#oc meganrourke
moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
[ ❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it? (For both!)
She's always going to struggle with nightmares - the poor cat's had a lot of traumas, and even though she doesn't consciously remember them, it's been enough to leave a subconscious print. Her nightmares are abstract and she can't make sense of them, but they're persistent.
In her Skyrim verse, she'll always struggle with letting herself touch people. The death of her father has left a lingering guilt, and she fears the day that The Serpent will come overhead and bless her with the poison that will kill anyone she comes in contact with.
In the Modern day, however, Megan doesn't struggle with anything that some therapy, medication and kindness can't ease. It's just a matter of getting her that help.
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
👪💛 for mnari, and ⚰️🐺 for megan c:
👪 what is your muse’s relationship with their parents like? was it always this way?
M'nari doesn't remember her parents, unfortunately! She doesn't remember most things - but before she arrived in Skyrim, became a werewolf and then, later down the line, forgot everything; she was actually beloved by her family and loved them in turn. Rumour has it that her brother is still looking for her, years after the fact.
💛 how empathetic is your muse? how compassionate are they? is this something people expect from them, or are people surprised when they find out how compassionate or empathetic they actually are?
Despite the wolf spirit egging her on to attack everyone and everything, she's a remarkably friendly werewolf - or at least tries to be. M'nari has always been pretty good about picking up moods and appealing to others' emotions. It's surprised a few people how kind she is, even when they've wronged her.
⚰️ what are your muse’s greatest regrets? what would flash before their eyes when they’re on their deathbed?
In her Skyrim verse, Megan's biggest regret is killing her father. It wasn't intentional, of course, but it'll always haunt her. In the Modern verse, her greatest mistake - in her eyes - was running away from home.
🐺 does your muse like solitude? do they prefer it to being around others? how easily does your muse get lonely?
Megan is remarkably lonely, in both verses. Her isolation is unintentional in Skyrim, and she greatly resents her scenario. Though it's more intended in the Modern verse, she still finds herself wishing she would just let her guard down and allow herself to have friends. But she could never do that.
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
oc aesthetic
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Late-afternoon sunlight, dragonfly wings, faint music, pineapple-flavored candy, springy green moss, a glass jar, a handful of rowan berries, a raw crystal ring, pink tea, beeswax hand cream, a blue rose petal
Megan Rourke
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A cat’s whisker, a touchscreen tablet, a cinnamon latte, a window seat, a fallen yellow leaf, leather notebooks, a brown highlighter, vanilla perfume, a mint leaf, tubes of white gouache, a heart-shaped waffle, a Totoro figurine
tagged by: @svndrenched
tagging: anyone!
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
which kind of sky are you?
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meteor shower
ah, now i understand why people look at you from afar, a little starstruck, a little dazed. there must be magic running beneath your skin. you're truly unique, in the best of ways. you're creative, you like to think outside the box, and the fact that you pour your heart into anything you make is remarkable. anytime you leave, people wish you'd stay a little longer. you remind me of august nights and colorful cocktails. i just wanna tell you that although the universe you've created in your head is welcoming and you don't feel out of place there, sometimes it's okay to hang out here, too. i promise it's worth it, friend.
Megan Rourke
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blood red moon
my beloved moonchild, it's so nice to finally meet you. you're as rare as those nights where the moon shares the same color of deep, rich blood. do you feel misunderstood? like no one really cares, doesn't want to care? it's okay to feel like that. your beauty doesn't belong here on earth, anyway; i wanna tell you that you weren't born to be one with the crowd- you're a leader, not a follower. everyone will learn to love you for the way you are, and please never forget i wouldn't change a thing about you. you remind me of late night drives, the lingering taste of bittersweet liquor.
tagged by: @svndrenched
tagging: @flameforged @faendirs @vampiric-bite @dalamusrex
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
Megan Rourke - The Elder Scrolls
( thanks to @dragonskxn for inspiring this trainwreck of thought )
Age: 15
Race: Breton/Nymph
Birthsign: The Serpent
Appearance: Ruddy, freckled skin; slightly pointed ears; mismatched eyes (L: yellow R: brown); swirled, curly, easily-matted, dark brown hair; generally underfed and scrawny
Height: 5'0"
Having accidentally murdered her father due to the potent poison granted by The Serpent; Megan wanders the harsh, frigid climate of Skyrim. She scrounges for food and work; has nothing for bandits to steal; little fatty meat for werewolves to eat, and a strangely disgusting blood taste.
