#oc tybee
clovealopod · 3 months
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Tybee during octo expansion doodles, might do some backstory dump later as well because he and his siblings are rotating in my brain.
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ossydrawsthingz335 · 6 months
@tybethecrtman hey so uhh i made a oc ask blog/oc blog!!!
hes a new oc i made called tybe :3
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heres how he looks :0 (istg if u say hear me out I SWEAR TO GOD- /silly /j)
go follow uhh if u want not actually im holding u at gunpoint /j
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clovechicken · 1 year
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It’s my guy!! Tybee :)
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seamsmilex · 2 years
I made a collage of my male characters for International Men's Day. To celebrate my evolution as an artist and actually drawing male characters decently.
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raevenlywrites · 2 years
Y'all we just finished writing the most amazing sex scene between Lia and Tybee and it is giving me life!!!!
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ariparri · 2 years
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I took part in the Bleach TYBW OC Visual trend going on at Instagram!
I also gave Haruna an update to her outfit as well since I already made designs for her hairstyles of each arc. And I really love how the outfit turned out!
Name: Kisaragi Haruna
Zanpakuto: Tetsu no Ken
Affiliation: Kidō Corps, Grand Kidō Chief
Birthday: September 4
CV: Nabei Makiko
In TYBW, Haruna takes the role as Grand Kidō Chief of the Kidō Corps. And Genichirō still continues his role as her trusted lieutenant. 
However Haruna still has the tendency to slack off on her job and run off to wherever she wants to pass time, and Genichirō still has to chase after her.
Haruna's quite the playful character with a bit of that maturity to her. So I really wanted a voice that matched Haruna's personality!
🚫No Reposting🚫
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loopyhoopywrites · 4 years
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Wanted to draw something new, so here's my interpretation of @raevenlywrites Tybee ✨
Hope I didn't insult him too much 😂
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pigeonwithapen · 5 years
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I was going to color this but considering it was supposed to be a doodle to distract me from a bad situation (that has since past!) I think it’s fine as is.
This is the other au I have floating around this blog lol, I need to name it so I can organize it better.
And to be PERFECTLY CLEAR— It’s their first family vacation together to Tybee Island.
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Óró 'sé do bheatha 'bhaile
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Summery: (Hah I know I goofed and I don’t care, anywho.....) A cool night visiting Hangman’s in-laws in the Georgia marshlands has a whole other magic in itself
Note: The version of the song that the guys sing can be found in this link here if ya’ll are curious. I could not stop listening to it last night and came up with the idea on my way home from seeing this movie for the fourth time in a row!!! I really hope u guys will enjoy it either way (also several OCs were involved in the making of this fic)
P.S: @strawbxrrybuxky​ I loved the fic you wrote and as always I aims to please and repay the favor 🥰🥰🥰🥰
“Damn Gretchen,” Rooster remarked as he came back to the firepit with a bag full of firewood. “Guess you were right when you said it was hard living out here.” 
“Aw hell yes I did,” she chuckled her Georgia drawl as thick as the clay as she wrapped the old olive green wool blanket around her and Hangman’s shoulders. 
“I think it’s beautiful,” Bob said. “Spanish moss hanging from the trees, the chirpers singing at night.”
“I’d take this over the city any day,” Maverick said as Penny inched her way closer to him. “I’m starting to think that Amelia’s taking to it.” 
“Hey nothing beats simple living,” Hangman told them, downing the last sip of a Sam Adams before tossing it into the metal barrel that served as a recycling bucket. 
Gretchen’s aunt, Karen, came sauntering to the firepit, her thin arms strained as she set the heavy load down close by. A few flyaway strands of her still deep red hair, had curled and loosed themselves in the humidity while her pale skin was coated over in a thin film of sweat and her jeans spattered with wood and splinters of dirt. 
“Woah hang on, let me get that,” Maverick said, rising from the log he shared with Penny. 
“No, no, Mav it’s fine. I do this all the time,” Karen insisted. 
“You sure?” he asked her. 
“Absolutely,” she laughed. “Ever since my dad left the service, I’ve taken on alot more than I’m used to.” 
Gretchen and Hangman rolled their eyes. Leave it to the crunchy, woodsy aunt in the family to do the heaviest work. 
“Ya’ll wanna come and sit?” Gretchen asked her. 
“I gotta run into town and see if I can get the truck parts fixed,” Karen said, dusting off her hands, still in the dirty kevlar gloves. “Your Meemaw has begging me to get’em for weeks and I owe it to her.” 
