#oc: karlsor
Finding A New Shoal
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Author's note: Kopesh is the brain child of @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, thank you for letting me borrow him :) I hope I got your boy's characterization right. Let me know if I need to tweak them.
Author's note 2: Vanya is the brain child of @sleepyfan-blog, thank you for letting me borrow him :) I hope I got your boy's characterization right.
Summary: Karlsor meets Kopesh and Vanya, and slowly they start to form bonds with each other and form a small shoal.
Warnings: Swearing from Karlsor... Let me know if I need to add more.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Karlsor had been swimming for a while, getting farther and farther away from the very fucking cursed rot reef thing. He's occasionally let out trills and calls to see if anyone would respond. Mostly its just been silence, using his Psyker Senses, carefully, because for some reason he feels so clumsy and slow, and like he's nearly frozen, swimming in thick syrup, and barely able to use his powers, like he's a fresh Aspirant with only the smallest of fumbling understanding of how to use his powers in the most nascent of ways. He lets out a couple of more calls before pausing, and hearing a return call. He tries not to get too excited, as he lets out responding calls and sending a message through his vox. He's glad to meet up with another Space Marine, even better, they are a couple of fellow Night Lord space marines.
"Greetings," Karlsor starts, "I'm Librarian Night Lord Karlsor of the 10th company. Who the fuck are you two?"
"Vanya, Raptor Lord," Vanya replies narrowing his eyes at the Psyker brother's swearing. Perhaps this Psyker brother of theirs has harsher edges than normal. "When are you from?"
"Kopesh, Scout," Kopesh says introducing himself as he begins to figure out ways to mess with both of his newly found older brothers.
"The fuck you mean when?" Karlsor asks Vanya with a squint. "I was in mid-battle fighting against some fucking uppity Ultramarines on McCragge when I woke up in the ocean on this shit hole of a planet. You?"
"Before, during, or after the Horus Heresy?" Vanya asks.
"The fucking what now? You mean the Rebellion against the Emperor?" Karlsor asks to clarify what the fuck he meant by that.
"Ah, you've just arrived then," Kopesh interjects with a shit eating grin, "We are on Ancient Terra."
"Fucking prove it Scout." Karlsor demands, not entirely believing the mischievous look on the other Night Lord's Face.
The Raptor Lord doesn't argue with what the younger Space Marine said, and indeed nods in agreement before having him look up at the night sky, they guide him to one of the ancient Terran big telescopes that were on the land, swimming through the air coming in handy for that as he spots what he needs to and his mind goes blank for a moment as his mouth opens up, asking a question that none know the answer to and are seeking different methods, "How the fuck did we get here?"
"No one knows, and we are all trying to find out one way or another." Vanya replies. "Loyalist, Renegade, Chaos, all factions are effected by... The Warp Nonsense."
"And there's more to it than just getting flung into the past." Kopesh says as he thinks about his pretty human, his smile softening a little at thinking about his lovely human.
"What's that fucking mean?" Karlsor asks.
"Bonds," Vanya replies simply, before going over the basics of a Space Marine and Human Bond.
"That seems like utter grox-shit," The Psyker protests, "As far as I know, the Warp doesn't work that way!"
"It does, at least here and now," Kopesh says, before cackling at the expression on Karlsor's face. "I'm bonded to a pair of humans."
"So am I," Vanya says, his face softening as he thinks about his beloved. The scare he'd had with those damned Alpha Legion fuckers trying to steal his darling human from him and him scowling and clenching his heads. "A warning, as far as we know, the Alpha Legion can't actually bond with humans, and the sneaky bastards try to steal bonded from us."
"Thanks for the warning," the younger two Night Lords reply with a concerned frown.
Alpha Legion Space Marines are Always trouble, and no one exactly knows what the fuck it is that they are doing. Some have wondered if even the Alpha Legion knows what the Alpha Legion is doing, or if they have lost themselves to their web of lies and schemes are just social engineering things for their own sense of twisted amusement, and likely to the detriment of all except themselves.
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Death? Not Today F*ck You!
Author's Note: Karlsor's debut in Mermay and Poor Unfortante souls.
Warnings: Karlsor swears a lot, some hints of violence. Also NIGHT LORD. Let me know if I need to add more
Summary: Karlsor lands on Terra and finds a Budding Blight Garden, not that he knows what that is. And makes the decision to not go near it.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @kit-williams, @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Tagged Again: @sleepyfan-blog and @whorety-k
Karlsor is a Proud Night Lord, and one of the lucky, or unlucky bastards with enough Psyker abilities that were noticed early enough that he was dragged into training by the Libarius before the Heresy. He'd barely finished his training as a Librarian, their training exacting, harsh, demanded and with each step forward, sacrifice of blood, pain, sweat, tears, and mental health (whatever the fuck that is) was demanded of him. He's no coward, never has been, to have survived the Hell that is Nostramo, and to have been...
