#descendants plot bunnies
Turns out my brain never knows when to stop (😅), so now I have even more plot bunnies for Descendants and I thought I’d share them with you!! Keep in mind that I probably won’t do official intro posts for most of these, but you can still feel free to ask me questions about them if you want!!
Bella Wolf, daughter of the Big Bad Wolf, poly Carlos/Jane ship, Fivel Stewart FC. A member of the VKs, despite being a total sweetheart for a villain kid and never really wanting to be evil, because she was the only kid who tried to befriend Evie when she had her mother were exiled and she and Evie have been stuck like glue ever since. Not originally selected to go to Auradon, but the VKs managed to sneak her through the barrier and Ben decided to let her stay. Genuinely befriends Jane pretty quickly since they’re both really sweet and quiet, and doesn’t necessarily like her friends using the girl, but she goes along with it and it breaks her heart to distance herself from Jane after Family Day. Has also had a crush on Carlos forever but doesn’t realize she likes Jane too until after Jane and Carlos start dating, and she thinks she’s missed her chance with both of them until they approach her about being a part of their relationship. Has been purely in human form, like her dad, for most of her life because of the magic blocker on the Isle, but when she gets to Auradon she discovers that she can shift into a wolf and back at will, and also has heightened senses and reflexes, which she uses to join the tourney team after it becomes more inclusive after the second movie.
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Charlotte Cogsworth, daughter of Cogsworth, Gil ship, India Eisley FC. Homeschooled in Auradon’s palace for most of her life, because she’s been in training to follow in her father’s footsteps and become an advisor in Ben’s future court and also because Cogsworth is a very protective father, but Ben manages to convince his parents to convince her father to let her go to Auradon Prep shortly before the VKs come to Auradon (and she almost gets pulled out of school again when Cogsworth learns about villain kids coming, but thankfully it doesn’t happen). A bit socially inept since she hasn’t spent a lot of time around kids her age other than Ben, but a very sweet and fiercely intelligent girl who’s accepting of the VKs right away. Offers to tutor the Sea Three and catch them up on any education they might lack after Ben brings them to Auradon after the second movie, and falls in love with Gil that way. Absolute besties with Ben since they grew up together, and is also really good friends with Lonnie and Evie and Doug (and also forms a kind of unexpected friendship with Uma after a while). Her father nearly has a heart attack when he finds out she’s dating Gaston’s son, but he eventually comes around.
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Beauregard “Beau” Beast, son of Belle and Adam, poly Harry/Jay ship. Younger than Ben by less than a year, but has always grown up in his brother’s shadow as the “spare heir”; even though Ben never tried to make him feel less than, he’s always known that his father didn’t care about him the same way, that he was meant to just be Ben’s right hand and nothing else. Inherited his mother’s love for reading and knowledge and has spent most of his life locked in his room or the palace library studying history and politics, hoping that he could become a well-known senator or ambassador to another kingdom. A bit wary of the VKs at first, but eventually befriends all of them and starts dating Jay (to Adam’s consternation, especially since Ben’s already dating Mal), and winds up being the one Uma’s pirate crew kidnaps instead of Ben when they go to the Isle to bring Mal home. He and Harry are intruiged by each other and flirt a little while he’s captive (awkwardly on Beau’s part), but he finds out after the Sea Three come to Auradon that Jay and Harry were actually involved for a short while before the fight between the VKs and Uma’s crew got really bad. Eventually Jay and Beau realize that they (still, on Jay’s part) have actual genuine feelings for Harry, and invite him to be part of their relationship. Beau is very sweet but intensely awkward and insecure due to never being the first choice growing up, but as he gains more friends and starts dating Jay and Harry he’s able to come out of his shell and starts being able to stand up for himself.
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Wesley Darling, son of Wendy Darling, Mal ship, Tom Holland FC. The son of Wendy and the man she married after becoming a writer and putting Neverland behind her, but there are rumours that he’s actually Peter Pan’s son because of all the mischief he gets into. Hates Auradon’s thinking of “moving past” magic and how perfect and prim everyone pretends to be, so he’s constantly pulling pranks and getting into trouble with Fairy Godmother. Immediately recognizes that Ben’s under a love spell because he sees him eat the spelled cookie and approaches Mal about it, not to confront her or rat her out but just because he’s impressed by her prank skills (he obviously doesn’t realize that it’s part of a bigger plan). He and Mal fall in love leading up to the coronation, and Wesley is so relieved when she chooses good and admits to Ben that she doesn’t have any feelings for him - which he’s fine with because he’s a good friend and genuinely likes Wesley - so they can be together. The very definition of a class clown, laid-back and mischievous and doesn’t take a lot seriously, but also a lot smarter than most people think and would do anything for the people he cares about.
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Aurora Andersen, daughter of Ariel and Eric, poly Mal/Evie ship, Zendaya Coleman FC. Ariel and Eric’s younger child, after her older sister Melody who’s already graduated Auradon Prep. Shares her mother’s curiousity and sense of adventure, and so she makes a strong effort to befriend the VKs when they first come to Auradon. Realizes she has feelings for both Evie and Mal after they almost steal the wand at the coronation, and is thrilled when they choose good and decide to stay in Auradon. Confesses to them sometime between the first and second movies, and they all become Auradon Prep’s power throuple. Pretty much exactly like Ariel in terms of personality, bold and inquisitive and kind, but with Eric’s occasional recklessness thrown in. Can change between mermaid and human forms at will, thanks to Fairy Godmother’s magic. Wanted to be on Auradon Prep’s swim team but it was deemed unfair since she’s a mermaid, so she settles on joining the R.O.A.R. team after Lonnie becomes captain.
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Delfina Madrigal, daughter of Dolores Madrigal, Lonnie ship, Rachel Zegler FC. Daughter of Dolores and Mariano, and the oldest of the five children that her father always wanted. Received a gift from the family miracle on her fifth birthday like the rest of her family, becoming able to create illusions through her singing voice. Homeschooled for a good portion of her life, like most Madrigals, but Mirabel, now head of the family, decided she and a few of her cousins should be allowed to go to Auradon Prep after the coronation, since she thought that King Adam’s attitude towards magic might be changing. A clumsy lesbian disaster, a bit like her Tía Mirabel, who gets an insta-crush on Lonnie and whose brain tends to stop working when she’s around her. The two of them get together shortly after the events of the second movie, and Delfina attends all of Lonnie’s R.O.A.R. tournaments religiously despite not really knowing anything about the sport. A bit quiet and nervous like her mother, but also has her quiet strength and her tía’s tendency to let her mouth run faster than her brain. Joins Auradon Prep’s acapella club and makes them into sensations, due to her gift making their performances into full spectacles.
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Theodore “Theo” Maldonia, child of Tiana and Naveen, Chad ship, Jonathan Daviss FC. He/they kid of Tiana and Naveen and heir to the throne of Maldonia. Very studious, quiet, and dedicated to learning how to be the best ruler he can be, but also doesn’t have very many friends as a result. Unexpectedly winds up becoming close to Chad after being assigned to tutor him when he starts failing a class, and actually helps him to reconsider his ways and mindset when the VKs come to Auradon. They develop a crush on him eventually but acknowledge that he still has a ways to go before becoming a better person, so it’s a while before he asks him out, but they’re very cute when they do get together. Through dating Chad, Theo starts to come out of their shell a little, and becomes really good friends with Doug and Carlos. A member of the Auradon Prep student council, and eventually becomes the tourney coach’s assistant as an effort for them to better learn how to plan strategies.
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Maizie Hatter, child of the Mad Hatter, poly VKs ship, Erin Kellyman FC. Wacky non-binary sweetheart, and a complete outcast in Auradon, as most kids from Wonderland are, due to their odd style and outlandish personality. When the VKs originally come to Auradon (already all dating each other), they try to befriend Maizie because they figure it will be easy to convince them to help them steal Fairy Godmother’s wand, but all four of them find themselves falling in love with Maizie over time. After they all choose good at the coronation - and Mal profusely apologizes to Ben for the love spell and explains that she doesn’t really have feelings for him - they ask Maizie to be a part of their relationship, which they’re only too happy to do. An incredible artist and lover of tea who forms Auradon Prep’s art club with Mal and gets all four of their partners addicted to rose hip tea. Exactly what you’d expect the child of the Mad Hatter to be, wacky and curious and often living inside their own head, but also a lot more observant and smart than people expect. Becomes besties with Ben after the events of the first movie when they start to become more accepted by Auradon society and, later, the Sea Three.
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Tagging my Descendants besties: @auxiliarydetective, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ginger-grimm, @ginnystilinski-reblogs, @cecexwrites, @come-along-pond, and @manyfandomocs!!
