#oc: aurena vicari
lavampira · 4 years
recently I rerolled aurena as a sage and I’m planning to level them as much as possible before double xp ends but I’ve been trying to develop them as a character more than ‘ana maite’s twin sibling who flees the empire to avoid korriban’ and revamping them in general
and I’ve been toying with the idea that they join with a different branch of jedi rather than the main order on coruscant and tython? or like. maybe the corellian jedi, or even part of the main order but on another planet. or something. just to explore some options since I have so many jedi ocs?
overall though their arc is definitely finding acceptance as an ex ‘sith’ with a sect of jedi who value who they are rather than who their family is - a stark contrast from what they’re used to in the empire - and healing from their childhood by learning to heal others
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lavampira · 4 years
finally started aurena on tython and uhhhhh playing a sage is so much easier (and more fun) than my sad attempt at playing a sorc, which should make no sense because they’re mirror classes, but it’s a thing lmao
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lavampira · 5 years
sirotras replied to your post “5, 13 for aurena, 10, 14 for thaston?”
aurena still having their sister's necklace is so sweet and sad omg ;__;
honestly I hurt my own heart with that headcanon too lmao
I’m just so into the idea of the twins desperately missing each other despite their differences and the rift between them but never wanting to admit to it. especially because it makes their reunion, and eventual getting through the mess of their childhood and differing views, so much more impactful.
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lavampira · 5 years
5, 13 for aurena, 10, 14 for thaston?
5. a cherished personal belonging
a braided necklace that actually belonged to their twin sister when they were teenagers. they had borrowed it before they left for korriban, but after making a split decision to stow away to republic space, they ended up keeping it. despite the rocky relationship they have with her, they still hold onto it as a reminder of her.
13. what kind of parent they would be
they’re not interested in being a parent, but with their twin’s kids, they’re very loving and gentle. they try to be the Fun Adult with them, too, since they never had that growing up in a high-pressure sith family.
10. how they deal with pain
pain is essentially a distraction or a hindrance, so they patch themselves up without much fuss in the field, then focus on recovery - depending on the extent of the injury - to get back to work. for longer recovery times, they get impatient and restless. actually being in pain, however, makes them more irritable and annoyed.
14. how they did in school
they were definitely an overachiever and ended up at the top of their class at the academy. it earned them their first assignment to hutta, despite their temperament as fairly arrogant and sarcastic. they’re adaptable and a fast learner, making them all too valuable to the cause.
oc headcanons
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lavampira · 5 years
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aurena got through the esseles along with koyi’anni the other day :’)
[koyi’anni belongs to my cousin who isn’t on tumblr]
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lavampira · 5 years
11 and 18 for aurena?
thanks! :’)
11. bad or petty habits
sneaking sweet breads into council meetings. making a scoff noise at the back of their throat when they’re being particularly petulant or patronizing. procrastinating a morning meditation to sleep in a little longer. tapping their foot when deep in thought or anxious.
growing up, they used to repeat things ana maite said in a mocking tone because they knew it would get on her nerves, too.
18. things they’ll never admit
they miss their twin sister more than they’ll ever admit. occasionally, and especially in the early days after escaping to republic space as a teenager, they wonder how things might be if they had stayed, or if they had managed to convince ana maite to cone with them.
oc headcanons
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lavampira · 5 years
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aurena has finally begun their jedi adventures and apprenticeship to master yuon parr on tython alongside koyi’anni, a fellow padawan and sentinel 🥰
[koyi’anni belongs to my cousin who isn’t on tumblr]
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lavampira · 5 years
1, 9, 26, + 31 for aurena/koth?
thanks gigi! :’)
1. how do they fall asleep? wake up? any daily rituals?
both of them are pretty snuggly in their sleep. most of the time, aurena is the big spoon and koth is the little spoon. usually, they wake up and chill in bed for a bit together until one of them has to get up, which koth will go about whatever he needs to do with the alliance or gravestone and aurena will meditate and tend to their plants.
