#oc: ariel mahariel
herearedragons · 1 year
27 from the artifacts list!
Artifacts of Thedas prompt list
I went with a banter format for this one.
27. A small pot of kaddis, partially used
Alistair: Uh… Ariel, what happened to your dog?
Ariel: What do you mean? He’s fine.
Alistair: I don’t know if you noticed, but he looks like a fancy cake.
Zevran (if present): Oh, good. So I’m not the only one who was seeing that.
Morrigan (if present): He certainly does not smell like one.
Ariel: He does not look like a cake. 
Leliana: (chuckles) The swirls around his neck do remind me of my favorite frosting.
Ariel: Those are the rays of Elgar’nan! It’s a warrior’s pattern!
Leliana: Ariel, I’m sorry for earlier. Fen’Falon’s war paint looks lovely.
Ariel: Thank you! It took me an hour to paint all of him.
Leliana: He’s so cute! Festive, even.
Fen'Falon: (happy bark)
Ariel: He’s not - oh, Fen’Harel take you all. I’ve got a steady hand for shooting, not for art.
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sky-fire-forever · 3 months
My prompt list for @dadrunkwriting
Please feel free to send me any prompt for any character or relationship, even ones I don't have listed, as I may be willing to try something new! My own OCs will be used for any player characters.
Here are some relationships and characters I'd be especially willing to write for! Asterisks (*) represent characters or relationships I prefer to write at the moment.
Romantic Relationships:
Zevran/Warden, Leliana/Warden, Sten/Warden, Alistair/Warden, Morrigan/Warden, Anders/Warden*, Nathaniel/Warden, Anders/Karl, Anders/Hawke*, Fenris/Hawke, Fenris/Anders*, Fenris/Anders/Hawke*, Sebastian/Hawke, Isabela/Hawke, Merrill/Hawke, Varric/Hawke, Kirkwall Polycule, Isabela/Hawke/Fenris, Dorian/Inquisitor
Queerplatonic Relationships:
Justice/Warden*, Fenris/Anders*, Justice/Hawke*, Justice/Anders*, Justice/Anders/Hawke*, Varric/Hawke
Other Relationships:
Jowan&Warden, Sten&Warden, Leliana&Warden, Morrigan&Warden, Alistair&Warden, Wynne&Warden, Shale&Warden, Anders&Warden, Justice&Warden*, Nathaniel&Justice, Nathaniel&Warden, Anders&Varric, Carver&Anders, Leandra&Hawke, Carver&Hawke, Malcolm&Hawke, Merrill&Hawke, Isabela&Hawke, Varric&Hawke, Aveline&Hawke, Cole&Anders*, Cole&Hawke*, Cole&Inquisitor
Orion Mahariel, Rose Tabris, Pigfrid Brosca, Benten Brosca, Ralsei Aeducan, Orla Cousland, Eluvia Amell , Primrose Surana , Scorpius Hawke , Aster Hawke, Aurora Hawke, Mal Hawke , Angel Hawke, Ariel Hawke , Kelli Hawke, Kios Hawke , Cygnus Adaar
Sadderday Prompts
Angst Prompts
Pining/Yearning Prompts
Feeling Safe Prompts
Flirty Prompts
Epic the Musical Prompts
Dialogue Prompts
Angst Dialogue Prompts
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
Dragon Age Inspired Prompts
Hurt/Comfort Prompts (Hard to Find)
Rivals Sentence Starters
Protective Prompts
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siennadraws · 3 years
3, 7, 13, and 47 for all of your ocs/your choice! :D
Hi!!! Thanks for the ask 💕
How tall is your OC?
Shaera Mahariel is 1.60m
Mara Hawke is 1.83m
Terys Lavellan is 1.47m
Ariel is 1.72m
Does your OC have any markings, such as a birthmark or a scar?
