#oc: Teylos Inkar
professorwillynilly · 7 years
Inkar for the ask thing!
Full Name: Teylos Inkar (for those of y’all who don’t play Tyranny/didn’t catch it in-game, names in Terratus, or at least within Kyros’ empire, have their surname first and given name second. so, her surname is Teylos, and her given name is Inkar)Gender and Sexuality: cis woman, demisexual aromanticPronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: in the world of Terratus her ethnicity is from somewhere further east than the Northern Empire; in real-world terms, her appearance takes inspiration from the middle east and far east asia.Birthplace and Birthdate: born in Kyros’ Capitol, birthdate unknown but she approximately 32 years old at the start of the ConquestGuilty Pleasures: is it still considered a guilty pleasure if you don’t really feel guilty about it? lol. she loves long hot baths, and it’s one of the few luxuries she really has trouble going without (not that she’d ever admit it). Phobias: fear is for the weak and the mortal! (losing. she really, really, really is not okay with losing. ever.)What They Would Be Famous For: being an all-powerful dark overlordWhat They Would Get Arrested For: .... being an all-powerful dark overlordOC You Ship Them With: none as of right now. the canon character i ship her with is bleden mark, but it’s not exactly a traditional relationship, more like... frenemies who sleep together sometimes. any attachment they have is based solely on the fact that they consider each other equals, and also nobody else would put up with their, ahem, darker tastes and tendencies.OC Most Likely To Murder Them: honestly all of the fatebinder OCs in the fandom are so good and pure compared to Inkar i can totally imagine they’d gang up on her and take that crazy bitch out (she’d probably deserve it!)Favorite Movie/Book Genre: probably historical fictionLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: damsel in distress, assuming that’s even a thing in Terratus literature!Talents and/or Powers: highly intelligent, excellent swordsman, student of the arcane, good liar, v good at reading people considering her lack of empathy towards them, ruthless (is that a talent?)Why Someone Might Love Them: an excellent question. she’s not a particularly lovable person, in no small part due to the fact that she is incapable of loving anyone back. mark loves her in his own twisted way because she understands him in a way that few other people ever have, but other than that i’d say the most her comrades feel for her is ‘respect’.Why Someone Might Hate Them: mass murderer, narcissist, emotionally distant, inability to empathize with others, ruthless, conquered the Tiers with little regard for its native occupants, need i go on?How They Change: she does grow close to her companions in a way that she never has with people in her life prior to them. it’s weird and uncomfortable for her, and it doesn’t exactly lead to an epiphany or anything, but she does actually show some measure of protectiveness and, idk, emotionally-stilted-caring for the first time in her life. other than that, she definitely develops a borderline obsession with Oldwalls and her Spires that only ramps up as the game’s storyline progresses. she talks to the Spires like they’re people. with her mind, of course, but still, it’s weird. Why You Love Them:tol, stronk, heartless - ze ideal woman, no? but seriously, i’ve never tried to write lawful evil before, and i have rather enjoyed the exercise of my creativity. also, i just... love the Tyranny universe. i love being a villain without being over-the-top or going against canon. i just... i love her, ok?? she my bby
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professorwillynilly · 7 years
finally back to writing my disappointing bleden mark/inkar trash ship fic
here’s a teaser so you can all yell at me if i get distracted and forget to finish this monstrosity again
“I think you might be giving our dear old Tunon a bit too much credit, kid.” At some point during their conversation Mark has abandoned his inelegant sprawl across the chaise to find his feet. He’s never particularly relished the feeling of being loomed over, not even if said looming is being done by his very favorite no-longer-student. Or, supplies his brain unhelpfully, you like that idea a little too much. “The guy would probably lick your boots, if you asked nicely.” Now there’s an interesting mental image. “Let him do the paperwork. You’ve got more important things to worry about than that old man.”
Something he says makes the corners of her eyes tighten in fleeting amusement as she closes the gap between them with unhurried strides. “Jealous, are we, Mark?” she teases, and then lifts a gloved hand to rest against his cheek. It takes more willpower than he’d like to admit to stifle the instinct to reach for the nearest sharp object and shove it into her neck. “Not to worry. You’re still my favorite.” I sure as hell hope so, after all of the shit I went through for you, kid.
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professorwillynilly · 8 years
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Look like th' innocent flower / But be the serpent under ’t
OC aesthetics: Inkar (Tyranny)
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