#geckos mfs
c0smic-c4stle · 11 months
TW: missing eye imagery, implied poisoning, shirtless man, possible eye strain?
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\o/ color palettes !! used 'em to get back into the groove of things
palettes borrowed from @color-palettes <3
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thegrunglerr · 10 months
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benny "shitsnorter" gecko best fictional character
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songsaa · 1 month
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Drawing I did after finishing my first period finals
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bakedbeanz · 1 year
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Breakin my silence by drawin the Ben-man
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k-nkypills · 11 months
Waking up already needy as fuck for them and then having gecko start complementing me n teasing. Like fuck now I’m hard while still exhausted, why can’t they just be here so they can hold my tired body down to the bed and fuck into me?? I’m definitely wet enough and needy enough to practically beg them to touch my tcock and show how easy it would be to slide into my hole, how much i need them to. Fuuuuck. Now I’m stuck with just rubbing my cock slowly and tiredly n having nothing to fuck onto while i imagine both of them using me being tired and desperate to use my holes as much as they want.
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crownrots · 22 days
big al is literally that “i’m a bad bitch you can’t kill me” meme and i think that’s what every geriatric mercenary needs to aspire to
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crouton-moons · 5 months
tell me why there was a wholeass lily white crested gecko on long island for percy to find. who put you there little guy
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wizardnuke · 1 month
now a dnd party with a strong bond and synergy is great and all and i'm confident that my party will get there but as of right now only about 5-6 sessions in we've had multiple shouting fights, countless threats, and one instance of pvp. now. i hope this changes. me and one guy are sort of working to fix that. but it's so fun don't discount the joys of you and your friends pretending to hate each other
#william is arlocks apprentice no one has an issue with william other than that he's a giant gecko and we dont know if he needs pants or not#arlock is. arlock is a giant situation of a human soul that was beamed into a robot body in a failed ritual to put a god in there#old enough to be avalon's dad. likes to think he's intimidating (he IS avalon just doesn't CARE)#he and avalon have an uneasy truce because they realized they have similar situations#azazel is possibly not of this realm but very sweet and told us what he knows so he's okay. similarly alister seems to be pretty up front#id say they're the normalest but that is extremely situational. they know how to communicate. alister is a bloodhunter/cleric so. shrugs#hanari is jester if jester was a mad scientist. arlock Liked hanari and then got put off by their tricks and riddles#meanwhile avalon thinks hanari is the funniest mf in the world (also i'm just super close to hanari's player and i think she's hilarious)#saint/mav the rogue-barbarian jekyll/hyde normal man and infernal patron in a human body that's a little nuked#he turns into the hulk when he's mad. saint is also very nice. maz is. maz sure is. he likes hanari and azazel#arlock and azazel got into a fistfight but it was my fault 👍 i wasn't At Fault tho. me and arlock talked afterwards hes essentially a vet#avalon's just a rat bastard. unreliable narrator#there is so much potential in here we just need to learn how to not put each other on edge#thinks about last session where we spent an hour yelling at each other on how to handle an imp that wasn't supposed to be there for that#long. our poor dm. we keep catching little demons and trying to befriend them#me and arlock are gonna kill that thing when maz and hanari aren't looking tho
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dude-iloveu · 1 year
i need spiders in my room again ant colonies have been attacking me non-stop
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angelmichelangelo · 2 years
actually me getting back into tmnt is such funny timing because of daredevil. because tmnt pays a lot of homage to the daredevil comics/origins. the mutagen from tmnt being what spilled and blinded matt. matt fighting ‘the hand’, the turtles fighting ‘the foot’... i don’t trust marvel enough to ever let the two crossover in the movies/tv shows but it would blow my mind if the turtles ever made a small appearance or something
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c0smic-c4stle · 11 months
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redrew reaction images with my ocs \o/
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jackie-and-gecko · 2 years
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How do you do fellow kids
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at1nys-blog · 10 months
Some stories gets told: The start
Pairing: OPLA!Roronoa Zoro x reader
Summary: After the duel with Mihawk, reader can't seem to leave Zoro's side while he is fighting between staying alive and reaching for an old friend
A/N: the way I am putting so much efforts in this is crazy, literally watching scenes in loop to understand how to add things and if they actually work in the original setting of the live action. I mentioned de@th a couple of times but briefly considering how long this is getting. Created a new village on Gecko Island for the sake of this ff Miro Village does not exists in the world of one piece, if it does I'm a lucky mf lol.