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desperately wanna write a childhood friends to lovers au w chloe and red in the timeline where bridget never goes evil and is still besties w ella
like imagine all the hangouts and sleepovers they have, crying and whining when they have to be separated because red, dear, we really must return home or chloe, love, we've been in wonderland for a week already
imagine little chloe bursting into her parents' bedroom declaring that she'll always be red's knight in shining armour, because every princess, especially a crown princess, needs a knight to protect her and ella and christopher just KNOWING that chloe is gonna stay by red's side forever and ever
so they start planning the wedding with bridget, thrilled to have the opportunity to bring their families even closer together. they're gonna be in laws! a family, just like they've always dreamed.
imagine little red telling her mum that chloe has a really pretty smile and really pretty eyes, and it makes her happy to see chloe happy, and that chloe is the bestest friend in the whole wide world and bridget has to stop herself from squealing and pinching red's adorably flushed cheeks, because her daughter was so in love already, even if it was just puppy love. that doesn't stop her from screaming gleefully into her pillow later that night tho
imagine them growing up together, attached at the hip, never straying from the other's side. imagine them going to auradon together, everyone already knowing that red and chloe, chloe and red, are a package deal. you can't get one without the other, a known fact since the duo were old enough to travel through the rabbit hole on their own
imagine chad walking in on them cuddling, watching a movie and cooing at them, snapping pictures on his phone before they notice him, yelling at him to leave them alone. alright, alright, I'll leave you lovebirds alone and red flushes in mortification and shut the fuck up chad, we're completely platonic and you know this because little miss goody-goody would definitely be rougher around the edges, growing up with red, and she'd definitely cuss up a storm at chad, but she loves him, she swears, just maybe not as much as she loves red
imagine them going through all the motions of a romantic relationship, cuddles, cheek kisses, hand holding, cute dates and all that, but insisting that it's just platonic, and that's how they've always been because they're best friends and their parents are so very done with them, just praying for them to get together, and chad has even started a betting pool for when they'll realise they love each other. he thinks it'll take them until at least their second year at auradon prep - at least, it'll take chloe that long
imagine chloe and red having matching lock screens, and having each other set as their home screens as well. imagine red baking chloe anything she asks for, like peppermint cookies and flamingo feather cupcakes and blueberry muffins, because chloe, her princess, her knight, has a raging sweet tooth that red can't help but indulge every time. imagine chloe taking red on ice cream dates, because red LOVES ice cream, and refusing to let her pay for it because red was a princess and deserved only the best treatment, thank you very much and red has to point out that chloe, you're a princess too. but, red, you're the crown princess and im your loyal knight <3
imagine red finally realising her feelings and ranting at the council of parents because holy shit aunt ella, your daughter is so dense?? and christopher can't help but cringe because he knows exactly who chloe got that trait from and he's like I'm sorry but while we charmings are quite, charming, we're also quite oblivious, especially to matters of the heart and bridget can't stop laughing because darling, you may need to hit her with glass shoes for her to figure it out, which makes ella blush because that's exactly what she had to do that night at castlecoming
god I have so many feels about this I am totally normal about glassheart. final part absolutely inspired by @strugglingsapphic's recent post bc I love the idea of oblivious chloe not knowing shit
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Descendants for the plot bunny ask game? <3
Thank you for the ask @daughter-of-melpomene!! 💕 Well I’ve came up with two ideas 💡 Tagging the Descendants gang: @ginger-grimm @manyfandomocs and @ginevrastilinski-ocs
name: cookie cheshire
age: sixteen
sexuality: lesbian
job: student at dragon hall (formally) student at auradon prep
love interest: lonnie shang
brief summary: non-binary child of the cheshire cat, and best friend of eleanor amora. jealous that their best friend is chosen to go to auradon, even if they imagine it to completely boring compared to wonderland. with some help from the mistress of evil who decides to transform them into a cat and send them with them under the disguise of being eleanor’s pet. cookie soon discovers that being under a disguise is quite useful, until they accidentally get caught underneath the legs of the daughter of fa mulan, while she is fencing, and the former accidentally slashes the check of cookie, which they accidentally reveal their human form, in which they don’t mind, because they soon find themselves developing a not-so secret crush on the beautiful martial arts and hip-hop dancing girl.
5 adjectives to describe them: artistic. witty. mischievous. intelligent. strange
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name: eleanor amora
age: sixteen
sexuality: pansexual
job: student at dragon hall (formally) student at auradon prep
love interest: ben beast
brief summary: daughter of the enchantress, and best friend of cookie cheshire. she was raised to never judge a book by it’s cover and as far as the isle kids go, eleanor is honestly kinder than most of them. ben included her among the names of children to be brought to auradon, even if it made her best friend jealous. she wasn’t bothered about visiting the place, even if the current king is the one who sent her mother away. what she doesn’t expect is to fall in love with the son of the beast.
5 adjectives to describe them: kind. sharp. witty. cunning. wise
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thebluestbluewords · 4 months
Excerpt from Establishing Council of the United Sovereignties of Auradon, General Meeting Minutes, Early Spring, year XXXX
Motion #22: Villainous Uprising:  King Adam of Rouen-Metz
King Adam presented to the council the current status of the villain uprising, which now controls the kingdom of Atlantica, the border with Waverly City to the east, and the border with Astoria to the west. The troops dispatched by the United Sovereignties upon our last meeting have been returned to their respective kingdoms in the form of a large quantity (roughly equivalent by weight to the bodies of the soldiers originally dispatched) of black sand. 
In light of this development, King Adam proposes that the council dispatch the full military forces of Auroria and Charmingdale to disburse the villain uprising and recover control of Atlantica. 
Princess Briar Rose of Auroria proposed a second division of troops, in order to lessen the burden on specific kingdoms within the United Sovereignties. 
King Adam reminded Princess Briar that the current troops were returned in ashes, and suggested that perhaps this abject failure at quashing the villains was due to the scattered nature of the previous defense. Furthermore, he brought to the council the proposal of sending all of the troops from each of the united sovereignties in waves so that if the first were to fail once again at suppressing the forward motion of the villains, the second could have an encampment prepared a short distance away so as to avoid the constant moving a troops into position while the villains march forward. 
The council approved the deployment of a united force from the kingdoms of Auroria, Charmingdale, and New London, to attack on the current front lines. An additional contingent will dispatched from each of the other kingdoms in the United Sovereignties who holds a standing military force, to establish a breakpoint in the kingdom of Westerly should the villains evade the front line deployment. Motion approved 16-2, 1 abstained.
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For the plot bunny ask game: Disney’s Descendants, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs 💖
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name: jean marie radcliffe
age: 18 in the first movie
sexuality: heterosexual
job: student, eventually an architect
love interest: tbd, but it’d be an oc
brief summary: as the eldest of roger and anita radcliffe’s seven children, jean spends most of her time keeping an eye on her siblings. she mostly doesn’t mind, as she knows that she and her siblings are only at auradon prep on the goodwill of the board of royals. there’s absolutely no royal blood in jean’s family. only the royalties of inheriting their father’s small music fortune. she’s skeptical when prince ben announces that he’s bringing over some kids from the isle of the lost, but tries to keep an open mind. even after learning that cruella devil’s son is amongst them. but mostly, jean keeps to herself, preferring to spend time with her nose buried in a book and only minding the business of her siblings — and making sure that carlos devil has no interest in furs and especially not dalmatian furs. those dogs are the radcliffe family’s and no one will ever take them again.
faceclaim: ellie bamber
send me a fandom and i’ll create a plot bunny for it
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ocmerunaway · 8 months
Plot Bunny: Summer Bishil in Descendants (shipped with any of the adult princesses!)
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Meet: Asure Merrigold Asure is one of Maleficent's ex-spies, choosing to turn her back on what her old boss wants she chooses to focus instead on stealing away the woman that the king loves most. Belle. The question she has to answer now is why and can she ever convince Belle she's good enough?
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It really did take Descendants to get me back on my bullshit lmao
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Are there any plans on continuing DoMaH or is it abandoned?
I plan to continue it, for sure! It's rare that I abandon stories for good, especially stories I worked so long on and I hold dear, I have stories of 10 or 15 years old that I still pick up and continue when I am in the right state of mind, and DoMaH is one of those long-loved stories I could never bring myself to abandon for good, I consider it on hold until I'll be able to pick it back up, that's it.
To be honest, I got a little far from the BnHA fandom ever since the war arc started, I found it too heavy for my current state of mind, I think I'll be waiting for the manga to end to read it all at once. That doesn't mean the fic will reprise only after the end of the manga, I hope to find inspiration and good ideas to move forth the plot earlier than that but, currently, I don't have the ability to write for it and I can't promise anything.
