#oc: annabel cifuentes
endlessly-cursed · 6 months
OC x OC Love Interests
Heads up: all my OCs are bi until proven otherwise (meaning there isn't a sexuality set for them yet)
I. The Founders Era
Soledad Delgado (b.968) fc: Irene Escolar
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She's immortal
Ambitious, will get her way no matter what
Is loyal to nobody but herself for centuries
Is still alive in the modern era
Wants power
Kenna Thorne (b. c980/90) fc: Ivana Baquero
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Daughter of Luxia
Enemies-to-lovers/starcrossed lovers trope
Adventurous, reckless, with a stormy temper
Xanthe Arcano (b.1240) FC: Bethany Antonia
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Daughter of Zoya and Skall
Conqueror on her own right
Skalafell princess
Fiery temper, no-bullshit woman
Commits many war crimes
II. The Victorian Era
Angelique Bellerose (b.1878) FC: Eleanor Tomlinson
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Free spirited
Loves horse-riding and sports
Rich and French
Wants a storybook love
Later author of children's book
Annabel Cifuentes (b.1855) FC: Blanca Suárez
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Spanish noblewoman
Ran away from arranged marriage
Divination professor
Predicted many happenings of my lore
Looking for people her age or professors at Hogwarts
III. Word War One
Corrine Lovette (b.1888) FC: Kate Beckinsale
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Literal genius
Single mother
Wants to prove herself
IV. Riddle Era
Geena Greenaway (b.1930) FC: Sevda Erginçi
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Was the wife of Henrick of Alderly and is ancestor of Naila
Has an unique power
Doesn't age ever
Looking for an epic love with someone who's her equal or willing to be her equal
Modern candidates must be over 18
V. Magic Awakened
Lucille Dubois (b.1997) FC: Valentina Zenere
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Is cursed
Looking for someone who'll join her evil quest
Dies young and under mysterious circumstances
Stories that match
Mutuals I have less than three ships
Mutuals I haven't interacted with yet
Won't accept:
People I've blocked (this is directed)
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
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𝓐𝓷𝓷𝓪𝓫𝓮𝓵 𝓒𝓲𝓯𝓾𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓼 | HP Victorian Era
→ my half of an aesthetic trade with @endlessly-cursed
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
HL- Annabel Cifuentes
"𝘼 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙨. 𝘼 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙙 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙖𝙘𝙘𝙚𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙩."
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Name: Annabel Fernanda María Isabel Cifuentes de Borja 
Nicknames: Ana, Annie, Doña Annabel 
Birthdate: 7th of May, 1855 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus 
Personality Type (MBTI): TBD 
Blood Status: Muggleborn 
Nationality: Spanish 
Physical Appearance
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Hair: Light brown 
Eyes: Hazel 
Height: 1.65m 
Weight: 63kg 
Body Type: Slim 
Skin Tone: Fair 
Distinguishing Marks (scars, birthmarks, etc.): None 
Annabel grew up in the noble family of Cifuentes, growing up in the lap of luxury, unaware of the ongoings of an unstable period for Spain. Aged sixteen, she ran away from home when she was forced by her father to marry a man twenty years her senior and stumbled upon Hogsmeade. Phineas Falcon found her and decided to take her in, and that patronage would earn her a position as a Divination professor in the year 1879
Mother: María Consuelo de Borja Serrano 
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A beautiful and exemplary woman of the time, her marriage was arranged to Don Cifuentes when she was sixteen, and her cheerful and supportive personality enthralled the twenty-five year old man, who was quick to have six children with her, only two surviving infancy. María doesn’t know where in England her daughter is, but she knows that she is safe and fine. 
Father: Don Alfonso José Cifuentes Villalba 
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An ambitious politician who worked with Serrano and Narváez, he was the head of the Cifuentes family and in obligation to marry, and thus decided that he ought to marry someone who brought a bit of laughter to the house, and he met his match with María Consuelo. She was cheerful, kind and what he needed. He hasn’t been able to find Annabel, but knows that she is in England 
House: Hufflepuff 
Boggart: Her father dragging her to the altar 
Riddikulus: A devil instead drags him to a lake 
Patronus: TBD 
Patronus Memory: Reading in the gazebo at her estate 
Mirror of Erised: Marrying for love rather than money and duty 
Amortentia (what she smells like): Roses, lavender, eau de cologne, cocido and new books 
Amortentia (what she smells): TBD 
17-24: Apprentice 
25-55: Divination professor at Hogwarts 
56-64: Pianist 
65+: Retiree 
Personality & Attitude
Priorities: Being away from her father, learn as much as she can, be free 
Strengths: Kind, soft-spoken, sweet and emotionally intelligent 
Weaknesses: People-pleaser, struggles with the language 
Stressed: When talking about her past 
Calm/Comforted: When reading divination books 
Colors: Yellow, maroon, green, hazel and white 
Weather: Sunny with few clouds 
Hobbies: Reading, baking, learning more about divination and playing the piano 
Fashion: Annabel initially dresses like a lady of her time, but later in life is one of the first female professors to wear trousers and vests, defying the norms 
Significant Other/Love Interest: TBD 
Friends: Phineas Falcon 
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Phineas saw potential in Annabel and was quick to take her under his wing. The two of them were like siblings, she being the sister he would’ve liked. 
