#oc: Zest the Griffin
especiallyqhere · 1 year
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My OC squares!!!
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bubbleinspace · 7 years
I was tagged by @rettaroo
Rules: Always post rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your question, as well as the person who tagged you.
1. What’s the first website you can remember making an account on? ---Jfc, uhh Xanga??? I think? I had a GiaOnline at one point..
2. Favorite superhero? --- Like the cape-wearing kind? UHHHHHHHhhhhh....
3. Do you have a celebrity crush? --- Lord I have more Celeb crushes than real-life crushes on people who I actually know. Seriously, there’s about a dozen. Good thing they’ll never have to suffer knowing me, ha ha
4. What’s your favorite mythical creature? --- When I was little I had a little golden unicorn on a gold chain. It was, I think, the first piece of gold jewelry I ever had. I thought if I kept it safe and didn’t let anyone touch it, that one day I would be able to see one. Just see one. Not keep, not even ride or touch. (Mom kept horses, so I knew what a stink it was to keep equine) I just wanted to see one... I wonder where that necklace is now. Smash-cut to a couple years later when I’m watching the Last Unicorn and see Molly crying about what a waste it would be to see a Unicorn later in life... I think about that a lot.
So yeah, I like Griffins now.
5. What’s your favorite thing about the city/town you live in? --- I always wanted to live in the city. So many people, so much convenience. I look at the perfectly manicured business parks and it feels so manufactured and fake, it’s a nice little break from the rusticity of the dusty country life.
6. What was the last costume you wore? --- My Darth Maul cosplay is in the works. But I guess the last actual cosplay that I wore was.... Shiro? I guess? Has it been that long? No, I was Holiday Leliana? I did a make-up test for Kallus like 2 days ago...
7. What’s one show you think everyone should be watching? --- Black Sails. I’ve been on a kick lately. I really love pirates and this scratches that particular itch for me. I’m still catching up, so there’s still things I don’t know about it, but am excited to see. The... first seasons are a bit graphic, but I feel like--with one or two exceptions--latter bits feel less gory... and triggering.
8. Do you have any pets right now?  Tell us about them!  (If not, is there a pet you’d like to have?) --- I have 2 cats right now. One, Cooper is grey and white, with green eyes and a light, girlish meow. Carrie, is smaller and brown, with yellow eyes and a still has much of her youthful zest.
... I wish I had my fish tanks again. Sometimes I have dreams that I’m keeping them and my fish have gotten so big, and I’m cleaning their tanks and feeding them and watching them. I’m trimming the plants and cleaning the algae...
9. Favorite piece of jewelry? --- I don’t accessorize much, but I like choker necklaces. I have a ridiculously thin and long neck, so most don’t fit me as tightly as they should. But I do make a collar look good, I assure you.
10. Tell me about one of your OC’s! (if you don’t have one feel free to gush about your favorite fictional character) --- I have absolutely 0 Original characters... Like, I’ve tried to be inventive and design characters who are interesting... But they really aren’t. And what little designs I’ve come up with lack stories of their own. I’m just... not that inventive.
11. Favorite dessert? --- Panna Cotta... Or Creme Brulee. Or flan. Or really any dessert custard, tbh....... damn, I could really go for some panna cotta...
Tags: @idokrasi, @speakfriendandenter, @oodlife, @thefrostedglass, @the-wild-deguzis, @acecasinova, @naipod,  UHHHH I DON’T HAVE 11 FRIENDS I DON’T THINK UHHHHshitfuck if I didn’t tag you and do it @ me and lemme know I wanna know I just don’t even know if it’s okay to tag people;;;;;;
My Questions: 1. What is/are your favorite video game(s)? 2. Are you more of a “sweets” or a “savory” kind of person? 3. Do you have any hobbies or things you collect? 4. Some of our strongest memories have smells associated with them; what’s one thing you remember because of how it smelled? 5. Where is the farthest you’ve ever traveled? Was it for business or fun? 6. Who was someone that profoundly inspired you? A teacher? a mentor? a friend? 7. What would your ideal day look like? Where would you go? What would you do? 8. Can you cook? Do you like to? What’s your signature/ that-one-thing you always make? 9. Family can be a pain in the ass, or can save your life... How are you with your family? 10. How do you feel better when you’re feeling low? Anything to pull you up, or do you stew in it for a bit? 11. fuckall I’m really fucking hungry so uhh, What’s your favorite snack? like, could eat an entire pack or bag or box or tin of? Just like, binge all you have on-hand? What snack would you drive to the store if you were out of, just so you could eat it?
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