I'm sorry to make you all wait, it's just that I'd rather do a good job and enjoy the process than offer half-baked chapters just to finish quickly, I'd end up hating the result and ruin it for all of us.
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creamecream · 2 years
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Prom outfits! the ones I have already designed and shown before!
Kumani and Nova belong to @shinynymphia
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dutybcrne · 8 months
The way finishing watching the new pe.rcy ja.ckson ep with my little sister has given me Hella Muse for Abyss!kae and Abyss Princess!Lumi
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katyawriteswhump · 5 months
top of the world, steddie microfic
For @steddiemicrofic May prompt ‘Top’.
Rating: T  CW: None WC: 510  Tags: kid fic, flashback, established Steddie, mild angst.
Inspired by a discord plot bunny from @bananahoneycomb that I've totally not done justice to (where steddie have been dating for a while before they realize they once knew each other before. ) Thank you anyway <3
Eddie’s gotten Steve squished between him and a tree, and they’re kissing each other stupid. When they break apart—breathing is tragically necessary—Eddie glances to the treetops to snatch a giddy, Is this real? moment. Steve dabs his tongue around kiss-swollen lips and leans in to start the kiss over.
Eddie’s still staring upward: “Holy shit!”
“What is it?”
“I remember this exact tree. Some kid I once knew got stuck in it.”
Steve glances skyward, tenses, colour draining from his face. “Jesus, Munson—that was me.”
On hearing his friend shouting from the treetop, Eddie cringed. If he’d known he’d pass the best month ever with this kid, he wouldn’t have lied about his name.
“I’m at the top, Johnny! C’mon!”
“Still gonna pass, Han. Not a huge fan of heights.”
“Ever coming down?”
Eddie waited. And waited. Han shouted, “Sure you won’t climb up?”
“Look, you win. You’re the dude. I’m a candy-ass dweeb.”
“Johnny, please.” Han’s voice turned wobbly. “You gotta help me. I’m stuck.”
“Hey, kid?” A voice rumbled from the bottom of Steve’s tree. “It’s Deputy Hopper. Got a ladder here. You think you can climb down?”
Steve’s arms and legs ached from clinging to the branches. He’d been AWESOME going up. Descending, he’d peeped downward, totally frozen up.
“N-not sure.” Steve sniffled. “C-can’t move.”
He daren’t even wipe his tears. This epically sucked. Being rescued like a stranded kitten was humiliating. Knowing he’d made a dork of himself in front of Johnny hurt worse.
“It’s Han, right?” called Hopper, ascending the ladder. Steve cringed. The dumbass things he’d done to impress Johnny! Then again, who wouldn’t want to be Han Solo for a summer? “You local?”
“It’s not Han. It’s Steve Harrington.” He bit his wibbly lower lip. When his parents discovered he’d been playing with strange kids in the forest, he’d be in deep shit. Right now, he didn’t care. “I want to go home.”
Eddie and Steve start garbling as one:
“Seriously?” Steve plants his hands furiously on his hips. “You deserted me up the stupid tree! I never saw you again!”
“Got help, didn’t I? I was scared too. When I knew you were safe, I basically fled—inherited my Dad’s healthy suspicion of the police, okay? Anyhow, you never showed again, either.”
“I was grounded till fall!”
“My mom moved away for work! I came back to Hawkins, years later, and then… I guess I had tats, the rocker hair. I looked for you, but… You used to be blonder, right, Han?”
“Yeah, Johnny?”
“Wanted to be Johnny Rotten—my short-lived Sex Pistols phase. Felt bad for lying. I didn’t expect to like you.”
“Well, I did all that shit to impress you. I guess you were my first crush. I was miserable for ages when you literally vanished.”
“Back at ya!”
They glare. Eddie’s fingers return to the nape of Steve’s neck, stroking tenderly. “Guess this makes us childhood sweethearts. How vomit-inducingly sweet.”
Steve huffs, rolls his eyes, and they launch into another blisteringly hot make-out session.
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
Okay, so as I was talking to Evie about the other day, I was going through one of my old notebooks and found a whole extended universe of Descendants OCs I had planned from middle school. I obviously don’t plan on formally introducing or doing anything with all of these OCs, because there is a lot of them, but I still thought it would be fun to share them with you guys! They’re not all in their original versions from my notebook, because a few of them did require a little changing and revamping, but I still hope you guys enjoy these little ideas from twelve-year-old me’s brain.
Soha Pride, daughter of Simba and Nala, Carlos ship. Able to attend Auradon Prep thanks to a spell from Fairy Godmother that allows her entire family to shift between their lion and human forms. Very dedicated to her duties as a princess of Pride Rock, but sometimes feels overshadowed by her older sister Kiara because she’s the oldest and the heir. Doesn’t believe any of the stuff Audrey and Chad say about the VKs and makes it her mission to be friends with them. Formerly a Jay ship. I am going to be introducing her formally in a little bit, so look out for that!
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Josie Sparrow, daughter of Jack Sparrow, Evie ship. Auradon kid because it could never be decided whether Jack was a villain or not, and now he sails all around the seas surrounding Auradon and the different kingdoms. Has the ability to visit the Isle in her dreams, and it’s later revealed that that’s because her mother is Calypso. A huge troublemaker and prankster who’s constantly in trouble with Fairy Godmother, and becomes quick besties with Mal because of it when the VKs first come to Auradon.
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Jackson Kelly-Jacobs, son of Jack Kelly and David Jacobs, OC ship. Son of Jack and Davey because I am a Javid shipper for life. A dancer and gymnast who’s on the R.O.A.R. team, and used to be friends with Chad before he turned into a bully. Really flirty and charming like his dad Jack, but still a total sweetheart. He and Evie quickly develop a WLW/MLM friendship when the VKs come to Auradon, and he definitely punches Chad during the Family Day thing.
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Steven Smee, son of Mr. Smee, OC ship (Jackson’s boyfriend). Comes to Auradon with the VKs even though he’s not friends with them after Ben lets his dad persuade him to invite the child of a sidekick along with the children of villains so the people of Auradon are a bit “more receptive”. A complete shy sweetheart who loves his dad and brothers and misses them terribly when he leaves (because Smee is actually a really good dad) and is the reason the twins get to come to Auradon in the third movie. Kind of sensitive because he got bullied a lot as a kid on the Isle, but still has an inner strength that not a lot of people expect.
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Maile Montunui, daughter of Moana, Uma ship. President and pretty much only member of the Auradon Prep Sailing Club, which the Sea Three join after they come to Auradon in the alternate post-second movie story that I had in my head. Incredibly courageous and not afraid to speak her mind, but sometimes gets herself into trouble from being too confident. Frequently curses and insults people in Samoan. Bisexual disaster who falls in love with Uma instantly, even if it takes Uma a while to feel the same about her.
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Haven Hearts, daughter of the Queen of Hearts, Harry ship. Member of the VKs who had a sort of Romeo and Juliet romance going on with Harry, but has to break it off when they leave to go to Auradon. She wants desperately to be good and break away from her mother’s reputation, and dedicates herself to being better once the VKs choose good at the coronation, which causes some tension between her and Harry when they meet again in the second movie. In the alternate post-second movie story after the Sea Three come to Auradon, though, they reconcile and get back together. She’s fierce and sarcastic by nature but not mean, and she shares Mal’s love for graffiti.
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Cierra Chernabog, daughter of Chernabog, Ben ship. Outcast even on the Isle because her father is a demon, doesn’t come to Auradon until after the second movie because so many people were against bringing Chernabog’s kid to Auradon the first time. Super shy and doesn’t talk a whole lot, but incredibly smart and loving. Has a demon form that she isn’t able to access until leaving the Isle, but it’s big and terrifying and still kind of cool.
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Celeste Frollo, daughter of Judge Frollo, Audrey ship. Claudette’s twin sister, very religious and God-fearing due to her father’s teaching, so she has a lot of Catholic guilt over liking girls (picture, like, Carrie White with no telekinesis and if she was a lesbian). Gets to go to Auradon after the second movie, when Audrey’s slowly starting to reform herself and be more accepting of villain kids (we’re pretending the third movie doesn’t happen, I guess), and at the same time my girl slowly starts to overcome her guilt and they fall in love!
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And there are even more, but I’m gonna stop there (😅). Hope you guys enjoyed this little look into my crazy little middle schooler brain!!
Tagging some of the Descendants moots: @ginger-grimm, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @ginevrastilinski-ocs, @auxiliarydetective, and soft tagging @manyfandomocs!!
