#night lord oc
obvsdisturbed · 4 months
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get to know my night lord contekar, iskaronte!
i really liked how it turned out, so i decided to share.
credit for template to cparrisart on twitter! thank you for such a great template to play with
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sleepyfan-blog · 1 month
Author’s Note:this is mer-nadesir’s debut! I hope you enjoy the fic :D
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel 
Warnings: injuries, blood mention, poor fishing practices
Summary: You find an astartes caught up in a hooked fishing net, and help him get free.
You hear a low, warning hiss from the tangled mass of netting and hooks that washed up on your favorite beach. Something large and upset struggled within the taut metal cording and was bleeding red blood, the hissing intensifying as the wickedly sharp hooks bit into midnight blue flesh. Was it smart for you to approach this frantic, injured creature as it struggled? Probably not, but there was something very human sounding in the pained sounds that left the being.
“Woah… Hey… Just stay still and I'll get you out of this.” You call out to the being, hoping that your soothing tone of voice would help convey your intentions, if whatever this is didn't understand English.
A large eye the color of a moonless and starless night glares at you suspiciously from a gap in the netting as dagger-sharp teeth gnawed at of the entangling knots as his large head whipped sharply from one side to the other, desperately trying to get himself free “Why help? Strangers.” the astartes growled out.
“Because you need help and are in pain. Will you let me come closer to help you out of the net? Or is there someone I can contact who you do trust to get you out of this?” You asked, keeping your voice even and calm, making sure not to make any sudden movements, so as to not further distress the trapped astartes.
The large mer struggled in the net as a low and pained growl rumbled in his chest. “... My shiver is far from here. I am… Was scouting when this happened.” He stares hard at you, midnight black eyes trying to pierce through your soul. “... If you deliberately hurt me, I will come for you. There is nowhere in this world, or in any other, that I won't be able to track you down and bring you to swift and bloody vengeance.”
This was far from the first time you’d been threatened by an injured and likely anxious astartes, and it was unlikely to be the last, considering the fact that you worked in emergency medicine. “I will do my best not to hurt you on purpose without warning. If I am moving something that is likely to cause you pain, like removing the hooks imbedded into your skin and muscle, I will warn you beforehand. Deal?” You knew better than to say so that he could brace for pain - nor did you have any pain reliever on hand that would work fast enough that wouldn’t be flushed from the Astartes’ system before it could hope to have any effect on him. You’d intended on going for a moonlit stroll down your favorite beach and hadn’t anticipated meeting an astartes in physical and medical distress.
The large, midnight blue astartes stared at you for several long moments before accepting with a rough “Reasonable. I agree.”
You nod, making careful and deliberate movements toward him, telegraphing what you were doing, so as to reduce the likelihood of accidentally startling the mer. Once you reach his side you look up at him, knife in hand, waiting for his agreement for you to start cutting through the netting.
“... Begin.” He huffed after several seconds, though there was a tiny smile lifting the corners of his lips. He seemed to be grateful that you were being so careful of his potential boundaries.
You nod and carefully begin to cut away at the netting binding him in place. Every so often you give him a moment or two of warning before carefully unhooking and pulling out the metal hooks imbedded into his flesh.Once you have his arms free, you offer the knife to him hilt first, silently offering to let him continue to free himself. 
To your surprise the midnight blue astartes shakes his head and says “Continue. Your hands smaller. Better able to get hooks and knots… Doing well.”
You smile a little at his praise and continue to work on freeing the trapped astartes. All told it took you a couple of hours to ensure that every bit of rope and hook was out. You’re grateful for your medical training, which allows you to switch off the part of your brain that is absolutely delighted at the thought of being able to touch an astartes this much. Many of them large, well-muscled and handsome, and this midnight blue and dark red astartes is strikingly handsome, even bloodied and clearly exhausted. “Do you feel any lingering pain anywhere?” You ask as you resist the temptation to run your hands along his chest and tail - for purely professional reasons - some of the hooks were small. 
“Some, but I am healing… Thank you, for helping me.” The Night lord rumbled, cupping you chin with one of his large hands, pitch black eyes shining with mischief. He tilts your chin up and kisses you, his lips chapped but warm.
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In the Wings
Past =-= Next
Author's note: Next Part of Claude in Husbandry. Thanks for @sleepyfan-blog for letting me borrow Ash'val and Cedric.
Summary: Claude gets settled into the Imperial Fist and Salamander Base.
Warnings: Let me know if I need to add more
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams
Tagged: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Claude had told them that Cedric had left confinment to find and bring him back, and that he'd accept punishment on Cedric's behalf. Because it was due to him that Cedric had left the confined to base punishment to one of the Officers in Charge of Cedric's punishment. Captain Ash'val had a neutral expression on his face and had said, "Thank you for telling me Claude. You and Cedric will share some tasks for a month, after you finish healing."
"Yes sir," Claude said with a nod. He left after Ash'val had dismissed him.
Salamanders really are soft, at least compared to how the Mechanicum would have reacted to what Cedric had done. Or how he'd heard that the Black Templars would have responded to Cedric pulling what he did, especially for a cousin instead of a brother. He isn't going to complain. He is continuing to move when he spots something that his ice trace down his spine. He spots teal and silver and the twin heads of the Hydra serpent. He shifts his path to go in a different direction back to Cedric. While also keeping watch on the Hydra. Who- from the ways the others are interacting with him didn't realize his true colors.
Claude had quietly told Cedric what he'd spotted, he knows from what he told about the Alliance between the larger War bands, and the Companies, but it still filled him with dread to spot Hydra interacting with others. They were not to be trusted. Tricksters, face-stealing, duplicitious and two faced are the Traitor Hydra. Who's claws are eyes are every where and apparently everywhen. Cedric had taken his warning with due seriousness and has asked him if he knew the name that the Hydra used that wasn't "Alpharius".
"Luitenant something," Claude said with a self deprecating shrug, "I didn't want him to know that I realized what he was."
"Makes sense," Cedric says as he continues to count inventory of the medbay. Claude helping by putting back the items in the places that his brother- no, cousin indicated they should be put.
He was on light duty, whatever that meant, even though he's fully healed, only needing some minor surgery and his own rapid healing rate helping to patch him up. The rations were of better quality and taste than he remembers them being. Claude continues to help Cedric when he can, not being an Apothecary there isn't much he can do other than hold this or that, and keeping out of the way. His eyes flick from one side of the room to another, and he spots yet more teal. This one acting, and having the equipment of an Apothecary.
"Zariel" is the name the Hydra was being called by and fondly so by some of the visiting Ultramarines. Claude relaxes his vision and the teals changes to Ultramarine blue and gold heraldry for a moment, beforing going back to Teal. he's tried to teach Cedric and the other Primaris Marines that don't have his True Sight ability, not that it seems to work. And none of them know why.
"Claude," Cedric says suddenly, having glanced at his face for a moment before deliberately looking away, "eyes."
Claude closes his eyes and takes in a deep breath as he keeps a clear image of what he's supposed to look like, dark eyed, light skinned and dark haired. He opens his eyes again and lightly taps Cedric with one of his feet carefully who looks at him.
"Better," Cedric hums as they continue to work on medbay inventory. "See something."
"More Teal," Claude says almost silently, making sure not to move his lips as much as possible as he turns his face away from where the Hydra Apothecary pretending to be an Ultramarine is at. "Apothecary Zariel."
"Ah," Cedric replies, trying not to scowl in the direction of Apothecary Zariel of the 'ultramarines'. "We are finished with doing inventory in this med bay, lets go to the next one on the other side of the base Claude."
"Yes Cedric." Claude said with a nod following after his broher.
While most bases built by Imperial Fists followed the same standardized format, it was still a new base to Claude and he didn't want to get lost. He'd missed Cedric a lot once they'd been seperated into their different Chapters and had grieved when he'd heard that the other had gone missing. Slowly, one by one plenty of his brother Primaris Marines had fallen, in battle or have gone missing in the void. Perhaps they might be found one day on Ancient Terra? That would be nice, if that was the case, but the Galaxy was rarely so kind to a creature such as them. They continue to do their duty tasks, pausing to take breaks occasionally, lunch break, which was an indulgent hour long affair, had been nice.
