oikawa digs in first, scooping a generous spoonful of vanilla ice cream and whipped cream on his spoon, but instead of eating it himself, he lifts it to Tanaka's mouth. "Open wide, Tanaka-chan!" Tanaka fights the instinctive urge to push his hand away from her and obediently opens her mouth as wide as it can go, eating the offered food. She is on a date and she did promise to show Oikawa that she could be as good on a date as any other girl.
Arousal stirs in Oikawa as he stares at her licking around her mouth, trying to clean up the spots of whipped cream that accidentally smudged her face and before he can even comprehend what he's doing, his thumb is wiping off the mess on her face and bringing the dirtied digit to his mouth. He sucks on it while staring into Tanaka's eyes. There's an unfamiliar coil in Tanaka's stomach as she watches Oikawa and she feels pinned to the spot by his gaze. Finger sufficiently licked clean, Oikawa smirks at Tanaka. "Tanaka-chan, you're so messy!" Tanaka splutters as she grabs her spoon and shoves it into the float. "You don't need to feed me. I can eat on my own!"
Oikawa watches the flustered girl shove the spoon into her mouth, eyes drawn to the little bump in her throat as she swallows the sweet treat. He can't help but laugh at her determination to prove herself to him, she is just far too adorable in her own right. Just as he is about to take a scoop of his own, Tanaka pokes his cheek for his attention. "Oi! Open your mouth." She wiggles the spoon full of ice cream in the air, waiting for him to eat it. When Oikawa gives her the same piercing look from earlier she returns it with a toothy grin, watching as he opens his mouth to lick the ice cream off the spoon. Tanaka watched as Oikawa's pink lips pulled off the spoon, his Adam's apple shuffling a bit as he swallowed.
"Ah!" He presses his hand to his cheek dramatically and Tanaka snorts at his antics. "Tanaka-chan feeding me this makes it sweeter!" Bemusement fills Oikawa's body as Tanaka shoves him a bit, laughing a bit too loudly at his corny joke. The girl couldn't help but feel her chest warm-up at the genuine laugh Oikawa gave her. It was nothing like during their matches. Shaking her head, she is unaware of the smile she wears. "Shut up and finish the food you himbo." And much to the second year's surprise, the date goes well.
They go on a few more dates, which also all go smoothly, but soon enough finals are around the corner, and Tanaka desperately needs to buckle down and study. Her coach had told her she might not be able to play volleyball anymore if she didn't pass the upcoming exams. The thought of not being able to do what she loved most has her frantically searching for any solution and she soon finds herself alone in her room with Oikawa as they hover over the multitude of textbooks and notes scattered all over her bedroom floor.
Oikawa and Tanaka are seated right next to each other as Tanaka intensely studies the papers in front of her and Oikawa leans over her, hovering right above her. But his attention is hardly on the text lying in front of them. Instead, he's focused on how small Tanaka seems underneath his hovering figure, the emptiness of her house (her parents and sister are conveniently away for the week on some business trip or other obligations), and how naive and trusting she is of the predator she's let into her room.
It was slightly embarrassing when she had asked Oikawa to help her study, he gave her shit for asking and she had to smack him upside the head again before he childishly accepted her request. Now she sat on the floor of her room in a loose white tank top and some basketball shorts, unaware of how Oikawa's eyes leered at the dip between her chest. The sound of the pencil scribbling in her notebook was the only noise in the silent room. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she fills in the blank equation.
"That's wrong Ryu-chan~" he plucks her pencil from her hands before erasing the equation and explaining where she went wrong with the calculation. The male felt his chest stutter when she punched her hand in realization. "Got it, thanks!" She plucks the pencil from his fingers, the male silently enjoying when their fingers meet. As she tries the formula again she pushes her hair back. "Oi. Can you get scrunchie from the drawer over there? Hair is driving me nuts," she asked, her eyes never drifting away from the notebook. It seems like she started trusting Oikawa a bit more after seeing how kind he was when they were alone.
Oikawa retrieves the scrunchie and settles behind Tanaka. "Let me tie your hair for you, Tanaka-chan. Focus on studying." Tanaka's focus is still on the notes in front of her and she just vaguely nods in agreement. Oikawa tangles his hand in her dyed locks, pulling and brushing the strands together. He uses more force than necessary as he grabs her hair from the roots, pulling Tanaka's head back with his motion and he feels his cock twitch at the guttural moan she releases at the harsh action. "Sorry, sorry! I'm not used to this," he quickly chirps out as he continues tying Tanaka's long locks into a ponytail. She just grunts in acknowledgment as she continues to study. Oikawa smirks at his work and he clenches his jaw at the thought of how easily he could control her movement with just a harsh tug on the long ponytail swaying back and forth with every nod and shake of Tanaka's head.
Silence falls over the two of them and unconsciously Tanaka begins to lean into Oikawa touch, his fingers grazing her scalp soothingly. She didn't realize that she was practically sitting in his lap. Watching silently, he coils her dyed locks around his fingers, pressing himself against her to smell the conditioner she used earlier. The older of the two couldn't help but wonder if Tanaka knew what she was doing to him or if she was that dumb to let him get so close. But it didn't matter.
"Mm...how's this?" When she twists her body to look up at her tutor, Oikawa could see right down her shirt, see how her chest is pushed together by the bra she wears, her face pretty close to him. Her eyes trail down to where he was staring and she started to raise her voice out of annoyance. "H-Hey." Upon realization of how close they are, she starts to pull herself away until the grip on her hair tightens. "Oikawa let go of my-" she grunts when he tugs her down into his lap, her eyes widening when she feels something long and warm pressing against her backside.
Oikawa hisses at the feeling of Tanaka unconsciously rubbing against his dick. He shifts her in his arms until she's fully grinding against the throbbing erection straining against his pants. His hands have snuck beneath the loose white tank top she's wearing and they are rolling, flicking, twisting, and pulling the sensitive nubs. Tanaka can't help but throw her head back against Oikawa's shoulder as she lewdly moans at the sensations she's feeling for the first time in her life. "St-stop, p- please- NGH-" She's never been with a man before and the foreign feeling she's experiencing in her core and sensitive nubs has her at Oikawa's mercy. Tears begin to brim in her eyes, but she can't deny the pleasure she feels as she bounces on the hardening shape of Oikawa's groin.
Oikawa purrs at how Tanaka's hips move against his erection. It’s amazing how warm she is against him. If he didn't know any better he would have thought they were already naked. "Oh..." he almost sounds sad when Tanaka starts to beg him to stop his ministrations. He lowers his head a bit to run his pink tongue against the edge of her ear, noting how she freezes up. She is so sensitive, thinks Oikawa.
"But Ryu-chan you're sending mixed signals. Are you sure you want me to stop?" He rolls his thumb around her hardened nipples, pinching as hard as he could. The groan Tanaka gives him almost makes him lose himself but he keeps it together. He waited far too long for this. "Just look at you Ryu-," he pauses to place a hand on the back of her shirt, pushing her back out till she arches. "Even when I do push you away you're still grinding against me. Do you know what that means? Hmm?"
Tanaka is unable to respond coherently with her mouth wide open, drool trickling out the side as her hips continue desperately shaking for more contact. "It means you want this...you love this, you pretty little slut. My pretty little slut . No one's ever made you feel like this before. Who's the only one who can make you feel like this?" Tanaka doesn't answer, too overwhelmed by the new feelings of lust and arousal rising inside her. Oikawa roughly pulls her head back with a harsh tug on her swinging ponytail. "Answer me," he snarls. "Y-you! Only you can make me feel like this," Tanaka practically wails. Oikawa smiles and with the hand not twisted in Tanaka's hair, he begins to push down her basketball shorts and panties along with his pants and boxers, his cock springing out. He slips himself between Tanaka, allowing her dripping pussy to soak his hard length with her juices.
Each touch and grasp from Oikawa feels like electricity running through her body. Never had she felt like this. Confusion is the first thing that came to her when she answered Oikawa. Did she truly want this? She lets out another wanton moan when he pressed his index finger just above her clit. Although her mind is beginning to muddle from hypersensitivity, she manages to place a hand on Oikawa's cock, squeezing to the point that it becomes painful. She smirks a bit when she hears him grunt in pain. "G-Get off!" She hisses lowly. She should've never trusted the bastard. The grip on her hair tightens and she holds back a groan, eager to get some footing and probably beat the shit out of him.
Oikawa is enraged at Tanaka's retaliation. "You fucking bitch!" He wraps both his hands around her throat, choking her with an increasingly tightening grip until Tanaka's hands release their hold on him and claw at the vice around her neck. Oikawa throws her down to the ground, one hand still firmly gripping her throat while the other hand works to completely remove all their clothing waist down. Tanaka continues her attack on Oikawa's hand, lashing out and leaving behind trails of scratch marks as she fights to breathe. Her legs attempt to kick him off of her, but Oikawa digs his knees into her sensitive inner thighs, effectively pinning her down painfully.
She screams out in rage, coughing due to her currently limited air supply. Oikawa hovering over her with such tenacity in his eyes is enough to make her keep jerking around in his hold. With a free hand, she claws at his cheek, eyes narrowed into slits. "T-The only bitch here is you!" She manages to growl out, her lips pursing together before she spits in his left eye. The sudden attack makes Oikawa loosen his grip around her neck and Tanaka's hand desperately scrambles against the floor for anything to use as leverage. She pauses when her fingertips come in contact with the math textbook from earlier and quickly she grips it, slamming it across Oikawa's head. The sound of the book colliding with Oikawa's head, him yelling out her name- the way he now lays on the floor with a venomous glare directed at her makes her stomach churn with disgust and something else she didn't want to admit. With no time to waste she scoots herself away from the teen, her bedroom door just inches away. "F-Fuck!" she cusses.
She doesn't care that she's currently half-naked. She doesn't care that she probably looks like a mess. All she cares about is escaping. All she cares about is making it out of the house where she can scream for help. She lunges for her bedroom door and her fingers graze the knob when a strong force slams her into the ground. Dazed from the impact, but still fueled by instincts, she blindly flails around in an attempt to dislodge the heavier figure on top of her. Oikawa grabs her by the base of her ponytail and slams her face into the ground and Tanaka moans in pain, but he doesn't let up his actions and continues to repeatedly slam her face into the hard ground until her nose is a bleeding mess and she is sobbing, all fight gone from her as she tries to curl in on herself and begs him to stop. She just wants the pain to stop. She just wants everything to stop.
He breathes heavily as he pushes her head once more into the cold, desolate floor for the proper measure. Just this action alone was enough for Tanaka to realize that something terrible would happen to her. And it's all her fault. As she curled up, cries dripping incredulously off her now bruised lips she feels a large warm hand encompass her face. Her body is aching, her head mostly, but Oikawa twists her upper part till she is looking him directly in the eye. The scratch from earlier is now welting on his cheek, the same for the ones littered on his arms. Oikawa stares down at her with eyes once filled with warmth, now burning with lust and anger.
"Ryu-chan...I can call you that right? It doesn't matter. Look what you made me do to your pretty face." His voice no longer held a playful tone, instead replaced with a flat and stoic tone. He trails a milky white finger down her bruising cheek, her eyes following him, before moving it to where blood drips from her. He visibly shudders as he admires how her blood looked on his fingers. Absolutely dazzling. "Ryu-chan. Ryu-chan. Hey, look at me." When her eyes, now wet with tears, connect with his, he smiles. "Do you think you can behave for me?"
Tanaka rapidly nods her head and Oikawa leans down to gently kiss her on the lips despite the blood still flowing down her face into their connected mouths. "Good girl, Ryu-chan. I can make you feel so good. You don't want to feel pain anymore, right?" He continues cooing gentle words into her ear as he guides her body until she's laying on her back underneath him. Tears still stream from Tanaka's eyes as she lets Oikawa position her as he pleases. Anything to keep him from hurting her anymore. Oikawa continues to softly kiss her as his fingers begin trailing all over her body leaving tingling sensations in their wake. And oh...this does feel nice and Tanaka closes her eyes as she enjoys the soothing sensations. Unseen by her, Oikawa smirks as he feels the tension exit her body and he almost moans in excitement when she hesitantly reciprocates the kiss. "That's right, Ryu-chan. Look at how good I can make you feel when you behave. I don't like hurting you, so just listen to me ok."
She looks up at him slightly dazed and frowns a bit at his words before carefully nodding. Her head is still hurting from the abuse inflicted by Oikawa and it is evident that if nothing went his way she would feel the physical aftermath of it. She watches as Oikawa runs his hands against her waist, thumbs jutting out to rub circles just under her stomach. A soft moan makes Oikawa continue his ministrations, fingers gliding across her body with skill. He is the grandmaster and she is the piano to be tuned to his liking. When he lifts her thighs apart, minding the blue welts he is happy to see that her pussy is indeed glistening with arousal. "Oh...just look at you." He shakes his head in disbelief. He looks at her with pity which makes her slightly annoyed and tempted to say something back. He coos. "You're a virgin. Aren't you?"
Tanaka flushes. "Y-yeah. So what?!" Oikawa smiles and lightly kisses a trail down her inner thigh until his face is directly in front of the dripping hole and teasingly blows. "H-HEY! Stop that! That's nasty. Get your face away from there." Tanaka reaches down to shove Oikawa away, but a bruising grip on her wrist makes her wince. "What did I just say about behaving?" Oikawa's voice is all venom and it makes Tanaka's bruises and wounds throb. She chokes back a sob as she lays back down, fingers clenched so tightly in a fist that the nails dig into her skin. Oikawa presses one last kiss to her inner thigh in approval at her obedience before ravenously devouring her soaked cunt.
She wasn't ready for how the flat of his tongue would feel against her folds, the bumps of his tastebuds creating amazing friction and she nearly keens. A broken high pitch moan is pushed out of her as she feels Oikawa's tongue getting busy. It is amazing how the warmth of his tongue is enough to make any tension in her body just disappear. Tanaka finds herself torn between wanting to push Oikawa off or letting him continue. She raises a hand to do the former but drops it when the volleyball player sucks on her clitoris, her thighs squeezing his head on both sides. "F-Fuck...stop it, man..." She is so lost and confused in the sea of lust and pain. Oikawa merely watches Tanaka's expression, enjoying how she struggles to fight off the inevitable. She starts to squirm when he begins talking against her folds. "You taste good Ryu-chan~ This must be fate. It has to be."
"Ah...fuck off ya little shit…," she all but groans out, her free hand covering her now flushed and humiliated face.
Something is growing in the pit of her stomach and Tanka pales. Shit, she's about to cum. No, no, no she doesn't want to cum...not in front of Oikawa and definitely not because of Oikawa. "Oi, st-stop it...It's too much..." She moves to push him away again, but Oikawa just grabs both her wrists in his hands as he continues his ministrations. He can feel her body tensing more and more and he can feel her pussy twitching...just a little more...he sucks harshly on her clit and that's all it takes for Tanaka 's spine to arch, her mouth to fling wide open in a silent scream, and her eyes to roll back as she orgasms.
But Oikawa doesn't relent and he continues to lick and suck, making lewd slurping noises as Tanaka writhes and screams in overstimulation. "Th-AH-that's enough. Pl-please -OH- no more! Please, please, please...." Tanaka's words start making less and less sense as Oikawa continues his assault. Only when Tanaka is in tears does Oikawa give one last suck to her throbbing clit and move away as he positions himself so that his cock aligns with her soaked hole.
Her legs are slack from her first orgasm and more so from the overstimulation. All her senses are on high alert as she gasps for air. Although she was already crying beforehand it was nothing compared to how she is sobbing now. Tears stream down her now extremely red face as she weakly tries to push Oikawa away from her leg. His erection looks far too intimidating and the worst part is that it’s going to go into her. "O-Oikawa...wait!" She weakly pushes herself against the back of the door to sit upright before giving him a small smile. "Can you...can you..." she looks away before gently caressing his hand. Tanaka exhales “It's my first time." She prays this will work. "I have some condoms and lube in my top drawer." Oikawa studies her face carefully with an unreadable expression and watches as she struggles to crawl close to him. The stutter in her words is evident, but she refuses to go down without a fight. This is her last chance. "Can ya get them for me? If we're gonna do this, we'll do it right." The drawer is only a few feet away from Oikawa.
Oikawa smiles and gently brings her in for another kiss. "Of course, Ryu-chan. I'll make sure your first time is perfect." He gets up and the instant his back is to her, she once again lunges for the bedroom door and this time successfully escapes. Oikawa's angry screams have her trembling legs moving even faster as she rushes to the outside door. She's so close, but fear ignites within her as she hears his heavier footsteps drawing closer and closer to her. Her hand is just about to unlock the front door when strong arms wrap themselves around her waist and spin her around. Any gentleness Oikawa had shown earlier is gone and all that remained was the fury in his eyes.
He brings his hand up and strikes her across the face so hard that she finds herself on the floor cradling her bruised cheek, but Oikawa's not done with his punishment. He cruelly kicks her in the gut and she gasps as she curls in on herself clutching the abused part. She's still coming to grips with all the pain when she feels a weight on her head. Oikawa is pressing her face into the ground with his foot and Tanaka sobs in humiliation. "You're being such a bad girl, Ryu-chan. Brats don't deserve nice things. You lost any chance of this being pleasant for you. But if you learn to behave, maybe next time will be better for you." Tanaka freezes at his words. "Next time? There's not going to be a next time, you sick fuck!" Oikawa presses his foot even harder into her face which silences her. "You still don't get it, Ryu-chan? Of course, there's going to be a next time. And there'll be the next time after that and on and on. This isn't just a one-time thing. This is your life now."
No. No. He couldn't be serious right? This had to be a dream. It had to. She wanted it to be a dream so badly, but the foot pressed into her face is indeed the reality of her situation. She grits her teeth in pain when he applies more pressure to her now bruised face and curls up more, cradling her aching stomach. She feels so powerless in this position, nothing she does will stop Oikawa and now it is dawning on her that his words are final. Oikawa pauses when he feels the edge of Tanaka's lips move.
"Speak up, Ryu-chan." She whispers just audibly enough for him to hear. "You're gonna rape me...you lied." Her eyes trail up to the now disheveled Oikawa. Just like her he only had a top on, but disgustingly enough his erection is awake. He is getting off to this, she figures. "You're a liar. I thought you would prove me wrong." She exhales deeply before pushing his foot off her face. The ponytail he made had come undone and Tanaka’s hair falls into her face, casting a looming shadow. Oikawa's eyes widen at the sudden display of intimidation. Even after being beaten up Tanaka still had the strength to talk back, to even glare at him. He watches stiffly as Tanaka weakly claws at his leg, nails sinking deep into his calves that would later leave red crescent marks. She is so beautiful.
"Ryuunosuke..." He breathes her name and he bends down to make eye contact with her, eyes staring deep into ones that reflect hatred. "This is why I like you." He places a hand in her hair, patting it gently before his grip tightens. "And now I'm going to show you. Whether you like it or not." He needs this, he waited far too long. Oikawa stands, enjoying the screams of pain and how Tanaka's body sounds being dragged on the wooden floor. There is a pink blush on his face, he is ecstatic.
