Pauletta's OC Sexyperson Tournament - Round 1, Pair 11
Vortunon Blachol (side character from Silver Claw crew)
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Vylneer (side character, apprentice of Darth Nox)
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18 for the Pride Asks? And 7, 8 for the OC of your choice?
Thank you @raven-of-domain-kwaad / @the-raven-of-highever!
18. Do you prefer to give your ocs specific labels, or keep it unspecified? Why? If applicable, do you change their labels depending on circumstance?
If I don't know their identity, then I'm keeping them unspecified, and then as I figure it out I give them labels. And yes, sometimes their labels change bc they turn out to be different from what I originally thought. It just recently happened with Xaele and Jett.
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
I couldn't choose a single character for this question, so I'll answer in general.
I imagine some of my a-spec characters starting to question their identity because of some conversation they had with an allo friend about being attracted and finding it difficult to relate. For example, back when they were teens, Jett was confused when Raen was saying something like "oh this girl is so hot" or "I cannot think straight because of that guy". Or Lorri saying that she doesn't understand why people crave sexual or romantic relationships so much when there are a lot of other wonderful things to do, when Vort was talking about his struggle to find a long-term partner.
As for the rest of my characters, it's either having feelings for a person that were unfamiliar to them before that, or just having experiences that challenge the way they viewed themselves.
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
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I want to talk about Kerstes because she came to my mind the first when trying to answer this question.
First, I want to share my headcanon on expectations and views on marriage in the Sith Empire, specifically for pureblood Sith (it's very similar to this post).
Marriage mostly serves two purposes - transaction and reproduction, and while these are a bit more loose for average citizens and military, for pureblood Sith these are very important (because they are not exactly common during the time of SWTOR era, from what I understand). So heterosexual marriage is heavily encouraged and expected from the majority of Sith (with some exceptions).
Because of these expectations Kerstes struggled with her identity. At first, she had trouble with even accepting the fact that she likes women (you know, the "oh yeah, hetero marriage is good for the population because otherwise we'd all want to marry women, right?" moment). Took her quite some time to come to terms with it, and even then she wasn't eager to share this discovery with her parents. Kerstes tried to avoid it whenever the topic of marriage came up, and when it became impossible to ignore, she came out, and, as expected, it didn't go well. Fortunately for Kerstes, soon after this she was sent to Korriban for Sith training, so that conflict became the least of her worries for the duration of Sith Warrior story.
Interesting that after the class story Kerstes had a heart-to-heart conversation with her mother about a lot of things, her identity included. Interesting because prior to her trials she favored her father (because he pretty much gave her everything she wanted, and by that spoiled her) and ignored and despised her mother most of the time. I mentioned that Kerstes starts as a spoiled brat who loves ordering people around, and as the events of Sith Warrior story go, she grows to be less bossy or rude, and more respectful to those below her status (in short. there's a lot more to her character development). And as she goes through this development, she realizes that the most of what she learns are things that her mother tried to teach her. So Kerstes starts seeing her parents in a different light, and that's why she has this heart-to-heart with mother.
In the end, her mother is more accepting of the fact that Kerstes is a lesbian and doesn't have to marry someone against her will (but she still asks for biological grandchildren lol). More importantly, Kertses is more comfortable with her identity and will have a romantic relationship.
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 Hey look, a whole bunch of side OCs that I’m never going to talk about again but I love them with every bit of my soul.
I mentioned them in previous post (not about songs, of course), so I decided to introduce them properly. Kinda. Thank @itstheelvenjedi​ for that.
Also, I thought giving a kind of timeline (and their ages) would be good. Most, if not all events, described below, happened between the Treaty of Coruscant and first year of class stories (10 years after the Treaty of Coruscant).
In order of meeting each other:
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Lorrena, or just Lorri (born 31 BTC) - a sort of mom figure in this found family, the soul and heart of “Silver Claw”’s (their ship’s name) crew. Was born in slavery, but her parents did what they could to get her off-world and find a better place for her. Lorri grew up on the streets of Coruscant, having an interest in first aid and basic medicine. She also had a dream of owning a cantina, a dream she followed and made real (with the help of her crew). Despite having to deal with criminal elements, Lorri is kind, forgiving, hopeful, optimistic and always ready to help people (but won’t turn a reward, because altruism is great but you gotta eat something).