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it's the way I'm so tempted to subvert the whole concept of red speaking a different language by making her speak an asian language LIKE HEAR ME OUT
imagine chloe meets this caucasian/latin lookin ass bitch and then she opens her mouth and out comes a stream of idk japanese like would that not be funny as fuck?? headcanon red speaks spanish or italian?? no she's speaking chinese like an asian auntie at a mahjong table like the crack potential is endless here
god i am so sleep deprived
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Descendants + Jay love interest? <3
Thank you so much, dearest Dolly!! (@faerieroyal/@daughter-of-melpomene) 💕
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Son of Robin Hood and Maid Marian
Rivals to Lovers Trope
Is a good and generous person at heart, but can be known for getting into and out of tricky situations.
Is able to attend Auradon Prep thanks to a spell from the Fairy Godmother that allows the entire clan from Sherwood Forest to shift between their animal and human forms.
Like his father, he is very skilled at archery.
He and Jay have some unresolved sexual tension, and everyone can see the chemistry between the two of them, but Roland and Jay don't seem to realize that.
Tagging: @ginger-grimm @ginevrastilinski-ocs and @manyfandomocs 💕
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diorcities · 1 year
bunny (lmk)
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previous. part two .next.
pairing: mark x afab!reader. jisung x afab!reader. genre: smut, dark academia. content: thigh riding, backshots, riding, fingering, slight degradation, exhibitionism, unprotected sex, creampie. allusion to virginity and voyeurism. 50% plot, 50% smut. wc: 4 k
description: excluded and marginalized, your only friends seem to be little creatures. and the hunter. bunnies hate him and avoid getting too close, but why? is it because he's an outcast just like you? although, rather than hating him, they seem to fear him, has he done anything to them? the only way to find out is to make him follow you into the woods.
the entourage of bunnies surrounded him like one who looks at a deity: with worship. their feline eyes focused on any slightest movement, their delicate lips sighing with joy when finally their gaze is reciprocated. with smooth skins and different tones. docile. fragile. with laughter similar to the touch of a rose petal. laughing when he whispered some sly comment to them. or when he recited phrases from his favorite books. their laughter echoing in the hallways, in sync. while they pushed you or hid your clothes when you showered. innocent little jokes, for harmless little bunnies.
jisung doesn't even cringe at them. he lets them follow him, not because he likes the attention he surely receives, but because he thinks there is no way to get rid of them, so he let them touch him, comb his hair while he dozes in the garden, stalk him, and then laugh when they are discovered by him. but he's never upset with the bunnies, how could he? they're lovely, he's rather... retiring. reluctant. as if he could do nothing but live with it. so sometimes he smiles, especially when he guides them to some lonely place when he surprises them from behind in some dark corner. and then he withdraws again, with his attention no longer on them again. but in you.
being always close, you don't understand why. going unnoticed sometimes, until one of them notices you, and suddenly, you are the butt of the joke. but they are adorable, jisung always says so. lovely. pretty. his arms are sometimes covered with small scratches from paws or small bites, but he says pretty, pretty. precious, precious kittens.
“oh,” bunny says. sitting in a circle in the garden, tasting their lunches while you watch in the distance, hidden from their small snouts and sharp nails. “what is it, kitten?” the other bunny wants to know but gets no answer. in response, they all seem to perceive something that you can't because of the distance that separates you. and it's like seeing everything through a lens, the way their bodies tense and freeze. bites halfway without being chewed because they have all been paralyzed as if they were under a charm. and before your eyes can catch it, a quick flash appears and descends like a guillotine on a small furry creature.
it's so tiny you can barely see it. it writhes and squeals under the gaze of nine pairs of curious eyes, which soon return to their lunches as if nothing, while the small dying creature lies beside them. “wow, kitten, you're so fast,” they say between each bite, “kitten, you're so agile.” and they keep chatting until it happens again. but now their prey is too large to be crushed by their tiny hands, and their nails would only scratch the surface. the prey is no longer a prey, but a hunter, and the reaction it gets is just what it expects: the bunnies run out like a frenzy, leaving their companions behind and watching over their own interests, fleeing in terror to some shelter, or to jisung.
the hunter ignores them, but you know he is watching. always observing. to the bunnies. he wants to hunt them down, or so it seems, you don't know. you've heard them talk about him. he's dangerous. he's not jisung, because he has darker hair, pitch black. and his gaze is not flattering because he's always frowning. he doesn't smile at the bunnies but glares at them, eyes narrowing as thoughts run through his mind. scheming tramps to catch them. bunnies abhor him because he's not jisung, and he abhor them for no apparent reason other than because.
making them tremble with fear just by his presence. cause them to hurt themselves when they see it. bunny once peed on herself. bunny cried until she had hiccups. bunny vomited until she was in the infirmary, and all of them went to jisung. because jisung protected them from the hunter. the hunter never approaches jisung, but observes him. you've seen it.
so as a good rabbit hunter, his eyes fall on the little creature writhing on the lawn, and debate. should he wait until there are no eyes to look at him? should he go after the other bunnies? could he use it as bait for other types of prey? by the time he wants to make a decision, it is too late, and you are on the rabbit, taking it in your hands and seeing what bunny has done to it, before turning around and entering the forest. the weeds engulf you as you enter more and more disappearing into the bushes.
before he goes after his new prey.
at a certain safe distance, so that you do not hear his footsteps. going deeper and deeper into the forest, following your trail. you can barely feel him, lurking. looking closely when you deposit the small animal in a small clearing, feeling its heartbeat furiously under its small ribs. with small black speckles splashing their cream fur, and long, furry ears that fall drowsily over their glowing black eyes. “don't be afraid, little one. i'm friends with bunnies, i don't hurt them,” you assure in a low voice. “look at your leg, is it broken?” you seem to notice. the rustling of the branches alerts them both of you, “it seems that someone followed us to here, but don't fear, i'll protect you,” you say in a whisper.
to your surprise, it is not difficult to find him. he's not scared, because he's a hunter, you remember. he's not afraid of you, but why does he seem to? “have you come for him?” you ask, feeling a revolution in the pit of your stomach.
“have you come for me?” a short sigh leaves his lips before his eyes travel behind you. “did you kill it?” he inquires, and you shake your head so hard it makes you dizzy. you watch him meditate, before he startles when he feels you moving towards him. “are you scared?” he wants to know now, furrowing and sniffing as if he could smell your scent from where he is standing.
bunnies are right: he's not jisung. he's not charming, he's not blond, his voice is raspy and rough, and his whole body emanates a wild energy instead of the calm swell of jisung. something demonic dances around him, and attracts, like a bear trap. but, no. you're not scared of him. so your steps take you closer to him, studying the panorama that unfolds in front of him with open and overflowing eyes when your hands touch his cheek. “no.”
“they are.”
“i'm not them.”
“then, who are you?” you let him register your face, eyes wandering everywhere: hair, nose, lips, before landing on your eyes. your lips say your name softly, sensing his body tense up and relax. “are you scared of me?” you ask now, tracing a path to his temple. his skin looks so soft that your teeth ache in your gums, approaching your mouth before he lifts his face and your lips press on his jaw. there's a pool filling with furious butterflies when his hands find your waist and squeezes it to push you away, but midway through he repents and presses you against him.
you can't go any further when something wraps around your wrist like thorny weeds and pushes you backwards, until your back hits something hard like the wood of a log. “they don't have names” he points out.
lips down his neck, eyes watching him close his as he frowns as he is wailing before he makes eye contact with you. dark eyes staring at you from above, a tangle of emotions behind his pupils. eyes shut when you rub your lips on his skin, once again, and you thought about the reluctance to look at you while your mouth spread kisses, is he waiting for the bite? is he waiting for your teeth on his skin?
“no, they don't,” you say, agreeing as something inside you reveals something. thinking and wandering in your mind, because he's right. “do hunters have names?”
mark. like a wild gale. like the smell of wet earth and pine leaves. like the sound of the wind whipping hard at your thin curtains at night, as your fingers traveled south and your eyes locked on the moon. the sound of a wolf in the depths of a cave. mark.
he spins on your heels. there's a fence that separates your bodies from the precipice, and with a quick move, you're on top of it. mark's hands stay on your waist, while his eyes travels back and forth between your eyes and lips. “how can i be sure you're not one of them?” he demands to know, a sudden movement accompanies his words and causes you to strengthen your grip. “should i throw you off the cliff and see if you fall on your feet?” he adds, above the wind. he starts to get impatient when you don't respond right away, factions hardening and sharpening with each passing second when you don't open your mouth.