"Do you know if they do Vespers?" Claude asks Cedric.
While the First Born Raven Guard weren't as religious as Black Templars, it was seen as good fortune and to be considered pious to hold Vespers at least once a week. Cedric shifts a little and says, "The First Born don't do Vespers in this base."
"Oh," Claude says struggling a little with that revelation, "Not at all?"
"No, but there are some places that… once my punishment is over," Cedric explains, "We can go to, in order to attend Vespers."
Claude nods at that, while he was allowed to leave the base for missions and for his leisure time, he tended to stay in the base to stay with Cedric more often than not. He… was trying to be friendly with other Scouts, but nearly all of them are First Born Scouts and tended to be… Odd, and very noisy and Boisterous. And they tended to cause Mischief and would complain that he was too much of a 'quiet stick in the mud about harmless pranks.' His face soured at that. If he hadn't stopped them, the prank would have, could have, hit the highest-ranking Chaplain on the base and he did not want to suffer the group punishment that would have doled out.
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kit-williams · 18 days
tagging people because this effects yer boy Ghosk
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
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mischiefmanagers · 3 months
Rhysand Fic Rec Library 🦇💜
"Rhysand is the most handsome High Lord. Rhysand is the most delightful High Lord. Rhysand is the most cunning High Lord."
here's a list of one hundred Rhysand x Reader and Rhysand x OC fics to celebrate the most handsome High Lord ✨
🌼 personal favorite 🥀 angst 💞 fluff 🔥 smut
by @sarawritestories
The Most Beautiful High Lady 🥀💞
You Looked Like You Could Use a Partner 💞
by @lalacliffthorne
starshine (series) 🥀💞
by @marvelsmylife
Not As It Seems 🥀💞
Protecting his high lady 🥀💞
I think I wanna marry you 💞
by @swansworth
The Handsome Stranger 🥀💞
My High Lady 🔥
by @writingsbychlo
how we survive 🥀 platonic Rhysand x Reader but it's AMAZING
Home To Us 💞🌼
How to Save a Life 💞
by @azrielsdove
The High Lords 🥀🔥
Til Death Do Us Part 🥀🔥
Money, Power, Glory 🥀
Beautiful Girl 🥀💞
by @historiaxvanserra
What Our Souls Are Made Of 🥀💞
by @honeybeefae
Pretty Little Tears 🔥
by @wishfulwithwine
The Great War 🥀
by @leafsandstarlight
Against Your Brother's Wishes 🥀💞
Easy Like Sunday Morning 💞🔥
Welcome Distraction 🔥
Little Reminders 💞
by @cherhys
Anything, Always 🥀💞
Colliding Visions 💞
by @k-daydreams
Touch in the Dark 🥀
by @azsazz
Dioxazine 💞
Lavender Haze
Hung Up 🔥
by @jeannineee
Pining 🥀
Daddy Kink 🔥
by @ughthatimagineblog
love and loathing 💞🔥
forever and a day 💞
by @fieldofdaisiies
I Never Mean to Hurt You 🥀
by @daydreaming-nerd
The Bonds That Break Us 💞🥀🔥
by @hellcat8908
Returning Home 🥀💞
by @thehighladywrites
This Isn't Goodbye, This Is Simply See You Later 💞🥀🔥
Just One More, I Know You Can Do It 💞🔥
by @lure-of-writing
Where my soul can rest 🥀
by @saphirered
The Ice Queen and the High Lord 🔥
May We Meet Again
by @bookish-whore
'Til Death 💞
Never Made A Difference 🥀
by @tadpolesonalgae
mine 🔥
Knocked up 🔥
by @itsphoenix0724
Promises 🥀
by @fanttasttica
I hate you more.. 🥀
Shy priestess 💞
Finding you 🔥
Your love healed me 🥀💞
Just love me 🥀
One plus one makes three 💞
by @illyrian-dreamer
Dance with the devil
Make a bargain with me 💞🥀
by @azrielbrainrot
My Body Keeps Saying it's Yours 🔥
by @b00kdiary
by @solbaby7
Lose Control 💞
Put On A Show 🔥
Testing the Waters 💞🔥🌼
by @luxsky
Kicking out 💞
by @themusingsofacurlyhairednerd
Warm Me Up 💞🔥
by @starstruckunknown-princess
Black Rose 🥀
by @acourtofwhatthefuck
Needs Must 🔥
With Me, Always 🥀💞
Shrinking Violet 🔥
Forget Me Not 💞
by @lanitalay
At sea 💞🥀
by @redheadspark
Truth 💞🥀
Carry 💞🥀
My Pleasure 💞
Title 💞
by @azrielslightintheshadows
Game night disaster 🥀
Between you and danger 🥀
by @danikamariewrites
Take Them All Down 🥀🌼
Only For You 💞
Pointless Meetings 💞
Pranks 💞
by @bloodycassian
winter court runaway
by @thevanserrras
The Stolen Night 🥀💞
by @thelov3lybookworm
Winter Without You 🥀
Love Needs No Voice
by @prythianpages
Wanna Be Yours 💞
by @milswrites
Out of the Mountain 🥀
by @readychilledwine
Requiem for a Dream (series) 🥀💞
Broken 🥀
Flight Patterns 🥀💞🌼
Subtle 💞
Scream 🔥
Plot Measure 🥀
Drumming Song 🔥
Family Matters 🔥
Pieces of You 🥀🌼
by @clairebear08
Questioning Motives 🔥
by @serpentandlily
Falling Apart for You 🥀
by @shadowdaddies
Heavy is the Head 🥀💞🔥
Crawl to Me 🥀🔥
by @throneofsapphics
if you insist 💞
surprise reunions 🔥
by @azriels-shadowsinger
Reunited 💞🥀
by batboylover
secretly mated 🥀💞
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purple-writer8 · 1 month
I Know Places - ACOTAR
Rhysand x Vanserra!Reader
“They are the hunters, we are the foxes. And we run.”
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warnings: abused eris, autumn court shenanigans, mentioned abuse (verbal and physical), talks of violence, forbidden love, beron being beron, beron being abusive, physical abuse, angst, sexism, the autumn court brothers, angst, beron slander (as he deserves)
1.1k words
Part Two to But Daddy I Love Him
Masterlist :)
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Your father had struck you across your face. He killed you. Killed you and killed your happiness. You thought he would understand, that he would let you marry Rhysand and you would be happy. What a fool you were to think Beron would ever allow you free will. “I’m sorry, darling,” your mother had been comforting you for hours now. 
 Your head rested on her lap as she weaved her fingers through your dirty blonde hair. “How can he be like this? Why doesn’t he want me to be happy?” You cried softly, your hands gripping your mother’s skirts with a white-knuckle grip. 
 “He… well, he loves you… he means well…” she trembled as she spoke, and you knew that she did not mean that. “How can you say that, mother? Means well? He struck me three times…” you sobbed unto her lap, your heart aching for one person— your lover. 
“Darling, I know he is… unorthodox in his ways, but he cares about your future.” You sat up from your stance when she spoke those words, rage flaring inside your body at her claims. "Cares about my future?! How can you say that after what he did?" You spat angrily, your hands burning with your fire that was just begging to be let out. 
"Rhysand is a bad man... his court... it's a nightmare. There are no morals there. He is a cruel, wicked man, just like his father," your mother contested. You could tell that she was distressed, just like you could tell how abused she was by your father, how she feared him even when he was not around. 
"Do you think I am daft, mother?" You asked quietly. 
"No, honey. You are just youn-" You cut her off. 
"Do you think I don't know, mother? You think I haven't seen how beaten he leaves Eris after he makes a small mistake? You think I haven't seen how he eggs Fenix on to compete with Eris constantly? How he beats each of my brothers into oblivion? You think I don't know what happened to Jesminda and Lucien?" You were erratic, trying to get her to understand that you were no longer a child. 
