#oc: jinx/tempest withers
quinttyz · 2 years
who would win in a fistfight to the death???
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> the ageless grandmaster of a centuries-old powerful organization with a very intricate plan that has been already set in motion and has destroyed countless of lives
> a disgruntled wood elf who’s fucking pissed because she hasn’t slept for w e e k s (she also has a gun)
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quinttyz · 2 years
tempest: Wait are you flirting with me??
adaryc: have been for the past 5 years but thanks for noticing
aloth: WAit so are you flirting with me????
tempest: have been for the past 5 years but thanks for noticing
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quinttyz · 2 years
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“Am I the first woman you’ve ever danced with?”
“No…but you were the first woman I actually wanted to dance with.”
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quinttyz · 2 years
excuse me while i just
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im still not over about the fact that adaryc gave the watcher steadfast whICH HAS A PIECE OF HIS SOUL??????
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quinttyz · 2 years
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tempest withers wippy~
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quinttyz · 2 years
ayo caed nua really budgeting their funds bc my watcher is both the lady and clown of the place 🤡
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quinttyz · 2 years
It’s been a while since Tempest heard from Aloth.
That was a lie. A big stretch. It’s been like what…almost two years since the last letter from him? Hope was dwindling day by day, every morning bringing a sad greeting from an empty desk. It used to look so messy but so full of life. Empty ink bottles scattered all over the table, worn out nibs from writing too much, dozens upon dozens of parchment paper, waiting to be written upon and sent to him with words of full of worry, news, general life;
and poorly hidden affections.
Tempest would keep his letters close to her in her personal quarters in Brighthollow. She even dedicated a small wooden lockbox to safeguard it, as if rare jewels from the Vailian Republics. But that would be an unjustified comparison. She values Aloth’s letters more than the rarest minerals found in Eora.
She’d think about why he stopped replying everyday. Whenever Caed Nua receives guests dying to meet the Watcher that saved the Dyrwood, they’d always notice how she would return their praises with a grateful, humble smile but a tinge of sadness can always be seen in her eyes. They don’t ask about it though. Something about the way Tempest holds her ground keeps people away at an arm’s length. Close enough to talk to, but still so far away to actually connect with.
At night she’d place the box of letters next to her in bed. A poor substitute for her beloved but there were some perks to being a Watcher after all. If Tempest concentrates really hard, she can feel Aloth’s essence contained in his replies. Whenever she gazes at his neat handwriting, she could almost see him writing on a desk somewhere, thinking about what he would write back to her.
In her room though, it’s not only Aloth’s essence that she could feel. Radiating from Steadfast was a piece of Adaryc’s soul. She hung it up above her desk as a tribute to the Iron Flail’s commander whom she has grown close to since the White March. Whenever she felt lonely from Aloth’s absence, Adaryc’s soul was there to fill the empty space. It was so warm and bright, but it was so gentle and careful too, like the first rays of a sunrise that softly kiss you good morning through the window, or from the farewell of a setting sun being swallowed by the waves.
Adaryc slowly replaced the lack of Aloth’s letters on her desk as the weeks passed by in Caed Nua. It was a welcome change for Tempest. She would write back to him eagerly and he in return would send his replies with pressed flowers with fragrant scents that would immediately fill her room whenever she would break the seal and read his letters.
In his writings Tempest could feel Adaryc’s essence too. And it comforted her during lonely nights. But she felt guilty. The amount of letters Adaryc would send soon outnumbered Aloth’s. So much so that she could almost feel his presence in her room, a silent guardian that kept watch over her until she fell asleep.
At last she couldn’t bear the overwhelming solitude anymore. She decided to send one more letter to Aloth in hopes of him reaching out to her once more, if her letter would even reach to him at all;
Dearest Aloth,
These last two years have been a burden on my shoulders. Your deafening silence has left me awake almost every night. Has something happened to you? Shall I send aid? The thought of you being in danger has burrowed a deep hole in my mind. I hope everything is going well for you wherever you are in this world. Know that you always have a seat in Caed Nua and a place in my heart. If when we do meet again, I have something to tell you. I can’t simply write it in here for I fear that it won’t have its desired impact but just know-
I hope you know that I think about you when I see the moon silently rise in the sky.
I miss you. Please write back when you can.
Yours the whole way and will always be,
She folded the paper, sealed it with wax, and set it aside. She stood up to go to her bed but for some reason, she sat back down and started writing a letter again. Not for Aloth this time but for someone else-
Our letters have been my main source of entertainment these past few months. Your stories about your downtime with your soldiers have left me stifling my laughter in the library. The diplomats studying there even gave me confused looks as I excused myself out of embarrassment for disturbing them!