He drags her back to her bedroom where he tosses her onto the bed and pins her down with his legs as he strips his shirt off. Now completely naked he reaches down to also remove Tanaka's tank top, but Tanaka uses her still free arms to stop him. Irritated, Oikawa backhands her across the face so hard her nose begins to bleed again and Tanaka lets him remove her top without any more fuss. "Ryu-chan, I really do hate hurting you." Oikawa is tenderly stroking her face, but there's only hunger in his gaze. He does hate hurting her, but he loves the way she looks painted red...Oikawa once again lines himself up with Tanaka's now dry pussy, but he could care less as he shoves his entire length into her, relishing in how tight she feels around him. "Fuck, Ryu-chan. You're so tight, so perfect. It's like you were made for me." He continues his sickening train of praise, but Tanaka isn't paying attention as she screams in pain from the forced intrusion. "Oikawa, stop! You're too big. Take it out. Please take it out!" But Oikawa is only spurred on by the desperate tone in her voice and he begins roughly thrusting into her at a rapid pace, his hands gripping her waist so tight she's sure to have finger-shaped bruises there afterward.
As soon as he thrusts into her for the first time, there is no joy. There isn’t anyone whispering in her ear lovingly like the stories her friends told her, there isn't any pause for her to adjust. Nothing feels good. He is too big for her tight snatch and the forceful intrusion leaves her feeling raw and disgusting. Her screams won’t reach anyone and she cries out Oikawa's name when the friction from his thrust hits her hymen. She didn't think she had any more tears, but they start to stream down her face, mixing with the blood as Oikawa takes her virginity. "I hate you...hate you so much." But Oikawa doesn’t hear, his mind is elsewhere in a frenzy, enjoying the tightness of her pussy, how she starts to bleed on his cock. She hates his pathetic face, it’s all she can look at. Her stomach starts to coil in familiarity and she releases a choked moan when he lowers his lips to her perky tits.
Oikawa continues his relentless pace as he takes a hardening nipple into his mouth and rolls the other in between his dexterous fingers. Tanaka hates herself for the way she starts to moan and how her pussy begins to coat itself with lubrication, but Oikawa's been around and he knows exactly what he's doing. She doesn't stand a chance as he continues sucking and twisting her sensitive nubs and...fuck...her eyes widen when Oikawa's cock drags across something inside of her. Oikawa smirks and aims for that same spongy spot over and over again. "Wha-what are you doing? St-stop that. Ah! Pl-please stop it." It's an unfamiliar pleasure for Tanaka and she wants to die from humiliation. How could she be feeling so good while she's being raped? How could she be feeling so good while Oikawa is using her as nothing but a sex toy to get off in? But the pleasure is so new to her that she can't help it as her cunt begins to tighten and she's reaching a peak higher than anything she's felt before.
"That's it, Ryu-chan. I want you to fall apart because of me. Come on. Cum for me." Oikawa uses his free hand to furiously rub her neglected clit and it's the combination of every one of her sensitive spots being stimulated at the same time that brings Tanaka to an overwhelmingly strong climax. Oikawa releases an animalistic growl as he plunges even faster and harder into her tight quivering walls. "Fuck, your pussy is squeezing so hard on me. It's like it doesn't want to ever let me go." All it takes is a few more thrusts and Oikawa is releasing his seed deep inside of her while he forces her to look him in the eyes.
Her mouth falls open in a silent scream, drool falling as she arches, squirting all over Oikawa’s cock. Everything leaves her feeling tingly inside and the feeling of being overstimulated starts to become unbearable as Oikawa chases for his release. Her eyes threaten to close but Oikawa's hand on her face makes her stay awake. It is strange how she finds his face so handsome, even as he is raping her. He is concentrating on her and only her. It mean someone likes her...right? The thought disappears as she grunts when she feels the hot sliminess of his seed filling her womb and silently thanks her sister for tossing a bottle of pills her way a few weeks beforehand. A silence falls on the two of them and Tanaka stares up at Oikawa with an unreadable expression. It was over right? He would finally leave her alone and never show his face. That's what she wanted to believe, but in the back of her head, all she wants is to kiss him. Her eyes trail to his now bruised lips and they linger there until Oikawa moves closer.
"Ryu-chan." She looks away from him.
Oikawa gently but firmly turns Tanaka's face towards him. She wants to hate him, she does, but she swears she sees a glimmer of affection in his chocolate-brown gaze, and that sets her heart aflutter. He’s so handsome and he made her feel so good...Her thoughts trail off when she feels his lips gently kissing her and she sinks into it. All she knows and feels is love for the brunette who’s caressing her. Oikawa smiles as he feels Tanaka wrap her arms around the back of his neck as she returns the kiss. “Ryu-chan, you’ll be mine, right?” Something deep inside of Tanaka makes her pause at his words and she hesitates, but then Oikawa is kissing her gently again and looking at her with such tenderness that she finds herself saying yes...and she means it. Yes, she loves Oikawa. He’ll take care of her. He’ll make her feel good. And with that last thought, she falls completely into his embrace.
@watermelonsugawara @thisisthehardestthing
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riderunlove · 3 years
Guns and Ghosts part 6
The entire op had gone belly up. HGC agents had backed Team Sunset into a corner- literally. 
“Come on. You made the wrong choice. Just surrender already. Don’t make me stand here all day.” Fuego drawled. 
“You want to surrender to us? I accept,” Reggie replied gleefully. Julie giggled while Alex glanced up looking for patience.  
The HGC agents had intentionally herded them in here. They wanted us alive. Why?
Luke glanced at his team- his family, then around the large warehouse. There was a small window, on the opposite wall. It was a viable escape, but there was no cover. They’d be shot in seconds. Unless. Caleb wants a hostage, he’s getting a hostage. 
“Make for the window I’ve got this.” 
Julie glanced at him, surprise crossing her face. She was running this op and he was overstepping. There wasn’t enough time for this. He glanced at each of them in turn, pleading for them to trust him. 
“Go.” He hissed. “Now.” 
Reggie moved towards the window first with Julie following him.  Alex leveled a dark, angry look his way and he gave a half smile of apology.  Luke opened fire towards the HGC soldiers, rolled a flash-bomb in the direction his friends had gone and then stood up with his hands raised. 
“Don’t shoot,” Fuego ordered. “Caleb wants this one.” 
He cooperated as they cuffed him, and led him towards the operations center. He silently prayed to a higher power that his friends were safe. 
Fuego threw him in a holding cell and Luke settled in to wait. It didn’t take long. 
“Luke Patterson. How nice to officially meet you,” Caleb purred.
“Can’t say the feeling is mutual,” he snarked back.
Caleb hummed in disapproval. “Disrespect isn’t tolerated here. You should remember that.” 
He didn’t dignify that with a response. 
“I have such plans for your future. I found a new use for some of your parent’s research. I can’t wait to share it with you.�� Caleb smiled viciously before he turned on his heel and left. 
Luke forced his face to stay neutral, even as his mind raced. His father had been studying the effect of quantum energy on cells, and his mother was a neuroscientist. Whatever Caleb was planning, he wanted no part of it. 
Two blank faced agents marched him out to the main floor of the lab, and shoved him onto a stretcher before cuffing him to it. A tech came over and started an IV. Another came over carrying an infusion set up. The liquid in the IV bag flowed faintly red and seemed to almost pulsate. The movement was almost hypnotic, he couldn’t stop watching it. 
“If properly dosed, the quantum energy will allow cells to become incorporeal, even invisible. The perfect stealth technique.” “Why not use it on one of your agents then?” 
Caleb just smiled knowingly. “Who says I’m not?”
It burned like acid. Through his entire body, then the tearing sensation started. His body was ripping apart. Eventually he tumbled into the soft darkness. 
When he woke up he had been moved. He was upright, arms and legs strapped in place and a huge screen was the only visible feature in the room. 
“You’re the first to survive the quantum infusion. A good absorption rate too. You will be a ghost, able to appear at will, and walk through walls. Your father had started a hypothetical case study in his research, using your genetic code. Which is why I wanted to get you. Now I know what you are thinking, you don’t work for me and you won’t help me. This is where your mother’s work comes into play. Her understanding of identity and how it can be modified was unparalleled.” 
Brainwashing. It won’t work. She tried all her tricks when she tried to make me into the perfect son. It didn’t work then, it won’t work now. Despite his denials a seed of doubt grew- because it almost had. He left home for a reason. The screen flipped on in front of him and it was all consuming. Then a recording began to play. 
Luke reminded himself what they told him in training, focus on fundamental truths about yourself and hold onto them. My name is Luke Patterson. I was born in Los Angeles.  My team is my family and my band. I am in love with Julie but can never tell her. The lines played on repeat in his head even as Caleb’s lies invaded his entire consciousness. The hypnotic patterns on the screen in front of him filled his vision and though he fought and screamed and raged- the rest of existence slowly slipped away. “There is peace in surrender. There is happiness in surrender. You are no one. You are the Ghost. You are HGC’s greatest asset. Together we can bring the world the peace it deserves.” It repeated endlessly as the patterns continued in front of him, it became his entire world. 
Unmarked time passed until, “are you ready to surrender?” 
“I surrender.” 
“Who are you?”
“I am no one. I am the Ghost.” 
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jojo-reader-hell · 5 years
Hello Bad Children it is I, Koro, with more 5am angst. Melone x Reader: The Outside
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(Writing this was like waking up from a nightmare about my partner cheating and then being mad at him all day for something he did in a dream, and I chose this picture because I’m finna slap the shit out of Melone after this.)
Melone reasoned that his date wouldn’t mind if he was a couple minutes late.
Everything was perfectly set into place. The night was young, balmy, perfect for cuddling close to his special someone. The restaurant was close enough that he could see the flower shop where you worked very clearly from the window. At the table he’d reserved, he knew exactly which way to tilt the chair he sat in so that he could keep an eye on your form at all times, and intended to sneak glances at you throughout the night so he could gloat at the fact that his life was still perfect, and yours was as miserable as he hoped for. It wouldn’t hurt to keep his new flame waiting a little while. She might even be touched, he thought as he strolled boldly into the shop and heard the tinkling of the bell, if he walked in like a prince with a beautiful spray of your favorite flowers to give her. It had to be all of the ones that were your favorites, the same make of bouquet he’d ordered nearly every week to keep you happy. He had to make a statement. Otherwise how else would you know he was doing well?
You had been many things. Faithful. Honest. Receptive. It had only taken you a matter of days, maybe even hours, to accept that Melone was your one true love even though you didn’t know it at first. Months of careful planning and building of your love nest paid off, and it was quite painfully obvious that you enjoyed these passed few years being his kept woman, as he put it lightly. You were a good girl, so obedient, doing whatever he asked without question and even with a smile towards the end when he began losing interest. Unfortunately you were also stubborn, hence why Melone had let the punishment go on for too long.
Truth be told he thought he’d been rather generous that last day. He felt he had to, it was at least fair he treat you kindly in your last day captive in the home he bought for you. It made up for the languid looks up other women’s skirts, the audacity of ogling endless trains of rear ends, ankles and breasts, entering chat rooms to look at bare pictures and post them until one day someone replied back at him just as intensely as he commented. It was only fair he give you one days break from domestic duties. Usually you did the cooking and the cleaning, rising early before the sun came up to make your “husband” something to eat, but he’d decided to surprise you that morning. Let it be known in the records that Melone could cook quite the sumptuous feast for breakfast, and he made sure the omelette came out nice and fluffy, and that the pancakes stayed warm by keeping the syrup on the side, or that the bacon was crisp and the fruit without blemish. Even the orange juice was good, squeezed fresh with a hint of Prosecco, and the coffee was pour over, Melone taking great pains to get the coffee grounds just so that the flavor exploded in your mouth even with the addition of cream and sugar. You were quite surprised when he’d brought it all to you on a tray in bed that you didn’t even register the indifference he had, not bothering to feed you like he usually would and just letting you savor everything until you were full.
“Was it good?” He asked, your name a trill and a light note to begin on.
And then he smiled a saccharine toothy grin as you agreed, praising him and thanking him for spoiling you.
“Good. Because it’s the last meal you’re ever going to have in this house. I want you out before the sun sets.”
“Good evening! I’d like a bouquet please.”
The cashier smiled at him, asked what he liked and set to work filling the order. Melone was almost disappointed that he didn’t call you to the front to work on it yourself, but he didn’t let it show and only met the other man with a smile. This person was one of your coworkers, blissfully unaware that the man before him was the monster that had ripped you from your happy home and completely brainwashed you into making one with him, having only torn you away from it five months ago. It had been hilariously funny to Melone, seeing you trying to reintegrate into society like a helpless idiot. Your coworkers treated you like a simpleton, your paycheck merely a grudging kindness they didn’t have the courage to put an end to. He saw you by chance on the street after the third month of your break up, and you’d been more of a mess than the first night he held you captive. You were fearful of everything around you, comically wide eyed and avoided nearly every attempt at human interaction. Your hair was unkempt, your clothes wrinkled, dark circles under your eyes and you looked as though you hadn’t eaten properly since that last breakfast. Melone had to stifle the laughter in his throat, a sick sense of pleasure filling his tummy as he followed you just out of sight that day. You looked everywhere, wandering in circles around the streets before eventually finding your way into the flower shop where you worked before he met you. Sometimes he checked on you, content to see you miserable as ever working for less than minimum wage, but never once did he bother to see where you were living now.
Probably in a cardboard box in the alley for all I care... he’d thought with a wicked smile.
Those first three months after Melone had quite literally booted you out onto the street were bliss, everything was quiet around the house, he had endless evenings talking to his new flame and hearing her lilting voice comment hotly on all the things she’d do to him once she came abroad. She wasn’t even from Italy, just someone he met online before he broke up with you, telling him she knew how these things worked out and she’d give him time to admire her from afar until he was completely over it. Even though he kept insisting at the begging and whining for her affection, he waited patiently for the fateful phone call that came five months later: she was ready to come to him at last.
He scrambled at the last minute to get the house perfect, rearranging furniture, thankful that your things had long since been thrown out. Even the Junior you’d produced with his Stand had been eliminated a month prior to his date. It used to infuriate him, seeing it look at the frosted glass of the front door as though it was looking for traces of you still clawing desperately, screaming to be let in. God help him, the Junior even pined for you, wondering why Melone wouldn’t just let you come back to live with them and destroying things when he tried to insist that a new mommy would come to take your place. The Junior had thrown a fit before the computerized Baby Face had taken action, and your Junior’s death had been a sick sort of closure for the assassin.
“Don’t open that door.” Melone had told your Junior during the breakup, in more of a giddy coo than the anger he felt hearing you crying for him to please let you back inside.
“... Mommy is out there.” Your Junior had told him, as if he’d missed it. “She’s crying. She’s cold. Why can’t I let her in?”
The sneer he gave your Junior must have set the seeds of rebellion into growth, because he still remembered the look of frustration it gave him.
“She’s not your mommy, she’s what’s called a ‘problem’. And do you know what we do with problems?”
“... no?”
“We work through them. Chase her away, make her afraid to go near that goddamn door. I don’t want her setting foot in this neighborhood ever again.”
Melone was snapped out of his thoughts of the past as the cashier happily handed over the aforementioned bouquet, wishing him a good night and shocking the assassin with the abruptness. He found himself so shocked he left without trying at least to drag the conversation on in the hopes that you’d hear his voice and come running.
This wouldn’t do... he thought, bringing him to his current predicament of waiting out of sight behind the dumpster of the restaurant. This wouldn’t do at all...
Melone knew what he wanted. He wanted to approach you when you left for work. He wanted to make himself known. He wanted pain. He wanted a scene. He wanted your tears and screaming and crying, craved it like a shot of liquid courage to steel his nerves for his proper first date. He didn’t feel these butterflies when he met you, only felt a sense of calm, and he needed some of that to quell the anxieties he felt. You were good for some things after all, he begrudgingly decided. And what better way for a bookended closure than to use you for a last dose of peace before he began what would most certainly be a romantic beginning to living a brand new happy life with the beautiful woman he’d courted for so long.
“Have a good evening sweetie. Do you need any help with those presents?”
He heard the telltale tentative steps of your footfall before he saw you, and he snapped his head up to see your coworker loading you up with a large cardboard box, helping you adjust to the weight of it as you both exited the shop. You were bundled up in an old puffy coat, clearly a donation, your hair pulled back into a bun and combed for once.
You shook your head, avoiding speaking directly and opting to look at the box in your hands instead of his eyes.
“Are you ok to walk home?”
Silence. A nod in the affirmative.
“You’ll let me know if you need anything?”
Affirmative silence.
There wasn’t anything else left to say. The first look Melone got up close was already disappointing and not boding well for his date. If he didn’t do something now, you would already be out of sight and long gone before he had a chance to use you one last time. Already you were backing away, not even bothering to thank your friend nor even wanting to bid him goodnight as that familiar lost look settled over your face. Melone cursed at the stupidity of your coworker, unable to follow you as long as he stood there watching you go. How hard was it to just cut the cord? He wondered, and finally cursing in an exhale of breath when your coworker returned to his place in the shop, allowing Melone to emerge from his hiding place to follow your journey home.
His date wouldn’t mind if he was a few minutes late, he reasoned. Your house couldn’t be that far, and he had flowers. It would be so nice to get your hopes up and then crash them down, it would make his pining for his true love all the more sweeter.
You walked slowly. Seeing without seeing. Hearing without hearing anything as you made the long journey home laden with your large box. There was a slight limp in your step when you walked, and Melone knew with a sickening satisfactory smile that it was courtesy of your own Junior taking the setting foot part literally. He walked a few car lengths behind you. Quiet as a mouse, even with the noise of the flowers wrapped in cellophane. But then again with how out of it you seemed Melone could have been accompanied by a goddamn marching band and you wouldn’t have noticed anything.
After a few minutes he began to get antsy. What the hell... how far away did you live from work? Were you just leading him in your typical circles, looking around for something like a helpless puppy that lost its mother? He didn’t know what you could be looking for, stupid and blind as he’d become by love he couldn’t figure out why you kept stopping, looking everywhere but behind you, then continuing onward painfully slow as though you had no regard for his commitments.
Melone needed no reminder of why he decided to leave.
Finally, when he was sure he should just nut up and turn back without his dose of courage, he saw you arrive at a slum of an apartment complex. Of course you’d be living here, you couldn’t afford house payments on what they paid you at your old job. Couldn’t afford the luxury of the house he bought for you. Not without Passione’s money. It amused him. When left to your own devices you couldn’t even provide a basic pedestrian life. You lived like a dog if left alone.
He formulated a plan. First he’d call out your name sweetly, like he used to, then when you turned around he’d hold the flowers in his hands in such a way that you’d think it was in offering. You would cry, he was sure, and just as you ran to him and reached for the flowers he’d pull them away and duck just out of reach. If he timed it right, and his foot flashed out at just the right time, he’d be able to see you fall and hear you scream out for him as he walked away and back to the restaurant. It was foolproof, and he began to open his mouth.
You turned to one of the ground floor doors, merely turned the door knob, and entered the unlocked apartment that was bathed in darkness.
There was one window in the living space, and when the light turned on it flooded the dark street. You didn’t even have curtains, just had one window facing the street and that was all. On the floor of the apartment was a dingy mattress, shoved in the corner, a thin sheet bunched up on the floor. There weren’t any decorations. No pictures on the walls. No chairs or table. Not even a plant from work. You still had the box in your arms as you stood in the middle of the bare room, looking around, as though you were unsure you’d entered the right place. Melone just watched, unreadable, as you finally set the box down and began to unload its contents.
A package of diapers. Two bottles. A soft blanket. A teddy bear. Some powdered formula. You both stared at them for a long, long time. He only saw the tiny cradle by the mattress when you unzipped your coat, because the bulge under your shirt had grazed it slightly as you bent to lay the teddy bear inside of it. You didn’t react at all. Just sat down at the edge of your mattress and looked at the things your coworker had given you. A hand, from this distance Melone could see how rough and chapped it was, rubbed the bulge of your stomach as you quietly contemplated the things before you.
