#oc: ky
a-stardusted-sky · 5 months
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Drew these for the ask game asks but never got around to actually posting them until now, oops-
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ashipiko · 2 months
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All information on Atlan Trein ATM! Will most likely be updated ☆
Class: 2-A
Birthday: February 12th
Height: 179cm
Dominant Hand: Right
From: Land of Pyroxene / Shaftlands
Club: None
Favorite Subject: Music
Best Subject: History of Magic
Likes: Making friends
Dislikes: Being called “Mommy’s Boy”
Favorite Food: Bread
Least Favorite Food: Pumpkin
Speciality: Getting people interested in drama
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— Pomefiore Dorms - Atlan’s Room —
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…Moooom, I know it’s kind of late, so I’m sending in a voicemail, but— You can listen to this in the morning while you get ready, right?
I know it’s only the first day of this school year but please, can you just give me permission to go home or something?!
I don’t wanna be here anymore! Just take me back home! I’m not learning anything new at this school. Sure, the drama and gossip is kind of interesting, but, ugh, it gets old really fast.
—N-Not that I’m the one spreading it around. Of course not! You could never expect that from your beloved son.
Uncle is already starting to freak me out, though. I swear whenever I looked up from my desk during history, either he or Lucius would be staring straight at me. He didn’t call you before me, right? Don’t tell me he did! I promise, I haven’t done anything—!
Ugh, not to mention, it’s just as hard to provide for myself as last year… I honestly think the lack of roommates is more of a con than anything. It makes it even harder to talk to people, tch.
…Like, I get that you want me to learn how to survive on my own, but seriously…? I don’t think being surrounded by all of these… what’s a word that’s not pleb but similar… Ah. Idiotic peers, is the right way to go about it.
Oh! I almost forgot the most important part about today. At the welcoming ceremony, there was a huge and giant fiasco. Apparently some person not from here crashed the ceremony. And no, not not from here as in Sage’s Island, I mean Twisted Wonderland! Isn’t that crazy? It would be funny if it was through time travel, hahaha!
They seemed quite out of it. Lost for words and confused. I think they even got caught on fire. I couldn’t help but laugh a little. I think I even heard house warden Vil critique them!
Ah— Sorry if that was a lot. You take a long while to apply your makeup anyways, right? It’s just that I don’t really have anyone here to talk to about this, and I’m quite bad at small talk, so…
You know.
…Well then. I love you. I hope I see you soon. And consider my request—!
Atlan is twisted off of Anastasia from Cinderella!
Despite this, he isn’t Trein’s son. He’s his nephew. I figured it would be a little funnier this way.
Atlan isn’t exactly liked at NRC. To say the least, his entire personality is that he talks about other people. That’s it. Not in a praising way either— He’ll talk about whatever things he’s heard around. Hence, his ear for gossip.
His tie to Yuu would most likely stem from Yuu hearing that someone had been talking about them in a gossipy way, and therefore finding out who it was (because Yuu protection squad is a very real and scary thing). Either that or tracking him down because they think he might have information.
Atlan’s reasoning behind all his talk being rumors and topics about other people is because he’s not very good at socializing himself. He grew up a little sheltered with a bratty older sister who he’d always fight with. Lots of screaming and the such. Both of the siblings ended up being a little spoiled, and with some unbearable personalities, resulting in people not really wanting to become their friends.
The rest of his family didn’t seem to mind the fact that they weren’t as liked as others, but Atlan always sort of wanted to find out a way to reach out. To have friends and see what the normal person’s life would be. However, due to the lack of support, every time he attempted to reach for his goal, it would end up in failure. Nobody to correct his behavior, and nobody who would try to help him understand himself.
His mother, noticing this behavior of his, decided that the best course of action would to be to send him off by himself to a school filled to the brim with other people his age, who he could learn to interact with— Night Raven College.
But you would guess, something like that doesn’t go well for a boy who depended on his mother and her money for comfort.
Like a fish on land, Atlan tries his best to be open and talk to people, but upon becoming independent, he realizes that he doesn’t really have much going for him. And as people got to know him, he felt as if they were right— He’s nothing but a person who trash talks people and brags about his money.
He cracks under pressure easily when the atmosphere is awkward, and has no idea how to go about small talk. Atlan isn’t the best person to tell your secrets to, as he’ll probably end up using it as a conversation starter.
