#oc: old man mulberry
spinspoon · 1 year
anyone want old concept art for a handful of characters i have for a game i want to make (but probably never will 🥲) ??
have them anyway 💅
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whosplayerthree · 1 year
So this post from seven years ago blew up all big right outta nowhere. It's funny cause mutuals are now reblogggning it like "eyyy i know this person. Hi person!" And hi to you to.
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But in a way, a small little way, in a way I dont feel too strongly but still feel, its kinda sad that it resonates with others so much.  And that I’m still this way so many years later (outside of dnd).
So you know what you know what you know what you know what????? I'm gonna change this trend. I will be the change I wanna see in the world. Below the read more are a list of some ocs and 1-3 sentence summery for each of em. If you want to know more, send an ask.
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Towk-Tawk Voidsealer: Human wizard who used to be a spider, and now is very excited about adventure.
???: Once a servant/member of the Secret Advisors of the Silhouetted Queen, now some sorta stitched together scarecrow person.
Unnamed supervillian scientist: She's got a suite and sunglasses and can light on fire and thinks she is cooler than she actually is.
Barbara The Bandit Queen: She is Big and Buff and is (unfortunatly) as cool as she thinks she is.
Rottam Hale: A lil middle aged lady kobold cartographer who accidentally gets possessed by an Ancient Evil Overlord named Empress Vile.
Mulberry "Mul" Myrcliff: Chill guy who wants to have a chill time and they certainly are not haunted by an Evil Sentiant Star.
Bri 'Caus: Buff captain of a Dnd Spaceship, loves tea, and was manipulated into a deal with a magical talking bloodthirsty sword.
Cryesavchik: Sentient dumpsterfire warlock who was once just ripoff dnd junkrat but has become so much more.
Plynn: A lil melodramatic alien that looks like a rabbit combined with a chuchu from wind waker, whomst inadvertantly saved their world from an alien invasion, but unfortunately that resulted in an unwanted perminant houseguest (said invading alien).
Jaques DeBonhare: Rabbit furry cleric of trickery who is known for telling bad jokes, and on a quest to eat one of every monster in the world.
Unnamed depressed alien: Lil guy who just wants to do their normal beurocratic space-wormhole management job, but gets put on "congrats on figuring out wormhole technology! welcome to the intergalactic neighborhood!" duty, and their day just gets worse from there.
Pluck Fireflame: The most anxious thief who talks like a valley girl you'll ever meet. In some incarnations is a ghost who is just as anxious if not more so.
Shape-shifting evil sorcerer empress: Like it says on the tin. Got sealed away in some pottery hundreds of years ago, was accidentally released in modern day, and is all like "holy shit indoor plumbing?????".
Reuben: A big ol all powerful big bad monster guy people would summon into a world when they wanted to take over it. Got tired of that and chose to retire. A pretty chill old man type now, who happens to be a large pig that's on fire.
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hungryhyena · 2 years
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re-revamping some old ocs
remy is a retired pit fighter, now he owns a little farm very, very far from the city. he came out as a kid, but didn't choose a name til he earned his freedom: remedy, representing healing and commitment to a peaceful life. gruff, hard-working, no respect for authority, but ultimately a pretty sweet guy. he only goes into town once a week for market, otherwise he's a hermit. the little old ladies there adore him.
lux is a prince in hiding. he acts like a spoiled little bastard (which isn't entirely untrue) to hide his crippling anxiety and self-loathing. a disappointment in every way to his mother, which is something he's proud of, though he's worried he's a disappointment to those he loves as well. haughty and self-centered, rebellious and a bit of a party boy. he honestly feels more at peace in the middle of nowhere than at home.
lux's mother, the queen, was assasinated, and his family began recieving more frequent and vicious threats from her allies, so his eldest sister decided all the heirs would be safer elsewhere. she placed him with remy, as he 1. is very big n scary and 2. hated the queen, so he'd have no reason to work with any loyalists who might come sniffing. remy only agreed for the generous monthly stipend and the promise that lux would work to earn his keep. lux was… less than enthused with that bit of the agreement. him? work?? get mud on his clothing?? in his hair????
remy is a pitbull mix, a bi trans man, he/him. lux is a deer/unicorn who was never really given a chance to be anything but cishet and now he's questioning all of the above. uses he/they at the moment.
remy has one tit. he loves telling stories about what happened to the other one- bitten off by a chimera, burned with dragons' blood. the real story is pretty dramatic as well, though. an opponent nearly chopped it off, remy made the final slice, and dared them to do the other. they did not. something else they did not do was win that fight.
the guards docked remy's ears as a punishment for insinuating he'd fucked a nobleman's wife. he hadn't, but he did after that. they took his pinky a few months later for saying a visiting duke liked it up the ass. the duke had, in fact, greatly enjoyed remy's last visit.
lux's mother named all her children things she wanted them to be/have- luxurious, marvelous, beauty. not because she wanted them to be happy, but because she wanted to show them off. they were less children, and more like trophies. she was especially proud of lux's antlers, they grew in early and quite elegant- he chopped them off and they never grew back.
remy bought the mantis nymph to guard his bees, so they take her out to visit them until she's big enough to work on her own. lux, though, has become very attached to her and she may be a bit too spoiled for a working bug. her name is mulberry.
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Love Me Tender
Word Count: 785
Warnings: some language
A/N: Thank you @joz-stankovich and @super-unpredictable98 for this! Wrote a little something for Honey that takes place between 1957 and 1971. ☺️ OC Kiss Week might be fun!
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Honey loved her Uncle Lenny. In that weird Electra complex way all little girls have a “crush” period on their daddies. Except “Gracie,” as she was called back then, spent more time with Lenny Bruce than Giacomo Bartucci.
Oh she was jealous of her Aunt Honey. Of her hips and hair and heart shaped face. The way she moves her body like a beautiful snake to the big band music. Gracie knew her aunt took her clothes off for men and money. She and Vin and Julia would sneak down to the “Blue Fridays” in their parents’ club. Where filth ran freely from Lenny’s mouth like liquor from the bar. And older Honey’s breasts spun tassels behind him to the saxophone interlude.
Julia would puff out her chest, wondering how much tissue she would stuff down her shirt to be as buxom as Miss Harlowe. Vinny would drool and shuffle on his feet like his pants were too tight. Gracie, impressionable at 10 or 11 would hold her hand behind her head and work her hips to the rhythm of the music. Lost in dancing for a man somewhere in her future who showered her with adoration and affection like her Godfather.
Now there was nothing nasty or dirty about the way Lenny loved Gracie. Honey showered the same attention on her as they both did their own daughter. Kitty was only two, but Gracie doted on her. The baby herself, she took pride in caring for the toddler while everyone worked. Hoping to curry favor and a nip of her Godfathers whiskey. Or special shopping trips and sleepovers with her Godmother.
Gracie loved Lenny and Gracie, without knowing what it was, loved Big Honey too. Gracie could love both boys and girls, but she didn't know that's what it was called. Until Gracie discovered a boy who moved like a girl but looked like a man. It took longer than with most girls back then, but Gracie fell in love with Elvis Presley.
By sixteen, Gracie had kissed boys. She had watched plenty of people do it so she thought she'd give it a try. They weren't always boys, which she realized years later was her appearance, mixed with her innocence, was them taking advantage of her. There's one-sided power when you're 14 and they're 20 something.
Still there were actual boys from her Catholic school, and the occasional girl at parties. “For practice.” Sometimes they were older too.
But Grace thought to herself by 15 or 16 “Priscilla is younger than me, and she gets to be with ELVIS. I want an Elvis.”
And she would stand on her bed and push her lips to his pillowy ones on the poster behind her bed. Her tongue darted out, she would grow passionate. There was no shame in her fantasy. Sexual awakening was normal; her godmother encouraged her.
“I would rather you kiss that poster than these pedophile pigs,” Gracie could hear Lenny say as the paper would get a bit soggy from her kisses. “You're catching more flies with your honey than vinegar. But boy you are sweet.”
So Gracie grew up in the way 16 years olds do. She dressed like Holly Golightly or Sugar Cane from Some Like It Hot. Unlike Julia, she didn't need to pad her hips or her tits. The curves came natural. And so did the manipulation and self-preservation. Honey Comb was born.
And she would unabashedly make out with her Elvis poster all the time. Even after losing her virginity. After dating and dumping and breaking her own heart.
No one had eyes as beautiful or lips as full as Elvis. Lips and eyes and hair that never let her down. No one had a laugh or made her laugh and never made her cry like Uncle Lenny. Who made her feel loved and wanted and perfect.
Until one day there was a boy with eyes and hair and lips and an infectious laugh and a way of making HER laugh instead of cry. Who called her Gracie instead of Honey. Who loved her and wanted her and adored her.