“Oh...” he whispered.
It was now he realized: you hadn’t even locked the front door.
You reached for your jacket, wrapping it around your shoulders. It was too puffy for him to have seen.
Oh no.
You always worked with your back to the door. The plants covered your lower body, you weren’t tall enough for any part other than your head to stick out.
Oh no...
You didn’t move to make anything to eat. You just sat there.
“Oh no...” Melone choked.
The flowers were beautiful, petals scattered all over the street as they dropped from his hands.
What had he done... What had he done?
You’d be a liar if you said you didn’t leave the door unlocked at night for the last five months with just the slightest bit of hope.
You lived life purely with hopes riding on being rescued. Taken away from this pain. You wanted to be taken up in thin strong arms, coddled and protected, reassured with that soft voice that everything would be ok.
Days turned into nights, thence into weeks, thence into months, thence into eternity.
He never came.
Did you start losing hope? Yes. The items before you proved that. Everything was real. It wasn’t a dream. Life was going on without you, he was going on without you, everything was constantly spinning and spiraling out of control and you were left helpless in the middle of all of it, your own body betraying you and refusing to wait to let you catch up.
What did you do to deserve this?
Whatever you did... you wouldn’t do it again. Never. Never ever would you act out of line if if meant you’d be cast out like yesterday’s garbage.
The world goes on without you, and leaves you behind. You can’t hear anything. Can’t feel the gurgle of your stomach or the kicks demanding a meal. There isn’t anything tonight. You don’t have enough for meat, all that’s in the fridge is milk that went bad yesterday and the last slice of bread. Besides you can’t find the strength to get up and feed yourself. You’re not used to having no direction in which to turn.
Your stomach growls, but you’re not hungry.
You live life hearing nothing.
Seeing nothing.
Hardly able to process what’s happening around you.
The door opens and slams against the wall but you don’t hear it.
Footsteps hurry toward you, but you can’t feel their slams against the floor.
Someone drags you up by the arms off the mattress, but it doesn’t matter anymore. You stopped feeling when he broke your foot, never got it treated properly, the pain doesn’t register.
The only reaction you have is to the voice that calls out to you, begging, pleading, just like you did all those months before.
“Please...! Please! Forgive me. Amore please!”
You look up. Wide eyed. Heart aching.
“... Melone?”
It all hits you at once, the senses return, and he has to catch you to prevent you from falling headlong into it.
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hopecountysfavhoe · 4 years
‘Cold’ Chapter Seven
Word count: 1,845
TW: Nothing crazy, just bickering and flashbacks
    The feeling of being trapped somewhere so isolated just struck a nerve. Sure she'd been kidnapped before by both John and Jacob, but then she wasn't alone. Here she was alone, save for when Jacob was around, and alone she didn't have the strength (or the luck) to survive for very long. She really didn't want to stay another night in the cabin but she wasn't sure she would be able to make it now, not in the condition she was in.
     Her hands stopped shaking pretty quickly, but not quick enough for Jacob not to notice them. He of course saw how she looked when he first got back to the cabin, her face red and eyes all puffy. He saw how pale she was, and how quick she was to anger. Any person with two eyes and a brain could tell that she was not alright, but after she told him she always kept her word she didn't say a damn thing to him.
     Not that he wasn't curious about it but he assumed she wouldn't be as forthcoming with this as she was about Klaus. He spent the silent hours studying her from afar. He decided one way to pass time was taking apart and cleaning his gun, which he did in his chair again. She didn't take her eyes off the fireplace, but she wasn't looking at the fire.
     It got dark outside and the even warmth from the fire couldn't keep back the chilled tension in the cabin. It wasn't that Jacob didn't like silence, it's just that with the Deputy he learned to equate her silence with her being upset. He stole glances at her, but her spot never changed. She started biting the nail on her thumb absentmindedly.
     "You shouldn't do that, it's a bad habit." Jacob said, breaking their silent record.
     The Deputy, a little shocked that Jacob said anything at all, snapped out of whatever daze she was in and looked over at him. She didn't respond and only folded her arms over her chest. She didn't realize she'd even moved her arms, she wasn't paying attention. When she zoned out she started thinking about Klaus, she tried to think about everything he did to her and why it was making her react like this. She tried to understand, and she wanted to understand, just why he had so much hold over her mental health even after she'd run away.
     "What are you just not going to say anything until we get off this mountain?" Jacob asked her and the Deputy glanced at him, returning to looking back at the fire.
     "I thought you liked the peace and quiet." She said with an edge in her voice.
     Jacob set down the barrel of his gun, leaning forward on his knees. "Look, I'm fine with the quiet, but why don't you just tell me what happened?" He asked and the Deputy shook her head.
     "It's nothing, just forget about it." She pulled the covers up closer to her face and Jacob gave his head a shake.
      "You're so selfish." Jacob remarked, seeing if egging her on would make her talk.
     The Deputy whipped her head to look at him. "I'm selfish? It was just a damn panic attack it wasn't like I-" she realized that she'd spilled what happened and stopped talking. Jacob got what he wanted but he didn't have a grin on his face or anything that made him look victorious.
     The Deputy took a deep breath and tried to ignore Jacob again. "So, it was a panic attack?" His tone was soft but the Deputy didn't look at him.
     "I'm fine, just please go back to ignoring me."
     "I never ignored you, you ignored me." Jacob said, again trying to stir some kind of reaction but the Deputy was locked down.
     "Lucky you." The Deputy said as a final statement and went back to staring at the fire.
     A few minutes passed and the Deputy got lost in the fire again. Jacob had moved onto the clip of his gun, cleaning it thoroughly. This time the Deputy didn't try to think about Klaus, it was too painful. Instead she tried to think about her and Jacob the night before.
     The Deputy had never expected Jacob to be as gentle as he was with her. It had taken her by surprise the fact that he went so slow, always taking moments to check and see if she was alright, occasionally pausing when she needed a break. She was sure it was part of his mind games, it had to be. There was no way the real Jacob Seed was so careful.
     It shook the Deputy to her core, being treated with so much care. Klaus had never once been that kind to her, but she didn't have enough experience to know that the way he treated her was wrong. Klaus always hated her scars, he thought they were ugly even though he'd made them himself. He never once took responsibility for beating her, every time he'd blame her or get mad at her for making him so mad. It's strange, even after she told herself not to think about him, he still edged his way into her mind.
     Jacob's voice shook the Deputy out of her thoughts. "Thinking about him won't help." He said and set his clip on the table. She knew he couldn't read her mind, he was just making a guess. It was a damn good guess, but still a guess.
     She didn't want to talk, she knew that if she tried to talk to him then she'd snowball into a worse place. The last time she'd opened up about Klaus they wound up having sex and it forced her to stay here another night. This time was different, she couldn't let herself get so vulnerable again.
     She wanted to be defiant and not give Jacob the satisfaction of getting her to talk about her ex and sleeping is a way of doing that, right? She assumed yes and decided to slide down into the bed, turning her back to Jacob sitting in his chair. She didn't fall right to sleep but she hoped it was enough to trick Jacob into saying something to himself, maybe about how annoying she was. She thought it would help her to distinguish between the mystery man she'd been talking to and Jacob Seed.
     It didn't.
     He could tell that she didn't actually fall asleep for quite some time, and in that time he got his gun all put back together and hung back on the wall. He went back to his chair and tried to get some sleep, it wasn't hard, Jacob was used to getting little sleep in pretty uncomfortable places. He stayed alert, even when sleeping, just in case anything happened.
     He knew he was prone to having nightmares too, which is one reason why he rejected the idea of sleeping in a bed with the Deputy. Jacob has had nightmares so terrible that when he woke up his whole room was destroyed. And because of that he doesn't keep anything glass near his bed, he only keeps his knife under his pillow just in case. One of the first times he'd had a bad nightmare was when Joseph and John brought him back to John's apartment. Of course he'd had nightmares before that when he was homeless but those were fewer between and more docile.
     It had been three days since Joseph and John had brought Jacob off of the streets. It was strange, John lived so different from either Jacob or Joseph. His apartment was like something from a movie, it was large and spacious with walls adorned by art. It seemed like someone else's apartment, and it was. It was John Duncan's apartment, not John Seed's.
     It took him a couple days to begin to relax, even just a little bit. Joseph listened to his stories, from war and juvie, to being homeless and begging for food. Joseph told Jacob about his wife, and about his daughter. He told Jacob about what the Voice had said to him and why he tried to look for him. He'd been trying for years now, but only after finding John did he make any headway. John didn't spend a lot of time at the apartment but rather at his law firm's building. When he was at the apartment he spent most of his time on the phone, smooth talking people into selling them a space or finding someone to replace him.
     It was a world that Jacob had never known, the world of the rich and powerful. John put him in a guest bedroom that was bigger than the tent he slept in in Iraq. The first night he spent in that room he woke up on the floor to his bleeding hands gripping a broken lamp. And that was from a mild nightmare.
     What scared him was losing control. When he was brainwashing people and training them to be strong he was in control. He had the music box. He played the tapes. He watched the trials. When he slept he lost that control. The control over his words, his thoughts, his hands. It was too convenient for his nightmares to reach him, like he couldn't run away from them fast enough.
It was something he hid well, besides, in his book having a fear was a weakness and there was no room for weakness. If he let the Deputy see that side of him, the scared side, he would never be able to gain back that respect he'd created, or the fear. But after today Jacob doubted the Deputy wouldn't try to leave first thing in the morning when she woke up so he just had to sleep on that chair for one more night.
He tried to figure out what he would tell his men after he got down. If he said that he was in a cabin with the Deputy for four days they'd wonder why he didn't have her in tow. And he'd have to tell Joseph why he didn't. And John would definitely find out they had sex, he was just too good at getting secrets out of people. If he doesn't tell anybody then he wouldn't have to worry about any questions, all he had to do was convince the Deputy not to tell anybody either.
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ziracona · 4 years
What happens in Far Cry 5? I literally only know about it through your posts
Uhhh, okay so this is gonna be a little long but here goes. So, Far Cry games are always you (some PC, changes per game) vs some dictator/cult leader/mass gang leader type sitch. Apparently 4 also ends with an unhappy ending no matter what, but no other game ends remotely like 5 does, and 5 also is the only one to take place in the US or vs Americans.
So, Far Cry 5 takes place in Montana. Basically, there’s a doomstay offshoot-‘Christian’ extremist cult calling themselves Project at Eden’s Gate, following a white dude named Joseph Seed and his siblings (biological brothers Jacob and John, and adopted [kind of – more like recruited to fill a cult role] sister Faith). You play as a rookie deputy from rural Montana, going on this assignment with Deputies Pratt and Hudson, Sherriff Whitehorse, and US Marshal Burke. You begin the game headed to the cult’s center to arrest their leader, Joseph, because a guy in the cult livestreamed a little of a service secretly to try and expose them, was caught, and had his eyes ripped out by Joseph and then was killed on the stream, so you’re there to arrest him. Mostly law enforcement are afraid to go in because it’s several thousand radical insane Americans with SMGS in a cult in the middle of fuckall nowhere Montana, so yeah. Anyway. You show up and arrest Joseph, but a bunch of his followers (PEGies for project at eden’s gate) swarm the helicopter and you crash and the correspondent at the sheriff’s office is working with the cult, so all of you get grabbed initially, except the PC, who gets grabbed not by the cult but by a stranger. You wake up tied to a bedpost and confronted by the stranger who debates a second then decides to let you go and try to fight the cult instead of turning you in, and introduces himself as Dutch. He gives you a breakdown of what stuff is like here, which is, uhhhh, bad. Basically, the people here are trapped because they’ll get kidnapped trying to leave, but the cult comes for everyone eventually. John physically abuses/tortures people into accepting the whole cult “power of Yes” thing and confessing their ‘sins,’ which he then tattoos on their body, then cuts the slab of skin off their chest to staple to his wall, which is part of their initiation into the cult, as is the torture, forced baptism, and implied sexual assault by him as well. Joseph has given your coworkers to a sibling each, respectively, sans the Sheriff, who was sent to one but escaped like you did. John has Hudson, the only female deputy (unless the PC is playing as woman as well). Faith has the Marshall and was supposed to get the Sheriff, and Jacob has Pratt. You want to save your friends and Dutch wants to help, but also asks you to help the people in the community, so you do.
Basically, the cult has many ways of converting people, but also kill a fuck ton of civilians. There’s a lot of times you’ll be driving down a road and see a civilian tied up with their hands behind their back on their knees and two cultists about to execute them (usually someone who tried to flee whose car they ran off the road), and you have a very failable but potential chance to save them. A lot of these people can become your NPC companions as well and help you fight the cult if you do. I’ve gotten very good at sniping, because if a cultist sees you coming, they’ll execute any prisoners so you have no chance to save them. Definitely saved hundreds of people at this point, but it wasn’t easy. Anyway. Also you’ll see vans of prisoners being carted off (usually one or two from a house at a time), and you can shoot the driver and save them if you’re careful. But a lot of the time you show up to try to help people to find them already murdered, or hung up like a scarecrow in a field with flowers stuffed into their emptied stomach, being used for target practice. On an alter, or hung from a ceiling with deer horns tied to them. Staked through on the side of the road with a cult cross. Starved or shot to death in cages. It’s pretty grim.
Anyway, so you go around answering calls for help, doing your best to slowly track down your friends, but also help all the poor suffering people being murdered and abused by this awful cult. There are random NPCs who can be companions, plus specialists, who are more quest-designed-to-be-met characters. These include Jess, Dutch’s niece, who you find in a cage to be shipped to Jacob for psychological torture and brainwashing (I’ll get to him), a puma I loved named Peaches, a pilot named Nick who is just trying to get his family out of town and resist the cult’s attempts to steal his property or buy it out (they stole or bought land and stuff from /everyone/ and took advantage of/ransacked the whole community), but will stay to help you, and a puppy named Boomer whose family called for help that came to late and were shot to death in front of him. You find him in a cage being kicked at by cultists and save him, and watch him go cry over his dead family, then take in as your own.  
Stuff goes better, though, and you make progress. There’s a lot of strongholds you can help protect, like a little town where the resident preacher and the bar owner lady are trying to keep the whole place from being overrun by the cult, and a jail up east where the sheriff and a bunch of survivors/rebels are holed up trying to survive Faith. Basically the area is broken up into three districts, and whichever you complete missions in, you get closer to a fight with that Seed sibling (also you get kidnapped and have to listen to them monologue so much. Kill me).
So John will kidnap you and force baptize you, tie you to a chair and tell you how he’s going to torture (and implied assault) you until you scream out your sins, then you escape but he does all that to Hudson, who you can’t save for another chunk of time, and he punishes brutally and is super fucked up by the time you finally rescue her. She tells you that Joseph (the leader—thinks he is God’s chosen prophet and calls himself “the Father”) would come and watch her and the others be tortured and they’d beg for mercy and he’d just stand there and watch. She’s super messed up but alive, and you’re able to get her out and kill John, but not before he kidnaps you and the preacher, bar lady, and Nick the family man, then forces Nick to confess his sins (under threat of awful shit happening to his wife and infant daughter if he does not), and then be held down and have his chest flesh cut off by John and stapled to a wall. You get forcibly tattooed with a sin but escape before suffering the same bc the preacher keeps a gun in his bible. Anyway. Digressing. You eventually kill John and rescue Hudson.
Over in Jacob’s territory, people are inducted into the cult by being kidnapped, psychologically and physically tortured, and straight up mind-controlled to go into fits of rage at a specific song being played. They are pitted against each other in some eugenicist “only the strong survive, sacrifice the weak” bullshit. There’s a militia called the Whitetails there, fighting back. Before you meet them, though, you’re kidnapped by Jacob and strapped to a chair, then subjected to psychological torture to try to condition you to kill the weak. You wake up days later, barely alive, left for dead having seemed to resist/fail his trials, still strapped to a chair. Among a ton of other dead bodies. Some of the Whitetails show up, looking for survivors, expecting none, and find you. Though everyone else protests it is too big a risk and you might be brainwashed, one guy, Eli, orders the others to take you anyway and says he won’t leave you to die. You pass out and wake up again on a couch in a bunker, and a lady screams about you being a risk and needing to go, but Eli defends you again, then gives you something to drink and takes care of you/nurses you back to health and defends you from the more paranoid members. When you’re up again, he introduces you to the militia fighting Jacob’s people, and asks for your help rescuing some people in the same situation you were in. You then start to work with the Whitetails.
Periodically, your PC gets kidnapped by Jacob again and tortured each time/brainwashed. You escape with help from the militia and from Pratt, later, who was kidnapped and broken by Jacob, but isn’t gone, just terrified and fucked up. Deputy Pratt risks his life to rescue you when you’re in trouble and you try to escape together, but the brainwash song plays and he shoves you onto a convoy so you can escape, but doesn’t make it himself before snapping into a rage, and is recaptured, brutally punished and tortured by Jacob, and then left tied to a chair to starve to death in a cell for what he did. The player is captured again, and railroaded into, in one of the brainwashed fits of rage, killing Eli himself. : (  They then snap out of it, and infuriated and anguished, go to kill Jacob and save Pratt. Pratt is still alive, but super psychologically scarred. You kill Jacob.
I should note here that you can do the sibs in any order—for example, I did Faith’s first—but I am listing them in their kind of ‘suggested’ order. John, Jacob, Faith.
So, Faith. The way she gets people is drugs. She uses a compound she calls “Bliss” to drug people out of their minds. After you are drugged up enough, you suffer irreparable brain damage and cannot be cured. She does this to hundreds of people so that the cult can have “happy little slaves” to do all the hard work and meat-shield shit they need without ever fighting back or questioning it. You are kidnapped by her as well, multiple times. Or something??? With Faith you always hallucinate, so it’s really unclear and kinda bullshit. Anyway. You help the Sheriff and everyone holed up in the jail fight off a wave of cultists, keep doing your rescue poor civilians from awful deaths or lives as drugged up vegetable slaves. Faith keeps trying to win you over and get you to do her awful pilgrimage where people climb up a giant statue of Joseph and trust-fall jump off his bible to their deaths. This whole game and cult is really horrific. Eventually, you find the Marshal and save him, but he is really far gone. He’s hospitalized in the jail for a while after. Faith gets pissed at you after that and quits trying to win you over. Just drugs you and shows you how she’s mind controlling the Marshal, who is still under too much of her brain damage and control, into murdering one of his friends, then opening the gates to the jail so her people can get in, and then shooting himself in the head. The Marshal always does so and dies, as does one of his/your friends. And a ton of people at the jail. You run to try to save the Sheriff after helping the survivors at the jail, and fight Faith, who whines about how none of this is her fault the whole time after making the Marshal murder your friend and himself with her own hands while giggling at you about how it’s all your fault five minutes ago, and tries to get you not to kill her. You do, though, and she monologues about Joseph being the real deal, then dies. You find the sheriff almost drugged to the point of no return in a cell, going to hang himself to death while singing Amazing Grace while you can’t do shit to get into the room to stop him, but awake and himself enough inside to plead with you to shut off the gas pumps for the drugs before he hangs himself, before going back to smiling and singing and pulling up a chair under a noose. You run to shut off the gas, save him, blow up the bunker, and get out.
