#oc: ao-yong
a-stardusted-sky · 5 months
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Drew these for the ask game asks but never got around to actually posting them until now, oops-
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a-stardusted-sky · 6 months
For the ask meme: 🍒🪞🎶💫? For any oc(s) you want!
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Hey! Ty for the ask! 🪞💫 were answered, so:
(Long post incoming)
🍒 -
Dazor - Well, the easiest friend for him to get along with would probably be Kirby, once Dazor realizes Kirby’s not going to backstab him at first opportunity. Gooey and Elfilin he'd be close with too, Dazor appreciates that despite their dark origins, they got good hearts (even if Gooey is quite scatter-brained). I can’t see him getting along with Zan though - her refusal to respect anyone beyond her circle (and eventually Kirby) would absolutely rub him the wrong way. DMK he’d try to avoid. Daroach he just wants to sTOP TRYING TO STEAL HIS STUFF, thank you very much. He and Magolor don’t like each other too much either - Dazor dislikes Magolor’s mischief and over-the-top, un-genuine nature (not to mention his infamous betrayal), and Magolor would think Dazor’s too boring and that it’s a shame he won’t share any Ancient related knowledge. In a similar vein, Dazor would… not get along with Marx, to say the least. For the other friends, Dazor would be on positive or at least neutral terms.
Ao-Yong - Their laidback nature would allow them to get along with just (or at least avoid conflict with) about all of the dream friends. They probably wouldn’t be too fond of Susie though, while they can sympathize with her struggles caused by the Ancients' legacy, they find it much harder to sympathize with the part of colonizing and destroying others' lives for her and her company benefit, having seen that story play out time and time again.
Ky: *Struggling to think here* I can see them enjoying sparring with Meta Knight and the Mage Sisters! I'd also see them being interested in Elfilin given their connection to Elfilis.
🎶- Oh god, this is probably one of the harder questions for me bc my brain just... doesn't really connect music with my ocs? But I do got a few things:
Dazor - The first song is the Aviary Village shop theme from Sky: Children of the Light. It's a relaxing, peaceful song associated with rebuilding and renewal, which is great for Dazor's story. And the second song - whiplash incoming - is Hell’s comin’ with me - Poor Man’s Poison. Pro tip: Dazor is a people-pleaser, he's conflict-avoidant and would rather not fight, much less kill. But if you choose to hurt him or his loved ones, he WILL remember, and he will NOT forget (This will be plot relevant down the line).
Ao-Yong - Their battle theme would probably be heavily based off of Landia's theme and, I don't know, Sekiro's Divine Dragon and/or Elden Ring's Elden Beast. A regal, alien, powerful theme that tells you that you should not be fighting them.
Ky - they can have a leifmotif/theme based off Landia's theme and/or Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit due to the connections with their owners, maybe more the latter since Ao has the stronger connection to Landia here.
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a-stardusted-sky · 6 months
Hi! Hi! Thank you for submitting about Peony! I’d like to submit
For any of your OCs you’d like! Or both! I’m interested in learning bout them!
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Ohhh thank you thank you for the ask! 🪐 was already asked but I’m happy to do:
💫 -
Dazor: First instinct would probably be to wish to go home. However, on second thought, he did grow up on stories of the Ancients' artifacts, some of which end... less than happily, which may be enough to make him second guess himself. Maybe.
Ao: They'd be tempted to wish to go back to the Ancients' heyday, before everything went to Hades in a handbasket.
Ky: They'd probably wish for the answer to their origin.
🥀 -
ohhhhhh boy do I have thoughts for Dazor :) If you'll excuse me for using these asks to ramble about backstory - the other major part of Dazor's story - beyond coming home to a world different from the one you remember, is the many ways of healing what was hurt. Did you know a seraph - an angel who’s name means burning, was also used to denote a serpent (according to Wikipedia anyways)?l I’ve been playing with the idea that Dazor uses the Dragon’s Pearl to purify various corruption across Gorandra, as its water holds purifying properties, but if he were to overuse the power to the point of melting his body and burning his soul… well… water isn’t the only element that can purify.
His Soul form would have a body similar to Ao’s, but with six wings of fire erupting from its open, melting back, plus smaller fires running from head to tail. White skin charred black, all-consuming fire spewing from a gaping jaw and weeping eyes. The logic and compassion that previously drove the purification is gone, replaced by a dying animal that lashes out at everything, deemed impure and needing destruction. At that point, it looks impossible to save the dying soul within… but I’d have thought the same thing for Magolor Soul (outside the True Arena anyways), and Magolor somehow survived that! And I am always a sucker for happy, or at least, endings that aren’t completely bad endings. (TD:LR: maybe?)