And when Honey was 27, she came home to Mulberry Street. She made out with her poster for old time’s sake before taking it off the wall and rolling it up for her new apartment and new life. With her hips that moved like a snake to the rock n roll music, and her little girl that her baby niece doted on in hopes of nips of her uncle’s beer and sleepovers and shopping with her Aunt Honey. With her husband and his beautiful eyes pillowy lips and his name began with the letter L.
tag list: @super-unpredictable98 @badsext @elliethesuperfruitlover @joz-stankovich @frogs--are--bitches @robertsheehanownsmyass @slutforrobbiebro @bisexualnathanyoung @crisis-of-joy
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fineillsignup · 5 years
Covering Your Ears to Steal a Bell update and wild speculation re: Gan Ning
So in the latest chapter of my (dark fic!! history is dark!! warnings!! read them!!) fic Covering Your Ears to Steal a Bell, I weave a blend of Dynasty Warriors tropes, popularly accepted history (the Sanguozhi), and the 14th century novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Sanguo Yanyi) to form my own fic. When you consider that ROTK is basically historical RPF and that the late Qing reform era Anti-Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Fan Sanguo Yanyi) was historical RPF fix-it fic where the author’s OC got to marry his favourite character (whose OC I have borrowed for my own fic), I am truly standing on the shoulders of giants when I wildly speculate on what a) actually happened b) would never have happened but is fun to imagine.
Now there’s a reason why my doc file for this Gan Ning centric story is “nice pirates are still not that nice”, and that attitude is basically how I approach this character who was, after all, a pirate living in decline of the Han dynasty China. Now, note, I’m not saying “everybody has to like Gan Ning, it’s compulsory”; but I am explaining why I like him and am not ashamed of it, even knowing all I know. Gan Ning gets the longest original section in volume 55 of the Sanguozhi, and the most later annotations, so you know what, people have liked talking about this guy for a long time. Was he their problematic fave too? Probably.
Gan Ning: Chinese pirate, my problematic fave
For people who aren’t aware, but for some reason want to try and follow along at home, the background: Gan Ning was a Chinese pirate active in the southeast-ish part of China around the year 200AD as the Han dynasty was falling apart. As regional warlords jockeyed for power, he joined up first with one (Huang Zu) and then with another who was going to beat the first (Sun Quan). The second one turned out to be pretty good at consolidating power, and carved out a kingdom called Wu in southeast China that became actually the longest lasting kingdom among the titular Three Kingdoms era of China.
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They make him look something like this in the game series Dynasty Warriors. The bells and the feathers were actually his Marketing Trademark, and people remember them 1800 years later which goes to show how important it is to market yourself.
So when people are like “OMG did you know Gan Ning LIKED to KILL PEOPLE???” I’m like:
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"Yeah but you don’t understand he liked to kill people for NO REASON!”
Yeah I’m still sitting here not terribly shocked. Even assuming the worst stories about him in his pre-Wu days were true—that he deliberately waited in houses where the occupants were away, just so that he would get to kill the people who lived there, instead of simply looting the houses and moving on—and not embellished to make him sound like more of a terror.... well, the end result is that he sounds like a terror, which, if you are trying to make your living as a pirate, is exactly the reputation you want? Or, to come at it with the same result but reversed, a person who is that eager to kill by nature is exactly the kind of person who would rise to significant power as a pirate in a chaotic era. So look at Captain Kirk there again for my reaction.
And again, it’s the era. What’s the difference between small-scale freelance murder and theft, aka piracy, and large-scale wholesale slaughter and theft, aka invading and conquering? In the latter case, often somebody to retroactively declare that you were emperor all along. In such an environment, I am even less eager to pass judgment.
And then there’s of course, the id. “Aren’t you tired of being nice? Don’t you want to just go apeshitt” as the meme says. Well, actually, I’m fine with being nice in my real life, but as Lin-Manuel Miranda says, some part of you wants to experience everything. And stories—and historical stories are still stories—are a way to do that.
So that basically takes care of “he was a killer!!” as an objection to liking him, in my books.
So in this particular chapter of my story, I deal with the other reason people usually bring up for hating Gan Ning, which is a story from the Sanguozhi (and therefore probably at least somewhat true) that involves a kind of controversy about child death (I’m on the side of arguing: probably not a child), but even without the age controversy, definitely involves murder; so not everybody wants to read it, so it’s under a cut. It’s a really fascinating story on a lot of levels so if you can handle stuff like “what happened to the princes in the tower” and similar historical horrors then you should be able to handle this.
Alright so here’s the relevant section from the Sanguozhi, the more-or-less intending to be accurate historical record from the Jin dynasty, written by a man named Chen Shou who, to be clear, was not even born yet by the time that Gan Ning died. So “what REALLY happened???” can never be fully known in all details, particularly the little anecdotes that would naturally grow in the telling. But that just means that “so why did they write down THIS and in THIS WAY?” becomes its own interesting question.
Everyone who comes at this history seems to say “Chen Shou was biased in this and that way and what the truth must actually be is this, which coincidentally is my bias” so I might as well do that too.
So here’s the incident in question in the original Chinese in the Sanguozhi:
I took only two semesters of classical Chinese but I never like anybody else’s translation of classical Chinese anyway so here goes (I also consulted a modern Chinese gloss). I am bolding stuff I am going to talk about.
[Gan] Ning’s kitchen boy [more on this in a minute] committed a fault, and ran to throw himself on Lü Meng’s mercy. [Lü] Meng was afraid [Gan] Ning would kill him, therefore he would not return him. Later [Gan] Ning brought many gifts to [Lü] Meng’s mother, going up to the house in person, so that the kitchen boy would be returned to [Gan] Ning. [Gan] Ning promised [Lü] Meng that he wouldn’t kill him. On the way back to the boat, [Gan Ning] tied [the servant] to a mulberry tree, and he himself drew the bow to shoot him dead. That accomplished, he ordered his boatmen to lengthen the mooring rope, and laid down in the boat with his clothes loosened. [Lü] Meng was enraged. He hit the drum to summon soldiers, and immediately went to the boat to attack [Gan] Ning. When [Gan] Ning heard it, he didn’t get up. [Lü] Meng’s mother ran out barefoot and scolded [Lü] Meng saying: “Our lord has treated you as his flesh and blood, giving you dominion over great things, so how can you kill Gan Ning out of your own personal anger? If [Gan] Ning dies today, even if our lord ignores it, you will have broken the law.” [Lü] Meng was always extremely filial. He listened to his mother’s words, and in a flash he comprehended their meaning. He went personally to [Gan] Ning’s boat, and called out to him laughing: “Xingba [Gan Ning’s style name, used between peers; here shows affection or comradery], my mom’s got food ready, hurry up!” [Gan] Ning shed tears, snorted, and sobbed, saying, “I let you down.” Then he went back together with [Lü] Meng to see his mother, and they feasted all day.
Okay so the first thing is this critical phrase 厨下兒 which has been glossed into some English translations as “kitchen boy” and similar and which English speakers have then looked at and then gone “oh my God Gan Ning killed a child, a literal child, a tiny baby boy”. Ok, Hold on. Please.
So modern Chinese gloss I consulted translates this as “廚房的僕人” which just means “kitchen servant”. Yes “兒“ means child but it has so many other meanings especially in a compound like this; and this “child” is not specifically the “under a certain age” form of child.
Moreover, even in English, when we talk about English phrases like “kitchen boy” or (more prominently) “cabin boy” we are not talking about a five year old or even necessarily a ten year old. A 13-16 year old could easily be covered under that phrase in English. So please understand how a Chinese phrase like this could also cover such an age range, and remember also, that in this era, Ling Tong was on the front lines of the battlefield at age ~15 with his father when he died. So the idea of when a kid is fair game to be killed as an enemy is not our own.
So I’m even willing to go with the phrase “kitchen boy” because I feel the original conveys the sense of a minor servant. I’m certainly not going to rule out that the servant was, by modern standards, a child. Gan Ning is doing something really bad here. He knows himself it’s bad, and that’s where it gets the most interesting.
The second point I want to bring up is what it put across in the phrases “On the way back to the boat,” “he hit the drum”, and “ran out barefoot”, which is everything happens so fast. Gan Ning doesn’t even wait to get the servant home; instead, he kills him between Lü Meng’s house and his boat (which presumably was how he traveled to visit Lü Meng). And he does it by tying him to a tree! Not exactly subtle! And then he goes to his boat and just starts chillaxing! When he tells his sailors to lengthen the mooring rope, he’s doing the opposite of trying to run away. If you wanted to get away quickly, you would untie the mooring rope, or at least have it ready to untie fast. But Gan Ning deliberately makes it difficult to escape. And then the story mentions that Gan Ning loosens his clothing, or could even be interpreted as undressing, and that he lies down. Again, is that what you do when you expect to want to get away?
And then we’re back to everything happening so fast: Lü Meng, it seems finds out that the servant is dead very quickly, immediately hits a drum to summon soldiers and just runs out. And when Gan Ning hears this, he doesn’t get up. Now some people interpret this as cowardly, that Gan Ning was hiding from Lü Meng in not getting up to meet him. But if Lü Meng’s mother hadn’t caught him in time, would Lü Meng not have known where he was? No, Lü Meng knew exactly where he was. His boat was still tied to the dock by the mooring rope, and all of Gan Ning’s sailors, remember, would strictly speaking have been under Lü Meng too.
