#oc; laisrén blackfern
achilleid · 3 years
Laisrén Blackfern ed.
— oc questions
What’s their full name? Laisrén Blackfern
What does their name mean? Why were they named that? Laisrén is a celtic name derived from “lassar” meaning flame/fire. Blackfern is a chosen last name. If you asked him, he’d try to say he picked it because of some profound reason, like because ferns are resilient and hardy plants or something, but he entirely picked it because he thought it sounded cool. 
Do they have any nicknames? Rén. Pronounced like “rain”. 
How old are they? Time functions really oddly in the Sidhe. When he last lived in the human realm, he was seventeen human years. That was nearly a century or more ago by human time. Physically he appears about 32-33.
When’s their birthday? December 29th (human) or 9th Day of Winter (Sidhe)
What’s their zodiac sign/element/birthstone/etc.? Do they believe that holds any significance? Capricorn/earth/tanzanite-- Laisrén believes in zodiac signs in a very nonchalant way. He is from a magical world where all kinds of weird stuff happen when someone is born, so being told some aspect of his personality is theoretically identifiable by his “sign” he’d probably just shrug like “Sounds legit.”.
What’s their species/subspecies? Do they have any special/magical abilities? He is a half Seelie/half-Unseelie Folk. Folk are presented in my world like a combination of elves and fae. Seelie are generally characterized by their more warm toned skin colors, affiliation with the light, spring and summer, Unseelie are associated with autumn and winter and tend to favor darker, cooler tones. Laisrén is a mix of both types. There are stereotypes associated with each kind of Folk, but ultimately it is entirely based on the individual.
What “class” do they belong to (for fantasy characters)? If none, what weapon do they favor? He would definitely be a Ranger class, duel-wielding swords and using a bow. 
What do they look like? Laisrén owes 90% of his appearance to Levi Ackerman from Attack on Titan I won’t even lie. So he is roughly 5′9″, has dark black undercut hair and dark green eyes. He has a warm beige skin tone that darkens in the summer. 
Do they have a face claim? Nope!
What’s their style like? Clothes, hair, makeup? His go to outfit is a black doublet with a silver jerkin over the top. During combat, he favors a set of dark leather armor and a dark cloak. Lots of dark colors. For a half Seelie, he dresses almost exclusively in the dark or jewel colors favored by Unseelie.
How do they carry themselves? What’s their default expression? Perpetual resting bitch face. And he carries himself with an air of self-assuredness and confidence that is entirely unforced. It is just how he is. Granted, he could look cool and collected and inside his thoughts are going a mile a minute. Very good at hiding how he feels.
Do they have any physical ailments or disabilities? Laisrén was saddled with a curse at a young age. His skin, starting at the fingertips of his right hand, is turning black and spreading upward. As of present day, his hand has blackened up to his palm. His nails grow much sharper and faster on that hand as well. Laisrén covers this with gloves.
What’s their alignment? Lawful Neutral
Which one of the 16 Personality Types do they fit into? ISTP
What are their hobbies and interests? Do they have any particular “favorites” (food, books, and so on)? He is a big fan of games, especially strategy games. He would love Risk, History of the World and other games like that and probably plays Folk equivalents when he can. Chess too. He’d enjoy card games there were not luck based. He also does like to read and his favorite meal ever is high tea. The man will try any blend of tea ever created and he loves having a nice herb garden.
What are they bad at? He is not the best cook. Food is something to just be consumed as quickly as possible for energy, so getting him to sit down and have a meal and just ENJOY it is very hard. He also is a fitful sleeper and is very bad at picking up on subtext or subtleties when speaking with people. He does not take hints. He does not even know a hint is happening.
What kind of things do they dislike/hate? Disorganization, MESS in general. This is both literal and figurative. Messy emotions will have him cleaning the same room, polishing the same armor or sharpening the same blade in a wholly meditative process trying to either work through or ignore his feelings.
Do they have any vices/addictions/mental illnesses? His secret vice is his love of sweets. Food is mere fuel until it is chocolate and covered in strawberries or something and then he is like “.... okay maybe a few bites.”
What are their goals and motivations? Currently? Managing his curse, keeping an eye on his “niece” and her son. Caring for his mother secretly. His goals later become more aligned with the main character’s and becomes ensuring the safety of those he cares for. Full stop.
What are their manners like? Any habits? He is not impolite, but he can be brash. He knows how to behave in different situations though, so his “brash” on the field and his “brash” at say a gathering or a meeting is very different. He has a habit of clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth when he is annoyed and only ever breaks eye contact with someone if he is feeling wholly and deeply vulnerable. 
What are they most afraid of? Living for centuries upon centuries only to turn around and realize he has done so alone and always will.
Where were they born? What was their childhood like? He was born in the Sidhe, but within a week was abandoned in the human realm. His childhood was spent raised in an orphanage during the early 1900s on Earth. He lived in London and sometimes falls into a cockney sounding accent when he is tired. 
