#oc: diana the storm siren
I think it would be really neat that, when angry, Diana became more monstrous. Her nails turning sharp and melding to her fingers, making them sharp. Her scelra turning dark, and her canines growing large, and her sounding like a monster. Spines showing up on her back, and the very sea itself roaring alongside her.
Monsters <3
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duckapus · 12 days
Oh hey it's been a while
Diana: The real secret to immortality? Not dying. You want to be immortal? Okay, easy. Just don't die. That's it. Refuse to die. There you Go.
Bob: "But how?" you may ask. Easy. Just don't do it. Refuse to. Say no thanks.
Tulip: The hardest thing about realizing you're bi is that no one tells you what to do with the beam attack you have now. Like how do I even use this thing?
Timmy: With a diffusion lens you can cook with it.
Tulip: See where was this advice when I came out?
Laharl: Literally why can't I have short hair and long hair at the same time?
Sally: On all levels except physical I am heart shaped.
Franky: This might be controversial but if I came across a beaker of glowing green liquid I would give it a little taste.
Saiko: Bath tubs that can't submerge an entire adult body should be illegal.
Tari: Okay I know what you meant but you sound a bit like a murderer.
Mario, balancing precariously on a power line and messing with the boxes at the top of a telephone pole: Your cable company doesn't want you to know this trick.
Karen: You know what? I don't want to know that trick either.
Bob: If I die my funeral's gonna be the biggest fucken party and you're all invited.
Boopkins: If?
Clench: Great, the only party I've ever been invited to and he might not even die.
Mario: After filling the washing machine with hot dogs, I momentarily hesitate before turning the knob to "Delicates."
Mr. Puzzles: "Obviously, we have a lot of problems we need to address," I say, referring to one specific problem, which I created, alone.
Valiant: Undefeated in wizard duels thanks to my devastating countermagic where I close the distance and punch them in the chest 14 times while they try to read a paragraph from a book the size of a briefcase. This sorcery shit is easy as hell.
Effi: Hey, don't cry. Endless possible futures spanning out in front of you like an infinite spiderweb, okay?
Effi: Just realized this is actually quite horrifying and not a comforting thought at all. Sorry.
SMG3: A customer just came in and ordered a flat white with six shots in it. For clarity that's like. A whole cup of espresso with maybe an inch of milk sitting on top. This mf is trying to meet the Hat Man.
Irene: I'm a proud owner of an iq of 5 (and a half!)
Jayin, programming the Meme Suppression Bullets: Not for long!
Irene: Please it's all I have
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Lil Coding: Thought I was meowing back at an actual cat for the past hour, but it was just me, Plurality, and Cody meowing at each other from different rooms in the castle.
Luigi: Mario just insisted everyone remember a code word in case we’re ever confronted by their clone or a cyborg doppelgänger and we’re not sure which is the real them and which is the imposter.
Luigi: And honestly, considering our track record, we might very well need it.
Juliano, walking into the foyer to see Diana leaning on the back of the couch and watching a documentary on ships vanishing at sea: What are you doing?
Diana, watching intently: Seeing how many of these were me.
Juliano: … How many have you found so far?
Diana: Around eight, but I’m still not sure about this next one...
SMG4: Where did Susan go off to? Why the hell did she just storm off in the middle of the meeting?
SMG3, brushing dirt off of his overalls: They'll find her out front.
SMG4: But we didn't see her?
SMG3: They'll just need to dig deeper.
Forum: I like laying my head on your chest when you're sleeping because if I hear your heartbeat, it lets me know you're actually here.
Juliano, choking up: rEALLY?
*Context: Lil Coding got into catnip that was somehow enchanced, i.e., it was code catnip, and he is going WILD*
Mario: Okay, Lil Coding is in the cat carrier, so I think we're safe until Vitality gets here..
Meggy, staring in horror at the back of the cat carrier: There's a hole in the back of it.
*gremlin cat noises from somewhere*
Bob: Shit, he's in the walls! *shakes Mario like a maraca* HES IN THE GODDAMN WALL!
Phobos, watching Juliano's mental health deteriorate more and more: Don't you think this is going a bit.. too far?
