#oc: damani
c0smic-c4stle · 1 year
TW: missing eye imagery, implied poisoning, shirtless man, possible eye strain?
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\o/ color palettes !! used 'em to get back into the groove of things
palettes borrowed from @color-palettes <3
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little oc things,,,,,,,,,,, tw for uh. murder. and a guy being a little (a lot) fantasy racist. also emetophobia!!
H.: Please, have a seat, Lunar.
L.L.: No. 
H.: I wasn't asking, Lunar. Have. A. Seat.
[small pause] 
[chair creaking as Lunar sits] 
H.: Please, Lunar. I know you can cooperate. This whole... "rebellion" thing, really it isn't helping you, Lulu. 
L.L.: Don't you ever fucking call me that. 
H.: Language, sweetie. Did I hit a nerve there, Lunar? Hm?
L.L.: You have taken... So much from me, and I won't let you take that too.
H.: Hm. Well, in any case, did you really think you got that little plan past me? I thought you were smarter than that. Honestly, I expected better from you, Lunar. With your little escape attempt all those years ago, I thought you would know better not to cross me. Speaking of that, do you like the new decoration? I think it looks beautiful with that little entomology display. Thank you for that, by the way. It really completes the room, don't you think? I wish I could thank you little friend for his contribution. What's his name, Tommy?
L.L.: [under his breath] Shut up. 
H.: What was that? Just because you have those glasses on doesn't mean I can't tell you're looking away. I said look at them. Those are the consequences of your actions, Lunar. The consequences of stupidity. You should learn to have more respect for the people who take care of you.
 L.L.: Take care? Take care? All you do is sit up in this stupid little office all day because you're too much of a coward to actually leave, because you're scared of turning into what you despise.
H.: Lu- L.L.: No, I'm not done. You're not just going to talk over me again. You don't get to steal my childhood- steal my life, steal the lives of everyone here and act like you're taking care of us. You keep our fucking body parts on the wall. 
[He slams fists on the desk as he stands] 
[He picks up a small letter opener from the desk, and starts to walk around it to face her]
You ruined my life. I know this should be about all the other people you've hurt, but I'm fucking selfish. And I don't care. 
H.: [panic creeping into her voice] Now, Lunar, you wouldn't want to do anything rash.. L.L.: You have no idea what I want.
H.: You're right, I don't! So what do you want? Power? Money? I could find your parents, get you some remote home and you could be with them. Don't you want that, Lulu? Don't you want to be happy?
 L.L.: Right now... Right now, I think I just want to do this. 
[L.L. stabs H. in the chest once. She screams.] 
H.: What the hell do you think you're doing?! 
L.L.: The thing I've dreamed about for years.
(Lunar takes something off the wall, a perfectly cleaned and polished tibia, above a neat and shiny plaque that labeled it as belonging to "Child 39 - Linacie". Lunar choked back his vomit and his tears as he grabbed the thing, held it firmly in his hands, and-) [EXTENDED SOUNDS OF BRUTAL LEG MURDER]
D.P.: I.... Audio log, recording the research of Elysian counselor Damien Polter. I found a tape. I find a lot of tapes, normally old interview recordings from the 80's, but this looked so much older. Like from the time I first got here. Or, died, I guess. I guess that was why I wasn't shocked when I heard my own voice on here. The following-... The following is the tape recording labeled "AEO Staff Evaluation, Agent Tower 13"
"...: Please state your name and position into the recorder. 
D.P.: (cold, harsh monotone) Damani Percival, guard. 
...: Thank you, Mr. Percival. Now, you have been exemplary in your performance in your current position, and the Annis Ebony Organization believes that you deserve a promotion. You will be transferred to a different department and a slight raise in salary. D.P.: (slightly less monotone) Thank you, sir, I accept the offer.
...: This was not as offer, Percival, it was an order. This was the very first branch of this organization, a humble little place called Camp Anomaly in the Uncanny Valley. Don't let the name fool you, though. The things there are vile, vicious creatures and- (heavy static)" 
D.P.: I... I know that was my voice. That's not my name, I don't remember that- I think I need a minute. (tape clicks off)
D.P.: God, I... I found more about this... Damani Percival. A diary entry, dated in March of 1939. I don't know if I can.... I will read it out, so I have an audio copy of this... File. I want to burn it. 
"March 3rd, 1939 Another one of those things attacked me today. I don't know why they insist that they are people, they are not even civilized enough to be considered animals. They are beasts, and deserve to be caged away from innocents. It is difficult to write now, as it bit my left hand, but I was able to put that thing in its place. The body was incinerated, a waste of energy if you ask me."
D.P.: I'm left-handed. I have a scar in the shape of a.... Human bite, on that hand. I want to believe that there is no way that this cruel man could have been me, but I don't know if I can deny it. I can't let the others find out. I don't want to lie to them, but... I don't want them to hate me, they can't hate me. (short pause) I'll do more research into this, but um. End of this recording, I guess. (tape clicks off)
@justa-regularuser ha get tagged idiot
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ask-rainbows · 1 year
OC List
Aruna Damani
Sora Haruki
Viorel Albu
Ilena Albu
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Hey I saw your post about OCs and I'd love to try an help. The characters you have sound super interesting and awesome!! I'd love to read the whole thing when it's finished
Our Human Cast:
1. Anne Zuma Keagan, goes by Beth
A teenager, roundabout 18
Raised in a very rich family who runs a pharmaceutical company. She was taken care of by her Nanny(also the chef) and by her grandmother. 