Alot of the guys and girls felt bad that she couldn’t catch a break. It wasn’t easy for Gretchen’s grandmother or her aunt to keep things going on that land that lay somewhere near the mouth of the Tybee River. Ever since her grandfather had been injured fighting in Vietnam, it had been difficult for him to get around let alone take care of the land that had been in their family since their ancestors had fled the famine in Ireland. 
The last shreds of sunlight disappeared on the horizon, leaving a dusky blue sky and the chirping of crickets, frogs and crawdads to fill the humid air around them. Coyote tossed a few logs onto the fire while Fanboy slipped his Florida State Seminoles hoodie on over his head. Payback cracked another beer while Phoenix warmed herself near the firepit, the flames crackling and popping. Sure, they were California folks at heart, but anything to get out of San Diego and into a much quieter place was a much needed change. 
“Gretch, does your family sing at all?” Rooster asked, clipping his aviators to the front of his white-beater. 
“Oh Lord did we sing,” she chuckled. “Pepaw taught my sisters, brothers and I every Charlie Daniels song in the book.”
“Anything else?” 
Gretchen looked up at Hangman, their eyes meeting in a knowing gaze. “Well,” she said. “There was one that runs deep in the family. Pepaw said our ancestors sang something like it.....a long, long time ago. It was a Gaelic one......about the warriors in the clan comin’ home.” 
Bob suddenly lifted his head, the spark of a childhood memory igniting in his brain. “I think I know what one it is,” he said, breaking out in a smile. “My grandparents used to sing it too.” 
“You know it?” 
Bob nodded, pushing his glasses back up into the bridge of his nose. 
“Sing it then.” 
Bob took a deep breath, trying to remember the words that had been passed down through his family for generations. Though the memory was faint, the words were like rain as they fell from his voice. 
“Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile, Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile, Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile, Anois ar theacht an tsamhraidh!
Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile, Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile, Óró 'Sé do bheatha 'bhaile, Anois ar theacht an tsamhraidh!'
Sé do bheatha a bhean ba léanmhar, B' é ár gcreach tú bheith i ngéibhinn, Do dhúiche bhreá i seilibh meirleach... Is tú díolta leis na Gallaibh!Tá Gráinne Mhaol ag teacht thar sáile, Óglaigh armtha léi mar gharda, Gaeil iad féin is ní Gaill ná Spáinnigh... Is cuirfidh siad ruaig ar Ghallaibh!”
It wasn’t long before Phoenix, Gretchen, Maverick and Penny all began to join in, their voices intertwined with Bob’s as he kept singing. 
“Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile Anois Ar Theacht An Tsamhraidh......”
A mischievous grin played with Rooster’s features, unable to resist the urge to join in. He could almost picture his father as his own voice harmonized with the others and before long, Hangman, Payback and Coyote were singing along. 
“Tá Gráinne Mhaol ag teacht thar sáile, Óglaigh armtha léi mar gharda, Gaeil iad féin is ní Gaill ná Spáinnigh... Is cuirfidh siad ruaig ar Ghallaibh!
Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile Anois Ar Theacht An Tsamhraidh.
A bhuí le Rí na bhFeart go bhfeiceann, Muna mbíonn beo ina dhiaidh ach seachtain, Gráinne Mhaol is míle gaiscíoch... Ag fógairt fáin ar Ghallaibh!
Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile Óró Sé Do Bheatha 'Bhaile Anois Ar Theacht An Tsamhraidh.”
They sang on into the night, not caring who heard them or what anyone thought......just the gang and the people they loved and cared for, singing of a place they hadn’t yet been to, but lived in their blood and called to them all....just as the sky had done back home. 