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If three days ago people would have told her she was going to fight Kalahadore and his minions, she would have laughed at her faces; if three days ago people would have told her she was going to enjoy a trio of wanna be pirates she would have laughed it off saying that the only crew she was going to join was the same as Yasopp's; if three days ago people would have told her that she was going to face one of her greatest fears, she would have joked about it, but there she was after a fight with Kaya's butler in the company of three wanna be pirates.
The bar was filled with pirates and some Marines, or so she thought. Her blurry vision was not of help, everyone dressed in blue or white, or white and blue, was a possible enemy that was waiting for the right time to strick an attack and bring them back to headquarters.
-...sea slug.-she heard the swordsman say, confused to why he was talking about sea slug, which, by the way, she thought were very cute, she asked for some explanations. Nami only pointed at Usopp, dancing with his usual grace and talent, if that could even be called grace or talent.
-Look at him. Like he doesn't have a care in the world.- the orange haired girl stated, she wanted to replay, to say that in reality Usopp was just putting on a facade, but who was she to spill secrets that were not of her owns? No one, so she just kept quite and went back to her drink. A not well made one on her humble opinion, but at least she was able to drink and have fun.
The girl, once again that night, went back into her own thoughts forgetting she was in company but even if she wanted to have a conversation with the two in her heart she knew it wasn't a good idea. Not when drunk and knowing such state meant spilling everything that was on her mind.
-..you drink.- that was the key word that got her attention, if drinking was in the equation she wanted to be part of whatever they were doing. -You guess something about me, I drink.- he said pouring some of the rum in three little glasses.
-uuhhh I want to play.-
-Not now.-they both said in unison.
-First round is between me and the thief.- Zoro said not taking his eyes off of Nami which smirked at the boy.
If her attention was on Usopp and having her drink, now it was on her two new friends having a drinking game.
-I bet yu grew up in a big city, running schemes, hanging out in swanky bars like this one.-Zoro was the first one to try and guess under Nami advice, she gave him a second smirk. Y/N imagines the swordsman got it wrong from how the girl next to her reacted. And she was right.
-You might be thirsty.-Nami said. -I grew up in a small village. Barely a village. Just an handful of houses in the center of a tangerine grove.- Y/N started to picture how beautiful that might have been, that once again her mind alienated her from the conversation.
Y/N didn't know how long she was gone in her little world, but when she was back to reality second round was on, and this time she wanted to partecipate, but aparently the universe didn't want her to play that Usopp came back at the table with "his new best friend" or whatever.
-What did you say your name was again?-he asked sitting next to Nami.
-Which one of you is Monkey D. Luffy?-Y/N noticed Nami trying to get some informations out of the new nameless guy, asking who wanted to know such a question.
-You are Dracule Mihawk.- the name didn't ring any bell to Y/N, she had never heard that name, or at least while she was intoxicated from all the alcohol she had, the name was completely new to her ears.
-I have business with your captain. If you know what's good for you, you'll hand him over.- she noticed the man didn't like to beat around the bush, he just wanted to get to Luffy.
-We don't know anyone named Luffy. Right, guys?- Y/N looked at Nami confused.
-What do you mean we don't know him? He came here with us.- she turned to the elegant dressed man and told him that Monkey D. Luffy was somewhere around the Baratie but she didn't know exactly where.
-You are unbeliavable.-
-What? Is true he was with us and now he is not.- she defended herself, the two of them started to bicker: Nami trying to explain to her friend why she was supposed to lie, but their attention was back at Zoro when they hard him saying Mihawk, was it Mihawk?, she didn't care much, what she cared about was why for the East Blue did he say that the man was going to die the very next day.