The Abyss: Not far enough, bring up his dead parents next time.
*When the invetiable confrontation happens*
Vitality: One of my biggest regrets and mistakes was ever letting you live!
Disc: That's where your wrong, your worst mistake was ever letting me live!
Vitality: That's what I just said!?
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Diana had lived for a long, long time. Immortality, of course, came at a steep price, that being her body frozen in time while the rest the world moves on. The siren had made peace with it centuries ago, and there was the slight comforting fact that if she did decide she wanted her time to come, there were people she could ask.
But one thing, one person that remained the same throughout it all was fucking Captain Doddypoll. Yes, Doddypoll, and no, Diana had no clue why that was his name either.
Back some time ago, he was a force to be reckoned with. Even though Diana was just a guppy back then, following the currents of other pods of mermaids and sirens, she knew he was threat.
He hunted sirens and mermaids for a single purpose; their voices. To extract the magic from them. While sirens could hypnotize and entice, mermaid voices were more gentle and were more connected to healing and the sort.
Diana didn't know it back then, but he was a Shy Guy. She supposed it made sense nowadays. His clothes were reminiscent of a Shy Guy's.
Speaking of which..
"BASTARD!" Diana roars as she looks down at the ship, even taller than she usually was. Her teeth were as sharp as knives, her fangs prominent. Patches of scales cover her body, and her nails had melded into her skin, giving her long, sharp claws that faded to black. Black fish spines trailed down her back, flared out angirly. Her sclera was pitch black, and her pupils slit. Lightning crashed, and winds howled around as she snarled down at the captain.
She could say, without a shadow of a doubt, she was seriously considering tipping off someone that this fucker was immortal and making a case for it to be stripped.
"I'LL GET YE SOMEDAY, YE OVERGROWN BELUGA!" The captain shouts, waving his cutlass up at her.
"HOW HAS IT BEEN CENTURIES AND YOU STILL DON'T KNOW YOUR FISH?!" Diana groans before she spins her trident. She hits his ship at an angle, sending the screaming captain and his ship flying off into the distance.
"AND GET A BETTER ACCENT, THAT ONE WENT OUT OF STYLE 300 YEARS AGO!" She calls after the ship before huffing.
The siren watches with narrowed eyes before she slowly lets out a breath. She slowly shrinks back down to her 'normal' kaiju size, all of her extra features fading away. She purses her lips.
That was in the direction of the kingdom.. Eh, she was sure the crew could handle it.
With that, she dives back down into the water.
(Meanwhile, in the Showgrounds, Mario is unceremoniously crushed by the ship that fell from the sky, with Luigi narrowly dodging it.
"That stupid BITCH!" The very raggedy Shy Guy wearing a captain's hat, an overgrown gray beard on his mask, and still waving a cutlass let out a myriad of curses that were both colorful and very clearly out of date.
"Oh, hello, laddie!" The captain calmed when he spotted Luigi, not at all hearing Mario screaming from pain. "Think ye can help an ol' pirate out?")
Diana lounges on some rocks, deep in the crags of an underwater cave she had made her 'home'. It was nothing special, really, but she decided to make it her home after Lily gave her the puppy eyes.
Well, normally, that wouldn't work, but her descendant had gotten all the kids to do it, so it made her cave pretty quick.
She gently pet a school of fish swimming past, before a large Cheep Cheep came swimming up to her. Normally, she'd eat them (if she was hungry), but this one she kept around, solely because it was good at delivering news.
"Hello, Cece," Diana greets the Cheep Cheep with a wave. "What do you-"
The siren didn't get any more words out as the Cheep Cheep began to freak out, making various fish noises and spinning around in the water at a rapid pace.
Her eyes darkened.
Diana didn't know how she did it, as one moment she was in the ocean and the next she was leaping out of the pond that was in the Showgrounds and shaking the ground as she landed. Gone was her tail, as she now stood on too legs, and the siren was pissed.
Her being pissed turned to absolute fury upon seeing the crew all tied up in various ways, and Lily in a cage.