So then Lü Meng gets scolded by his mommy and realizes that he has to let Gan Ning off the hook. And he goes and the way he speaks to Gan Ning, in the original, is so casual and affectionate, which is why I translated it as “my mom’s got food ready”. Now within Chinese culture, as in many cultures, this invitation to food is in itself a mark of affection.
And then we come to the most interesting part of all: the original uses four characters to describe Gan Ning’s crying. Now, Chinese is terse, and classical Chinese is ULTRA terse. These people are not using any more characters than they have to. Yet Chen Shou spend four whole characters to describe that Gan Ning was not only “shedding tears” but “snorting” and “sobbing”. Holy shit. Believe me, if you read a lot of classical Chinese, this rings like a klaxon. The person writing this down thought this was important.
Gan Ning’s motivations throughout all of this are just so opaque. Impulsivity? But it involved a certain amount of planning. Did he want to be punished? Did he have even a death wish? Why was he so fixated on this escaped servant? (The silence of the original text as to what the servant did wrong exacerbates this. It could be almost anything.) Why did he, in some ways, play it so coolly and so arrogantly (the tying to a tree, the lying down half-dressed on a drifting boat), but then suddenly flip to abject, sobbing apology? Was the latter apology as much of a lie as his original promise not to kill the servant was? Or was Gan Ning truly stricken with remorse?
And what do we learn from the story? Utility to the state as a way to escape consequences? Crime and punishment are difficult to separate from personal considerations of revenge and anger? Efficacy of shame based on personal connection over physical attack? Chinese mothers are always right? (It’s that last one, isn’t it.)
So that’s why I had to write my own version. And yes, it’s a version that, while not condoning Gan Ning’s many horrible actions, does portray him as a person sympathetically.
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stusbunker · 5 years
Known: Mark Your Move
A Supernatural Dark Fan-fiction
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Featuring: Dean Winchester x Demon!reader, Sam, Dean x Female Vessel OC
Series Masterlist // Full Masterlist
Summary: Chloe’s beginning to feel the demon inside her while Dean accepts the Mark of Cain.
Word Count: 2784
Warnings: Possession and therefore dub!con smut, angry sex, oral sex (male receiving), vaginal sex, spanking, cream pie, voyeurism (sort of?), Angst.
Location: West Newton, Pennsylvania
Time was never noted until lives were on the line. Then it was seconds and space between her and the victims, distance from her to making the kill shot or whipping her knife across a room. All her life, CC managed to avoid the business week blues and oddly nostalgic rites of passage because she had never been a normal kid. And as an adult, she lived on the schedule of the hunt, traveling and existing outside of the designated 9 to 5 concept of working hours. But now that she was losing chunks of time, every other certainty seemed to be failing her. It happened in moments of intense adrenaline, episodes where she got from one place to another without consciously making the choice to move. Vampires were decapitated, werewolves were shot, and ghosts were burned all with little to no knowledge of her contributions. Until she washed the blood and graveyard dirt from her hands, she hadn’t realized the jobs were done.
Then there was Dean, an hour white-knuckling through interchanges all because she found out Kevin Tran was dead. Because Dean Winchester let an angel infest Sam. What the hell had he been thinking? Then suddenly, nothing. She woke to a stale half eaten doughnut and two unmade beds. Chloe stayed in the motel for another day and night after Dean left, her mind leaving her with bigger and bigger questions and although it was blaringly clear this wasn’t just a particularly nasty hangover. She begrudgingly started to question her stability. Screw genetics.
January 21, 2014
Dean was getting to be too predictable, but he was on his own, which meant this rare window of opportunity was not to be ignored. Crowley kept a tail on the girl Dean left at the motel while he found himself a seat at the bar. Always the salesman, he let the juicy details of the penultimate weapon ooze from his mouth. After all the time he spent holed up in their basement, he was going to enjoy the game. All around the mulberry bush, the demon teased the squirrel.
Pierre, South Dakota
February 6, 2014
           “How you doing, Squirt?” CC leaned to look Sam in the eye as they shook hands.
           “Good, yeah, well, better,” Sam shrugged.
           “Man, I knew you were a magnet for the most extreme, but another Angel possession? That’s not something you forget. My Gran—”
           Sam cleared his throat as Dean stalked out of the precinct, notepad still in his hand. Relief evident as the line of questioning was interrupted, “So?”
           “Richard Evans, 58, healthy, died while shoveling,” Dean started. “But get this, he was frozen from the inside out.”
           “Same as the others,” CC added, not surprised.
           “Yes, but he had no beef with anyone. In fact, everyone loved the guy.” They walked to the Impala, CC following to slip into the backseat.
           “Okay, let’s start with the widow and then maybe find out more from the other families. Maybe there is a connection the locals missed?” her voice was smooth and to the point, but Dean tensed as he caught her eyes in the rear view mirror.
           “Yeah, sounds good,” Sam agreed. “We have enough going on, between the three of us it should be an easy close.”
           “Don’t say that man,” Dean sighed.
           “Wait, what else is going on?” Dean and Sam had a silent argument in the front seat as CC watched in mild amusement.
           “What Dean doesn’t want to tell you, Chloe, is that he decided to let Crowley convince him to get Marked by Cain. You know, the first murderer,” Sam snipped as Dean drove down the street.
           “You’re just jealous I didn’t bring you an autograph, Sammy,” Dean’s deflection fell on deaf ears.
           The story unfolded, the gravity of the situation and the unknown effects of the curse tossing you into a demonic tizzy. One the one hand, Crowley was free and ever present in the life of someone you wouldn’t leave be. On the other hand, an ancient primal evil now resided in Dean’s flesh, damning and devious, making you tremble with anticipation. CC was much more affected by the first hand’s affairs. Climbing out of the car, CC quickly caught up to the Winchesters on the sidewalk.
           “Dean, do you not fucking listen?! To any of us? I just told you to stop making deals with fucking monsters and what’s the next thing you do? Leave me in a motel to answer your Angel buddy’s concerns about Sam and grace tracking, only to follow it up by going on a hunt for an Old Testament villain, WITH the Goddamn King of HELL?!” She had a fair point.
“Alright, enough!” Dean glared at CC before heading into the victim’s house. “Look, you want to chew me out, fine. Not here, not now. We’ve got a case, when we have the time, you know where to find me. For now, zip it, Cease.”
If you had a jaw of your own, you would have been scraping it off the pavement. She had provoked him in a way you hadn’t seen, it sent your every nerve on fire. CC seemed almost as shocked as you were, a cold strip straightened her spine as she gaped back at Dean. He waited, chin hitching at the sudden silence. If he had more to throw at her, he held back, rapping his thick knuckles on the simple front door.
Sam quirked his head, brow pinched, and lips pursed. Even though he seemed to share your (and CC’s) sentiments, you really wanted to smack that look off his face. Luckily for every human involved, the vic’s wife answered the door.
Through some subtle hints and piercing glances, Dean ditched Sam for the afternoon. CC felt the heat of her anger and a pull from the power inside him, battle for her will. Some twisted judgement won bringing her to Sam and Dean’s motel room, after intentionally making Dean wait for it. Chloe knocked twice before straightening her shoulders to look him dead in the eye.
Dean’s wide palm rested against the door, barring her from entering. His heavy glare pinned her to the spot, a deep chill ran through her, clawing you awake inside her mind. Heat pinched at her temples, her body reacting as your lust fueled the fire that started within her veins. Dean watched, seeing the strain simmer in her eyes, contracting pupils and breaths giving him all he needed. The Mark was ruddy on his smooth skin, it taunted her; you longed to bite it. The fear elevated her senses as he leaned forward, his body heat hummed a forbidden melody. Menacing and meticulous.
He spoke to the door, his voice low and gravelly, eyes on the over-painted wood grain, “You don’t have to do this.”
“I don’t?” she snipped back, head snapping to lock on to Dean’s darkening irises. Chloe regretted it instantly, because his lips were at her eye level instead. Dean snapped his tongue behind his teeth, licking his lips knowingly. She rolled her eyes, impetuous, while his whiskey and grease tinged breath straightened every hair on the back of her neck. She couldn’t hide the shiver, her eyes falling closed as she tried to roll the tension from her shoulders.
His amusement rumbled in his chest, the arrogance spreading her frustration across her face.
“But you want to.” Dean finished, looking down at her with a mix of playfulness and an unnamable glint.
“I’m not the only one,” she whispered once Dean’s warm lips fell on the gentle slope of her neck. He rocked his hips into her side, a hearty affirmation.
‘Bitch, do you hear yourself?!’ you balked. If she didn’t keep it together, you were taking over, this wasn’t a game. Her pornographic sigh brought you back to the surface, finding his hands now gripping her waist firmly as her hands worked his belt. In a frenzy of unfastening and some scrapping of nails, they freed each other from their clothing. She ached with want and as he led her down to the perfectly made bed, you took hold, locking her away with a single thought.
Everything was impossibly soft, except him. Dean was bulk and angles, hidden behind the smoothest of skin. His length dug into your stomach and as you felt him whole and ready in your hands at last, a visceral growl escaped your lips. He shifted, gripping your collar bone as his mouth popped open letting out the sweetest of gasps. You watched him hungrily, taking in each subtle reaction as you stroked him.
