#oc: eiolon trevelyan
leviiackrman · 10 months
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You’ve seen the kids, now get ready for their fluffy (or scaley) friends!!
more art || my ocs || commissions
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leviiackrman · 2 years
HI JESS 🤍🥺 i hope ur doing well! i was thinking 🖊🖊🖊 + my beloved una and 🖊🖊🖊 + eiolon for the asks? <3 ty ty!
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Una has tried to set Isaac up on many dates but to no avail. It took him a long time to tell her he has 0 interest in romance but she’s the accepting and kind sister that he always knew so of course she didn’t mind!
She loses Madame Lucille around the house more often than she will admit. It makes it that much harder that Madame Lucille is blind so, yknow, it takes a while for them to reunite sometimes lmao
Una has a fear of horses. She fell off of one as a child and refuses to ride one again, but even standing next to one makes her tense. Isaac is patient with her when they’re around his horse Thorn, and Una is a bit more calm with him compared to any other horse, but she still gets agitated at any strange movements or noises!
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He will walk around naked 80% of the time. Just full on wang hanging low for all to see. It’s hugely embarrassing for most people (including Dorian) but he has 0 shame so why should he care?
He names all of his blades, and he has quite the collection. From ornamental ones, to battle hardened ones. Some have really stupid names tho like ‘fluffy’ or ‘scrunchy’ because they make absolutely NO sense, but then he has ones called ‘Sandra’ or ‘Ingrid’ which again, make 0 sense - but he finds joy in it
He often will sleep in barns when he’s able to. Although he’ll complain that it’s not comfortable and it’s dirty, he enjoys watching the barn owls in their natural habitat! If he could, he would capture all of them to be his pets - but he doesn’t have the time nor patience for that, so he just sticks with Irrumabo for now!
Send me a 🖊 and I’ll talk about my oc
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leviiackrman · 6 years
I don’t know your OC’s name(s), but how about 1,2, and 20 for the OC Asks? 😊
Awww thank you love!! I have 5 OC’s atm (not including my self insert uncharted OC tho). It’ll be quite long because I’ll do all of them, so I’ll put it under a cut :)
Pinterest Boards: Lyna | Willow | Yavanna | Nieni | Eiolon
OC Ask Meme
1:What’s something other characters will notice first about your character?
Lyna: she’s very kind hearted and this shines through above anything else. She’s also quite shy around humans tho, but she knows how to compose herself around humans and large crowds shes also v pale and i think people notice this haha
Willow: shes kind too, but shes more cocky and brash. She also has a very good sense of humour
Yavanna: shes quite moody and blunt with most people. With her friends shes a lot more friendly and relaxed tho and everyone can see this. Her eyes are very VERY bright as well haha
Nieni: shes VERY shy and anxious and this is super obvious. Constantly fidgets and plays with her long hair
Eiolon: hes so out there and confident that everyone always ends up staring at him. He doesn’t care because he loves the attention! He also has platinum blonde hair haha
2:What’s your character’s aesthetic (things associated with your character)?
Lyna: very natural, floral accents. loves forests more than anything. Greens and greys. simplistic art but also complex and detailed designs. puppies or any animals. floral skirts/shirts.
Willow: likes mess, very into quotes that suit her (ie telling people to fuck off). red and black but she likes green too (complements her eyes). shes also fond of her drink. thinks herself as a bit of a rebel but is disciplined towards herself. dark lipstick/makeup. tattoos and piercings
Yavanna: LOVES horses and exploring. pale purples and greens, greys. likes messy hair and doesn’t mind getting dirty. board games and books. sweet perfume and cuddles. finds the strangest places to read books. cliff sides and over grown fields. likes her own company or her closest friends.
Nieni: again, natural sorts of things. loves the ocean and swimming. sky blue and white colour palette. sharp knives. long eyelashes, natural skin. CATS EVERYWHERE. tight, long sleeved tops, tight jeans/trousers. also dresses
Eiolon: golden accents.warm jumpers in neutral colours. messy bed hair (is inclined to walk around naked if he doesn’t have any clean clothes). swear words would be what he gets tattooed. matching stationary for when he works. never makes his bed because it’ll just be messy again by the morning ;)
20:Describe any AUs you have for your character/s.
Lyna: i have one where shes queen with alistair (because they let an elf rule) and she has her twins with him.
Willow: GETS OUT OF THE FADE!!!! lives a happy life with fenris and their 2 kids. (this isn’t even an AU, it’s canon to me)
Yavanna: nothing for her really, other than the one where its connected to lyna x alistair’s royalty AU and all my girls are bffs. they meet up for dinner parties and yavanna and cullen’s oldest son falls in love with lyna and alistair’s daughter :’)
Nieni: she lives happily ever after with solas. or she leaves to help him, shes never against him i guess.
Eiolon: runs away with dorian to start their lives over in a sense. ends up sacrificing himself to keep dorian safe tho :(
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