daenystheedreamer · 1 year
three of my insane westeros OCs
 JEYNE WHENT: jeyne whent is a lady-in-waiting oc for danelle lothston (cough cough self insert cough). the whents were canonically sworn to house lothston and i can see their daughters being companions for them. well danelle’s maids keep dying and disappearing and it’s jeyne’s turn to be handmaiden! they have a horrible relationship which ends in danelle perishing in harrenhal not by jeyne’s hand but certainly by jeyne’s will :) 
danelle is ambiguously dragonseed idk how ive tried making the lothston family tree but fucking lucas the panhandler and manfryd and manfred keep fucking it up. basically shes got the DAWG in her. she bathes in blood elisabeth bathory style and visits the god’s eye because she believes the god’s eye is basically a time vortex and she wants dark sister. and jeyne is like bloodraven has dark sister. and danelle is like he has it NOW he didnt have it THEN. and jeyne is all girl what the fuck are you on about but she doesnt say that cos she doesnt wanna get murdered.
DAENYS TARGARYEN: ok this one is INSANE. so i have this alternate timeline au where after maegor imprisons viserys (aenys’ second son, the one who got tortured and died rip) he’s like hey whats better than 3 wives? 4 wives and one of them is my nephew (no black brides yet). maybe THATS how ill get an heir. 
so he uses blood magic to essentially omegafy poor viserys and they have three abominations children (sorry viserys): Jaehaerys, Daenys and Viserra. only death can pay for life so Jaehaerys (our Jae the Wise, in this au he gets murdered rip) died for Jaehaerys, Poxy Jeyne Poore died for Daenys and Tyanna of the Tower died for Viserra.
Daenys is Haunted by the Visions and by the ghost of Poxy Jeyne. plus her dad-mother viserys is Haunted and her dad-father maegor is maegor AND her younger sister viserra is visenya kin AND she has shameful lesbian desire for her aunt/cousin rhaena AND her cousin/step-sister/sister-in-law aerea. daenys is like what if u were raised by the most traumatised man in the world and the most evil man in the world and all your family is married to each other and you are LITERALLY an abomination AND u are gay. what then.
LILY: jeyne poore is a military leader! she needs a squire! but we are good and faithful catholics and we cant have an unmarried women with a SQUIRE besides shes not a knight shes a GIRL. okay we will give her a maid who can dress her in armour and such. and thats lily! shes very normal. isnt super gung ho about the faith militant, shes mostly just like Hey Its Kinda Fucked Up And Generally Ungodly To Be Incestuous And Polygamous. maybe she and jeyne kiss idk <3 she dies during the ambush after jeyne’s execution (rip)
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