#oc: ahren colbo
elshells · 1 year
It’s Blursday!! 🖤💜
You’ve given your characters the dreaded IKEA divorcemaker: the LIATORP TV storage combination. Obviously, this is no two-man job; no, with its 30+ page instruction manual, we’ve got all hands on deck for this one!
Tossing the instructions aside and diving straight in
Actually reading the instructions and making sure they have all the parts and tools
Gets the “most important job”: holding the hammer until it’s needed and not touching ANYTHING ELSE OH MY GOD
Providing snacks, drinks, moral support, and has a therapist on speed dial
Just here to take directions
Already has the bookshelf built, was this supposed to be hard?
— @outpost51
Yay for Blursday!! 💕
Oh man, this thing is a BEAST. Thanks for letting me envision this chaos! My poor guys XD
Tossing the instructions aside and diving straight in
Sophia doesn't hesitate; there's no time to waste pouring over a booklet. They've got a job to do, after all.
Actually reading the instructions and making sure they have all the parts and tools
Janus and Jade form an unlikely alliance here, making sure everything is in order before Sophia fucks it up too badly.
Gets the “most important job”: holding the hammer until it’s needed and not touching ANYTHING ELSE OH MY GOD
August is a danger to himself and others and should not be trusted within a mile of this thing. He's delighted with the hammer, though, and starts lightly hammering the floor while he waits. At some point, he probably decides to test his reflexes.
Providing snacks, drinks, moral support, and has a therapist on speed dial
Jade provides the snacks, Ahren is there for moral support, and Atticus is the 'therapist.'
Just here to take directions
Max and Ahren both vibe in the corner uncertainly, but both are useful once they have direction.
Already has the bookshelf built, was this supposed to be hard?
Harley happily and successfully puts it together like a kid with a LEGO set. For her, this is just another day in the shop with her uncle Atticus.
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elshells · 1 year
Happy STS! I hope you’ve had a good week :D your OCs all go to the beach together, how do each of them spend the day?
Happy STS! (Thursday's not too late, right??) It's been a busy week, but still good! :D
Oh, man. This is so fun to think about! Being a seaport city, Harmont has some beaches, but they're all cold and rocky and gray, nothing like you'd find in Hawaii, for example. So I'm going to take the Agent Ace gang there for the sake of a new experience.
Sophia would love it there. She would run straight for the ocean and dive into the waves. Swimming, surfing, it doesn't matter. She'd want to do it. Ahren would be much more hesitant to approach the water, and warn her over and over not to go in too deep, but she wouldn't listen—she's too busy healing her inner child. Eventually, she'd drag him in with her, and they would both have the time of their lives.
Harley, Jade, and Max would spread out a towel and have a picnic, basking in the sun while talking and enjoying the full-course meal that Max had prepared for them himself. Once they were done, Harley and Jade would go for a walk along the shore. Harley would search for small fish and crabs in the tide pools to show to Jade, and Jade would collect pretty shells and drop them into Harley's pockets while she wasn't looking. They would have asked Max to come with them, but he conveniently had something he needed to attend to and wasn't able to join them. ;)
I don't think Janus would be a fan of the beach. The experience would probably be somewhat overstimulating, what with the heat and the smells and the roar of the wind and oh god the sand gets everywhere. He wouldn't admit he was uncomfortable, but he'd find a nice shady spot on a faraway dock to sit and be overwhelmed on his own. BUT, if you gave him a kite, I imagine he'd feel a lot better about the situation.
Jet, being as competitive as he his, would organize a volleyball tournament. He'd write up team brackets, expecting to smoke the opposing team, but the results would not be what he expected. For one thing, you would think Sophia's athleticism would make her a fantastic teammate, but strangely, each of her serves manage to pelt Janus in the face. This would continue to be a problem even when the teams switch and they end up on the same side.
The dark horse of the game, however, would be August. The man has some killer serves and dives to save the ball every time—and he wasn't even planning to play. Everyone would watch him in utter shock, while he would simply shrug shyly and claim he'd never played before.
Meanwhile, while all of this went down, Bellona would be off wrestling a shark. And honestly, it's best to just let it happen.