Owen Capell ( @camillejeaneshphm​ ) 
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Rivals: None 
Annabel met Phineas by chance: she was lost in the Three Broomsticks and wanted to ask for directions. She bumped into this big, strong man and he noticed her. With a bit of help, he could understand her situation and decided to take her in until she was fully independant and help him keep an eye on his wild daughter 
She discovered her gift for divination by casualty: she was following the itinerary when she decided to give it a shot, and actually predicted who Phineas’s daughter was in love with. She decided to explore further on her own what she could do: she predicted the whereabouts of the then Prince Alfonso (future Alfonso XII) and the Manifest of Sandhurst 
She loves spicy and savoury food, which raised a few eyebrows, especially with Principal Black, who shared the misogynistic views that spicy food made of women wild and ‘whores’, which proved to be wrong, given Annabel’s sweet and composed nature 
Her favourite student was Nilufer Sultan, whom she related: they took coffee together and shared tales of their Mediterranean summers and leaving their beloved countries to find themselves here. She was the one to predict that she’d find her way back to Simon 
She also had a dream about a battle that would end up being the Somme and soon advised the Ministry not to send too many soldiers to such bloodbath; she was rewarded with 100 pounds 
Nilufer called her to Constantinople to make some predictions about the empire and her future, and proved to be right in most things: she’d find Simon again, the empire was most likely to fall and she’d outlive whoever she married. 
She continued to teach in Hogwarts up until she was fifty-five and loved teaching the children of her former students. Her favourite was Alexandra Somerset, whom resembled the Lady Gray very much 
She died aged 110 years-old in Mallorca, in a villa she purchased under the name “Valeria Martín.” 
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endlessly-cursed · 11 months
Annabel Cifuentes for the oc ask pls!!!!
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Annabel Cifuentes + owned photos on her nightstand
A portrait made by an unknown spanish artist. The second is a research on Gibraltar in 1889. The second is a masquerade in 1915. And the last one is celebrating the end of the Great War in 1919
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
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hp minor oc; doña annabel cifuentes, divination professor and runaway lady of a castilian noble house
Annabel was born in Salamanca, Castile and was a member of the noble House of Cifuentes during the 1870s. Born in 1858, she ran away when she was eighteen due to refusing to marry the Duke of Alba, who was twenty years her senior. She had grown up hearing stories from her British teacher about the magic world of Hogwarts, and found it on a casual trip to Scotland, wanting to find it.
She casually met Phineas Falcon, who had been sent to look out for a Divination professor. Striking a conversation with the beautiful and lost woman, and with a bit of help (okay, he did most of the talking) of his friend Eli Cairncross ( @cursebreakerfarrier ) they sent her to train for the position, proving to have a knack for the subject and soon, under Phineas's sponsorship, she entered the school board in 1879.
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year
Primrose Gray’s Legacy, Act One: The Younger Years, Chapter Five: Kissed
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A/N: With the house to myself and all the afternoon as well, and with finals nearing every day, I have decided to finish this chapter!! This chapter was one of the cutest things I ever wrote and many things were taken from this small one-shot I wrote a while ago. 
Summary: Primrose wishes to explore more of her girlhood, but this time, she asks a close friend for it. 
OCs featured: Henry of Alderly ( @gaygryffindorgal​ ) Beatrice Gwynn (me) William Devlin ( @unfortunate-arrow​ ) 
OCs mentioned: Emmeline Falcon (me) Abraham Alden ( @cursed-herbalist​ ) Estelle Stolberg-Burke (Gryff) Phineas Falcon & Annabel Cifuentes (me as well) Siobhan Llewellyn ( @kc-and-co​ ) 
Warnings: None, pure fluff and childish awkwardness! 
Word Count: 1.9k 
Taglist: @gaygryffindorgal​ @nicos-oc-hell​ @slytherindisaster​ @camillejeaneshphm​ @hphmmatthewluther​ @catohphm​ @thatravenpuffwitch​ @magicallymalted​ 
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15th of January, 1892
Primrose had adjusted to Hogwarts quickly, and had missed it over winter break, and had very much looked forward coming back. Over the break, many couples from her father’s peers had come over, and had overheard the older ladies giggle about kissable guys. Primrose had been thinking about it, and many had agreed most of them had kissed their much older and stinky husband on their wedding day, in front of everybody. It was everywhere. And the thought of it nauseated her. Poor William of course, wasn’t a bad option, but she longed to have it like in the novels she had begun reading behind her mother’s back: she wanted it to be with someone she trusted and was fond of enough.