Joseph then kidnapps all your ally characters and drugs them with Bliss into being on his side and rants at you about how all their torture and death is your fault and you are awful for murdering his siblings, then offers to let people go if you walk away. You can do so, in which case your allies get in a car with you, only for the son that triggers rage and homicide in Pratt and the PC to play, implying before the cut to black that the deputy (and Pratt maybe) kill all your friends/each other.
If you resist Joseph, he shrieks at you about not all problems being solved by a bullet, and you have a boss fight where you save your friends/snap them out of it, then defeat Joseph.
Once he’s in cuffs, a nuclear bomb goes off because apparently in this world North Korea bombs the US just then or some shit, and you try to make it to Dutch’s bunker in time. You’re in a car crash and all the other deputies and the sheriff are instantly killed. You are unconscious and dragged away by Joseph. You wake in the bunker tied to a bed with Dutch’s body on the floor, and Joseph tells you he was a prophet and was right about the collapse and you’re his family now because his old one is dead and the game ends.
 That’s it.
And in the DLC for it, that makes not only that the canon end, but that the Deputy joins Joseph and is converted to a cult follower by him, and Joseph is now an ally character leading the remnants of his cult.
 Needless to say, I am pissed. This is the /only/ Far Cry game where the villain wins regardless, as well as the only one where they suddenly decide to …??? stan??? the torturing abusive brainwashing serial killer? And of course it’s the one in America where the enemy is a hyper-religious Christian-offshoot cultist brainwashing vile serial torture murdering messiah-complex gaslighting abusive white man who thinks he’s God. I am beyond disgusted by that choice in this game and glad I found out before finishing it; wish I had never played any at all. I cannot adequately describe to you how horrific the cult shit is, and how like, gaslit by the company I feel for having played this game and being thrown that. I think this is legitimately the most upset I’ve ever been about a video game’s writing choice. What the actual fuck. Like, I cannot describe to you enough how fucked up this is you’d have to see the shit they do that’s getting pushed in a face-heel turn by the company as somehow justified and sympathetic like. As someone who has firsthand both experienced and seen trauma from an over-religious area of the US, and just a tiny % over-religious-lead-terrible-actions? I cannot emphasize enough how disgusted and enraged I am.
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astrablossom · 4 years
Dark Desires (NSFW)
Pairing: Oikawa x Fem!Tanaka
Word Count: 7.5k
Summary: "Fine, you're right." She raises a brow and humors him. "It is unfair of me to accuse you without any real experience, even if I still think you're a shitty person. One date and don't try any funny business or I'll beat your ass." A agreement Tanaka soon regrets.
A collab fic worked on by @rocorambles and myself. This is also available on A03
Tanaka's appearance is based off this fanart
Warning: The following fic contains material such as non-con, rape, abuse, yandere, manipulation etc. This is not to encouraged these acts in real life. This is only a work of fiction.
Oikawa locked up the gym doors with an exhausted sigh. It had been a tough practice and he was looking forward to going home and collapsing on his bed. At the thought of rest, he happily hums when all of a sudden something collides with his head and he crashes face-first into the ground. The impact was hard and left him crouching on the floor, gingerly holding his nose. He scowls and whips his head around, ready to give whoever snuck upon him a piece of his mind, but stops and smirks at the sight of Tanaka Ryonosuke glaring down at him, hands on her hips.
She stood above him and Oikawa whistled in appreciation. "White panties are my favorite, Tanaka-chan. How did you know?" It takes a second for his words to register, but then Tanaka is jumping back, hands clutching the hem of her short skirt down, while she furiously screams at him. But Oikawa isn't listening, as his sharp eyes take in her flustered state. Cute, he thinks to himself. And so easy to get a reaction out of...I wonder what other reactions I can get out of her. And for the first time in a long time, volleyball isn't the only priority on his mind as a dark seed plant itself in his mind.
She sneers at the male beneath her with the most malice she could muster. Her eyes trail down to where the captain lays on the floor, cradling his nose from the mild pain. Tanaka was about to go off, yelling at him for being a disgusting pervert, but for once held her tongue back and settled for getting straight to the point.
"Listen here you nasty boy toy!" she yells out, pointing her index finger accusingly at Oikawa. "If I hear about you trying to go after one of my friends again we're gonna have a little situation, ya hear?!" She punches her fist into her open hand to emphasize her intentions. Everyone knew Oikawa was smooth with the girls, always finding ways to lead one into his bed. They always ended up swooning over him and following him around the school. Even Tanaka wasn't that dense and she'd care less if it wasn't for the fact that she saw the ass trying to hit on one of her classmates earlier. Just the thought of one of them sleeping with Oikawa just to end up being brainwashed was enough to make her skin crawl.
"Ooo is Tanaka-chan jealous?" was the response she received and she gapes at him bug-eyed at the question, a vein visibly popping up on her forehead. Nothing was stopping her from beating this clown up. Her fist tightens a bit at the thought, Oikawa could certainly use the lesson.
Just as she’s about to square up her shoulders and go through with her thoughts, the captain gets to his feet and at his full height, he towers over her, his broad frame casting a slight shadow over her smaller figure. Tanaka prides herself on her height and athletic build, but she feels minuscule compared to Oikawa. He starts to try to smooth talk Tanaka who was less than impressed.
"Listen, I didn’t make any of those girls do anything they didn’t want to. I’m pretty sure they very much enjoyed the quality time we spent together if you know what I mean.” Oikawa has the nerve to shoot a wink her way with those words and she opens her mouth to retort when a gentle touch on her lips has her freezing. Oikawa’s pointer finger is pressed against her lips and now he’s leaning down so that his mouth brushes against her earlobe. “Why don’t you give me a chance? Go on one date with me. I promise you’ll see that I’m not all that bad. Don’t you think it’s unfair to judge me without any firsthand experience?”
Her face blooms into a shade of red that would give Nekoma's team uniform a run for their money. Just feeling his breath against her ear was enough for her to take a step back. Tanaka stares at him, sharp eyes scrutinizing him until they widen at what he just said. Oikawa watches as a flurry of emotions run through the second year’s face and he can’t help but smirk when he notices her avoiding eye contact. "And what makes ya' think I'll say yes?" Oikawa observes how her shoulders are hunched up and it's simple to say that Tanaka was like an animal. You needed to approach her calmly to show her you mean no harm. And to show who the boss was around here.
He bends his neck down a bit till he's eye to eye with her and he smirks at the red flush gracing her cheeks, confusion swimming in her sharp gaze. "You're always talking about equality, equal rights, fairness...Don't you think judging me without any evidence is against all that?" Tanaka instinctively latches onto Oikawa's shoulders in an attempt to keep some space between the two of them, but his words made her think which causes what was supposed to be a harsher push to be merely a gentle hold on him. Oikawa didn't complain and opted for basking in the feel of her hands through his uniform. "Fine, you're right." She raises a brow and humors him. "It is unfair of me to accuse you without any real experience, even if I still think you're a shitty person. One date and don't try any funny business or I'll beat your ass."
A wide smile finds its way onto Oikawa’s milky porcelain skin. He places his own hands-on Tanaka, who quickly pulls away. He doesn't mind...in all due time. Tanaka watches a bit appalled as Oikawa bends down to reach for his fallen backpack. Accidentally her eyes trail along the outline of his shoulder blade poking through his uniform. The uniform fitted him rather well...She shakes her head at the thought and tries to clear her mind. She was only doing this because she had to.
"Tanaka-chan!" Said person's annoying voice disrupts her thought. Oikawa wiggles his smartphone in front of her face. "Lend me your number! I have just the perfect place we can go to." The way he’s smiling and bubbling up about a potential date that could run amok makes her stutter a bit before she reaches for her phone, albeit with slightly sweaty hands.
Grabbing a hold of her device, she offers it thinking Oikawa would just grab it from her, but a firm grasp wraps around her entire hand and he is sidling up right next to her, a burning heat on her side as his other hand wraps around her shoulders to input his number. Tanaka freezes at essentially being embraced by Oikawa and she's too aware of the weight of his arm around her and the slight smell of sweat she inhales as Oikawa's chin rests on her head and presses the back of her head against his throat. She could feel his Adam's apple poking through her scalp. As soon as he typed the last digit of his phone number, she grabs his phone and practically leaps a safe distance away from the overly touchy boy before she hastily types her number in his phone, chucking the device at him from her safe spot. "I-I'm free this weekend. Text me what you want to do." And with that she is scrambling away, her chest filled with mixed emotions. Too bad she misses the practically feral predatory look fixed on her as she makes her escape.
The expression on his face darkens as he watches Tanaka's departing silhouette. "Tanaka-chan~♡" he hums in a sing-song tone. Just the thought about how the date will go makes him hug himself, shivering slightly. "Ah...I can't help myself." Tanaka was just too cute for him. To think that there was a girl resistant to his charm only made him more tempted to lure her into his trap. Yes, he thinks to himself. It'll be fun breaking down Tanaka's facade. As Tanaka left the gym with her mind muddled with thoughts on how to deal with Oikawa she kept thinking back to how his body felt overly warm against her own, how he didn't hesitate to wrap himself around her. Slowing her steps down, she touches her lip in the same place he did and she suddenly shouts out loud, scaring someone passing by. Two could play at the game. "I'll make sure to knock his ass off at how amazing this stupid date will go!"
Texts were exchanged and the weekend quickly arrived. Oikawa patiently waits in front of the dessert shop they'd agreed to meet at and plays on his phone until he feels a presence stop in front of him. Looking up he freezes at the sight before him. Tanaka's wearing a white tank top that isn't form-fitting, but it's snug enough that Oikawa gets a good look at the figure she usually covers under the school blazer. His eyes continue trailing down to the short denim shorts she's wearing and he subconsciously licks his lips at the sight of tanned, muscular legs completely on view. "Oi, eyes up here, asshole!" Tanaka is furiously blushing as she shoves Oikawa into the shop. "I thought you were supposed to be proving me wrong about you. Ya sure ain't doing a good job of it. Don't leer at girls, ya perv!" Oikawa chuckles as he shrugs his shoulders. "I can't help it, Tanaka-chan. You're just so beautiful and I never see you in anything other than our school uniform." Tanaka continues to rant and shove him forward, but her heart flutters at his praise.
"Y-Yeah?" she stutters slightly, running a hand through her hair and goes to look him up and down. He wore a simple short sleeve black shirt with the collar unbuttoned a bit with fitting jeans that showed off his athletic physique. His hair, like usual, was styled to curve at the side, framing his face. When he starts walking ahead of her, Tanaka rolls her eyes and replies curtly. "At least you don't look like a fashion disaster." It was a backhanded compliment but it was what she could muster at the moment.
"Was that a compliment. Tanaka-chan?" "Absolutely not!" She yells loudly and opts for smacking him upside his head. Oikawa merely laughs at her reaction before guiding her to the booth that he'd booked. "Ladies first," Oikawa almost purrs and Tanaka mumbles a “whatever” before plopping down on the cushion seat, sliding down to the end. She bristled a bit when Oikawa slid in right beside her, their arms touching. Oikawa held up two menus in his hand with a small smile. "Who said you could sit next to me? Ya trying to get handsy under the table?"
Oikawa gasps dramatically. "How could you think so poorly of me, Tanaka-chan? I figured this was the easiest way to share our dessert. The portions here are too big for each of us to get our own, so I figured we could just sit next to each other and share one." Oikawa had a point...Tanaka's been here before and their ice cream floats are heavenly, but also overwhelmingly large. Plus it saved on money. "Fine! But I have my eyes on ya," she hisses at him as her hands rise in a karate chop form. Oikawa laughs and ruffles her long locks. "Have some faith in me." Tanaka flinches at the touch and moves to squeeze even further into the booth, but Oikawa just takes that as a cue to sprawl out and his thigh is now pressed up against her, his arm is spread out and resting on the booth behind her back, and she feels trapped.
Two could play at that game. Never one to back down from a challenge Tanaka retaliates. A bit aggressively, she spreads her legs as well, putting one on top of his own. Her lips pulled up into a smile of mockery when Oikawa cheeks puff up, a tinge of pink dusting them. Finally, she was gaining the upper hand of the situation, and after a few minutes passed she decided to strike up a conversation to see what the himbo was into besides volleyball.
"So what do you do besides play volleyball and sexually harass girls?" Oikawa shifts his gaze from the warm leg curled around his inner thigh.
"You might find it a bit silly, but Iwa-chan and I go out looking for UFOs and aliens a lot. Well, I'm looking for aliens and he's looking for Godzilla." There's a pause before Tanaka is letting out an ugly brash laugh. Embarrassed and irritated, Oikawa fully turns to her, his free hand gripping her bare thigh harshly as he leans forward until they're nose to nose. "It's not funny," he seethes at her. All amusement has flushed out of Tanaka and she lets out a whimper. Oikawa's grip is so tight and she's never been touched so high up her thigh before...so close to an area she doesn't want to think about.
Her thigh bucks a little in his tight hold and she freezes up, unable to think up an excuse for this predicament. "You're too close" she half whispers, pushing her back up against the wall. It did little to space herself from Oikawa who was leering over her with his eyes. "Oh? Is Tanaka-chan a bit nervous?" He squeezes his hand on her thigh, fingernails scraping against the fabric of her shorts and he moves closer till their noses touch. He could hear Tanaka breathing heavily and his eyes trail down to the pink lip gloss she decided to wear. Oikawa licks his hungrily before completing pulling off of her, the tension immediately leaving his face. "Kidding!"
Tanaka awkwardly laughs. Trying to get the ambiance back to where it was, she asks about the aliens and they proceed to exchange stories about aliens, her older sister, and her abysmal test grades. Just as they agree that it might be a good idea for Oikawa to tutor her in some of the subjects she's struggling with, their ice cream float arrives. Oikawa digs in first, scooping a generous spoonful of vanilla ice cream and whipped cream on his spoon, but instead of eating it himself, he lifts it to Tanaka's mouth. "Open wide, Tanaka-chan!" Tanaka fights the instinctive urge to push his hand away from her and obediently opens her mouth as wide as it can go, eating the offered food. She is on a date and she did promise to show Oikawa that she could be as good on a date as any other girl.
Arousal stirs in Oikawa as he stares at her licking around her mouth, trying to clean up the spots of whipped cream that accidentally smudged her face and before he can even comprehend what he's doing, his thumb is wiping off the mess on her face and bringing the dirtied digit to his mouth. He sucks on it while staring into Tanaka's eyes. There's an unfamiliar coil in Tanaka's stomach as she watches Oikawa and she feels pinned to the spot by his gaze. Finger sufficiently licked clean, Oikawa smirks at Tanaka. "Tanaka-chan, you're so messy!" Tanaka splutters as she grabs her spoon and shoves it into the float. "You don't need to feed me. I can eat on my own!"
Oikawa watches the flustered girl shove the spoon into her mouth, eyes are drawn to the little bump in her throat as she swallows the sweet treat. He couldn't help but laugh at her determination to prove herself to him, she was just far too adorable in her own right. Just as he was about to take a scoop of his own, Tanaka pokes his cheek for his attention. "Oi! Open your mouth." She wiggled the spoon full of ice cream in the air, waiting for him to eat it. When Oikawa gives her the same piercing look from earlier she returns it with a toothy grin, watching as he opens his mouth to lick the ice cream off the spoon. Tanaka watched as Oikawa's pink lips pulled off the spoon, his Adam's apple shuffling a bit as he swallowed.
"Ah!" He presses his hand to his cheek dramatically and Tanaka snorts at his antics. "Tanaka-chan feeding me this makes it sweeter!" Bemusement fills Oikawa's body as Tanaka shoves him a bit, laughing a bit too loudly at his corny joke. The girl couldn't help but feel her chest warm-up at the genuine laugh Oikawa gave her. It was nothing like during their matches. Shaking her head, she was unaware of the smile she wore. "Shut up and finish the food you himbo." And much to the second year's surprise, the date went well.
They go on a few more dates, which also all go smoothly, but soon enough finals are around the corner, and Tanaka desperately needed to buckle down and study. Her coach had told her she might not be able to play volleyball anymore if she didn't pass the upcoming exams. The thought of not being able to do what she loved most had her frantically searching for any solution and she soon finds herself alone in her room with Oikawa as they hover over the multitude of textbooks and notes scattered all over her bedroom floor.
Oikawa and Tanaka are seated right next to each other as Tanaka intensely studies the papers in front of her and Oikawa leans over her, hovering right above her. But his attention is hardly on the text lying in front of them. Instead, he's focused on how small Tanaka seems underneath his hovering figure, the emptiness of her house (her parents and sister are conveniently away for the week on some business trip or other obligations), and how naive and trusting she is of the predator she's let into her room.
It was slightly embarrassing when she had asked Oikawa to help her study, he gave her shit for asking and she had to smack him upside the head again before he childishly accepted her request. Now she sat on the floor of her room in a loose white tank top and some basketball shorts, unaware of how Oikawa's eyes leered at the dip between her chest. The sound of the pencil scribbling in her notebook was the only noise in the silent room. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she fills in the blank equation.
"That's wrong Ryu-chan~" he plucks her pencil from her hands before erasing the equation and explaining where she went wrong with the calculation. The male felt his chest stutter when she punched her hand in realization. "Got it, thanks!" She plucks the pencil from his fingers, the male silently enjoying when their fingers meet. As she tries the formula again she pushes her hair back. "Oi. Can you get scrunchie from the drawer over there? Hair is driving me nuts," she asked, her eyes never drifting away from the notebook. It seems like she started trusting Oikawa a bit more after seeing how kind he was when they were alone.
Oikawa retrieves the scrunchie and settles behind Tanaka. "Let me tie your hair for you, Tanaka-chan. Focus on studying." Tanaka's focus is still on the notes in front of her and she just vaguely nods in agreement. Oikawa tangles his hand in her dyed locks, pulling and brushing the strands together. He uses more force than necessary as he grabs her hair from the roots, pulling Tanaka's head back with his motion and he feels his cock twitch at the guttural moan she releases at the harsh action. "Sorry, sorry! I'm not used to this," he quickly chirps out as he continues tying Tanaka's long locks into a ponytail. She just grunts in acknowledgment as she continues to study. Oikawa smirks at his work and he clenches his jaw at the thought of how easily he could control her movement with just a harsh tug on the long ponytail swaying back and forth with every nod and shake of Tanaka's head.
Silence falls over the two of them and unconsciously Tanaka begins to lean into Oikawa touch, his fingers grazing her scalp soothingly. She didn't realize that she was practically sitting in his lap. Watching silently, he coils her dyed locks around his fingers, pressing himself against her to smell the conditioner she used earlier. The older of the two couldn't help but wonder if Tanaka knew what she was doing to him or if she was that dumb to let him get so close. But it didn't matter.
"Mm...how's this?" When she twists her body to look up at her tutor, Oikawa could see right down her shirt, see how her chest is pushed together by the bra she wears, her face pretty close to him. Her eyes trail down to where he was staring and she started to raise her voice out of annoyance. "H-Hey." Upon realization of how close they were, she started to pull herself away until the grip on her hair tightened. "Oikawa let go of my-" she grunts when he tugs her down into his lap, her eyes widening when she feels something long and warm pressing against her backside.
Oikawa hisses at the feeling of Tanaka unconsciously rubbing against his dick. He shifts her in his arms until she's fully grinding against the throbbing erection straining against his pants. His hands have snuck beneath the loose white tank top she's wearing and they are rolling, flicking, twisting, and pulling the sensitive nubs. Tanaka can't help but throw her head back against Oikawa's shoulder as she lewdly moans at the sensations she's feeling for the first time in her life. "St-stop, p- please- NGH-" She's never been with a man before and the foreign feeling she's experiencing in her core and sensitive nubs has her at Oikawa's mercy. Tears begin to brim in her eyes, but she can't deny the pleasure she feels as she bounces on the hardening shape of Oikawa's groin.