Shaera has a couple of scars from battle, the most prominent one is the one on her face, across her eye. She got it fighting the archdemon. And of course her Vallaslin
Mara has a lot of scars, on her face because she likes to rush into battle, a couple on her arms from blood magic, one from the Arishok, on her belly. She got a tattoo under her eye, a mage from a Circle she and Anders helped bring down did it for her. She also got a new facial scar from when she became a dragon (Flemeth's dragon) and fought Cory's blighted dragon.
Terys has a lot of scars on her face, from debris she caught from the explosion of the temple, right before entering the fade. She also has a couple of scars around her body, from being a hunter and a generally adventurous kid. And her Vallaslin!
Ariel has a lot of beauty marks around her face, and body (shoulders, back and chest) and some miscellaneous scars from battle on her body.
How many siblings does your OC and what is his/her relationship with them?
Shaera doesn't have any siblings!
Mara has Carver and Bethany, in my canon both survived, Carver became a warden and Bethany was sent to the Circle in Kirkwall. She loves them both dearly, but has a rocky relationship with Carver because she's loud and impulsive and honestly, just sick of hiding and running. They (all) become closer by the end of DA2, and they all live together (with Anders too) when the false Calling starts until they move back to Kirkwall and start living in separate homes.
Terys has her little sister Fennas, who's the First. Terys is deeply protective of her, and they love each other a lot and get along well. Fennas killed for the first time when she was about 7, with blood magic, to save Terys, who was shielding her from human raiders.
How easily does your OC forgive?
Shaera is a trusting gal, she'll forgive most people if they give her that choice.
Ariel is very forgiving, people often think she's a Sarenrae worshipper, she truly believes in redemption and will give anyone a chance. To her own detriment but she stays loyal to her principles.
Mara isn't forgiving exactly, but she's also a 🌾 killer for a living lmao. She'll murder Templars and delight on it, and she did help Anders assassinate Elthina, and laughed when a Qunari killed the annoying sister. So if you're a mercenary, or a carta member, or something like that, and you did your job she respects that. If you're a Templar she doesn't and if you're her friend there's nothing to forgive.
Terys I already answered but here it is:
This one is really funny. Terys plays favorites for sure. If you're her friend, you're easily forgiven, if you're her enemy, not so much.
But she is merciful, and she doesn't like to waste lives. Everyone who wants should have a shot at redemption, at trying to make the world a better place.
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moonblossom97 · 4 years
5 & 10 for the DA:I Ask!!!
5 and 10 huh, alright, lets see what i can do *cracks knuckles* 5. a note/letter found in your OC’s pocket: To my amazing wife, I hope you come home soon, Solen misses you dearly, and she isn’t the only one. I miss you. I considered riding to Haven with Solen so we could be together again, but Eamon might kill me for that, what with me ruling and all, I suppose. I could rule from a frozen land, couldn’t I? Please come home soon. Love, Alistair. 10. something written by one of the advisors about your OC: In a pile of notes on Leliana’s table: Evelyn Lillibeta Theirin nee Trevelyan, Born 9:13 in Ostwick to Josette Ophelia Trevelyan and Unknown Father(Classified), Laurent Mercier(Step-Father). Siblings are Rosamunde Arielle Trevelyan(Born 9:14) and Valdi Cassius Trevelyan(Born 9:28). Partner: King Alistair Theirin(Born 9:11), Children: Solen Theirin(Born 9:32). - Born and raised in Ostwick until she was 6, was sent to live with family in Tevinter until 16, where she went back to Ostwick.  - Came to Ferelden and met Heroes of Ferelden, joined their party and helped defeat Archdemon - Married King Alistair immediately after The Blight, helped rebuild. - Came to our aid when requested(regarding the conclave). Mahariel, Cousland and Hawke no where to be found when Cassandra tried to search. - Was the only survivor at The Temple of Sacred Ashes. - Roderick thinks she caused The Breach(Impossible, she helped face off the Archdemon with us, why would she go rogue now?)  There is more, but it is cut off.
