#oc retsy
rock-a-noodle · 1 year
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urtteg · 5 years
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Aggretsuko fan art!
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chouuko · 5 years
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Aggretsuko Season 2
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hgihrepaeryster · 7 years
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NAME: Will Perringer (Formerly known as “Retsy”)  AGE: 16 YEAR: 10 (Sophomore) MAIN HALL: Music Hall In terms of personality, he's not exactly the most forward person in the world and prefers to keep to himself most of the time; he uses the arts to get out of his shell, though, whether it's physical media or performance-based.  He's got a small circle of friends, but he wants to branch out among the Canon toons in order to meet Jenny.  She saved his life once, and now he's harboring more than a little bit of a crush on her. He can be a control freak at times, and that's why he tries to reign himself in when it comes to interactions between people.  He also looks down on himself a lot, an old habit he's trying to kick. He's willing to take others into consideration, but this can often play against him when someone is trying to take advantage of his genuineness.  Just don't outright piss him off.
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hgihrepaeryster · 7 years
First Sesh
This session was held with the help of @shayde-n-friends​ on the RH Discord! ------ Retsy feels like he's having an out-of-body experience as he walks into the doors of Reaper High for the first time.  It's still early in the morning, so the halls are slowly filling up with people, most of which he doesn't recognize.  However, occasionally he'll get a glimpse of a 'toon Hero or Villain, and his heart skips a beat each time.  "This is really happening."  He mutters to himself.  "Holy crap..."  He keeps looking back and forth between the mess of introductory papers in his hand and the surrounding area, trying to push himself through the overwhelming awe of finally being somewhere he feels like he belongs; naturally, he's bound to be a little confused. Spotting a new student was alway easy. Russell always looked for the people who looked like fish out of water. There was no shortage of them at RH. He always did his best to give newer students a hand, it was the least he could do. "Feeling a bit lost there?" "Er, yeah; who wouldn't in a place like this?"  Retsy fidgets with his hair, brushing it out of his eyes; a common tic for him when he's nervous.  "If you could help, I'd be grateful." Russell chuckled a bit and sighed. "Alright. What are you looking for? Classes, teachers, people?" "My locker, for a start.  Here..." He shuffles through his papers, finds a relevant document, and points at the locker number.  "Then my first class is supposed to be..." He continues to rifle through the various letters and informational brochures he'd received, nearly dropping them at one point. "...ah, crap, c'mon...there!  History.  Says something about a 'Normal Hall'...is there such a thing here?"  He adds, looking around at the melting pot of people around him. Russell examined the papers presented to him and nodded. "Your lockers would be...somewhere over here." Russell then pulled out a directory from his coat and pointed to a section of the school just a floor above them. "As for the history class, you'll find it just down the hall." He rolled his neck and sighed. "I'm actually in the same class...Believe it or not, there is a Normal Hall. Or as normal as you can get around here..." Retsy gives a slight jump as Russel pulls something out from his coat, but is relieved to see that it's just a proper map of the school grounds.  You never know what someone's going to be packing in an environment like this. "Well, that certainly works!  I should have plenty of time before class, so I would like to get a little more acquainted with the school.  Any, uh...advice for someone like me?  Do's and don't's?  Particularly the don'ts." At his old school, Retsy didn't really have much to worry about in terms of social life; here, with so many people walking around with superpowers, he knows it could easily go one way or another. "Just a few." Russell rubbed the back of his head, hoping to steer the new kid from trouble. "Stay away from Villain's Lair. There aren't any friendly faces for new kids. If you run into any of them, try to keep your cool, they won't try anything without you giving them a reason. Never pick fights. You'll be digging your own grave. And if you see a guy named Jack Spicer, just ignore him, avoid him, don't speak to him or make eye contact. You'll be better off that way..." There was obvious malice in his voice when he brought up Jack's name, perhaps a grudge that hadn't quite faded. "I feel like I've heard that name before.  Probably not a good sign."  Retsy seethes through his teeth in anxiety.  "I'll try my damnedest to stay away from the Villain's Lair - that's something I didn't expect to say in a school!"  He chuckles to himself awkwardly, before shifting his tie and extending his hand.  "You can just call me 'Retsy.'  And you are...?" "Russell." He took Retsy's hand and shook it gently. "And yeah...super villains setting up in a school is the last thing you'd expect, right?" He asked, smirking slightly. "Time to get used to it, I suppose."  Retsy smiles back, starting to feel slightly more comfortable now that someone's given him some friendly advice.  "Granted, I'm from a place outside of Tremorton, so I've seen more than a fair share of alien invasions.  I just never expected to be going to school with..." For a moment he's distracted by the sight of a couple Irkens walking by.  "...well, there you go." "Tremorton...Wakeman's dimension." Russell hadn't met anyone from the big canon's realities who were OCs. "I imagine. I've heard that Cluster can be mean bastards. I've heard of worse though...You're lucky Wakeman's around to save your bacon whenever there's trouble. Could use a hero like that back home." "Don't remind me.  I had a pretty hard time during their biggest inva-" Retsy was expecting his home to be at least recognizable to someone, but the mention of the name "Wakeman" gives him pause.  It's not one that he's heard often, but the emphasis on it is enough to draw his attention.  He senses that he already knows who it is, but wants to hear confirmation.  "Who's 'Wakeman'?" Russell perked up. Retsy was pulling his leg, right? Unless...oh right. Not many people outside RH knew her by that name. Most of them knew her by another. "XJ-9? Y'know? Blue Super-Bot who kicks alien ass for a living?" The designation of XJ-9 was a bit more familiar to Retsy, and was all that he needed to let the memories come flooding back: the concussion of Cluster bombs; the crashing of his house around him; the concrete slab that pinned him down; the heat of the encroaching flame; the sight of a blue-and-white angel wreathed in the fire; the lifting of the weight off of his shoulders; the wind rushing through his hair as he was sped away from the scene; her comforting voice telling him he was going to be okay.  He never even had the chance to thank her, since she had to fly off so quickly, saving so many others that day.  "Y-you know her?  She's HERE?  Where is she?!" Looking around frantically, as though expecting her to somehow magically appear in the crowd at the mention of her name, he suddenly took off in a random direction, determined to find the robot that saved his life, leaving a no-doubt surprised Russell alone.
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