Oikawa purrs at how Tanaka's hips move against his erection. It’s amazing how warm she is against him, if he didn't know any better it felt as if they were already naked. "Oh..." he almost sounds sad when Tanaka starts to beg him to stop his ministrations. He lowers his head a bit to run his pink tongue against the edge of her ear, noting how she freezes up. She is so sensitive, thinks Oikawa.
"But Ryu-chan you're sending mixed signals. Are you sure you want me to stop?" He rolls his thumb around her hardened nipples, pinching as hard as he could. The groan Tanaka gives him almost makes him lose himself but he keeps it together. He waited far too long for this. "Just look at you Ryu-," he pauses to place a hand on the back of her shirt, pushing her back out till she arches. "Even when I do push you away you're still grinding against me. Do you know what that means? Hmm?"
Tanaka is unable to respond coherently with her mouth wide open, drool trickling out the side as her hips continue desperately shaking for more contact. "It means you want this...you love this, you pretty little slut. My pretty little slut. No one's ever made you feel like this before. Who's the only one who can make you feel like this?" Tanaka doesn't answer, too overwhelmed by the new feelings of lust and arousal rising inside her. Oikawa roughly pulls her head back with a harsh tug on her swinging ponytail. "Answer me," he snarls. "Y-you! Only you can make me feel like this," Tanaka practically wails. Oikawa smiles and with the hand not twisted in Tanaka's hair, he begins to push down her basketball shorts and panties along with his pants and boxers, his cock springing out. He slips himself between Tanaka, allowing her dripping pussy to soak his hard length with her juices.
Each touch and grasp from Oikawa feels like electricity running through her body. Never had she felt like this. The confusion was the first thing that came to her when she answered Oikawa. Did she truly want this? She lets out another wanton moan when he pressed his index finger just above her clit. Although her mind was beginning to muddle from hypersensitivity, she manages to place a hand on Oikawa's cock, squeezing to the point that it becomes painful. She smirks a bit when she hears him grunt in pain. "G-Get off!" She hisses lowly. She should've never trusted the bastard. The grip on her hair tightens and she holds back a groan, eager to get some footing and probably beat the shit out of him.
Oikawa is enraged at Tanaka's retaliation. "You fucking bitch!" He wraps both his hands around her throat, choking her with an increasingly tightening grip until Tanaka's hands release their hold on him and claw at the vice around her neck. Oikawa throws her down to the ground, one hand still firmly gripping her throat while the other hand works to completely remove all their clothing waist down. Tanaka continues her attack on Oikawa's hand, lashing out and leaving behind trails of scratch marks as she fights to breathe. Her legs attempt to kick him off of her, but Oikawa digs his knees into her sensitive inner thighs, effectively pinning her down painfully.
She screams out in rage, coughing due to her currently limited air supply. Oikawa hovering over her with such tenacity in his eyes is enough to make her keep jerking around in his hold. With a free hand, she claws at his cheek, eyes narrowed into slits. "T-The only bitch here is you!" She manages to growl out, her lips pursing together before she spits in his left eye. The sudden attack makes Oikawa loosen his grip around her neck and Tanaka's hand desperately scrambles against the floor for anything to use as leverage. She pauses when her fingertips come in contact with the math textbook from earlier and quickly she grips it, slamming it across Oikawa's head. The sound of the book colliding with Oikawa's head, him yelling out her name- the way he now lays on the floor with a venomous glare directed at her makes her stomach churn with disgust and something else she didn't want to admit. With no time to waste she scoots herself away from the teen, her bedroom door just inches away. "F-Fuck!" she cussed out.
She doesn't care that she's currently half-naked. She doesn't care that she probably looks like a mess. All she cares about is escaping. All she cares about is making it out of the house where she can scream for help. She lunges for her bedroom door and her fingers graze the knob when a strong force slams her into the ground. Dazed from the impact, but still fueled by instincts, she blindly flails around in an attempt to dislodge the heavier figure on top of her. Oikawa grabs her by the base of her ponytail and slams her face into the ground and Tanaka moans in pain, but he doesn't let up his actions and continues to repeatedly slam her face into the hard ground until her nose is a bleeding mess and she is sobbing, all fight gone from her as she tries to curl in on herself and begs him to stop. She just wants the pain to stop. She just wants everything to stop.
He breathes heavily as he pushes her head once more into the cold, desolate floor for the proper measure. Just this action alone was enough for Tanaka to realize that something terrible would happen to her. And it's all her fault. As she curled up, cries dripping incredulously off her now bruised lips she feels a large warm hand encompass her face. Her body is aching, her head mostly, but Oikawa twists her upper part till she is looking him directly in the eye. The scratch from earlier is now welting on his cheek, the same for the ones littered on his arms. Oikawa stares down at her with eyes once filled with warmth, now voided with lust and anger.
"Ryu-chan...I can call you that right? It doesn't matter. Look what you made me do to your pretty face." His voice no longer held a playful tone, instead replaced with a flat and stoic tone. He trails a milky white finger down her bruising cheek, her eyes following him, before moving it to where blood dripped from her. He visibly shudders as he admires how her blood looked on his fingers. Absolutely dazzling. "Ryu-chan. Ryu-chan. Hey, look at me." When her eyes, now wet with tears, connect with his, he smiles. "Do you think you can behave for me?"
Tanaka rapidly nods her head and Oikawa leans down to gently kiss her on the lips despite the blood still flowing down her face into their connected mouths. "Good girl, Ryu-chan. I can make you feel so good. You don't want to feel pain anymore, right?" He continues cooing gentle words into her ear as he guides her body until she's laying on her back underneath him. Tears still stream from Tanaka's eyes as she lets Oikawa position her as he pleases. Anything to keep him from hurting her anymore. Oikawa continues to softly kiss her as his fingers begin trailing all over her body leaving tingling sensations in their wake. And oh...this does feel nice and Tanaka closes her eyes as she enjoys the soothing sensations. Unseen by her, Oikawa smirks as he feels the tension exit her body and he almost moans in excitement when she hesitantly reciprocates the kiss. "That's right, Ryu-chan. Look at how good I can make you feel when you behave. I don't like hurting you, so just listen to me ok."
She looks up at him slightly dazed and frowns a bit at his words before carefully nodding. Her head was still hurting from the abuse inflicted by Oikawa and it was evident that if nothing went his way she would feel the physical aftermath of it. She watches as Oikawa runs his hands against her waist, thumbs jutting out to rub circles just under her stomach. A soft moan makes Oikawa continue his ministrations, fingers gliding across her body with skill. He is the grandmaster and she is the piano to be tuned to his liking. When he lifts her thighs apart, minding the blue welts he is happy to see that her pussy is indeed glistening with arousal. "Oh...just look at you." He shakes his head in disbelief. He looks at her with pity which makes her slightly annoyed and tempted to say something back. He coos. "You're a virgin. Aren't you?"
Tanaka flushes. "Y-yeah. So what?!" Oikawa smiles and lightly kisses a trail down her inner thigh until his face is directly in front of the dripping hole and teasingly blows. "H-HEY! Stop that! That's nasty. Get your face away from there." Tanaka reaches down to shove Oikawa away, but a bruising grip on her wrist makes her wince. "What did I just say about behaving?" Oikawa's voice is all venom and it makes Tanaka's bruises and wounds throb. She chokes back a sob as she lays back down, fingers clenched so tightly in a fist that the nails dig into her skin. Oikawa presses one last kiss to her inner thigh in approval at her obedience before ravenously devouring her soaked cunt.
She wasn't ready for how the flat of his tongue would feel against her folds, the nubs of his tastebuds creating amazing friction and she nearly keens. A broken high pitch moan is pushed out of her as she feels Oikawa's tongue getting busy. It was amazing how the warmth of his tongue was enough to make any tension in her body just disappear. Tanaka found herself torn between wanting to push Oikawa off or letting him continue. She raises a hand to do the former but drops it when the volleyball player sucks on her clitoris, her thighs squeezing his head on both sides. "F-Fuck...stop it, man..." She is so lost and confused in the sea of lust and pain. Oikawa merely watches Tanaka's expression, enjoying how she struggles to fight off the inevitable. She starts to squirm when he begins talking against her folds. "You taste good Ryu-chan~ This must be fate. It has to be."
"Ah...fuck off ya little shit…," she all but groans out, her free hand covering her now flushed and humiliated face.
Something is growing in the pit of her stomach and Tanka pales. Shit, she's about to cum. No, no, no she doesn't want to cum...not in front of Oikawa and not because of Oikawa. "Oi, st-stop it...It's too much..." She moves to push him away again, but Oikawa just grabs both her wrists in his hands as he continues his ministrations. He can feel her body tensing more and more and he can feel her pussy twitching...just a little more...he sucks harshly on her clit and that's all it takes for Tanaka 's spine to arch, her mouth to fling wide open in a silent scream, and her eyes to roll back as she orgasms.
But Oikawa doesn't relent and he continues to lick and suck, making lewd slurping noises as Tanaka writhes and screams in overstimulation. "Th-AH-that's enough. Pl-please -OH- no more! Please, please, please...." Tanaka's words start making less and less sense as Oikawa continues his assault. Only when Tanaka is in tears does Oikawa give one last suck to her throbbing clit and move away as he positions himself so that his cock aligns with her soaked hole.
Her legs are slack from her first orgasm and more so from the overstimulation. All her senses are on high alert as she gasps for air. Although she was already crying beforehand it was nothing compared to how she is sobbing now. Tears stream down her now extremely red face as she weakly tries to push Oikawa away from her leg. His erection looks far too intimidating and the worst part is that it’s going to go into her. "O-Oikawa...wait!" She weakly pushes herself against the back of the door to sit upright before giving him a small smile. "Can you...can you..." she looks away before gently caressing his hand. Tanaka exhales “It's my first time." She prayed this would work. "I have some condoms and lube in my top drawer." Oikawa studies her face carefully with an unreadable expression and watches as she struggles to crawl close to him. The stutter in her words is evident, but she refuses to go down without a fight. This is her last chance. "Can ya get them for me? If we're gonna do this, we'll do it right." The drawer is only a few feet away from Oikawa.
Oikawa smiles and gently brings her in for another kiss. "Of course, Ryu-chan. I'll make sure your first time is perfect." He gets up and the instant his back is to her, she once again lunges for the bedroom door and this time successfully escapes. Oikawa's angry screams have her trembling legs moving even faster as she rushes to the outside door. She's so close, but fear ignites within her as she hears his heavier footsteps drawing closer and closer to her. Her hand is just about to unlock the front door when strong arms wrap themselves around her waist and spin her around. Any gentleness Oikawa had shown earlier is gone and all that remained was the fury in his eyes.
He brings his hand up and strikes her across the face so hard that she finds herself on the floor cradling her bruised cheek, but Oikawa's not done with his punishment. He cruelly kicks her in the gut and she gasps as she curls in on herself clutching the abused part. She's still coming to grips with all the pain when she feels a weight on her head. Oikawa is pressing her face into the ground with his foot and Tanaka sobs in humiliation. "You're being such a bad girl, Ryu-chan. Brats don't deserve nice things. You lost any chance of this being pleasant for you. But if you learn to behave, maybe next time will be better for you." Tanaka freezes at his words. "Next time? There's not going to be a next time, you sick fuck!" Oikawa presses his foot even harder into her face which silences her. "You still don't get it, Ryu-chan? Of course, there's going to be a next time. And there'll be the next time after that and on and on. This isn't just a one-time thing. This is your life now."
No. No. He couldn't be serious right? This had to be all a dream. It had to. She wanted it to be a dream so badly, but the foot is pressed into her face is indeed the reality of her situation. She grits her teeth in pain when he applies more pressure to her now bruised face and curls up more, cradling her aching stomach. She feels so powerless in this position, nothing she does will stop Oikawa and now it is dawning on her that his words were final. Oikawa pauses when he feels the edge of Tanaka's lips move.
"Speak up, Ryu-chan." She whispers just audibly enough for him to hear. "You're gonna rape me...you lied." Her eyes trail up to the now disheveled Oikawa. Just like her he only had a top on, but disgustingly enough his erection is awake. He is getting off to this, she figured. "You're a liar. I thought you would prove me wrong." She exhales deeply before pushing his foot off her face. The ponytail he made came undone and Tanaka’s hair fell into her face, casting a looming shadow. Oikawa's eyes widen at the sudden display of intimidation. Even after being beaten up Tanaka still had the strength to talk back, to even glare at him. He watches stiffly as Tanaka weakly claws at his leg, nails sinking deep into his calves that would later leave red crescent marks. She is so beautiful.
"Ryunosuke..." He breathes her name and he bends down to make eye contact with her, eyes staring deep into ones that reflect hatred. "This is why I like you." He places a hand in her hair, patting it gently before his grip tightens. "And now I'm going to show you. Whether you like it or not." He needs this, he waited far too long. Oikawa stands, enjoying the screams of pain and how Tanaka's body sounds being dragged on the wooden floor. There is a pink blush on his face, he was ecstatic.
He drags her back to her bedroom where he tosses her onto the bed and pins her down with his legs as he strips his shirt off. Now completely naked he reaches down to also remove Tanaka's tank top, but Tanaka uses her still free arms to stop him. Irritated, Oikawa backhands her across the face so hard her nose begins to bleed again and Tanaka lets him remove her top without any more fuss. "Ryu-chan, I really do hate hurting you." Oikawa is tenderly stroking her face, but there's only hunger in his gaze. He does hate hurting her, but he loves the way she looks painted red...Oikawa once again lines himself up with Tanaka's now dry pussy, but he could care less as he shoves his entire length into her, relishing in how tight she feels around him. "Fuck, Ryu-chan. You're so tight, so perfect. It's like you were made for me." He continues his sickening train of praise, but Tanaka isn't paying attention as she screams in pain from the forced intrusion. "Oikawa, stop! You're too big. Take it out. Please take it out!" But Oikawa is only spurred on by the desperate tone in her voice and he begins roughly thrusting into her at a rapid pace, his hands gripping her waist so tight she's sure to have finger-shaped bruises there afterward.
As soon as he thrusts into her for the first time there is no joy. There isn’t anyone whispering in her ear lovingly like the stories her friends told her, there isn't any pause for her to adjust. Nothing feels good. He is too big for her tight snatch and the forceful intrusion leaves her feeling raw and disgusting. Her screams won’t reach anyone and she cries out Oikawa's name when the friction from his thrust hits her hymen. She didn't think she had any more tears, but they start to stream down her face, mixing with the blood as Oikawa takes her virginity. "I hate you...hate you so much." But Oikawa doesn’t hear, his mind is elsewhere in a frenzy, enjoying the tightness of her pussy, how she starts to bleed on his cock. She hates his pathetic face, it’s all she can look at. Her stomach starts to coil in familiarity and she releases a choked moan when he lowers his lips to her perky tits.
Oikawa continues his relentless pace as he takes a hardening nipple into his mouth and rolls the other in between his dexterous fingers. Tanaka hates herself for the way she starts to moan and how her pussy begins to coat itself with lubrication, but Oikawa's been around and he knows exactly what he's doing. She doesn't stand a chance as he continues sucking and twisting her sensitive nubs and fuck her eyes widen when Oikawa's cock drag across something inside of her. Oikawa smirks and aims for that same spongy spot over and over again. "Wha-what are you doing? St-stop that. Ah! Pl-please stop it." It's an unfamiliar pleasure for Tanaka and she wants to die from humiliation. How could she be feeling so good while she's being raped? How could she be feeling so good while Oikawa is using her as nothing but a sex toy to get off in? But the pleasure is so new to her that she can't help it as her cunt begins to tighten and she's reaching a peak higher than anything she's felt before.
"That's it, Ryu-chan. I want you to fall apart because of me. Come on. Cum for me." Oikawa uses his free hand to furiously rub her neglected clit and it's the combination of every one of her sensitive spots being stimulated at the same time that brings Tanaka to an overwhelmingly strong climax. Oikawa releases an animalistic growl as he plunges even faster and harder into her tight quivering walls. "Fuck, your pussy is squeezing so hard on me. It's like it doesn't want to ever let me go." All it takes is a few more thrusts and Oikawa is releasing his seed deep inside of her while he forces her to look him in the eyes.
Her mouth falls open in a silent scream, drool falling as she arches, squirting all over Oikawa’s cock. Everything leaves her feeling tingly inside and the feeling of being overstimulated starts to become unbearable as Oikawa chases for his release. Her eyes threaten to close but Oikawa's hand on her face makes her stay awake. It is strange how she finds his face so handsome, even as he is raping her. He is concentrating on her and only her. Did it mean someone likes her...right? The thought disappears as she grunts when she feels the hot sliminess of his seed filling her womb and silently thanks her sister for tossing a bottle of pills her way a few weeks beforehand. A silence falls on the two of them and Tanaka stares up at Oikawa with an unreadable expression. It was over right? He would finally leave her alone and never show his face. That's what she wanted to believe, but in the back of her head, all she wants is to kiss him. Her eyes trail to his now bruised lips and they linger there until Oikawa moves closer.
"Ryu-chan." She looks away from him.
Oikawa gently but firmly turns Tanaka's face towards him. She wants to hate him, she does, but she swears she sees a glimmer of affection in his chocolate-brown gaze, and that sets her heart aflutter. He’s so handsome and he made her feel so good...Her thoughts trail off when she feels his lips gently kissing her and she sinks into it. All she knows and feels is love for the brunette who’s caressing her. Oikawa smiles as he feels Tanaka wrap her arms around the back of his neck as she returns the kiss. “Ryu-chan, you’ll be mine, right?” Something deep inside of Tanaka makes her pause at his words and she hesitates, but then Oikawa is kissing her gently again and looking at her with such tenderness that she finds herself saying yes...and she means it. Yes, she loves Oikawa. He’ll take care of her. He’ll make her feel good. And with that last thought, she falls completely into his embrace.
Dedicated to:
@watermelonsugawara @thisisthehardestthing
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Okay back to THIS moment. 
Ashura is bestabbed and finally decides to replace attempted murder with signs of affection. He wipes Fai’s tears away, saying “You mustn’t shed tears for one such as I.” And now on this page he either whispers closely to Fai or kisses him on the forehead, but either way he passes on his intention that Fai should have been the one to kill Ashura and that would have removed his curse. 
It’s framed as if Ashura was trying to do Fai a favour and this is boosted in the fact that it’s Ashura’s last living action. He has mere seconds left to live and he uses it to give Fai the affection that (he implies) his actions were always meant to embody. 
Never mind the fact that just seconds ago he admitted that Fai wasn’t actually strong enough to pull this off. Even when Fai put his all into it, he still would have died.
Never mind the fact that Ashura was very definitely seconds away from murdering both Lava Lamp and Kurogane, and would have done so happily. 
Never mind the fact that he murdered an entire world (or at least a portion of it) and spent his entire life deceiving everyone who thought well of him, luring them into trust and security only so he could slaughter them all later.
Never mind all that. This was all for Fai’s benefit, you see. 
It’s that horrible twisted shadow of love that’s entirely selfish and doesn’t take into account any of the horrific suffering they cause on anyone else, least of all on the person they claim to love. 
