#oc: maile montunui
daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
Okay, so as I was talking to Evie about the other day, I was going through one of my old notebooks and found a whole extended universe of Descendants OCs I had planned from middle school. I obviously don’t plan on formally introducing or doing anything with all of these OCs, because there is a lot of them, but I still thought it would be fun to share them with you guys! They’re not all in their original versions from my notebook, because a few of them did require a little changing and revamping, but I still hope you guys enjoy these little ideas from twelve-year-old me’s brain.
Soha Pride, daughter of Simba and Nala, Carlos ship. Able to attend Auradon Prep thanks to a spell from Fairy Godmother that allows her entire family to shift between their lion and human forms. Very dedicated to her duties as a princess of Pride Rock, but sometimes feels overshadowed by her older sister Kiara because she’s the oldest and the heir. Doesn’t believe any of the stuff Audrey and Chad say about the VKs and makes it her mission to be friends with them. Formerly a Jay ship. I am going to be introducing her formally in a little bit, so look out for that!
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Josie Sparrow, daughter of Jack Sparrow, Evie ship. Auradon kid because it could never be decided whether Jack was a villain or not, and now he sails all around the seas surrounding Auradon and the different kingdoms. Has the ability to visit the Isle in her dreams, and it’s later revealed that that’s because her mother is Calypso. A huge troublemaker and prankster who’s constantly in trouble with Fairy Godmother, and becomes quick besties with Mal because of it when the VKs first come to Auradon.
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Jackson Kelly-Jacobs, son of Jack Kelly and David Jacobs, OC ship. Son of Jack and Davey because I am a Javid shipper for life. A dancer and gymnast who’s on the R.O.A.R. team, and used to be friends with Chad before he turned into a bully. Really flirty and charming like his dad Jack, but still a total sweetheart. He and Evie quickly develop a WLW/MLM friendship when the VKs come to Auradon, and he definitely punches Chad during the Family Day thing.
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Steven Smee, son of Mr. Smee, OC ship (Jackson’s boyfriend). Comes to Auradon with the VKs even though he’s not friends with them after Ben lets his dad persuade him to invite the child of a sidekick along with the children of villains so the people of Auradon are a bit “more receptive”. A complete shy sweetheart who loves his dad and brothers and misses them terribly when he leaves (because Smee is actually a really good dad) and is the reason the twins get to come to Auradon in the third movie. Kind of sensitive because he got bullied a lot as a kid on the Isle, but still has an inner strength that not a lot of people expect.
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Maile Montunui, daughter of Moana, Uma ship. President and pretty much only member of the Auradon Prep Sailing Club, which the Sea Three join after they come to Auradon in the alternate post-second movie story that I had in my head. Incredibly courageous and not afraid to speak her mind, but sometimes gets herself into trouble from being too confident. Frequently curses and insults people in Samoan. Bisexual disaster who falls in love with Uma instantly, even if it takes Uma a while to feel the same about her.
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Haven Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts, Harry ship. Member of the VKs who had a sort of Romeo and Juliet romance going on with Harry, but has to break it off when they leave to go to Auradon. She wants desperately to be good and break away from her mother’s reputation, and dedicates herself to being better once the VKs choose good at the coronation, which causes some tension between her and Harry when they meet again in the second movie. In the alternate post-second movie story after the Sea Three come to Auradon, though, they reconcile and get back together. She’s fierce and sarcastic by nature but not mean, and she shares Mal’s love for graffiti.
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Cierra Chernabog, daughter of Chernabog, Ben ship. Outcast even on the Isle because her father is a demon, doesn’t come to Auradon until after the second movie because so many people were against bringing Chernabog’s kid to Auradon the first time. Super shy and doesn’t talk a whole lot, but incredibly smart and loving. Has a demon form that she isn’t able to access until leaving the Isle, but it’s big and terrifying and still kind of cool.
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Celeste Frollo, daughter of Judge Frollo, Audrey ship. Claudette’s twin sister, very religious and God-fearing due to her father’s teaching, so she has a lot of Catholic guilt over liking girls (picture, like, Carrie White with no telekinesis and if she was a lesbian). Gets to go to Auradon after the second movie, when Audrey’s slowly starting to reform herself and be more accepting of villain kids (we’re pretending the third movie doesn’t happen, I guess), and at the same time my girl slowly starts to overcome her guilt and they fall in love!
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And there are even more, but I’m gonna stop there (😅). Hope you guys enjoyed this little look into my crazy little middle schooler brain!!
Tagging some of the Descendants moots: @ginger-grimm, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @auxiliarydetective, and soft tagging @manyfandomocs!!
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🐼 + Maile Montunui?
Thanks so much for this!! Also gonna tag the rest of the Descendants gang, @ginger-grimm, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, and @ginevrastilinski-ocs!! <3
Would they consider going onto a game/talent show on TV? If so, which one have they always had in mind?: Maile would probably like to go onto a more physically-based game, like Survivor or Big Brother, and she’d absolutely kill it.
Have they ever done something stupid to try and impress someone?: Maile has definitely tried to pull some cool moves with her sailboat to impress Uma, only to slip up because she’s not fully paying attention and wind up falling into the water.
Something they collect: Shells! She has a whole bunch from her years of sailing and hanging out on beaches, and they fill up several jars on the shelves in her room at Auradon Prep.
Their theme song: “How Far I’ll Go” by Auli’i Cravalho.
If they get sick easily or not: Decidedly not - she’s spent enough time on the ocean and on different islands that her immune system is great.
Their go-to destination for a day trip: Definitely some hidden beach cave or alcove with a nice view of the sea, preferably where she can take Uma and enjoy a nice day together.
If they've ever worked a summer job, what was it was: She’s never really had a summer job, unless you count all the work she did on her tribe’s boat all year round before she started at Auradon Prep.
Last year's Halloween costume: She and Uma did a couples costume of Buttercup and Wesley from The Princess Bride; Maile went as Buttercup while Uma donned Wesley’s Man in Black outfit.
Their go-to flavor for anything: Sea salt caramel - she likes to commit to the bit, what can she say.
Is there one thing they always manage to break no matter what? What is it?: The rigging on her boat’s sails. She is a really good sailor, but she also has an unfortunate love of sailing through storms, which tends to put a lot of pressure on the ropes.
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send me 🐼 + an oc!!
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💌 + Greta?
Thank you so much for this ask!! Again, there are a few OCs involved in this fic, so here you go!! <3
Greta/Evie (absolute best girlfriends ever).
Bella/Carlos/Jane (my sweet babies).
Charlotte/Gil (my little honeybunches).
Theo/Chad (because Chad can have a redemption-through-love arc, as a treat).
Celeste/Audrey (see above, but for Audrey).
Maile/Uma (my beautiful sea lesbians).
Haven/Harry (they bicker so much but they also love each other so much).
Doug/Lonnie/Aziz (I just think they’d be cute, okay?).
Mal/Ben (because sometimes you can go along with canon).
send me 💌 + an oc/fic and i’ll tell you all the endgame ships in the fic!!
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