#oc: Maryn
cizzle-freezy · 1 year
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man i love trios
especially trios that would bully each other and then get really defensive/protective of each other
the "no one picks on them but me" trope
(Aonani, rightmost person, belongs to @juan-o-clocks)
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inquisitoradaar · 4 months
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i put negative effort into this but i couldnt get it out of my head unless i drew it
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CONGRATULATIONS TO OneLouToRuleThemAll FOR WINNING THE P&S ART CONTEST! This piece is now officially CANON on the blog! Thank you to Lou and everyone else who entered the contest!
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bird-in-a-fish-cage · 10 months
an unusually pigmented cardassian potter
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angeltism · 1 year
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Maryne drew a full body of xerself,, oddly purroud of how it turned out since normally she cannawt do full body poses that look even. slightly decent. so ermm yayay,,
blame any slight errors on aqua's shaky hands ok? ok :]
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cherrywineisawaltz · 1 month
Okay, so I’ve been wanting to write a a Logan x OC fanfic with the OC as a professor at Charles school and I wrote the first chapter (really short cause its just sort of a bit of background) and I thought I’d post it here just to see how people would receive it!
(Also this is set when she’s about fifteen, the actual first chapter is going to be a major time jump, so through the fic she’ll be about 30)
Warnings: runaway teen (?), sleeping in a diner, she thinks Charles is kinda weird, not proof read lmao, nothing else I don’t think?
She woke up cold. Her lashes flutter against her cheeks, sore with sleep. It was too frigid in the small diner, the heater did little in the winter and they had put her right by the door that let in a breeze every time it swung open; biting her skin. Her own attire wasn’t much help either, she thought.
The too-big sweatshirt hanging off her shoulders wasn’t thick enough to keep her warmer than her own body heat could, and her jeans were still wet from falling into the snow outside of the empty diner. The only warmth she had was from the thick leather boots on her feet that were two sizes too big.
The heavy thrill of hail outside the small diner window was a heavy patter in her ear drums. The bright beaming twenty-four hour sign hummed against the window, the fluorescent light flickering harsh blue and red light.
She pressed her open palm to the side of her cheek, eyes looming over the other patrons. Most of the diner was vacant, the waitresses bide behind the counters and the heavy steam of coffee burned in the air. She felt hunger nestle in the pit of her empty stomach, if she had enough shoved away in her rucksack she could get pancakes, if she had enough energy she wouldn’t need to pay for them at all. But she had a feeling she would.
She pushed against the table, stretching carefully, ignoring the always present ache in her limbs. Her fingers pushed against her scalp, feeling against her boyish cut hair.
It was just getting long enough for the curls to furl beside her ear, but it still bristled against her fingers. It made people stare less the more it grew, and she was thankful. Soon enough she’d attract even less attention.
Maryn could hear the soft clicking of heels, it was the waitress, she could hear the whisper of her thoughts flutter against her skull. Her mind was always hazy after sleeping, so none of the whispers were coherent enough for her to understand. She didn’t look up until she was right beside the table.
“You want anything, sweetheart?” She had a pot of coffee in her hand, and a southern lilt in her voice. “You’ve been here a while, you must be hungry.”
If she had noticed Maryn sleeping only moments ago she didn’t mention it, but her thoughts fluttered with concern.
“Pancakes?” Maryn blinked up at her.
The waitress nodded, her name tag read Hellen. She had blonde straw-like hair and yellow rimmed glasses.
“How about some chocolate chip pancakes, huh? Knock your socks right off.” She smiled, and Maryn nodded, unwilling to deny the indulgence. “I’ll get those right out, sweet pea.”
She walked away, bright red shoes clicking as she did. She was nice.
Maryn sunk back into her seat, one of the waitresses turned on a radio and through the storm the music didn’t sound like it had any words, covered by static, but its gentle tune was nice enough.
She rubs the ache over her tired eyes, she’d have to walk further when the sun finally came up. If her jeans dried before she left the diner maybe she’d make it further than she did today. Just the thought of more walking made her head throb and ache.
Hitching a ride wasn’t a far idea for her, but didn’t like all the questions that came with asking for help. They can’t help it, always the most obvious questions first, Where are your parents? Are you all alone? Shouldn’t you be in school? She was tired of it.
The soft jingle of the bell hanging over the door rang lightly as it swung open. Maryn tugged her sweater closer when the biting breeze crept through the sleeves.