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elshells · 1 year
It Blursday!! 🖤💜
You don’t have to fill all the roles, and they don’t all have to be from the same WIP, but who’s:
the Ring-bearer, entrusted with carrying the One Ring (bonus: funniest instance they use it to nope right out of reality)
the “Sam”, armed with a frying pan and a wizard of potatoes
Sean Bean, who dies in every movie — falls victim to their own hubris
totally crushing on Arwen and has a really cool sword
Merry and Pippin the “package deal”, very concerned about missing second breakfast
the dude with a sick staff and a concerning amount of explosives, may or may not be an actual wizard
— @outpost51
Happy Blursday!! I want you to know that I've been thinking about this question all day XD
So, the Harmont Heroes go to Eisengard! I love this prompt <3
The Ring-bearer, entrusted with carrying the One Ring (bonus: funniest instance they use it to nope right out of reality):
Max kinda takes after Frodo IMO, and I think the others would deem him the most trustworthy. He would take this duty extremely seriously, keeping the ring off his finger at all times—that is, until combat breaks out. It almost becomes a panic response. Anytime he's in danger—BOOM. Invisible. I think it would also be really funny if he just slipped it on anytime he felt like he was third-wheeling too hard on Harley and Jade. Just sliding out unnoticed and without confrontation.
2. The “Sam”, armed with a frying pan and a wizard of potatoes:
Sophia—which might seem like an odd choice until you remember how devoted she is to the people she loves. She will protect them until her last fighting breath.
3. Sean Bean, who dies in every movie — falls victim to their own hubris:
Bellona, stronger than the rest and too proud for her own good. Ultimately, she's her own undoing, which is ironic, since no one else seems able to take her down.
4. Totally crushing on Arwen and has a really cool sword:
Most likely Harley, since there's not much she wouldn't give for a cool sword (Jade is Arwen).
Jet, 100%. Way too eager for action, but at least he's got the spirit!
Janus. Cool, collected, slightly unhinged, and ready to make it everybody else's problem.
7. Merry and Pippin the “package deal”, very concerned about missing second breakfast:
Ahren and August have BIG Merry and Pippin energy. On their own, they're both loyal and semi-competent, but once you put them in a room together, the brain cells cancel each other out.
8. The dude with a sick staff and a concerning amount of explosives, may or may not be an actual wizard:
Evelyn Cho, Max's mother. That woman may have a secret or two up her sleeve.
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elshells · 1 year
Hi Ella, happy WBW!
I need a little bit of a refresher: how common are the superpowers in Agent Ace and what's considered a typical superpower? How does the main cast compare to the average?
Hi, Sam!! Happy WBW, and thank you for giving me a reason to infodump about this! 😁
QUESTION #1: How common are the superpowers in Agent Ace?
In short, superpowers are widely unheard of. Guardians are super-humans in the way an Olympic athlete would be considered a super-human. They (usually) possess the right amount of athletic skill, combative talent, and genetic luck to garner respect from the population, and given their access to exclusive, top-notch technology, they tend to be raised above the rest.
That being said, it does get more complicated that. While the rest of what I'm about talk about hasn't been revealed within the story itself, it's either already been heavily implied, or it'll be revealed in like, literally the next couple of chapters. And even then, none of it is that spoiler-y. So I don't feel bad talking about it!
A certain vigilante organization (unaffiliated with the Watch) has obtained access to what we would conventionally consider 'superpowers,' usually with the help of a body modification or a technology aid. The difference is subtle—a 'technological aid' refers to a specialized gadget, like a weapon or a uniform, that gives the user a new ability (i.e., hang gliders for flight, invisibility cloaks for... invisibility, things like that). On the other hand, a body mod, as the name suggests, uses different technology and medical procedures to permanently alter the subject's body in some way that grants them full, unrestricted access to an ability. By definition, these vigilantes become literal superheroes.
QUESTION #2: What's considered a typical superpower?
[For this question I'm going to be dropping a bit of history that contains spoilers. Like I mentioned above, this will be discussed very shortly in the next upcoming chapters, so if you'd rather learn about it from the story itself, feel free to skip this question. Otherwise, carry on!]
I'm a little wary to discuss the specific superpowers these vigilantes have access to, because I'd rather have them be revealed organically (but in the future, I'd love to create and post an Agent Ace power archive so y'all can keep track with new superpowers as they're revealed). However, there is one exception that I would actually love to talk about here! What sets this superpower apart from all the rest is the fact that it is a natural phenomenon, and its discovery is literally what sets the plot in motion—truly the MacGuffin of Agent Ace.