(I don’t have any Soul forms thoughts for Ao and Ky, sorry!)
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a-stardusted-sky · 6 months
i unfortunately don't know any of yours so spin the booboo OC wheel for each of those:
go nuts, have fun!
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(🎶 and 🪞were answered previously, but…)
Dazor - he’s… a whole mess. The specifics might change but for now he’s part whatever-the-fuck-Magolor’s-kind are, part Celestial/Astral/Kirby species, and god knows what else. Needless to say he differs.. a LOT from all the species he’s made up of, in almost every way. He takes some of his parts from column A, some from column B, some from column D-
Ao-Yong - One of the few remaining guardian dragons - the criteria varies depending on who you ask, but generally it’s an umbrella term for any dragon strong and pure enough to withstand corrupting forces unaided, and one who guards a civilization and/or its treasure(s).
Ky - a hybrid of Fecto and guardian dragon. Lean more towards their Fecto side physically.
🧋- ooooohhhhhhhhh I was dreading this one… ummmmmmmmm… what can I project and convert into the Kirby world…
I’m thinking a Samgyetang dish - soup made with a whole chicken stuffed with herbs and rice - for Dazor. Star fruit on the side. In a simple, unassuming bread bowl. Something that reminds him of home and times long past. And knowing he can never go back.
Dazor - Poor guy would be quite easy to possess at the start. He gets better at strengthening his will over time though! But no, no possessions for him, he’s got more than enough problems already.
Ao-Yong - Incredibly resistant to the point of be nigh impossible to possess. I have a whole thing about guardian dragons being pure of heart (matter), and are thus untouchable. At least, when they’re in their right mind and body…
Ky - Also impossibly resistant, maybe even more so thanks to their Fecto side. Speaking of Fecto side, they could be the possessor if they felt like it…
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a-stardusted-sky · 6 months
Any OC 💌⚙️⚖️🪞:)
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💌 -
Dazor - before the Fall of Gorandra, he’d be soooo easy to befriend. Like, Kirby-levels of easy to befriend. Post-Fall though, he still desperately craves that friendship deep down, but he’s been forced to lone wolf his way through the universe for awhile and it’ll take some time for him to fully let people in. Kirby and co would break down his barriers fairly quick though!
Ao-Yong - I'd say they'd be fairly difficult to befriend, primarily due to being difficult to reach physically and emotionally. As a guardian of Gorandra, Ao and their fellow guardians are/were amiable to their land's past and current inhabitants, but pretty detached from day-to-day affairs, mainly focused on the well-being of their world as a whole. That said, once they realized Dazor wasn't integrating into any of Gorandra's societies, they allowed him to stay with them, and they ended up getting pretty attached.
Ky - They can be pretty social and easy enough to befriend on a surface level, but at the end of the day, they prefer to travel alone, and don't really like any long term relationships as a result. It is a treat when they re-encounter a friendly face though.
Dazor - Ao raised him on stories of their feats and sins, so Dazor would be pretty knowledgeable on them. Plus, he's running around with the Master Crown's inspiration and a crystal from the fae (the K64 fairies are Ancients in my verse, though the crystal's origin might change). He's pretty connected to their legacy, and he feels conflicted about them: simultaneously in awe of their achievements, but disgusted at all the mistreatment and destruction they've caused as well. He tries not to let it distract him from his more immediate priorities though.
Ao - Oh, Ao would know allll about the Ancients, they had a hand (or claw) in some of their creations after all. Knowing the kind of sins they built their achievements on and how they ruined themselves in the end though, they don't have the highest opinion of them, though they would have varying opinions on individuals.
Ky - Major spoilers to their (current) backstory: Ky was a product of a civilization's... inspired project to create 'an ultimate lifeform' of their own, one attempt involving a fusion between a good-hearted guardian and powerful psychic being. They don't remember how and why they came to be, the question of their origin always in the back of their mind, no matter how occupied they are. It drives their travels, though they will pause to interact with whatever ruins or people that catch their eye. They are aware of their legends, and they see them with wonder and questions about them.
⚖️ -
All three ocs here definitely fall pretty comfortably into the magic side. (I really love @/giantchasm's intrep of magic and tech way more similar than at first glance - the main difference being magic magic being innate to oneself and tech magic being pulled from outside oneself)
Out of the three though, Dazor is the most tech-aligned, willing to use what he can figure out and put together, like using his crystal as any weapon of his choice, or picking up a blaster. Albeit he would be afraid of breaking anything he doesn't understand, which is a lot.
