#oc: Tamarillo
lyrishadow · 2 years
Lvl 80 on Tam finally yesterday. Too tired to do much else but yeah. Did the other spec as merc. Because I need range play at times.
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Also... I love this...
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Cos he's showing off to you . [Badly edited panel.. I dont care too tired lol]
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fruit-fighters · 6 years
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Some fun lil rando characters I made: Agbalumo, Claret, Kiwi, Papaya, Pepino, and Tamarillo!
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lyrishadow · 3 years
How about “My emotions have been turbulent for so long, I’m not sure how to react” for Tamarillo and Theron. I do like a touch of angst.
A short : (Working on camp nano and my brain wishes me to write 20 other things because you know focusing on that one thing I *am* meant to be writing is ... ok so this is one of the 20 other things... but I can see this scene clear as day.
The new forest of Nathema swirled around them, a sheltered corner, but not so secluded that they had very long. Tamarillo, HIS Tam, stood facing Theron Shan and her face was a mixture of emotions that for once, he couldn’t read.  “ My emotions have been turbulent for so long, I’m not sure how to react.” She spoke slowly as he came up towards her on the path. They didn’t have long but Lana had given them as much of a moment as she could. “I .. I know.” Theron scrubbed his hand across his face in a gesture of weariness that had she seen it any other time, Tamarillo would have scooped him off to rest immediately. Instead, she hesitated her hand hovered close to her blaster. “Can we trust you?” “I could not… the risk of losing you was so great that I…” “Theron.” Tamarillo’s voice was dangerous now, a tone he had never heard directed at himself but now, now he had done that one thing that he had promised her he would not do. He had betrayed her, lied, worse, he walked away. A childish bracelet on his wrist began to itch as if a reminder that the ties that bound them should have been stronger than this.  That He should not have let it get this far. Tamarillo shifted, staring at him, her green eyes wide. “Theron Shan. You broke my heart… why?” “I couldn’t let them hurt you.” he finally got out, “I told you I would do anything... To..” "Anything .. " she shook her head and in that second he saw what he had done clearer than anything. "You should have talked to me, told me...something..I…" Her legs crumbled beneath her and for a moment the galaxy was just the two of them, she was just a girl and he was her idiot boyfriend. "Tam." He was with her in a second holding her, helping her to stand. "Theron," her voice was low, soft but broken " I love you. In spite of everything, I still trust you." "I promise I will make this up to you." he vowed " and never do it again." "We have to move." Tam’s voice was low. “We can talk later. We have to.”  Theron had a feeling this fight might not be his last, but if it was he intended to give it his all to protect the girl he loved more than anything the galaxy offered.
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lyrishadow · 3 years
OC music meme
tagged by: @cyrraluu Tagging: @swaps55, @mimabeann, @shadoedseptmbr, @shabre-legacy​
Rules: list one or more songs that relate to the following. As usual one for Swtor and one for ME: This is part 1 of 2 - SWTOR one this time. Under the cut!! Because i wont torture your dash!
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reminds you of them most:
Can’t Stop Me Now - Oh the Larceny
Can’t stop me now Can’t stop me now Can’t stop me now I’m just doin’ what I do Won’t stop doin’ what I do
I’m not tryin’ to be your hero; it’s the only way that I know This battle is never through Every risk that I take, every bone that I break Just doin’ what I do
reminds another character of them: Of course this is Theron Shan thinking about his girl.
Just the way you Are - Bruno Mars
When I see your face There's not a thing that I would change 'Cause you're amazing Just the way you are And when you smile The whole world stops and stares for a while 'Cause girl, you're amazing Just the way you are Yeah
reminds you of a relationship of theirs, doesn’t have to be romantic, can be paternal, friendly, etc:  This is Tam thinking about Theron, the whole song fits actually.
I found You - Andy Grammar
I found cynicism, I found criticismI've been the zero, the heroAnd I have been the villainI lost more than a heart can takeBut I found you on the way (On the way)
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lyrishadow · 3 years
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These two today.  Have decided they are both absolutely idiots.  But... the first image... that caught me off guard, I mean I have played through a romanced Sith but this … this was different.  Bottom picture: she said yes to him, and he seems like he is happier than he has been.  Now on to newer things :) 
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lyrishadow · 4 years
fictober 5: Told
Prompt 5: “Unacceptable try again” Fandom: Star Wars the Old Republic
Title: Told
Pairing:  Tamarillo /Theron Shan Rating: G Warnings/Tags: fluff
It was a rare day they had time to themselves. Theron had suggested they take a speeder out for a ride somewhere away from people who needed them. Mostly he hoped to take Tam away so she could relax. He had planned it before asking her, so she couldn't say no. His planning had not quite gone to plan.
