#oc: katsumi nagato
kemdoodles · 6 years
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Sketched meself a reward after finishing a commission earlier and Katsumi resulted. This is almost definitely her as a young Pro Hero, wearing her own merchandise because Katsumi would absolutely embrace that part of being a Pro lmao. (Her line of merch is very modern rock, advertised alongside the likes of Earphone Jack and Gale Force.)
In other news, I’ve got commissions open rn. Hit me up in my messages if you’re interested.
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panthalass · 7 years
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I’m having so much fun with BnHA OCs right now... 
Man in b/w up the top is Ren Tsuruji, another expy of an old Bleach OC who I love too much to not shove into every fandom I come across, apparently. He’s kind of an attempt at a poor man’s budget Noumu, because I love torturing Ren and also because aoimikans and swiftwidget’s I Am... series is amazing and inspiring. His original Quirk was Spoken Persuasion, which is great when you can talk the mob boss you owe money to into sparing your life, but also not so great when by doing so you accidentally volunteer yourself for some good ol’ human experimentation.
The sunny girl next to him is a Pro Hero sidekick, Sachiyo Shiranui. She’s one of those people whose Quirk isn’t quite what it seems to be: as a kid, she made little bursts of heat accompanied by popping sounds like popcorn. As a middle-schooler, she discovered that the process by which she does so is in fact nuclear fusion. She got into Yuuei on an ‘official recommendation’ because she was a kid with a scary powerful Quirk who didn’t have the first clue how to control it; her Hero education was a large part learning how not to blow up herself and everyone else in a 5km radius.
Finally, the girl with the white hair is Katsumi Nagato. Her Quirk is Morphogenesis, aka regeneration on steroids. Her older brother is the Hero known as Starfish Arms, this name stemming from an incident in high school where his arm was cut off at the elbow and two lower arms grew back in its place. Katsumi is a transfer student at Yuuei, having lived in about 12 different cities across Europe, Asia and South America over the course of her life. Her mom, who was a pro Hero, was killed by villains when she was three, and her father, an academic, was made paraplegic in the same incident. Katsumi is determined to become a Hero nevertheless.
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(N/A) I'm not very good at coloring my drawings. I'm sorry, but I wanted you to see the new generation of Akatsuki.
It is not found when I will publish the other drawings, but I hope it will be soon; so as not to leave it unfinished.
The Akatsuki were one of the villains that more than anything caught my attention. I wait to see if someone else thinks the same as me. Because flat out a lot has happened that the Naruto Shippuden series is over and then in Boruto there is little or nothing that they mention. I also await comments.
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kemdoodles · 6 years
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I finally managed to finish something, and it’s a quick doodle of Katsumi for a collab on dA which is only finished because I decided not to give a shit about anything. On the bright side, I finally (mostly) finished her written profile.
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kemdoodles · 7 years
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Designed a Hero outfit for my BnHA OC Katsumi. So much detail, my god, but I’m very pleased with myself right now. ♥
Katsumi's Quirk is Morphogenesis, a Mutant type Quirk which allows her to hijack her body's healing and growth mechanisms to accelerate healing and grow extra body parts. She shares it with her brother, the Pro Hero Starfish Lancer, inherited from their deceased mother. Morphogenesis is perpetually active and relies on the body's own energy to work. If Katsumi is well-rested and well-fed, her ability to heal from severe injuries becomes formidable. If she is tired and hungry, her power is much truncated. In peak condition, she can and will regrow an entire arm within thirty seconds. If she is unconscious, a broken bone will heal within a day or two. The main disadvantage of Morphogenesis is that the constant activity of the Quirk leaves its wielders prone to malfunctions of the affected systems. Katsumi has been subject to yearly full MRIs, X-Rays and other imaging scans to ensure that she does not develop any sort of cancer. Her brother Kyouya is currently subject to the same barrage of tests every six months, after developing an aggressive thyroid cancer and having the gland removed (it grew back, thankfully cancer-free.) Likewise, both siblings occasionally grew extra body parts in their childhood - mostly teeth and earlobes, though Katsumi is known to have a third kidney and Kyouya woke up one morning with an extra finger developing in his wrist. Their Quirk has been investigated for its potential in growing organs for transplant purposes, but it is notoriously temperamental. Katsumi's fighting style relies heavily on fast movement and kicks - she has experience in Muay Thai and capoeira - and often incorporates a four-foot staff which she wields with precision and enthusiasm. Her outfit is essentially a bodysuit with a padded sleeveless jacket over the top and padded greaves running from upper thigh to ankle. The jacket is cinched at the waist with a wide belt which mimics the decorative style of an obi. She also wears a pair of reinforced goggles, with lenses customized to compensate for her severe astigmatism. The color scheme is warm purple, dark grey and white.
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panthalass · 7 years
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Couple works in progress. It’s been ages since I’ve done paper lineart and apparently I need a new scanner. 
The girl on the left with the cute dress is Kelebek, butterfly goddess of the dark world of Megowin (one of my many original projects). She was a monarch butterfly that lived 100 years and became a god. Girl on the right is Katsumi Nagato, my Ao no Exorcist OC. She’s the daughter of a demonic researcher and a deceased onmyouji, wielder of a demon sword that can only be used by women.
Katsumi may be getting a BnHA verse at some point.
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kemdoodles · 7 years
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I like the Class 1A eyecatchers in the anime, so I wanted Katsumi to have one too xDD She gets to wear her Hero outfit because that means I don't have to draw her glasses lmao.
Katsumi has that stress response where you laugh and get motivated. You put her in mortal danger and she'll be in a good mood for the rest of the week and probably get all her homework done and tidy her room and just generally turn into a productive, competent person, instead of the teenage mess she usually is. I can vouch for the efficacy of this stress response because I have the same thing. (I actually don't know if it's normal or if my body just absorbs adrenaline weird or what, but either way I'm projecting like a mofo here lmao.) It makes Katsumi very resilient to emotional trauma - she can still be traumatised, but her brain processes the chemicals in a way that insulates her from most of the negative effects of undergoing trauma, making her very resistant to long-term disorders like PTSD. Which is pretty useful, for a Hero whose entire Quirk relies on her getting hurt in the first place. It also has contributed significantly to her love of extreme and combat sports. She's a total adrenaline junkie. :v
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