In that moment Y/N was sober in an instant, her brain was back to function normally and so her body. She moved forward, motion followed by the girl next to her, she wanted to understand fully what was happening, maybe she heard wrong. Maybe Zoro was just playing around but even if she had known the man for less than a week she could tell he never joked, at least not about somo random guy dying.
-I, Roronoa Zoro, challenge you to a duel to the death.-
-To the what now?- she said as a reflex, it was not like she meant to say out loud but it happens and the fact that Mihawk was staring at her was not helping her nervouness to settle down. The man turned back almost immediatly letting the green haired swordsman know he never heard of him, implying how small of a fly he was in his eyes.
-They call me the Demon Pirate Hunter. But my lifelong dream it to best you in single combat and become the greatest swordsman in the world.- now that is a great dream compared to hers, that just wanted to live numerous adventures and write about them.
Y/N started to second guess if starting such a journey was even worth it, she was surrended by people with amazing dreams, even Usopp had a better dream than hers. She shook the thoughts away, now she had to more important matter to care about.
Once the challenge was accepted and the time was set Mihawk left and she was on her feet in an instant, she tried to say something but the words seemed to be stuck in her throat. She was speechless, Zoro did not just challenged someone that, for what she got from their conversation, is the most powerful and skilled swrodsman out there.
-You just have signed up your death sentence, you idiot.- she said and left to head back to the Going Merry.
Zoro was polishing his swords when Usopp came back with Luffy behind him, Y/N was silently listening to the conversation happening in the room, not really knowing how to handle the situation. Sure wasn't her friend, how could he be after a day they have known each other? But she didn't want him dead already.
Words of the conversation came and didn't so her brain didn't process half of what they had been talking about, she just knew Nami was trying her best to change Zoro's mind.
It was after Luffy and Usopp left the room that Zoro spoke directly to her that night, asking why she was still there.
-The promise.- she had heard that part, his dream was a promise made to someone; he was going to die just for a promise he made in the past. -did you made it to your friend?- he didn't answer but his body language told her everything she wanted to know. -in that case, I hope you are not going to die. Good luck.- she said walking outside ready to go and try to have some good sleep.
Waking up the next morning felt like a task, her head was pouding so much that if she had too many thoughts her head was going to explode in milion pieces for the lack of space. Trying to stand up from her hammock without falling was another task she didn't know how she managed to carry out, her legs feeling like jelly pudding but she managed to stay on her feet and following the boys outside, after wearing a pair of sunglasses.
The duel started and Y/N wanted to go back on the ship. She didn't want to see Zoro lose, she believed Zoro was a strong fighter and very much the most talented swordsman she ever knew but if his opponent had decided to use a tiny sword that looked like more like a knife, there was a high chance his friend was going to die in the worst case scenario.
The first time the weapon inflicted a scar on Zoro, Y/N gasped and hold onto Usopp to not fall butt flat on the ground for the scare it gave her.
-Why don't you retreat?- Mihawk's voice was cold, dry of any type of emotion when he spoke to him.
-I can't.-
-He can't.- a whisper, taken away from the wind in an istant, not Usopp nor Luffy behind her heard what she said and she was glad. She didn't want to explain herself, not right now.
-Or my dream will be lost forever.- and this is when things got for the worse. The swordsman took out Yoru, the sword he carries on his back and there was a fraction of seconds after the collision between the weapons where it felt like time stopped for good. Then the glenging of Zoro's swords hitting the ground broken into pieces. Y/N gasped, holding tighter on her best friend's arm.
The green haired boy sheated his good sword in place, opened his arms to form a T with his whole body. Tension grew in the air, everyone knew what was going to happen.
While the rest of the crew gave a glance towards each other she couldn't. Her eyes, even if weakened by the bright sun rays, couldn't leave the form of the boy that was about to die in a second now.
-ZORO- Luffy was the first to react, in a second the boy with the straw hat was next to his first mate, hoping to not see him dying in his hands. The conversation him and Mihawk had came in and out Y/N ears, she was focused on praying for the boy to not die.