It's called Component AG.
The specific history of Component AG and how it works will get a lot more attention in the story itself, so I'll just sum it up here. The component was specially created in a lab and later distributed to hospitals as a source for an emergency blood transfusion, as blood donations had dropped dangerously low. Once injected, the component was supposed to help replenish the blood cells by eliminating infections and speeding up the recovery process.
While the transfusion worked exactly as intended, it was later recalled from hospitals due to unforeseen side effects. While these 'side effects' were never officially disclosed, people soon began to figure out why—especially those who had received a transfusion. The component itself was activated by adrenaline, and once active, it never shut off, meaning that anyone who carried the component recovered from injury significantly faster than those who didn't. Furthermore, the stronger immune system meant these individuals were significantly stronger, especially during times of great peril, where a spike of adrenaline gives the component an extra boost.
Sounds pretty sweet, right? So why would such an amazing medical breakthrough suddenly become buried?
Component AG made its debut during a dark era of Harmont history. The current law enforcement at the time—as the Watch and Guard did not yet exist—had disassembled, as their high tension with civilians led them to believe that the city no longer deserved their safety and protection. Naturally, the people revolted and refused to submit to what little authority the city had left. Component AG was only an aid to the anarchists, and led to a rise in vigilante power trips.
However, some of these vigilantes truly wanted to help. They worked together to heal relations between the people and save the city from destruction. These vigilantes became the first Guardians, who formed the Guard as the new protectors of Harmont. Later, the Watch was founded to keep the Guard in check.
As the state of the city improved, Component AG became less prominent, fading into a water-under-the-bridge issue. Now, in present day (i.e., when Agent Ace takes place), public knowledge of Component AG is obscure, as it hasn't seen the light of day since.
Until now.
A recent discover found that the component's qualities are genetic. Anyone who once received a transfusion of Component AG can pass its effects down to their children, meaning there's now an entire pool of individuals who were born genetically superior.
Unfortunately, this knowledge was first obtained by the wrong people.
While it's heavily implied that the vigilantes who abducted Max have all somehow received Component AG, the only characters who have been confirmed to possess it naturally are Max and Harley. This was the reason Max was kidnapped in the first place, and why Harley was later targeted when she returned to the city.
QUESTION #3: How does the main cast compare to the average?
[Again, one or two spoilers, but all mild in nature]
Sophia: Her marksman skills are the product of practice and talent. Other than that, she possesses no superpowers and is part of the norm.
Janus: As a member of the vigilante organization, Janus carries Component AG. At some point, he also received a body modification that granted him an additional ability, though what exactly he can do is currently unknown.
Harley: She carries Component AG naturally, though it's unclear where it came from and why her sister, Sophia, doesn't also carry it.
Jade: Like Sophia, Jade is a civilian with no remarkable power.
Max: Max carries Component AG naturally, and was the first confirmed individual case of this being possible.
* * *
Honorable mentions from the minor characters:
Bellona: Just like Janus, Bellona carries Component AG and received a body mod with unknown consequences, for now. Stay tuned for Sunday's chapter!
Jet: Jet carries Component AG, but it was determined that his blood variant was much weaker than average. No one yet knows why this is.
Ahren: Quite literally Just a Guy™.
August: See above.
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elshells · 1 year
Happy Tender Tuesday! If you could choose your favorite traits in any of your character's romantic relationships, what you it be? What would you say is the most important thing in said relationship for each of the characters involved?
Happy Tender Tuesday! It's still Tuesday, right? Anyway, this is a new one for me, so I'm excited! For this ask I'll answer for my two main couples in Agent Ace—Harley/Jade and Sophia/Ahren.
For Harley/Jade, my favorite part of their relationship—and the most important aspect—is authenticity. They were never afraid to be themselves when the other was around, even when they first met. If one holds back, the other encourages them to be unapologetically true. Even before they realized their feelings were romantic, there was still so much love in their relationship.
Meanwhile, Sophia and Ahren thrive on communication. Neither of them are overly affectionate people—anything more intimate than gentle cuddling only happens in special circumstances and is thus extremely rare—but they've been married since high school because they can call each other best friends. It's the little things—Sophia teaching Ahren self-defense, Ahren encouraging Sophia to take a breather when work gets a little too rough. They care deeply for one another, and they each have subtle but meaningful ways to show it.