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Worldstates Masterpost
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Worldstate 1 : Heroes of Thedas Warden: Ilsramel Cousland; Champion: Claire Hawke; Inquisitor: Catherina Hammond
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Worldstate 2 : Sharp Blade of Freedom Warden: Mephis Tabris; Champion: Nicholas Rovver; Inquisitor: Ilamar Hammond
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Worldstate 3 : Magic, Knowledge and Blood Warden: Malaad Surana ; Champion: Conte Amell; Inquisitor: Moghrana Lavellan  
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Worldstate 4 : Of Noble Birth Warden: Portia Aeducan; Orlesian Warden: Cato Beauchêne; Champion: Ariel Bourgeois; Inquisitor: Juleka Trevelyan  
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Worldstate 5 : Dwarven Mischief Warden: Korinn Brosca; Champion: Malika Cadash; Inquisitor: Kasimir Cadash  
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Worldstate 6 : Found Families Warden: Kamela Mahariel; Champion: Abbassira; Inquisitor: Asala Adaar 
The Multiverse Worldscape
Introduction :
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DAO ; the Heroes of Ferelden 
DA2  ; Hawke’s Crew (WIP)
DAI ; Inquisition Forces (WIP)
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The Last Court ; Dimitrian de Serault
OC Pages :
Wardens; Hawke’s Crew; Inquisition Forces
Link to the au/dark Worldstates Masterpost
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vvakarians · 6 years
(Continued OC profiles bc I have no self control)
The Hero || The Champion || The Inquisitor
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(Currently trying to produce screenshots of my warden so have a pic from her pinterest)
Tauriel Mahariel || Hero of Ferelden
full name: Tauriel Mahariel-Theirin
gender: genderfluid
sexuality: pansexual poly
pronouns: she/her/hers, they/them/theirs
family: Keeper Ellas Mahariel † (father), Harea Mahariel  † (mother), Tamlen Mahariel  † (partner), Merrill (ex-partner), Alistair Theirin (husband), Cassiopeia Cousland-Theirin (wife), Krie Mahariel-Theirin (son, belongs to @orihharas ), Evra Mahariel-Theirin (daughter), Kanin Mahariel-Theirin (son), Revas Mahariel-Theirin (daughter), Duncan Mahariel-Theirin (son), Bryce Cousland-Theirin (son), Brynne Cousland-Theirin (daughter), Imogen Coulsand-Theirin (daughter), Lucienne Vandame (daughter-in-law), Elodie Vandame (in-law), Re (belongs to @nbtakumi, in law), Ariele Chatelain-Mahariel (son-in-law), Mirae Shaaras (daughter-in-law)
birthplace: Ferelden
job: Warden-Commander of Ferelden, Arl of Amaranthine, Queen-Consort of Ferelden
phobias: the Blight, mirrors
guilty pleasures: sleep, alcohol, smoking elfroot
hobbies: reading history books, dragon and griffon taming/raising, pissing off nobles, gardening
morality alignment? chaotic neutral
sins: Desire / Despair / Envy / Fear / Hunger / Pride / Rage / Sloth
virtues: Charity / Chastity / Diligence / Humility / Justice / Kindness / Patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: introvert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unempathic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: traditional
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: Tauriel/Cassie/Alistair
acceptable ships: Tauriel/Merrill/Tamlen, Tauriel/Tamlen
ot3: See otp
brotp: Tauriel/Oghren, Tauriel/Cassie/Alistair. Tauriel/Zevran, Tauriel/Anders, Tauriel/Fen’Asha, Tauriel/Merielle, Tauriel/Serynn, Tauriel/Shale,Tauriel/Sten, pretty much anyone in the camp 
notp: anything having to do with Loghain
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justwhoiamthisweek · 7 years
OC Overview
Dragon Age OCs:
Deirdre Mahariel- “metaphors go over her head”/“my reflexes are so fast, I would catch them,” loathes politics, her strategy is being stronger and fiercer than her enemies, has no time for Shem Nonsense, believes in Conceal Don’t Feel, somebody pls give her a hug, smol but swole
Nikita Cousland- not interested in being polite or heterosexual, sneaky lil shit, will flirt with anything, lowkey suffering under the weight of his Baggage, Bitter but he makes it work, if you love him you must also love his dog, has mastered the Devilish Smile™, has only been embarrassed maybe once in his life
Wilhelmina Mina Hawke- tries to be polite until everything starts going to shit, threaten her family and it’s the last thing you will ever do, drinks away her troubles, tries rly hard to be the Responsible One but has shit luck, has no idea how to dress when not wearing armor, blushes super easily