Thank you always for the pressed flowers you send along with your replies. I love flowers but the gods must not like me so for I do not have any sort of talent at all when it comes to growing actual ones. Usually I end up killing them! I do want to see the purple ones you always favored in person which brings me to my threat request-
Would it be possible for you to visit Caed Nua and see me? I would rather hear your reports about Stalwart’s growth in person rather than read reports about it.
Please think about it! It’s been a long time since we’ve last talked to each other over a drink or two.
Tempest Withers
P.S. Bring the purple flowers you always send over to me! I do like how they brighten up my personal quarters. Things have been so sad lately and they help lift up the mood too!
She slightly grins as she seals the letter to Adaryc. The excitement for his reply has her feeling giddy and happy for the first time in a long while. But how bittersweet it was to place Adaryc’s letter next to Aloth’s.
She’d wait for the two mens’ answers. Her friend would most likely reply to her jest but she wasn’t so sure with her beloved. She lied down on her bed and sighed, covering her face with both hands.
She could still feel both Adaryc and Aloth’s essences in her room through Steadfast and Aloth’s letters, though sadly…the latter’s is slowly fading away.
But Tempest would wait for him. She always would.
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quinttyz · 2 years
i think it is very hot and very sexy of jinx to renounce her moniker ‘’jinx’’ after saving the dyrwood’s ass...when diplomats arrived at caed nua asking for her using the old moniker, the servants there would be like ‘’who the fu- OH you mean Lady Withers!’’
it’s so symbolic it’s driving me nuts. It’s like the name jinx is the ‘’sword’’ and tempest withers ‘’the pen’’. AND YOU KNOW THE SAYING RIGHT?? ‘’a wise man knows when to put away his sword and use the pen’’
Jinx is the proactive one. She fights using force, her willpower, and her weapons. The sword.
Tempest Withers fought behind the shadows. Planning out heists, writing rumors, spreading news through messengers. The pen.
So after the events of POE1, Jinx felt it no longer necessary to keep using her moniker. It was time to put away the sword, to be the pen, to be Tempest Withers again. To finally face her past and end it once and for all. 
And so she did. She reclaimed her name back.
So when Deadfire starts, she’s at a dilemma. Does she revert back to her Jinx mask, or fight with her true name, her true persona? Jinx was a personality she created to escape the overwhelming trauma that chased her but now that no wolf is hounding her....what does she do? Can Tempest Withers reach the lengths Jinx established in order to save everyone again?
‘‘A wise man knows when to put away his sword and use the pen...but he also isn’t afraid to stop writing and start fighting again.’‘
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quinttyz · 2 years
Hey out of curiosity what class is your watcher? I ask because I also use Tempest as a title/surname for mine because it's the name of her Deadfire multiclass lmao
OMG FIRST I HAVEN’T PLAYED DEADFIRE YET!!! I only finished the first game so I have yet to decide what her multiclass is in the second game heheh but in POE1, she’s a rogue who wields a pistol/dual-wields swords !! :DD but she also went by her “jinx” moniker oooo~ now I wanna know what the multiclasses are in the second game :00 incheresting
Planning to play Deadfire in my next loooong vacation break AAAaaaAA! i cant commit to it yet currently bc college is starting again 😭 played POE1 last christmas and i literally just finished it March this year?? The memories of almost having aloth die permanently is still fresh ………..
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quinttyz · 1 year
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The Lady of Caed Nua is nuts!!
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quinttyz · 2 years
extra piles of notes from the board (ARCHIVED)
page 3 here
(aka page 2 of the noticeboard lmao the og one was getting too long,,,)
Front of the noticeboard (basic info of the blog there!! + other ocs)
Quinttyz’s Compendium
(aka the masterpost of my OCS’ adventures continued!~)
“The things your father did… rest now, you are safe in my arms. I will never hurt you.”
tease adaryc all you want…just don’t bother him when he’s writing reports to his superiors!! or else~ (2/? Adaryc Cendamyr x Watcher)
Jinx/Tempest’s backstory (textpost)
How Jinx became Tempest Withers again (textpost)
Rambles about intimacy (textpost)
Waiting for a reply (fanfic)
At last, the watcher sleeps
A Fistfight to the Death with Thaos!!
Team Gilded Vale laying massacre in Raedric’s Hold lmfaooo
the angriest prettiest girl i’ve ever seen
“Watcher, please tell me this is not just another dream I’m having…”
“Tch…you always saw right through me”
such a lover boy
MODDED TESV:SKYRIM SE (Avarice The Two-Faced)
long day
Looking out for you
“Caryalind…we’re not the good guys per se”
Resident Evil Village (oc: Buttons)
concept art of Buttons
Dragon Age: Origins (Calypso Cousland)
Do you really want to test the patience of the grey warden who never wanted to be?
