#oc: vienna
leota-nexus · 11 months
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words-words-worlds · 7 months
Hetalia Capital OC: Vienna
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Song I Associate With This OC: Average - Sushi Soucy
Questions For This OC: Open!
A/N: Happy Halloween! Originally, I didn't plan on making Vienna. And then something clicked in my brain like "Hey, you should do this" so that's where we are now.
~Name~ -Vienna [Capital Representative of Vienna]
~Age~ -25
~Gender/Pronouns~ -Cis, She/Her
~Sexuality~ -Asexual
~Appearance~ -5'3 -Dyed light purple hair and red eyes -She has reading glasses but tries to use them only when she absolutely needs them -Likes wearing bright and fun colors! -Usually wears a pink shirt with different colored hearts, rainbow shorts, and butterfly shoes…heels?
~Personality~ -Upon first meeting, people honestly think she's going to be like Austria -Which, I mean like, she is kinda lazy but that's the extent of it -In reality, she tends to be an optimistic individual with high standards for herself -She often pushes herself to the limits to strive to do better -Gets upset pretty easily -Used to be almost just like Austria until someone (not naming names) gave her a reality check -A hopeless romantic
~Extra Not Mentioned~ -Never bothered picking a name for herself -Besties with Filbert (Berlin) and Kal (Königsberg), but more with Filbert -Prefers traveling on foot if possible due to having motion sickness -Has a messenger pigeon named Sophia -Loves sending letters to other capitals
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nekomoder · 2 months
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
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RADIOSTATIC FANCHILDREN YAYYYY (they would so both be girl dads dont fight me on this bc im right)
theyre both papas girls (vox is papa al is daddy)!! addys older, and al named addy while vox named vienna. viennas the little princess of the family lol
more under the cut <3
husk likes vienna better bc she reminds him of vox (specifically newly fallen sinner vox) so he dotes on her like he used to dote on him. she calls him uncle husk and he calls her little voicebox (vox thinks its adorable, alastor HATES it but he doesnt kill husk for the sake of vox and their daughters. plus husk did help raise them nd keep vox sane while he was gone, so. theres that)
rosie and addy are super close. addys the reason why rosie and vel are so close, she goes to both of them whenever she needs advice or wants to vent about something to her favourite aunties (vox and al ask rosie to babysit addy and vienna most of the time. vienna is a little awkward around her but otherwise shes fine)
al and vox wouldve been married for a long time here. probably like 60s-70s time? (his hair looks better here because thats what being in love does to u babeyyy hells hairstylists got nothing on alastors pinkie pie hair ass bitch) and addy and vienna are actually a bit older than they look (addy looks to be 10, vienna 8 but addys actually 15 and viennas 13). al didnt choose to leave for 7 years, and he meant to tell them beforehand but didnt have time so vox spent 7 years raising both his girls with the help of the other vees / husk / rosie, which is why addy and vienna like their papa better
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yucky-bug · 4 months
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beautiful women named bass call my name
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carrion-aac · 2 months
in sleep he sang to me, in dreams he came. that voice which calls to me, and speaks my name; and do i dream again?
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sisters of evil (no vocaloid reference here)
Helluva twins 🌸🍬
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havranil · 21 days
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minimooberry · 28 days
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6 generations !
Surya and Leo are actually the first and last boys in 300 years that were born into the Florez family, and they only ever have daughters, who have daughters, who have more daughters lol
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kiiyome-art · 3 months
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Solar via doing the chest sword thing plus the sketch because I like it :)
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vallerianella · 9 months
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some late april-june doodles of an alnst au I cooked up w friends ^_^ - pardon the outfit inconsistencies, it started as slotting in ocs into canon charas and then creating roles and stories independently www
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I was about to say "it's everyone's favorite Voyager Branch!", but...... have I ever really introduced them?
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goldielia · 2 months
a part of: yeah, i like you au
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connor didn’t think vienna would show up. it was june and he knew the summers liked to travel europe, especially since noah had moved to germany for his soccer. but here he was, in nashville, wearing his suit that he knew had her name embroidered into the lining right over his heart with the rest of his family. and there she was, stepping into his hotel room wearing a black dress and a red lip and her beloved dark red converse and he still couldn’t really believe she was here.
his nerves feel calmer instantly, like the blackhawks know now that vienna summers is here with connor they’re going to pick him. she still feels the exact same when she steps into his embrace. the way his arms fit right around her waist, his nose pressing to her neck while her arms encase his shoulders with just the right amout of pressure to feel loved but not painful yet. even the way she still smells like that perfume he’s pretty sure his mom gifted her a few years ago.
“what are you doing here?” he breathes out after a few minutes. “i don’t know, some guy i used to know is going first overall today and his parents flew me out” he knows she’s smiling without even having to move his head. “you don’t know i’ll go first” he mumbles, anxiety suddenly coming back at full force. “no, i don’t. but i think you will. and you’d deserve it.” he can’t help but pout when she pulls back from their hug to take his jaw into her hands and look straight in his eyes.
“no matter when you’re picked. no matter if you’re picked. i’m so, so proud of you. you understand me?” viennas smile when he nods his head brings the butterflies straight back to his stomach. the butterflies he thinks have always been there, just not at full force, but ever since he took her to prom a few weeks ago they feel different, stronger.
“good, because i have a surprise for you. actually two” she reaches into her bag and presses a bracelet into his hands. it’s white with small red hearts and he can tell she made it herself. when he takes it out of her palm he notices she’s wearing a matching one, only with bigger hearts. “will you put it on me?” he asks, voice a quiet murmur because in this moment every softest sound feels like it’s too loud.