Athriell Lavellan- Aggressively Dalish, reads everything he touches, invested in the Discourse, social justice elf, sometimes trees are better than people, indecisive af, has the most beautiful hair, side-eyes all the halla bc of that one time, that guy that keeps talking even after you think he’s done
Other OCs:
Griffin- adorably rugged demisexual, will try to fight for your honor, huge nerd who knows all the lore, looks like he could kill you but is usually a cinnamon roll, doesn’t understand his own appeal (which is for the best bc he could weaponize it since he is Bae), 100% likely to be bailing Tripp’s ass out of trouble
Tripp- “move, i’m gay,” sass master, will steamroll you if you get in his way, the Idea Man, usually followed by a chorus of “Tripp, no,” wants to be the very best like no one ever was, vaguely obsessive, what are feelings??, no one can touch his hair but Griffin, money is an excellent motivator  
Red- yes he is a redhead, super freckly, loves everything (especially his sister), does a lot in the name of Science, basically full of awe and wonder but considered a little off like if Ariel and Belle had a baby, known pyro, beanpole extraordinaire, way too trusting, wants to pet all the dogs/cats/etc., craves the bonds of True Friendship, looks great in pastels and cute skirts
Amelia- Red’s adoring sister, student council president in the making, makes you feel like your life is a mess in comparison, “don’t talk to me or my brother ever again,” how does fun??, competitive af
Vallian- voted most likely to question all his life choices, whipped af by Tripp, thinks he can play with fire and win…he does not win, resigned to his fate, loves dogs, every so often is blessed w/ the ability to make a good comeback
Ade- Adam’s twin, smol + fluffy, looks like a cinnamon roll and is a cinnamon roll, knows how to take everything apart and put it back together, ball of anxiety, is only capable of being savage to his brother, likes listening more than talking, would look so good in a flower crown, wants to do the Right Thing
Adam- Ade’s twin, does everything in the name of Science, very likely to be followed by a chorus of “Adam, no,” needs to be reminded about social graces like every other day, likely to chug five 5-hour energy drinks to achieve 25 hours of continuous energy, talk nerdy to him, someone should probably stop him from picking fights with people bigger than him
Desiderio- suave, basically a cat in human from, will ignore you within clear line of sight, always a slut for attention, an Artist™, always knows a song appropriate to the situation, has the most complicated Starbucks order, lowkey loves a good classic romance, just a little bit of a Diva
Nequiel- tol, so swole she could probably bench press you w/ no problem, the best older sibling ever, adorable sunshine smile, makes friends so easily it’s like how??, also befriends all the puppies, doesn’t know how she ended up the responsible one, the most Sub   
Berowne- scruffy Hobo Chic, so Done with life, has a secret romantic side, also has a painful and mysterious past, might have been a poet in another life, rly loves horses, snark is basically his only setting, Quiel is the sunshine to his grump, Shakespeare nerd, can tell all the Romantic writers apart
Maren- so pink, so pouf, legit has a Sexy Beauty Mark, takes no shit, looks like a cupcake but could actually kill you, eyeliner always on point, super smart, hates being underestimated but lowkey loves surprising tf out of people, “treat yo’self” is her motto, if she is not happy everyone knows and will suffer accordingly
Jase/Baelfire [aka Jay/Bae]- ice king, has no fucks to give, has a LOT of money and a butler, sexy and he knows it, Tamaki level knowledge of ‘peasant culture,’ does not understand how babies work, impeccably clean at all times, savage af
Declan- a Thirsty Gay, has too many siblings, will make puppy eyes to get what he wants, extrovert, super good with children, always ready for a cat nap, living for the weekend, definitely a sinnamon roll, social media master, inexplicably knows everybody’s business
Allisoun- voted most likely to go down in a blaze of glory, a Gay who just wants to impress all the beautiful women, perpetual bachelor, SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS, what are pants? what is a bra?, only whipped for Maren, drives with all the windows down and the radio so loud you can’t hear yourself think, does it for the vine
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mercs4art · 7 years
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My OC faces!!