Your eyes drifted to her arms, covered by her long sleeved dress, "you think I don't know what he does to you?" 
The Lady of Autumn stilled, her face falling as she stared at you solemnly. "I have tried to protect you... Eris has tried. Even Beron has tried. Our reality is not perfect, but your father loves you, and he wants to protect you." 
"I don't need protection, mother. I am not a child anymore... I am a female grown... and I want Rhys, and he wants me." You stated in an unwavering manner. 
"You must understand that Rhysand is not a good man, honey. The Night Court is the worst place to be, the fae there are deranged and depraved," your mother countered. 
You knew there was darkness in the Night Court, but you also knew there was light. So much light. You saw it, Rhys had shown you. But you could never say that, you had promised to keep Velaris a secret, and you would. "There must be good there, mother. I know there must," you stated softly. 
When she did not answer, you said, "he loves me and he would never hurt me. I deserve him, and he deserves me. I wish to be happy." 
She blinked and wiped her hands on her skirts, shaking her head, "your father has made up his mind, it is time you come to terms with that. We are Vanserras, it is the hand we were dealt." With that, the Lady of Autumn left your chambers, sending you further into despair. So, just because you were a Vanserra you had to deal with abuse and unhappiness? 
You would let your family say what they wanted, but you wouldn't hear it. Loose lips sunk ships all the time, but not this time. Left to your own devices, you decided you wouldn't put up with your father's abuse. You rushed to your vanity and rummaged through the cabinet that held all of your trinkets until you found it. 
A mirror.  A beautiful sapphire encrusted mirror given to you by Rhys a few months back. You reached for your red tube of lipstick and wrote on the glass, Come and get me. It was an enchanted mirror, made for the two of you to communicate through it, since he could not reach you in Autumn. You set the mirror down and waited, hoping that your lover hadn't shoved his own mirror in a drawer and forgotten about it. 
You spent the day pacing back and forth in your chambers, hands trembling as you constantly checked the mirror for a reply back. Rhys, please, you pleaded in your mind. 
"I love it when you beg," you let out a happy shriek when your lover appeared in the middle of your room, having winnowed in suddenly. You jumped into Rhys's arms, snaking your own over his neck and pulling him in. His arms slithered around your waist, holding you steady as you held on to him for dear life. 
"Thank the Cauldron," you cried happy tears, ready for him to take you away from this cage. Rhys pulled away and inspected your figure, his violet eyes turning dark, his thumb grazing over the bruising on your cheek as he growled, "Beron." 
A tear slipped down your cheek, a tear he collected with his thumb, "you won't ever suffer under your father again." 
"I just want to go with you," you sniffed, leaning your head against his hand as he cupped your cheek. The door to your chambers opened swiftly, "sister, I've brought you suppe-" 
Eris dropped the plate when he saw the High Lord of Night holding you close, his expression turning into steel. You yelped and clung to Rhys for dear life as your older brother sent fire bolts his way-- bolts that bounced off the shield Rhysand had put up around the two of you. "It doesn't have to be like this," Rhysand told your brother in a sing-song voice. 
"Let her go! This is a breach! This means war, Rhysand." Eris growled and you could only shake your head. "I'm sorry," was what you said before Rhys winnowed the two of you away. 
As you were winnowed into a manor-- in the Night Court, you assumed-- you fell to your knees, loud sobs leaving your body. Rhys was quick to kneel with you, taking your trembling hands in his. "This is what you want?" He asked in a soft tone. 
You nodded, "for me it's always you. It's only you, but... I'll miss Eris."
"I know, lovely. But this is the only way." 
"I know." You said, standing up with his help. 
A feline smile spread on his face as he motioned to the starry and gorgeous view outside the balcony he had winnowed into, "Welcome to the Night Court." 
Author’s note:
Part three of her meeting th IC and fluff? ALSO THANK YOU SM FOR THE COMMENTS ON PART ONEEEEE i am bursting with love
General Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe @lilah-asteria @sheblogs @x-reader-x @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @circe143
Series Taglist: @minaethrym @cherry-cin @acourtofimagines @slytherintaco @mp-littlebit @misskennygirl @umgatochamadopercyval @nayaniasworld @tenaciousperfectionunknown
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sorormaior · 24 days
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assorted cary doodles
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enerisart · 17 days
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Night Lords OC belongs to @UZAS1stclaw on X
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loneliestluvr · 2 months
𝑻𝒐 𝑴𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝑰 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑮𝒐, 𝒊𝒊.
i. ii. iii.
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Pairing: Eris Vanserra x Archeron OC
Synopsis: Caught up in a world of hollow grief for her people, her life, and her father, Blair Archeron is forced into a life under the light she wants no part of after ghosting through immortality since being Made. But what she finds, is not what she expects.
Warnings: should have added this in the last one but talking/thinking about loss of pregnancy, being controlled + used, angst, lots of description but Blair gets her lick back a bit 😛 this is also a bit of a slow burn
Word Count: 2.8k
taryn thinks: so this is gonna be a series and im just kinda holding its hand and letting it guide me rn, i have no planned ending at all or any idea where this is going. bear with me pookies and remember how attracted Feyre was to Rhys without knowing he was her mate please and thank you 🙏🏼
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“Eris,” Rhysand’s voice boomed in that firm High Lord tone he only ever used outside of the River House— Blair had only ever heard it once and not ever directed at her. It was that same day and argument Nesta had told Feyre about the threat to her life, to the babe’s life in her womb, when Rhys’ power had exploded and grew so loud and angry Blair had covered her ears and closed her eyes.
Eris. The name rung in her head as her brother-in-law spoke it and her mouth moved before she could think as she tested it silently on her own tongue. Eris.
The second eldest Archeron still hadn’t brought herself to tear her gaze from the male—Eris—before her, taking in every inch of his face. Every muscle ticking in his jaw. Eris’s eyes followed her mouth as she traced his name with her lips and then he finally looked away. As if he couldn’t handle looking another minute.
“This is Feyre’s second oldest sister, Blair.” Rhys continued, and something like panic lit his every word. “She is beautiful, isn’t she?”
But it was almost muffled— the sound of his voice, the music and chatter behind them. Blair’s hands still neatly folded in front of her as she stood there, like there was nothing else in that marble room but her and Eris.
“Divine.” The red haired male murmured and by the way Rhys’ brows shot up just slightly, Blair figured the male wasn’t ever one for so little words.
The sound of his voice washed through her, the heat of her skin only intensifying as it echoed through her ears. She could hear her blood thrumming through her with it, like just this nearness had her body boiling. A sense she couldn’t describe pulling to him.
“Likewise.” The word was out before she could control it, like her inhibitions overtook all.
What is it that you feel, bright one? A cold, unnatural, and otherworldly voice spoke in her head. The same as always when the smoke cleared. Feminine, if Blair could tell— speaking to her as she was sucked back out of her body and it swallowed whatever words were working up her throat. Pulled right back into that unintentional irreverence. You do feel it, I can tell. Pushing me back, for this? For him— for what lurks under?
“I’m sorry for my tardiness,” Blair said, voice vacant. It was some part of their plan, but Blair had been instructed to follow along. Some quiet tucked away part of her, far in the forest of her mind, began to piece information together.
Things she’d learned simply by sitting and listening, and nobody cared about talking in front of the mute immortal who would sooner die than participate in politics or anything relating to the fae realm.
At least that’s what she thought of herself, nobody would say it. Even if that’s what she knew they were thinking. Even if it wasn’t entirely true.
Blair listened, mindlessly and absently, but what else was she to do when she sat in the quiet of her own mind day after day under something else’s control?
She tilled the soil of her mind, planting and working and tending as she sat and listened. Took in every piece of information that seemed so little to whatever she had become after, tucking it away and into her pocket.
But she never participated, couldn’t seem to ever make her mouth move. Could only sit and look out the window as everyone moved around her.
“Nonsense, sister.” Feyre smiled lovingly, the image of a shining star with the way her barely there gown accentuated her growing belly. “You’ve come just in time.”