Another soft flutter of whispers filled her head, she ignored them. She didn’t care to hear anyone else's thoughts. But they grew closer, until someone was coming up beside her table again, and then the whispers were gone.
“Hello.” An accented voice greeted. “Mind if I join you?”
She looked up at the man beside her table, her eyes trailing up the silvery metal of the wheelchair he was sitting in before his face.
He was older, weathered and looked at her with a familiar kind of smile while wearing the nicest suit she had ever seen. A deep blue with a matching tie and one of those pieces of fabric people shove into the chest pocket. It made him stand out, looking strange in the rickety diner.
She doesn’t say anything, but he picks up the menu at the other end of the table and she doesn’t stop him.
“I’m Charles Xavier.” He said warmly, he extended a hand, “It is a pleasure to meet you.”
She looked at his hand curiously before reaching out to shake it slowly. His hand is warm.
“Hi.” She said, wearily. He looks at their joined hands when they touch.
“Cold,” He smiles, “I’d imagine this is the warmest place around these parts.”
“For a few miles.” Maryn shrugs, he didn't seem like the worst person to have a conversation with.
“Did you walk yourself here?” She nodded. “The next town isn’t for miles. You must be exhausted.”
She shrugged, again. She felt how she always felt. Cold, tired, achy. His eyes trail over the rucksack tucked into her side.
“Is that all your things?” She nodded, tugging her bag closer.
“What I can carry.” She tells him. He hums.
“It looks heavy. Must have been difficult in this weather.”
“It’s alright.”
“If you say so.” He smiles.
She nods.
Charles, the strange British man, didn’t seem annoyed by her silence, but she was rather perturbed by his. His mind was completely silent, not a single whisper.
Usually she couldn’t keep other people’s thoughts away, only if she really concentrated she could quiet the noise down for a little bit, but it’s like his mind was completely empty.
Her dark fawn-like eyes trail up his head. She usually didn’t have to focus so much, and even now as she did, she heard nothing.
You won’t get anything up here, Maryn.
She jumped in her seat.
“Alright, baby, I got your pancakes and–oh,” Hellen came back with a hot steaming stack of chocolate chip pancakes. She looked between the two, eyeing Charles, “Is everything alright over here?”
“Yes, splendid, could I get some coffee, please? And,” He pauses to look at Maryn, “A milkshake, for my friend.”
There was only one milkshake on the menu, vanilla.
Hellen looks at her first, and then back at him.
“Of course. Coming right up, sugar.” And she clicks away again.
Charles smiled at her, kindly.
“It’s rude to snoop, you know.” He says, though there’s not much sternness in his tone.
“Most people don’t seem to mind.” She said plainly.
Charles dipped his head with a funny smile.
“I’m sure they don’t.”
“How do you know my name?” She asked, picking up her fork and butter knife as she did. She was curious but still starving. She grabbed the syrup at the end of the table, smothering her cakes.
“Because I have been keeping an eye on you for quite some time, Maryn.” He admits, watching her scarf down her pancakes like they’d run away from her. “You are very special.
“Special" isn't the word most people use.” She says out of the edge of her mouth, still chewing.
“We are not most people.” Charles hums.
“Yeah,” she muttered plainly.
“I’ll admit, your…capabilities are more advanced than I’ve seen in others your age.” He observed, “It’s quite impressive.”
Maryn doesn’t say anything to that. She didn’t have anything to say. Charles continues.
“You know, most mutant children I find are often in groups. They find one another, and protect each other.” His fingers drum on the fake carved plastic, “You remain by yourself. Have you not met others?”
She cuts jaggedly into her pancakes.
“I have.” She chews.
“And what happened?”
She thought about not telling him, then she thought he already knew and was just waiting for her to say it. Either way, he waits patiently across from her, waiting for her to say something; same gentle look in his eye.
“There's something inside me.” She admits, dubiously, “It scares people.”
“Does it scare you?” Again, she doesn’t answer.
Charles looked at her for a long time, she almost thought he was going to go away, leave her there, growing frustrated with her insolence. But he doesn’t. Instead, he looks at her with the same familiar smile.
“I have a school.” He says, “It’s not much now, barely a handful of students, even less teachers, but I created it for gifted children. Children like you.”