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herearedragons · 9 months
updated oc list
posts with each character are tagged with #oc: [oc name] the way their name is written here (so #oc: kyana amell, #oc: watcher selene)
Dragon Age: Origins
Kyana Amell: main warden, Zevran romance
Ariel Mahariel: rogue, Morrigan romance
Zaria(Sereda Aeducan): rogue, Leliana romance
Isphire Surana: warden with a companion au, no romance
Dragon Age 2
Secret Hawke: work in progress
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Evelyn Trevelyan: mage, knight-enchanter, Sera romance
Neilar Lavellan: rogue, assassin, Dorian romance
Aqun Adaar: rogue, artificer, no canon romance
May Cadash: warrior, champion, Blackwall romance
Adina Saar: mage, Valo-Kas companion OC
Thenas Lavellan: mage, companion OC with an Inquisitor AU
Pillars Of Eternity
Watcher Selene: moon godlike cipher/ranger, explorer/The White That Wends, Edér romance (headcanon)
Watcher Lorenzo: death godlike chanter, escaped slave/Old Vailia, work in progress
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herearedragons · 1 year
OC list
Dragon Age
Kyana Amell: my canon Warden. Starts out as not the best person and learns to connect with/care about other people over the course of the Blight while also becoming less and less pro-Circle. Romances Zevran.
Ariel Mahariel: archer rogue whose obnoxious jokes and “ladies’ man” persona are a mask for his deep desire for a family. More responsible than he appears at first. Romances Morrigan.
Zaria: born Sereda Aeducan, she took on a new name after being exiled to the surface. Spent most of her youth in the Deep Roads. Maintains a stoic, noble attitude, but has a kind heart. Romances Leliana.
Isphire Surana: born a mage but not that powerful of a caster, she depends on stealth and persuasion for her survival. Later becomes an Arcane Warrior and masters the blade. Befriends Mouse, and after he finds himself in the waking world during Inquisition, they travel and fight together.
Rina Hawke: a mage whose grief and fear for her loved ones leads her to form a pact with a Despair demon, which gives her power at first, but almost succeeds in possessing her at one point. Blue/purple personality, pro-mage, Carver is a templar, romance undecided.
Kane Hawke: a rogue who is Just A Guy and not really suited to the larger-than-life roles life keeps putting him in. Still manages to pull through every time, even if it’s not as pretty as Varric describes. Blue/purple personality, pro-mage, Bethany is in the Circle, romance undecided.
Theo Hawke: a warrior who takes the reaver specialization maybe a little too far, experimenting with dragon blood to find a way to get even more strength from it. Red/blue personality, pro-mage, Bethany is a Warden, romances Merrill.
Neilar Lavellan: canon Inquisitor. Dual-wielding rogue, really more a follower than a leader by nature, but upon being forced into the role of Inquisitor, tries his best to become what the title demands of him. Allies with the mages, drinks from the Well of Sorrows, romances Dorian.
Evelyn Trevelyan: a young mage and the daughter of diplomats, struggling to navigate the increasingly perilous situations she keeps ending up in ever since coming into her magic three years ago. Allies with the mages, romances Sera.
May Cadash: sword-and-shield warrior, a former Carta enforcer seeking redemption through her new Andrastian faith. Recruits the templars (TBD whether as allies or prisoners), romances Blackwall.
Aqun Adaar: archer rogue, a half-human engineer/mercenary doing his best to fix whatever can be fixed with his newfound position of power. Disbands the templars, no canon romance.
