#oc: kyelasi
autisticbones · 1 year
speaking of shiny
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autisticbones · 2 years
Autisticbones' SWTOR character list
this post is where i keep track of (most of) the characters who appear in my SWTOR-verse in various roles and some basic info about them, although it's far from comprehensive. i edit periodically to add updates, which can include anything from photo changes to adding entire new characters to adding this blurb and the read more button below it bc this post is getting so long it was making my blog difficult to navigate. i'm always down to answer questions about any of my characters, i don't bite! thanks for hanging out!
[last updated 03/17/24]
the Friss legacy
Jedi Knight - Elara Friss
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Age at start of class story: 23
Height: 5'10
Sexuality: Bi ace polyam
Combat style: Sentinel
Lightsaber colour: Green and amethyst. In-game, these are their main and offhand colours, but in my canon they're left-handed and therefore the amethyst is their main colour.
Elara starts out as upstanding Jedi, a bit of a goody-two-shoes type, but the war wears them down. They start to get weirder as they figure themselves out, eventually finding themselves in a leadership position they never wanted but can't deny they're good at. Every so often someone around the base on Odessen finds themselves deeply startled to hear them let out a string of expletives when their datapad glitches out or they drop whatever they're carrying, because the Alliance Commander, Jedi Battlemaster, Hero of Tython, every public persona they've ever worn, does not swear, but Elara Friss sure fuckin does.
In a semi-closed quad with Doc, Theron, and Lana.
i did not know any swtor lore when i started and discovered later that elara dorne exists and thought it was hilarious
Jedi Consular - Aethrii Talera
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Age at start of class story: 19
Height: 5'2
Sexuality: Aroace
Combat style: Guardian
Lightsaber colour: Green, white-blue-purple
Aethrii is serene and stubborn, accustomed to being underestimated due to her age and size. Her enemies often regard the calm certainty she emanates as Jedi foolishness, and she uses their overconfidence to her advantage. She developed a couple of motor tics as a side effect of Force-shielding several Jedi Masters from Vivicar's plague, which occasionally make it difficult for her to use her lightsaber or move with the agility required in combat, and in those moments she calls on her companions to protect her while she focuses on telekinetic defenses.
Aethrii and Elara have known each other since they were 15 and 18, when Elara arrived at the enclave Aethrii was raised in.
Smuggler - Te'vrila Sohnn
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Age at start of class story: 27
Height: 5'7
Sexuality: Demiromantic, bisexual
Combat style: Gunslinger
Pure of heart, dumb of ass. Te'vrila started out as a properly legal freighter pilot, flying cargo in the Bantha's Bounty, but fell into smuggling when money got tight, just trying to get the job done and make a living without getting too tangled up in the process. Instead, she failed upward spectacularly, taking down the Voidwolf and stealing his underworld throne.
Meets Sav in a business deal, eventually starts seeing xem romantically during the Zakuulan occupation.
Sith Warrior - Virinistra Thul
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Age at start of class story: 24
Height: 6'3
Sexuality: Bisexual
Combat style: Juggernaut
Lightsaber colour: Red
The daughter of lower Thul nobility who joined the Imperial military, Virinistra had a comfortable upbringing on Dromund Kaas. She presents a physically imposing figure, but is often presumed to operate on pure brute force, leading to her opponents' downfall.
Sith Inquisitor - Sav'eera Lenneji Kallig
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Age at start of class story: 23
Height: 5'4
Sexuality: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ sapphic of some sort
Combat style: Assassin
Lightsaber colour: Purple (specifically the colour of the high roller saberstaff with an open colour crystal); sometimes red or yellow.
Sav'eera is vibrant and unapologetic, impulsive and unambiguous. They're out to raise the dead for a midnight snack. She's not cruel, most of the time - but she is ruthless. Xe has a soft spot for Ashara, and sometimes ends up making choices xe'd rather not because of it.
Flirted with Andronikos as banter, had a few flings, dated Lana up until Manaan, ultimately ends up asking out Te'vrila after they've made a few deals trading in Sith artifacts.
Imperial Agent - Danestri Avela
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Age at start of class story: 24
Height: 5'6
Sexuality: Bi, greyromantic
Combat style: Operative
Danestri joined the Imperial Military Academy on Dromund Kaas when they were 15, looking for an escape from the life of watching her mother barely make ends meet for years. They excelled and went into medical courses, only to be abruptly recruited to Intelligence at the end of their third year of medic training. Most of her squadmates assume she dropped out. One or two swapped her name into the old ghost story of Intelligence recruiting that upper-years always told to scare the freshmen, despite genuinely believing it to be no more than a story.
Married to Vector and partnered with Shara (formerly Watcher Two/Keeper). The rest of her crew knows about Vector but only Vector knows about Shara.
Trooper - Vedru Cresik
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Age at start of class story: 26
Height: 5'11
Sexuality: Bisexual
Combat style: Gunslinger
Having grown up on Coruscant with his moms and sisters, Vedru joined the army wanting to make a difference. Havoc Squad threw them for a loop, and they've had to reevaluate how they can still pull that off.
He and Aric and Elara are all flirting obliviously with each other and haven't figured it out yet.
Bounty Hunter - Kestrala Mevos
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does not care (any pronouns)
Age at start of class story: 25
Height: 5'3
Sexuality: fuck your labels doesn't know, doesn't care (gender: Butch Bitch)
Combat style: Powertech
Kes is just here to kick ass and take credits, she doesn't like the spotlight too much. Has worked for the Voidwolf, and continues to take jobs for the Voidhound.
Extra - Kyelasi Tirje
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Age at start of class story: 18
Height: 5'5
Sexuality: demiromantic, grey-ace
Combat style: Marauder
Kyelasi was Zash's apprentice immediately prior to Sav'eera, and she was granted independence as a Sith Lord to allow Zash to seek out Sav. They're about a year older than Sav, and the two become acquainted throughout Sav's run of the class story, bonding over being alien Sith and also over having similar research interests.
Toma Haskren
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Age at start of class story: 12
Height: 5'3
Combat style: Marauder
Lightsaber colour: Red
Toma is Danestri's estranged half-sister. They were quite close as children, but Toma was sent off to the Sith quite young and Danestri was erroneously told that she did not survive her final trials on Korriban, while Toma came to believe that Danestri should have rescued or protected her from the Sith and has grown to resent her for it.
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