"Hah! I knew ye'd-"
"BASTARD OF A FUCKING MAN!" Diana roars, and the world responds with her. The winds begin to howl, swirling above and bringing the clouds with it. Rain starts to pour down, and lightning flashes in the distance, illuminating the now darkening skies.
"Is it me, or is she bigger than usual?!" Meggy shouts admist the howling winds.
"I SHOULD TEAR YOU TO SHREDS!" Diana lunges down and pierces one side of Captain Doddypoll's ship with her hand. The other, gently yet shaking from rage, gathers the crew and sets them off to the side.
Then, she lifts the ship to her face as her monstrous features begin to show.
"Ye.. don't feel like talking, do ye?" Captain Doddypoll chuckles nervously.
"I'm going to castrate you." Diana says simply, her multilayered voice a mere deadpan before she chucked his ship to the ground, causing it to splinter into thousands of little pieces. Her staff appeared in her hand, nearly as large as her, before she began to slam it down against the shrieking captain again and again.
The crew, having sufficiently freed themselves, watch in awe and some terror. (Lily less so in the terror department, because that meant she could do that when she got angry too.)
After some moments, Bob, Karen, and Tari pipe up at the same time, "Would."
Everyone whips around to look at them, the epitome of "WTF??" on their faces.
"Mom?" Cody looks at Karen, shocked. "Bob, I get. Tari, I sorta get. But MOM?"
Karen simply shrugs, crossing her arms.
"DON'T EVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN YOU POOR EXCUSE OF A PIRATE!" Diana roar of rage snaps everyone back to attention. They all watch, once again amazed and slightly terrified as she effortlessly tosses the screaming captain off into the distance.
After taking some moments to calm herself, Diana shrinks down to her 6 foot form, and all her monstrous features vanish. She adjusts her dress before making her way over. "I'm so sorry about that, everyone," she apologizes, running a hand through her hair. "Goodness, if I knew he'd land here, I would have never hit him that hard."
"You know him, Diana?" Lily asks quickly before Bob can make some sort of comment.
"A captain, immortal like I am." Diana shakes her head. "He's deadset on finishing the job he has, so of course he'd target you."
"Which is..?"
"Stealing siren voices." Diana shrugs and Lily scowls.
"Oh. That's why he kept on trying to make me sing."
SMG4 crosses his arms. "He won't be coming back, will he?"
"It'll take him some time." Diana shakes her head. "I destroyed his ship, so he'll have to remake it."
"Huh.." the Guardian nods. "I wonder where he landed."
Somewhere in the middle of the ocean, Captain Doddypoll surfaces, spurting out seawater.
"Ah, when I get my hands on 'er..!"
He trails off when some shadows loom over him. Several large sharks eye him.
"Uh oh."
"It's dinner time, boys!"
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"You.. want me to what?" Diana blinks.
"Come with me! To meet everyone!" Lily smiles. "Since, yknow.. our lessons are on hold, I thought you'd.. maybe want to see them?"
Diana ponders it for a few moments. It was true that the kaiju was a.. bit of a recluse. She's only met the others once, when her descendant and a few others had fallen of a yacht. So meeting Lily's family didn't seem to daunting of a task.
Except that..
Diana sweats a bit.
She would surely attract attention, as the smallest her form could go was 6 feet. That, and clothing manipulate was an absolute bitch to figure out for long term.
She looks down at Lily, who is looking up at her with hopeful eyes. The siren smiles warmly, her minor worries melting away.
With a flick of her tail, she launches into the air before water surrounds her form. She then lands directly beside Lily, her form now much smaller, standing at 6 feet tall. While her hair and crown stayed the same, the most noticeable difference was her outfit.
When Lily usually trained with Diana, the siren had a dress that was open in the front but trailed off into a siren-like tail at the end, with her normal seashell top. However, this time, the siren's outfit was different.
Her outfit was more of a flowy dress. It was the usual black of Diana's tail and top, but the end trailed to a dark yet gentle gradient of dark blue with some sparkles. The front of the dress was open, however. It revealed the entirety of Diana's legs yet still covered her torso and chest. She wore some shorts as well that seemed to blend with the dress, that stopped just a bit above her thighs. To top it all off, she wore black dress shoes that seemed oddly comfortable, and a black arm band was securely snug around the entirety of her arm, ending just below her shoulder.