As if on cue, a soft melodic music that sounded like the forest’s calm embrace started playing. Forest’s that Feyre and her had frequented in the summers when the younger of them was just hitting maturity, welcoming and lovely. Soft and slow, serene. A moment of peace in a world of pain and anger.
Blair took another breath and turned her head to the dance floor, it was her again this time as she spoke so softly it was almost unheard, “I love this type of music.”
“You’d like to know, Eris, that Blair is of the same talent our dear sister Nesta possesses. One that you seem so keen on having her hand in marriage because of.” Feyre says, but Blair’s eyes remain glued to the floor of people dancing so slowly. Seamless in their waltzing, her body almost began moving by itself— fighting every muscle in her to stay present in conversation as she slowed back into her body.
A rage filling some now faraway part of her, screaming and clawing and fighting to push her back again.
But this moment, this day, had been the most lucid she had felt in over a year— like she was waking up and blinking the fog away. Blair could hear clearly, and think, she could see from her own eyes, she was herself then. She was her own.
The reveal of another Archeron sister was not something that Eris had anticipated for. Certainly not something he’d prepared for, he had never let himself become so raw in front of anyone, let alone those of the Night Court.
One look at her… one gaze into those amber flecked eyes and his entire mask had shattered. For a minute too long he had just… stared at her.
Blair. The name danced around in his head, he could see it scripted on pages with a light hand. Those delicate fingers dragging the quill into a mess of curls and lines, her beautiful name printed in his mind. Blair.
“I’m almost certain at this point only beauty comes of your family, if Nesta was that graceful on the floor I can only imagine any of her sisters being equally as talented.” He said without another second, gaze now fixed wholly on the High Lady of the Night Court despite the pounding of his heart in his ears.
“Nesta continues to be… occupied.” Feyre added, almost ignoring any of his ploying compliments and Eris didn’t miss the whites of Rhysand’s knuckles showing as he clutched the arms of his throne.
And it was true, the Illyrian brute that had swept away his hopeful bride had passed her to the aggravating shadowsinger. Eris would not get her back again, not tonight.
“Perhaps my sister Blair would like to join you in a dance or two?” Feyre said next, the question directed for the female next to him.
Something in his chest felt like it would cave in and Eris thought he could have been floating just being next to her. The soft brown of her hair that went almost to her waist, even with it half up in a mound on the back of her head.
Accentuating those beautiful features under the light, lips pronounced and eyes that guttered all the need for dominance from his soul. His mind screamed: Kneel, kneel before your queen and beg to touch her. To smell and taste and feel, to know.
“Blair?” Feyre’s voice rang through his ears again and Blair had seemed like she was so enamored by the music, by the need to be with it, she hadn’t heard the question her sister asked. Then her head turned back to the thrones on the dais.
“I’m sorry,” She said quickly, furrowing her brow slightly as she tuned back in. “—what was it?”
“Perhaps you would like to join Eris for a dance?” Feyre clarified again and she looked from her sister to him, nearly next to Eris and stared for a moment.
“It’d be my honor to dance with the son of a High Lord.” She said, a small smile blooming on her lips.
By the confusion that seemed to broadcast on the High Lord and Lady’s face, Eris figured that Blair Archeron had secrets of her own. That just maybe, like him, she was undermined and looked over in aspects she shouldn’t be.
Eris stepped closer and offered his arm almost mindlessly, eyes tracing every curve of this smart and quick creature’s face. And Blair took it as that song faded out and the crowd prepared for the next one, the cold of her fingers seeped through the fabric of his tunic sleeve. Icy and bitter despite the warmth that flourished on her cheeks, and she let Eris guide her to the floor.
Blair could breathe. She could feel the race of her pulse, however immortal, she could feel the air on her skin and the warmth beneath Eris’s sleeve as she touched him. It felt like her body was on fire— awake.
Eris Vanserra— High Lord of the Autumn Courts eldest son, she had remembered. It had been like a splash of warm water, it had felt good. Different.
Rhys and Feyre’s ramblings about him, about their trades and need to stand against his father. Their effort to sway him should war find Prythian again, Azriel’s updates as she sat in the living room. Absent.
But that fog had cleared, and here she was. Preparing to dance with him. And everything came back screaming.
It was quiet as they prepared for the song to begin, Nesta and Azriel on the other end of the marble floor.
And then the music began and Eris’s arm wrapped around Blair until his hand laid on the small of her back, fingers of one hand each entwined as they stared into each others eyes.
It wasn’t that Blair couldn’t think or feel it, but her body moved absently off of memory alone as the dance began. Graceful and smooth, gliding as Eris guided her through the movements.
Spinning and twirling and whirling, she could only look at him as they moved. They did not speak, just danced and eyed each other.
Something charged went through the air between them, the close proximity of their bodies, and Blair wanted to know it as equally as Eris. Wanted to welcome it.
He smelled of spruce and warm honey, mahogany and citrus, flames and burning coals. Blair swallowed it down, drank it in and almost closed her eyes from how strong it was.
The pads of his fingers were rough, felt scarred as they held the small of her back and her own soft fingers. The freckles on his skin were similar to hers but brighter, a hue of ginger rather than her umber shaded spots.
And where he touched, across her waist and now one of her hips, burned.
The feeling like a fire, warm and welcoming and home, spilling into her veins like hot oil. And then Eris was dipping her, their faces a mere inch apart and Blair’s lips parted in a breathy gasp.
His eyes watching those perfect lips, trained on them as they stood like that. Dipped over and under one another, Blair’s leg hooked over his hip like she would fall.
But something in those pointed eyes, cunning and lethal, told her he would never let her go.
“Where have they kept you?” Eris asked finally, and brought her back up to a stand as they began again.
“A female is nothing to be kept.” Blair responded as easily as their dancing continued. Reminding herself of the proper terms fae used. “I have heard of how backwards Autumn can be, though. Perhaps that is your way of thinking?”
“You were not there for the war.” It was not the statement he made it, a rephrase of his first question. And he did not scold her for the jab she shouldn’t have made, supposed to be swaying and wooing but instead bit at him like a ravenous dog. “Nobody talked of a fourth sister.”
“I hadn’t realized I owed my life to the Court’s of Prythian or it’s people.” His hands left her body and trailed to the tips of her fingers as she spun out and when she returned his hold was firmer but he smiled, wicked and beautiful. “What?”
That look in his eyes, she couldn’t place it. And her voice held more venom than she intended, despite how soft and sweet it may have sounded aloud.
“You intrigue me, Blair Archeron.” He said and pushed her out again, her dress spinning out at the bottom as she twirled and came back to him. Pressed against his chest, one hand on the back of his neck and he might have shivered. “Trust the most beautiful of your sisters to be the smartest.”
“We’ve shared mere words, what are you basing my intelligence off of?”
“A feeling.”
“A feeling?” She repeated. He nodded and then she was keenly aware of where his hands were, trailing to the base of her own neck— close enough to be courting. More than that.
“Tell me,” Eris started, beginning a box step procedural that she followed. “—have they tucked you away out of fear of what you could become, or fear of what they could lose?”
“Who’s to say I’m not the one who chooses to stay away?” Eris’s eyes glittered with a need to know, like he wanted into her mind to see all of that intrinsic astuteness shrouded by firs and spruce. “Who’s to say I wanted to be a part of this life at all?”
“I offered to give them armies in exchange for your sisters hand and they bring you in.” He states as the song comes to an end and another starts. A rapid tempo, fast and harsh. Mostly string instruments, dramatic. “Why?”
“I was late,” Blair corrects, one hand holding the back of his neck as the other is gripped in his. Larger, muscled, and firmer than Blair’s delicate, soft, and teasing hand. “—you must be a terrible listener.”
Amusement lit Eris’s eyes as he held an arm around her waist, fingers brushing her ribs.
“Did they keep you away because of your mouth, then?” He crooned, their bodies moving seamlessly to the upbeat music. Stepping and spinning all at once, matched with the other pairs of dancers on the floor.
“What of my mouth?”