Usopp was next, he run to his friends' side, pulling her with him in the process, she tripped loosing the grip on his best friend and falling on the ground. Nami tried to help her up, asking if she was okay but she was just able to keep silent.
It was just like when she was a kid and her father had died; it was like when she was a little girl and saw his first friend die, it was as if death was following her wherever she was going collecting people she loved one after the other. Her nails became such an important thing to stare at, she couldn't stand the sight of the pirates around Zoro, trying to speak comforting words that he was going to be okay.
He is not going to be okay, she thought, how could he? He had lost already too much blood and the more they were staying there doing nothing the more he was going to be more on the other side.
It was Nami that brought everyone back to reality and started to shout orders left and right. She asked the boys to take Zoro from the arms while she and Y/N would hold him from the legs.
Everything became a race with time, the more they wasted the more likely was for Zoro to die of blood loss. The four of them put him on the table of the kitchen; Usopp started to run around trying to find some towels or everything that could come in handy; Nami checked on the wounds; Luffy started to space out, every type of noise started to fade out and Y/N didn't know what to do, once again in her life she didn't know how to save another life.
-Someone...- the (your hair color) haired girl knew what she had to do, if no one was of any help she had to find someone that could be. She sprinted outside heading back to the resturant, they had to have a doctor or some sort of thing, didn't they? If that was not the case she was just unlucky.
Entering the resturant she clumsly tried to remember where was the kitchen, the place wasn't that big but in her mental state it was going to be hard remembering her own name.
When she found the door she rushed in, getting the chef and waiter's attention. The blond guy smirked, ready to flirt with her but noticing the worried expression on her face he just asked her if everything was fine.
-Nothing is fine.-she catched her breath for a moment. -Zoro got... He has a very pretty bad sword wound we need a doctor.- please tell me there is one on board, please please please. Her eyes were staring at the owner of the establishment and her face dropped when he said that the closest one was two days from there. Just my luck.
-I can't help you. Hope your friend makes it.-
-No, please you have to help us, please. Maybe there is a doctor on...-
-Ehy, where do you think you're going?- she wanted to punch the chef, he was totally ignoring her call of help and cared more where his waiter was going than on the live or death situation she presented him.
-To help her friend.- said Sanji
-Brunch is not gonna prep itself.- he reminded him. She was totally going to punch him if he ignored once again what was happening.
-You always told me to feed anyone who's hungry.- she heard him saying while looking around the room. -I don't see how this is any different.- he added.
The owner of the resturant sighed, realizing that he had no other choice but try and do somethig to help the dying kid.
-Fine. Bring me my kitchen knives and a bottle of our best whiskey. And a fresh yellowtail from the cooler. Bigger the better.-he ordered and started walking outside. Sanji was confused, why would Zeff need a yellowtail? -Just do it already.-
Y/N walked them to the Merry and once she pointed the direction of the kitchen, she let them go in first. She wanted to stay away from there, she didn't want her bad luck to linger over Zeff while he worked on Zoro's wounds.
It had been some time since the two chefs came to stich the swordsman up so when she saw the chef leaving the kitchen she jumped on her feet asking how her friend was doing. Zeff assured her the guy was resting but only time could have told if he was going to live or not.
She walked inside meeting eyes with Usopp, Luffy stop tending on Wado and looked at her, giving the girl a forced smile, and she did the same. She was in no shape for smiling sincerely.
-How is he doing?-her tone was almost inaudible if it wasn't for the lack of noises.
-He is resting now, we are hoping for the best.-Usopp answered, she looked in the direction of Nami's room but then changed her mind. She didn't want for her bad luck to make things worse.
Usopp noticed. He always did. He had know her for a long time now and could read her like an open book. He knew what she had to go through, she had told him, trusting in his vow to not say a thing.
-You can go and talk to him. Maybe he would like to hear from a more gentle voice.- he joked.