Lily stares, shocked. Then, she narrows her eyes and points. "Turn it into a cloak."
"Wh-" Diana sputters. "Why?!"
"Because you're too pretty, and I don't want anyone staring at you." She grumbles.
The older woman blinks in surprise before laughing gently. She pats Lily's head with a smile. "That just means you'll be as pretty as me when you grow up."
That seems to distract Lily, as she smiles widely. Diana returns the smile, heart warm to seeing her descendant happy.
As Lily speaks on and on, pointing out various she and Diana walk through the Mushroom Kingdom, something catches the weathered siren's eye.
A performance. A man in a cloak performing tricks with fire.
Fire that wasn't something from this world.
Diana stops in her tracks, making Lily jolt, as the young girl was holding her hand. "A- Diana?"
She stops and looks where Diana is looking and smiles. "Oh! That's Sulfur! He's a new street performer. Apparently, he's looking for someone and is hoping that he'll find them in one of his performance." Lily tilts her head. "I think he said it was a relative or something.. someone he lost in an incident a while back. The other cloaked person behind him is apparently his friend!"
The siren merely nods, watching the flames as the dance around 'Silver Sulfur's' hands. They almost looked like flames from a fire flower, but it wasn't. The flame was off, burning too brightly and hot.
Diana glances down at Lily after a few more moments. "We can continue."
Lily smiles and nods, leading Diana away and rambling once more. Though, the woman glances back.
Cold eyes meet sharp yellow ones.
Lily kicks the doors to the castle open. "GUYS, I BROUGHT DIANA!"
Immediately comes her dad's scolding voice, "Lily Sonata Glitch, I know you did not kick those doors open when we just got the hinges repaired!" Followed by Lil Coding's, "kick them again!"
"Sonata?" Diana raises an eyebrow.
"It.. fits." Lily smiles softly. "I talked about it with dad and papa after the whole Wonder thing, and they agreed! Soooo.. I've got Sonata as my middle name!"
Diana smiles. "It fits you."
The two walk into the main lobby and are quickly greeted by Lil Coding. It was a slow trickle, with her then meeting SMG4 and SMG3. They were pleasant to get to know.
Lil Coding, Lily's brother, was wildly energetic. Diana was pretty sure that boy was on something..
Mario was.. definitely something, in Diana's opinion. However, he did clearly care for everyone, Lily included, so Diana was willing to let his odd behavior slide. The same went for Luigi, though she was pretty sure he had a heart attack when she first admitted who she was.
Meggy was a joy to be around, the former Inkling making a good conversationalist. She seemed just the smallest bit competitive though..
Tari and Saiko were a nice duo, and Diana was very sure there was something there between them. Lily seemed to confirm that.
"Wasn't there someone else you wanted to introduce me to? Bob, was it?" Diana asks, pointedly ignoring the scuffle between Luigi and Mario over food.
Lily purses her lips. "Okay, I love Uncle Bob, but.. whenever he sees a pretty woman.."
The siren arches a brow. The young girl glances away awkwardly and gestures as a whole to Diana's body. "Uh.. he well.. listen, I just don't wanna see him act like that-"
Diana lets out a small 'snrk!' "Guppy, I doubt that he'll do anything in front of you." She then smirks a bit. "Who knows, maybe I'll like him."
"He owns a hotel..?" Diana hums as she walks in.
"Yeah!" Lily nods with a smile. "And he's really good at finance stuff, surprisingly. We just usually gotta make sure he doesn't spend it all on gambling.."
The siren nods as the two walk through the lobby. Lily looks around the semi-filled lobby, as if looking for someone. Then, she frowns. "Aw, doesn't look like Duck is here.."
"Who?" Diana blinks.
"Y'know, Duck!" Her descendant looks up at him. "The guy I sometimes talk about? Duck?"
The siren sweats a bit as she tries to remember. "Guppy.. I mean this very kindly, but maybe you need your eyesight checked.."
The younger siren stares up at her. "D-Diana, do you not remember him? Duck? With the hat?"