“What of it, indeed.” He smiled, eyes flicking to the rich ridges of her garnet colored lips. Blair’s cheeks heated and for the first time her eyes flicked away from his face. Anywhere but him as they landed on Azriel and she almost breathed in relief when she found that his eyes were already on hers.
A silent question in them and Blair blinked softly in response.
“Would you believe me if I said the second I saw you, I forgot about Nesta completely?” Eris whispered into her ear, lips brushing against the hair that curled there. So close she could feel the heat of his breath, like a flame licking her skin.
She cursed the part of her that wanted to feel that heat in other places and shoved it down. She looked back to Eris, noses nearly touching with the proximity this dance required.
“And what if I am already spoken for?”
Questions, so many questions with him. And Blair just fed them back as if the answers were in the questions themselves, a proper response unneeded.
“Are you?” His brows raised.
It was simple, nothing further needed and she didn’t understand why she cared to tell a male she had met mere minutes ago that she was available. The first other than Rhys, Lucien, Azriel, Cassian and the blonde male she had set her eyes on since coming here. Since being forced here.
“They must do it to you all then.” Eris said, smile fading into a tighter one as he saw that look in Blair’s eyes. “Dwindle your flame, drown it out, waste you.”
“My sister and her mate have been gracious to me in my… adjustment. I have nothing to complain about, and certainly nothing to waste.”
Eris shook his head so barely as they spun Blair almost didn’t catch it, disbelief in every beautiful crook of his utterly handsome face.
“All of you is wasted, my dear Blair. They are blind if they cannot see what lives inside of you, your fire, whatever that power is and whatever you are now.”
Perhaps it was because Blair didn’t even know what was inside of her, why her chest warmed on its own for the first time in over a year just now, but she didn’t say another word.
When the music ended, she bowed before Eris as any graceful courtier would— a dismissal on her part before she stepped back and allowed for him to bow in return.
But he did not, and only stared at her as if he couldn’t—wouldn’t—bring himself to say goodbye. We are not done playing, Blair Archeron, was what his eyes added as Azriel swept her from the floor and the room all together.
His eyes followed her the whole way and that cold returned as soon as she left his line of sight.
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🏷️: @prythianpages @impossibelle @readychilledwine
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 19 days
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Here’s both fake screenshots
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leftsharkhypocrite · 1 month
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obvsdisturbed · 3 months
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I drew @eldritch-power-bottom's bat boy Sorion, best raptor boss, girlboss, gatekeep, my beloved.
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Full Speed Ahead
Prologue =-= Next
Author's note: More of Karlsor per poll request! This is his Husbandry Debut.
Summary: Karlsor arrives on Ancient Terra and decides to cause Problems on Purpose.
Warnings: Swearing, let me know if I need to add anything more. Okay?
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k
Karlsor was stalking after some Loyalists that he's spotted on this random ass planet that he's landed on. He doesn't remember being flown to this planet. The last thing he remembered was getting in a drop pod, ready to fight Ultramarines on McCragge, per the orders of his nearly fucking insane Primarch.
He noticed the large fuckers, one in Raven Guard colors, one in a strange heraldry and colors he doesn't recognize, but equally, unfairly massive as fuck. A third Scout-ling of the line of Dorn- from his silver hair, fair skin and blue eyes, with a medkit- and the fussy-clucking of an Apothecary.
They were being led by another Larger than normal Scout-ling, this one covered in mud from head to toe, and he doesn't see any obvious indicators of which legion the big shit belongs to. They head to, yet another giant fucking Scout- this one in the colors and heraldry of those uppity Blood Angels, he rears back silently- spotting the Wings, but as he shifts his weight, the Blood Angel with wings is too small to be Primarch Sanguinius.
He narrows his eyes as he tries to recall if any of the Blood Angels have ever had wings, or if he's heard of such rumors. Then again, such rumors and knowledge is kept from the 'insane murderous butchers' of his Legion. Still a whole bunch of Loyalist Scoutlings, unaware of him, his grin is sharp and vicious, and his eyes gleam with a dark joy.
Oh- he's going to enjoy hearing them scream as he gets answers of where they fuck they are and how he got here from where he'd been. Then- one of the little shits- the one in Raven Guard colors suddenly turns and looks in his direction- having spotted him. Karlsor gives him an unhinged, sharp grin and waved at the little Raven.
Who looks gratifyingly spooked as he hisses at the others. The other little birdy with wings, will be fun to pluck the feathers out of. Sons of Sanguinius have such a pretty-shiny reputation, after their Primarch showed up, before they'd had a reputation and style of fucking shit up worse than his Legion had before.
The bastards had been lucky to get the shiny-pretty Holy Great Angel, while he and his legion were stuck with the mad-bastard who barely understood who friend or foe was and hated all of them. He closes his eyes briefly before opening them. Now is not the time to brood about the past as he stalks closer to the strange too-large Scouts- and the bundle of them, after patching up the Blood Angel were trying to skitter out of the forest and evade him. Cute.
Not for nothing is he a Raptor Lord of the Night Lords as he chases after the scout-lings. Allowing them to run, to see where they would go. The Apothecary in no armor- which is fucking stupid has a conflicted expression on his face, before he murmurs something, turning his face so that Karlsor can't read his lips.
Which is a rude thing, clever, but rude of him. One of the others rumbles something in return and they seem to send a vox to… someone. It's cute how they think that they can call for help, they are stuck in this forest with him little Scouts- he ensures to croon that out, pitching his voice so that they can hear him.
Oh- that spooks the bundle of them. The Little Angel's wings flaring in alarm, trying to block the view of the rest of the Scouts. Like that would do much, more fuck all then stop Karlsor. Which has him chortling and taunting the Scout-lings.
As he approaches, he stops for a moment, as a truly Horrendous scent suddenly hits him like a punch to the gut and his eyes almost water. He's smelled death, and dead things rotten- but that overripe scent is by far one of the worst things he's ever smelled in his life as he tries not to gag or throw up as he hears a strange voice warble out.
"Now, Night Lord," A voice croons at him, his head snapping in the direction of the… Thing- it looks like a Death Guard. Sort of.
"What the fuck are you?" Karlsor asks bluntly.
"My, you are a rude one," Hura says, "I am a Death Guard Apothecary."
"The Fuck you are!" Karlsor says bluntly, "I know hygiene isn't Death Guard Astartes best trait, but fuck you are a nasty, gaint fucker ain't ya?"
Hura's smile behind his helmet has him frowning. "Do you know about Chaos, little cousin?"
"… The way you say Chaos, sounds like it should mean something," Karlsor says eyes narrowing at the strange, stinking Thing.
He's got both eyes on this new threat- the little Scoutlings are scampering out of his sight. Clever bastards- avoiding two Larger Threats. He's still going to hunt after them later. He has to deal with… whatever the fuck this is.
"It does mean sommething," Hura replies, still patient, just less amused. "When are you from? What was happening before you got here?"
"I was in a drop pod headed to fight on McCragge," Karlsor replies.
"Ah, you are from during the failed Rebellion of Horus." Hura muses.
"The fuck? So it doesn't end well. Fucking perfect," Karlsor groans, "Wait… what do you mean failed?"
Hura chuckles and explains when and where they are. As well as about how there is an… Alliance between the Chaos, Renegade, and Loyalist factions.
"So I'm not allowed to go after those Scouts then?" Karlsor asks unhappily, "And just why should I listen to you? Or to this so called grox-shit alliance?"
"Because you will be hunted down, punished and likely tortorously killed for breaking the alliance," Hura replies, his voice still sounding so amused and patient.
There was a darker turn to his words, and his giant fucking frame seems a bit more… ominous.
"… You make a good point. Death Guard," Karlsor replies reluctantly eyeing the … other 'Astartes' with careful caution.
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necrophiliak · 9 days
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kit-williams · 3 months
Hear me out… The boys with the Pheromone perfume/spray.