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elshells · 1 year
Happy STS! I hope you’ve had a good week :) your OCs are forced to spend the night in a haunted house, how does that go? Does anyone try to take charge? Who is the most scared?
Happy STS! The week was a little unproductive in terms of writing, but I'm still feeling good about things! Hope you're doing well 💕
Hehehe. I love this prompt so much! Anything spooky immediately has my attention, and thinking about it in terms of Agent Ace makes it even better!
Sophia would naturally take the lead, gun ready and ears pricked up for anything unnatural. She's been a fan of horror since she was little, so even if she didn't already have the experience of a Guardian and Watch agent, she'd be in her element. However, Janus would take this opportunity to sabotage her at every turn. While Sophia does everything she can to keep the group safe and together, he's wandering off down random hallways shouting to the ghosts and insulting them for their cowardice. Generally just causing shenanigans and putting himself in danger he knows he can narrowly pull himself out of.
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Jet would wander, too, but for a different reason. He'd scout the house for threats—specifically dolls. Not much unnerves him, but every doll in his path is getting immediately decimated if it so much as looks at him funny. Bellona would eventually join in on the rampage, not because she was convinced they were haunted, but because she was bored waiting for the others and this looked like fun.
August would arrive decked out with salt, candles, smudge sticks, a crucifix, the whole shebang. He'd set it all up in his designated 'safe room' while Sophia insisted to no avail that it wasn't necessary. For the rest of the night, he'd then attempt to strike up conversations with the ghosts, and when Sophia snapped at him to put it away, he'd argue that they may have something important to say.
Ahren would designate himself as the 'babysitter,' watching over Harley and her friends so Sophia could focus on doing her job. He would try and fail to hide how anxious he was, but he's the one who will jump at any little thing that might happen. Max, once he saw how frightened Ahren truly was, would sit with him and try to comfort him, even though he'd be scared shitless himself. He'd teach him the grounding techniques he uses to recover from panic attacks, and I imagine they'd actually bond a fair bit over this (which is nice, since the two of them don't get much one-on-one time)!
Jade hates the house, and she would start filming everything she does so there's proof of what happened to them in case they didn't make it out alive. Harley tries to intervene before Sophia gets annoyed with it, but she ends up joining the video and they turn it into a ghost-hunting documentary. Sophia lets it go because she sees that it actually helps Jade feel better, and they're both having fun with. Harley leads and narrates them through the house while Jade follows and backs her up with commentary. Along the way, they'd write nice messages for the ghosts in the dust and shut any windows to keep them warm. The others all make their own cameos with varying degrees of composure and sanity. At this point, I'll leave that up to your imagination!
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elshells · 1 year
Happy STS! I hope you've had a great week 💙
A bit of a fun one this time because I have had a long week. Your OCs get locked in Ikea overnight; what do they do?
Hi Nopal! Happy STS 💕 This week has been a pretty good week overall. Hopefully the next one goes quickly and smoothly!
I love the idea of putting my characters through an escape room scenario, especially in an Ikea!! If this wasn't implied, I'm going to assume that everyone is locked in the same Ikea at the same time, because that's objectively funnier.
Sophia would constantly be on the move, scoping out possible traps, exits, and hiding places in case of an ambush. Even if she doesn't succeed in opening the doors, she's the one who's most likely to figure out how to do it. After a while, though, she'd just get frustrated and start shooting at the windows.
Jet would help her by doing the same thing, except he would find a way to climb into the rafters for a better view (obtaining the high ground, if you will). At some point, he would probably jerry-rig a pulley system down the elevator shaft à la Toy Story 2 because he'd be convinced that it was necessary.
Ahren would tag along with Sophia and Jet and occasionally chime in with ideas, feeling awkward and helpless but appreciating the company. He would also call Harley to check in on her every now and then to make sure she was doing alright and hadn't wandered too far away.
Harley and Jade would be concerned at first, but as they wandered around looking for the exit they would get distracted by all the displays of furniture and start genuinely having a good time. Max, on the other hand, would follow them so he didn't end up by himself, but the whole time he would be internally panicking about how lost they were.
Bellona would stalk through the Ikea like a labyrinth and hunt the others for sport, only stopping when Janus eventually convinced her that it was better to keep them alive. After that, she'd spend the rest of the night sulking and knifing her way through furniture to pass the time.