Adina Saar: a Vashoth mage raised by a spirit of Freedom and a member of the Valo-Kas.
Thenas Lavellan: the First of Clan Lavellan (not Inquisitor), known for his ability to see glimpses of the future in his dreams.
Pillars of Eternity
Selene: moon godlike cipher/ranger with the Explorer background. A former Giftbearer who abandoned her duty and ran away from her community, living in the wilderness for several years before making her way to Gilded Vale. Romances Edér.
Firi of the Red Scarves: an NPC from my campaign I made into an OC. High elf rogue/warlock whose patron is a fiend cursed to serve mortals as a familiar for two hundred years.
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vvakarians · 7 years
TMI-Tuesday: Dragon Age Edition
I have a bunch of DA oc’s so I’ll just be listing the mains and main-ish ones. Literally all of the exist in the same universe, I’m that person. 
Warden-Commander Tauriel Mahariel: Hero of Ferelden/Warrior-Two Handed/Champion/Pan-poly/Dalish/LI: Alistair + Cassiopeia 
Queen Cassiopeia Cousland: Queen of Ferelden/Warden-Constable/Blind/Rogue-Daggers/Bard/Pan-poly/Orlesian born/LI: Alistair and Tauriel
Fen’Asha Tabris: Senior Warden/Blood Mage/Healer/Lesbian/Transwoman/LI: Morrigan 
Serynn Aeducan: Senior Warden/Warrior-Sword + Shield/Champion/Lesbian/Princess of Orzammer/LI: Leliana
Merielle Amell: Senior Warden/Blood Mage/Bi-demiaro/Orlesian/LI: Zevran
Neo Caron: Warden/Elf blooded/Orlesian born/Gay/Former Chevalier/Dual Wielder/LI: Nathaniel Howe 
Cadmius Iraneaus: Warden-Recruit/Dwarven/Tevene/Aro-Ace/Disgraced noble/LI: none, bff’s w/ Sten
Ophelia Elspeth Hawke: Champion of Kirkwall/NB-they/them/Rogue-dual wielding/twin to Hero/Assassin/Panro-demi/LI: Fenris
Halcyon Hawke: Templar/Eldest Hawke sib/Warrior/bi-ace/Princess of Starkhaven/LI: Sebastian 
Hero Hawke: Twin to the Champion/Mage/Blood Mage-Healer/Lesbian-poly/LI: Merrill + Isabela
Calliope Imryll Lavellan: Lady Inquisitor/Reincarnation of Falon’Din/Dalish/Orlesian-Tevene/Warrior-Mage/Reaver/pan/LI: Solas (or in Halliope and FFXV AU, @lorspolairepeluche ‘s Halla Trevelyan)
Elessar Lavellan: Twin Brother to the Inquisitor/ Warden/ Reincarnation of Dirthamen/Dalish/Orlesian-Tevene/Mage-Archer/Tempest/gay/LI: none
Evra Mahariel: Daughter of the Warden-Commander/Inquisition Footsoldier/Mage/Knight Enchanter/NB-she/they/pan/LI: Cullen
Ariel “Ari” Chatelain: Inquisition scout/Orlesian City elf/ Rogue-dual wielder/Assassin/gay/LI: Krie Mahariel, courtesy of @orihharas
Elodie Vandame: Chevalier/Orlesian Noble/Warrior-Weapon+Shield/Pan/LI: Either Leonelle+Gaspard courtesy of @mordinsolis or Re courtesy of @avitvsrix
August Fischer: Free Mage/Anderfels Noble/Abomination of Valor/Rift Mage/Pan-poly/LI: Cassandra + Silvhen
Silvhen Halveri: Ancient Elf/Agent of Fen’harel/Blood Mage/pan-poly/LI: Cassandra + August
(I do have two bullmancers, a seramancer, a josiemancer, and a dorianmancer, but for the sake of the post and how long it’ll be these are the only ones I’m listing. Feel free to ask tho)
//d&d edition//mass effect edition//
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