To most, she would be worthless - but what say you? Do you see potential where others do not?
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
(( megan doing menial labor on a farm and at first hating the shit out of it but slowly getting strength and finding that she actually likes hard work
petting the animals is a bonus ))
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
Does your character have an accent? What slang do they use? Are there any words or phrases that they use more than other people?
Megan has a thick, eastern Irish accent - county Wicklow, to be precise. From living there, I don't recall much slang for her to use other than exclamations of like "By Jae-zus" or "Sweet Mary and Joseph" for surprise or exasperation.
Then again, that was more than 10 years ago by now - I'd have to do some googling to see if there were any phrases I forgot!
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
Does your character listen more to their head or heart? Do their emotions control them, or do they control their emotions? Has there been a time when they've regretted following their emotions/head?
Both M'nari and Megan are very emotion-oriented; M'nari tends to do actions based on people pleasing and fear, whereas Megan is very hot-headed and charges forward when she's feeling wronged.
A lot of things M'nari can't remember doing were based on her emotions, but if she were to find out about them, she would regret acting in others' interests so much.
Megan doesn't really give a shit. She's felt bad for doing things brashly, but only because it's gotten her injured or in trouble.
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
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drew the fnaf version of Megan ive pestered people with
gratuitous amount of freckles and depression not portrayed to their fullest on paper
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
New Years II
Mismatched eyes stared scornfully - or was it wistfully, enviously - through the window of a bakery. The teen’s stomach screamed and begged, but Megan could only listen to it and promise that a meal would come, sooner or later.
She managed to tear her gaze away from the baked goods long enough to resume her solemn march down the high street of whatever town or city she had hitchhiked to this past week.
Her curls got stuck, intertwined in her fingers as she itched her head and waited for the streetlights to change so she could cross the busy road. A creep ran down her spine and she paused, staring behind her - much to the chagrin of the crowd of pedestrians she had forced to walk around her - at the eyes that were settled on her face.
“Whadde fecker you lookin’ at?”
Megan caught herself blurting out, becoming nervous at the way the gruff-looking homeless man merely chuckled to himself. She shrank back somewhat, searching for the crowd of people that were ignoring the altercation, as he approached. Just as she was ready to panic, he jabbed a thumb behind him.
“I saw you eyeing the bakery,” he began. “You look hungry.” “Aye - Aye, I am. Wha’s id to ya?”
“Soup kitchen’s this way.” “What?” “You’re not from around here, right? Soup kitchen, it’s this way. They’ve got some hot meals out for the holidays.” “Oh.”
The man didn’t wait for her to follow; merely gripped his coat from where he was sitting and began to walk down a nearby alley. The girl hesitated, but eventually hunger got the better of her; despite her better judgement, she followed swiftly behind the man through twisting backstreets and across smaller roads.
After what felt like crossing the entire city twice over, she found herself staring at a large trailer sat in a parking lot; a long line of people similar to her and the guide waiting as warm soups were poured into styrofoam cups before being passed around. The man called out something that Megan couldn’t quite distinguish and gestured to the young girl beside him, causing her to flinch.
Brows were raised and voices murmured, and soon she was being gently ushered to the front of the line. She stammered in protest, but she was ignored and a warm cup was firmly placed in her hands. Even more, she was being given somewhere to sit down and drink - and by the end of the night, she was quietly listening to the holiday stories of the homeless.
Maybe this new year wouldn’t be so awful.
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moonlit-beginnings · 3 years
Megan Rourke
Multiverse / Original Character
A troubled immigrant teen from the Republic of Ireland
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Cursed / Unlucky / Vagrant
I hate this what I am 
‘cause what I am is wrong 
I can never find it in myself to get a move on 
I'm always leaving trails 
And my cover ups fail 
I'm impulsive and repulsive 
God damn 
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