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Vortunon (born 32 BTC), Vort was born on Coruscant in a problematic family. His parents argued and fought each other a lot, his father has gotten himself in gambling and owed a huge debt, but with a few tricks he passed those debts to his wife and left the family. Vort had to work from the young age to help his mother, and at he had to leave the academy (was going to become a pilot) to do more work and gain more money. Met Lorri around 6-7 years BTC, and she was trying to help him and his mother as she could. Unfortunately, Vort’s mother died of being overworked and serious illnesses. After some time, the debt were paid and Vort was even able to buy the ship he was provided before (the one that will become home for everyone else). Having to deal with all kinds of people, Vort learned how to make deals with just about anybody without blaster. Cool head, practical, not without compassion, but not as altruistic as his friend.
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Thassan (born 46 BTC) fought in the Great Galactic War, but was becoming more and more disappointed in Republic’s army towards the end of the war. After the Treaty of Coruscant they had to deal with lack of military operations against the Sith Empire, which led to disobeying a strict order and getting an assignment as security officer at one of training facilities on Coruscant as punishment. Near the end of first year ATC has caught two individuals trying to steal explosives from the base. Realising that they aren’t exactly thieves, Thassan learned about their motivation (which was to get help in getting back their money) and because of getting tired of doing nothing during last year agreed to help, ending up joining the “Silver Claw”’s crew with Lorri and Vort. Thassan was always known for having a rebellious personality, always craving for action and not being good at following orders.
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Elliadra (born 16 BTC), or just Ell was training as a padawan, though never reached the rank of knight. Always looking for action instead of meditating, breaking the rules, craving adventures, she was judged by her master a lot. Having some major disagreements with the Jedi Order and her master in particular, Elliadra decided to follow her own path and left the Order near the end of first year ATC. Tried to explore the galaxy and help people along the way, but not everything went as smooth as she was expecting. At some point she found herself in a problematic situation and was reluctant to accept the help from Lorri, Vort and Thassan, but not having any other options had to work with them. They got along with time and Ell decided to join the crew as well. While not being a perfect Jedi, Elliadra had the best intentions and never showed signs of the dark side.
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Haizha (born 37 BTC) has rather mysterious past - place of birth, family, allies, rivals were unknown. What is known about her is her professionalism and pragmatism, which helped Haizha to be on her own in the underworld as long as she remembers herself. Somewhere in the middle of 2 ATC was hired to kill Thassan, but failed to do so. Even more, she helped the target and his associates to find the client and deal with him. Having a need for protection and a place, she temporarily joined the crew, but later on decided to stay. 
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Rykeer (born 35 BTC) was a simple worker as a ship mechanic on Nar Shadaa. Had a quiet life until the shop he was working in got bankrupt. A few weeks after that Rykeer got robbed by the crew. That was a mistake, of course, and after an apology he was offered to join the “Silver Claw” crew, to which he agreed.
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Cescanun (born 12 BTC), or just Ces was only 9 years old when their aunt abandoned her and her elder brother alone. Her brother quickly found a way to survive by being a part of a criminal gang. Despite that fact, the gang actually protected these two, plus they had talents: Ces’ brother was good at podracing, which let them win a good amount of money, when Ces was a gifted slicer. Their first encounter with the “Silver Claw’s crew was even before Rykeer joined them. They acted as informant from her gang to Lorri and the rest. Her brother, who was always looking after her and the only reason Ces stayed in her gang, died in a race, and Ces asked if the “Silver Claw” could use a slicer and got a place on the ship. Despite their rough childhood, Ces is full of energy, cheerful, confident, likes to do things for fun. Competitor for the title “The Biggest Dumbass”.
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Drechard (born 17 BTC) was a pilot from a proud Imperial family. Just as every other member of his family, he was going to serve the Sith Empire, but unlike everyone else, Drechard acknowledged the monstrosities of the regime he was serving. He couldn’t stand that and left the Empire, but not to join the Republic, but to help those who suffered from Sith. But with anxiety and no experience he quickly got into more troubles than he could handle. Trying to just survive, Drechard was hired to steal and transport the same cargo “Silver Claw” needed. His attempt to steal the cargo has failed, and the crew needed to take him to learn about his client. Eventually, he stayed on the ship, hiding his Imperial past. He is not what you think of when you hear “imperial”. Soft, anxious, having best intentions, talent for piloting and screwing things up. Competitor for the title “The Biggest Dumbass”.