Fun fact: Dazor and Ao were once Mirror versions of Magolor and Landia respectively before becoming their own characters. Ao was just a gray and blue recolor, and Dazor was trusting as a mirror reversal of Magolor's manipulations. Since both are now their own characters, I think they'd have their own mirror versions, though I haven't settled on a definite interp on what the mirror reflects of viewers.
Dazor - I think his mirror counterpart would reflect either his desire for affection and companionship, or some kind of fear and/or anger he has: fear of being hurt (again), fear of being lost, fear and anger at being alone in a vast, uncaring universe trying to accomplish something so difficult. He'd probably get along with the former (even if it takes a while), the latter option, not so much.
(Not sure what Ao's counterpart would reflect of them)
Ky - I can see their mirror reflecting their fear of being/becoming a destructive monster despite their best efforts, they would not like their counterpart at all.
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a-stardusted-sky · 6 months
🪐🍅🔮 for any of your ocs? ^.^
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Dazor: Hails from Gorandra (name pending), a planet outside the Gamble Galaxy. After he finally deals with a whole game’s worth of problems, he'd probably bounce from Popstar and Goranda to visit his friends on each, maybe occasionally traveling elsewhere.
Ao-Yong: Stays on Gorandra as one of its protectors.
Ky: It’s a tossup between Gorandra, Shiver Star/an Ancient-aligned planet, or some planet outside Gamble Galaxy. Regardless of their birth planet though, they’re primarily a nomad, traveling all over the universe.
Dazor: Dazor himself wouldn’t give Kirby an ability, but he primarily uses a staff and can use water and wind magic, which Kirby could copy. Additionally Kirby could get more abilities depending on new weapons or elements Dazor picks up on.
Ao-Yong: Hm, not sure how Kirby's gonna inhale them, maybe outside of Hypernova or Mouthful mode. Hypothetical aside, Kirby would probably get Water or Tornado from their attacks.
Ky: Still figuring exactly what powers they should have, but Kirby could probably get ESP out of some kind of psychic attack. They do have a halberd similar to Elfilis though, so maybe that'll be close enough for Spear.
Dazor: Oh man, he'd be quite conflicted between choosing something shiny, something useful, and not wanting to take anything from Kirby's well-earned hoard at all. I'm not even sure what he'd settle on, haha! In a situation where he knew about the Triforce's power though (if it still applies in the Kirby universe), I could see him wanting it to finally return home, consequences be damned.
Ao-Yong: They would probably decline, content with their own treasures, or take a small, low-value treasure if pressed. Thematically though, the Seiryu Sword would be most fitting because well, it's the Azure Dragon Sword for an azure dragon oc. Can't get more on the nose than that.
Ky: Not super sure as I don't have their personality as fleshed out as the other two, but I think they would take a weapon for their own collection!
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a-stardusted-sky · 6 months
Hi! For the OC thing I’d like to submit: 🍒 🛡️ 🕸️ for any of your OCs!
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Hi Sweet! 🍒was taken but…
🛡️ -
Dazor - probably beam mage or sword hero. He falls into a weird spot here: using both magic and physical weapons equally, plus his story involves a lot of healing. He’s fast and upfront when using his crystal as a weapon, and prefers to hang back when using magic, which eliminates hammer lord (too slow and powerful) and doctor healmore (not in his moveset as a solo traveller) imo. I hope my reasoning makes sense!
Ao-Yong - Honestly idk, maybe doctor healmore to fit their supporting role and nature? Realistically they’d probably take Landia’s role as a boss, but the idea of them trying to fit in as one of the heroes is a funny thought.
Ky - Hmm, sword hero feels like the best fit for their fast yet calculating combat style.
🕸️ - hhhhhhhh this is a hard one, let’s see…
Ao-Yong - I’d include the Hibiscus syriacus - aka the Korean rose and national flower of Korea - as this is my little pet project of ‘how much Korean culture and previous games can I include in my ocs and world’. Plus snapdragons for the dragon resemblance. Would also have flowers that fit their green/blue/white color palette and ones that thrive near/in lots of water, like lotuses.
Dazor would also have snapdragons and Korean roses, though not as many as Ao's. I’d include dandelions, flowers often considered weeds and unwanted but continue to survive despite everything, and (white) starflowers, as (for now) his symbol is an eight-point star. He’d also follow Ao’s palette in green/blue/white and have matching flowers, plus duller and grayer ones.
Ky - would have hybrids, ones shaped like five-point stars, lot of green and purples with yellow speckled in between, oooh, perhaps even a blue rose to signify mystery, the impossible made possible…
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