“did a mouse eat your tongue? answer me!” his body remains between your legs, hands firmly suspending you between solid ground and nothingness. a fall that surely ends in your downfall. when you look into his eyes, dark as onyx stormy eyes, you see yourself reflected in them.
your words are so vague and silent that they are blown away by the wind before they reach his ears, so he shakes you and orders you to repeat it. “you're not cruel, mark.” your response is surely not expected, and his reaction to you is not either, as he grabs you tighter and in mid-motion your body jerks forward, not backward. gracefully, mark pulls you down from the fence rail, and his body presses tighter against yours.
adrenaline ravages your body, and an electric current shakes you from head to toe, but, you are not scared. energized and euphoric, your breath freezes in your throat and your legs tremble, abruptly feeling the prominence pressing into your stomach. “then who am i?” he says, with regret. tilting his head until his wild jet black hair tickles your cheeks, and you're there, holding your breath because you fear it might scare him. but mark's not like bunnies. his heart remains a hunter-like steadiness. and his eyes land on you, his next prey.
mark watches you lick your lips. calm as what comes after a storm, let your hand rest on his cheek. an infinity begins and ends by looking at each other before he speaks. “where do i belong?.” no answer is needed when you finally stamps his mouth with yours. and his soft mouth begins to test the ground, first briefly and fleetingly, meditating, evaluating, until he grabs you by the back of the neck and kisses you fiercely. with intenseness. with thousands of sensations repressed and finally released on the tip of his tongue, running through yours. he knows now.
with you.
ejecting your body with sweet ecstasy, your body inhibited from any terror as you melt into him. biting and licking, tearing and squeezing fiercely. heart pounding as he pulls your hair and exposes your neck, sliding his silky tongue across your skin to your mouth. with a quick move, your back presses against his chest, feeling his hands dangerously moving down your stomach to the inside of your skirt. his fingers burying themselves beneath the fabric of your underwear and pressing against your swollen pussy. legs vibrating and wanting to close to increase the friction of his touch on your core before his knee pushes your legs apart, opening them again.
your enthusiasm makes his fingers slide nimbly through your folds, awakening all your senses and making you close your eyes as a whiplash of pleasure shudders in your stomach. it doesn't compare at all to what you've felt before. his expert fingers make you groan and moan, feeling your system suffer disorientation and agitation, mind clouded while his fiery eyes watch you succumb to him.
“is this what you want?.” he asks. yes, that and more. his lips on your mouth, and his fingers in your pussy. hands on your tits and cock buried in you. you can hear how wet you are every time he pumps his fingers along your swollen folds, feeling them in your dilated entrance, eager to be inserted by him.
you feel his available hand press into the valley of your butt, before you hear the sound of the zipper followed by the movement he makes to pull down his pants. his hand gropes your ass, raising your skirt until he exposes your skin. something hard is pressed in the middle while lowering your panties, extinguishing the touch on your pussy. the friction of your bodies only makes you feel the bulge more clearly, before his hand pushes it down, between the crease that forms your butt to your wetness.
his hand takes the back of your thigh when he sees you raising it on the fence. he presses his palm against it and helps you spreading.
a sigh comes out of your lips when you feel the head brush the entrance, sliding down your folds due to your arousal. pressing against you, mark moves it trying to find the best way to push it in. he expands you with haste, as if he can break you if he's not gentle. a moan freezes in your throat and your hands squeeze the railing when he push it inside. legs failing trying to support your weight when the unknown sensation causes your features to contort.
something rough and callous rests on your hand. his fingers intertwine with yours as a way to comfort your whining. his head buries himself in your hair, and he tries to strangle a growl that you barely hear. he slips out and into you, with parsimony; a brand new tingle takes over your intimacy. it hurts. but at the same time you like it. your fingers reciprocate his gesture. more, they mean.
the sweet burning of your tingling core being shredded makes your eyes roll. feeling him press against you, while his cock buries itself in you. pumping in and out awkwardly while your narrow walls stimulate his length. knot forming at the base of your belly due to his constant and firm thrusts, he hits the swelling that grows tighter and tighter as he destroy you.
his breathing is loud and shallow, moaning loudly and ramming you brutally. you cry, being completely shattered by the way he buries his cock in you, possessed by the desire for your walls tightening around his circumference, enveloping his hard and painful cock. “y-yes... o-oh.”
you feel him grinding against you, penetrating you with short, deep thrusts. moving dexterously, your body contorts when he increases speed, “shi— fuck!” the powerful noise of your skins colliding joins your constant moans and the incessant clash of his cock on your tingling core.
the ground seems to vibrate due to his pounding, rough and sharp, they eject your body forward with each tap. moans gushing out of each other mouths. a divine sensation is unleashed in your stomach, and suddenly you are euphoric. you cannot sustain yourself properly. “one more,” he utters, picking up the pace, both legs numb and trembling is the result of the grace of his movements, increasingly stronger and faster. one more, after everything felt light and your body shut down, leaving you agitated. nesting and knotting the swarm in your stomach again.
“y-yes.” the rattle that makes his cock in the swelling, releasing a pleasant pain every time he penetrates you. your eyes close as a jolt overwhelms you and cuts off any thoughts. you hear his wild, agitated breathing in your ear, exhaling every time he hammers inside you. “m-mark, o-oh” your eyes roll back while faint scream reverberates in your throat as the sensation expands through your extremities, and grips your pussy, “let it go... let it go,” he exhales, increasing the intensity of his thrusts.
you bite your lips hard when your breath is taken away and your senses get out of control. moans slip from your tongue along with his grunts, “f-fuck, let it go.” you suffer a catalytic state of whining and moaning, burying your nails in the ash wood of the fence when the pain is finally released and your body collapses.
feeling weak and sleepy, you try to regain your senses and what just happened. your body still vibrates and spasms when the aching gets worse. the motion becomes more messy and clumsy. hardly, mark growls as he stimulates your sensitivity as something slips down your crotch.
sunset drops down on the horizon as you make your way home cutting through the woods. the sound of the branches breaking as they give way under your weight is the only company, along with the beating of your heart like the hands of a clock. your sight wanders and wanders between the treetops and the blanket of dry leaves under your feet. is it you, or does everything look more colorful? you are ecstatic and… happy, yes, content, which at first goes unnoticed. that sound, the sound of the branches breaking, echoing your own. you've lost mark. he has vanished into the undergrowth. his demonic yet dazzling presence has disappeared as you were caughting your breath after the intercourse. but still, you call his name.
there's no answer more than your breathing accelerated.
“mark?” the sound of a crane taking flight exalts you, and suddenly your heartbeat quickens. “mark,” you urge. he has taken your underwear with him after having fucked you, maybe he wants to give it back.
you don't know if jisung will be upset about it. after all, you've done what he asked.
your steps lead you to the academy in a hastle, imposing at the top of the hill, with towers that end in pikes skimming the gray clouds. you climb and climb the steps of the library tower, feeling your legs give way from time to time. when you reach the top, you have lost your breath. agitated, you sweep the room in the dark; the candles on the desks are extinguished, and the lamps have died, yet a faint flash comes out of one of the corridors, and without a second thought, you go inside.
he's hardly a dark blur. the kerosene lamp resting on one of the hooks on the wall sheds a golden light on his profile. he smiles, alerting your presence. “come, gentle night, tender and gloomy night, give me my romeo and, when i die, cut him into a thousand small stars.” it's his way to greet you, leaning back in the chair and palming his lap for you to climb up. you sit astride, back pressing the wooden table behind you. in his eyes, apprehensives, there's nothing you can read from, except the constant desire of finding love in them.
“i've lost it,” you inform under his gaze. “i'm sure you did, kitten.”
“where you there, as you promised?” a lazy smile appears on his lips before nodding, “yes, i saw it all. did you like it?” the burning remaining in your legs send shivers down your spine. yes. you did. “did he breed you?” two orbs like two dying stars stare at you, waiting for a answer, but jisung's touch deprived you of doing it when his finger wandered down your leg to the inside of your thigh. “look at that, you're still stuffed with his seed.”
his fingers navigate your folds, distracted. something warm begins to bloom in your stomach as his fingers move up and down in the swelling of your cunt. hips reacting on its own, starting to rock your body side to side on his digits that run through your swollen cunt, silky with your arousal. a sigh leaves your lips when jisung stops his action, and shifts you to one of his legs. his trousers have pulled up to reveal the middle of his tender thigh, pressed shamelessly against your dewy core. “go ahead, darling, while i finish this book.”
you don't fully comprehend what he wants you to do until an involuntary movement of his arm as he searches for the best position to read moves you forward, the friction of his leg muscles sending detached signals to your brain, holding him by the shoulders to resume what you only has done with your pillow.
jisung hushes an ephemeral laugh as he hears you moan agitatedly, completely spellbound by the sensations that explode like fireworks in your belly and the sparkling tingling that descends into your intimacy and wets his skin, making you slide more easily over him. his muscles tense and untwist under your throbbing pussy, smiling in rapture at the pleasurable feeling that unleashes in your stomach. sensing his firm grip stopping you without a warning. “i know, i know. let me take care of,” he hushes when you wail due to your high washing away and leaving you aching.