" A picnic?" Lana had stared at him, " on Odessan, while Vaylin is trying to kill her?" " Well, we are not heading to Zakkul or anything." Theron’s reply netted him an indelicate roll of the eyes. "Look she needs a break." "You too." Lana stared at him, challenging him. "What?" "You need a break too." "Of course I’m going with her aren't I?" "The list of what you are taking?" "Huh, the normal things? Picnic, picnic blanket, data pad, and…" "Unacceptable, try again." "Oh come on Lana….what are you talking about?" "You.” Lana said, sounding motherly all of a sudden “Tam will appreciate you not trying to work. Otherwise, my only other condition is you tell Torian where you are going." "Fine." "If you are not back by dark, I am sending him out after you." Lana waved her finger in front of him "don’t be late." “Fine!” “And Theron?” Lana smiled sweetly, unnerving for the Sith Lord. “Yeah?” “Have fun.” Lana Beniko was going to be the death of him, one way or another.
"So a picnic sounds good." Tam had agreed "does Lana know?" “Yes she does,” Theron looked beaten “The sooner we can leave, the better.” “She went weird on you didn’t she?” “Yeah.” “Told you to leave work here?” “Yeah.” Theron looked at her strangely. “That explains this.” Tam pulled a data pad from her pocket, it had a blue ribbon on it and was labeled “To Theron” it was, excessive. “What on earth? "Theron stared at it with caution, not sure if it was a legitimate gift or a joke wrapped in the shape of a data pad? “She said you could read it while I slept or something.” Tam grinned “Lets get moving.” “Have to tell Torian we are…” “No problem.” Torian was suddenly standing right behind him and it made Theron nervous just thinking about it. I was told to follow at a respectable distance. I don’t want to be shot at though so I am letting you know.” “I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.” Theron said conversationally “This is really odd.” “So let’s go huh?” Tam nodded to him pulling him to the speeder. Soon with the wind in their hair the stress of the base, the war, the everything was gone and it was just the two of them.
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lyrishadow · 3 years
For the kiss prompts: A confession of feelings in the rain for Tamarillo
Thanks for the request :D 
“Mind if I walk with you?” Tamarillo looked up at the voice to see Theron Shan there, he looked about as tired as she felt. “Sure, I was just going to get away from….”  Behind them, a loud angry voice was yelling Darth Marr was a sith and apparently expected to be obeyed, at least by his own people. “That.”
“As long as it isn’t trying to get away from me?” Theron looked worried and Tamarillo was surprised, she liked him, more than she cared to admit it, after all of this rubbish she could only hope they might have some time to work out what the attraction is; and maybe figure out if Theron was the same person she had met years ago. Unless now was the time, maybe?
“Not trying to get away from you. I promise,” she replied quietly.
“We have met before haven’t we?” His smile was disarmingly charming. He ducked into a patch of jungle on the edge of the camp with Tam following him closely. “I mean, before all this…”
“I think so.” Tamarillo played with a woven band on her wrist, it was old, extended as she grew up but she still wore the friendship bracelet she had made of leather strips when she was a kid.
“I um…” Theron lifted his arm and showed her the same bracelet, Tamarillo gasped and without thinking of any kind of decorum, she grabbed Theron’s arm and pulled it up to her face.
“I take it you recognize it?”
“Stars! How could you have grown up to be…” she stopped, not sure where she should be careful or not be careful about who he was, what he was.
“A spy? A good shot? Good looking?” Theron chuckled as he went through some of the options.
“All of that is true,” Tam replied, letting go of his wrist and pushing her hand through her red hair. “I was ten when I met you.”
“Certainly a long way from tinkering on the ship, you saved the galaxy, and you are about to do it again right?”
“I guess.” Tamarillo kicked her foot against a tree. “I’m not a Jedi you know, I’m a smuggler... A thief, someone who is good at cards, but this… this is more than a game of sabbacc.”
“Sorry. I think I was the reason you got involved.” His apology was sincere. 
“No, I was invested when things went wrong with Tython. I might be on the outskirts but I like the Republic, it keeps me in business.” she sighed “Not that I need much lately.”
“Oh?”Theron sat down on a fallen log and watched her as she let her frustration out against a tree. “You seem … angry?”
