#oc tag: Broc Flower
papakhan · 2 years
So Andre is McMurphy’s dad and he was 15/16 when Vault 15 fell apart making him the youngest surviving member of the New Khans. He was a scout and took up cartography after all the Khan’s resources were lost. He, Papa and Oscar Velasco are all good friends and they infamously go on hunting trips every year which is how their kids became friends too. He was genearlly more well adjusted than most New Khans because they escaped the toxic enironment when he was still a kid and he followed Papa’s leadership because Papa wasn’t obessed with old rivalries.
He’s clever, easy going and light on his feet, probably uses a rifle and tries to learn throwing knives even tho he knows theyre not great weapons he just thinks theyre cool. McMurphy takes after him in terms of having an excellent sense of direction and Andre made sure to teach him a lot of life skills.
Broc Flower or Marigold or whatever I decide to rename her is Jessup’s mother (and Chance’s mom too). She knew the New Khans when they were still in Vault 15 and fooled around with the raiders. She got pregant and hesitantly tried to find who did it because she had no where else to go but found the Khans had been scattered. She eventually caught up to Papa’s khans who took her in where she gave birth to Chance. She worked as the Khan’s butcher and everyone says that’s why Chance is so big
Shes passionate, intense and fun loving, has a shotgun but isn’t keen on using it. She loves her boys so so much and pulls them down to kiss them on their foreheads even tho they’re both a foot or more taller than her. 
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assassinsuit · 7 years
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Man I cant remember the last time i spent so much effort on one drawing. And I can STILL see things that could be fixed. But it’s time to give it a rest. Anyway, here’s my (New) New Vegas OC Broc Flower. I’ve got quite a bit I want to say about him so I’m gonna leave that under a cut.
Since i’ve started playing Fallout (which was actually a year ago as of last Friday, I just found out!) the series has brought me endless amounts of joy and (approximately) a thousand hours of gameplay. I’ve never experienced a love for a game like this before and I don’t think its going to be something that ill forget any time soon. As I have a tendency to just “play as myself” in games that allow for that kind of thing so for awhile I didn’t really bother getting creative. Which is odd as I am the type of person to think “lets make an OC” as soon as i get into something new and Fallout is a platform that very much encourages that type of thinking. It wasn’t until more recently that I decided that I wanted to create a character for this series but I could never nail down something I was happy with. (my wip folder is chalk full of scrapped ideas for this.)  Then I realized that it would probably be best to just go with what was working already. Broc Flower is a character I created using both elements from myself and the multitude of dead end ideas I had sitting around and now I think i’m in a very comfortable place with him.
Now that that’s out of the way, allow me to tell you about his backstory. Broc Flower is a Khan boy whos adopted mother always told him that she “found him abandoned, yet seemingly protected by the tall stalks of Broc Flowers” He always found this just a little too fantastical to be completely believable but its not like he had much else to go on. Growing up in a post-apocalyptic desert tends to kill the magic, even for the children. It wasn’t until some time after her passing (this happened when he was around age 16-17) that he learned the truth from Papa Khan himself as Broc Flower had pleaded for Papa to tell him. It had turned out that his mother and multiple other khans whom she had been surviving with since their distruction at the hands of the chosen one, fueled by drugs and a lust for a return to the khan lifestyle, had succsessfully attempted to raid a traveling caravan. They murdered everyone traveling in the caravan including a small family save for the child who was no more than a year old. She took the child back with her, despite the protest of her peers. Not long after this, the Khans had finally settled and had begun raiding and pillaging once again comfortably from the ruins of las vegas. She however, refused to take part in that as she only wanted to care for her child. She would no longer take any kinds of drugs or medications as her trust for the other Khans had begun to dwindle. She began to feel great remorse for the things she had done and no longer felt at home with the Khans. She knew she no longer wanted that lifestyle and yet she stayed with them as she had no place else. Papa Khan did his best to support her by showing her how to make natural medicines and would offten accompany her when going out into the wastes for ingrediants. Even as she got on in years she would venture out to find broc flower and xander root. Broc flower had very fond memories of gathering these with her when he was younger. 
Not long after his learning of this truth, was the Bitter Springs Massacre. Broc Flower, of corse living in Bitter Springs with the rest of the Khans at the time was present for this. Though he was able to assist a few during the attack he of corse was powerless in the grand scheme. He lost many friends and aquaintences that day and as the Khans picked themselves up and migrated to red Rock, Broc Flower chose not to follow. It was then he decided it was time to escape, as it was clear to him now that the Khans just weren’t a society that was built to last. So he departed for the wasteland, off to find meaning and hope elsewhere. He would not be gone forever though; the Khans were still his family, and he would never forget that.
He gathered what was left of his supplies, and his weapon of choice- an old Varmint rifle that he fitted with a silencer and scope. Then disguised himself as a civilian and took up work with the Mojave Express in hopes that it would allow him to see more, do more, and meet more people. During his travels he meets and falls in love with a man named Niner.