As the two approach the front desk, Bob comes up. "Lily, how are- Holy shit, who is that-"
"Her eyes are up, Uncle Bob! UP!"
Diana laughs softly as her descendant squabbles with the Garo.
Maybe she should come and visit more often.
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"Care to join me?"
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A more accurate look of what Diana looks like in her kaiju form! Her hair is a lot more fluffy, and her tail scales catch the light a lot. I couldn't convey it properly, so you get lazy sparkles, lol.
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That moment when you go into your fancy mode because why not
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Diana Headcanons
Officially known as the Storm Siren Sovereign, but hardly ever uses that title.
There's many superstitions about her areas of the sea. There's many old fisherman tales warning of not to illegally fish because the 'demoness of the sea' will swallow you whole.
Usually stays shifted around 50 ft tall, about the same height as Joe Boopkins. However, she does tend to shift smaller whenever dealing with those she cares about.
Didn't belong to any pod before or after finding the Storm Trident, and she only isolated herself further following the trident choosing her as its user.
The Storm Trident is semi-sentient. It only recognizes Diana as it's wielder and only she can use it to its full capacity. To try to use it risks you getting shocked by lightning or worse. Diana can throw it and recall it, and they're both intertwined with the other.
Diana doesn't need to eat all that often, but when she does, she usually hunts down any Mega-variants of Cheep Cheeps, Bloopers, and similar enemies. She really likes seafood despite technically being part fish..
Is actually a huge, shameless flirt. If there's someone that catches her eye and she genuinely finds endearing, she will flirt with them. She's long since moved past Johnathan.
Has contemplated asking about where Lily's biological parents are being kept and 'paying them a visit'.
Rarely goes on land, but Lily's been making an effort to have Diana connect more with Lily's family. She really wants her ancestor in her life now that Diana is actively teaching her, and Diana really can't say no to Lily.
She and Joe Boopkins are actually very good friends. She met Boopkins when he was very, very young and doubts that he remembers her all too clearly.
Can speak to aquatic animals, and you would not believe the drama they have.
Her hair defys logic by never getting wet in water, but this is SMG4 we're talking about. It's not even that major.
While Black Pearl Cookie's main costume is her usual outfit, one of BP Cookie's other costumes, "Sovereign of the Abyss," is one she can change to if she feels the need to scare the shit out of someone. The Storm Trident also changes appropriately.
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Child of Siren's Stormy Seas
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Pre-SMG4 Lily and Diana! Singles and some design notes under cut.
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Diana's outfit and staff is BP Cookie's from CRK.
Diana has a lighter skin tone due to being down in the sea so often. She doesn't come to the surface long enough to get tanner, and she usually stays in dark caverns.
In stark contrast, Lily is tanner because her parents had her out and about so much. They wanted her to be a prodigy, so they made her do lots of sports too.
Diana has half-blue eyes because of the Staff of Storms. It ingrained its power into her and that's a sign of it.
Diana has much curlier hair and more 'free' hair than pre-SMG4 Lily due to her accepting her place. Lily too get this development once she joins the Crew.
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AAAA,,, Beneath the Brine works SO WELL for Diana and Lily's huge fight in WuM AU. Like, I can imagine the whole thing clearly and how exactly Diana lost. Because logically, she shouldn't have. She's basically a force of nature, has an untold amount of experience with her trident, and has taught Lily everything she knew. She even had time to gather forces to stop Lily once she'd taken over the Mushroom Kingdom.
(I know the first post of the AU says otherwise, but it doesn't really fit anymore, so just.. disregard it.)
So how'd she lose?
Lily's trident. By the time she and Diana confront each other, it's entirely hers now. So when they get to the tail end of their fight.. it's been knocked away from her. Diana is approaching her, resigned to the fact that she'll have to kill Lily.
Lily, frantic, recalls her trident. It doesn't go around Diana.
It goes through her. Through her stomach.
No one had time to react before the forbidden magic Lily had used lashes out and encases Diana and magic, and then into the first painting.
So.. yeah. While everyone in the other paintings don't have those types of injuries, Diana is the only one who does. When she's freed from the painting, with the purple glow of magic around her and it consuming her eyes, there's the wound on her stomach. Dripping blood that can't fall because of the magic.