“Nah.” Tamarillo shrugged “I was, don’t get me wrong, I was so mad, at the idiot Revenites, and then I was mad they took you…”
“Yeah, I got that, I saw you came to rescue me.” Theron paused, patting the tree trunk next to him “Can you sit with me for a bit?”
“Okay.” Tamarillo nodded. “I was going to sit down, I just had to…kick something first.”
“I don’t do relationships.” Theron started to say, he sounded nervous, confused even “and stars I don’t even know where I stand with you.”
“I… yeah.” Her reply wasn’t helpful.
“When you walked into the ops room before I even knew that I had met you before, I um liked what I saw.” his eyes never left her face, which developed a red tinge.
“You did?” Tamarillo was about to kick her own shin if this kept up, she had been better at flirting on Voss of all places.
“Yeah, I did, you are a beautiful, talented woman and…” Theron closed his eyes and looked down, that was when the first drops started.
“Rain?” Tamarillo said in disgust “Now?”
“Figures. This conversation…”
“I am not done.” Tamarillo replied, “If you don’t mind getting a little wet?”
“It’s a strange offer.” Theron said, then sighed covering his face with his palm “I did not just say that. I swear I am better at flirting than this.”
Tamarillo began to chuckle “I was just thinking the same thing.”
“You are tongue-tied?”Theron asked, “I really am surprised.”
“Don’t be.” Tamarillo said as she shifted a fraction closer to him “Look this is hard for me to say, I don’t know what you want to hear anyhow.”
“It’s… complicated then?”
“Not really.” Tamarillo shrugged “I really like you, and I thought on Rishi that it was just because you hadn’t seen anyone else for a while.”
“That’s not true…” Theron hastened to correct her. His hand reaching for hers “I kept the bracelet because, at the time, you were the first person to tell me I could do something, other than fail. You also made me smile. Over the years, I think I developed an attachment to you.” He chuckled then “ You made Master Zhou really mad at me for a little while.”
“Oh.,... I got away with so much on that ship.” she shook her head “I think I was a brat.”
“Your dad was good with you..”
“He wasn’t my dad but yeah he was a good guy.” She sighed, life had definitely not been uneventful even this far.
“So when we met then, and you showed me how to shoot, and ah be myself, I think my ten-year-old self developed a very quick crush on you.” Theron sighed the rain causing his hair to press down on his forehead. “I don’t want to screw this up.”
“Ironic, nor do I. If we both don’t then…” she smiled at him “Look, I don’t know what’s coming, where we end up from here, but I do know that I like you. I liked you then too.”
“I think,” Theron said quieter than before closer to Tamarillo’s ear, “I think I am falling in love with you.” 
Tamarillo didn’t hesitate to kiss him then, resting her head against his as he grinned at her. They had kissed before, but this was sweeter, softer, and the rain kept falling and they didn’t care. “Perfect.” she whispered, “Because I am falling for you.” (OC: Tamarillo)(SWTOR)
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lyrishadow · 4 years
OC Aesthetic
Tagged by @darth-bagel​ about 8 days ago or something, I am slowly catching up with it. Decided to log into SWTOR and grab Tamarillo for this. Here she is:
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MEDIEVAL (9) tired eyes. coffee stains on the table. listening to the bustle of the city. unmade beds. ponytails. sunlight seeping through the curtains. chapped lips. walking barefoot across the floorboards. dusty dictionaries. black and white reruns. huge sweaters. the ticking of the clock. hearing birds in the morning. fireplaces. falling asleep during class. RENAISSANCE (4) Freckles. the sun rising. watching the sea. taking shots of the city. historical museums. bright eyes. looking up at the clouds. walls covered in artworks. drawing in the middle of lessons. tracing your fingers on the sand. painting for hours. staying in uncrowded coffee-shops. worn paperbacks. messy braids. going to bed with your knee socks on BAROQUE (3) dark hair. a little sophisticated. always observing the world around you. intricate designs. high ceilings. extravagant musical pieces. dim lights. colorless photographs. fancy furniture. pale skin. hearing soft footfalls coming from outside the room. mischievous looks. bitten nails. candlelight dinners. dark shades of lipstick. CLASSICAL (4) chandeliers. the clinking of a teacup mug. laced clothing. modern architecture. light hair. watching the view from the terrace. hidden birthmarks. drinking tea in the morning. wandering about in an empty building. botanical gardens. old films. ancient marble sculptures. expensive perfume. breakfasts in bed. reading stories about mythology. ROMANTIC (9) compassion. short writings on scraps of paper. blushed cheeks. a bouquet of roses. reading collections of poetry late at night. loose hair. carpeted floors. attending operas. faint music playing in the background. staying under the covers until midday. the night sky. streetlights. picking flowers. dancing around in silk dresses. scented candles. There we go a delicious mix of Medieval and Romantic with a few points of  the others. 