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I actually introduced Miatra once, just never mentioned her being a part of this story. She is Drechard’s elder sister (born 20 BTC), and after his betrayal was ordered by her master to kill her parents as a show of her utter loyalty to the Sith. She also started a hunt for her brother, but after several attempts was unable to capture him. Is she going to join this crew or not is still unclear.
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OC master post: Lette legacy
Main characters (class characters)
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Jedi Knight
Name: Kyira Jey
Date of birth: 14 BTC
Alignment: LS (mostly, there are complicated parts); between neutral and chaotic good
Height: 172 cm
Gender: cis woman
Romantic/sexual orientation: straight
Relationship: Kyira/Riell
Affiliation: Jedi Order, Republic
Occupation: Jedi, droid shop worker
Titles: Hero of Tython, Jedi Master
Character tag: #oc:kyira
Jedi Consular
Name: Shailla Lette
Date of birth: 15 BTC
Alignment: LS; neutral good
Height: 164 cm
Gender: cis woman
Romantic/sexual orientation: demisexual, panromantic
Relationship: Shailla/Arcann
Affiliation: Jedi Order, Republic, Alliance
Occupation: Jedi
Titles: Barsen'thor, Jedi Master
Character tag: #oc:shailla
Name: Raenelit Lette
Date of birth: 12 BTC
Alignment: Neutral, leaning towards LS; chaotic good/chaotic neutral
Height: 170 cm
Gender: cis woman
Romantic/sexual orientation: bisexual
Relationship: Raen/Theron
Affiliation: Republic, Alliance
Occupation: starship captain, privateer for the Republic
Titles: Captain, Voidhound, Butcher's Bane
Character tag: #oc:raen
Name: Alaine Zorrus
Date of birth: 17 BTC
Alignment: LS; lawful good/neutral good
Height: 180 cm
Gender: trans woman
Romantic/sexual orientation: straight
Relationship: none
Affiliation: Republic, Havoc Squad
Occupation: CO of the havoc Squad
Titles: Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel
Character tag: #oc:alaine
Sith Warrior
Name: Iressa Kraujas
Date of birth: 16 BTC
Alignment: DS; lawful evil/neutral evil
Height: 175 cm
Gender: cis woman
Romantic/sexual orientation: lesbian
Relationship: none
Affiliation: Sith Empire
Occupation: Sith Lord, Emperor's Wrath
Titles: Emperor's Wrath
Character tag: #oc:iressa
Sith Inquisitor
Name: Auletta Kallig
Date of birth: 10 BTC
Alignment:DS (purely); chaotic evil/neutral evil
Height: 174 cm
Gender: cis woman
Romantic/sexual orientation: aroace
Relationship: none
Affiliation: Sith Empire
Occupation: Sith Lord, member of the Dark Council
Titles: Lord Kallig, Darth Nox
Character tag: #oc:auletta
Bounty Hunter
Name: Jetten Ison
Date of birth: 9 BTC
Alignment: neutral (and swinging towards light and dark at different times); true neutral (probably?)
Height: 182 cm
Gender: cis woman
Romantic/sexual orientation: bi graysexual
Relationship: Jett/Torian
Affiliation: Mandalorians, Alliance
Occupation: bounty hunter, commander of the Alliance
Titles: Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, Commander
Character tag: #oc:jett
Imperial Agent
Name: Xaele
Date of birth: 12 BTC
Alignment: neutral; lawful neutral
Height: 165 cm
Gender: agenderfluid, they/them or she/her pronouns (most of the time agender, occasionally feels connection to femininity, hence the pronouns)
Romantic/sexual orientation: lesbian, asexual
Relationship: Xaele/Lana
Affiliation: Chiss Ascendancy, Sith Empire, Alliance
Occupation: Imperial Intelligence operative, personal operative of Darth Marr, agent of the Alliance
Titles: Cipher 9, Commander
Character tag: #oc:xaele
Side characters (exist in the game but are not class characters, example: Lorri is a smuggler in game, but not the Voidhound)
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Name: Vylneer
Date of birth: 2 BTC
Alignment: DS; neutral evil
Height: 169 cm
Gender: cis woman
Relationship: ?