9. do they discuss big issues? religion? marriage? children? death?
yes and no. they’re kind of taking things slow and day by day, so marriage and children don’t quite come into conversation. they do discuss what their lives were like before the war, and what being a jedi is like or zakuulan religion and culture, things of that nature, though. and given how the war with the eternal empire is part of their lives, the possibility of death does come up in conversation, too.
26. how do their friends feel about their relationship? their families?
at first, it’s a little confusing? koth and aurena don’t seem like a pair that would make sense together, considering them individually, but pretty much all of their friends and family grow to see them as balancing each other out and complementing each other’s qualities.
31. do they finish each other’s sentences? pick up any phrases or habits from each other? know when the other is hiding something?
they don’t necessarily finish each other’s sentences, but they know each other well enough to pick up on what or how the other is thinking. and they spend enough time around each other to mesh certain quirks — little phrases the other uses often, facial expressions, etc — just from being used to each other. and neither of them really hide anything from each other either.
otp questions
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lavampira · 5 years
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aurena made their first lightsaber and got named a jedi :’)
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lavampira · 5 years
I’ve realized that I’ve given aurena their own character arc already based on healing from childhood trauma through helping others in their background of leaving the empire, training as a jedi, and becoming a therapist (which continues into the alliance). so like. they’ve veered so far off the canon consular plot, they’re essentially doing their own thing.
so anyway aurena will remain the same except the consular plot doesn’t happen to them. instead, my nautolan consular I’ve already been half-planning for the upcoming release will be my canon one.
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lavampira · 5 years
sirotras replied to your photoset “aurena made their first lightsaber and got named a jedi :’)”
their outfit looks so good!
thanks!! ngl it took me too long trying to piece one together that fit their vibe
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lavampira · 5 years
☼ for nih'sa and ☆ for aurena?
thank you!! :’)
☼ - appearance headcanon
this one is a little tough until the playable nautolans get released in game and I can finally create her, although I’m leaning towards a purple color with her if possible, but what I can say is that she is very short. tiny jedi. so many people underestimate her because of her size, but she’s a very powerful smol ™ tank.
☆ - happy headcanon
force healing makes them realize how much they genuinely love helping people, because not only do they get to make others’ lives easier, but it shows them that they can be better than what their parents expected of them had they stayed in the empire. it also leads to them getting the necessary training to become a therapist as well.
headcanon meme
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lavampira · 4 years
swtor ocs: canon + alts
[until I completely overhaul my actual oc page; still subject to changes as I play around with some rerolls and/or respecs]
ana maite vicari
the wrath, alliance commander
22 in 10 ATC; 36 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT2, 5’3
sith marauder [fury]
romance: malavai quinn (ex); jaesa willsaam
aurena vicari
jedi healer, alliance recruit
22 in 10 ATC; 36 in 24 ATC
nonbinary (they/them)
FBT2, 5’3
jedi sage [seer]
romance: koth vortena
cadrien tirai
the wrath’s apprentice
18 in 13 ATC; 29 in 24 ATC
cis man (he/him)
MBT2, 6’1
sith juggernaut [immortal]
romance: none
daiya vanis
jedi veteran
21 in 10 ATC; 35 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT1, 6’1 with montrals
jedi guardian [defense]
romance: kira carsen
deimos vessh
mandalorian veteran
35 in 10 ATC; 49 in 24 ATC
red sith
cis man (he/him)
MBT3, 6’4
powertech [shield tech]
romance: hylo visz