As much as you loved the show, it was time to find your seat. With a brush of your lips over his, you slid down his body, nails of your free hand leaving a delicious path down Dean’s heaving chest, stopping at his flat, yet soft stomach. Your knees fell beside his feet, and he finally opened his eyes to look down at you. His desire and reverence twisted in your gut, in attempt at averting them completely: you shoved down those thoughts that bordered on feelings.
You braced yourself against his thigh and began to drag your tongue from base to tip of his pulsing cock. When Dean hissed you repeated the motion, soon his massive hands were in your hair, pulling you closer without ceremony. You dragged your teeth over the path you had laid, and he loosened his hold, palms finding their way to rest on your shoulders, heavy and warm. You hummed in satisfaction and got to work.
His swollen head offered you a sample of his flavor, taking it with your tongue as your lips encased him.
Dean was trying to stay upright, his toes curled, digging into the floorboards as Chloe’s mouth pulled him into pure bliss. Her lips were strong and tongue sinful, lapping at the broad veins and channel along the underside of his dick. Her rough hand was nibble, cupping his sack with each bob of her head. Just as he slowly began to roll his hips to add to her rhythm, the softness of her mouth gave way to the burning drag of teeth, Dean pushed off reflexively. Her tongue tsking against her traitorous incisors.
She fell back on her heals, a menacing smirk settled on her face and she spread her legs wide. Fuck.
His eyes flashed, taking in your challenge, while staling along the glistening entrance you teased him with. Dean visibly swallowed, looked to the ceiling and swore beneath his breath.
“On the bed,” you said plainly, standing as he gathered himself. His distrust only deepened your resolve. He pursed his lips and looked down at you, in a jarring motion a firm arm pinned you to his chest.
It came out as a rumble against your ear, “Ladies first.”
Your neck rolled, exposing your throat to his hot mouth, body instinctively submitting to him, despite your every effort to control the situation. He took the opening and sucked forcefully against the sensitive muscles. He backed you into the bed, thighs hitting the mattress top and suddenly he was gone, releasing the vice like grip of his lips and his roaming hands in a calculated gesture. It was his turn to taunt you, he rubbed his long and reddened member as you debated your next move.
“You’re unbelievable, you know that?” Dean moaned, want and frustration burning you with a mossy glare.
“Hey, you’re the one jacking off while there is a pussy wet and waiting right here,” you snapped, turning your back to him, climbing on to the bed. He didn’t disappoint. Dean grabbed your hips so fast you lost your breath. He bent you further, nipples brushing against the stiff comforter. His hand connected with your ass cheek as the opposite hand rolled his cock over your folds.
“Now that’s what I like to see,” his voice a delicious bark, as he placed his head at your aching entrance. Suddenly he thrust through, stopping before he sighed, “better than promised.”
Dean was large and forceful, every entry of his impressive length, stretching and working you from the inside out. He perched one leg on the bed behind your thigh, holding you down on the small of your back. The pressure grew as his weight pinned you in place. You melted into the fabric, the pleasure simmered in you as he hit his target over and over again. You moaned against the chill in the air, your exposed shoulders tingling against the fire that Dean stoked within you. Every sensation built on the last, your walls shook against him and Dean muttered his appreciation.
“That’s my girl,” Dean’s voice dropped into a groan as you pushed back, trying to reassert yourself. He pounded harder, his powerful hips slamming into your ass, his nuts slapping against your clit in the most audible of ways. The fluttering started before you felt the rush and soon you had fallen over the edge.
“Deeeeeeeeeaaannnnn-,” you warned, but it was too late. You clamped down on him, frozen in place. Unable to meet his ministrations or try to gain the upper hand. You had finished first, leaving him the self-righteous victor.
“That’s it, baby, you like that?” Dean’s fingertips dug into your side while his thumb bruised your ass, the bite of his short nails adding to the heat between your legs. “You’re not done here. Stay with me, C.C.”
Right, Chloe.
That’s who he was fucking, not you, not really. The maddening realization flooded you and you locked your arms, pushing him back on two feet. His cock twitched inside your core as he heaved with strain. With both feet back on the ground, you used only her natural upper body strength to balance against the bed, countering his every thrust. You fucked him back and the motion turned violent, your ass tender and clit throbbing with it all.
He landed a heavy palm on your unmarked cheek, clenching the meat between his thick fingers. You felt her clawing at your control, her name bringing her back to the forefront of her own thoughts. You grinned at her helplessness, letting her feel the burn of his cock inside your shared cunt, but not letting her see or speak. Not yet. You felt your eyes blacken as Dean huffed and let out a sob like moan.
“Fuhhhhhh-,” he almost whimpered, and as his hips locked you felt his finish coat your insides. It was thick and heady, you pitched up on your tip toes, his strong thumbs pulling your cheeks apart to watch his seed spill around his softening shaft. “Damn, that pussy takes me so good.”
You whined once he pulled completely out, the emptiness only sated by the juiciness of his spendings. You fell forward on to the bed, reveling in every spot he had marked and abused. She was going to be sore and you owed him for the reminders. His broad chest hovered above your back, his body heat radiating against your nakedness. His mouth was tender and soft, a telltale contrast to the beast you had just wrestled.
“Told ya,” you could feel his smirk against your skin.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” His chin rested on your shoulder, his face flush against your curtain of hair that had come lose.
“Good call, Tweedle Dean,” you quipped, clenching as he tickled your sides. Falling against him and the pillows, you kissed. It was short and almost timid after everything. But, all too soon he was excusing himself to shower, while you refused to move. Reveling in the freedom and the power shutting her way had granted you. She enjoyed it, loved the feel of watching him fuck her without being the one participating. It was a narcissistic form of voyeurism, you knew as well as she did. But you had also let her into your own thoughts.
Sharing on that level was dangerous. And so, you spent the remainder of the afternoon repainting her memories, reliving the events in her mind added another layer of arousal between your thighs. With eyes closed and mouth open, you feigned sleep, feeling his gaze the moment he left the bathroom. You thought of all the ways he would take you next, but her mental and physical exhaustion won out, and you let her slumber wash over you both.
Once Dean was cleaned and ready to get back to the case, he left. Meeting an annoyed Sam at the bar they had run into Chloe at the night before. He couldn’t keep the smug look from his face and Sam couldn’t keep the disapproval off of his.
Tags: @mogaruke @dontshootmespence @because-imma-lady-assface @mrswhozeewhatsis @smi727 @sassykayla255 @supernaturalboi @eve05glee @veroinnumera @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @fanfictionrecommendations-com @soullesscollection-world
Next Chapter: The Prick
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filthy-reckless-rp · 7 years
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Congratulations Katherine! Your beautiful character Mia Salazar has been accepted. I honestly cannot wait to see this princess-turned-pauper in action (how much is a banana? Like $15?). I love how her soft and sensitive kindness contrasts with the fact she keeps everyone at a distance although I’m sure many will try to #breakdownthosewalls. With hugs. And puppies. Also, whenever we see ‘private’ Gossip Girl stirs maniacally in the background. Your para sample also had us on the edge of our seats!! Someone give this gal her own Grey’s Anatomy spin-off, I’m just sayin’. *How To Save A Life plays in the background* Okay...enough from me.
Please send your account in ASAP! Remember to open your ask and submit. We also have a Whatsapp group for members; if you would like to be added just let us know!
---Admin P
Name: Katherine
Age: 21
Gender / Preferred pronouns: She/Her
Where are you from? / Timezone: UTC+08:00
How active are you? (please describe in words): I have one (1) maybe two free days a week and I will for sure dedicate at least a couple hours of those two days in flooding the dash
How did you found out about us?: A little bird (Maya. It was Maya) told me about this safe haven.
Mia Salazar • 22 years old • Advanced Emergency Medical Technician • FC: Shay Mitchell • OC • TAKEN
“I am the one thing in life I can control, I am inimitable, I am an original.”
Filipinos are required two talents: singing and dancing. And those who do not have those talents become doctors. This was the course that Mia Salazar’s life was set on. And considering that her parents owned just about half of all the pharmacies in the Philippines, it was one that was not only expected but demanded. Which is why she did exactly that – she focused in high school, got the grades, and when the opportunity came she even volunteered as a junior EMT for medical experience during summer of junior year. Which is where our story, and Mia’s life, derails. See, she didn’t expect to love the field. But she did. She didn’t expect to get entangled in the thrill of being a first responder, of being the one person that had to essentially bring a person back from the brink before they even set foot in the hospital. But she did.
You can imagine her parents’ chagrin when she, their only child, announced that she wanted to attend Cuny Borough of Manhattan after graduation to pursue a career in being a paramedic. ‘A community college?!’ you could practically hear her mother screech from atop their Upper East Side penthouse. Needless to say, they were not happy. In fact, they flat out refused to pay the tuition (regardless of the fact it cost less than the things you could find in their bathroom cupboard) and told her that they would not offer any support until she got her act straight and decided to be ‘a real physician’. This did not deter Mia. In fact, it was practically the taste of freedom that she’d been yearning for handed to her on a silver platter.