“of course.” she answers just as softly. her gentle hands work quickly and tie the bracelet around his wrist, fastening it to fit properly. “what’s the second surprise?” he asks after he’s examined his wrist with the bracelet on and decided he likes the look of it. the look of them belonging together. “well, you know how i’ll go to college in the fall, right?” he nods, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“i applied to chemistry programs in every city that was in contention for first pick” she whispers into the space between them. “there’s a really good undergrad chemistry program at uchicago. and they’d want me on their soccer team. full scholarship. maybe, after tonight, you’re gonna need a roomie in chicago?” she smiles up at him timidly.
he feels hot and cold at the same time. the girl that he’s been watching the stars with since they were four years old, the girl that was with him every step of the way, no matter if he was three streets down or thousands of miles away, wants to continue living her life with him in it. is willing to base a decision as important as college on his career. willing to move to a different city, hell a different country to be with him.
“i haven’t confirmed anything, if you don’t want me to i have a few other schools i could go to, i’m sorry for even-” her remaining words are muffled by the fabric of his suit. “you’d do that?” he whispers breathlessly into the hug. “you’d come with me?” and she laughs wetly, “connor, i think i’d come to the ends of the earth with you” and he has to squeeze her tighter at that.
it takes about three pleas to convince his mom to let vienna sit next to him in their row. he’s been asked a few times if she was his girlfriend but not at all as many as she had feared. madi figures it helps that the matching bracelet is hidden beneath his suit jacket and shirt sleeve. the two girls stick closely together anyway, always having been close and not wanting to bother connor too much but equally as much wanting to support the boy they’ve both loved for as long as they could remember.
she doesnt’t think holding his hand would be smart with the way hundreds of cameras are pointed towards connor from the second he arrived, so she settles for linking her ankle with his. when the blackhawks representative steps up on the stage her breath is stolen out of her lungs. her fingers tap on her thighs and fiddle with the hem of her dress mindlessly until he starts speaking.
the breath she’s holding releases with a laugh before the man can even finish the word regina and as soon as connors name sounds through the room she’s up, waits for him to hug his family first though before he turns to her and wraps her up in a lingering hug. “thank you, cherry. could not have made it here without you.” “t’was all you, con. all you” there’s tears shining in her eyes when they pull away and madi has her arm around viennas waist within seconds.
connor throws her a wink with a smiley “don’t cry” over his shoulder before he makes his way towards the stage. before he even has the jersey over his head vienna has her phone out already and confirms to uchicago that yes, she will enroll there in the fall and yes, she will play soccer. madi and connors mom smile at her, pull her into a tight hug as the three of them giggle. their favourite boy made it and vienna’s going with him.
the following hours are a little much for vienna, which she knew beforehand. there’s so many people and so much happening but the second they step out of the venue and towards the car she feels calmer. the family dinner they have at the hotel restaurant feels a lot more comfortable than basically the whole evening and when she asks connors dad for the keys to their rental car and if she can steal his son for a couple hours, no bedard could’ve said no to her.
they’re quiet on the drive, nashville looking mesmerizing at night and both of them having to process what happened today. she’s put some quiet instrumental music on, he knows it’s taylor swift songs on the piano because it’s what she likes to listen to while studying. she makes a quick stop for ice cream at the mcdonald’s drive through, ordering both their favourites on autopilot even after they haven’t gotten them together in years.
he eats his ice cream and alternates between staring at her and the city that’s getting smaller and smaller behind them until she parks the car somewhere out of it. he doesn’t realize why until she opens the sunroof and reclines her seat. his throat constricts as his breath hitches at the familiarity of it all.
he can’t recount how many nights he’d spent just like this. vienna and him under a sky full of stars with their favourite snacks. there’s the butterflies again. they’re always there, he’s noticed. when vienna’s there, when something reminds him of her, when someone mentions her. the little tickles in his stomach are her constant companion.
whenever people talked about butterflies in his stomach when he was younger, he envisioned a slightly uncomfortable sensation. what he’s feeling now is anything but uncomfortable though. it’s the same feeling he’s had around vienna for his whole life, or at least for as long as he can remember and it’s nowhere near uncomfortable.
he finds he likes the butterflies even more when he slides his hand in hers. there’s tears in his eyes now and fuck, he promised himself he wouldn’t cry in front of anyone else on his draft day, only allowed himself a few happy tears in the bathroom when he found a quiet moment. but vienna’s gentle with him, just as she always has been, squeezes his hand once before her other comes up to wipe his tears away.
when vienna has showed him all the constellations she can find on this particular night, they make their way back to the hotel. she drives slow on purpose, he knows, because they don’t have moments like this often anymore and it gets him excited for when she’ll start college in chicago. he makes a mental note to start looking for apartments near campus and the arena, thinks he needs to make sure they have a terrace or balcony to watch the city from.
there’s no hesitation when they make their way back to the hotel. she makes a quick detour to her room, grabs a small bag with the things she’ll need to sleep over and then slips right into connors room with him.
when they’re lying next to each other and connor watches vienna fall asleep in his shirt he can’t help but feel lucky. he went first overall and he’ll get to share his space and his life with his favourite girl again.
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nekomoder · 2 months
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My ocs with higu girls
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
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dropping these doodles of @vylad243's radiostatic fanchild lyric and addy+vienna here before i go back to studying
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simstoyourdismay · 2 months
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the baby ever
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