Congrats on this being the catalyst for something...
tw: Dubious consent/dubcon... noncon elements; predator/prey dynamics; breeding kinks; warhammer 40k shenanigains/Yandere shenanigains
(NOTE: Raven Guard will have the group reactions and then reactions if Dove was only with one of the boys at the time of applying it. How she got the perfume is the same)
Tag List: @bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog @thevoidscreams @barn-anon
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Raven Guard Trio
Kazi preened under the praise from the people as they liberated another major city causing more and more uproar and getting forces on their side. But he smelt something funny... but funny in a good way it made his brain itch in a way he didn't know why. He followed his nose as his brothers delt with the important stuff he could just say he was following a lead... not exactly a lie. Till he looked at the bottle that lead him there.
"Say what is this?" He asked knowing there was an associate not too far.
"Um that's a pheromone perfume." They said meekly with a blush on their face...
"Smells nice... how much?" Kazi grinned at the mortal.
Dove looked at the gift in hand as Sor and Moremo frowned at Kazi for bringing their Dove such an expensive gift and they full well knowing he probably paid next to nothing for.
"Thank you Kazi!" Dove said and her eyes widened at the pretty perfume bottle not waiting a second before putting it on. "Bit of a muted smell." She says as she applies it to her wrists before putting it on her neck.
"Ah was told its some pheromone perfume."
Dove snorted of course he would get this, "That's just some fancy thing that they try to sell you that they say will make men go mad because of some scents they put into the... why are you boys looking at me like that..." Dove stopped as all three of them looked down at her.
"You smell so lovely, Dove." Moremo growled softly.
Sor's fingers were flexing as he had taken off his helmet to at least smell the perfume to tell her it was lovely. He knew that there were few smells that could affect an Astartis... this wasn't one of them but it seemed to just heighten her natural scent.
Kazi took a step forward before Moremo's hand shot out gripping his armor... "not here... in the roost... now." He told Kazi who was just looking at Dove with something akin to a meal. Sor scooped her up and buried his face into her neck as they walked to the nest.
Sor's breath was hot and heavy in her ear... "If I could... I'd steal you away right now." That was a threat that Dove knew he would make good on if he could.
"I... I can wash it off." Dove chirped softly but it was far too late for her as the door locked behind Moremo. Sor kissed her hard as the other two took off their armor. Sor said something in high gothic as Kazi fumbled with his codpiece for him. "Guys?" She whimpered softly as Sor twitches violently trying to not crush her on accident.
"Gentle Gentle lad." Moremo groaned trying to keep some composure amongst them as it was all going to be willpower based on if Sor would actually leave after he had his fun or start to rip off his armor.
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Kazi and Moremo were busy to indulge in the gift that Kazi had gotten you and you wanted to know how it smelled... he assumed it smelt fine if you were wearing it but he wasn't one to turn you away. Something tickled something in his brain as he looked down at you just smelling the air around you. You offered your wrist to him to smell as you laugh at the thought of pheromone perfume actually working.
Yes... it was quite funny... if it wasn't sending heat down to his loins. The pheromones were doing their job but that wasn't what was sending the blazing heat... it was your natural smell... clean feathers... mixed with some gunpowder... the smell of that pastry you love to have each morning... the smell of you. You tilted your head in that adorable way as he buried his nose into your wrist before licking your palm... his body hot as his black eyes looked around before picking you up and just dashing off into the night.
He's been waiting to have his chance to find some place to tuck you away... to show you how much he loves you. The way his mouth licks at your own and over your skin as he removes his armor in this hidden little roost away from his bothers... to finally have you all to himself without Moremo's gentle reminders... or Kazi's overeagerness and trying to take his turn while he was still loving you...
No it was just you and Sor tonight. And he was going to make sure you were loved all night long. He hardly could wait to be upon you and you hardly worried about the utter tizzy that the other two would be in... it was just you... Sor... with a night filled with the creaking of the bed and the slapping of flesh against flesh.
He was always able to make sure there was time for you it was rare that Kazi was busy as he was the one who got you this gift but you wanted to try it on so badly. See if there was any credence to the sexual wonders of pheromone perfume. You both were laughing as you explained to him how it was just a rumor that's been perpetuated forever and how it would affect astartes more. He laughed dismissing it as he smelt it before it was on you...
However once the pheromones mingled with your delicious scent... he felt his loins stir. He could ignore it until later... until the others got to experience this with their sweet Dove. But... when was the last time he was selfish with their darling? Oh... not since their last Dove. How she looked up at him with a nearly naive gaze yet she could tell there was something different. A desire that burned through him... "Little Dove..."
"Yes Moremo?" She said softly.
He opened and closed his mouth trying to find the right words but all he could do was put a hand on her back and guide her to the nest. He locked the door before pushing her up to the door and kissing her hard. Feeling her fingers run through his silvering raven black hair... his black eyes roaming over her skin. "You smell amazing." He moaned into her neck... inhaling deeply as he tries to think of some romantic words to tell her... instead he feels like Kazi being eager to feel her wrapped around his cock. "Undress and get on the bed... your perfume seems to be having its... intended effect."
He licked his lips as she obeyed and with that mischief in her eyes as she wiggled her hips back up at him as he stroked his own cock, having been in more relaxed clothes for one verses his armor. He did his best to prepare her but given how often Kazi bragged about how well he slid in with minimal prep he put it to the test. Hearing their dove gasp as he slowly bottomed out was worth the waiting for a moment before he really fucked her ignoring the way Kazi on the other side of the door was upset about how he was hogging their Dove all to himself until late into the night.
He was so excited for Dove to put on his gift. He watched her raise an eyebrow reading what it was. "Kazi I hardly think I need this to get you... going?"
"Aww but its just a bit of fun to have. Just try it on." He encouraged watching her spray her wrists before rubbing it over her neck and just offering a wrist for him to smell. But of course Kazi takes the chance to bury his face into her neck. His long black hair tickling her flesh but there was a desire that rushed down his spine right to his cock.
"Yeah like how most of these products are... they don't really work." Dove says rolling her eyes turning away not seeing the way his breath deepens as he follows her.
"Really? Shame... right? So why do they market it like that?" He says doing his best to keep his voice steady and calm.
"Oh its just suppose to be something to rile men up. Some men can smell it somewhat but there's nothing proving that it riles them up. Just something to charge people extra money for it." Dove says putting it down in the bathroom in the roost room not hearing the way Kazi locks the door behind him.
Dove finally walks out looking at Kazi seemingly taking a moment to see that he had a devilish smile on his lips and a tent in his trousers.
"I think it works on me little Dove." He purrs out.
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He was the one who bought his Muse the Pheromone body lotion. Palion was upfront about what it was and what it would do to him... he got it for her as well as something horribly skimpy for a Slaanesh celebration; of course she did not wear it. Palion was at some celebration with his brothers... pouting as his Muse was having one of her days and he snarled at his younger brother who told him to drag her anyway.
Fool didn't know what was good... fool was still far to busy being selfish and chasing his own highs and pleasured exaltations. He still didn't like this new addition to their group but he wasn't going to be a petty bitch and not give him a fair chance or else then their numbers would dwindle and it would be the same gossip every damn day.
Muse on the other hand looked at herself in the mirror all dolled up... she did her best not to look at how much exposed burn marks there were... so many outfits for her to pick from. She squirms as she looks at the pict capture location... the delicate gold chains make their noise as she crawls into the nest on his bed. She used that lotion he got for her...
His eyes glanced over to the text from his muse. What are you up to?
Bored. Just watching some celebration that I've seen a hundred times now. He tries to not sound too upset but he can't help it... he always gets into a foul mood without her around.
So you're not... busy?
Never for you my dearest. What is the matter?
Palion's eyes kept shifting over to the data pad as the longer she took to respond made him want to- Ping the datapad went and he half choked on his wine.
"Brother is there something wrong- Oh... oh my brother what a treat." His brother sitting next to him whispers seeing what she sent Palion.