Fast forward four years after high school graduation, and you’ll find that Mia’s come a long way from being another one of Constance Billard’s privileged princesses. With the first half having been spent accumulating training hours and barely-above-minimum wage funds at the back of an ambulance, she’s now in her second year of an Associate’s Applied Science degree. The experience, as well as the recent years of Broke Life independence, has put a bit of a stern edge on her otherwise ‘nice girl’ reputation. The fact that it was her own determination and grit that got her to this point – not her parents’ money or influence – has given her a confidence that she never thought she could have. What does it even matter that to this day she honestly doesn’t know how much a banana is supposed to cost? It’s as exciting as it is terrifying, but Mia’s instilled a sort of attitude in herself that says she’s not done discovering her potential quite yet. Does she have what it takes to keep going with her ambitions and dreams? Or will she end up crashing and burning, just like every cliche former trust fund baby that finds both their funds and rebellious streaks running dry?
You know you love me,
xoxo –Gossip Girl
Wanted Connections:
(I’m gonna put some wanted connections that you guys can jump on if you want :) (pls))
- a high school friend(s) that lost contact and they’re v v bitter about it??
- best friend(s) that unconditionally supported her and she them??
- college friend(s) trying to show her the ropes of life as A Normal Person Who Has To Work To Live
- previous patient
- roommate(s) that live in a cozy but also cramped apartment
Character’s Bday: 22 November
3 Virtues and 3 flaws, explaining each:
Heroic: The first time Mia saw a burning car, she had no idea that her first instinct would be to run towards it. But it was and it turns out it wasn’t just a one time thing. There’s never any conscious decision to put herself into a situation to help others – she just does it. It’s not just physical dangers either; whether it be a fire, someone being rude to a customer service worker, or a classmate forgetting a #2 pencil on exam day. If she can help, even in the tiniest way, she doesn’t hesitate.
Adaptive: Mia lives for life’s curveballs. Not only is she good at thinking on her feet, but she enjoys it as well. New settings don’t intimidate her, nor does meeting new people or trying new things. She’s a firm believer in trial and error and knows full well that complaining or feeling sorry for yourself never helped anyone accomplish anything.
Soft: Outside of the ambulance, the rigid persona (dubbed her ‘saving lives’ personality) is quickly shed to reveal the sensitive creature that Mia Salazar truly is. She listens to RainyMood around the apartment. She sold practically ¾ths of her wardrobe to pay for rent and textbooks, leaving her with only a closet-full of comfy sweaters and durable jeans. And cuddles? Forget about it – there is nobody else in the entire universe that loves comforting human (or fur baby) contact than Mia does. It’s therapeutic, really; if giving free smiles and warm hugs makes even one person she likes smile, then she will be the person to offer them.
Private: Being nice isn’t the same thing as being open, and Mia exemplifies that clearly. Because of the nature of her work, she’s left with basically no social life. But then again that’s also something she almost prefers. Small talk is an unusual skill that she’s actually mastered (because sometimes keeping a person talking is the only way to distract them from the fact that they’re bleeding out in the middle of Lexington Ave.), but when it comes to revealing anything personal she’s quick to deflect. It just seems like a waste of time and energy opening up to someone, if all it takes is a busy work schedule and a few disappointments to make them move on.  
Impulsive: In hindsight, it probably would have been wiser for her to actually have a plan before abruptly taking her parents’ ultimatum, packing everything she could into a large Mulberry suitcase, and running off into the night. But she didn’t, and this trait is one that she unfortunately did not manage to grow out of. Because of her upbringing, consequences were never actually something she’s ever had to think more than two seconds about. And because of the literal life-and-death nature of her job, trusting her instincts is something that she’s been accustomed to do. So if Mia thinks it’s going to turn out okay (whether it be sprinting into a burning car or splurging on a new dress) she’ll do the thing now and regret the repercussions later.  
Work-a-holic: Having become one of the people that actually had to work for a living just put gasoline into the inferno that was already Mia’s determination. But more than that, she genuinely loves her job. It’s the first real thing that she’s accomplished, that she’s pushed herself to be good at, and it’s good work (no matter what her parents think). So she drops everything for it. Anniversaries, dinner plans, a baby (once, when a friend asked her to hold it but then her phone beeped with a call from the hospital and she rushed to get away). Nothing is more important to her.
Para Sample (A couple of paragraphs, in third person, as the character you’re applying for):
“BPM dropping to 50.”
Mia had to stop herself from snapping back, because, yeah, she already knew that. Her eyes had been glued to the damn monitor as soon as they’d hooked it up to the patient. 20BPM and it’ll be too late, 20BPM and it’ll be too late – she chanted the words to herself again and again as she quickly and expertly maneuvered around the gurney to grab all the supplies she needed. E 80th St. sped past the windows and the first rule she ever learned in the ambulance came racing back to her.
No matter what, never yell for the driver to go faster. It never helped anyone, and those 0.5 seconds could’ve been spent doing something useful.
“Move,” she said, not unkindly but firmly, to the EMR next to her. She recognized the look on his face – the way he hovered too close to the patient, how his eyes seemed to be processing both too many things and nothing at all. Mia could sympathize, but didn’t. She already knew that he wasn’t going to be of any help and right now was not the time to deal with that. “I need you to get the atropine for me. Hey. Can you do that?”
It took a moment, but his gaze eventually ripped away from the patient and their quickly collapsing lungs to focus on her. Slowly, he nodded and finally got out of her way.
It didn’t look good, but then again nothing ever did in here. Mia’s jaw tightened as she watched the way the young man struggled to breathe, how only one part of his chest rose and the other was covered by a blotchy shade of deep blue. “Broken ribs,” she muttered to herself, reaching for a mask. Eyes flicking down, she noticed the nametag taped over his breast pocket. “Hey, Andre. It’s okay, it’s going to be okay. I need to put this on you, alright? We’ll get you breathing better, just stay with me.”
Andre’s eyes, half open but clearly dazed, barely seemed to register her presence. “O2, now.” she demanded, placing the mask over his mouth and nose.
They hit a speedbump, the one she knew was on right on 3rd Avenue, and Mia blew out a breath. “We’re almost there, sweetie. Hang on.”
But then a beep sounded, rapidly followed by more, and her heart sank as the monitor showed 30BPM. On the gurney, Andre’s body gave an abrupt hitch. “Atropine!” Mia yelled, scooting aside as the EMR sunk a needle into the IV lined into Andre’s arm.
“He’s not getting any oxygen,” he said, hands now shaking as they both watched helplessly as the convulsions got worse. He lunged forward, getting into position for CPR, but she intercepted him.
“His ribs are broken, you could puncture a lung,” she snapped.
“Then how is he going to breathe?!”
And this, this was the hardest part of the job. There was always somebody asking that question, and in all her five years of experience she never knew how to answer it. She didn’t know how to tell them that the hardest part wasn’t after her shift, when all she could think about was everything she could’ve done. It wasn’t even having to tell their family waiting at the hospital that they didn’t make it.
The hardest part had always been right before she lost a patient. In those minutes and seconds where she had to watch as all her options vanished in thin air. When they were still alive, but she knew that she couldn’t save them.
They got to Lenox Hill ten minutes later. Which was more than enough time for her to compose herself and give the awaiting medical staff a full report.
Because the second hardest part of the job was the one nobody ever wanted  to talk about. The part where, right after you lose a patient, you’re not allowed to lose yourself. You have to shake it off, brush it away, because it was only halfway into the day and they just got another call about a fire up in East 95th. And Mia, with her five years of experience, was only now getting good at that.
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gyrlversion · 5 years
IRA bomber names four men he says were behind Birmingham pub bombings
Four men were today named in court as the IRA terrorists behind the 1974 Birmingham pub bombings.
Inquests are currently being held into the deaths of twenty-one people who were killed in two explosions at the city’s Mulberry Bush and Tavern in the Town pubs in November 1974.
An ex-IRA member today gave evidence in which he named four of those behind the attacks and gave the nicknames of two others, apparently with the blessing of IRA leaders.
Following the revelations, family members of some of those killed in the attacks demanded police take action.
Julie Hambleton, whose sister Maxine was killed in the Tavern in the Town, said: ‘[We expect] information as a matter of urgency now as to what is going to happen, what, where and when.’ 
The witness, himself a convicted bomber who was named in court only as ‘Witness O’, said Seamus McLoughlan was the commander of the Birmingham IRA at the time and selected the targets, while Mick Murray and Michael Hayes were part of the bombing team and another man, James Gavin, was involved.
Murray, McLoughlan and Gavin have all since died and Witness O claims that Hayes has protection from prosecution following the peace process.
West Midlands police said today that ‘where new facts come to light, they are scrutinised to see if people can be brought to justice’.
In 1975, six men – the Birmingham Six – were convicted over the blasts but acquitted 16 years later. The attacks remain Britain’s largest unsolved terror crime. 