She had debated all the way back who could it be: she didn’t know Malcolm enough to ask such a thing, and saw her male friends as brothers. The moment Henry approached her, looking like he was running away from something, it struck her.
“Primrose,” he breathed “please take me out of here before the gossip girls find me!”
“I’ll need something in return,”
“Deal,” Then, she grabbed his hand and they both started running away, upstairs, and entered a small and deserted hall with few to no paintings, most of them dormant. Good. They both gasped and looked at one another.
“Thank God,” Henry breathed “if one of them asked me one more time about me being a prince, I would’ve snapped.”
“I know the feeling. They look at me like I’m some prize to be won. It’s disgusting.”
They both sat in comfortable silence, catching their breath and looked at one another. Could she really be that cold and ask him for such a thing?
“So, you’ve rescued me.”
“U—uh, I don’t want anything for now, but...”
Henry squeezed her hand “If you need something, you just need to ask.”
Primrose smiled. There was absolutely no pressure in having her first kiss just yet. She was just eleven, for heaven’s sake!
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Primrose knocked on William’s door and he was surprised to see him. She managed a smile for him and fidgeted with her small fingers.
“Can I help you?”
“I want to… discuss something.”
He nodded curtly “Please, sit.”
She sat on the edge of the bed and thought for one moment how tell him that “I confess I do not know where to begin.”
“The beginning, I suppose.”
“Alright,” she breathed “I can do that. Ahem. I do not know if you’ve thought of that, but I have.”
“Of what?”
Primrose blushed “Well, uh… being attracted to someone… Kissing someone even.” When she saw his alarmed face, she quickly put his racing thoughts to rest “Do not fret, I do not feel that way towards you. Or anybody, but… I mean no offence, but I do not like the idea of you being my first kiss on my wedding day.”
“None taken,” he waved.
“How would you feel if… before walking down the aisle I… with discretion, of course, was I to… see for myself what’s out there? So can you, by the way.”
William stood in silence for a moment before biting his lip “If that is what you want… I have no trouble. You’re free in my eyes. You don’t need to ask for my permission.”
“I’m not asking for permission,” she declared “I am consulting you. Because what we do as individuals affects us and our parents.”
He looked down “You have a point. Forgive me, my lady.”
“…How many times do I have to tell you that I am Prim to you?” She smiled.
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12th of February, 1893
If Primrose said she hadn’t noticed all kinds of couples kissing rather passionately in the halls and corners of the castle, she’d be lying. The sight rather made her blush, but those images were rather intriguing: the man’s hands on the woman’s hips, their lips together, something intimate and sacred about the touch and the yearning. Primrose knew that it’d be a long time before she even went through that, but having a knowledge of what to do was certainly wise. Beatrice had told her of her experience kissing the stable hand’s son: your whole body vibrates, your heart has never beat any faster and you look at their lips, the need growing stronger.
“But, of course,” she laughed “yer too young for that. A small peck couldn’t hurt.”
Primrose frowned “A peck?”
“Aye. When the lips touch for a second at least.”
Primrose nodded. Right, a peck. That seemed rather easy. A small brush.
“May I ask why yer asking, m’lady? Anyone picked your fancy? Or you’re tryin’ to like your fiancé better?”
“No, I just… I want to have a saying on my first times. Just in a few things. If I can’t pick my groom, I deserve to pick something else.”
Beatrice nodded “I understand. Every woman should, though. But alas, tis still verra much a man’s world.”
“Poor girls have it so easy. I wish I had your freedom, Bea.”
Beatrice chuckled bitterly “Once the cold, hunger and hard work settles in yer bones, you’ll change your mind, ma’am.”
“Please, call me Primrose. I want to enjoy being away from scrutiny as much as I can.”
“Alright, Prim,” Beatrice winked “anyone in mind for yer first experience as a girl?”
She bit her lip and nodded towards Henry, who marvelled at the moving painting of Helga Hufflepuff. Beatrice giggled “A choicest election indeed. Many dream of kissin’ a prince. You get to do so.”
Primrose sighed “If he accepts.”
“Only a fool would refuse Primrose Gray’s kiss.”
Primrose took a nervous breath “I hope you’re right, and that you’re not appealing to my vanity in vain.”
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The next morning
Primrose had wondered all night how she’d do this. Having devoured most of the romance books of the library and the ones she brought from Winbourne, she knew well that one thing was the experience of the writers who were much older than her (or dead) and then there was practise.