edelie duine cadera
grand champion of the great hunt
19 in 10 ATC; 33 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT4, 5’2
mercenary [innovative ordnance]
romance: torian cadera
jorani rha
captain of the fortune’s favour
24 in 10 ATC; 38 in 24 ATC
trans woman (she/her)
FBT4, 5’6
scoundrel [scrapper]
romance: risha drayen
kaizen “kai” amhi
jedi battlemaster, the outlander
20 in 10 ATC; 34 in 24 ATC
cis man (he/him)
MBT2, 6’2
jedi sentinel [watchman]
romance: athamew locke (ex fwb); theron shan
mitth’alia’miurani “thalia”
imperial military biochemist, project protean researcher, THORN infiltrator
26 in 10 ATC; 40 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT2, 5’9
sniper [virulence]
romance: eol’un’arya (ex); saganu
mitth’aston “thaston”
cipher nine, legate
23 in 10 ATC; 37 in 24 ATC
genderfluid (they/them, sometimes he/him)
MBT2, 6’
sniper [marksmanship]
romance: casoleil molgan (ex); kaliyo djannis
rela’torr “rela”
mandalorian medic
41 in 10 ATC; 55 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT2, 5’7
mercenary [bodyguard]
romance: shae vizla
revkari mak
imperial medic
28 in 10 ATC; 42 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT3, 5’8
operative [medicine]
romance: none
sarajah rizas
jedi barsen’thor
21 in 10 ATC; 35 in 24 ATC
cis woman (she/her)
FBT3, 5’11
jedi shadow [kinetic combat]
romance: felix iresso
vin kharu
havoc squad commander
25 in 10 ATC; 39 in 24 ATC
trans man (he/him)
MBT2, 5’8
vanguard [shield specialist]
romance: elara dorne
wylan orias
the padawan pirate
16 in 16 ATC; 24 in 24 ATC
cis man (he/him)
MBT2, 6’3
gunslinger [sharpshooter]
romance: tara bralor
zoyah kallig
darth occlus
23 in 10 ATC; 37 in 24 ATC
nonbinary (she/her, they/them)
FBT1, 5’
sith assassin [darkness]
romance: andronikos revel
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lavampira · 5 years
5, 15, 46, 90 for ana maite?
thanks!! 💚
[oc questions]
5. what’s their relationship with their parents like? what about other relatives?
very strained. throughout her childhood, they pit ana maite against her twin in an attempt at making them competitive and shaping them as sith, and it succeeded with her, but it also put her in a position of simultaneously resenting her parents and craving their approval that followed her even after becoming the wrath. by the time they died with the rest of ziost, she was essentially estranged from them.
despite being pit against each other, though, she and her twin were fairly close as children. but they had a falling out when aurena chose not to continue the trip to korriban and run away from the empire, which drove a wedge between them for years and made them lose contact. eventually, aurena joins the alliance as a therapist and the two of them start to mend their relationship.
15. what was something their parents taught them?
how to manage and hold onto a powerbase. if nothing else, the vicari family was an old and moderately prominent one even before ana maite came into the picture, and they didn’t get to that point without acquiring their power and allies. learning how to do the same through their example quite literally saves her life as she starts to form her own powerbase through baras’ enemies.
46. how easily can they express emotions? how easily can they hide emotions?
it genuinely depends on the emotion. anger? she can definitely manage that one, harnessing it to make her stronger and strike fear into others, and she actively chooses to show it. but she’s been conditioned to not show any hint of weakness, so she tries very hard to withhold feelings like sadness, pain, etc. she tends to come off as aloof and cold to others because of it, too. on the other hand, she’s just as likely to go overboard in competitiveness, put her foot in her mouth, and be too grandiose in statement or gesture. she doesn’t have much of a dimmer switch - at least, not until befriending vette and jaesa, since socializing and philosophizing with them helps to tone down her extremes.
90. are they right or left handed?
she’s actually ambidextrous - learning to dual wield made her adaptable and proficient with both hands. however, she’s more comfortable with her left hand. (and it has a little to do with having her vibrosword in her “offhand” in game).