-I heard that.- that made her laugh a little and she made a note to herself to thank her best friend for the joke.
-But...-he started again, Y/N stopped him, it was fine. She was going to stay in her room for the time being hoping that everything was going to get better.
-What's up with her?-Asked a worried Sanji looking the girl dissapearing from his view. After she had left the cook tried to get some info out the sniper but the man brushed it off lying that he wished to know as well.
Entering her room she locked herself in, not wanting people in for now, she wished for some alone time.
She went to the little desk and turned on the snail radio searching for a station worth listening to hear. Every station she picked were talking about some piracy activity around the East Blue or the New World, some had music but nothing that was of her taste. Her patience was running short, nothing was good enough, growing impatience she took the snail and throw it away.
The object made a loud noise that had been heard downstairs for sure, but she didn't care. She really didn't. She got herself under the blanket, cold running throught her body even tho the weather was pretty warm.
It took her nothing to fall asleep, and to be surrended by her nightmares coming back to make her sleep difficult. Between the faces that she was used to see screaming at her, putting the blame on her a new was added to the crowd: Zoro's. He wasn't talking like the others, he was silently looking at her dissapointment all over his features. Y/N tried to apologize, but words couldn't come out, they were stuck making her choke on air.
-Z...-nothing, her throat felt dry, like the ground back in Syrup Village during the drought. She felt powerless as usual. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, she wanted to apologize but it was hard when the only thing you can do is breath.
Breating, the only thing she was able to do was to breath but with time she found herself having an hard time doing that as well, dropping on the ground. Tears creeped out her eyes, watering her eye line but she tried her best to fight the urge to cry her eyes out.
She woke up covered in sweat and sighed asking herself when was she going to stop having nightmares or was she going to live like that forever? If that was the case she hoped the sea was going to take her as soon as possible, before she was going to lose her mind.
After a quick shower and a change of outfit she tippy toed outside her room making sure no one was around she headed to check on Zoro. She was happy to see they were alone in that moment.
She closed the door behind her and for a moment she pondered if it was a better idea go back to her room and stay there untill her friends were back, no she decided to keep Zoro company for a while. Maybe she didn't really know what to say, but the words were going to come at some point, wouldn't they?
She moved the chair closer to the bed he was resting on, glanced for a while his hand. Was oaky for her to hold it? Was he going to even feel it? She didn't know what to do, she had found herself in that position countless of times and yet it was just like the first time.
-Zeff told me it is a good idea to talk to you but honestly I don't even know what to say.- she thought she was sounding stupid, who on the seven seas starts a conversation like that? Her for sure. -Usopp hasn't always been my best friend, I had one before I met him. She was older than me, not much older, just two years of diference.- she smiled. -I was new to Miro Village. The first two months she was really mean to me so I would avoid her most of the times, even thought she would find ways to bully me so I gave up. She did everything in her power to make me upset, she blamed everything on me to get me in trouble like that one time she stole an entire cart of fruits and told the major it was my fault. He had to call in my parents, they wanted to talk to my dad about my behaviour but little they know he was dead. He had died some weeks prior I moved there, the journey wasn't that long since I used to live nearby but no one knew, how could they? Is not like I talked about it nor anyone cared to ask why a lonely little girl walked miles to get there, they were just happy there was someone doing the jobs no one wanted. She apologized for how she treated me but to be honest with you it wasn't that important, she was the only one that paid attention to me, yes you might argue it was not the best way but when you are a kid that goes unnoticed you kinda of like it when someone talks to you, even if is just to make fun of you.- she took a deep breath, now it came the hard part. -We started to get closer and closer until one day pirates raided the village, they took her because she was trying to protect little ol' me. They killed her on the spot and I was going to follow her if it wasn't for a random citizen pumbing into the pirate. It gave me the window to run away and I found shelter in Syrup Village where I met Usopp. Sometimes I see her in my dreams, she is always mad at me because I ran away and I didn't help her, sometimes I think back at...-
Someone was on board, she could tell, checking who was she felt safe seeing her captain. Luffy walked past her ignoring her presence, not because he didn't like her, for all the seas if that was the case she couldn't even have thought on putting a single foot on his ship, the captain had to fix the problem first thing first.