he undoes his pants with graceful fingers as you gaze captivated and desirously at his exposed and erect cock and when he strokes it. a shaky pant leaving your lips as your hips raise and your walls crave him, clenching around nothing. jisung coos when he notices how desperate you are. “how precious thing.” his large fingers curl on your jaw, “want me to stuff you too? how insatiable.” a chill runs down your spine when he rubs the tip along your entrance, recalling when mark did it too. “dripping with his cum and still hungry.”
he stifles a grimace as he slides into you slowly, and for a moment you think he's been waiting for this precise moment the same way you have. squeezing your waist as he becomes elated at the way your walls snuggle around him, resting the tip where a tingle whips you. your pussy clenches and twitches, dazed by the full way it feels, starting to rock involuntarily once you've become drunk from the way he jerks inside you.
your moans echo on the walls and the lubed sound of your pussy bounces off the books. a sweet fluttering in your belly is unleashed with each thrust of your pelvis against him. a sharp burning that you manage to cease and replace with the silky smooth rolling of your hips, enveloped in the pleasurable sounds his lips release. he's frowning with his head stretched back for moments as your pussy coils and squeezes his girth. you feel numb and aching, stomach vibrating as you slow your thrusting because it hurts, but whimpering and grinding against him again.
your head lolls back as you feel his cock hammer you relentlessly. heartlessly. riding his cock with an unseemly frenzy, hearing him gasp and giggle with joy under your voice screaming his name. biting your lips when a shudder strike you so hard, that you're nothing more than a tangle of haze and hisses.
“easy, kitten. you'll hurt yourself.” your body quivers at his low and sweet tone. sensing his hands caressing your thighs before they wander into your wet core and trace circles that send electrical currents through your system. “you make me feel... dizzy.” surprising yourself when your fingers work skillfully to unbutton his linen shirt and reveal his smooth, tender skin without stopping the rhythm of your short wiggles on his lap. eyes drinking his pale chest rise and fall, covered with lines going in all directions, short and elongated ones of a reddish hue; he's covered with small scratches that fade when they reach the neck. “they get too excited sometimes.” it's his only answer. his eyes shut at the constant thrusting of your pelvis and your walls tightening around his length while bobbing on his girth covered in your silkiness, as a tingling rage burst in your chest for those who hurt them.
“u—uh, fuck,” he gulps, mouth part open where it slips pretty sounds. “fuck, that feels g-good, kitten,” he moans as you tremble on his lap and your inside twitches and throb due to the motion of his graceful fingers on your swollen spot. being unable to keep the pace, the rhythm of your hips alternates between sharp and sloppy. completely altered by his cock burying itself in you and soothing the swelling inside you, tip slapping again and again as you move up and down, stimulating your tingle that slides down and forms a creamy ring at the base of his girth.
“just like that, s-shit,” he gushes out, feeling dizzy as a lashing sensation whips you and fills you with a black noise. sensing your body shattering when jisung uses his strength to push your pelvis down and pump his cock into your core, pounding into you ruthlessly until utterly becoming sloppier and sloppier as a last groan leaves his lips.
a shot of bliss assaults while waves of pleasure wash you over, collapsing and throbbing ecstatic at the sensation of something thick and warm painting your pulsing walls. hot seed gushing out when he pulls his cock and strokes the remaining of his load under your mesmerized gaze, wrapping his fingers around it until it becomes limp. seeing him smiling when you say how pretty it is.
“now go,” he hurries you, “before the wolf gets you.”
the night has long settled in the starry sky when you descend from the tower. solitary, the academy sleeps under the sounds of nocturnal creatures; invisible presences that see you advance the patio to the bedrooms. tiny little eyes in trees, bushes, and under rocks, which follow you as you pass the bridge.
you rise from his lap ruined and completely shattered. “will you be fine?” you ask, fearing someone will come and make those horrible marks on him again, but he calms you down. “of course, i'm sneaky.”
you process what he says, frowning, “what if... something else gets me?”
the wind feels cool, the full moon accompanies you, and the hooting of nocturnal animals reaches your ears. no. not animals.
they're whispering. they hide in the shadows. no longer beautiful. cursed. hideous. you feel their eyes on you and loneliness is no longer comfortable when you know they're lurking. when they hide when you look back. when as you go along you feel them taking steps behind you, their murmurs more and more audible.
“her hair..., kitten. pretty, pretty.”
“i want her eyes, let me have her eyes, kitten.”
“her skin..., oh, kitten.”
“you'll have it.”
“you'll have it.”
“you'll have it.”
your eyes squint the darkness with a scream freeze in your throat. heart rumbling in your ears.
no one's there. there's no one there.
your nape hairs suddenly bristling when you look back absently, and suddenly you see it. crouched in a corner, hidden. following you. a figure bigger and longer than your little companions.
you thought you had imagined it, because as soon as you see him, he has disappeared.
so you go after him.
accelerating your footsteps on the cement until you turn a corner and see his fleeting figure cross in another. a new glimpse of his graceful body, a black flash of his short hair and washed-out black pants as the only garment. back muscles flexing when he uses a single hand to direct his rash walk toward the yard you've come from. stopping finally, disoriented.
a cast covers his right arm, and his chest rises and falls rapidly, as if he's scared and lost. but then his gaze land on you, and it seems like he finally found what he was looking for: his name, on your lips.
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sanjoongie · 1 year
Sex and Embers and Frost
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A ~Cotton Tails and Simmering Fires~ Series
ღAuthor's Note: this is an idea that was cooked up between @starlitmark and me. I was very excited to breath life into the opening of this world with these alt/emo/goth/punk hybrid dragon boyos. Hopefully you love them just as much as mia and i do😭
ღPairing: Dragon hybrid! Hwa x Bunny Hybrid! reader (f) x Dragon hybrid! San ღGenre: smut with no plot ღAu: hybrid au, strangers to lovers ღWord Count: 3,921 ღWarnings: oral (f receiving), temperature play, hair pulling, biting, hints to predator/prey play, breast play, squirting, cum eating, size kink, penetrative sex without barrier, double penetration, anal sex (f receiving), dacryphilia, hints towards mxm, degradation kink, creampie, overstimulation, mfm orgasm(s) ღRated: 18+ MDNI ღSummary: when your bunny friends drag you to an Gothic club and didn't tell you, so you dressed up in your typical preppy fit, not expecting to catch the eyes of two hybrid dragons ღMasterlist ღNext Chapter ღDedication: @mejuii & @downtoamagicalland, @flurrys-creativity​ &@songmingisthighs thank you for all beta-ing.
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When they first meet~
Your blue eyes scanned the beauty that was the club that your friends had dragged you to. The Gothic arches were gorgeous  and the cross-eyed gargoyles added to the aesthetic but… you picked at your skirt and winced. You were dressed in your typical pink and white, that offset your white ears and blue eyes, being a bunny hybrid, but it was making you stick out like a sore thumb in this goth club.
Unfortunately, because you had taken the time to observe your surroundings, you had wound up separated from your friends. This gave the perfect opportunity, however, for two very interested dragon hybrids to, for lack of a better term, to pounce on you.
A hand descended on your shoulder and you jumped in the air in surprise. You had been so hyper focused on the architecture that your sense of your surroundings had been dulled and you had been caught unaware. 
A low, male chuckle sounded from behind you. “You look a little lost there, Hops. This isn’t your typical crowd is it?”
Your eyes widened at the man who had turned you around. His jelly-pink lips had a ring piercing, and it was safe to say, that wasn’t the only thing that stood out about the man. There were scales along his hairline, near his temple and scattered along his cheekbones, that were a shiny, deep purple. And his eyes were silver and slit like a lizard--your brain screamed to you that he was a dragon hybrid and most certainly a predator animal.
You shook your head and attempted to stand a little straighter. "I'm actually here with my fluffle--"
"Fluffle," he echoed you, "Cute."
You teetered on your heels uncertainly. "I think I'll--"
"Oh, you're not leaving us, are you, Hops?" Another man came to lean over the first dragon hybrid’s shoulder, hand hooked on the other’s broad shoulder. His long hair was tied up halfway, with strands framing his face and the lower half still left hanging. His scaling was black but iridescent and his slitted eyes were an electric blue. “I just got here.”
The purple hybrid’s chin set stubbornly at the black hybrid joining. “I got this, Seonghwa,” He said flatly.
Seonghwa put the hand that was on the purple hybrid’s shoulder on his head and ruffled his hair. “What’s wrong, San? Don’t feel like sharing tonight?”
Your eyes darted from one man to the other, trying to keep an eye on the predators in front of you. Your heart was beating out of your chest. But when your tongue came out to nervously lick your lips, both dragon hybrids narrowed their eyes on the motion. Your tongue froze at the corner of your mouth, an instinct to remain still when such a moment occurred.