Michael Hayes has been named as one of four IRA terrorists behind the 1974 Birmingham bombing at the inquests today. He is the only one of the four still alive. He apologised for his role in the attack on TV in 2017, but is reportedly protected by the Good Friday Agreement
A convicted IRA bomber, who was not identified, told the inquests into the victims’ deaths that Mick Murray (left) and James Gavin (right) were also involved
The men allegedly behind the bombings were named at inquests into the deaths today. Pictured: A body is carried from the Mulberry Bush
As the names of the alleged bombers were given in court, many of the bereaved family members broke down in tears.
Outside court, victim’s sister Ms Hambleton reacted to the news, and said: ‘Witness O has today named the bombers involved in the Birmingham pub bombings.
‘I have a letter from David Thompson chief constable of West Midlands Police that says this is an on-going live investigation… as such we expect action.’
A West Midlands Police spokesman said: ‘The pub bombing investigation has never closed.
‘Our approach is, where new facts come to light, they are scrutinised to see if people can be brought to justice.
‘The force will never lose sight of the tragic fact that 21 people lost their lives in the atrocities that took place in Birmingham in 1974.
‘It’s not appropriate to make further comment at this stage while we’re in the middle of the coroner’s inquests.’
Two years ago, Hayes issued a public apology for the bombings, telling the BBC he was part of the group responsible, but refusing to say if he planted the bombs.
He remains a free man living in Ireland despite having been questioned over the pub attacks. 
Witness O’s testimony today suggests he was promised he would not be pursued following the Good Friday Agreement, signed by the Irish and UK governments in 1998.
In his evidence today, Witness O said of Hayes: ‘He can’t be arrested. There is nobody going to be charged with this atrocity. The British Government have signed an agreement with the IRA.’ 
Murray died in 1999, Gavin in 2002 and McLoughlin in 2014. McLoughlin was given full paramilitary-style ‘honours’ at his funeral, with masked men firing shots over his coffin. 
Speaking after today’s hearing, Julie Hambleton, whose sister Maxine was killed in the bombings, called for action from the police following the disclosures
Maxine Hambleton was one of 11 people killed in the Tavern in the Town pub
Witness O – who is himself a convicted bomber – said that he had been given permission to name the men by the current head of the IRA in Dublin. 
Asked by the victims’ families’ QC, Lesley Thomas, who that man was, Witness O replied: ‘Well, I’m not telling you his name.’
Asked why not, the former IRA man said: ‘Because he’s the head of the IRA. He could be shot dead.’ 
The witness said he had never heard of another suspect, Michael Patrick Reilly (pictured), who a barrister for the victims referred to as ‘the young planter’
Witness O was accused of protecting another man previously linked to the bombings, Michael Patrick Reilly, who is also still alive.
When asked about him by barrister Mr Thomas, Witness O replied: ‘No, I don’t remember him at all. Reilly? I would remember that.’
The barrister then told him Mr Reilly was known as ‘The Young Planter’.
Mr Thomas said: ‘You know who he is, don’t you? He’s the one you’re protecting, isn’t he?’
The witness replied: ‘Who? Protecting who? No.’
Witness O also claimed he had given McLoughlan’s name to two police detectives while in HMP Winson Green just days after the bombings, but heard nothing more.
He said to the four men he named: ‘The police already know who they are, and they haven’t done anything.’
He added that two other men, who he identified as ‘Dublin Dave’ and ‘Socks’ had also been involved, but that he did not know either man’s name.
The blasts at the Mulberry Bush (shown) in the base of the city’s iconic Rotunda and the basement Tavern in the Town killed 21 people and injured 220 more
The Memorial Stone remembers the 21 victims outside the city’s St Phillips Cathedral
Unionists demand answers over ‘current IRA’ claims 
Witness O today said he had been given permission to speak to the inquests, including giving the bombers’ names.
When coroner Sir Peter Thornton QC asked him who had given that authorisation, he replied ‘The head of the IRA’, adding that he had approached the organisation’s chief in Dublin six months ago. 
Following his evidence DUP MP Jeffrey Donaldson demanded answers from Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald.
He said: ‘Mary Lou McDonald needs to explain how the head of the IRA in Dublin can give ‘permission’ for an individual to be named, when she tells us the IRA doesn’t exist.’
Ulster Unionist Assembly member Doug Beattie said: ‘Given that numerous Sinn Fein politicians have claimed that there is no IRA, you wonder just who is sitting in Dublin, claiming to be the head of it?
‘The PSNI and the Garda need to give an assessment of this claim as a matter of urgency.’
Witness O, who was in jail at the time of the bomb attacks, described the bombings as ‘an atrocity’. 
He added that the Birmingham IRA active service unit responsible was ‘stood down’ by the organisation’s Army Council following the blasts.
All the men have been named before in connection with the bombings, but never in a formal setting.
Six men, known as the Birmingham Six, were jailed in 1975 for the double bomb attacks, but their convictions were quashed by the Court of Appeal in 1991.
Their case remains one of the most infamous miscarriages of justice in English legal history.
Witness O, who also told the coroner he was no longer an IRA member, voluntarily agreed to give evidence to the inquests on condition of anonymity.
The disclosure of the alleged bombers’ names was an unexpected twist, as the issue of who carried out the bombers was not within the scope of the inquests.
Today’s testimony comes after the former IRA intelligence boss Kieran Conway yesterday asserted that the attacks were the work of an autonomous cell of volunteers, done without the authority of leaders in Ireland. 
Conway insisted that the pubs were not legitimate targets because they were not frequented by soldiers. And warnings designed to give police a chance to clear the buildings failed because phone boxes had been vandalised.
Firemen at work following the bomb attacks in Birmingham city centre that targeted the Mulberry Bush pub and the Tavern in the Town
Why are IRA suspects protected from prosecution?
Scores of IRA fugitives were granted an amnesty in a secret deal between Tony Blair��s Labour government and Sinn Fein around the time of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement.
So-called ‘comfort letters’ assured 187 Republican terror suspects they were no longer being hunted by the police.
At least 95 recipients were linked to almost 300 murders.
The letters – sent to the so-called ‘on the runs’ after pressure from Sinn Fein – only came to light during the trial of John Downey, the man accused of the Hyde Park bombing in 1982.
The trial collapsed in February last year when it emerged the 63-year-old had been told he would not face prosecution for the blast that killed four soldiers and seven horses in London.
Astonishingly, Conway also claimed that the deaths were not murders, arguing that the victims were killed ‘accidentally’ during a war against the British state.
He said that in the aftermath of the blasts, an ‘OC’ – officer commanding – and his second-in-com-mand were hauled before a so-called IRA court which cleared them after hearing of the problems with the phones. They could have been expelled or even executed, he said.
Conway said yesterday: ‘The bombings had been careless, if not downright incompetent.’ 
Asked if the victims had been murdered, he declared: ‘It was an IRA operation that went tragically wrong. It should not have happened. 
It was outside the range of permissible targets but in my opinion it was not murder.’  
The families of the victims have waited 44 years for new inquests, which finally began last month.
Who are the men named as Birmingham bombers today?  
Mick Murray 
Mick Murray  has previously been said to be second-in-command of the Birmingham IRA unit.
After the attacks he was questioned alongside the Birmingham Six but was never charged with murder. 
He was convicted of possessing explosives and later sentenced to 12 years for separate terrorist offences.
Throughout his trial he refused to say a single word because he refused to acknowledge the court.
On his release, he was welcomed back into the IRA and remained a member until his death in 1999.
James Gavin 
James Gavin, also known as Jimmy Kelly, was found guilty of possessing explosives after the original Birmingham bombings trials. 
He was given one year in jail, but because of time on remand he walked free.
Gavin was said to be from County Armagh in 1963 and joined the British Army. 
He deserted in 1964 in West Germany. After the Birmingham bombings he was jailed for the murder of another Republican in 1975. He died in 2002, a free man.
  Michael Hayes
Michael Hayes is a a married father of two in his 70s still living free in Dublin.
In 2017, he told a BBC interview that he accepted ‘collective responsibility’ for the Birmingham bombing but did not know who planted the devices. 
He was questioned by police following the interview but has not faced action.
Today’s evidence in the inquests suggests he may have been granted immunity during the peace process. 
Seamus McLoughlin 
Seamus McLoughlin was known as ‘Belfast Jimmy’ in 1970s.
On the day of the Birmingham blasts he was on an Aer Lingus flight from Birmingham to Dublin with the remains of James McDade, the IRA man who had blown himself up with a bomb in Coventry. 
When he died in Ireland in 2014 masked men fired shot over his coffin, which was covered in the Irish flag outside a relative’s home in the Ardoyne district of North Belfast.
An IRA atrocity and 44 years of heartbreak for victims’ families
Thursday, November 21, 1974: Bombings in two Birmingham pubs leave 21 dead and 220 injured. They are said to be revenge for the death of IRA member James McDade, who blew himself up trying to plant explosives in Coventry. Hours later, five men are arrested in Heysham, Lancashire, and a sixth is arrested in Birmingham.
November 24: Patrick Hill, Hugh Callaghan, John Walker, Richard McIlkenny, Gerard Hunter and Billy Power are charged with murder.