So if she gets freed.. then whoever frees her will have to act fast because she is potentially one of the only people who can rival Moria.
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Thinking,, about Diana, and how at times, its almost like she's less of a (basically) immortal force of nature. The sea responds to her, she can summon waves, typhoons, and all this. I'm not too sure how long she's been alive tbh (it's up in the air) but she's seen so much, and it makes me wonder,,
She was isolated, both of her own volition, and because there really wasn't anyone she could associate with. After Johnathan's death and the family she had on land cutting her off, she had no reason to. But now that Lily has introduced her to the crew, she's finding that she cares again.. and she's just the tiniest bit afraid. Because how can a force of nature care make herself get attached again when she knows life is so fleeting?
And yet she does, because she knows it's best to try.
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Lily's voice calls, and the massive siren turns her head. Having been lounging against a cliff face, the giantess gently pushes off and swims closer to shore.
"Lily, what a pleasant surprise." Diana's form shrinks more so that she may look at Lily more closely. She can see scales her descendant's legs and hums. "Goodness, look at that scale progression. You're growing up far too fast, little guppy."
Lily grins, and Diana tilts her head. "What have you come out here for?"
"I wanted to.. ask something. And check up on you after the whole Wonder thing."
Diana winces at that. Oh, she remembers. She'd had turned into some sort of recluse former queen. "Let's just say I had an.. interesting time."
Lily giggles softly and nods. Then she looks down. "Uhm.. I.. wanted to ask if you could.."
The young girl trails off, making the older woman tilt her head. "What was that?" Diana asks, voice soft. "I didn't quite catch it, my dear."
"I.. I want you to teach me more about being a Siren!" Lily blurts out. "I.. I was a Trigger for all the wonder stuff and.. I.. I became a full Siren. And just.." She sighs. "When I remember Sonata, I.. I see what I can become. And.."
She frowns. "I know I'm not helpless, but sometimes I feel like it. I want to be able to protect everyone. So.."
She looks up. "Can you.. teach me?"
Diana looks down at Lily, quiet before she smiles gently. She shrinks more before emerging from the water, her tail now two legs. The frills around her waist had changed to a long skirt, open at the front and long and trailing towards the back. She still had the long black gloves going towards her elbows, and the shell top and black fabric covering her stomach and chest.
In a flurry of bubbles, the Storm Trident appears in Diana's hand and then.. an exact copy forms in her other, though smaller. She walks over to Lily and hands her the smaller one.
Diana smiles. "Don't worry, little guppy. I'll help you."
Lily smiles brightly. "You will?!"
The Storm Siren nods, gently chuckling. "Of course. It will be tough for you, but I'm sure you'll pick up quickly."
"And this?" Lily tilts her head towards the copy of her ancestor's trident.
"A copy." She's assured. "It is nowhere near as powerful as mine, but it does have considerable strength. It'll help you come to harness your powers."
Lily spins the trident, and she gasps in surprise when the trident turns to bubbles, and those bubbles wrap around her wrist. They then form to white pearls, gently glistening in the light.
"Since it takes practice to summon my trident from nothing, your's will form from pearls." Diana giggles softly. "Now, try imagining it in your hand."
Lily does just that, flexing her hand and imagining the copy of the Storm Trident resting in her palm. The pearls turn to bubbles once more and in her hand forms the copy.
"Now.." Diana gently slams the end of the trident into the sand, and she smiles. "Let's begin, shall we?"
Lily can't help but grin. Nodding eagerly has Diana smiling warmly. She was more than ready.
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Whoops, all DBZA quotes
Cursor: Wait.. who else sees that light?
CPU: Walk towards it.
SMG4: Where are the other Avatars?
Juliano: I'll tell you where they're not. Safe.
Bowser Jr: Root! You left Root here!?
Franky: Well, I thought she could handle it!
Bowser Jr: Root couldn’t handle a shot of raspberry schnapps, much less LC while SICK!
Ozymandias: Say good by to your precious universe!
Franky: That's not very nice!!
Random virus: You think you’re cute.