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lyrishadow · 4 years
Muse Fears
For Nymai 
(who i guess is now Nymai Shan lol)
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the dark ~ fire ~ open water ~ deep water ~ being alone ~ crowded spaces ~ confined spaces ~ change ~ failure  ~ war ~ loss of control ~ powerlessness ~ prison ~ blood ~ drowning ~ suffocation ~ public speaking ~ natural animals ~ the supernatural ~ heights ~ death ~ dying ~ intimacy ~ rejection ~ abandonment ~ loss ~ the unknown ~ the future (after Zakuul invaded) ~ not being good enough ~ scary stories ~ speaking to new people ~ poverty ~ loud noises ~ being touched  ~ forgetting ~ being forgotten ~ hospitals 
Nymai fears becoming what he saw as failure to be self control in the Sith empire - giving into the dark side. It took a lot for him to loosen up in front of Theron even. He was so used to hiding his true nature, and not being himself, that now he fears he will have to return to that - that is a very isolating and lonely existence. He wants the very best for the galaxy at large, but mostly for the people he feels responsible for - the Alliance - so he worries he is not good enough. With the things around Theron, with Copero, he was smart enough to pick up on the signs and hints that Theron left for him that this was not a true betrayal. He does not fear death or dying, not that he has been chasing it but it doesn’t even hit on his radar, he does fear losing Theron, and fears forgetting about everything they have been through. He keeps a journal to that end, on a secure data pad that only he and Theron can unlock - no secrets from his husband.
Tamarillo (also with Theron Shan)
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the dark ~ fire ~ open water ~ deep water ~ being alone ~ crowded spaces ~ confined spaces ~ change ~ failure  ~ war ~ loss of control ~ powerlessness ~ prison ~ blood ~ drowning ~ suffocation ~ public speaking ~ natural animals ~ the supernatural ~ heights ~ death ~ dying ~ intimacy ~ rejection ~ abandonment ~ loss ~ the unknown ~ the future (after Ziost when she didn’t see Theron again for a while) ~ not being good enough ~ scary stories ~ speaking to new people ~ poverty ~ loud noises ~ being touched  ~ forgetting ~ being forgotten ~ hospitals  Tam would much rather be on her ship, in the peace and quiet with some notoriety about her in the galaxy, instead of being the Alliance Leader. She hates the water in reality, but can swim and will do so if its needed, but she hates deep water - nothing bothered her about the labs on Manaan until she realized how far under they were. The trip to the surface after was not happy. She fears losing the war to Zakul, but she fears losing her people more - having already lost so many. When the situation with Vette/Torian happens she nearly loses the plot but Theron convinces her its worth the fight.  Can’t recall who has done this before but anyone else that sees this and wants to share about their OCs. Honestly if you see this but haven’t been tagged then just go for it and share because it’s always great to see stuff about people’s OCs.
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lyrishadow · 4 years
Fictober 3: You did this?
Prompt 3: “You did this?” Fandom: Star Wars the Old Republic Pairing: Tamarillo / Theron Shan Rating: G Warnings/Tags: target practice ?friendship bracelets?
Years earlier:
Theron Shan had been ten when he first met Tamarillo. Not that it had mattered, Master Zho hardly let him exchange names with the girl on the cargo ship but she was burned into his memory just the same. 
Tam had been living and working on the ship even at 10 - she had always had engine grease on her hands or face, and in the cargo bay she kept a workbench where she liked to tinker with things. Wires, guns, all kinds of things lay about the ten-year old’s workbench that Theron had not ever been allowed near, let alone to touch and see how they worked. 
Master Zho had bought Theron along on a mission to see to a  Jedi enclave on another planet, somewhere in the outer rim. It didn’t concern Theron so much as he had relished the idea of being away from Jedi training. He had no force connection, not like they wanted him to, and no amount of wanting was forcing it to appear. Master Zho was at his wit’s end, and the smuggler who owned the ship was an old friend.
“What is that?” he asked pointing at the gun Tam was working on.
“Gun,” she replied, full of snark even at ten years old, pointing out the very obvious.
“Thanks.”  Theron tried to think of a way to word it, but before he could he felt her drop something heavy in front of him.
