pikkish · 10 months
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what if. i posted oc.
(slugcrabs belong to @violet-amphithere !!)
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pikkish · 9 months
Mask? (for the oc asks)
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
You didn't specify for whom, so we are doing Caraval :)
Generally speaking, no, he does not try very hard to maintain some persona or disguise, physical or metaphorical, nor does he especially try to hide his emotions or opinions. He's aggressive, angry, arrogant, and not especially charismatic, and he'll try to reign it in a little for the sake of professionalism when he's doing a job, but he doesn't really try so much to convince people he's something he isn't.
When he was younger, however, before everything really went bad, he had to put a great deal of effort into acting as if everything was fine, that he was still an exemplary member of the Guard, doing his duty to protect and help his crewmembers and those around them, and that he wasn't also currently regularly smuggling large quantities of various drugs and medical supplies out of medbay storage and being paid handsomely for it.
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pikkish · 6 months
I know I’m probably really late to this but if that ask game is still happening I’d like to ask desire for Caraval.
AUGH ITS BEEN LIKE 4 MONTHS SINCE I REBLOGGED THAT MEME but yeah sure I'm always down to talk about characters!
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
The one thing that Caraval desires more than anything else is connection. Family. People he knows he can trust to have his back in a tight spot, and people who, in turn, he can help pull out of their own tight spots. He wants to be part of something, not necessarily something big, or grand, or world changing, but something close and purposeful. He wants community.
Unfortunately, this has been denied to him multiple times, from the family he was born into dying to illness while he was away, despite the money and medicine he sent home to them, to his reputation with the family he made in his squad being destroyed after it was discovered he was using his status as a surgeon to smuggle drugs. Follow that up with a long period of only being able to find work with the more unsavorable crowds who don't care so much about morality, and he's gotten a bit bitter and cynical. He knows family is what he wants. He just doesn't expect to really be able to get it anymore.
As for what he's willing to do for that family, should he have it, well. It's no coincidence he was discovered smuggling drugs just around the same time of his family's illness.
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pikkish · 10 months
Hey pik!! Hope you're doing ok^^ just wanted to say your art is lovely as ever, and that it's always great to see you in my notifs for when you post <3
thank youuuu I know I have not been around so much lately, just bc I've been super busy lately n not had much time or energy to do stuff, but it's incredibly encouraging to know some folks still watch for me. Ty for the kind words!!
Since Caraval is apparently officially on tumblr now. You may have a quick doodle of my stupid bug.
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pikkish · 9 months
skin for Caraval go
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Caraval does not dwell on his inner demons, not out of some refusal to acknowledge them, but simply because he's already been there, done that. He tried to make a difference, make the world a better place, he screwed it up spectacularly, he'll live with the regret for the rest of his life, the universe is a cold and uncaring place, blah blah blah, let's just get this over with. He'll do his best to help if someone asks for it, but he's not going out of his way to try to fix everything anymore, he had his shot at that and he just made everything worse, but that's fine, that's just the way it is, it's not like he could've actually changed anything in the end, it's kinda ridiculous to think that one guy couldv've actually- what, saved the world? Ridiculous. He couldn't even save his own family, why the hell would he have been able to do something even bigger? No, this was where he was going to end up sooner or later, anyway, so there's not much reason anymore to dwell on the how and why he got here. Best to just go back to his work, keep his head down, don't do anything so damn stupid again, 'cuz that's all there really is to do, he doesn't really have any other options left, any more...
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pikkish · 9 months
"Betrayal" for Caraval >:)
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
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He's a surgeon who lost his license, practicing in the dark underbelly of the galaxy, where his primary clientele are criminals, thugs, and other ne'er-do-wells who don't want too many questions being asked. Not all of his scars are from betrayals, but yeah, he's had a few people decide it would be easier to try to kill him than it would be to pay him for whatever illegal medical procedure he did for them. But that's nothing personal, really, just part of the territory, an occupational hazard.
As for a more personal betrayal- well, the "betraying" party had already made their stance clear beforehand, so it wasn't technically a betrayal. He requested aid and was denied; what he was asking was not regulation, and an exception could not be made. So he took matters into his own hands- using his position as a military medic to smuggle medicine to his sick family. It quickly spiraled out of control, his family died, and he was caught, stripped of his rank, and imprisoned. He was the one to break the laws, yes, but it seemed an awfully major betrayal to him that the Galactic Guard, the organization to which he had given fourteen years of his life in the name of protecting and saving people from threats they had no means to combat, had refused to help him when his family was dying.
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