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thatsnakeman · 3 years
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Tybee Island, Georgia [1242x2208] [OC] via /r/EarthPorn https://ift.tt/3kn8q3V
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clovealopod · 3 months
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hello artfighters 💥🫵
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Shining Star | Part One
A/N: I know everybody's stressed right now, and I'm hoping and praying if anyone gets it, they can fight it off. Vitamin C, people. Get you some. Stay rested, keep positive and take care of yourselves. I'm hoping and praying for the best for everyone💜
Okay this is late, but I struggled with how to go about it. I decided to keep this chapter short because it mentions 3 different years and didn't wanna overload yall. The story doesn't skip around like it does in this chapter, it is necessary in the chapter, though, and you'll see what I mean. Thank you so far for the support and love, I can't wait to get into this story like I have with Gateway Drug:)
Pairing: Axl Rose x OC
Words: 1.4k
Warning(s): explicit language
Tag list: @teller258316 @reigns420 @xpoisonousrosesx @oskea93 @blowinmeupwithherlove @redlipscrystalskies14 @sparxx27 @kaitieskidmore1 @sublimeprincesswasteland
" But he fell in love with her fucked up ways
With her drunken days, yeah, he still stayed
Yeah, he fell in love with her twisted dreams
And all in between, and he'd still sing
Baby, you're a shining star
I like you just like you are
You know you'll always be my baby
Don't cry
You know you're crazy, doesn't phase me
Don't lie
'Cause baby, you're a shining star
I like you just like you are " — Bebe Rexha, Shining Star
My ankles nearly roll on each other as I step out of the venue, stumbling in my heels, my heart beat seeming to thump to the rhythm of Lindsey Buckingham's "Trouble" that I can already tell is rattling the speakers of the car I'm being herded to by security.
My sunglasses stay perched on my nose, shielding my light-sensitive eyes from the prying flashes of reporters, reaching hands that are out to get a touch of me from fans, and I zone out the yells and screams of my name and begging to give someone somewhere attention.
The car door is slammed behind me once I get inside the limo and let out a breath of relief, glancing at my company.
I don't even speak, taking my jacket off and reaching into my purse to grab the loaded syringe.
"Axl said you should let up on that stuff, Tans." Steven's slurred voice erupts in my ears, his head leaned back with his own pair of sunglasses guarding his eyes. "Nikki just died, like, two weeks ago."
"Last time, Popcorn, I promise." I lie, wrapping the chain of the crucifix I received for Christmas from my best friend, Vivian, around my arm tightly to act as an aid to let me see my stripped veins better.
I wait until we're stopped at a red light with plenty of lighting from the building's around us to help me see better.
The sting of the needle is temporary before peace consumes me, and I'm collapsing.
I nearly died that night.
It was a couple days into the New Year, and ironically enough I had promised my boyfriend that I’d get sober as a New Years resolution.
I didn’t mean it.
If I had meant it, Steven Adler wouldn’t have been attempting to keep a close friend of his alive for the second time in the last ten days.
At that point I had more money than I knew what to do with, an apartment in New Yok, a mansion in L.A., a gigantic beach house on Tybee Island, two Ferraris, a Porsche, and a Harley Davidson and I didn’t even know how the hell to drive any of it, a new boyfriend that treated me like a fucking princess and was already wanting to marry me, yet I was still so fucking unhappy.
I was ungrateful.
My addiction had nothing to do with being bored and partying to pass the time and then slipping in to something more serious.
I started on coke to lose weight after being told one-hundred and twenty-five pounds only meant I needed to lose an extra fifteen, started drinking heavily to calm myself down before every shoot, then when I started getting molested at least once a month by people in charge of me at my agency and photographers, alcohol no longer did the trick and I started on heroin and anything else that would numb the self-loathing and guilt I had for bringing all of it on to myself by being a sex symbol and never telling anyone “no.”
My issues started as a way of coping with what I did to earn money, and that’s how it ended.
The dim light of the overpowering cinnamon smelling candle dances off the lilac color of my bedroom walls as my stomach nearly bursts from the amount of butterflies multiplying inside of it.
I watch the clock intently, my sweaty palms wiping at my freshly washed sheets as I examine the light purple lingerie I bought with babysitting money.
Hearing a car pull into my driveway, I peek out the window to see Vince get out, carrying a vinyl record enveloped in its skin, and I rub my lips together and give myself a small pep talk.
"Alright, Tans. You got this." I whisper, resting on my knees on the bed, waiting for him to open my door.
When he does, he sees me and looks like he's about to pass out.
"W-what's wrong?" I ask him, softly, and he blinks at me.
"You look great." He replies with a genuine smile, taking his jacket off.
"Thank you." I reply, smiling a little, tucking a blonde hair behind my ear.
"So, uh..." he nervously grins, his finger tips gliding over my thigh as he leans over me. "...Are you sure this time or not?" He asks and I look at him.
Am I, really?
We've been together a couple months and everytime we get closer and closer to homebase, I insist I'm not ready, and I can tell he's getting tired of waiting because everytime we have to stop he's rolling his eyes and getting agitated over it.
"Y-Yes." I fumble out, nodding a little.