San went back to frowning, “Hwa!”
Seonghwa smirked confidently. “Why don’t we leave it up to her, hmm?” Seonghwa circumvented San and was now standing in front of you. His size was underlined by the fact that he had to tip your chin to get you to make eye contact with him. You could feel your ears going flat. “How about it, Hops? Let’s go back to our lair and you can decide who you prefer the most.”
You were trembling and your stomach was curling and before your better judgment could kick in--you slowly nodded your head. “Please,” You whimpered.
Both dragon hybrids smirked and you shuddered in Seonghwa’s grasp. “Perfect,” He said happily, “Let’s go.”
Your mind was a whirl and the traveling between the club to their apartment was inconsequential compared to the position you were in right now.  Your tiny body was sat between San’s legs. He was currently peppering kisses from the slope of your shoulder up your neck and back again. He had discovered it was an erogenous area for you and wouldn’t leave it alone once he did. His ringed hands were holding your thighs apart, firmly so, because Seonghwa was kneeling between both your legs. 
“Stop squirming, Hops,” San growled, “Or I’m going to fuck you before Seonghwa can prep you fully.”
Seonghwa made eye contact with San from below, “That’s hot.”
“Shut up, Hwa,” San snapped with no real heat behind it.
“Be a good bunny for me, hmm?” Seonghwa said while his eyes were on your core where your panties still covered it, “I want all your cute noises. Don’t deny me them, okay?”
You were nodding. You had no idea what Seonghwa had in store for you but you did know that you loved the way San’s hands felt holding your thighs apart and those plush lips on your skin. 
Seonghwa’s hands almost held your leg reverently as his eyes rolled up to meet yours and his lips touched your skin. One minute he was leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses along the sensitive skin there and the next you watched a curl of mist leave his mouth. You frowned, because you could have sworn it was similar to a breath you would exhale in the dead of winter and then you were distracted by a flash of silver--was that a ball from a tongue piercing? You squealed as cold metal touched your skin.
San's fingers dug into your thighs, holding you even wider. "Something wrong, little bunny?" The next time his lips touched your neck, his lip ring felt abnormally warm, almost hot and you yelped.
"Wh-what's going on?" You couldn't help but stutter.
"We're dragons," San said simply, "You're okay with a little magic in your foreplay, right?"
"Yes," You said in a tiny voice that was completely full of anticipation for what this night would give you.
Seonghwa's tongue is out in full force, as he uses one long lick to go from the inside of your knee to your hip bone. The cold gives you goosebumps, but much to your embarrassment, it also made your tail begin to twitch, waiting for that coldness to meet your throbbing, hot mess of a cunt.
San chuckled lowly in your ear. "Hops, your tail is twitching. Is he making you feel that good?" You whimpered in response, your tail only moving more frequently. San moaned into your ear, gripping your earlobe between his teeth before letting go. "He hasn't even kissed your tiny pussy yet. You're such an easy bun, huh Hops?"
Seonghwa's shoulders quake in silent laughter but still he moved his head to hover over your mound. Those slitted eyes narrowed to near slivers, the electric blue iris being more prominent and terrifying you. That was the same look a predator gives its prey before striking the final blow. Your heart beat out of your chest again but you also felt some wetness leak further onto your underwear. Your body didn't know what it wanted: flight or fuck.
The cold ball of Seonghwa's tongue piercing played with your clit through your underwear and your back bowed in response. Your hands descended onto Seonghwa's head and one of your hands became a fist to grab Seonghwa's ponytail. You yanked on it hard, almost as if you wanted to pull his tongue away from you. In contrast, your body rolled into his licks. You could feel the cold breath of Seonghwa's coming to life between your thighs and you shivered at the threat. 
San bit into your shoulder and you could feel his sharp canines making indents into the soft skin there. "You're driving me wild, Hops. You smell so fucking good, like a damn sugar cookie."
"D-don't eat me," You pleaded from the animal side of your brain, only aware that a dragon hybrid had put his meat-ripping teeth into you.
Seonghwa's dry chuckles could be heard from in between your legs, no longer silent this time. "The irony," he said with a crooked smile on his face before he pushed aside your panties so he could have full access to your dripping cunt. "Wonder if she tastes like a sugar cookie too?"
You yelped and gasped at the same time because simultaneously as Seonghwa thrusted his long tongue inside of your hole, San let his lip ring turn momentarily burning hot. "Careful, Hops, or I might find that more appealing than our current activities."
"S-san," You mumbled his name, even though your eyes were on Seonghwa with his eyes closed, tongue fucking your cunt.
"This is what I'm talking about," San growled. "You stutter my name like that and I'm going to want to play Chase the Bunny."
His tongue swiped at your skin and finally let go of your legs. Seonghwa's leather jacket fell to the crook of his elbows as he braced your legs open instead. He took on your weight like it was nothing. San's previous occupied hands began to massage your breasts through your tight shirt. "Been wanting to play with these nipples all night."
Seonghwa's tongue had begun to curl inside of you, reaching a spot that was dangerous. Your eyebrows furrowed. "No wait, don't--I'll--"
Your body began to shake and you cried out as you squirted all over Seonghwa's face. It was pure good luck that Seonghwa already had his eyes closed but that didn't stop him from opening his mouth, accepting your wetness.
San's hand became slack against your breasts as his mouth dropped and he laughed in disbelief. "Did you just make her squirt?"
Your body was like a ragdoll against San's body when Seonghwa finally opened his eyes. He wiped his face with his hand, looking quite pleased with himself. "Fuck, Hops, that was hot."
You are whining in embarrassment but you still can't move. "I'm sorry."
San's light laughter peppered the air. "She's sorry, Hwa."
Seonghwa stood up, tweaking the end of your ear. "Don't be embarrassed, little bun, you just gave me the highest honor."
San unceremoniously shoved your body off him and you collapsed into Seonghwa's arms. San quickly began to unbutton his pants, the chains that connected from belt loop to back pocket twinkling merrily. "I'm so fucking hard, I thought I was going to come in my pants with her fucking tail playing with me."
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow at San. "New kink unlocked?"
San mockingly sneered at Seonghwa, showing another peek of his sharp canines. "Shut up."
Your skirt was already high up on your hips and your panties pulled out of the way but that wasn't enough for San. He easily ripped your underwear from your body with an impatient snarl. "This tiny puss is mine."
The air is filled with the smell of sex and faintly of embers and frost.  "Right, Hops?" San asked.
You looked up to Seonghwa, who shrugged. "Don't look at me. Unless you're saying your cunt belongs to me already. Then I won before San even got to prove himself. Kinda sad, don't you think?"
You gulped and swallowed but there was no moisture there. Your voice sounded tiny even to yourself but you somehow managed to say, "My tiny puss is yours… Sannie."
"Well, that's it, I'm fucked," San announced. 
With that, San pushed into your pussy, firmly and without pause until he was fully seated inside you. He was panting behind you. "Bet I'm so fucking huge inside of you, the way your cunt is clenching me, Jesus, you're tight." San slithered a hand from your hip to your stomach and pressed down, causing you to moan. "Fuck, I can feel my dick imprint, jesus, Hops."
Seonghwa petted your hair and ears. "You are a tiny thing. We could spit roast you right now and you would have no issues, would you?"
"B-both of you?" You squeaked. "At the same time?"
Seonghwa tipped his head to the side. "You can do it, right? You're a sweet little bunny that would give her all to us, right? A sweet little slutty bun who would take everything she got given, even if it drove her to tears. You'd cry big fat tears to be stuffed by both of us, wouldn't you, Hops?"
"You're not talking about my mouth anymore, are you?" You whimpered in realization.
Seonghwa smiled so sweetly even though he was thinking the filthiest thoughts. "Such a smart girl, Hops."
He tipped your head and rewarded you with a deep kiss, his lips still wet from when you had squirted all over his face. His lips and tongue took over your senses until it was all you could focus on. You didn't realize you were whimpering into his mouth until he started to chuckle and released you. "Forgot San was inside of you, didn't you."
You gasped. "S-san, I--"
San simply chuckled evilly behind you. You did not get to see the dirty look San sent Seonghwa. San had not, not truely, realized what he was getting into, letting Seonghwa challenge him. "I'm going to fuck you so good, that's the only name that's going to be falling from your lips."
"Unless," Seonghwa stared down San, "Hops agrees to being double stuffed."
"You can get her cute little mouth, I get this!" San snarled as he pulled back and then thrusted harshly into you. Your breath caught in the back of your throat at the pressure. 