Either Lucky or Unlucky enough to have been grabbed by the Night Lords to be flung into a cage with a bunch of other boys around his age, some older, some younger, and then dragged into the Hell that was being an Aspirant of the Night Lords. He had never been the kindest of souls, being born and growing, surviving the fucked up hell that is Nostramo killed the weak, and beat the kindness and every good thing out of a person, until just the pure, raw, naked desire and need for Survival was all that was thought of.
Even when Lord of the Eigth Legion and the Imperium had fully taken over Nostramo, things have still been shit. There was just more technology and shit for the people to fight over. At least that's what he'd heard from the old folks who's complain and hiss about things. Fighting against the uppity Ultramarines as Father had decided to attack the holier-than-thou Primarch of the 13th legion had been a lot of fun, waking up after what had felt like had been a killing blow had been both pleasantly and unpleasantly surprise.
Pleasant, because he still is alive, unpleasant because his ribs really fucking hurt and he's in agony and likely in a cell with uppity Ultramarines ready with snide words and smug bastard-y words to lord over his failure. His tail lashes out in rage as he looks around frowning. Where the fuck his he? He's not on McCragge. Oh fuck shit. As he's dying he's getting a vision. Or something. Goody. Or he's hallucinating a Nicer Thing as he dies? What the fuck is this shit. He slowly starts moving, activating his ability to swim through the air, which is infinitely safer than trying to crawl back to the waters. Seriously.
Which fucking planet is he on? This is planet has pollution, he can smell it, but it's not the worst planet he's been on. It's almost pretty, but pretty things often hide something worse underneath. Finding the ocean took several hours of swimming through the air. At least there's only one sun in the sky, even if the sunlight is way to fucking bright in his opinion. He prefers the darkness and shadows, where the light doesn't burn his skin and eyes. Even with being an Astartes with a tougher body, he burns like a whore in church after a few minutes in the sun.
Which is going to be so delightful to feel once he's back in the water. At least he's alive to recover from his injuries and the sun trying to fuck him over more. He is really glad to get into the ocean waters, which is salinized and he almost bites through his tongue trying not to scream as his skin protests being in the ocean while being sunburnt enough that his regenerative abilities has yet to heal it and he's entirely red from where his armor doesn't protect his scales.
He swims in the ocean, healing and trying to hunt for something to eat, easily hunting a school of fish and eating the wriggling creatures whole. He has some nutri-paste but he needs to supplement it with organic matter, which is a damned pain. He also needs to figure out where the fuck he is and where some of his brothers are, as much as they are a pain in his ass and are more than half likely to try to murder him, either through straight up stabbing him or being more circumspect about it.
Psykers are viewed as being super unstable and mistrusted in the legion. Honestly, he'd commented before that it's like calling water wet, they are all unstable, lunatic murderers. The younger members of his legion are... not kinder, no one is ever really kind in the Eighth legion, but are more stupid, and ignorant, since they are younger and haven't been through as much fucked up shit as the older ones have. Getting older can be hard, especially with how much fighting they do, against the enemies of the Emperium, and at times, each other.
Still, he's glad that he's alive, in general, and its better than not being alive. That damned Ultramarine only nearly killed him. Which reminds him, he's going to find that Ultramarine and make him suffer for his failure. He hears something and slowly starts swim-stalking and he carefully stalks whatever is making noise and tilts his head from one side to another. That is the ugliest and weirdest looking reef system that Karlsor has ever seen in his life. It looks really sick and fucked up.
And there is something about it that screams WRONG at his Psyker senses. He hears demented echoing giggling. Which is. Fucking Fantastic. He's not going anywhere near the fucked up reef system, it looks cursed as fuck. While he's got an Astartes Immune system, he's not going to tempt whatever the fuck is going on with that to go after him. He's no Apothecary or specialist in Environments, but he knows that is Super Fucked and Warp-craft went into fucking it up and continuing to fuck it up. So yeah, as a trained Psyker and since no one has asked for his help, either way, and he doesn't want to go near it any way, he's going avoid that creepy ass dying reef and go somewhere hopefully a lot healthier. It's a shame, the biodiversity of the oceans of this primitive planet are almost beautiful and he's totally not stared at the plethora of vibrant colored fish swim past him in schools of hundreds.
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