#oc: velorum
conicalcrowd · 5 months
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I don't have a caption for this lol
(Briar uses any pronouns, and Velorum uses they/them)
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beetlebbugs · 2 months
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eris-builds-a-world · 2 years
OCtober Day 1: Bat
[ @theworldofprompts is hosting a great OC-tober list and I will try to join in this year. Here you can meet Velorum, a young girl in a fantasy setting. Enjoy!]
Fitting in can be scary. It doesn’t matter how old you are; whether it’s a new job, or strangers at a party, or your first day of 4th grade. The apprehension climbs up your spine. Your words get stuck in your throat. 
And then there’s the stares. You enter the room and you fear you stand out, and faces turn to see. You’re certain their eyes dig into you, you’re certain you stick out, you’re certain you’ll never fit in here. 
Velorum Navis feels this all too keenly when she transfers schools. She is too young to know why her parents live on the outskirts of town or why they don’t invite guests over. She is too young to know why her parents trained her at home for three years before letting her go to public school. But she knows she is a magical oddity, and meeting her classmates only makes this more apparent. 
The benefit of living in the slums by the border is that strange magic can lead to strange appearances. Velorum is hardly the only kid who doesn’t look elvish. But even then, the other kids stare when she is introduced. 
Her vacant eyes are solid black, so her new classmates have no idea which way she is looking as she blinks shyly back at them. Her strawberry blonde hair floats around her cheeks, defying gravity. She tugs nervously at a piece of hair, hoping to cover the sides of her face where normal kids have ears. The lights in the classroom are bright like a hospital, hiding the fact that her hair gives off its own soft glow. Tiny spots seem to wander with a mind of their own across her tan skin; her dad calls them freckles, but she knows they are nothing like her mom’s freckles. 
Velorum had been so excited for school when she left the house this morning. She had put her favorite bows on her shoes, the ones shaped like very cute bats. She had worn her favorite leg warmers, the pitch black ones with the bugs on them, because she wanted her classmates to know she wasn’t afraid of bugs. 
Well she is afraid now. But she doesn’t know that some of her classmates are more scared of her than she is of them. 
And she doesn’t know that far away, her mother is also scared. Scared of letting her only child out into the wide world. Scared of being labeled a traitor and a threat. Scared that their family will lose control of their powers. 
Fitting in can be scary. 
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wyvernial · 6 months
…Ugh, please stop.
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Velorum, the result of a hyper-rare mutation. Her scales are so hot they glow with a bright white-blue, like the sun. She is believed to be some sort of Goddess of the sun, Zraeys, but she quite simply isn’t, and doesn’t know how to set the record straight, so she often keeps hidden away and to herself.
Special thanks to @teethwitheyes101-blog for the blue-white Skywing idea! She isn’t exactly a Skywing, she’s her own thing albeit with Skywing influences, and Firescales still being a possibility (albiet it’s lore being different - firescales is nothing more than a rare mutation in my universe), but I still saw the idea of Skywing scales changing colour with fire temperature and I kinda ran with it haha.
Hope you like her‼️ Not the most complicated OC ik but I plan to add to her once I get more ideas for her
Original Post I got the idea from:
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maid-of-pixels · 7 years
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Alsephina Glazier, more commonly known as Sera. A fashion disaster, a talented trumpeter and a whimsical adventurer on the quest to collect as many pretty furniture/art/decoration items as they can possibly fit on their ship. And be famous, probably
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littlewhitetie · 4 years
20 OC questions
Thank you for the tag, @curiosity-killed​!! Here are Niko and Rafa.
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First things first before getting into The Meme:
Character: Niko Ito & Rafa Lencastre
Species: human
Basic Personality:
Niko: confident and manipulative. She was born a princess, but her uncle has taken any power away from her. She’ll do anything to ensure he doesn’t succeed in taking over the Empire. 
Rafa: aloof, distant, very principled. He’s got a horrific past that haunts him.
1. If they could choose a new name, what would they choose?
Niko: Valeska, after her mother (the late Queen)
Rafa: Rafa is his chosen name—his first name is actually Marcos, but he goes by his middle name (Rafael) since he’s in hiding
2. What’s a surefire way of making them happy?
Niko: everything going according to her plan
Rafa: he’s very difficult to make happy
3. What’s a surefire way of making them sad?
Niko: reminding her of all the injustices her uncle’s rule has brought
Rafa: killing his grandparents (he was v sad)
4. What do they do when they feel sad?
Niko: tries to change what makes her sad
Rafa: runs
5. How do they choose their friends?
Niko: whoever is of use to her
Rafa: he tries not to make friends (they find their way into his heart anyway)
6. What kinds of foods do they like?
Niko: seafood—her country, Velorum, is on the sea
Rafa: hearty vegetarian home cooked meals
7. Who is the person closest to them?
Niko: Rafa
Rafa: Niko (they go way back)
8. What kinds of music do they listen to?
Niko: anything she can dance to
Rafa: he doesn’t really listen to music, he’s too busy brooding
9. If logistics and money weren’t an issue, what kind of animal would they keep as a pet? (Includes fantastical animals.)
They are already hosts to cryptids—so they are sort of the pets.
Niko is host to two four-legged elemental creatures, Wax & Lye. Wax is made of water and shape-shifts. Lye is infused with lightning.