Henry himself appeared before she could be swallowed into a trance of her thoughts “I was wondering if you’d like to prank Headmaster Black.”
Primrose frowned “Whyever would we do such a thing?”
“Because he’s been awful to us for not belonging to high society and he’s been talking about your mother. Something about ‘impotence and inability’ to have a child.”
“That oaf said what?!” She cried.
Henry placed a careful hand to her mouth and looked around. Then, he pulled her out of sight and whispered “I am as angry as you are. You know I’m fond of your lady mother. That is why we’re going to vindicate her.”
Primrose looked at Henry in his eyes “Tell me what you’ve got.”
A few minutes later, Primrose had tempered with Headmaster Black’s tea, putting all kinds of spices and Henry tempered with his breakfast pastries. Their friend Lord Alden had helped, for he had tempered with his breakfast many times and he and Miss Falcon would take the blame, as usual.
Primrose and Henry sat down, observing once in a while Black’s reaction. When Black started coughing and wheezing at his way-too-spicy tea, he sought to calm it down with pastries. He was relieved… until he stiffened and his eyes got wide.
“Falcon! Alden! Detention!”
Abraham and Emmeline laughed, both starting to run as fast as lighting while Henry and Primrose looked innocent. Henry winked from his seat of Hufflepuff and Primrose stiffened a laugh. Her friend Siobhan’s eyebrows shoot up “Was that all you, Prim?”
“I had help.” The lady smiled.
However, Professor Cifuentes looked at them suspiciously and Primrose signalled Henry to flee. He was quick to do so.
Primrose and Henry walked on the Hogwarts grounds, giggling and reminiscing over the prank they pulled. Primrose still had the same thoughts, and Henry, having shared their lives, noticed this well enough to ask “Are you alright, Prim? You seem to have your head elsewhere…”
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I just…” She guessed this was it. Better to take out the elephant in the room “Well, may I ask you something personal?” Henry nodded “Have you… ever thought of your first kiss?”
The boy suddenly stopped walking and looked at the lady with wide eyes, starting to stutter out a response before he finally found the words “Not… not much? I suppose I have other things in mind.”
Primrose sighed “Mama did tell me that boys and girls regard that event differently, but again, you are no mere boy.”
Henry looked at his friend quizzically ��Do you have someone in mind? Your fiancé, perhaps?”
It was Primrose’s turn to stop on her tracks and look bewildered at Henry “Good Heavens, no! He might be nice-looking, but it’s not him.”
He cocked his head to one side “Who, then?”
Primrose went red and whispered “I was actually thinking of you…”
“Me?!” He cried, startling some students chatting in the courtyard. He was quick to turn red as well and quickly took her arm and went to one corner of the courtyard “May, uh, may I ask why me, of all eligible people?”
Taking a deep breath, she looked at him in the eyes “Because you’re the only man I fully trust with such matter. The others are too old, gross of boyish with it. And… I feel safe with the idea.”
Henry softened “That is sweet on your part. Uh, must it be…?”
“Whenever you feel ready.”
He nodded “Good.”
For the next twenty minutes, they walked in awkward and tense silence, aimlessly touring the unseen corners of the castle, going up and up until they found a corridor that was deserted of anything. They sat, both slightly shaking with nerves and excitement.
Henry was the one to break the ice “And, ah, do you know what we do now?”
Primrose flushed bashfully “I have read about it and… observed the couples.” She swallowed a big lump and looked at him “First, we need to come closer…”
They both instantly got close, their hands touching, their eyes on the other’s lips “And then…?”
“We both swivel our heads like this… you go left, Henry.” He chuckled nervously at their heads bumping slightly and Primrose had to swallow a giggle not to break the ambiance. When their noses touched, remembering what she had seen and read, Primrose softly cupped his cheek in her hand and whispered so low that he shouldn’t be able to hear it “Close your eyes.”
He did and she gently pressed her lips to his. Her heart threatened to spill out and she could taste his breakfast and cologne. As soon as it began, it was over and they both smiled “That… was actually nice.”
Primrose pressed a napkin to her slightly wet lips “It truly was. Here.”
After a few minutes taking in this new experience, they realised they’d be late to Care of Magical Creatures and both sprinted there, exchanging looks between them.
“Forgive us, Professor Falcon.”
The man looked between the lady and the prince and raised his eyebrows, chuckling “It’s alright, you’re right on time.”
Suspecting that he suspected something, they both focused on the class, and Estelle asked her why her lips were swollen. Primrose blushed completely and carried on her activities. Smiling to herself, she picked a wild flower off the field and gave it to Henry with a ‘Thank you for today’ note. She’d treasure this moment for a long while, indeed.
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