Atlan has an oresama air to him, but he really just wants to be part of the crowd rather than someone alienated for something he doesn’t know how to navigate. Maybe one day he’ll find the right crowd to surround himself with. A helping hand to guide him. But for now, he’s stuck, enrolled in NRC under his mother’s word.
More to be added!
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cookiecatsss · 4 months
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cannieclownery · 5 months
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m1kuluvrr · 3 months
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hi, long time no see :)
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brainrot-stitch · 20 days
Dw doodles from the wb just now :3 I'm gonna get back on after my phone charges some more
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If u wanna join go ahead!! The link is in the post right before this one :D (or just @ me or rb and ask for the link and I'll resend it <3)
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iraprince · 1 month
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sketchpage comm for @/kylectics on twitter!! i had SUCH a blast working on this, tysm :D
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rainboopz · 9 months
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A bit of a repost but also a new addition to this crew! Consists of Kỳ Lạ and his demonic minions. Recap below:
Kỳ Lạ is a lion dance costume demon, a cursed múa lân if you will, and he operates by enticing innocents to perform a ritual on New Year's to get a wish. If they pass the trials they get a fortune, if not... they get eaten :) And he doesn't really play fair!
You can usher him into the world by wearing a cursed Ông Địa mask, usually placed by his partner in crime Bà Mục / Rễ Mục Tinh. She was a tree from a formerly blessed land but was tainted by human hands. Kỳ Lạ took her tainted root and turned her into his subordinate.
His other two lackeys are Hoả Sơn and Gió Bão who were felled demons from the Viet folktale Thạch Sanh Lý Thông. They were brought back to be in servitude for Kỳ Lạ.
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catfindr · 11 months
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midiquartz · 4 months
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some designs for chapter 2 of my pf2e campaign
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leopardmuffinxo · 10 months
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indulge in me. let me be the fragrant taste your mouth desires.
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a-stardusted-sky · 6 months
For the ask meme: 🍒🪞🎶💫? For any oc(s) you want!
Ask link:
Hey! Ty for the ask! 🪞💫 were answered, so:
(Long post incoming)
🍒 -
Dazor - Well, the easiest friend for him to get along with would probably be Kirby, once Dazor realizes Kirby’s not going to backstab him at first opportunity. Gooey and Elfilin he'd be close with too, Dazor appreciates that despite their dark origins, they got good hearts (even if Gooey is quite scatter-brained). I can’t see him getting along with Zan though - her refusal to respect anyone beyond her circle (and eventually Kirby) would absolutely rub him the wrong way. DMK he’d try to avoid. Daroach he just wants to sTOP TRYING TO STEAL HIS STUFF, thank you very much. He and Magolor don’t like each other too much either - Dazor dislikes Magolor’s mischief and over-the-top, un-genuine nature (not to mention his infamous betrayal), and Magolor would think Dazor’s too boring and that it’s a shame he won’t share any Ancient related knowledge. In a similar vein, Dazor would… not get along with Marx, to say the least. For the other friends, Dazor would be on positive or at least neutral terms.
Ao-Yong - Their laidback nature would allow them to get along with just (or at least avoid conflict with) about all of the dream friends. They probably wouldn’t be too fond of Susie though, while they can sympathize with her struggles caused by the Ancients' legacy, they find it much harder to sympathize with the part of colonizing and destroying others' lives for her and her company benefit, having seen that story play out time and time again.
Ky: *Struggling to think here* I can see them enjoying sparring with Meta Knight and the Mage Sisters! I'd also see them being interested in Elfilin given their connection to Elfilis.
🎶- Oh god, this is probably one of the harder questions for me bc my brain just... doesn't really connect music with my ocs? But I do got a few things:
Dazor - The first song is the Aviary Village shop theme from Sky: Children of the Light. It's a relaxing, peaceful song associated with rebuilding and renewal, which is great for Dazor's story. And the second song - whiplash incoming - is Hell’s comin’ with me - Poor Man’s Poison. Pro tip: Dazor is a people-pleaser, he's conflict-avoidant and would rather not fight, much less kill. But if you choose to hurt him or his loved ones, he WILL remember, and he will NOT forget (This will be plot relevant down the line).
Ao-Yong - Their battle theme would probably be heavily based off of Landia's theme and, I don't know, Sekiro's Divine Dragon and/or Elden Ring's Elden Beast. A regal, alien, powerful theme that tells you that you should not be fighting them.