Janus would make himself right at home. He would pocket anything he could find that was small enough to carry with him, build himself pillow and blanket forts and declare himself king. Everyone else (particularly Bellona) would become annoyed with his antics, but he would be quick to scold them and remind them not to speak ill of their king. Additionally, he would attempt to pronounce all of the Swedish names and be about 60% successful (a higher rate than anyone else, tbh).
Lastly, August would love being trapped there, but for a different reason. This is the best living situation he's ever had—the employees would have to drag him out the next morning.
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elshells · 3 months
Rating OC Headcanons
So I wasn't tagged in this one but it looked like fun so what the hell!
Rules: use this headcanon generator to generate some headcanons for your OCs! How accurate are they?
Not sure who has and hasn't done this yet, so if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged!! <3
Anyway, you know 'em, you love 'em; I'm gonna do this with all the guys from Agent Ace.
"Sophia has a maid dress under her bed." 0/10 she absolutely does not
"Sophia enjoys doing her taxes." 6/10 I think she would unironically enjoy doing taxes, it's like a breath of calm compared to her high-intensity job.
"Sophia cringes at her middle school yearbook photos." 4/10 who doesn't?? But I have a feeling that she would actually look back on those reminders of her early years with fondness, not embarrassment.
"Janus is a sleepwalker." 5/10 not canon but I can see it.
"Janus does not know how to read." Pffft, giving this a 9/10 because this was almost canon XD. For context, English is Janus' first spoken language but not his first written language, and so for a hot minute I considered making him completely English-illiterate, but decided against it for the sake of plot convenience.
"Janus is unemployed." 10/10 ...I mean, he technically is?
"Harley is Tumblr famous." 8/10 you can't tell me she wouldn't have the coolest blog ever! I would love to be mutuals with her.
"Harley is bisexual." 10/10 YOU KNOW IT, BESTIE
"Harley stole a lollipop at the checkout when she was 5 and she still feels guilty about it." Awww, 10/10! This is totally in character for her, and I'm making this a canon memory immediately. Okay, it's done, and there are no backsies. You're welcome!
"Jade has punched a hole in her wall." 3/10 I can't picture this happening, but if it did it would have been an accident and not out of anger. Maybe she bumped into her easel and knocked it over?
"Jade gets into Twitter discourse." 10/10 at first glance she looks too sweet to be confrontational, but she is a firm advocate in what she believes in and wouldn't hesitate to fire shots at bigots online.
"Jade believes in ghosts and insists on trying to summon one at every sleepover." 8/10 when she was younger, absolutely!! Even as an adult, she's 100% a paranormal girlie.
"Max has an intense fear of spiders." 7/10 I wouldn't call it a fear, necessarily, but they do make him uncomfortable. He's less likely to handle one than Harley and/or Jade.
"Max could easily survive the Hunger Games." 5/10 he's definitely an underdog, but he is smart and not to be underestimated. I think he could do it!
"Max has an incredible spice tolerance." 10/10 he's well equipped to handle spice. Him, Harley, and Jade all come from backgrounds with spicy cuisine, so I like to imagine that they would often share food (i.e. compete to see who would take the heat better XD)
"August has fallen asleep at his desk in the middle of the night." 10/10 multiple times, without a shadow of a doubt.
"August got hit by a bus." 8/10 let's be honest, out of everyone on this list it would be him. Poor August can never catch a break :')
"August uses the word 'fuck' like a comma." 2/10 August is a pure boi who tries not to swear beyond the occasional 'damn,' but I think it has the potential to slip out whenever he's under extreme distress or pressure.
"Ahren has been canceled on Twitter." 1/10 WHAT DID HE DO?!
"Ahren likes to eat straight coffee beans." 6/10 yeah, he probably would. He and Sophia are both coffee people (although Sophia is more of a tequila aficionado), and it feels entirely plausible to me that he would snack on the beans, too.
"Ahren needs a nightlight to sleep." 7/10 definitely as a little kid, but it's not necessary anymore. He still likes it, tho.
"Bellona is not allowed to drink energy drinks." 10/10 for her health and the safety of others, she's been strongly discouraged XD
"Bellona sleeps in until noon." 9/10 vigilantism practically made her nocturnal.