“Try it.” she pointed to the target in the rear of the cargo bay, clearly set up so that even missing was not going to get them all spaced.
So Theron fired the gun. It felt more natural than handling the lightsaber, his eyes were wide when he realized he had missed the target completely.
“Can you shoot?” He asked Tam who shrugged.
“Of course.” she took the gun from him and carefully aiming, she shot clean through the target’s head.
“Seriously!” Theron replied gasping.
“You really are sheltered.” She tossed out “what are you some kind of demented Padawan?”
“I… my mother was a Jedi…but I am not.”
“Dah…. I was told not to ask about that.” She pulled him back over and placed the gun back into his hands. “Use two hands to hold steady.”
She reached around and adjusted his hand over the weapon, Theron felt a cold sweat start on the back of his neck because she was too close. 
“Here pay attention!” she said, “You  won’t miss if you hold it like so.”
She placed her hand over his and showed him how to fire. The bullet hit the target in the shoulder of the shadowy image.
“There see!” Tam said excitedly. “You just needed to pay attention.”
“How are you so good?”
“Practice.” Tam pulled a face “Also I know how to twink my gun to get it to hit exactly right. You can get implants that help with all that, but I prefer not to.”
She sounded less like a ten-year-old and more like someone well into their thirties.
“Tam? You got that capacitor for me?” A loud roar came through the ship. Tam sighed as if the world was ending.
“It’s right here. “ she waved a small box-like contraption.
“Install it in the number two engine,”
“Come on.” she poked Theron’s shoulder “You  can help me install it.,”
“But I don’t know…” 
“Oh come on, how will you ever learn anything if you don’t try?” 
“Master Zho told me to sit still… I can’t wander around the ship.”
“Oh pish, C’mon Theron break the rules, live a little.” Tam laughed at him, the girl was starting to get under his skin.
“But I can’t!”
“Sure you can. You just do it and deal with the yelling and arguing later. No-one can stop you doing things, they just get annoyed after. Plus I will be there.” she shrugged at him shoving the capacitor into her pocked so she could pull him along. He objected but when she grabbed his hand he let her pull him with her, strangely liking this boisterous and strange girl.
The capacitor was installed first, then  Tam had pulled him to the kitchen where the ship droid was attempting to prepare lunch.
“Hey C2 can I have a sandwich?”
“Of course Ms. Tam.” The droid replied diplomatically because the noisy child confused it. 
“One for him too.” she pointed at Theron and grinned, pulling him along to the bench on the wall opposite.
“See you get good food if you ignore the adults” She whispered, “C2 is scared of kids, so he makes sure I am fed.”
C2 placed the sandwiches in front of them. 
Theron ate his in wonder, it was far from the balanced simple meal of the Jedi and it tasted like a version of heaven. 
“So wanna be best friends?” Tam asked pulling off a woven bracelet she had on her arm. “I only give them to people I care about.”
She didn’t wait for him to reply, instead yanked his arm and slid the bracelet on, pulling it tight so it wouldn’t fall off.
“You.. did this? Theron asked examining the carefully woven bracelet. It showed control, tempered with patience and he had not seen either from Tam. However Tam nodded happily. 
“Of course. My mum showed me before she left.”
“Thanks.” Theron nodded to her. She had given him a lot to think about.
“Write if you wanna, if not, we can always find each other sometimes. You will know me by this!” she held up her hand and on her wrist was an identical  bracelet, she had made the two perfectly matching.
“Ok.” Theron nodded carefully, wondering if the crazy girl was ever going to be a friend or just someone who got him into trouble.
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lyrishadow · 4 years
What does your OC Smell like?
There have been a lot of great OC Ask posts circulating, but how about THIS one? What does your original character smell like? And why? You wouldn’t think this would be terribly important, but think about it. It informs not simply on your OC’s personal hygiene, but on your oc’s environment. What do they do regularly and who they do it with? There’s a lot there! And let’s not forget that there are individuals and creatures who rely on smell to identify your OC! So share with us what your OC smells like, and WHY they smell that way! We’ll all learn a lot! tagged by @theniveanlegacy thanks! Tagging.. anyone who has not done this yet:  Ok so again for Tamarillo. I think she is likely to be the kind of person who either smells like engine grease or soap, with very little in between; she’s clean though and would rather soap to grease but her ship is old and she does the work herself.  For my boy Nymai, well he is rather fond of fresh smelling scents and likes to be able to use a particular brand of body wash that contains a small amount of nectar of a jungle flower from Drommund Kaas. Theron knows this and has risked considerable to get the brand for him. 
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