Her parents want her to marry a son of a family friend and push her to learning ‘useful’ skills. 
Runs off to an engineering school and her parents let her, they think its mostly a rebellion phase
She’s kind of a Spitfire, if an odd one. Comes from high upbringing and has only learned to relax around the people she fell in with at college
2. Jordan (name a work in progress)
A distant cousin that she moved in with at school. Didn’t really know him beforehand. He’s also in the Engineering department
He’s one of the few who encouraged her to be herself, has no real strong feelings about Beth’s very formal family
About 24
Knows how to cook and enjoys it
He has bad luck with girls, mostly because he’s always nervous
Was kicked out of college for doing something stupid with Heath
3. Heath? (I have no idea on a name, help)
A food scientist who refuses to cook, Jordan’s only roommate before Beth moved in
He’s finicky and quick to argue about everything, but enjoys organizing
He’s caring about people deep down but usually comes across as kind of a brat
Quick to anger, quick to fear
A germaphobe
Was kicked out of college for doing something stupid with Jordan (he hid the fact that Beth was involved with the disaster so she’s still in school)
4. Budd (I’m just using this to refer to him, he doesn’t have a name yet either, :///)
Friends since elementary school with Heath
He has worked in the Cargo Company for several years
Of Indian descent, but he was born in America (Colorado maybe?)
Had a younger sister (4 years apart) who died when she was 12 - understands loss
Buddhist -- this actually is kind of an important theme in the story
Mellow, Accepting, Playful - kind of becomes an older brother to Beth
Enjoys Drawing, but actually very good at math/puzzles
Can cook but no one allows him too (tends to be bland)
5. Damani (I love him!)
He was originally a music major, gifted with a scholarship to a good school
Got into an accident and lost his hearing, lost his scholarship (or maybe it was turned into a Needs Based scholarship and he was offended by the pity)
About 25
Angry, feels wronged by society, self conscious about speaking, trust issues
He joined the Cargo Company after dropping out of college with ideas to use it to ruin/destroy the school 
Violent-minded about everything, grumpy, tries multiple times to off people on the trip
The 3 guys like him and are convinced he likes them too, he’s just grumpy
After a mishap with his name tag when he first started, Jordan and Heath refer to him by any name that starts with ‘D’ - he hates them especially
6. June (and Liv!)
Middle aged woman, widowed (Deaf Husband called her his Junebug)
Used to be an animal researcher until she fell in love with the duck she was supposed to be experimenting on and escaped with him (don’t be weird, people)
Convinced they are after her, she stows away on the ship that the group happens to steal, so they are both along for the ride.
Excitable and fun, but plenty confusing and acts oblivious a lot, blunt honesty 
Becomes something like a mother or a close friend to Beth, Cares for all of them
She knows Damani is trying to kill everybody, she just pats him on the head and moves on
Only needs 5 hours of sleep
The plot starts out on a slightly futuristic Earth, centered around a set of 4 guys working for an interstellar cargo company. (Damani, Jordan, Heath, Budd) When they hear about a discovery of a new planet within the galaxy that could possibly support life, Jordan and Heath make plans with Beth to grab one of the Food Cargo Delivery ships and go try to find it. Budd elects to join them. At the same time, Damani is plotting to steal a ship to go and destroy the college he went to, or at least cause a lot of trouble. 
The 4 run into Damani during the heist and think that he had somehow figured out what they were doing and want to come along. He doesn’t. (He gets dragged along anyway) At the same time, our stowaways, June and Liv-the-duck, are asleep in the back of the ship, seeking a new life on the planet that the cargo was supposed to go to.
The 6 (7) leave Earth and shenanigans occur: No one can find out where June sleeps, Damani bonds with Liv, Budd draws pictures and hangs out with Beth, Damani tries to murder multiple people, Jordan is still doing science stuff (he’s kind of a nerd), Heath yells a lot and wonders why he came along, etc.
Then they run into a wormhole, ending up in the middle of who knows where. In front of them, 2 twin planets appear, surrounded by a ring of what looks like ice and millions of smaller rocks. They crash land.
Here we have our story divergence. Now we jump to the creatures living on the planet below. I’ll get to them in the next part.
Specifically I need help with Jordan and Heath, and name suggestions for Budd. June, Beth, and Budd already have physical descriptions, but no one else does. 
But feel free to ask things about any of them!
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c0smic-c4stle · 1 year
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redrew reaction images with my ocs \o/
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c0smic-c4stle · 1 year
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oh yea u guess i can post these now take some boys
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c0smic-c4stle · 1 year
i havent posted in a hot minute uhh
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have a bit of art and hopefully ill post better soonnnnnnnn
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c0smic-c4stle · 8 months
I need to post more
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Oc headshots !
Ranger , Sona , Calbach , Damani
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c0smic-c4stle · 1 year
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Small art things recently (1/2 the other has suggestive stuff)
Ref for Cal’s brother, Damani as well as a “comic”? of mine and @akebakke ‘s ocs :D
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