Maryn stared at him, her fork stabbing a piece of pancake on her plate.
“A school?”
He nods.
“I’d very much like you to attend.” He tells her, eyes looking her over, “Perhaps I can help you.
He seems to mean it. It’s the first time she can’t see into someone’s mind to know if they’re telling the truth or not, but she has a feeling, an unfamiliar feeling, that she can trust him.
She looked down at her plate, “What if you can’t?”
Charles looks at her carefully.
“Then maybe I can help you learn to control it.” Maryn looks up at him. “At the least, you’ll have a warm bed, food. Clothes that fit.”
For the first time since they started talking, she smiles. It’s small, but it’s there.
“Alright, a coffee for you,” They both looked at Hellen as she came back, “And a milkshake for you, Angel.”
“Yes, we’ll have the check please.” Charles says kindly. Then he places his forefinger and his middle finger to his temple and looks Hellen in the eyes,“You will not remember us once we leave.”
Maryn watches the waitress's eyes glaze over from behind her glasses before she smiles again.
“I’ll get that right out for you.”
Maryn looked at Charles.
“Can I do that?”
“We shall see, won’t we?” His lips spread into a thin smile. “Finish your pancakes.”
Omg I feel so anxious I literally have never done this before 😭 but please let me know what you guys think! If I do decide to post the whole fic it’ll prob be on ao3 just cause I plan to make it pretty long/slow burn
But I hope u guys like it 🙌🙌
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5hiidechuu · 1 month
i hate background
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Character : ◇📺 Vox (Hazbin hotel) (human ver) ◇🦌 Alastor (Hazbin hotel) (human ver) ◆🪽 Raziel/Bernia Maryn (my oc) original pose: MV Non Fantasy - LipxLip
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tatzlewurm · 1 year
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Sup fellas here’s a wiz doodle pile feat. My ocs Julia Rainbowfist, Maryn Rainbowfist and Benadryl Fearstriker
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cloudninetonine · 10 months
Okay, I've had little motivation to do much recently but, I really wanted to make your oc...
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Do you like?
I'm glad people like my Sona IUHD I've literally just been so obsessed with them recently
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goat-teru · 5 months
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This is my oc, it's Maryn, a Mexican artist boy...Aha... just like me, although I don't see myself like that because he's actually based on one of my crushes.
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inquisitoradaar · 7 months
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was overcome by the need to draw maryn and zevran as this post
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colesmurf23 · 2 years
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(OC) Marlin The Yoshi
Bio: Marlin Yoshi
Name: Marlin
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: January 1st
Species: Yoshi
Relationship/Wife: Arilyn
Family Members: Cole (Mother) Micole (Mother) Nivian (Grandma) Midnight (Grandpa) James (Grandpa) Tori (Grandma) Vicktoria (Aunt) Jamarr (Uncle) Victorio (Uncle) Jamell (Uncle) Jamesie (Uncle) Victoire (Aunt) Toree (Aunt) Jame (Uncle) Noora (Sister) Maxwell (Brother) Noel (Sister) Manfried (Brother) Marlyssa (Brother) Moses (Brother) Nerissa (Sister) Nuna (Sister) Nea (Sister) Micoletta (Sister) Mickey (Brother) Luiggi (Brother) Luigina (Sister) Clo (Sister) Coe (Brother) Cloris (Younger Sister) Madea (Younger Sister) Olivia (Younger Sister) Hailee (Youngest Sister) Cube (Youngest Brother) Starr (Youngest Sister) Aryan (Son) Aryeh (Son) Marabella (Daughter) Marabelle (Daughter) Arysta (Daughter) Marcelo (Son) Marcel (Son) Malin (Favorite Son) Arilla (Daughter) Arielle (Daughter) Arietta (Adopted Daughter) Maryn (Adopted Son) Zavier (Piplup Pokemon) Evan (Brother in law) Evans (Nephew) Maxima (Niece) Margolette (Niece) Margo (Nephew) Evanam (Nephew) Maxon (Nephew) Maxton (Nephew) Evanne (Niece) Evander (Nephew) Evanna (Niece) Danny (Brother in law) Delora (Niece) Dallan (Nephew) Dallin (Nephew) Nova (Niece) Nikolas (Nephew) Danae (Niece) Danni (Niece) Danna (Niece) Nooriel (Nephew) Darry (Nephew) Dooley (Nephew) Noah (Younger Nephew) Noa (Younger Niece) Noire (Younger Niece) Donny (Younger Nephew) Noor (Youngest Niece) Norah (Youngest Adopted Niece) Daniyal (Youngest Adopted Nephew) Ryder (Brother in law) Nollan (Nephew) Rylan (Nephew) Ryland (Nephew) Renae (Niece) Noeletta (Niece) Ryden (Nephew) Nohl (Nephew) Noella (Niece) Ryenne (Niece) Noely (Niece) Clover (Sister in law) Clovis (Nephew) Marcie (Niece) Marcy (Niece) Claude (Nephew) Claud (Nephew) Marcellus (Nephew) Cloud (Nephew) Mearl (Nephew) Cova (Niece) Clarke (Niece) Clark (Nephew) Malik (Nephew) Mali (Nephew) Cove ((Niece) Manfred (Nephew) Karl (Brother in law) Marly (Niece) Marlis (Niece) Mirabela (Niece) Carlyle (Nephew) Carlus (Nephew) Carlin (Niece) Cal (Nephew) Karl (Brother in law) Marly (Niece) Marlis (Niece) Mirabela (Niece) Carlyle (Nephew) Carlus (Nephew) Carlin (Niece) Cal (Nephew) Miggy (Niece) Mariam (Niece) Kiri (Nephew) Kerri (Niece) Embo (Nephew) Audrina (Sister in law) Marlo (Nephew) Audey (Nephew) Adya (Nephew) Audley (Nephew) Adney (Nephew) Marrin (Niece) Marry (Niece) Morris (Nephew) Audric (Nephew) Auden (Nephew) Austen (Nephew) Marten (Nephew) Moselle (Niece) Audry (Youngest Niece) Moshe (Youngest Nephew) Marco (Brother in law) Nessa (Niece) Maci (Niece) Marco (Nephew) Neela (Niece) Marc (Nephew) Nestor (Nephew) Marcella (Niece) Marcelle (Niece) Nero (Nephew) Nerian (Nephew) Sunset (Sister in law) Elaine (sister in law) Sandra (Sister In law) Micola (Niece) Sander (Nephew) Sandro (Nephew) Sammy (Nephew) Micolette (Niece) Suzette (Niece) Sandriana (Niece) Michelette (Niece) Michela (Niece) Sanderson (Nephew) Michel (Nephew) Michele (Nephew) Melissa (Sister in law) Mellisa (Niece) Mick (Nephew) Melissza (Niece) Melisha (Niece) Mel (Niece) Micki (Niece) Mickie (Niece) Mike (Nephew) Mikko (Nephew) Melvyn (Nephew) Virginna (Sister in law) Candace (Sister in law) Lydia (Sister in law) Peasly (Brother in law) Tiffiny (Sister in law) Toren (Brother in law) Boone (Uncle) Amarah (Aunt) Nikson (Uncle) Nirvana (Aunt) King Coal (Uncle) Nicole (Aunt) Katie (Cousin) Kylar (Cousin) Coal Jr (Cousin) Aleiza (Cousin) Zeke (Cousin) Tabarious (Cousin) Tavio (Cousin) Adalley (Cousin) Tamburlaine (Cousin) Fuzzy (Cousin) Sabrina (Younger Cousin) Ayden (Younger Cousin) Nikole (Younger Cousin) Koal (Younger Cousin) Cortney (Youngest Cousin) Nicoletta (Youngest Cousin) Nicola (Youngest Cousin) Nicco (Youngest Cousin) Colette (Aunt) Colleen (Cousin) Cox (Cousin) Coxe (Cousin) Clarette (Cousin) Coleta (Cousin) Colley (Cousin) Robley (Cousin) Colie (Cousin) Coline (Cousin) Conrad (Cousin) Conran (Cousin) Coelee (Cousin)
Personality: Clumsy, Active, Shy, Caring, Helpful, Creative, Gamer, And Sensitive
Friends: Clumsy Smurf Nat Smurfling Smurfette Smurf Painter Smurf Cookie (My bestie's oc and Best Friend) Karlie (2nd Best Friend) Javon (3rd Best friend) Boston (4th Best friend) Forest (5th Best friend) Ebbe Muffin (My Bestie's oc and 6th best friend) Laura (My bestie's oc and 7th best friend) Clova (My bestie's oc) Myron (My bestie's oc and 8th best friend) Finnley (My bestie's oc) Julyana (Our oc and 9th best friend) Kaitlin (Our oc) Kaeli (Our oc and 10th best friend) Kaleo (Our oc and 11th best friend) Keara (Our oc) Alysha (My Bestie's oc and 12th best friend) Noelia (13th best friend) Ozzy (My bestie's oc and 14th best friend) Ander (Our oc and 15th best friend) Leevi (Our oc and 16th best friend)
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Season: Fall And Winter
Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving And Christmas