Would... would you like to celebrate with me? Was the message title and the image was her laying in her nest... arms over her head with her legs partially spread as the thin sheer fabric hardly covered her cunt but Palion was focused on the wet spot causing the fabric to cling to her sex and press right against it. She adjusted the outfit so instead of her burns being covered they were fully exposed. Even the part of her face and head she was self conscious was uncovered, no mask in sight just her bare body on display for him. Palion was already at half mast during this whole performance but he was now painfully hard.
His brother next to him grinning like a cat in the cream. "Are you going to respond?" When Palion was still processing he stole the datapad from him and typed in yes as Palion's reply. "Mhm. There we go she should be waiting for you when you get there." He tucked the datapad away into a pocket somewhere on the tunic. When Palion stood he gave him a loud and firm smack on the ass, "Have fun! Praise Slaanesh!"
Once Palion was out of the room he ran to his own room and threw the door open causing his tiny Muse to jump as she looked at him rush into the room inhaling her scent like some feral beast. His bare chest expanding and contracting as all three of his lungs inflated and deflated as he could taste what the concoction was doing to him. "Praise Slaanesh." He moaned before locking the door as he pounced on his Muse with a snarl of delight.
She knew what she was getting into teasing and provoking Palion into action. But... she felt good today... she wanted to reward Palion for doing his best to help her. His long and sensual tongue pressed all corners of her mouth before snaking down her throat as he was working his second finger into her cunt. He was chanting lurid prayers to the dark prince as he was suddenly balls deep in his Muse. Her moans underneath him encouraging him to keep going as his mind was muddled from her sweet and lovely scent.
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She couldn't be mad at Arkyn forever. She looks at the other wife who is just smiling warmly at her, "How do I..." She shifts feeling awkward to ask, "How do I... seduce him."
She could see the other woman grin, "Knowing the Captain? You hardly need to do a thing but I have a feeling you're wanting to do something special. For him right?" She nods slowly watching her walk into the quarters before she comes back with a bottle. "Sprits that on yourself and when you do don't leave the room."
"What is it?" She asked looking at it.
"Something that makes the men go wild. They've got sensitive noses you see... its just some scents mixed with the scent glands of a predator. Gets them all frisky... gets them feeling good."
"Um this isn't... forcing?"
"Honey I would laugh if I didn't think it would hurt your feelings." The woman says as a small blonde girl wearing furs rushes between her legs. "A space wolf made this. Its their best worst kept secret the fact that they made this stuff for their women to wear and to use. Always saying it was some wife that made it. Even if that's the truth they are always eager to have their ladies wear it. Remember to bring that back in a couple of days when you're done."
She just smiled leaving Elskling holding the bottle as she returns back to her shared quarters. Staring at the liquid inside frowning as she was upset at Arkyn denying her an honorable death with her comrades but... she sighs and sprays herself wrinkling her nose as it was slightly sharp smelling not a scent she would find pleasant but it wasn't for her.
Arkyn entered his quarters without much thought as the Captain took a deep breath washing away the worries of his station. His Parietal lobe itched as he smelt something new yet intimately familiar. His mind rushing back to memories of intimate encounters with mates past. Arkyn felt himself get hard so easily at that smell as he walked to the bedroom pulling off his clothes and leaving them in his wake... he was hard and throbbing and fully naked when he opened the bedroom door.... lucky for him so was his Elskling.
"Hello Captain Arkyn..." She says with that familiar purr that he remembers back from when he first bedded her. His throat tightens and his cock raises as it throbs. Her eyes darting to the subtle movement before meeting his own eyes.
He grins as he swaggers over to the bed rubbing her naked thigh, "I think I remember asking you this once before... are you sure you can handle this..." He clicks his tongue letting the moment drag on out, "wolf? I must say we get horribly attached after we mate." He repeats those familiar lines.
All she does is bring his hand against her cunt and just presses a finger in and moves it for him before he finally takes over. Her nails dig into his shoulders as his hips press to hers, she claws him as she feels the burn of him splitting her open. And Arkyn burns this new memory into his mind... how beautifully his Elskling writhes under him... how her lips open and the gasps. He still remembers when they first had sex... he still remembers each sigh and mewl from then and the way she does it now... he burns it all into his mind and there it will stay with him till he meets the Allfather.
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Tyberos the red Wake
Ophelia was in the medical bay when she smelt something good. She was talking to the marine on duty about what it was and she didn't understand what he was explaining or what it was for or why it smelt like home. He was trying his best to explain it and cocked his head to the side at her simple request to wear it, confused Ophelia explained why she wanted it. He let her seeing no harm in it.
"Void Mother," another marine said walking in causing Ophelia to shift her weight at the title. It wasn't one Tyberos had given her but she should have seen it coming given he was called the Void Father.
"Yes?" She said softly trying to be polite.
"Tyberos wishes to speak with you."
It hardly was any other reason to go back into the den of the Chapter Master. There was no use running... no use hiding... but visits with Tyberos were cordial at best and terrorizing at worst given his size and how she felt so helpless in his grasp always folding to his demands but... maybe she would deny him today.
She didn't see the way eyes lingered on her or hear the way that some astartes that were around sniffed the air after her. She entered the dim room as he was at his desk signing approvals from captains and reviewing reports. It smelt very much of Tyberos in the room... and Ophelia felt... warm. Sure maybe the phase after her moon blood when she was fertile was a time that she did not mind Tyberos' company... it was often when she would spend several days in his bed before shame ate at her and guilt ate at him. He needed her it was clear... but she felt warm like after the moon blood. He had a heavy smell... a musky one with a spice added to it.
Tyberos opens his mouth to ask her... he just sees her standing there breathing heavily... flustered skin... and then he smells her and he starts to drool. The door locks behind her as Ophelia just feels the warmth travel to her crotch as she swallows spit as she turns away not hearing how the door locked but she hears the way his chair flings into the wall behind his desk. His rational and logical side of his mind tells him that he's under the effects of something... he needs to get her out of here... but by the Throne she smells so good.
Ophelia feels the air knocked out of her as she is pressed into the wall as his hips rut against the curve of her ass. He wants to mutter an apology but it dies in his mouth as Ophelia rolls her hips back against his... pressing firmly against his arousal. A bruising grip holds her hips as he ruts against her like some youngling, drool running down his neck dripping from the exposed parts of his molars, he tastes the air and he knows exactly what is effecting both of them... in reality it should only really be affecting Ophelia... but she smells so good.
"Tyberos please..." Ophelia whines feeling so empty, "I need you inside of me." She mewls out. Nipples rubbing against the fabric of her breast binding... her undergarments clinging to her entrance from how slick she has grown.
Fabric rips as her world spins and hot wet mouth muscles rub up against each other. Tyberos files away needing to see the brother apothecary to see if there is a new weakness... or if simply combining that combination of chemicals with her scent is what is doing it for him. Grey skinned hands grip handfuls of ass as her fingers pull on his white hair, he pulls back to exhale hard and even in this relatively lukewarm room... his breath can be seen.
"Tyberos." Ophelia whines feeling him hesitate for once... she's so use to him getting her into his bed quickly that it feels too long, "Tyberos... make me void mother."
If his eyes were not already fully black then he is certain they would be given how fast he rips through her clothes and his own clothes. His cock rubbing against her overly slick entrance before sliding in fully... he normally tires to be gentle but he hilts himself in the first thrust and bellows out his enjoyment.
She screams out her own enjoyment as she pushes her legs against his scarred and tattooed chest as he thrusts down hard and deep into her cunt. They make eye contact for this... something Ophelia hardly does but her eyes glaze over with pleasure... loosing their focus before she blinks and moans out. His eyes wander down to her breasts and perhaps his thrusts are a bit more vigorous then they need to be to watch them bounce and move. His saliva splashes down on her as he fucks her hard. His eyes roaming her body... his mind drawing the appropriate tattoos for her... for her station.
She falls over the edge first with a shriek of his name in such pleasure that it causes him to follow... but the effects still linger in her system as she pulls him into a kiss... his hands still roaming over her naked body... as they spend several hours properly getting to intimately know each other finally.