Seonghwa's gentle hands pulled at your sensitive ear, pinching the bottom and making you yelp. His other hand quickly chucked your chin and his thumb slipped against your bottom lip. "And as lovely as that would be," Seonghwa agreed, on the surface at least, "I think that Hops would be better equipped to take us both at the same time. Then she can truly decide who she will choose at the end of the night."
San mercilessly pounded into you, making you grab fistfuls of Seonghwa’s sleeveless shirt, your tongue swirling around Seonghwa’s thumb that was still in your mouth. "This tiny bunny pussy is mine," San snarled.
Your head bobbed, humming in agreement. Seonghwa, however, was unsatisfied with the current predicament. "San," he growled.
San let out a loud, frustrated noise but halted the slapping of skin on skin. You breathed heavily and whined at the loss of the pleasure between your legs. San patted your hip, in an attempt to reassure you. "Don't worry, Hops, I'll fill you up, we just have to do a quick position change."
Seonghwa raised his eyebrows. "Let me slip inside of her. I bet she's so fucking wet, her slickness alone could prep her for me to fuck her puckered hole."
"Am I your fucking fluffer?" San snarled, "Should I put my mouth around you instead and make sure you're ready for her?"
A shiver traveled from the soles of your feet, throughout your body, making your tail flutter and your ears flip-flop. A slow, sure smile pulled at Seonghwa's lips. "Oh, does our bunny like the idea of my cock slipping between San’s plush lips?"
You could feel your face heating up. "You're both really hot."
"Oh, Hops," San sighed, "Fine. Slip inside of her. You won't have a hard time, she's probably loose now from taking my thick cock. Just hurry up!"
San pulled out of you and Seonghwa turned you to face San. He smoothed an appreciative hand down your spine and then pushed inside of you. "Oh fuck this bunny pussy!" Seonghwa exclaimed.
San chucked your chin and guided your head to his pelvis. You licked your lips at the sight of more scaling along San's hips and what amounted to a true treasure trail from his belly button to his cock. "Pretty," You couldn't help but coo, reaching out to trace the purple scales.
"Am I pretty to you, Hops?" San said in a low, soft voice. "Wanna touch? Wanna lick? Go on. I'll give you a tip. The skin along our scales is very sensitive."
You held San’s twitching cock out of the way so that your rough tongue could glide along the soft scales and skin. San watched with hooded eyes and his muscles jerked as it made its way along the treasure trail, to meet at the base of his cock. Just as you were about to lick your way up San’s shaft when Seonghwa grabbed a handful of your tail, making you yelp and cry out. "Okay, I take back my teasing from before. Her tail twitching against your cock is hot."
"Are you done yet?" San growled, once again no longer being the center of your world.
"My dick is drenching, Hops," Seonghwa observed as he pulled out of you. "Gonna fuck you full of dragon cock, huh? You ready to be double stuffed? You better give us those big fat tears you promised."
"I'm ready," you said in a shaky voice.
San held you in a reverse of the position you three had started in. His hands were under your knees as he sunk into you, face to face, and feet off the ground. He bit into his lower lip, tongue playing with his lip ring as he bottomed out again. Then Seonghwa approached from behind, nails digging into your hip bones as he pushed into your other hole. You were whimpering and moaning the entire time, taking both of their thick, long cocks. Once they were both bottomed out inside of you, you tossed your head back to rest against Seonghwa's shoulder.
"How do you feel, Hops?" Seonghwa asked.
"I'm so full," You whined.
"You like it though," San teased, a smirk playing with his lips, "I can feel you clenching down on me so hard. I'm surprised you didn't come from both of us entering you. You're such an easy lay."
"M-move?" You managed to ask, one ear flicking backward to listen to Seonghwa, while the other focused on San.
They did so without further ado, and you could only let out pitiful cries as they fucked you in both holes. You swore you were going to burst but also the pleasure was immeasurable, coursing along every damn nerve you possessed. When one pulled out, the other one pushed in, and it was a never-ending roller-coaster of rapture between your legs. The only thing your animal brain could focus on was the smell of strawberry jam coming from behind you and a sea breeze from behind you. Were those Seonghwa and San’s personal scents? They smelled heavenly.
"Poor Hops," San laughed, "You look so fucked out right now? Is your tiny little brain full of white noise right now? Getting fucked so good by a couple a dragon dicks, huh? I can barely understand how a tiny puss and ass like yours is taking us but I guess that just speaks volumes on how greedy you are for us. Taking us so fucking well, aren’t you Hops?”
That’s when the tears began. They welled up in your eyes and then started to slowly run down your cheek and dripped from your jaw to your bosom, only to make a trail down the valley of your breasts. You just felt a lot of things. You felt safe, you felt adored, you felt full and you felt sexy. It was just a lot and so the tears came easily. Your bottom lip trembled and you pouted as you said, “I’m taking you so well.”
“Aw, Hops, you look so fucking cute, crying for us,” San cooed mockingly.
“I can’t believe how well she’s taking my cock in her ass,” Seonghwa said in reverence again, “Damn, Hops, you really were built to be a little toy for a couple of dragon hybrids, huh?”
You can barely reply between the alternate thrusting, unsure if you’re getting better pleasure from the thick cock in your pussy or the long cock in your ass. “So. Fucking. Good.”
“Oh shit, I’m gonna come,” San cried out, his thrusts starting to become erratic but somehow hitting deeper inside of you. 
“M-me t-t-too,” You whimpered, feeling the curl in your stomach ready to snap.
“Gonna take all of me, Hops? Gonne let me fill you up with dragon cum, right? I bet you get a little bump from all the fucking cum I’m going to unload on you, oh fuck--!” San thrusted deep inside of you, holding himself there and grunted as his cock shot his load into you. He throbbed and twitched and continued to unload and even when he pulled his heavy cock out of you, there was still more shooting out. 
You would have been fascinated yourself if not for the fact that you were twitching and whining and convulsing from your own orgasm. Your pussy wouldn’t stop fluttering around him and it was like echoes of your pleasure continued to radiate from your lower half. It was both pleasing and exhausting and you were pretty sure you had never come harder in your entire life than in that moment. However, you still had another hole and dick to worry about.
“Now for the real show to start,” Seonghaa said, tucking his tongue between his lips.
“Are you kidding me?” San said with disbelief. “Like you could out do that performance.” He promptly dropped his head to your shoulder to relax.
You started to whimper, feeling a bit overstimulated. You shook your head desperately, your ears softly hitting your cheeks. “No. It’s too much. Too much!”
“Oh, come on, Hops,” Seonghwa grunted, “You can come for us again, can’t you? Gonna fill this ass with my cum. You want to be filled with both of us right? Come for me again, sweet bun.”
“Hhhhnnnnn,” You started to cry out as you felt another climax burst over you, this from Seonghwa fucking you up the ass.
You started to cry again, the pleasure being above and beyond everything you had experienced. With San out of you now, you had no choice but to focus on how your ass was taking every thrust of Seonghwa’s, pushing into it like you couldn't get enough of his cock. 
“See, I knew you could do it, Hops. You’re such a sweet little slutty bunny, just for us, right?”
“Just for you,” You repeated tiredly.
Seonghwa let out a desperate cry himself, fucking your ass as his climax tore through him. He unloaded into you too, and you whimpered at how fucking dirty this entire endeavor was. But it felt so fucking good, you didn’t have any regrets.
But the original question still floated in your mind: who would you choose after this?
"I chose you both," You said with a hoarse voice, sounding barely alive.
"Sorry, Hops, I can't hear you with my cum leaking out of your tiny hole, you wanna repeat that?" San muttered, his head still against your shoulder, words muffled but still just as mean.
"I choose you both!" You shout with a rough voice. "I can't pick. I want you both."
You bounce against Seonghwa's chest as he laughed behind you. "Bet you didn't see that coming, huh, San?"
"I hate you, Seonghwa," San grumbled. He raised his head and kissed your quaking nose. "Fine, Hops. You get to have the both of us."
"Just like that?" You wondered.
"Well, hardly," Seonghwa corrected you. "Your body is ours now. Don't you know how dragons are with treasure? We're greedy sonsabitches. Once you're a part of our hoard, you never leave."
"What he means is, your sweet little body is ours now, Hops. To do with what we want, when we want. And you know the best part?" San leaned forward to push aside your hair so he could directly speak into your flickering ear. "There's more of us."
This time it's Seonghwa's turn to finally narrow his eyes at San. "Really, you're going to bring the rest of them into this?"
San shrugged. "You started it."
"I'll end it, you hatchling," Seonghwa threatened.
San stuck his tongue out childishly at Seonghwa and you giggled when the purple hybrid called the black dragon Grandpa.
ღNext Chapter
Tagging: @hijirikaww @toxicccred @starillusion13 @flurrys-creativity @stardragongalaxy @a-soft-hornytiny
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