Fai is, clearly, distraught. He’s broken. Ashura has manipulated him and brainwashed him and turned him against his family and used every memory as a weapon against him and torn Fai’s entire life to pieces around him - but, oh, it was going to be a good thing. It was for Fai, you see. 
Cue me screaming with contempt in the distance. 
ON the plus side, it shows that neat example of all the best villains see themselves as the Good Guys of their own story. 
And, for our benefit (and hopefully for Fai’s) the page ends with a panel that has no Ashura in it at all - just a message that looks forward to the future. 
Ashura, with all his murder and lies and terrible manipulative anguish, could not free Fai from his curse. He tried his absolute best (almost killed everyone involved in the process) and still failed miserably. It was never going to happen, not in this scenario. 
But Fai’s new family might be the ones to help him do it. Admitted by Ashura himself, in his final moment of candor, he sees that the love and strength of Fai’s new family has the potential to succeed where his violence failed. 
And THIS is, perhaps, the only good thing Ashura has done. Even though Fai is overcome with grief right now he now has the seed to continue loving and trusting his family, with the potential hope that sticking with them will bring happiness in all the ways that Ashura did not. 
(with a pause to warn about sudden gore)
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And all I can say is THANK GOODNESS FOR THAT
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scarletta-ec · 5 years
Original Sin Story: Re_Crime
Scene 1
When Seth talks about Adam disappearing, he refers to him as “my adorably foolish child”.
Scene 2
Seth only ever saw Gammon’s rebellion as being a result of desperation. Apparently it was unexpectedly successful, though, as the senate (including Gavriil) had grown too complacent. Seth doesn’t mind— he’s gotten tired of messing with Gavriil, and Adam (who he was curious over) has fled the stage.
Scene 3
The revolution is underway. Seth is waiting for Gammon in front of the Levia-Behemo temple. Gammon arrives in the garden with pitiful Gavriil in tow, throwing him in front of him. He’s a mess but he’s still breathing, murmuring Alice's prophecy. Gammon dismisses him as a mere drugged-up madman now. Seth, as ever, is calm and a complete troll about it, despite the fact that Gammon knows Gavriil is like this because of Seth.
Gammon approaches him with a revolver in hand. Seth, hands up, asks him to explain what his research found out— so that he can correct him if Gammon got anything wrong.
Seth isn't taking anything seriously, and laughs inappropriately.
Gammon’s theory: Seth became Gavriil's servant over twenty years ago. Along with Gavriil, they developed a drug to brainwash Maria with— except in truth, it wasn’t Maria that was being drugged, but Gavriil himself, so that Seth could rule through him. As for Maria— she was already dead; Gammon’s not sure if she just died or was murdered. Gavriil has been having purple dreams, and passing them off as the queen’s prophecies. However, he’s been brainwashed into thinking that these prophecies are really coming from the queen, and that she’s still alive.
Gammon has no proof of his theory, though, so that’s why he’s come here to see her corpse for himself, demanding to know where it's being kept if it hasn't been disposed of already. Seth happily tells him Alice is where she always has been.
Gammon pistol whips Seth out of the way and heads inside the Hall of Glass. Seth, with a black eye, collapses with a smile.
Seth wonders what Gammon will see in the temple, and what will become of him once he’s come face to face with the “queen”, suggesting that Gammon’s theory is correct in some regard but also missing some key information. Seth pulls himself off the floor, retrieves his glasses (which had gone flying), and goes to a corner of the garden and opens a secret passageway buried in the dirt.
Right as he enters, he can hear someone's scream echoing from inside the Hall of Glass.
Scene 4
Seth reflects on things.
Adam is not Maria's child, but he also is.
To be accurate, he is not one of her twins, as Adam thinks. Yes, Seth "disposed" of them, but instead of tossing them into the river, he left the girl in the hands of a temple for her inheritor abilities (not that they knew he was the one to leave her there), and kept the boy in cryostasis.
Because the twins were irregulars, Seth found them invaluable for his research, but held the Ending Boy's value in higher regard than the Genesis Girl's. Still, he ensured both were alive for later reference.
He first met the real Adam when he fashioned him in his very own laboratory. It was partially to increase his “allies”, and partially on order by Maria. Through Gavriil he met Vaju, and through him became the head of the research institute, where he began to build his “ally” network. He would sometimes apply Venom for this purpose, though as the drug had several failings he tried not to rely on it too heavily.
Maria essentially gave him the okay to use the institute to further his efforts in creating artificial humans. After the disposal of her twins, and her resulting infertility, she desired an heir and privately requested Seth's assistance.
Adam was fashioned out of Maria's provided DNA. Seth has several stores of different racial DNA so he used foreign DNA to obscure Adam's resemblance to Maria.
Genetically speaking, Adam is the son of Maria and some unknown man. With the father identity-less and irrelevant, one could say Adam is her second virgin birth.
Adam was different from other Ghoul Children, having a mix of DNA, which improved his longevity. He's really no different from a normal human, the only difference is having been grown in a glass chamber than inside Maria. Seth doesn't really count him as a Ghoul Child.
After Adam's creation, a rogue Apocalypse attack destroyed part of the laboratory and Adam went missing.
Around the same time, Raijoou had left Apocalypse due to their increasing violence, and during an excursion, Seth as Horus met her and separately, her wife, Inanna. Seeing their disappointment at her inability to have children, Horus offered to her an ideal solution: use both the couple's DNA to make them a child. Of course, he added in something extra.
The result was a normal human child born from a glass vessel, like Adam. Seth had only recently learned Inanna told Raijoou she found this child in the river rather than it being their truly biological child. That was the logical decision, despite the irony.
As such, the child created from Held inheritor DNA exhibited the same abilities, which piqued Seth's interest in the creation of artificial inheritors.
Seth had wanted to see what came of the irregular twins, and track down his missing experiments once things calmed down, but he had a problem: his health was just beginning to decline, so he couldn’t just be running all over the place. Luckily, he didn't have to go too far to go find Adam, who had washed up on the shore nearest one of the exits of Lunaca Labora. Seth was also a bit surprised to run into Catherine there.
This was Seth’s first time raising a child— he tried to raise him by fostering his intellect, and his intellect solely. The emotional starvation he employed wasn't entirely deliberate, he simply wanted to create a mind similar to his, and Seth's warped view on his own childhood stopped him from seeing the issue with this.
It was a busy time— he was building his network, running the institute, drugging Gavriil, and had to solve the issue of his health going downhill. For the last problem, he researched this in Lunaca Labora, where he was “born as a human”. His current body was inferior to human ones— it aged at a much faster rate.
As he’s a genius, he was soon able to make a new, longer lasting type of body he could use using a similar method to the one he used for Adam and the Zvezdas. Pleased with his success, he made two other Ghoul Children (clones of himself) while he was at it, as another test in increasing his allies, giving them personalities based on his own. One was a failure, which he put in refrigeration in case of an emergency, as a backup body, and the other was a success. This Ghoul Child became Pale Noel. He entrusted Apocalypse, now abandoned by Raijoou, to Pale. Pale is still active to this day.
… Of course, Pale is such a terror that Seth’s own position could have been put in jeopardy, so he ordered Pale to keep from showing himself publicly and instead work behind the scenes. He then expunged all the information on Pale from his info network. After that he went to Raijoou and erased the memories she had of his appearance with Venom.
Of course, this didn’t really erase the mistrust that Raijoou had towards "Horus". Just memories of what he looks like.
His body was starting to fail then, so he decided to retire the Horus identity. He went back to Lunaca Labora and transferred his mind into the new, complete body. He could have changed the face but apparently it was just too handsome to mess with. As for still looking like Pale, he figured he could just tell people they were twins.
He decided to drop the false identities and go by his real name, Seth Twiright. He spent some time in Lunaca Labora while he waited for the excitement regarding Pale to die down, making more Ghoul Children. But he also didn’t want to make the same problem with Pale being identical to him. So he decided to make some that were completely new, different in face and gender— clones, but also not clones. This makes him think of Behemo, comparing himself to his work.
Seth says something profound— even geniuses have failures. Rather, being a genius in the first place is because you learn from your failures. Several attempts to create an inheritor Ghoul Child failed, so he had their organic compositions melted down.
After several trials, he made a Ghoul Child (he lists this as his official third) that was a different person, finally succeeding at installing an “inheritor” power in her for good measure. The moment he gave her a personality, she became rebellious, and as soon as he took his eyes off her she escaped Lunaca.
He was unable to find her for a while, but eventually received word that Pale had found her. She is also apparently very attached to Pale, which stupefies him because Pale is a clone of him despite her being rebellious towards Seth himself. He decides to leave her with Pale.
The way he talks about Adam sounds almost like he views him as a plaything. He gets tired of making Ghoul Children, freezes his current projects, and then goes to meet with Adam again as Seth. He recalls having fun the time Adam tried to kill him at Merrigod, though he was a bit flummoxed that Meta genuinely attempted to kill him along with the other researchers.
Seth was very intrigued by Adam, due to their similar upbringings and yet different personalities, and even sought to make him like himself. But Adam has quit the field— though in a way, Seth views that as “evil” like him, too. As for Eve— Cain and Abel’s deaths were not his own fault. He in fact would have preferred they were born alive, because they contained Seeds of Malice. But it's not a major loss of his either way. They died because Eve's blood was too diluted with Venom, which reduced the twins' survival rate.
Seth had fibbed a little bit when he told Adam that he derived Venom from a dead Gilles inheritor. In truth, he synthesized it from those melted down Ghoul Children, all failed Gilles inheritors before the success of Meta. 
Eve, as the Held inheritor child Seth created, was immune to its effects. The mind manipulating power of Venom has no effect on one capable of the same sort of power, especially one with the blessing of Held himself. Seth is relieved she never indulged this power to Adam or else he could have pieced that together.
While a single use of Venom does little harm to someone, many uses can hamper their cognitive ability. One immune to this would have no worries— unless they tried to have children.
Overuse of Venom had the tendency to cause severe deformities in the children of those drugged, so severe it often killed them in the womb. This was why making a Gilles inheritor was so challenging. The twins must have been dead for a while to be in that condition at birth.
Unlike Gilles inheritors, Held inheritors are capable of turning their mind manipulation powers onto themselves. Seth isn't sure because he can't read minds, but he's certain Venom did not break Eve at her stillbirth, because she was immune. Instead, Eve's power was attempting to keep her from breaking by preserving the belief that Cain and Abel were still alive, as a subconscious defense mechanism.
Of course— he doesn’t feel obligated to tell Adam all that. After all, Adam used Venom behind his back. It took no effort at all for Adam to piece that much together. Seth may have made it, but Adam has only himself to blame.
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farcryfuckmeup · 5 years
Request by @evelyn27 : Jacob likes a female deputy, but she doesn't like him back, or they're stuck in cold weather due to an accidental situation.
Anywhere But Here
wc: 2,120
tw: slight nsfw, implied smut
If she’d been anywhere else, this would’ve been a peaceful winter scene. The snow fractured into thousands of sparkles from the sun’s gentle rise. A few deer jumped about when they heard the snow crunch under footsteps or caught the distinct scent of blood. She figured the wind must have been carrying it further into the forest.
But this was Hope County. And Rook was in the Whitetails.
A cold wind wrapped around her as she bent over to try and catch her breath. This would’ve been a hard task to pull off if the weather was ideal, but it wasn’t, and each breath she took felt like knives in her lungs.
“Alright big guy…come on. Don’t make me do all the work here.” Her breath came out in frozen clouds in front of her as she panted. Rook groaned and straightened out her back before kneeling down, and grabbing the pair of boots that lay in the snow in front of her.
Her fingers slipped off his shoes, which were wet because of the snow, so she rolled up his jeans to expose part of his ankle. Some warmth from his skin seeped through her gloves, but Rook attributed that to her own fingers being cold. She felt a twinge of guilt at the realization she’d be making his body even colder, so Rook dropped his legs back into the snow and hastily pulled off her gloves.
“You’re lucky I don’t feed you your teeth for this.” She grumbled rather loudly, considering there was no one around for miles.
Rook couldn’t help but stare at the scene before her in amusement, no matter how disgruntled she was by it.
Jacob fucking Seed was passed out before her, blood trickling down the side of his face from the small cuts that smattered it. Those were the only injuries she could see that he’d acquired from the crash.
Rook bent down and grabbed Jacob’s ankles again, his skin hot against her own. She started to drag him backward, looking over her shoulder every few seconds to make sure she was still heading towards the abandoned cabin she’d been crashing in the past few days.
She’d been out hunting when she’d seen it. A Peggie truck Rook had stolen from an outpost. Normally she wouldn’t have been able to identify it as her own, but the Eden’s Gate cross was partially covered by incomplete spray painted flowers. Her truck had gone missing in the middle of the night a few weeks back, and she’d been livid about it. It had taken what little free time she didn’t have to decorate the car, and now it had been swung into a tree.
The bed of the truck had been crushed against the trunk, while the front end only displayed minor damage. Jacob had been slumped over in the front seat, knocked out by the impact presumably.
Rook was tempted to leave him there to die, to put a bullet between his eyes while he couldn’t fight back, but instead, she’d pulled him from the car and started dragging him towards her cabin. Physically it was exhausting. Mentally it was the funniest thing she’d seen in three days.
Rook let Jacob’s legs fall back to the floor so she could swing the door open, then she dragged him over the threshold and let his boots drop against the wooden floor.
She sighed and shook out her arms, and started blowing on her fingers to try and warm them up. The fireplace was still lit from before Rook had left, and she kept pulling Jacob’s legs until he was laying next to it.
Rook went to close the cabin door and then pulled out a hunting knife from her weapon’s belt. Then she proceeded to take all of his weapons that she could find on his person. Just because she was helping him didn’t mean he was going to stop trying to kill her for three seconds.
She knelt down next to Jacob and set the knife down next to her leg before trying to remove his snow jacket.
She’d never seen him wear anything other than his camo shirt and jeans when he was out and about in Hope County, but it made sense he’d bundle up for the cold.
The jacket wasn’t difficult to remove, but his camo shirt and t-shirt underneath that were damp, so they had to come off. The camo shirt was unbuttoned so it was easier to take off than his t-shirt, it just required a lot of tugging and turning.
Rook grabbed her knife and started to cut from the hem of his remaining shirt and up to the collar. In order to get a good angle on it so she didn’t accidentally cut Jacob’s skin, she had to practically straddle the unconscious man.
Despite how much she hated being on top of Jacob, she couldn’t help but notice how comfortably her thighs fit around his hips. Normally the position was somewhat awkward for her, but right now she didn’t feel the need to get up or adjust herself.
The longer she sat over him, the more anxious she became. This was Jacob Seed, the man who could control her with a simple song. The man who had kidnapped, tortured, and tried to have her killed. She was vulnerable but then again so was he. He was unconscious and underneath her.
Rook was starting to peel the shirt away from his skin when Jacob’s chest jumped as he sucked in a breath. Before he could even touch his empty holster, she’d leaned over his chest and pressed her knife just below his Adam’s apple. Underneath her, Jacob’s body stilled completely.
“If you so much as blink at me wrong, I will leave you here to die of hypothermia, am I clear, Seed?” Rook’s voice was one of the few things that could be heard in the cabin. The others were the soft panting of Jacob’s breathing, her own short and terse breaths, and the crackling of the fire.
Jacob’s gaze slid from the Deputy’s face down to where their bodies were connected at his hips, then he looked back up at Rook with an amused expression and slightly chattering teeth.
“I didn’t know you liked me this much, Deputy.” Jacob wheezed as he chuckled a few notes, and Rook rolled her eyes before leaning away from Jacob’s throat. She climbed off of him with a scoff, then sheathed her knife.
“I don’t, which is why you can do this yourself.” Rook braced herself on her knee before standing on her own two feet. She walked away from Jacob to stoke the fire as she heard the splat of wet clothing hit the wood floor.
An old instinct in her heard wanted to yell at Jacob about the floors and keeping them nice, but this wasn’t her home, and it didn’t matter what the floors looked like. They were in the middle of a Holy War for Hope County.
She went over to her duffle bag that had found a home on an abandoned mattress, and rifled through it, seeing if Hurk or someone of similar stature to Jacob had left anything that she’d picked up.
“You should’ve left me in that wreck.” Jacob’s tense voice broke the comfortable silence that had settled between them, and Rook turned her head away from the duffle bag to look at Jacob.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes before returning to her task at hand. What he’d said had managed to trigger a thought trail in her head. She should have left him to die in the cold, it would solve a thousand problems for her if she did. No more running from Jacob, no more brainwashing.
Rook’s back straightened and she turned to throw a large t-shirt at him with a scowl on her face.
“I should have.” It was all she could say as her brain kept spinning stories in the opposite direction. She hadn’t asked why she’d saved him since she’d started dragging Jacob out of the car. She’d just…done it.
Her eyes stayed glued to Jacob as he pulled the t-shirt over his head and slowly climbed to his feet off the hardwood floor.
“So why didn’t you?”
“Because unlike you and your stupid siblings, I actually have a heart.” Rook snapped back at him, even though his tone was even and calm. He was up to something and it was making her heart race that she didn’t know what.
“Exactly. You have a heart, pup.” A sly smirk graced Jacob’s lips as he started slowly walking towards Rook, and she instinctually started backing up. She knew it was exactly what he wanted, but she couldn’t help it. They’d been locked in this game of back and forth for weeks now and each time they saw each other, the air seemed to get a little thicker.
“Jacob, if you take one more step I’ll-” “-I’ve upgraded to Jacob now? I didn’t know we were on a first-name basis, Rook.” He applied some inflection to the word Deputy, his eyebrows scrunching ever so slightly to show his distaste that he, in fact, didn’t know the deputy’s first name.
Rook’s back hit the wall and she quietly cursed herself and beat her fist against the wood once. Her gaze swiveled to the left and right as Jacob’s arm came to rest beside her head against the wall. He leaned down a bit so that he was a few inches from her face, and Rook clenched her jaw as her foot tapped anxiously against the floor.
“You haven’t earned the right to know my first name. You get Rook and that’s it, Jacob.” She retorted and felt a twinge of satisfaction as his predatory smile faltered a bit. He didn’t move away from her, and Rook felt her head start to spin from how close he was.
“I-Can you give me some space please?”
“Why Deputy? Do I make you uncomfortable?” Jacob shifted so he was a hair’s breadth from her lips, and Rook held her breath for a moment. She looked into Jacob’s eyes and saw them shimmering with all sorts of desire, his pupils wider than they were a few minutes ago.
“Yes you make me uncomfortable you big buffoon, you make me uncomfortable because you make my head spin.” Rook kept her voice quiet and barely above a whisper, but she turned her head to the side as Jacob dipped his head a little closer.
“If you want me to stop, Rook. Just say the word.” Jacob’s calloused fingers rubbed against her chin as he turned her head back to look at him, and Rook’s breath caught in her chest as she felt his lips on hers.
They felt how she assumed they would: a bit cracked, but soft at the same time. His fingers slid under her chin and over her jaw, then to the back of her neck as they kissed.
Rook’s own hands had come up to push against Jacob’s chest, but she made no move to push him away. One of her hands make their way up his chest, tickling his collarbone, and over his shoulder. She gave it a light squeeze on his pressure point, smirking against his lips as she felt his knees buckle ever so slightly. The hand that had been placed next to her head on the wall was lifted and wrapped around the wrist that was on her shoulder.
Jacob pushed her arm against the wall above her head, and Rook pulled away with bright red cheeks and blown pupils.
“Well, well, Deputy. I didn’t know you felt this way.” Jacob’s voice was rough as he chuckled, and Rook rolled her eyes before smacking his chest with her free hand.