Fun Fact: Marlin is kinda a clumsy yoshi, he does trip and drop stuff sometimes. But he always cleans up his mess. Since he's very clumsy. By being clumsy, he is very active, especially during the winter. He love playing in the snow. And mostly love to have snowball fights with his siblings. And at the end of the day after playing in the snow. He snuggles by the fire, and spend time with he's mini crewmate and mini imposter. Being active, he can be very shy. Even when he was a baby yoshi, he was very shy. He isn't use to be around a lot of people, but he love being by his best friend Cookie. He is very caring, especially around he's family. He may be shy, but he is very caring. Being caring, he love helping out, he helps both he's mother's a lot. He also take care of he's mothers mini imposter and mini crewmarte. Why they both are out on a date. He is also very attached to he's younger adopted siblings. He cares so much about them, that he will and always keep them safe. Because he is very helpful and very caring. on he's free time, he can be very creative. He love's drawing, he most makes fanart of his favorite series or franchise. Like he's mother Cole. She does the same. He also love drawing for he's mothers on their birthday. On he's free time. He does play video games. He mostly plays multiplayer games. He love's playing Among Us, and a bunch of Mario games. He mostly plays them with both he's mothers. He also love being the imposter both normal and hide and seek. He does go after he's mother Cole first. Before killing other crewmates. And he can be very sensitive, he doesn't like to see anything scary, he is very sensitive to scary things. It kind always make him sick a little bit. Since he is very sensitive to that kind of stuff.
Marlin belong to: me
Yoshi Species: Nintendo
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guttertongue · 2 years
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naomimakesart · 3 years
can you tell us a bit about your ocs, if you have the time?
I would love to! I don’t have a lot mapped out for everyone but I’ll give a brief explanation of the main trio!
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First we’ll start with Lyr! He’s a demigod, shameless flirt and occasionally lends a helping hand to those in need (but personally just loves the attention and adoration he gets for it). His zodiac sign is Libra, he loves his goddess mother very much (whom he mostly resembles) and he has a night each month where he loses his demigod powers and becomes human (in this form he looks more like his father). When Maryn first meets him he’s going to be trapped in a temple ruin under a spell (I’m taking several inspirations from InuYasha for his character 🤣), after helping release him they eventually become unlikely travel companions. He thinks she’s wound up too tight but enjoys teasing her. He has burned a lot of bridges with other magical/powerful people.
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Next we have Maryn! I can’t decide whether I want Maryn working from an academy or magical agency of some sorts 🤔 I know her preoccupation is going to be centered around finding magical artifacts; she is a mage in training or a very inexperienced one. Can’t decide if I want her to be a Taurus or a Capricorn yet but I know I want her to be one of those earth signs. She is in a committed relationship with Thalion whom she’s known for many years and always admired. I want to explore giving her a corruption arc, possibly from overuse of magic or forbidden magic. She finds Lyr very overwhelming most of the time but is able to be herself around his goofy presence eventually
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Lastly we have Thalion or Thal for short! I keep going back and forth for his zodiac sign; first instinct for him was Scorpio but I might make him a Capricorn. Charismatic but reserved personality (very professional), very skilled mage that has a history with Maryn (either a previous classmate or coworker) and is currently dating her. I don’t necessarily want him to be villainous but also don’t want him to be heroic either. Definitely has a fixation on dark or forbidden magic that he encourages Maryn to study with him 👀
I have BARELY scratched the surface on any lore pertaining to these OCs but plan to keep fleshing them out. I’d love to make some more concepts for other characters too eventually!
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Congratulations on 5 years! I got a question for maryn: maryn, dose you're siblings and springtraps noise squeak?
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malevon · 2 years
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mermay redraw 🧜‍♀️🧜‍♀️🧜‍♀️🧜‍♀️
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