Crash: Bitch I’m adorable.
Mr L: You, child, too strong! Explain now!
Plurality: Database gave me a small bit of their power to help defeat you.
Me L: The fucks a Database?!
Plurality: Basically, god.
Mr L: But I'm Still Here!!
Plurality: Do you really believe in your own hype that much?!
Root: I'mma plant me a dumbass tree!
Mario: Hello!
Diana: Oh, it's you. Explain.
Crash, calling to CPU, who is currently in a hole in a wall while also having a concussion: Are you okay in there?
CPU: Yeah, I'm fan-fucking-tastic. Nothing but gumdrops and ice cream in here.
Crash: Oh, really?! Can I come in, too?!
CPU: I'm surrounded by idiots...
Crash: I thought you were surrounded by gumdrops and ice cream!
Tulip, if she ever snapped on her parents: There is nothing about this whole scenario that doesn't make me so disgusted. I want to violently vomit out of my internal organs. I despise you both so intensely that I can't tell if my vision is blurry from my near-death experience or from my unforgiving rage. If allowed, once I am back to full health, I will gut you with an honest to God smile on my face, and then proceed to paint the home I built with your bodies with your very blood.
Random villain: Oh my god, you morons stole SMG3&4's kids. How? How did you steal their kids?
Abyssal: It turns out there's ANOTHER virus!
Mario: Ok, what's up with him?
Marcy: Don't mind him. He just got through dropping a gallon of LSD.
Mario: A gallon?
Marcy: A literal gallon. Out of a milk jug. I don't even know where he got it from.
Bob: Marcy! I need you to tell me that I can leave the hotel if I want to.
Marcy: Bob, you may leave the hotel if you w--
Lil Coding: Feel free to pray to your God, but spoilers, I won't be listening.
Saiko: Don't make me come over there, I will rip your world a-FUCKING-sunder!
The Abyss: In mere moments, all you'll be feeling is oblivion!
Domain: It's either this or disappointment; go ahead.. flip that coin.
Abyssal: Get these guys out of here because this thing is about to kill itself!
Umbra: Can firewalls even die?!
CPU: I do hope someone picks up that phone. Cause I FUCKING CAAAALLED IT!
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The siren glances down at her descendant and frowns softly. "Lily?"
Lily is sitting on a cliffside overlooking the ocean. Her knees are drawn to her chest, and her face is conflicted. "How.. how do you confront someone?"
Diana blinks before swimming closer to the cliffside. With a well-timed leap and shift in size, Diana lands beside the young hybrid and sits beside her. "Tell me, little guppy. What's wrong?"
"It's.. It's Root." Lily sighs softly. "She's been so.. weird lately. She's been aggressive, even snippy. She keeps brushing us off, but.." She looks down towards the grass. "Somethings off. I didn't notice at first, but.. LC brought it up."
"I want to talk to her.." Lily tightens her grip on her knees. "But I don't know how. I'm worried."
"I can't give too good of advice.." Diana frowns. "But I would say maybe have someone around whenever you decide to confront her."
The younger girl is quiet before speaking, her breath hitching a bit. "Do.. do you think that.. that she hates us? That we did something?"
"No, of course not, little guppy." The older woman shakes her head. "There's probably something bothering her."
She leans down and gently presses her forehead against Lily's head. "Just be careful, okay?"
"I will be." Lily leans against her. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, dear."
As the two sat in silence, Lily couldn't help but look up at the sky. She really hoped that Root was fine, and this was just her being paranoid..
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Lily shrieks as she clings to her aunt's shoulder, her wet hair clinging to her face. "Diana, is there any chance you can slow down?!"
Diana laughs gently. "Would you rather ride on my head?"
Pausing in her swimming, Diana holds out a hand, and Lily scrambles onto it. The siren lifts her hand up to let Lily move unto her head and grab the woman's crown.
"What are we even doing this far out?" The young girl asks, titling her head.
"It's far easier to manipulate and control water further out from land," Diana explains, slowing to a stop by some large rocks, both pointy and dull. "Here, little guppy."
Lily climbs onto her hand and then to the rocks below. With magic swirling around her body, Diana comes to stand on the rocks too, in her more human form.