"Bellona forgets to eat sometimes." 8/10 Bellona has the appetite of snake (once a week, and that's only kind of an exaggeration). Again, the stresses of criminal life are partly to blame for such an unhealthy lifestyle; she's gotten very good at ignoring her own needs over matters she deem more urgent.
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elshells · 1 year
Just realized that Sophia and Ahren have the same relationship dynamic as Barbie and Ken and I don't know what to do with this information
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elshells · 1 year
It's Blorbo Blursday! It's sleepover time! Who is:
picking the movie?
bringing the snacks?
the biggest gossip?
who falls asleep first?
who takes over the bathroom when getting ready for bed?
who snores the loudest?
Blorbo Blursday! We love to hear it <3
I love this question, Nopal! I mean, an Agent Ace sleepover? Sounds like a dangerous affair, but hey, let's have fun with it!
Technically, Jade would host, but everyone meets at the Manalis house since Jade's apartment is too small to accommodate that many people for the night.
As an aficionado of horror, Sophia's keen to pick out a scary movie, but knowing the preferences of the others (specifically Ahren), she makes sure to choose a comedy or action movie to balance it out. Still, even though he had no part in the selection process, Jet manages to convince them all to watch BattleBots, one of his comfort shows. Harley, Jade, and Max are already on board, and surprisingly, everyone else ends up getting extremely invested as well.
Jade and Harley bake some treats for the occasion, but they give Max a grocery list of other snacks they might like to have. Ahren tags along, and cue the Chaotic Shopping Trip Montage where they end up buying way, way more stuff than they need. But at least there's plenty of food!
Not necessarily gossip, but at some point Janus and August cross paths. Their conversations would be interesting to say the least, given that August is the open book to Janus' brick wall. However, they both have unique perspectives on vigilantism in the city, and they would unexpectedly hit it off. It turns out they're both very interested in what the other has to say.
Sophia falls asleep first—she has work to do in the morning—but Jade's the one who accidentally drifts off in the middle of the movie, probably using one of her friends as a pillow.
Bellona locks herself in the bathroom while everyone begins to settle down and prepare for bed. Little do they all know, she sneaks out of the window and disappears into the night, unable to take the festivities any longer. That particular bathroom becomes inaccessible until further notice.
Max snores a little, but August's constant tossing and turning throughout the night is far louder and much more obnoxious. Also, Janus mutters in his sleep—usually no more than a word or two, but occasionally he might just say something deeply, truly unhinged, alarming anyone who hears him until they realize he isn't awake.
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elshells · 1 year
Happy STS Ella! Since summer has begun for the northern hemisphere, my question is: what would your characters be like on vacation? Where would they travel (be it in our world or their world) or would they choose to stay home? Would they overpack, underpack, or forget their luggage all together? Late to the airport or six hours early? Stuff like that!
Happy STS, Morana! Great question, this was fun to think about!
If Sophia ever got to take a break from work, she would love to visit Mexico, which is where she and Ahren went for their honeymoon. The packing process would drive Ahren crazy because Sophia doesn't have a method for packing—she just piles her shit in with no rhyme or reason and somehow manages to get everything to fit into a suitcase and carry-on. Meanwhile, he'll agonize over what to bring and pack his suitcases very methodically, yet he'll still need to buy socks at their destination once he realizes he forgot to bring any. They would arrive at the airport much earlier than necessary, anxious and on edge, but as soon as they made it through security they would start to relax for their plane ride. Once they landed, I imagine they would spend a lot of time outside, hiking and enjoying nature together while they could be free from their responsibilities.
Janus would hate the idea of a vacation, but if he absolutely had to, he'd probably opt to have a cross-country road trip. No security to deal with, just some guy driving a car that he probably stole from city to city and having a good time. He'd manage to fit all of his belongings into a single backpack, and what time he didn't spend on the road he'd probably spend asleep in a motel (a luxury he doesn't get to indulge in very often). Even with all the time to himself, he probably wouldn't know what to do with himself. Some days he might choose to brave the crowds and go see the sights, taking walks on nature trails, visiting museums or art galleries, or maybe even going to a karaoke bar if he's feeling spicy. While he'd prefer to do all of this on his own, if he were to invite anyone he'd most likely invite Bellona. Given their complicated history, she would probably decline, but if she did agree, they may or may not end up committing a series of bank heists Bonnie and Clyde style just for the kicks.