-Hey, Zoro. You sure missed a big fight. Those fishman guys were though. You would have loved it.- she smiled, knowing that was 100% so true. -...great dinner. All of us sitting around together, listening to Usopp's stories. Only I kinda messed it up. And now I lost Nami.- schock was painted all over Y/N, what was he talking about? Losing Nami? How? When? Why?
-...but I know what to say now, and is so simple. I need you, Zoro. I need you to wake up.- the girl felt ashemed, she wasn't able to say those simple words, indeed went on about her childhood friend that died to protect her. She was glad that her captain got the courage to say those words.
-You gonna keep talking, or let me get some sleep? Geez, you people really like to talk uhm?- Luffy jumped on top of Zoro, Y/N was only able to stare at the two boys in front of her. He was alive, how? She was pretty sure he was done for. She thanked whoever decided to let him live.
Luffy hugged his first mate, making him groan out of pain.
-Luffy, Luffy get off you are hurting him.- the girl said and before she could help the straw hat pirate down he was already on his feet.
She was now standing next to Luffy, looking at Zoro with a small smile on her face.
-I had the strangest dream that Nami left.-
-She did.-
-What do you mean she did? Why?-
-It's my fault. She left...- he started but Zoro cut him off.
-No, you didn't do anything wrong. You acted like a captain.- Luffy couldn't understand, if he did actually act like a captain, why was the crew falling apart more and more? -No, it's not. I, Roronoa Zoro, vow to stand by your side from now until the end. Until we find the One Piece or die trying.- he kept on with his vow and Y/N could only admire the boy for that. She started thinking if she was in any position to vow eternal loyalty or if her presence on the Going Merry was just temporary, she hoped not for the latter.
-so what do you say?-
-Do you want to be part of my crew as a loyal member?-she was taken aback, no one had ever asked for her opinion on important metters, she grew up following orders. If she was told to do something her only concern was to carry on the task, no question asked, but now? Now she was given the chance to choose: eaither stay on board and become a part of the Straw Hat pirates, or leave and starting fresh a new life somewhere else.
-If you accept me, I'll be honored to follow you and protect this crew and the one in needs.-
-Of course I accept you, why would have I asked to join in the first place? Now...- the three of them got interrupted by Usopp screaming and happy to see his friend awake.
-I wasn't worried for a second.-
-Yeah, not worried at all, in fact I was the one...-
-HE IS ALIVE.-he said raising with such force his hand and Zoro's in the process, making the wounded guy groan out of pain.
-LUFFY STOP. - she separeted the two, taking Zoro's hand in hers. -For all the seas, you are going to give him an embaracing death one of those days I am telling you.- she was still holding his hand when the green haired swordsman cleared his throat to get her attention. -Sorry.-
-So, now what we do? Plot a curse to the Grand Line?-
-No, not yet.- was his answer.
-But I thought we were going after the One Piece?-
-We are, but we can't do it without our whole crew.- she smiled, knowing exactly where he was going with that. First mission before heading to the Grand Line: getting Nami back.
-Great, now you two start getting everything ready. I am going to change his bandage.-
-I can do...-the captain started.
-I am not leaving the first mate under your care. You keep treating him like a doll. Now please let get ready to leave.
-I can do it myself.- he groaned trying his best to stand up, but failed.
-dude, you can't even seat without help. Now shut up and let me help you.- he let a small "fine" not sure about the whole situation but it was either that or groaning every two seconds. And as much as his ego screamed at him that it wasn't to be that bad, he gave up and thought that maybe he really needed a little bit of help.
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matchbet-allofthetime · 2 months
Can I ask if you have any Boone headcanons? I’m a little bit obsessed with the strong, silent, devoted-to-my-love sniper and there will never be enough content about him for me haha
This ask is wonderful and I thank you for it by smooching you on your forehead 😻
Also, I am so sorry for my ramblings about him, I've loved him since the game released + love all interpretations of him, so I smushed all my favourites I've seen/developed over the years into one (sfw) post.