"We'll be focusing on just levitating water today." The siren informs her descendant.
"Sounds tiring." The young hybrid quips towards her ancestor.
Diana rolls her eyes with a smile and sits down, motioning for Lily to do the same, which she does. "When focusing on manipulating water, it's good to have a calm mind. Doesn't have clear, but calm."
Lily nods and exhales, closing her eyes.
"Listen to the waves crashing against the rocks and the sound of the water flowing." The Storm Siren continues. "You should feel like, at the very least, connected to the ocean."
The young girl is quiet as she listens to the ocean. The crashing waves, and the way it calls out to her. She focuses a but more and.. there's the connection.
"Hold out one palm, and imagine just a small stream of water coming to you." Diana's voice is soft. "Don't force it. Let it come to you at your pace. You don't force the ocean, and the ocean doesn't force you. You're partners, working in tandem."
Lily nods softly, and it takes some effort, but she can feel the connection coax some water. She opens her eyes to see a stream of water slowly inching towards her hand, gently catching the light.
Soon, it formed into a small bubble just floating above her hand.
Diana smiles. "That's wonderful, little guppy. Now focus on letting it float."
Nodding once more, the young girl focuses on keeping the bubble of water floating just above her hand. It was taking some effort, bit she was remembering what Diana said. She couldn't force it.
After what feels like an eternity, Diana nods. "You can release it."
With a loud exhale, Lily slumps against the rock, and the water falls. "Oh my god."
"Tough?" The siren laughs gently, slipping back into the water and to her kaiju size once more. Gently scooping up Lily to place her back by her crown, she laughs a bit louder at hearing the young girl huff.
"I don't know how you do it!" Lily gently grips her crown.
"Many years of practice." Diana hums as she begins to swim. "One day, you'll be able to do the same."
"I hope so.."
"To impress your little girlfriend, Root?" Diana teases, making Lily groan in embarrassment.
"Oh I'm joking. .. but, do you have anyone you could introduce me too?"
Lily doesn't need to even look at her ancestor's face to know she's grinning. "DIANAAAAA!!"
"I'm joking, but I do hope to properly meet all of them sometime soon." The siren hums. "That one time from the boat isn't exactly enough to get to know someone.."
"Maybe sometime this week?" Lily offers. "It's supposed to snow sometime this week, so maybe you can come on a day we're off school!"
Diana smiles. "I'd like that."
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So what is exactly Diana's deal? You mentioned in her intro that the gang was "in her part of the sea"? What does that mean?
Oo, good questions!
Diana's whole thing is that she's a kaiju similar to Joe Boopkins, except not naturally. She was once a normal siren, just living out her days, but eventually, she stumbled upon the ruins of a home a pod of sirens had made.
There, she also found the Staff of Storms, and it chose her to be the next wielder. Against her will. So that's fun. But at least she can shape-shift?
The whole "part of the ocean" comes from the fact that, despite Joe Boopkins seemingly being able to come out of any (large enough) water source, he can't be everywhere. So that's were Diana came in.
She made a deal with Joe. Essentially, he could look over any part of the ocean he wanted to, and Diana would look after the rest. It was a deal that benefited them both, so they went their separate ways after that.
Diana had.. a lot of identity issues concerning her role as a Storm Siren and Sovereign of her sea. She was just a normal siren before she obtained her staff, and now she has a huge weight on her shoulders.
However, that changed when she met Johnathan Estrella about a century or so ago. The sailor helped her realize herself, her place, and everything else. She often came with him to the kingdom but stayed out of sight. They had a child together, but unfortunately, Diana just couldn't find it in her heart to leave the sea she had always known. Johnathan understood, and he did his best to always bring their child to see her.
It didn't work, as this child, molded by the society back then, aimed to try and become normal. This carried on to their descendants until, of course, Lilliana Estrella, or as she's known now, Lily Glitch.
Diana is well aware that Lily has a lot more power than she should have due to the diluted siren genes, but she believes that her great great granddaughter will be able to figure herself.
But if she ever needs help, Diana is just a shout away from the ocean shore.
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