He smirks, kissing me for a second, then another, as just as he starts unbuckling his belt, I'm stopping him.
"What is it, Tans?" He asks, the fear in his voice at the chance of me stopping him, yet again, is evident.
"I was gonna put some music on." I giggle against his lips, kissing them sweetly and relief comes off of him in heavy waves.
"Oh, yeah, go ahead." He nods, kissing my cheek.
I get up and step past him to my record player, starting up "I'll Never Love This Way Again" by Dionne Warwick.
Before I can turn back around, he's pulling me into his bare chest, pulling my hair over my shoulder, his fingers lightly brushing down my arms as his lips press into my neck.
"Let me make one slight adjustment." He whispers in my ear and I look at him over my shoulder, nodding slightly.
He's changing out the record in the player in the speed of light and suddenly "Black Dog" by Led Zepplin starts up, and he turns the volume up so it's blaring.
My face slowly falls and I realize this is not about to be like I have pictured it at all.
Our entire relationship wasn't like I pictured it.
It's as if a rug has been snatched out from underneath me, the breath leaving my body, my mind racing along with my heart.
Vince has tears in his eyes, his hands encircling mine.
"I don't...I don't understand." I tell him, my heart feeling like it's going to stop.
"I don't know what else to say about it, Tans." He exhales softly. "I'm sorry, I really am, it just happened, like, I don't--"
"--How does getting another girl pregnant just happen, Vince?" I choke out, starting to cry.
"Tansy, don't...please don't cry, baby." He wipes at my tears and I recoil away from him a little bit.
"You can't sleep with someone else and then call me 'baby' like everything is okay, Vince."
"It is okay, Tansy, alright? It was just one stupid hook up, it didn't mean anything and this doesn't change--"
"--You have a kid, now, Vince! It changes everything!"
"But it doesn't have to." He stays as calm as he can. "I do love you, I really do. We can work through this."
"I can't be anybody's step-mom at sixteen." I shake my head.
He looks like he's going to cry.
Neither of us say anything for several minutes.
"So, that's it...two years...just wasted." He's obviously trying to play it cool, although he's got a hold of my hand again and refuses to let it go.
I lick my tear soaked lips and sniffle, wiping my eyes.
"They aren't wasted to me." I tell him, softly.
He sighs out, blinking quickly before clearing his throat, disguising brushing the tears from his lashes as rubbing his eye.
"Well, it was a good run, Tans." He states, covering his hurt with a smile. "I'll see you around?"
"We're breaking up, Vince. Not two friend's just saying 'see ya later'." I tell him, expecting him to give a bigger reaction.
"I'll see ya later, Tans." He says, and I realize he doesn't want this to ruin the years we were friends before lovers.
I give him a sad smile before reaching across the console of his car, hugging him.
When we pull away, I give him my best smile.
"I'll see ya later, Vince." I reply, getting out of his car for the last time, closing the door on two years of my life I'll never get back, but they were spent with my first love, so well spent they were.
I never spoke to him again, unless it was just nodding to each other in the halls at school, well...before he dropped out, that is, until the following year at one of his first shows with Mötley Crüe.
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seamsmilex · 2 years
Tybe The Warhead. Also a good character. He has a good story arc.
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raevenlywrites · 3 years
NaNo 2021 Day 1
Nov is for writing, Dec is for sharing
Probably should have been sharing these during November but better late than never, right? Tybee looked at the garden before him, and back at the tattoo parlor behind him. They did not match in any way. The vampires at the B&B had assured him that although the be-muraled brick building didn’t seem like much, it was the closest thing Riverside had to a fey house, since most traveling folks were…
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violetcancerian · 4 years
OC Pride Fact Swap: Tybee is genderfluid, but still uses he/him pronouns, no matter what gender he's wearing. This confuses Gil greatly.
Ooooh!!! Sir Gawain is nonbinary but uses he/him! Tybee sounds really interesting!!
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loopyhoopywrites · 4 years
Happy STS! Which other existing fictional character(s) would you love to see your OC(s) interact with? As friends, enemies, lovers, rivals, whatever.
@raevenlywrites beat me to it, but putting Tybee and Cedrix together would be an absolute delight. Although I’d also love to put their Tybee, my Tim, and @merigreenleaf‘s Dray together in a room full of ballgowns 😂 
And now I think about it, I’d love for Trickster and Polly from The Ex Quest to meet Meri’s carnival troop. I imagine the charismatic “reformed” grifter and adhd birdfolk bard would fit right in!
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