“Oh shut up before you kill the mood, and then I have to kill you.” She whispered rather loudly, and Jacob’s hand left her neck and slid down her spine and hips to cup her ass. She had to fight back a shiver as his fingers floated above her body, then she was suddenly lifted onto his waist.
Rook could feel how hard he was underneath her, so she tightened her legs around his waist to give him some friction.
“If you back up, you’ll practically fall onto that mattress, Seed.” She ticked her head towards the empty mattress. Rook already laid her sleeping bag out on it so that she didn’t get ticks or whatever else had called the cabin home.
“As you wish, Deputy.” Jacob smiled crookedly at Rook as his fingers tightened around her ass, and he spun them around and started walking towards the mattress.
tag list (link): @jumpinjulie27 @villainfuckers-world @hollymelissajennings @caminante-no-hay-camino90 @elizabethlynn99 @argetlam007 @thirstyforjohnseed @waywardmugpandacolor 
masterlist here!
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darkling-er · 4 years
In Another Lifetime || a far cry 5 story
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Summary: another chance to fight the Seeds or to leave well enough alone.
Note: I haven't written for far cry in a long time, also I'm from phone so sorry I don't know how to add a keep reading break to this .-.
Montana. Big sky country, the treasure state. People got a lot of names for it. I just call it home. Lived here my whole life, still amazing how beautiful it is. Maybe that's what blinded us of how ugly the people were getting...
The cult crawled it's way into the county before we knew it. They were friendly at first, until things changed rapidly. Some people blamed me. I blamed me for a while as well. Things really got bad, once we tried to arrest them, the Seeds. It was a war, and no one could stop it. Not that either the Resistance or the Project tried. We were no different from one another. At first I believed we were in the right, part of me still does. But after all the murders, people dying out there to win this fucking thing. I realized it was no matter, who won, if so many lost their lives along the way. I wished things were different, if maybe we could change things, a peace treaty. But it was too late for that. After killing the Seeds and confronting Joseph, I knew it was too late for both of us to turn back. He had my friends... And yet he still gave me a choice.
What a choice it was. I turned around like a coward, took the sheriff, took Pratt and Hudson - though she wanted to fight - and we left them all behind. Until Whitehorse turned on the radio I thought we were free of this insanity. But he just HAD to turn the god damn radio on. Even if Jacob was dead, the song still stuck behind, crawling it's way into my mind like a worm, until my nose started bleeding and I looked at the Sheriff with panic. I could hear Pratt's cries as well, only to hear Earl say: "What's wrong?"
Then everything changed. I didn't black out. I didn't turn red and go frenzy. But the world spun around...
When I was just a child, my Uncle and I were traveling at night, I fell asleep in the passenger seat of the moving car. Lulled to dream by the motion and noise of rain on the window. I felt weightless. Then my Uncle lost control over the car, it slipped on the wet concrete, taking a turn too fast. And I woke to see the world spinning outside the car windows, and the sickening sensation of falling at high speed.
That experience comes to mind at first to describe how I felt in the moment. Not the time I fell down with the chopper, or the countless times having a car accident during this war. But that one time, during the rain, with my uncle.
I felt sick, like I was punched in the gut, probably the seat belt I wondered. But I couldn't see straight, until the spinning stopped. It didn't slow down at first, giving me time to adjust. It just suddenly stopped as I fall to the ground with full force. At first I wondered if Pratt pushed me out of the car, afraid of what I would do to them.
But what frightened me more was the silence. No cars passing by, no shoutings from my colleagues. Not even that damned music, which always stuck around in my head after actually hearing it play.
I was laying face down on the ground. My body ached, especially my chest, until I realized I wasn't breathing. I took the air in my lungs, like I was a drowning person finally coming up to breath.
At first I didn't move, I just took slow breaths in, to calm my nerves down. Grass. I was laying on grass, instead of concrete, like how I thought I would. Crickets were chirping in the distance and I looked up to see the moonlit forest I was laying in the middle of. It reminded me of the night of the arrest, when I was lost in the woods, trying to get rid of the peggies.
It seemed familiar but yet so different then that night. It was too quiet.
My first thought was I killed them. I killed Whitehorse, I killed Pratt and Hudson. And I had another blackout about it. I looked down at my hands but I wasn't covered in blood. I was clean. In fact I was surprised how clean my skin was. Where were the bruises and scars from the time I got during the fights? It was only covered in some grass that I was layed upon just now.
"Hellooooo?" I called out into the night, which only caused some birds to fly away from between the trees.
I don't know who I was expecting to find, peggie or resistance, it didn't matter. I was just afraid. I was afraid for my friends, for my colleagues. For what I might have did.
It's no use standing around, move your ass soldier. I could hear the voice inside my head so I choose a direction and started walking. I almost tripped in the trees' roots a couple of times, until I finally arrived near the road. I wasn't sure which road it was. Probably the one leading out from Joseph's compound to the Henbane, I wondered. I watched out for any broken down cars, thinking maybe I would find Pratt or someone, but I didn't see any. So I decided to walk from the compound towards the valley. It was quite, no guns were fired in the distance or any peggie music playing. Not even planes in the skies. Just some owls and crickets. I found the silence unnerving.
Right until I could hear a car coming on the road. I turned around to see the headlights coming closer and I moved my hand towards my holster. Only to be dumbfounded to see I didn't have my holster. I didn't have my gun on me. I suddenly felt naked without a weapon and means to protect myself and wished for the truck that came closer to not be one of the peggies.
I frowned from the lights as they got closer and I heard the car slow down until it stopped right next to me.
Hope County Sheriff Department, it said. It was one of our cars. The driver pulled the window down and that's when I felt like I was about to faint.
"Are you alright, miss?" the voice asked, which I haven't heard in a long time. Not since... "Miss?" he asked again for my lack of response.
But it was him. It was his voice, and his face, just like I remembered him. My uncle. Only difference, he wasn't dead.
"Are you out here alone?" he asked again, like he didn't even recognise me.
That's when I felt the world spinning again, only I knew this was a familiar feeling. I heard him utter shit, before I could reach the ground and the world to turn to black as I fainted.
And now, I'm in here. The old sheriff's department in Fall's End. In the middle of the old interrogation room. Only I shouldn't be, because the building burnt down, couple years ago, thanks to Sharky's shenanigans.
A mug is placed in front of me, filled with tea, but I don't care to drink at the moment. It is all too surreal, me being back at the old place, with my uncle sitting in front of me. He's been asking questions, about my name, about where I came from, what I was doing out there, whether I had anyone to call. I don't... My family died. He died, yet he still talks to me like I am a stranger.
I decided not to answer, or more like couldn't answer from the shock and confusion. One moment I'm in a car, with Jacob fucking Seed's brainwashing song, the next I sit in front of my dead uncle in the burnt down sheriff's department.
After what felt like hours, from the lack of clocks in the room I wasn't sure actually how long he was questioning me, he sighs, scratching his greying beard.
"Look kid. I want to help you. Just talk to me." he says but I still just stare at the mug in front of me and the contents, which is probably cold by now.
He waits, then sighs again, then gets up from the chair. I look at him, startled as he walks to the door. I don't want to lose him again, but it seems like for some reason he won't recognise me and I feel it's better if I don't start bombing him with questions.
Once he leaves me alone in the room I look in the mirror of the interrogation room. I can't believe it still, though when I first entered the room and looked at my reflection I almost fainted again.
I look young. And I don't say that as some shitty self-love quote. I am young. Around my teenage years young. The harder edges of my face disappeared, and the childish look appeared again. The bags under my eyes gone. All those scars? No where to be found.
And now that I'm alone I dare to move the collar of my shirt down a bit. It's gone as well. The tattoo that John scared me with, WRATH, is no where to be found.
That's it. I'm either dead and stuck in a limbo, or somehow, even if it's hard to believe it, I'm back in my seventeen year old body, back in the old Hope County, where my uncle is still alive. Even if he doesn't recognise me.
I wish Alex was here. He would understand or at least try to make sense of all this conspiracy leveled bullshit of an event. Then I wonder. If my uncle is alive... Is Alex alive as well? I don't get my hopes up and before I can wonder about anything further more Whitehorse steps into the room.
He sits down in the chair in front of me, with a paper in his hand. It's a form, ready to be filled. I can't make out what kind from where I'm sitting, but he tells me before I could even ask.
"Listen kid. My colleague asked you a couple of questions. Now I don't recognise your face from around town, nor the county even. You're not on our records. Not even a missing person description that could be you... Without your name of any form of identification I want you to cooperate with me now, alright?" he starts.
He looks young as well. Well, younger then I last saw him. And he doesn't seem to know me either, just like my uncle. Least he's alive and I didn't kill him. I don't say anything still, though, so he continues.
"You were found in the middle of nowhere, with a Hope County Sheriff's Department jacket on you." he points at me, still wearing the clothing, which I absolutely forgot about. It's only natural I wore it for months, but now, being a stranger to them it must be confusing how and why I'm wearing this piece of clothing.
"You have no ID cards on you. No cellphone... If you won't give me anything kid, I have to call Child Services. Chances are you escaped from your family? Ran away from home? Maybe an adoptive family... Or worst case scenario juvie."
He starts listing and I want to argue that in no case a 24 year old woman needs child services, but then I remember how I look like again, so I stay silent.
He looks at me, then at the paper in front of him, then starts to get up.
"Wait!" I stop him, not prepared with a speach or any kind of defence. He looks at me, then sits back down, waiting for me to continue. But I can't. If he doesn't recognises me, and neither can my uncle. Chances are... I'm not in the system. And if I'm not in the system that means whatever name I give him, he knows I'm lying.
"Yes?" he asks, expecting for me to say something.
I am known to talk before I think, and the next sentence I say is a great example of that.
"Call Alex Gallner." Earl raises an eyebrow at that.
"Alex Gallner? You friends with him?" he asks, knowing about the young boy, who usually gets in trouble for things like recording videos in the middle of church, and disturbing locals with his theories and questions.
I nod. "He's my cousin. I'm staying with him and my uncle during the summer. I'm not used to the rural life and to be honest I got lost trying to go home."
"And you only mentions this now because..?" he asks, not believing my story.
I smile and try to act like I'm telling the truth.
"I got scared. I'm sorry... This room is getting on my nerves. Feels like I'm some kind of criminal or something for getting lost."
I laugh nervously.
"You fainted." he tries to argue.
I nod again.
"Yeah, I'm on a new diet. Trying to lose weight... I didn't eat much today, then walking around at night, trying to find home. I guess my sugar was low?" I was never good at lying, but I am trying my hardest to sell my story to him.
"And the jacket?" he asks again.
Well, shit...
"Alex gave it to me. I thought it looked cool. He said he found it near the ranch. Wanted to return it, of course, I just borrowed it while going for a walk, you know. Cause it's cold outside."
He looks at me and I feel like he can see right through my lie.
"Didn't know Andrew had a sibling..."
Of course he doesn't.
"Well, he and my parents aren't close anymore. But I tried to contact him and Alex. So it's my first time visiting."
He nods, and looks like he still doesn't buy my story.
"We should call them, then. They are probably worried sick about you."
I shake my head.
"I don't know. I'm probably in trouble already, I don't want to give them the bad impression. If the Sheriff calls them they might send me home." I try to plead, and not look guilty at the same time, so I add. "I'm so sorry for causing you so much trouble, Sir."
"I understand. But I have to follow the procedure, I'm sure you understand."
I'm so screwed.
"Yupp, it's fine. Just tell Alex I found the hiding spot for Mr. Caramel."
Earl gives me a weird look, then I make a gesture. "He'll understand."
I don't think he will. Chances are Alex doesn't know me just as much as anyone else here. Then they will call Child Services and I'm screwed. I have to figure a way out of escaping. A way to solve this whole thing. My uncle, me being young, the Seeds... The Seeds, after 4 months I actually forgot about the Seeds.
Earl leaves the room and I feel the urge to throw up from the anxiety. But after a couple of minutes he returns to the room. He seems troubled and I can almost picture the orphanage already, but then he says.
"Alex will pick you up soon. He says his dad is out of town, but you probably know that." I nod along like I do, but I absolutely don't. "I will take the jacket back, but you can go. And for god's sake next time start with that... And eat something."
He says with a friendly smile and leads me out of the room. I give him back my jacket, and I follow him outside of the station to wait for the car. Now the next thing I have to figure out, is a way to tell Alex all about this. The code word worked. He promised me to memorise Mr. Caramel in cases of emergencies. I just didn't think he would get it in a world, where I don't seem to exist.
Tag: @onl-you
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theonyxpath · 5 years
They Came From Beneath the Sea! art by Larry Blamire
In advance of the release of They Came from Beneath the Sea! and its upcoming stretch goals, please enjoy these aquatic menaces from Monsters of the Deep!
Dire Sea Sponges
“I think a need another sponge.”
—    Doctor Jamil Paval
All-natural sea sponges have been a luxury item in many homes for the past century. Divers in the Mediterranean and North America pull these exfoliating delights up from coastal reefs and sea floors for pampered enjoyment and profit. As with all luxury items, demand increased, and synthetics just weren’t cutting it. Divers went all over coastal areas finding new supplies, but governments were wary about over-picking these natural filters.
Acme Company, determined to edge out competitors, performed experiments on increasing the reproduction rate of ordinary sea sponges. Soon Acme Company had the most sponges on the market. Everyone agreed their sponges were the best, so good in fact that everyone wanted more than one for their shower needs. To say they were successful is a misnomer. They did indeed create a sea sponge with rapid reproduction and growth rates, but in doing so, they introduced a high level of mutation and fast evolutionary processes.
The results of Acme Company’s meddling are Dire Sea Sponges. These sponges are larger, faster-growing, and faster reproducing than the average sea sponge. Additionally, the Dire Sea Sponges have developed minimum sentience and an incredible psychic ability. Dire Sea Sponges emit a low-frequency wave that is strikingly similar to deep sleep brainwaves in humans. With these waves, Dire Sea Sponges have been able to implant deeply seeded messages and commands within the human mind, effectively brainwashing them.
All of Acme’s top leadership are completely brainwashed by the sponges. Acme sponges are sold in a salt-water container, and instructions indicate that the sponge must always remain moist. Engineers under Dire Sea Sponge control are working to engineer newer and better sponge habitats as well as helping the sponges achieve greater sentience.
Right now, the sea sponges are barely at survive-and-reproduce stage. People who buy one sponge invariably buy a second and place them together. Then they miraculously have three to four sponges in a matter of weeks. They gift these to friends who then have even more sponges. And while the commands to help the sponges reproduce are not a danger in themselves, the implication that even more people are under the influence of a rapidly mutating species’ mental control is horrifying.
Sponge reproduction rates are already getting out of hand, leading divers and Acme employees to dump extras back into the sea at an alarming rate. Unchecked, sponges could overtake a home or place of business in just a few months. Rapid reproduction in the sea could cause catastrophic issues for marine habitats, especially since there are few natural predators to the sea sponge. With their rapid expansion and ease of mental control, sponges are positioning themselves to be a staple in every shower across America. It’s only a matter of time before their cognitive levels make them dangerous beyond hope.
A Dire Sea Sponge’s primary goal is to reproduce. Though scientists and those monitoring the situation believe secondary goals are freeing non-dire sea sponges from captivity and eventual death, overtaking human communities, and eventually eradicate the human plague on Earth.
Story Hook
Janice Langstrom was the first in her women’s group to buy an all-natural sea sponge. The Acme salesman was very convincing. And she loved it so much she needed more. And soon it was all the rage to have two or more sea sponges. When Janice’s husband was found dead in her backyard drowned by the garden hose, everyone was sad and blamed Janice for killing him. Which she fully admitted to doing. When it happened to Harriet and Adelle’s husbands, the officials stopped the presses from reporting on it. Now the community is in a lock-down, but people are still dying under mysterious watery circumstances.
A single Dire Sea Sponge is a trivial threat to deal with. Even dozens of Dire Sea Sponges pose no physical threat to a person. The real threat is their ability to control people. Anyone could be under the sway of a Dire Sea Sponge to protect it. The following statistics are provided for any mind control abilities it might use.
Skills: Persuasion 5, Survival 3
Attributes: Intellect 1, Cunning 1, Resolve 2; Might 0, Dexterity 0, Stamina 1; Presence 0, Manipulation 2, Composure 0
Special Rules
Subsonic Mind Control: By emitting subsonic waves, the Dire Sea Sponge can exert mental control over a human. To use this power, roll the sponge’s Persuasion + Manipulation against a Difficulty equal to the victim’s Resolve. Each additional sponge in the vicinity adds 1 Enhancement (to a maximum of 5 Enhancement) to this action as they collectively brainwash their victims. Once controlled, a sponge can send simple commands to their minions as a reflexive action as long as they are within 10 feet. Most sponges insist their minion carry at least one or two of them around to ensure their controlled victims do exactly what they want.
Jelly Men
“That man over there in the jacket is giving me the heebie-jeebies. He hasn’t done anything except motion for me to come over, but I swear he isn’t wearing any clothes under that coat.”
—    Josh Hardy, beachgoer in Gulf Shores, Alabama
Stories of the Jelly Men started circulating around ten years ago. It started as an urban legend, or a bit of a spoof story. All along the coastal region in the Gulf of Mexico, from Florida to Yucatan, stories sprang up of a mysterious man walking alone on the beach wearing a trench coat. If anyone approached this man, he would give them a hug which would follow quickly with a terrible sickness which often lead to death. Witnesses state that the man would walk into the sea and disappear.
Versions of this story made their way up and down the east and west coasts of North America stretching even into South America by way of beachgoers in Brazil and Venezuela. Sometimes it was a woman in a black gown, sometimes a surfer who was signaling for help. Regardless of location, the story always described a deadly illness that followed contact. Anyone who heard the story wrote it off as stories told to spook swimmers and get a laugh. Clearly anyone on the beach in a trench coat or a gown is part of a hoax, as everyone knows proper swimwear is trunks or a bikini.
Yet, these stories are not a hoax, nor a joke. Jelly Men are aliens that look like large jellyfish. More than a decade ago, the Jelly Men first attempted contact with humanity. They had been watching swimmers and fishermen for some time and attempted to blend in during their first attempts at contact. They came ashore wearing whatever cast-off clothing they found adrift in the oceans, often oversized canvas jackets from rain-lost ships. Jelly Men communicate through psychic impressions passed through electrical transmissions. In the water, these transmissions can conduct a few feet away and reach their intended target, but without the aid of salinized water, the Jelly Men must come into physical contact with whomever they wish to communicate with. They had no idea that their touch would be so deadly to humans. They don’t cause disease, instead the toxins in their skin are so poisonous to humans that just a small dose is enough to lead to fevers and destruction of internal organs. If left unchecked, the victim usually dies.
After the few attempts went so awry, the Jelly Men became cautious of communication attempts. They tried all sorts of methods to send their psychic impressions to humans without also killing them, but without physical contact, their attempts were fruitless. The harder they tried, the more stories spread. Before long, coming into contact with a human was an endeavor in itself, as people would run away from the slow-moving not-quite human-looking man in a trench coat trundling along the beach.
While communication seemed impossible, the Jelly Men did learn something valuable from their experiences. They finally had a way to combat the humans who were in the seas polluting their home and killing their brethren. Jelly Men attacked fishing vessels, military vessels, and pleasure boats across the Gulf Coast, targeting those doing the most harm, in their eyes. With a single touch, a human would fall ill and without proper medical attention would die shortly after. Those rare few who received medical attention drew the Jelly Men’s attention, which usually led to more touches and eventually everyone dies.