Rafa is host to a still unnamed cryptid who is winged and enables him to control fire. Rafa doesn’t use fire unless he absolutely has to, due to a traumatic childhood experience. That and it’s easy to create, but difficult to put out.
10. What does the landscape of their mind look like?
Niko: very calculated, organized. Lots of information stored away—she’s very well educated.
Rafa: Stormy.
11. Why do they like themselves?
Niko: because she’s smart and good at getting what she wants
Rafa: he doesn’t
12. What do they dream of doing if they had anything and everything open to them?
Niko: overthrowing her uncle (King Arek) and dismantling his plans to take the rest of the Empire
Rafa: making sure nothing bad ever happens to his friends (mostly Niko)
13. What fashion choices do they make? Do they go more for comfort or style?
Niko: she’ll wear whatever’s best for getting what she wants. She’s used to dressing up, but when she’s travelling she wears things she can move in.
Rafa: mostly practical clothes he can easily fight in, though he does have an affinity for buckles
14. If they had to go somewhere without a map, what’s the likelihood that they would make it there without getting lost?
They’ve both studied the geography of their land extensively. Niko’s good at avoiding guards and checkpoints within the Empire. Rafa knows the ins and outs of his grandparents’ town, working for them and running errands.
15. What type of people do they attract?
Niko: attracts just about anyone, when she wants to. She’s used to getting what she wants.
Rafa: most people who are attracted to men are attracted to Rafa—until they actually try to hold a conversation with him or get to know him. He’s got baggage.
16. What type of people are they attracted to?
Niko: usually men, occasionally women. She likes people who can challenge her.
Rafa: he’s only ever been into Niko
17. What is their greatest fear?
Niko: of compromising too much—of the ends not justifying the means
Rafa: of his grandfather finding him (or more importantly, the people he cares about)
18. What kinds of body modifications would they do if they could? (tattoos, piercings, hairdye, etc)
Niko: she’s got quite a few ear piercings. She likes her blonde hair (the only physical trait she got from her mother).
Rafa: none
19. What are they insecure about?
Niko: very little. She’s hella confident and self-assured.
Rafa: He’s afraid of anyone getting too close to him. He’s also got issues with his cryptid, who is angry and difficult to control, and works hard to suppress her.
20. How do they treat people/beings who have less power than them?
Niko: well in theory, but she has a habit of only paying attention to people who are of use to her.
Rafa: with respect, like his mother taught him to.
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rin-yukiohara · 4 years
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Sailor Moon Meme featuring my OC Eira Velorum
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loonylein · 8 years
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Aran - the lost child from the desert I finished his new design for the restart of the rpg ♥
If you know how to write german and want to join the rpg, message me and I´ll send you the link to our forum! 
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conicalcrowd · 2 months
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Traditional stuff I’ve done over the past few days
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conicalcrowd · 6 months
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Oh my stars,,, it's them!! My OC Velorum if they were in YuGiOh! More info about them under the readmore, because I can’t help myself
- Being albino, Velorum is mostly blind (they describe their vision as looking through a dark tunnel). They also have nystagmus, which causes their eyes to shake uncontrollably. They aren’t bothered by it, so they don’t bother with getting it corrected.
- They originally lived in Europe before moving to Domino with their relative. They’re half of a dueling duo named “The Double Moons”, and is often referred to as “Lune”.
- Their ace card is Diabellstar the Black Witch
- Has a MAJOR entomophobia. They will avoid bug duelists/bug themed decks at all costs.
- Their favorite food is tonkotsu ramen.
- Their (headcanon) speaking voice is Galle from Fire Emblem.
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conicalcrowd · 5 months
For the meme: 🍎 for any OC? (I meant to ask earlier, but I forgot, ^^;)
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🍎 Food - Draw your OC enjoying their favorite food
THIS IS SO OVERDUE IM SORRY,,, a sketchie this time!!
For simplicity's sake, here's (YuGiOh!) Velorum!!! Their favorite food is apples :3
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conicalcrowd · 3 months
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Rendering eyes is fun wheeeee
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beetlebbugs · 6 months
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doomed yaoi
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eris-builds-a-world · 5 years
War veteran renegade who marries someone from the “other side” and together they have to figure out parenting this little girl who is full of smiles and positivity and misunderstood magic
They find out their daughter is being bullied at school, or is having trouble controlling her powers. Cari sees her daughter curled up on her bed crying and Cari is going 
“shit, shit, shit, shit, what do I do? what do normal people do? comfort? how do I do that?”
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eris-builds-a-world · 6 years
OC Awards pt 1
Welcome to the 2019 OC Awards! First up, Meanest and Kindest OCs.
After much deliberation over traits such as aggressiveness, evilness, and selfishness, the award for Meanest OC goes to Melaina!
The award for Kindest OC, however, is tied between Cecilia and Velorum, who will be forced to duke it out behind Denny’s until a winner can be declared. This will likely not lead anywhere, as both would never willingly hurt the other. We will keep fans updated as we learn more.
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eris-builds-a-world · 6 years
Does Velorum snore?
Considering Velorum does not have all the functional organs found in humans, and likely does not have lungs or nasal passages as we know them, she does not snore. However, if her physical form starts to fade out while she’s asleep, any air she is generating will probably produce whistle or snoring sounds. 
If left unattended, the sounds will continue until they resemble the sound of wind against a house in a storm.
Suffice to say this would not be much fun during sleepovers, and she would quickly be slapped awake.
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