Affiliation: Sith Empire
Occupation: apprentice of Darth Nox, Sith Lord
Character tag: #oc:vylneer
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Name: Riell Eldeniir
Date of birth: 14 BTC
Alignment: LS; neutral good
Height: 174 cm
Gender: cis man
Relationship: Kyira/Riell
Affiliation: Jedi Order, Republic
Occupation: Jedi Knight
Character tag: #oc:riell
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Name: Keida Azal
Date of birth: 19 BTC
Alignment: LS-ish neutral; lawful neutral
Height: 171 cm
Gender: cis woman
Relationship: married
Affiliation: Eternal Empire
Occupation: Knight of Zakuul
Character tag: #oc:keida azal
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Name: Beirya Kerre
Date of birth: 4 ATC
Alignment: LS; neutral good
Height: 179 cm
Gender: female
Relationship: ?
Affiliation: Jedi Order (in past), Alliance
Occupation: Alliance Commander (in future)
Character tag: #oc:beirya
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Name: Zinilev Lok
Date of birth: 10 ATC
Alignment: neutral, LS leaning
Height: 176 cm
Gender: male
Relationship: none
Affiliation: Mandalorians, Alliance
Occupation: Mandalorian
Character tag: #oc:zinilev
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Name: Lorrena Jemal
Date of birth: 31 BTC
Alignment: LS; neutral good
Height: 166 cm
Gender: cis woman
Romantic/sexual orientation: aroace
Relationship: none
Affiliation: none
Occupation: smuggler, owner of cantina on Nar Shaddaa
Character tag: #oc:lorrena
Name: Vortunon Blachol
Date of birth: 32 BTC
Alignment: LS-ish neutral; true neutral
Height: 175 cm
Gender: cis man
Romantic/sexual orientation: bisexual
Relationship: Vort/Rykeer
Affiliation: Republic, none
Occupation: starship captain
Character tag: #oc:vort
Name: Thassan
Date of birth: 46 BTC
Alignment: LS; neutral good
Height: 207 cm
Gender: genderfluid (they/them pronouns are preferred, but any other pronouns are fine)
Relationship: none
Affiliation: Republic; none
Occupation: Republic trooper; cook in cantina
Character tag: #oc:thassan
Name: Haizha
Date of birth: 37 BTC
Alignment: neutral; true neutral
Height: 173 cm
Gender: cis woman
Relationship: none
Affiliation: none
Occupation: mercenary
Character tag: #oc:haizha
Name: Rykeer
Date of birth: 35 BTC
Alignment: LS; neutral good
Height: 172 cm
Gender: cis man
Romantic/sexual orientation: gay, asexual
Relationship: Vort/Rykeer
Affiliation: none
Occupation: mechanic (starship; droids)
Character tag: #oc:rykeer
Name: Elliadra
Date of birth: 16 BTC
Alignment: LS; chaotic good
Height: 174 cm
Gender: cis woman
Romantic/sexual orientation: straight
Relationship: Ell/Drechard
Affiliation: Jedi Order (in past), Republic (in past); none
Occupation: former Jedi padawan
Character tag: #oc:elliadra
Name: Cescanun (Ces is preferable)
Date of birth: 12 BTC
Alignment: LS-ish neutral; chaotic good or true neutral
Height: 160 cm
Gender: nonbinary (demigirl; they/she pronouns)
Romantic/sexual orientation: pansexual
Relationship: ?
Affiliation: Blatant Beks (in past); none
Occupation: slicer
Character tag: #oc:ces
Name: Drechard Stentar
Date of birth: 17 BTC
Alignment: LS; neutral good
Height: 180 cm
Gender: cis man
Romantic/sexual orientation: bi demisexual
Relationship: Ell/Drechard
Affiliation: Sith Empire (in past); none
Occupation: starship pilot
Character tag: #oc:drechard
Name: Miatra Stentar
Date of birth: 20 BTC
Alignment: DS to neutral; lawful evil to true neutral
Height: 176 cm
Gender: cis woman
Relationship: none
Affiliation: Sith Empire; none
Occupation: former Sith apprentice
Character tag: #oc:miatra
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