“tell howe and loghain it’s on”
DOS2 (Tante Howle)
The Enigmatic Scholar of the Past and His Equally Enigmatic Lady Howle
darling, it’s you
Devil May Cry (Ace - The Scholar Nun, Unbound)
Ace - The Scholar Nun, Unbound (oc intro)
Concept: first meeting
the devil hunter, the scholar nun, and the mysterious one
COD: Modern Warfare II (Ellio - Worst Medic Ever)
Becoming a medic for 141 was a fucking mistake
some ghost doodles while taking down notes ~
💀 and ☀️
KorTac shenanigans
A lost in translation situation except they both barely spoke to each other (König x Ellio!!)
Various Random OC adventures!~ (oneshots etc.)
The Worst Expedition of All Time. (Seriously, they wasted the funding on this one.)
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quinttyz · 2 years
Do you have any ocs?
oh boy anon ure in for a world of fun
BUT YEAH! I have 3 main game ocs for my obsessions right now hehe we have:
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Avarice The Two-Faced (TES V)
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Jinx/Tempest Withers (Pillars of Eternity/Deadfire)
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Tante Howle (DOS2)
They’re the primary ocs Ive been drawing for in this blog! :D but if u wanna talk about original ocs…(like independent) I do have so much shit HAHAH my fave is Fortunata, the main character from a webcomic Im working on :D
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fun fact me and jinx share the same hairstyle
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quinttyz · 3 years
the noticeboard
DNI: i post implied/slight nsfw art from time to time!! if you’re uncomfortable with that then please do not interact 🤓
Hi guys!! Quinttyz here lol I'm just laying down the simple rules for my tumblr:
- I write and draw for multiple fandoms! that being said, I also draw art that's not necessarily fanart!! I hope you guys enjoy my content hahaha
- I don't write/draw rape scenarios, hardcore nsfw, lgbtphobia, racism, furries etc. That's...that's not me hshsje
- Everything else other than the above is fair game unless I say it otherwise! I love doing stuff on my blog and I'm thankful for the people who consume my art! Bless ✨
visual musings board (personal art, projects, commissions etc)
NEW FORMAT! Of Quinttyz’s compendium (old format cut in readmore)
Pathfinder: Kingmaker (oc: Who is that Lady!)
Baldur’s Gate 3 (oc: The Stealer of Memories)
Stardew Valley (oc: Bernadetta Yen)
Quinttyz’s Compendium
page two here (oc adventures are getting updated there! this one is just an archive of past drawings hehe)
page 3
page 4 (latest one)
You must gather your party before venturing forth!
Jinx and Aloth’s First Night in The Gilded Vale
Jinx and Aloth sharing a bed
‘’Uh-oh, bad decision Raedric!’’
‘‘She seems...like an angel when she’s asleep.’‘
Jinx’s Backstory 
Team Gilded Vale Misadventures!
Musings about Jinx
A Battle Against an Eyeless
The Gang in The White March
Aloth’s Confession in Defiance Bay
Small Headcanon before the Defiance Bay Hearing 
Potential Nalpazcan Chieftain Wife
The Silver-Tongued Jester and Her Tragedy-Stricken Lover
a lively night at The Gréf's Rest
‘‘You kissed back, but you pulled away immediately...’‘
Aloth’s mind wanders
It’s been a long, long time
Jinx Before/Jinx Now
Concept art of Jinx/Tempest Withers in Deadfire
Grieving Mother HC
Tempest Withers
Aloth’s Daydreams
thoughts about how tempest and aloth would meet again
Gilded Vale’s menaces heroes
The Watcher with Many Titles
Edér tries giving Aloth advice
(1/?) Been a while, fellow watcher! (Adaryc Cendamyr x The Watcher)
Divinity Original Sin 2 (Tante Howle)
introducing Tante Howle
Tante’s First and Last Night at the Merryweather
A moment of respite
“Do you really need an ETERNAL to at least look presentable?”
survival tips 101 with ifan: never get stranded in the hollow marshes with an eternal!!!!!!
Drunken Misadventures in Driftwood
Death and the Maiden
MODDED TESV:SKYRIM SE (Avarice The Two-Faced)
The Night Kaidan and Avarice met
fuck windhelm all of my homies hate windhelm
Avarice’s Dilemma 
Kaidan’s alchemy nightmares
Rumarin notices some stuff
Kaidan 🤝 Caryalind
BALDUR’S GATE 3 (The Stealer of Memories)
Concept art for oc
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