(I also might've been a little high as I wrote these out, so sorry if I repeat anything or it's misspelled.)
Anyways, enjoy below the cut!
Boone HCs:
-around 6'-6'5" (shorter than Arcade, who I hc as 6'9"); frankly think he's 6'0" solid but built like a brick house
-Bulky, built with wide hips and wider shoulders
-he has ass. I don't make the rules, you can SEE that ass in-game just like you can his meaty tits. I speak more on tits later.
-Soft stomach (the type that you can lay on and spills over his pants some when he bends over or sits down)
-brunette with thick hair, but just shaves it all down.
-INTENSELY bisexual (preference for men, likely just because he was around more men than women in the NCR. But if he likes you in any capacity, you're fair game to him regardless of what you've got)
-very, very tanned. He's not a very pale man and wasn't ever really pale
-GREEN EYES BAYBEE!! Vibrant green, actually has central heterochromia. Green with brown around his pupils ✨
-dimples. He has dimples. Fight me.
-i have this HC that all wasteland-born folks have sharper teeth- he absolutely does. He opens his mouth and he's got four sharp canines and six additional incisors that are shorter but equally able to tear through gecko and brahmin meat
-can and will use that 7 strength stat, and also that matching 7 agility
-this mf is FAST and can sprint like hell
-big hands and arms and thighs- this man doesn't have visible abs, but he's got SO much strength under his softness
-his pecs are soft and heavy. Give that dilf the tits he deserves.
-ABSOLUTELY the strong, devoted silent type
-however, that doesn't mean he isn't playful. He can totally be a snipe, sassy, snarky man, as well as a tease.
-he'll side eye someone he cares about after he's opened up and teased just to see their expressions when he quips when they aren't expecting it.
-him and Arcade get along well, and Arcade talks with him about the world enough to convince Boone that the NCR is better as a military which serves the people, rather than a major power to run the Mojave.
-boone comes to agree easily, but only once they've known each other for a few years
-thinks Arcade is beyond genius, and the two sassy men mutually snark at others when well-deserved
-is more inclined to take off his beret in the Lucky 38 around the other companions, but still is particular about when and where. He likes it and will always stay on him when out and about
-but if the Courier takes it off of him, once they've been through a lot together in the first year or so, he'll let them do it. he knows and trusts that they'll take care of it
-considers it an extension of himself, much the way he considers his rifle and extension of himself, so it's very intimate in its own way
-achingly fond of sweet cakes
-wears sunglasses because his green eyes used to freak people out. They are incredibly sharp- and quick- and can catch movement across miles of desert sand.
-couple that with his agility and happy trigger finger, he makes one of the finest snipers in the wastes
-doesn't sleep well for the first little while after meeting the courier and their companions- keeps thinking he'll wake up to something happening
-does finally manage to relax though, and starts sleeping better than he has in years most nights
-his dog tags ever come off. Can and will stab a bitch for trying to touch them
-very good with combat knives and straight-up punching someone, but forever prefers using his rifle and being a ranged shooter.
-talked more at one time to the courier after defeating Caesar and taking down the camp than he ever had before
-actually fond of having Ed-E around during their missions
-lots of body hair, the shorter hair this mf has is on his head. Prefers his hair short mostly because of being NCR; it just gets in the way of his beret
-polishes and cleans his gun NIGHTLY. If he doesn't have the right wax for the barrel, he will go out and either trade for some or will slaughter for some. He doesn't care which he has to do, so keep it around. A small tin goes a long while, but make sure to keep it closed ✨
-wears a .50 caliber shell around his neck with his tags on the same chain- it's an old soldier's way of remembering their mortality as well as those lost, and he can move entirely silently so the metal doesn't click together as he walks or runs
-comes to find that he loves heavy military rifles
-give him a power fist or brass knuckles. I beg you. This man will fuck someone up at long and close range.
-could kill you with his arms AND thighs.