Jade's grandparents live in the Caribbean, and with their permission, she would invite Harley and Max to come visit them with her one summer. Prior to the trip, they'd meet to make lists of what necessities they'd need to bring, and get together to pack it all up to make sure they didn't forget anything. Harley would overpack, Max would underpack, and Jade would shake her head at both of them and help them both fill their suitcases effectively with packing techniques like a game of Tetris. On the day of their flight, Max would arrive a few hours earlier to make it through security and buy them snacks, and on the plane Harley would choose to sacrifice herself for the middle seat. Jade's grandparents would pick them up from the airport and spend the entire trip doting on the three kids, taking them from island to island, where I imagine they'd have a lot of quality beach time. If you're interested in reading about what exactly they might do on the beaches, I touch on it a little bit in this post. :)
Alternatively, I also like the idea of Max and his family traveling to Korea for a couple of weeks, because his father is the only who's ever been there and I think that kind wholesome bonding trip is super on-brand for the Ahn family. <3
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elshells · 1 year
🌼 for the ask game :)
🌼 - Here's another Wikipedia article, this time on flower symbolism. What flower (or bouquet) goes with your OC best?
Hehehe, time for me to open Pandora's box for this one...
I gasped out loud when I read this prompt, because over this past month I've been obsessed with flower symbolism. I bought myself a book on Victorian flower language after falling down a research rabbit hole and have been slowly teaching myself all of the different meanings. Because of this, flower symbolism actually ends up playing a minor role in Agent Ace, so this question is especially appropriate (go figure)! So, thank you for giving me an excuse to think about it even more! :)
Of course, it was impossible to choose just one flower for each OC, so everyone gets a bouquet! I also may have gotten a lil' carried away with how many characters I included in this post... my five primary OCs plus three minor OCs (all from Agent Ace). I had so much fun matching flowers to the characters, and am honestly shocked I didn't think to do it before!!
Sophia Colbo
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⁕ Black-Eyed Susan
⁕ Chamomile
Energy in adversity
⁕ Edelweiss
Devotion and courage
⁕ Gladiolus
Strength of character, honor, and conviction
⁕ Hollyhock
Harley Manalis
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⁕ Blackthorn
Fate, protection, hope against adversity, and good fortune
⁕ Elderflower
⁕ Ivy
Dependence, endurance, and faithfulness
⁕ Scarlet Lily
Lofty aspirations
⁕ Pear Blossom
Lasting friendship
⁕ Oak Leaf
⁕ Purple Violet
Daydreaming, love between two women, and lesbian love
Jade de Soto
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⁕ Acanthus
Art, immortality, and rebirth
⁕ Yellow Daisy
Happiness and joy
⁕ Magnolia
Perseverance and a love of nature
⁕ Blue Orchid
Rarity, uniqueness, beauty, and spirituality
⁕ Pear Blossom
Lasting friendship
⁕ Pink Spider Lily
Feminine love, beauty, and passion
⁕ Purple Violet
Daydreaming, love between two women, lesbian love
Max Ahn
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⁕ Aspen
Excess of sensibility, fear, and lamentation
⁕ Dandelion
Overcoming hardship
⁕ Pear Blossom
Lasting friendship
⁕ Protea
Courage, transformation, daring, resourcefulness, and diversity
⁕ Sage
Health, wisdom, and respect
⁕ Yarrow
Healing and inspiration
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⁕ Abatina
⁕ Camellia
Unpretending excellence
⁕ Dahlia
Elegance and dignity
⁕ Orange Orchid
Pride, enthusiasm, and boldness
⁕ Snapdragon
Graciousness, strength, and deception
Ahren Colbo
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⁕ Daffodil
Uncertainty, chivalry, respect, and new beginnings
⁕ Foxglove
⁕ Peony
Shame, bashfulness, and anger
⁕ Rue
Regret, sorrow, and repentance
⁕ Snowdrop
Consolation or hope
August Bracken
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⁕ Heliotrope
⁕ Lemon Blossom
⁕ Speedwell
Travel, kindness, loyalty, and protection
⁕ Thyme
Courage and thriftiness
⁕ White Violet
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⁕ Himalayan Blue Poppy
Potential, possibilities, and psychic skills
⁕ Lobelia
⁕ Purple Orchid
Respect, royalty, and admiration
⁕ Thistle
Nobility, endurance, and warning
⁕ Wolfsbane
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