Ky - they can have a leifmotif/theme based off Landia's theme and/or Two Planets Approach the Roche Limit due to the connections with their owners, maybe more the latter since Ao has the stronger connection to Landia here.
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cinnabon0 · 3 months
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(Thank you to everyone who supported me and my little fandom💘)
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brightgoat · 2 years
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Promethean Society pamphlet for how to recruit scientists to our great cause
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ickyguts · 3 months
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Got some refs and other goodies hot off the press. Context for the lil comic though; icks tends to overshare when drunk, and here he's remarking a time he had to move a bloated body sometime before arriving to the isles. YUCK
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chaoslinych · 2 months
one day I will understand how to write posts
однажды я пойму как мне писать посты
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(guesses who it is, like a specific subject, it’s clear that this is a doppelganger)
and I think one day I’ll make a post where it will be in detail according to my tnmn sona, but for now in short (FROM WHAT I HAVE THIS IS STILL SHORT, YEAH)
и думаю однажды я сделаю пост где будет по полочкам по моей тнмн соне, но сейчас вкратце (ИЗ ТОГО ЧТО У МЕНЯ ЕСТЬ ЭТО ЕЩЁ ВКРАТЦЕ, АГА)
everything below is pure headcanons, there's no lore in tnmn (this seems obvious to me, but I saw someone write something like that, so whatever)
I'll start with a headcanon, in my understanding, doppelgangers are essentially shapeshifters who can create muscles, veins, skin, bones, hair, some external organs (the eyes are an organ) and even objects like clothing and accessories, and everything to be indistinguishable from a person, but the main disadvantage is that they can only do this by looking at a specific example, they cannot “come up” with anything of their own, and all the differences are unintentional errors, because everyone’s capabilities are different
and Kys is a doppelganger, but an exception to the rule, he is not the most outstanding in physical abilities, but he can manipulate his body at his own discretion, even since the doppels were not taught (I don’t think that the doppels were taught to “create” a working tail, specifically as a construction of vertebrae and muscles)
+ the fact that he does it very quickly and is not stupid himself
so not stupid that he chose the option of replacing a person (directly the person Kys) in order to join society and have a better chance of surviving
Of course, one can wonder how the double ended up in the position of doorman, but firstly, he simply does not know that DDD comes out of the project because of which they exist, and secondly, yes, he simply does not feel sorry for his own kin, because the one who adapts better can survive (the function of which they were trained), + doppels eat doppels (this is just survival, not hatred, he has his own squad of doppels)
and thirdly, such a choice, because the work is dangerous, and there are not many candidates, this is probably the easiest way to earn money, considering that human Kys is only 18 years old, + trust, how a doppelganger can be a doorman who has to catch doppelgangers
(thanks @rinja-espurr for help with the translation mewmewm)
всё что ниже являются чистыми хедканонами, в тнмн лора ноль (это кажется очевидным для меня, но я видел что это писали, поэтому ладно)
начну с хедканона, в моём понимании доппельгангеры это по сути перевертыши, которые могут создавать мышцы, вены, кожу, кости, волосы, некоторые внешние органы (глаза это орган) и даже объекты по типу одежды и аксессуаров, и всё что бы быть неотличимым от человека, но главный минус что они могут это делать только смотря на конкретный пример, они не могут "придумать" ничего своего, а все отличия это ненамеренные погрешности, потому что способности у всех отличаются
и Кысь это доппельгангер, но исключение из правил, он не самый выдающийся физическими способностями, но может манипулировать своим телом по своему усмотрению, даже так как двойников не учили (не думаю что двойников учили "создавать" рабочий хвост, именно как конструкция из позвонков и мышц)
+ то что он делает это очень быстро и сам не глупый
настолько не глупый, что выбрал вариант заменить человека (непосредственно человека Кыся) что бы влиться в общество и иметь более большие шансы выжить
конечно можно задаться вопросом как двойник оказался на посту швейцара, но во-первых, он элементарно не знает что ДДД выходит из проекта из-за которых они существуют, во-вторых, да, ему просто не жалко своих собратьев, потому что выживает тот кто лучше приспосабливается (функция которой их обучали), + двойники едят двойников (это просто выживание, а не ненависть, у него есть своя банда допелей)
и в-третих, такой выбор, потому что работа опасная, а кандидатов не много, это вероятно самый простой способ зарабатывать, учитывая что Кысю человеку всего 18 лет, + доверие, как доппельгангер может быть швейцаром, который должен отлавливать доппельгангеров
i died я умер
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