-sits with his thighs spread apart because he hates when they touch- texture nightmare for him
-can straight up rotate his irises around his pupils. Can ALSO retract and swell his pupils to make them larger and smaller at will- helps in the desert sun to keep his eyes from taking in too much light, but it also makes his eyes focus different, which can be useful
-hates alcohol, but will drink to forget
-started smoking cigarettes because the smell made him physically ill as a child- it was the only way for him to stop being sick. Now it's a bad habit he can't kick
-mostly it's because it's such a long-standing habit, but also he's got the 'tism and an oral fixation which requires him to have smthn in his mouth at all times. Will hold anything between his lips- an unlit cigarette, a toothpick, a bullet shell, the rare wasteland lollipop lmao
-this guy is big enough he can palm a milk jug like it's a can.
-prefere combat boots to anything else, especially steel toe combat boots.
-hates round laces, they've gotta be flat or he loses his shit and seethes internally.
-has tattoos. I don't make the gd rules, he's a military boy- he has ink. You just can't SEE any of it because it's under his shirt/pants.
-would actually have wanted an eyebrow piercing or the like pre-war and I will die and kill on this hill. He wouldn't have many piercings, but he would have a few, I feel. I think he'd get both eyebrows so it'd be even, maybe his nipples, and another secret one 👀
-doesnt like people much, very much a silent, brooding type. Doesn't open up for a LONG time, but when he does, he's warm
-affectionate as hell, but only once he's gotten to the warming-up point
-he more he opens up, the more snark he sends outward toward those he doesn't give a damn about. Will open his fat mouth and those brooding inside thoughts quickly become outside thoughts. Knows when to stay quiet as always, though.
-big spoon or little spoon, he doesn't care. Careful though, he runs VERY hot and will tuck a hand against your stomach to KEEP you against him, even in sleep
-likes tucking his face into someone's throat and WILL wake a lover to kisses on the shoulder and neck
-likes kisses and likes holding hands whenever able.
-hand will always be on lower back. If you're standing on something, he'll have his hand there in case. If you're sleepy and stumbling into the Lucky 38's kitchen, his hand is there to make sure you stay upright as he guides you along. If you're dealing with folks who are shady or make you uncomfortable or make Boone uneasy, his hand is right there to soothe you both.
-only puts his hand on the lower back of two people- the courier and Arcade. I take no criticisms.
-can kill for those he loves. WILL kill for those he loves.
-when cuddling with him, tuck your hand over his heart or around his dog tags and he'll melt in your hands. It's very important to him to silently be with someone, and he's hopelessly devoted to the few people he cares about.
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count-alucard-tepes · 8 months
The daddies:"Get your ass on the ship!"
The child:"KISS MY ASS MF!"
Takes kid and throws them over his shoulder before going on the ship, “…daddy is gonna lock you up until we reach home for being naughty”*gives baby a kiss on the forehead*:
Fujitora 🐅
Sir Crocodile 🐊
Benn Beckman 🔫
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
King 👑
Oven Charlotte 🍞
Marco the Phoenix 🦅
Rosinantè Donquixote aka Cora-San💕
Gild Tesoro⚜️🏅
Rob Lucci🐆
Waves goodbye and leaves them, “…see ya never, you little shit!”:
Kizaru ✨
Ryokugyu 🌱
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
Dragon D Monkey 🐉🐒
Eustass Kidd🤘🎸
Who’s Who ❤️‍🔥👹
Gecko Moria🦇
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devilsrecreation · 4 months
So I’m looking at TLG concepts/concept art for the hell of it and all the concepts seem legit
And then there’s Hodari
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Look at this goofy lil mf he’s so silly 😭😭/pos
Best part is he’s supposed to be a fat tailed gecko and one of the ideas for my Njano x Hodari au is that they adopt a baby fat tailed gecko
Guess this is their child now lmaoooooo
On a slightly unrelated note, I know that Nne was originally gonna be the third member of Janja’s crew but what I did not know is that this picture exists
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That’s a reaction image right there
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