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Was happy or at least as happy as an ancient Night Lord like himself could be with being apart of a warband of misfits run by a recently fallen to Chaos Space Wolf. By the Dark Gods the Imperium sounded like a nightmare compared to what it once was... he might not have followed his father into hell if he knew he was going to be alive to watch it turn into some carcass of what it once was. But certain things made it bearable like his Rabbit.
He opens an eye as she walks in and he opens his mouth to begin their usual bickering but he stops as all of his thoughts turns into blazing heat that rushes to his groin. It throws him off slightly... he's certainly fucked before... raped even though that was hardly his modus operandi. Oh yes call him old fashioned if he enjoyed not being wept at during sex... unless that was their kink then yes... but he was a cynical bastard but not cynical enough to act like a Slaaneshi.
"Smell. What's that smell." He says with his usual calm and disinterest as he tried to not palm his hardening cock through his cloth pants.
"Wow okay... spent time with Astrid she just let me put on some perfume she likes."
His tongue ran over his teeth as the warband's matron the space wolfs wife liked his bunny rabbit so his bullshit was tolerated because it all came back to protecting her from others. But by the dark gods she should have warned his bunny that her stuff was made for seducing a wolf...
"Rabbit." He growled out. His cock twitched at the fear mingling with her scent now as he felt his nails dig into the couch. "Wash it off if you don't want me." He said letting out a groan as Ghosk couldn't stop himself from palming his cock through his pants.
"What do you-" Was all she could get out before Ghosk was over her rutting his clothed cock against her own clothed form. He was panting like a dog at the feeling of relief... he hardly masterbated anymore as he was content with his bunny around but all of his neglected need rushed to attention pushing against her supple flesh.
"This is what I mean Rabbit." He snarled, "Tell me to stop." He looked down at her with some restraint... he wasn't a chaos riddled degenerate just a normal degenerate for a Night Lord but he was still himself... he could resist these basal urges.
He could see the gears turning in her little head before she looked up at him, "And... if I don't tell you to stop?" She said so very softly.
Ghosk stopped and was panting hard as his body trembled with utter excitement. He grabbed her and carried her outside as they were on a planet for some time. He put his bunny down. "You have 10 minutes. Run rabbit run." He growled watching her run as he sat in a crouched position feeling his muscles ache... his wings eager to spread out and take flight. But he waited... and waited... knowing and picturing in his minds eye her running in that fast sprint he's seen her do.
She sprinted as fast as she could doing bursts remembering some of her endurance training as it was only a matter of time...
Ghosk's black eyes snapped open as like a bow drawn he was released. All that was there where he knelt was disturbed dust and grass.
Rabbit had to stop and crouch in the woods. Trying to run from Ghosk in an open field was suicide but trying to run from Ghosk was stupid... trying to hide from him was stupid... so why was this so exciting. She and Ghosk had a comfortable relationship... insulting each other... she didn't know what he was getting out of it. The snapping of a twig nearly made her jump out of her skin as the 500+ pound man could be frighteningly silent when he wanted to be.
"Bunny." She heard his trilling graveling voice and she was off like a lazshot but that's clearly what he wanted.
She really hardly had a chance as out of the darkness of the canopy above dropped Ghosk grabbing her before she felt all of her guts rush to her feet. Oh by the God Emperor they were so high up... "Ghosk please not so high up!" She said with fear warbling through her voice.
Another time it would seem... but Ghosk landed before he tore at her clothes... his hard cock slapping against her wet folds before slipping in as she went cross-eyed at the intrusion into her sex. Ghosk moaned and came right then as he could hardly remember the last warm cunt he was in... the thrill of the hunt mixed with her smell. Oh he felt wonderfully pathetic in that moment as his toes uncurled when he was done cumming before he pulled back and moved.
"I'm going to fill my bunny rabbit up so good." He snarled down at the breathless bunny under him... her back arched as her hips were up and she was being such a good fuckable bunny. His balls brushing up against her skin as he moved... his wings fully outstretched and flapping as his grip was bruising... his bunny was screaming... just like how rabbits scream... but instead of writhing in pain and agony she was screaming in pleasure... writhing in enjoyment... pushing her hips back against his own... moaning his name.
He was a bastard chasing his high as he pulled her back onto his cock like some fleshlight... but she wasn't... she was his bunny. He flipped her over the slight twisting on his cock causing him to cum as he took that breather for a moment. Pushing her down onto the ground again crouched over her his wings hiding her from anyone else as he buried himself to the hilt for a few precious seconds and they both gasped at the depth of pleasure they could free.
"Bunny! Bunny! Bunny!" He chanted as his hips snapped to hers with eager restraint. One of his hands clawed the ground around one of her own... palms touching as the way her nails from her other hand clawed his arm as she screamed with pleasure under him. He felt so amazing... the way her willing body writhed under him... her hips desperate to meet his... he was suddenly very aware of her hands touching his skin. All Ghosk could do... say... and think was... "Bunny! Bunny! Bunny!"
She was a trembling sweating mess... the orgasms from both of them going uncounted as finally Ghosk felt his final climax take hold of him and he spread his wings fully out in all their terrible glory... undecorated for this moment but he snarled out her actual name as he came for the final time inside of her. His finally flaccid cock slipping from her thoroughly ruined cunt. His cunt. He mused looking at her laying there almost fully out of it... covered in dirt, cum, sweat, small cuts, bruises, and probably small creatures native to this planet. His Rabbit... He pulled her into a kiss as he purred out another bunny or two when she reciprocated.
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Vivienne knew her ways around functions... knew how to rile the lords up... rile them up into making deals with her. She of course used every trick in the book to get what she wanted. Get the trade deals in her favor as she sprayed the perfume on her. The thick makeup upon her face as she made sure she looked just right for this planetary governor's function. Of course she learned as much as she could... bit of a crude thing but nothing that a nice sinched waist and some cleavage couldn't help her with this.
Of course that's what she thought going into it. She grumbles coming back to her ship after a disaster of a party... she might as well have brought Angelo for companionship. No one fuckin told her he was gay. She would have made sure Seth was far more dressed up but Throne bless him he was able to use it as being "roguish" charms or something like that.
"Yes Seth you're getting paid extra for your contribution to that. Your usual seduction fee?"
"I want extra given how..." He grimaced.
Vivienne nodded and waved her hand, "Yes yes he wasn't your usual flavor I know but you saved this deal."
"Of course my Lady. Now if you excuse me I have a bottle of amesec and a bath calling me." He says splitting off heading to his quarters. As she walked to her own she could see Angelo was right there along with the door guards but they dismissed themselves after he entered the quarters behind her.
"He was fucking gay Angelo!" She says upset that she went through all this effort in getting ready for seduction and it all going to waste. She starts to undo her corset but the Blood Angel walks up behind her and somehow is so dexterous with such large hands.
"Would explain the lack of the scent of a paramour on you..." He leans in, "Though I could change that." He says nipping at her earlobe. She waves him away but his nose catching something delightfully mixing with her scent. "You do smell delightful though my Lady." His tongue runs over the artery in her neck before she pulls away to get out of the ridiculous outfit she put herself into. Angelo cares not for the maids that come in leaving a bottle of wine and two glasses... helping her fully undress and taking away the garment as she proceeds to wipe off that silly face paint.
"Lady Vivienne." Angelo finally asks as the maids leave.
"Yes Angelo?" She asks tiredly looking at him in the mirror.
She lets out the smallest gasp as with a blink he is already behind her his hands roaming over her naked, the robe barely clinging to her shoulders hardly counted as clothes to him, shoulders. "You do smell quite delightful... how about I make you feel so good."
She knew what he was refrencing... it was a silly joke from Rowena. A pheremone perfume with some exotic, probably xenos, ingredients that she claimed could work on any man... even a space marine. It had an innocuous smell to it and most men agreed she smelt nice but she was hardly expecting the throbbing against her back as his eyes were black as he panted hard just touching her body. His blonde hair tied back as his teeth looked... bigger to her and she swallowed softly.
Perhaps Rowena wasn't lying for once....
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sodariusabobusus · 2 months
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Collab with @viceroy-jericho 💗💗
Snow White and three dwarfs
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