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lavampira · 5 years
swtor ocs masterlist
ana maite vicari
sith marauder [carnage]
cis female
romance: malavai quinn (estranged husband)
edelie duine-cadera
mercenary [innovative ordinance]
cis female
romance: jörani rha (ex girlfriend), torian cadera (husband)
jörani rha
scoundrel [ruffian]
trans female
romance: edelie duine (ex girlfriend), risha drayen (wife)
kaizen amhi
jedi sentinel [watchman]
cis male
romance: athamew locke (ex vigilantes-with-benefits), theron shan (husband)
mitth’asto’naira “thaston”
operative [lethality]
genderfluid (he/him, they/them)
romance: kaliyo djannis (girlfriend)
nih’sa do
vanguard [shield specialist]
cis female
romance: elara dorne (girlfriend)
sarajah rizas
jedi shadow [kinetic combat]
cis female
romance: felix iresso (husband)
zoyah kallig
sith assassin [deception]
cis female
poly bisexual
romance: andronikos revel (husband)
aurena vicari
jedi shadow [infiltration]
nonbinary (they/them)
romance: koth vortena (partner)
ana maite’s twin sibling; eternal alliance therapist
cadrien tirai
sith juggernaut [vengeance]
cis male
romance: lord cytharat (former fling), lana beniko (wife)
lord in the sphere of imperial defense; joins the groundwork of the alliance
mitth’alia’miurani “thalia”
sniper [virulence]
cis female
poly bisexual
romance: eol’un’arya (ex girlfriend), aristocra saganu (partner), phi-ton (husband)
thaston’s sister; travels with the agent crew
powertech [pyrotech]
cis female
aro lesbian
romance: none
member of edelie’s crew; replaces skadge
wylan orias
jedi guardian [vigilance]
cis male
romance: tara bralor [npc oc] (girlfriend)
padawan of the jedi battlemaster; pirate in voidhound’s fleet
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lavampira · 5 years
swtor oc challenge - day #2
[part 2 of the 15 day challenge]
is your oc’s family a large part of their story? why or why not? are they on good terms? are any of your characters related?
ANA MAITE VICARI: her parents and twin sibling, aurena, play a large part in her background, as far as explaining why she’s originally so steadfast as a sith and motivated to uphold the family legacy. and she’s not really on good terms with them — she craves approval from her parents that she never gets even as they die with ziost and she’s furious with aurena for their defection (to the republic, to the jedi order) until the two of them inevitably meet again on odessen. however, her daughters also alter how she views the empire, the galaxy, and her own ideals, so they shape her future as well. she tries to raise them far more lovingly than she and her twin had been raised.
EDELIE DUINE-CADERA: she was raised by a single mother who spent most of the time working, and edelie left her as a teenager, so they never had a particularly close bond. her father wasn’t a part of her life until the ‘republic’s most wanted’ broadcast and he’s the only person she’s ever truly been afraid of — he tracks her down, and toys with her a bit while deciding whether to cash in the bounty on her or convince her to work with him, changing how act 3 plays out narratively for her. her found family — her clan, her crew, her family she builds with torian — are incredibly important to her, though.
JÖRANI RHA: she was very close to her mother before she passed. her brother raised her from that point, but they had a falling out that led to jörani stealing their shared ship and leaving to start smuggling by herself. she considers her crew and some extended members of her fleet to be her family.
KAIZEN AMHI: as the descendant of the jedi exile, his family plays a large part in his story by adding an extra pressure that he feels to stop vitiate. he’s an only child, but he was close to his parents and his grandmother until he left to join the jedi order — his communication with them lapsed for a while, between his struggles to control his attachment to them early on and his guilt and shame for what happened to him as vitiate’s thrall, but he eventually reconnects to them and grows close again. theron and their adopted son are very important to him and affect how he acts as the alliance commander, too.
MITTH’ASTO’NAIRA (core name: THASTON): they are on relatively decent terms with their parents, but the nature of their career in intelligence as well as the castellan restraints and its aftermath makes them a little more estranged. but they’re very close to their younger sister, thalia, who travels with their crew and becomes the head of intelligence for a while, looking out for each other throughout the events of the story.
NIH’SA DO: her family isn’t part of her story, but she holocalls and writes to them often because they’re tight-knit and close. she considers her squad to be like family, too.
SARAJAH RIZAS: she hardly remembers her family after joining the jedi order at a very young age. she likes to imagine that wherever they are, she’s made them proud in her endeavors as a jedi, though. she also thinks of nadia as a little sister.
ZOYAH KALLIG: her parents were enslaved echani gladiators, who trained her and taught her about their culture and ways so that she would know who she was, even stuck in a pit fighting circuit. she was separated from them after getting sold into a different ring, so she lost contact with them over the years. and of course, being the descendant of lord kallig is a large factor in her path and motivation as a sith that she might not have taken to as willingly had he not appeared to her and guided her.
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