Now I should probably tell you what hes actually like as a person. Hes quite soft spoken, yet assertive. (Paladin Ramos makes a good comparison.) Growing up the way that he did, essentially living the life of a raider child, He lacks people skills. Murdering, stealing and using hard drugs, at such a young age no less, tends to do that to people. Though He’s not shy. One of the things he loves most about traveling is getting to meet interesting people of the wasteland. (Exhibit A being Niner.) He’s also a bit awkward, being quite nosy at times and every once and awhile forgetting personal space. This kind of thing ranges anywhere from standing just a little too close when speaking to somebody, to wiping the dirt and dust off of people he hardly knows the name of in a very motherly fashion. One of his favorite hobbies is salvaging old guns that he finds and then using those guns to harass giant bugs from a distance. During his raiding days he would always tinker with the guns and gadgets that he pillaged, becoming very good at fixing them up and salvaging what was beyond repair for the parts. For awhile he was the Khans go-to weapons guy, up-keeping their weapons in exchange for whatever they had to trade. Weather that be caps, drugs, fruits or even more spare scraps. While he is quite knowledgeable about guns and survival, he’s not great at reading or writing, but he gets by. He’s Yes Man aligned as he strongly dislikes both the NCR and the Legion and doesn’t see the point in giving Mr house full control when he has the opportunity to do it himself. (with yes mans help.) 
And that’s about all I’ve got right now. If you read all of this I love you very much. Bye.
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chaosintheavenue · 4 years
OC Stats- Brutus
Tagged by @tarberrymentats (thank you!)
Name: Brutus Decimus
Age: Turns 23 in 2285
Birthday: June 25th or 28th 2262
Sign: Cancer
Height: 6′1
Species: Human
Gender: Cis male
Residence: Roaming the Mojave Wasteland
Marital Status: Taken, arguably engaged
Alignment: True Neutral
Food: Meat, or anything filling
Drink: Blood, Nuka Cola Cherry
Day or night: Either, they’re different but equal to him
Snacks: Potato chips, bread, leftovers
Pet: None
Color: Red
Flower: Broc flower
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Body Type: Athletic, somewhat muscular
Eye color: Light blue
Hair color: Black
Tagging @abstract-apocalypse, @courier-sux, @bitter-root-tea, @saddeniq (no pressure!) and anyone else who wants to do it.
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papakhan · 7 months
Tagged by @krokaxe
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I dont have any art yet here have this image
Name: Luke Thorn
Nickname: Doc, Six
Gender: Trans Masc
Star Sign: Virgo
Height: 5'5"
Orientation: Bi
Fave Fruit: Prickly pear
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Flower: Broc Flowers
Fave Scent: Antiseptic
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Probably coffee
Average Hours of Sleep: like 5 lets be real
Dog or Cat Person: Dog
Dream Trip: Somewhere far away from the NCR
Favorite Fictional Character: the ~evil legionary~ in any piece of ncr propaganda
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 3
Random Fact: Your friendly neighbourhood burnout who became a postman because it seemed less stressful than being a follower doctor and then it turned out to be equally as stressful
Tagging: Anybody who wants to :^)
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papakhan · 4 years
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Had a go at designing some different outfits for the Great Khans in New Vegas, because I refuse to believe they’d all wear identical jacket styles, starting off with an outfit I’d think would be commonly worn by stay out home types in the Khans. Cooks, artisans, new parents, those sorts of people. 
Side note: Great Khans know gender is an illusion so the skirt isn’t gender restricted, it’s more a practical thing. Warriors wear jeans and boots, Artisans and warriors on their days off wear skirts and wraps.
I thought who better to dress up than a character from @gardedvoir and my rps! This is Broc! she’s Sasha’s aunt!!
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papakhan · 3 years
I dont have the pencil emoji but Broc Flowerrrrrr
Broc Flower showed up to the Khans with a little baby (2-3 years old) Chance pretty early after the fall of Vault 15. One of the New Khans was actually Chance's father and Broc had been struggling with her growing son so had attempted to seek him out not really realising that he was a raider and that the New Khans would have been a very dangerous group for her to approach.
Broc had the good fortune to stumble upon the Khans as Papa rose to influence, but before the Khans had settled enough to start having children of their own. She was allowed to stay as long as she helped out, she and the Khans at large took a little while to get used to eachother, but they managed, and her appearance marked a change in the Khans where non-combatants were considered equal to warriors.
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papakhan · 3 years
Also maybe XXVIII for Broc Flower [my beloved]👀👀👀
XXVIII. The Mare-in-the-Tree Describe them at their most dangerous.
Broc Flower isn't particularly dangerous in general, I designed her more to represent the civilian population the Khans lost and a strike against the NCR's propaganda that the Khans are all highly skilled 'soldiers'. She's not violent, and the things she contributes to the Khans are strictly artisan. She did however produce one if not two of the Khans best warriors so she's got something going on.
I think Broc at her most dangerous would be when she is driven to pick up a weapon, and just spraying and praying. Otherwise I think she's more of a danger to herself than anyone else, she's kind of an airhead like Jessup and she'll interrupt Papa Khan and any Important people while they're talking. Papa will just take the L but if she was in the Khans before his time she would not have lasted long.
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