June/August 1975: Trial at Lancaster Crown Court. ‘The Six’ are sentenced to life imprisonment.
The Birmingham Six outside the Old Bailey in London, after their convictions were quashed. Left-right: John Walker, Paddy Hill. Hugh Callaghan, Chris Mullen MP, Richard McIlkenny, Gerry Hunter and William Power.
October 1985: TV’s World In Action questions forensic tests. A book is then published claiming three unnamed men were behind the bombings.
January 1987: The home secretary refers case to the Court of Appeal. The appeal is later dismissed. A 1990 TV drama then names four ‘real’ bombers.
March 14, 1991: The Six are freed by the Court of Appeal after 16 years in prison.
October 1993: Perjury case against three former West Midlands police involved in the charging of the Birmingham Six is dismissed.
June 1, 2016: Senior coroner for Birmingham rules to resume the inquests. The original hearings were not continued after jailing of The Six.
September 29, 2018:  Families lose their legal battle to name those responsible for the bombings in the inquests  
February 25, 2019: The inquest into the 21 deaths opens in Birmingham. 
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joesbrownusa · 7 years
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Maplewood Ct, Hudson, NC
Price: $20000
Gorgeous building lots in Maplewood Village. Close to downtown Hudson these lots are easily buildable with water and sewer available on each lot. Maplewood is a neighborhood with common areas, affordable HOAs, and craftsman style homes. Excellent school district!! Call Julian at 493-3184 to walk the lots
617 Meadowood St, Hudson, NC
Price: $56800
Three bedroom, two bath split foyer style home. Basement has a bedroom, bath, den & single garage. Located on a quiet street close to town & shopping. To report any concerns with a listing broker/agent, or to report any property condition or to report any concerns needing escalation (including concerns related to a previously submitted offer), please call: 1-877-617-5274.
2088 Stamey Rd, Hudson, NC
Price: $83000
WOW!!! A little sweat equity will reap big rewards!! Enjoy quiet country living, with room to roam! Beautiful mature, wooded country acreage, with a cute, 2 bedroom house ready for you to make your own!! Hardwood floors, fireplace, and a double bowl farmhouse sink make this a must see! Plenty of storage in the kitchen and custom built in features add vintage charm to this property that is priced under tax value. Storage building/ workshop has been wired for electricity, but is now disconnected. Quick access to Hwy 321. All offers will be considered! CALL VICKI ESTES-VERNON @ 828-308-279 8 HICKORY-LAKEHOMES.COM
4156 Ruritan Club Rd, Hudson, NC
Price: $30324
Cute bungalow with private setting near Granite Falls. Home features 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, and laundry room. Ceiling height is under 7 feet. Conveniently located near Highway 321, restaurants, schools, and Hickory shopping. Great price. See attachment for PAS requirements and WFHM offer submittal information in MLS document section. Standard sellers addendum will be provided after an offer has been accepted. Please submit all offers to the listing broker/agent. To report any concerns with a listing broker/agent, or to report any property condition or other concern needing escalation (incl uding concerns related to a previously submitted offer), please call: 1-877-617-5274.
3357 Lilac Ln, Hudson, NC
Price: $130000
Additional lot being sold with this home for a total of .75 acres. Large lot for kids to play or a garden. Well kept home with hardwood floors throughout. New roof in 2015. Easy access to Hwy 321. Call Celli Mellert @ 828-455-4702 for additional information.
Tbn Lower Cedar Valley Rd, Hudson, NC
Price: $99900
Great Location in Southern Caldwell County!!! 18 (+/-) acre tract with easy access off Hwy 321 shopping and dining. The property is all gently sloping pasture land with small creek. Great land for farming or horses and other livestock; would also be a great place to build your dream home and barn. Give Franklin a call for more info at 828-446-7748
136 Mathewson St, Hudson, NC
Price: $50000
2047 Stamey Rd, Hudson, NC
Price: $118000
One level living in this full Brick ranch with Double car garage. Spacious rooms. Arched doorway from living area to dining. Large bayed window in LR, Garden window in Kitchen. Master BA features walk-in closet, Tub and separate shower. Spacious side deck can be accessed from 2nd bedroom. Some replacement windows. Wood like laminate flooring & ceramic tile no carpet! Desirable school districts.
172 Sherrill St, Hudson, NC
Price: $114900
Whether you are buying your first home or wanting to downsize, this lovely 3 bedroom/2 bath home offers just the right amount of space, one-level living, and a split-bedroom floor plan. Features include wonderful open living space, updated laminate flooring in living room, ceiling fans in all bedrooms & LR, & oak cabinets in kitchen w/ island. Spacious master suite offers his and her closets, laundry accessibility for ease of use, and private bath. Relax on the front porch or grill on the back deck while overlooking the level yard that expands to tree line. Additional storage is availab le in the detached outbuilding!
103 Hope Ave, Hudson, NC
Price: $149900
Looking for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath all on one level with a 2 car garage in Hudson? You have found it! One owner, conveniently located and move in ready! Master bedroom has a walk in closet, master bath and ceiling fan. Split bedroom plan! Large living room, kitchen with 2 pantries and a separate dining room. And wait until you see the sun room!! Fully heated and cooled, complete with thermopane windows. Sunroom opens up to a covered patio overlooking the fully fenced in back yard. Great for the kids! Owners will also leave the swing set and trampoline. Won’t last long! Call Carolyn McCrary 828-612-2506.
116 Freshfield Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $159900
Meticulously kept and very well maintained home in desirable, convenient Meadowcreek Estates. Split Bedroom plan. Very spacious living area with hardwoods. Kitchen has LOADS of cabinets. Lots of updates include: new faucets, lighting, appliances, newer water heater, additional outdoor faucets and more! MBR features 2 closets one is walk-in. Large front porch. Fenced back yard with partially covered enlarged deck and very nice storage building. Small gas heating unit in LR for back-up only.
4497 Diamond St, Hudson, NC
Price: $194900
This Single-Family Home is located at 4497 Diamond Street, Hudson, NC. 4497 Diamond St is in the 28638 ZIP code in Hudson, NC. The average listing price for ZIP code 28638 is $138,900. 4497 Diamond St has 3 beds, 3 baths, approximately 2,280 square feet, and was built in 1976
103 Rivercliff Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $239900
One of the best kept secrets of Hudson is the beautiful, quiet cul-de-sac neighborhood of Harvest Meadows. This custom built home in Harvest Meadows is convenient to schools, shopping, pharmacy and medical offices. The home has an oversized garage with vertical cabinet storage and a workbench for the handyman. Be sure to see the floored attic space over the garage. Relax on the covered front porch or the screened back porch, sundeck or courtyard with fire pit and appreciate the gorgeous landscaping. Oak hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, custom cabinets with ceramic tile backs plash, rock fireplace with mantel, and a master suite with his & hers closets are just some of the things that this home offers. Additional room 12×16, equipped with water heat and air, allowing an easy space for storage, man cave, teen rec., homeschooling, etc.. (not included in footage anywhere above) This house offers fenced back yards with beautiful hollies. The following improvements have been added to house since purchase in 2012, addition of 12×16 room with water, heat and air, paver brick walkway and court yard with gas fire pit, large sun deck, backyard fencing and surround back yard with hollies, landscape lighting around entire house, rock borders in front, shurbs and trees, concrete scaping on front porch, screened porch and grilling porch, granite tops in kitchen, island with granite top, new lighting in kitchen, living room and bedrooms, crown molding, new carpet in two bedrooms. All for only 239,900. Extra lot for additional price. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE!
2843 Twin Meadow Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $92000
Nice brick ranch located on a quite dead-end street, Well maintained, Hardwood floors, Ceramic Tile in Bath, New heat pump, Large den with fireplace on main level (not included in heated square feet).
Mulberry St, Hudson, NC
Price: $39500
Large amount of acreage!!! This is a rare find! Sewer and water available. Walking distance to park and recreation facility with a community pool. Build your dream home!! Motivated Sellers!!!
3808 Cross Creek Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $79900
On frame Modular home with detached carport. Home has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Walk-in closets. Nice master bath with walk-in shower and garden tub. Dual sinks as well. Privacy trees are already in place to shield from the neighbors view. Paved drive. All appliances will remain with the home: Range, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Microwave Hood, and Washer/Dryer. Alarm system can be transferred to new owner. Roof new in 2014. Call Homes 4 You 828-728-4293
233 Cedar Valley Rd, Hudson, NC
Price: $144000
Beautiful 3 bed/ 1 bath, one-level living with spacious floor plan! Hardwoods with a custom design in the main living area. Dining area has french doors leading out to the backyard, with in-ground 20 X 40 pool, pool house with a full bathroom, a wired workshop. Pool area also boasts a covered patio complete with ceiling fan, lighting, outdoor sink, herb garden, and 3 large raised beds. Attached one-car garage, and cedar shanks on the front with finished landscape make this the perfect place to live!