Communication is still the Jelly Men’s main goal. Defending against humans responsible for making the seas unsafe for marine life is a secondary goal, and not one that all Jelly Men agree on how to handle. Killing them is easy, but if only they could communicate maybe the humans would stop on their own.
Story Hook
Dr. Lolly Humperdink is the head of the marine lab in Destin, Florida. Three nights ago, she reported a suspicious man hanging around her lab to the police. The report indicated that he seemed to want to come in, but he kept to the shadows. She tried to call out to him, invite him in for coffee or cake, but he refused to speak. He did though try to reach out to her for a hug, but since she had barely met the man, she refused. She was worried that he might be disoriented or homeless. Last night, Dr. Humperdink fell ill with a terrible fever. The police refuse to release information about the incident, though she told a reporter that the man is responsible for her fever, and he just wanted to talk.
The stats below indicate an average Jelly Man.
Skills: Athletics 4, Close Combat 3, Empathy 3, Integrity 2
Attributes: Intellect 3, Cunning 3, Resolve 5; Might 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2; Presence 2, Manipulation 3, Composure 3
Health: 7
Special Rules
Stinging Tentacle: The Jelly Men’s flesh produces a potent toxin which acts like a jellyfish sting. This toxin has a damage rating of 4 with the Continuous (hour) and Deadly tags. If the contact site receives proper care, such as a good washing or antiseptics, then it no longer affects the victim.
He Just Wants a Hug: The Jelly Men are adamant in their attempts to communicate with humans, and so each time they touch one they send a simple message, “Please do not be afraid, we want to be your friends.” This message comes in the form of psychic impressions of friendliness, safety, and a warm embrace. In water, the Jelly Men’s psychic impressions may reach their target with a successful Empathy + Presence roll against a Difficulty equal to the target’s Composure.
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loki-fanfic-whore · 5 years
Consumed ch.5
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Warnings: triggers galore! Sexual situations/ self destructive thoughts/ harmful situations/ manipulation/seriously shitty twists/ horrible grammar
@onceuponagleepottermindlock @drakesfiance @jessiejunebug @iloveyouthreethousand-o6 @imagine-that-100
Chapter 5 Control
Loki allowed you to cry into his chest until you were calm.
"I must confess something to you my little flame." He spoke in hushed tones as he petted your hair.
"I think I have fallen for a fire giant...and I wish to worship you if you will allow me to." You felt elated but your heart was throbbing in a strange combination of joy and worry. Your hands and wrists were black and swirled with wisps of smoke as Loki gently undressed you and kissed every inch of your flesh making sure to spend lengthy amounts of time caressing and kissing your most intimate parts. He smirked as you panted, you were being very careful not to grab his hair nearing close to releasing.
"My darling, may I take your innocence away for me to keep forever?" You moaned gently and arched your back as he flicked his tongue against you. He was teasing you close to the edge.
"Yes, oh God Loki, please..." you whimpered out and he was within you. The pain and fullness sent your head reeling as you two pushed each other over the edge. He was so tender and gentle with you making sure you were okay every few moments. After a while he quickened his pace and groaned your name. Your own waves of euphoria crashing down over your body. You could feel him filling you with his seed. A sadness sank into your stomach. You would never be able to truly give yourself to him...not as a fire giant and he as an ice giant. You wouldn't be able to touch him while making love if you couldn't control the flames. He spent the rest of the day cuddling you in his arms until it was time to go. Loki dressed you again and held onto you bridal style as he teleported. You squeezed your eyes shut and swallowed down the bile. The journey making you feel nauseous.
"Darling? We are here." He spoke gently placing you down on a soft bed. You peeked through your lashes to find he had brought you to some form of hotel room.
"Where are we?" You whispered still feeling incredibly sick.
"Brussles. I am so sorry little flame but I have to keep moving you. To keep you safe." Loki pushed some hair from your face and gently caressed your cheek.
"I need you to get stronger before we can leave this realm. If teleporting makes you ill, then the bifrost will surely incapacitate you." You held your stomach and groaned. It felt like you would gag any moment.
"Loki- trashcan!" You whimpered out as he quickly obliged. He held your hair and rubbed your back while you heaved all of the broth you had ate.
"I knew it was too soon....I'm so sorry my darling." He waited till you were done vomiting then presented you with a cool washcloth to wipe your face.
You say back against the headboard and painted trying to get the dizziness to stop.
"Loki where will we go? Once we are off of earth?" You weren't accustomed to his realms and didn't know hardly anything about them.
"Well...Asgard was destroyed by ragnarok...your father did that. You should be proud." He laughed but you didn't see the humor.
"Muspelhiem was destroyed by Thor...so that leaves Vanaheim, which is the land of Seidr and snobs." He smirks at his own joke.
"Alfheim, land of light elves, Nidvellir, land of the dwarves, Niflheim, land of ice mist and fog, Helheim, land of the dead and damned, and finally Jotunheim, land of the ice giants...where I originated from." Loki counted them out while you listened.
"Loki...can I even flourish in your world? I'm a fire giant...I'm the last fire giant...Thor and Surtur made sure of that." You felt sadness wash over you. Your species will extinguish with you, and you dont even know anything about them.
Loki put his arm around you and brought you close to his chest shushing you gently.
"Shhh I know its overwhelming. I was the same when I discovered my heritage...We will go anywhere you want. And if you do not want it after a while we will keep going until you feel at home." His kind words were enough to hurt your heart. He was so kind to you all of the sudden. So gentle and caring, when before he never treated you so fragile, he would yell and scream and be snarky...did he see you in another way? Perhaps he did really love you in some way, but this nagging feeling in your mind made you wonder if you could truely stay with him. After all...ice giants and fire giants were enemies and together could cause so much chaos.
Loki pulled your chin upwards so his deep green eyes could scan yours.
"Tell me what's wrong darling?" His breath fanning your face.
"...tell me the truth...you would never trick me right?" Your voice was soft and trembling slightly. His eyes turned dark.
"Who has said this to you? Who has planted this hurtful idea in your mind?" He pushed back from you to stand and pace before the bed. His reaction worrying you more, he never denied it. He never said no.
"Why in all the realms would you think I am against you? I am hiding you from shield!" He tried to keep his temper in check but it was breaking through as his voice rose.
"I swore on my mother to you! On Frigga herself that I would protect you and keep you from them."
You felt the queasiness again as you tried to stand.
"Loki- what if shield is right? What if I am too dangerous, I mean...there is a reason Thor destroyed surtur and Muspelhiem...I'm the last of them...me..maybe I need to d-" he pushed a finger to your mouth forcefully.
" Don't you dare utter that word. I swear to the gods of old I will never forgive you if you say you should perish. I don't care if you are the last woman on any realm you deserve to live and be happy as anyone else." His eyes were wide and dilated in anger. He was visibly shaking.
"Yes, but what if they come for me and I can't control myself again...what if I hurt innocent people...I would deserve to be thrown in a tank for eternity. I-I dont want to hurt anyone."
"Listen to me. You just need control. People die every day! Catastrophic events happen every single day darling. It's just something that happens to no ones fault. If I could just get you strong enough we can take on shield and get you out of here!"
Your eyes widdened. Did he just say take on shield? Does he want you to fight them? Horrifying images of your once teammates mangled and lifeless at your feet flashed before your eyes. You backed up away from Loki with your hands up.
"I-I can't. Loki I can't fight them.. I can't be a pawn in this game..."
You felt the door behind your back as he stepped closer to you. Tears pricked your eyes.
"No, please stop...don't do this. I need you to be level headed. Please let's talk. You are too weak and they will never let me near you again. Please. Little flame. Don't. Dont go." A single tear slid down his cheek as he reached out with a trembling hand.
"I'm sorry Loki...I- I can't cause the destruction of the avengers or earth... please...don't try to come for me...I- I deserve this." And before he could chase, you had slammed the door and ran.
You ran down the street like a psychotic woman until you found an obviously abandoned building and screamed letting the tears flow. Your body erupting into huge catastrophic flashes of fire. Cracks of light broke through your ebony flesh as you pushed as hard as you could. The building was in flames within seconds. You fell to your knees and sobbed, your clothes burnt off, your hair hanging around your face in small dirty clumps.
A hand gently held your shoulder as your head slumped down. Your fire becoming extinguished as you realized how tired you were.
"Lady Embers...I need you to come with me..please...try to control yourself." Thor spoke softly.
"I wont fight you Thor....I'm done fighting...just...throw me back in the tank." You stood and let your head hang. You felt utterly defeated.
"I-I have to put these on you as a safety measure...I'm so sorry..." your tears dripped onto the floor as smoke rolled off your skin. Thor held out the shackles and you held your trembling arms out. Allowing him to shackle you. You felt the energy draining away as you became utterly exhausted. You stumbled and fell. The now cold ash floor smacking your face, cutting your eyebrow. Thor scooped your shaking body up and held you close. Walking you out of the building before passing you to Natasha who wrapped a black blanket around you to hide your nakedness.
"I am so glad we found you safe. We were so worried Loki had brainwashed you. That we would have to fight you." Natasha gently wiped your face and tucked your hair behind your ear.
"Let's get you home." She smiled gently and walked you into the jet that was waiting nearby. Laying you down on a bench in the back. Tony behind the controls smirked as he could see Loki watching from a near by window. He held up a suited hand and waved at the God. Loki snarled and turned, but not before Tony saw the glint of tears on his cheeks.
"Did he hurt you?" Bruce asked looking over your body.
"N-no...quite the contrary...I think I broke his heart." You mumbled feeling the numbness in your chest. You just wanted to disappear. To be swallowed up into the ground.
Bruce frowned and began an assessment. Gently pushing and poking various places on your body before taking a small flashlight and looking into your eyes and throat.
"Tony she needs to go straight to the lab. She is-"
"Yeah yeah we will get her there." Tony cut him off as he jerked the jet up and hightailed it out of there.
Thor moved beside the bench and held your hand. You stared upwards into the light feeling incredibly numb. Almost as if the flame within your chest was finally nothing but embers.
"Bruce..she is what?" Thor urged him on.
"Thor...I think she's dying." Bruce whispered. You closed your eyes as a tear slipped down your face.
"Are you happy? It's consuming me." You whisper aloud.
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chobit92 · 5 years
Home: Jacob Seed/OC Chapter 9
Warnings: Violence, swearing, drugs, sex
 (Faith is sitting on the wall underneath the Father’s statue. Joseph is standing at the top of the steps. Several men and women are wandering around. Joseph’s word is playing on repeat from several speakers scattered around the structure.). Faith: Lexi? (Lexi, one of Faith’s priestesses walks over.). Lexi: Yeah? Faith: What time is it? (Lexi looks at her watch.). Lexi: Just gone 4pm. (Faith sighs.). Faith: Oh. (Faith gets up and goes over to stand next to Joseph looking down the hill. Lexi follows her.). Lexi: I don’t think she’s coming. Faith: No she’ll be here. Lexi: It doesn’t look like it. Faith: She’s my sister. She said she was going to be here. She’ll be here. Lexi: Okay then. (Lexi walks off. Faith sighs and looks down the hill. They stand there in silence for another twenty minutes.). Faith: Maybe Lexi is right. She isn’t coming. Joseph: Have faith. Faith: It’s nearly half past four. She should have been here at three. Joseph: Patience. (They wait another ten minutes. Faith is about to call her sister on the radio when suddenly an ATV appears zooming towards them erratically. Faith gasps as it speeds up the hill and reaches them nearly knocking over the Edens Gate member standing at the foot of the stairs.).
Man: Hey watch it! Mara: Sorry about that mate! (Faith giggles and runs down the steps.). Faith: Sis! (Mara gets off the bike and hugs her sister. She is wearing leggings, her revolver is in its holster strapped to her thigh. She is also wearing a low cut black top. Her hair is tied in a ponytail and she is wearing her silver hoop earrings. Joseph walks down the steps to greet her.). Man: Wanna watch where you’re going. Mara: I said I was sorry. I’ve never driven one of these before. Faith: Where did you get it from? Mara: Borrowed it from some guy called Bo. Sorry if I’m a bit late. Took me a while to get used to it. (Mara looks around.). Mara: So...Why did you want us to meet here? Faith: I wanted to show you the path. Mara: Path? Faith: Yes. Mara: Oh right. (Mara looks at Joseph.). Mara: I didn’t realise we were going to have company. Thought we were having a girly day. (Faith giggles.). Faith: We can. (Faith turns to Joseph.). Faith: Is that okay Father? Joseph: I don’t see why not. (Joseph then takes hold of Mara’s shoulders and goes to press his forehead against hers. But she stops him.). Mara: No. No. No. (She then takes Joseph by surprise by wrapping her arms around him and pulling him in for a hug. Faith stares stunned. Mara whispers in Joseph’s ear.). Mara: Men can do hugs you know? It’s not wimpy or girly. (Joseph pats Mara on the back then pulls away from her. Mara smiles and winks at him before getting back on the ATV. Faith turns to Joseph.). Faith: I think she likes you. (Faith smiles. Mara starts the ATV.). Mara: Come on sis. (Faith giggles and gets on the back of the ATV. She holds onto Mara tight.). Mara: Laters Joe! (Mara then zooms off down the hill. Faith screams and grips Mara tighter.). Faith: Slow down sis! Mara: But it’s fun! Faith: If you say so. We need to head towards the start of the path. Mara: Where is it? (Faith gives Mara directions. A little while later Faith gets Mara to pull over. She switches off the engine and gets off the ATV. She follows Faith over to a small path in the trees. There is a large pole stuck in the ground with a large metal Edens Gate logo at the top of it. On the ground is an array of flowers and a large square metal slab with a roman numeral on it and a written paragraph.). Mara: This is the path? Faith: Yes. Will you walk it with me sis? Mara: If you like. (Faith takes Mara’s hand and steps onto the path. Mara notices flower petals strewn all over the ground. Mara has barely taken a few steps when she feels funny. She comes over dizzy and feels really sick. She leans against a tree. Faith stops and looks at her. Mara suddenly notices a green barrel which seems to be slightly smoking and glittering with a green powder. Bliss. Mara suddenly retches and throws up.). Faith: Sis! (Mara turns around and walks back the way they came. She sits back on the ATV. Faith has followed her.). Faith: I thought we were walking the path. Mara: There’s a barrel of that bliss crap over there. Fucking fumes are damn toxic. Faith: No silly. The bliss is going to take away all that is troubling you. All those doubts that you have. You will see. You will walk the path with me and you will see. (Mara looks at her sister in disbelief. She can’t believe her own sister wants to drug her. Mary told her that she drugs people and gets in their heads. Messes with them and brainwashes them. But she’s her sister, she couldn’t quite believe it. But now...). Mara: You what? Faith: You will walk the path and you will see. Come on sis. (Faith looks excited, she is practically bouncing up and down and giggling like a schoolgirl.). Mara: I don’t believe you. Faith: What? Mara: You want to drug me? Your own sister? Faith: It’s okay. You will be safe with me. I promise. Mara: Your supposed to be my sister. Faith: I am. We will always be sisters. Mara: But you want to drug me. Weren’t you listening earlier when I was telling you about Jacob? Faith: It’s okay. You don’t need to panic. Mara: You know how I feel about drugs. I don’t do drugs. I have never done drugs. Faith: It’s okay. Mara: Stop fucking saying that it’s okay! (Faith freezes staring at Mara in shock.). Faith: But it is. (Faith takes Mara’s hand.). Faith: Don’t you trust me? Mara: Not right now no. Faith: But we’re sisters! I love you and I want you to join us. I want you to be a part of our family. Mara: You are my family. Faith: Then trust me. Trust me sis. It’ll be okay. You’ll see. The bliss will set you free. Mara: Just like the song eh? Faith: Yes. It’s true. Mara: How can you be okay with this? I thought you said you were clean. Faith: I am. Mara: So what the bliss doesn’t count? Faith: It helps. Mara: No. The only thing drugs do is destroy. Faith: Not the bliss. You will see. Walk the path with me. Please sis. (Faith tries pulling her up but is unsuccessful. Mara sighs.). Mara: I’d rather not be ill or passed out in a ditch thanks. Faith: Sssh. You won’t be. Come on. Please sis. You have to do this. It will be easier if you join us willingly. Mara: Otherwise they force you right? Is that what they did with you? Joseph forcing you to do this? Did he kidnap you? Does he threaten you? (Faith looks uncomfortable.). Mara: He does. Doesn’t he? (Mara stands up. She looks enraged.). Faith: Calm down sis. Please. Mara: What has he done to you? Faith: Nothing. It’s fine. Please just walk the path with me. I’m not going to hurt you, your my sister. (Mara sighs.). Mara: I must be the dumbest bitch on the planet. (Faith frowns.). Mara: You better get me some sickness pills hadn’t yah? I vomited after a few seconds next to the shit! Faith: You’ll be fine. Once your body gets used to it. Mara: I don’t want to get fucking used to it. (Faith leads her over to the path and they start to walk again. Faith points down to the slab with the writing on it.). Faith: This is the Fathers word. We can read them as we go along. So you get a better understanding of the project. (Mara looks down at the slab.). Mara: Yeah. Great. (Mara starts walking again. Faith sighs.). Faith: It’ll be okay. You’re with me. (Mara starts to feel sick and dizzy again as they pass the bliss barrel. Mara tries to walk as fast as she can with Faith hanging onto her arm in order to get past the barrel as quickly as possible.). Faith: You will see sis. You will. Everything will be okay. I promise. You will join our family and we can be together again, properly. Mara: We are together again. Faith: But if you join us we can be together in Eden. I don’t want to lose you sis. Mara: You’re not going to. Faith: But I will. If you don’t join us you will perish with the rest of the non believers in the collapse. (Mara sighs.). Mara: All I do is get rejected. Faith: But you’re not being rejected. I want you to join us. The Father wants you to join us. He has chosen you to be saved. You should be grateful, it is an honour to be selected. Mara: Yeah until I’m rejected again. Faith: You won’t be. Mara: Oh come on sis. Nobody has ever wanted me. Faith: I want you. Your my sister! (Mara sighs. She wants to believe her sister, she does. She wants to believe in this glorious loving family. She wants to believe in this Eden that they speak of. A loving, safe and nice place. But deep down she knows it’s all lies. Mara finds herself wondering what the point of her life is. She thought it was to find her sister but now that she has she isn’t sure of anything. The reunion hasn’t exactly been what she thought it would. Her sister is different. The girl Mara remembers was quiet and broken and scared. But now she seems happy and full of life. And talking about bliss and paths. Mara finds herself wondering if she’ll ever be happy and full of life. It isn’t long before they come across another slab with writing on and more bliss barrels. Mara tries not to breathe in the awful fumes but it’s impossible. Faith points to the slab and says something but Mara can’t make it out. She stumbles as white dots cloud her vision. Faith is then suddenly right in front of her. She takes hold of Mara’s arms and continues leading her forward.). Faith: It’s okay sis. Just trust me. Just walk the path. This is the will of the Father. (Faith then blows powder into Mara’s face. Mara coughs and sneezes, her eyes water as the powder goes up her nose and into her eyes. She can’t see for several minutes and wipes her eyes which sting painfully.). Mara: Sis what the fuck!? Faith: You’ll be fine sis. Just walk the path. (The next thing Mara sees is a green haze with moving shapes all around. Then Faith is in front of her smiling.). Faith: Welcome to the bliss.
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