What’s their family like? Well. His mom is thought to be absolutely bonkers because she pulled a changeling thing. And she is, on some level, mentally not all there. In Folk culture, there are some events that can cause a Folk to become trapped in one emotion and unable to overcome the enormity of it and remain “stuck” there. His mother fell into a Despair upon the death of her partner, so he cares for her and the remaining family of her human adopted son from the shadows.
What factions or organizations are they a part of? What ranks and titles do they hold? He is a Hound of the Wild Hunt and Captain beneath the commander responsible for training new recruits. He trains the soldiers of their ranks.
How do they fit into their “story”? He is at one point in the story, love interest, secondary protagonist, secondary antagonist. 
Where do they currently live? What’s their place like? He resides in a home called Elden Keep, which is a an old fortress manor that once was used as a hunting lodge. It has a western tower with a turret. It is a house of rich brown woods and plush green carpets and a very lovingly tended to garden.
How do they eventually die? WELLLLLLLLL-- they eventually succumb to the curse, but it is temporary. More like an emotional and mental death and then a rebirth. 
Do they have any friends? Would they consider anyone to be their best friend? His commander Eimer and his fellow captains. Later, he becomes closer friends with Cyra’s group.
What’s their friend group like? What role do they play in it? He is definitely not even the oddest of his group, that belongs to Dillion, the resident mad scientist/mage (he’s nice! just eccentric). It is a nice blend of people and neurosis haha.
What’s their love life like? (See also: ship question meme.) Do they have any kids? Prior to his relationship with Cyra, Laisrén would have casual encounters, but nothing serious. His longest fling lasted probably off and on for a few months. He has no issues with accepting and reciprocating sexual advances, but has not had a lot of experience with feelings being mixed in until Cyra. With Cyra it starts physical, but ultimately he realizes it is satisfying in a way that past ones have not been because his emotional needs are being met.
Who do they look up to? Who do they trust? He looks up to and trusts Eimer above everyone. He is his best friend, his commander and his fellow Hound. They went through recruitment together, battles and all kinds of bad shit. 
Who do they hate? Do they have any enemies? His enemies unfortunately, when revealed, are some powerful people. He grows to hate Queen Nevan and by extension, Druth, Cyra’s uncle and the Queen’s grand commander.
Do they have any pets? He has a few horses, but he’d never refer to them as “pets”.
Are they good with kids? Animals? Good with animals. Kids he is shockingly popular with, even if he doesn’t really make an effort. They appreciate his honesty and the fact he talks to them like they understand things.
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achilleid · 3 years
One of my favorite moments I have yet to fully find a place for in Paleblood is a moment where, out of anger and protectiveness of Cyra, Laisrén goes to draw his blade and Cyra immediately reaches over, grabs his hand/the hilt and pushes it back in the scabbard.
Because uh— Laisrén is cursed that every time he takes up his blade a black mark on his left hand extends and if it reaches his head he will die. So every time he draws a weapon he has to be prepared to literally give up more of his life.
Like, "loving the energy, loving the romantic gesture, but could you also??? not? do? that."
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achilleid · 3 years
He’s awkward, what can I say?
The sight of the barracks was a welcome one to everyone, but less so for me. I left my friends to venture to the stables and collect Druth’s horse and make my way home to Floodhaven. I barely made it to the stall when a terse voice caught my attention.
“Selzar.” Laisrén said, handing over his reigns to the mortal stablehand, “Armory.”
I blinked heavily at him, the meaning of his word falling upon me like a hammer. He still expected me to go and assist the quartermaster. If I could have fallen through the very earth at that moment, I would have, my body and my mind too tired to mask how my shoulders heaved downward at his words.
Laisrén moved to pass me, but suddenly his steps stilted to an awkward stop. He hesitated, the moment of silence making his words seem even quicker as he spoke.
“Do not ever leave yourself open to ambush like that again. You endangered your fellow recruits. I heard Fianna apologize to you, but it is you who should be asking for forgiveness.”
“Yes, sir.” I said, biting back my pride. I did not need him to tell me this. I had been prepared to stay behind rather than lead the shuck to them. I knew where I had failed and I knew I still had Druth to look forward to at home. There was no way word of this had not already reached him.
Laisrén nodded, satisfied. He took a few steps, stopped, took one more and then stopped again, turning to face me.
“Yes, sir?”
“It is good you were not injured.”
I blinked again, unable to find words to form a reply before he turned and headed off towards the barracks. 
tagged: @ladywithalamp @wisteria-eventide
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achilleid · 3 years
Somehow in the course of working on my Pinterest board for Laisrén I kept adding this aesthetic of a blackened hand or a soot covered hand and I’m like?? What’s up with that my man?
And Laisrén expressed simply, “I am cursed.”
“Occupational hazard.”
And now I’m trying to figure out how the curse works. So far I’ve come up with that every time he “falls” or is defeated in battle, the mark will grow up his arm and if it ever should reach his head, he will die. Probably a curse he got as a young man for being too proud or vain about his abilities. And also would explain why someone so fast and strong is sidelined as an instructor for trainees.
It’s not a main plot point, but a side factor for flavor. Might get worked in more or become a whole side plot.
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