2777 Twin Meadow Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $94900
house has new paint inside and outside. heating and air system is heat pump and central air and is not very old and all appliances to remain. new county water plus it has a well on site. just refinished hardwood floors and new vinyl. new light fixtures , plus washer and dryer hookups in utility room on carport. READY TO MOVE INTO ! ! !
227 Hemlock St, Hudson, NC
Price: $52900
Wonderful starter home with fenced backyard and storage building. House is brick and owners are preparing to replace the roof. Also has a detached carport.
539 Circle Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $154900
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-hudson-nc/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158144305935
0 notes
joesbrownusa · 7 years
Houses For Sale in Hudson, NC
Maplewood Ct, Hudson, NC
Price: $20000
Gorgeous building lots in Maplewood Village. Close to downtown Hudson these lots are easily buildable with water and sewer available on each lot. Maplewood is a neighborhood with common areas, affordable HOAs, and craftsman style homes. Excellent school district!! Call Julian at 493-3184 to walk the lots
617 Meadowood St, Hudson, NC
Price: $56800
Three bedroom, two bath split foyer style home. Basement has a bedroom, bath, den & single garage. Located on a quiet street close to town & shopping. To report any concerns with a listing broker/agent, or to report any property condition or to report any concerns needing escalation (including concerns related to a previously submitted offer), please call: 1-877-617-5274.
2088 Stamey Rd, Hudson, NC
Price: $83000
WOW!!! A little sweat equity will reap big rewards!! Enjoy quiet country living, with room to roam! Beautiful mature, wooded country acreage, with a cute, 2 bedroom house ready for you to make your own!! Hardwood floors, fireplace, and a double bowl farmhouse sink make this a must see! Plenty of storage in the kitchen and custom built in features add vintage charm to this property that is priced under tax value. Storage building/ workshop has been wired for electricity, but is now disconnected. Quick access to Hwy 321. All offers will be considered! CALL VICKI ESTES-VERNON @ 828-308-279 8 HICKORY-LAKEHOMES.COM
4156 Ruritan Club Rd, Hudson, NC
Price: $30324
Cute bungalow with private setting near Granite Falls. Home features 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, and laundry room. Ceiling height is under 7 feet. Conveniently located near Highway 321, restaurants, schools, and Hickory shopping. Great price. See attachment for PAS requirements and WFHM offer submittal information in MLS document section. Standard sellers addendum will be provided after an offer has been accepted. Please submit all offers to the listing broker/agent. To report any concerns with a listing broker/agent, or to report any property condition or other concern needing escalation (incl uding concerns related to a previously submitted offer), please call: 1-877-617-5274.
3357 Lilac Ln, Hudson, NC
Price: $130000
Additional lot being sold with this home for a total of .75 acres. Large lot for kids to play or a garden. Well kept home with hardwood floors throughout. New roof in 2015. Easy access to Hwy 321. Call Celli Mellert @ 828-455-4702 for additional information.
Tbn Lower Cedar Valley Rd, Hudson, NC
Price: $99900
Great Location in Southern Caldwell County!!! 18 (+/-) acre tract with easy access off Hwy 321 shopping and dining. The property is all gently sloping pasture land with small creek. Great land for farming or horses and other livestock; would also be a great place to build your dream home and barn. Give Franklin a call for more info at 828-446-7748
136 Mathewson St, Hudson, NC
Price: $50000
2047 Stamey Rd, Hudson, NC
Price: $118000
One level living in this full Brick ranch with Double car garage. Spacious rooms. Arched doorway from living area to dining. Large bayed window in LR, Garden window in Kitchen. Master BA features walk-in closet, Tub and separate shower. Spacious side deck can be accessed from 2nd bedroom. Some replacement windows. Wood like laminate flooring & ceramic tile no carpet! Desirable school districts.
172 Sherrill St, Hudson, NC
Price: $114900
Whether you are buying your first home or wanting to downsize, this lovely 3 bedroom/2 bath home offers just the right amount of space, one-level living, and a split-bedroom floor plan. Features include wonderful open living space, updated laminate flooring in living room, ceiling fans in all bedrooms & LR, & oak cabinets in kitchen w/ island. Spacious master suite offers his and her closets, laundry accessibility for ease of use, and private bath. Relax on the front porch or grill on the back deck while overlooking the level yard that expands to tree line. Additional storage is availab le in the detached outbuilding!
103 Hope Ave, Hudson, NC
Price: $149900
Looking for a 3 bedroom, 2 bath all on one level with a 2 car garage in Hudson? You have found it! One owner, conveniently located and move in ready! Master bedroom has a walk in closet, master bath and ceiling fan. Split bedroom plan! Large living room, kitchen with 2 pantries and a separate dining room. And wait until you see the sun room!! Fully heated and cooled, complete with thermopane windows. Sunroom opens up to a covered patio overlooking the fully fenced in back yard. Great for the kids! Owners will also leave the swing set and trampoline. Won’t last long! Call Carolyn McCrary 828-612-2506.
116 Freshfield Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $159900
Meticulously kept and very well maintained home in desirable, convenient Meadowcreek Estates. Split Bedroom plan. Very spacious living area with hardwoods. Kitchen has LOADS of cabinets. Lots of updates include: new faucets, lighting, appliances, newer water heater, additional outdoor faucets and more! MBR features 2 closets one is walk-in. Large front porch. Fenced back yard with partially covered enlarged deck and very nice storage building. Small gas heating unit in LR for back-up only.
4497 Diamond St, Hudson, NC
Price: $194900
This Single-Family Home is located at 4497 Diamond Street, Hudson, NC. 4497 Diamond St is in the 28638 ZIP code in Hudson, NC. The average listing price for ZIP code 28638 is $138,900. 4497 Diamond St has 3 beds, 3 baths, approximately 2,280 square feet, and was built in 1976
103 Rivercliff Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $239900
One of the best kept secrets of Hudson is the beautiful, quiet cul-de-sac neighborhood of Harvest Meadows. This custom built home in Harvest Meadows is convenient to schools, shopping, pharmacy and medical offices. The home has an oversized garage with vertical cabinet storage and a workbench for the handyman. Be sure to see the floored attic space over the garage. Relax on the covered front porch or the screened back porch, sundeck or courtyard with fire pit and appreciate the gorgeous landscaping. Oak hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances, custom cabinets with ceramic tile backs plash, rock fireplace with mantel, and a master suite with his & hers closets are just some of the things that this home offers. Additional room 12×16, equipped with water heat and air, allowing an easy space for storage, man cave, teen rec., homeschooling, etc.. (not included in footage anywhere above) This house offers fenced back yards with beautiful hollies. The following improvements have been added to house since purchase in 2012, addition of 12×16 room with water, heat and air, paver brick walkway and court yard with gas fire pit, large sun deck, backyard fencing and surround back yard with hollies, landscape lighting around entire house, rock borders in front, shurbs and trees, concrete scaping on front porch, screened porch and grilling porch, granite tops in kitchen, island with granite top, new lighting in kitchen, living room and bedrooms, crown molding, new carpet in two bedrooms. All for only 239,900. Extra lot for additional price. MUST SEE TO APPRECIATE!
2843 Twin Meadow Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $92000
Nice brick ranch located on a quite dead-end street, Well maintained, Hardwood floors, Ceramic Tile in Bath, New heat pump, Large den with fireplace on main level (not included in heated square feet).
Mulberry St, Hudson, NC
Price: $39500
Large amount of acreage!!! This is a rare find! Sewer and water available. Walking distance to park and recreation facility with a community pool. Build your dream home!! Motivated Sellers!!!
3808 Cross Creek Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $79900
On frame Modular home with detached carport. Home has 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Walk-in closets. Nice master bath with walk-in shower and garden tub. Dual sinks as well. Privacy trees are already in place to shield from the neighbors view. Paved drive. All appliances will remain with the home: Range, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Microwave Hood, and Washer/Dryer. Alarm system can be transferred to new owner. Roof new in 2014. Call Homes 4 You 828-728-4293
233 Cedar Valley Rd, Hudson, NC
Price: $144000
Beautiful 3 bed/ 1 bath, one-level living with spacious floor plan! Hardwoods with a custom design in the main living area. Dining area has french doors leading out to the backyard, with in-ground 20 X 40 pool, pool house with a full bathroom, a wired workshop. Pool area also boasts a covered patio complete with ceiling fan, lighting, outdoor sink, herb garden, and 3 large raised beds. Attached one-car garage, and cedar shanks on the front with finished landscape make this the perfect place to live!
2777 Twin Meadow Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $94900
house has new paint inside and outside. heating and air system is heat pump and central air and is not very old and all appliances to remain. new county water plus it has a well on site. just refinished hardwood floors and new vinyl. new light fixtures , plus washer and dryer hookups in utility room on carport. READY TO MOVE INTO ! ! !
227 Hemlock St, Hudson, NC
Price: $52900
Wonderful starter home with fenced backyard and storage building. House is brick and owners are preparing to replace the roof. Also has a detached carport.
539 Circle Dr, Hudson, NC
Price: $154900
from Houses For Sale – The OC Home Search http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-hudson-nc/ from OC Home Search https://theochomesearch.tumblr.com/post/158038508720
0 notes