#occasionally other rarepairs too but they're the MAIN ones
eastonapologist · 10 months
100 followers here... i hope you guys know what you've gotten yourselves into by following me
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17-noodlebird · 5 months
The Magical Digital Van
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And here we have the main mode of transportation for our Digital Circus members: The Magical Digital Van!!!!
As you can see, I based the design off of The Magic School Bus and Vanzilla from The Loud House. It has a turquoise side exterior and aqua front. The Van has a face that can make facial expressions, but can't actually open her mouth, nor can she speak. But she still can communicate through vehicle noises and radio music (including meme sound effects). It has red velvet seats and seatbelts (what's safety without them, amirite?) for maximum comfort, as well as cupholders in between each seat,
It was built by Kinger, Bubble, Bethany, and Valerie to be able to withstand any kind of weather, crashes, and the usual wear and tear of a regular van. It can also survive landslides and floods.
The Van can carry up to 16 people, which is enough room for all eight Digital Circus members.
As for the seating arrangement, let's talk about that:
• Caine is, of course, the driver. He's the ringmaster of The Amazing Digital Circus, and thus the designated leader of the group. He's the dad friend of the group, who is very prone to anger and anxiety as a result of the antics he has to put up with, both coming from his superstars, and the different locations he and the others explore (WE GETTING TRAUMATIZED WITH THIS ONE!!!!). Pomni and Bubble have to keep his composure in check every now and then, so he doesn't lose whatever marbles he has left inside him.
• Pomni rides shotgun next to Caine. She's basically the little sister friend to Jax, Ragatha, and Gangle, the cousin friend of Zooble, and the granddaughter friend to Kinger. She's also the daughter friend to Caine and Bubble. Both Pomni and Bubble are Caine's straight men whenever he begins to get panicky, a la Crystal Gem Pearl from Steven Universe.
• Bubble rides behind Pomni and next to Kinger. Bubble is the mom friend of the group, having dialed back on the chaotic energy (but not completely tho) to keep Caine's sanity in check. He's also the most affectionate to Caine, since they're essentially lovers now, though the PDA is kept to a minimum to the point of almost non-existence. I'm deciding to make Caine x Bubble a slow burn because I'm still afraid what people think of this ship, though I do remind myself that it's a rarepair, so it's okay.
• Kinger rides next to Bubble and behind Caine, and acts as the grandpa friend. For once, he's not as unstable and kooky, but will space out from time to time. Being two years away from turning 50 will do that to you. He is a DreamWorks movie connoisseur, and it shows from time to time, including Shrek, Antz (though he thinks A Bug's Life is more superior in his opinion), and even Kung Fu Panda of all movies. He'll probably annoy people to death by reenacting the entire Bee Movie script (his favorite DreamWorks movie) and while in character too. The John Goodman bits make Caine nauseous.
• Gangle rides behind Bubble and next to her secret significant other, Zooble. Gangle is one of the little sister friends and is the most adorable weeb anyone's ever met. She forgets to put on her comedy mask for the almost all of the road trip, as she's just simply all too happy to be along for the ride.
• Zooble rides behind Kinger (meaning they are unfortunately in close proximity to Kinger's DreamWorks ramblings, much to their annoyance), and next to their secret girlfriend Gangle. Zooble acts as the non-binary emo cousin, and apparently has some beef with Caine, who Zooble sees as a dad figure, but they won't admit this to anyone. Zooble is a lot more stoic, but still gets occasionally infuriated by everyone's antics, just like Caine does. Like father, like... Zooble?
• In the back, we have Ragatha, who sits next to Jax, and right behind Gangle. Ragatha is the aunt friend of the group, who tries (and often fails miserably) to keep the peace amongst the group. Because of the fact that she was placed in the back, she is prone to motion sickness, especially whenever she tries to read a good book. Caine has to remind Ragatha to stop reading in the freaking Van whenever she starts to feel queasy.
• Last, but probably not the least, Jax is placed next to Ragatha and behind Zooble, which gives him the perfect opportunity to pick on the mix-and-match pal, especially during road games, with Jax's favorite road game being punch buggy. He's the older brother/uncle figure of the group, though most of the time, he tends to make the situation much worse than it needs to be, much to Ragatha's disappointment and Caine's frustration.
All other seats are occupied by their luggage. They packed a lot of luggage with them, but the one thing that that Pomni absolutely refuses to put in any suitcase is her Gummigoo plushie that she created by herself after the ringmaster gave her powers of her own two years ago. Cute, innit?
The trunk? Also their luggage. Look, guys. They packed a fuckton of things with them. Don't want to take any chances, now do we?
The Van will more than likely just sit there and look pretty while their adventures take place. And because it's magic, it can resist just about anything that the cruel mistress that is fate has to throw at her.
Kinger takes the Van for a joyride after it was built, and that's where he discovered that the Carnival also has a built in Bavarian village. Fortunately, he doesn't find out about Caine and Pomni's secret drinking hideout, the tavern that is La Pierrot.
So I guess that's all I have to say about the Van. It was kinda hard to draw, but I think I managed to capture the essence of what I was imagining.
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the-kings-of-games · 2 years
Hello, Flame! It sure is a funny coincidence that I clicked follow along with several others who happen to not be bots, but anyways, it's nice to meet you and follow your blog!
I've actually come across several of your fics on Ao3 before getting into tumblr, and I quite like them; the style is one of those where the choice of words says volumes more than a larger wordcount ever could. It's a breath of fresh air compared to what I usually read, and I find that pretty neat. You also seem to actually know of the card game, and yeesh, there's so few people in this place who do.
I'm kind of a new face here, and more of an ARC-V/Card lore fan who will occasionally post essays (and doodles and fics, eventually) about the aforementioned topics, but I do like to talk about the other series sometimes as well. It's part of why I'm glad to have found you around these parts, haha.
All in all, well met! Have a good day/night.
Hi, @pinkprimrose05!! Nice to see you in my inbox again.
And you came across my fics on Ao3 before getting on Tumblr?? :O No wonder your username seems so familiar!!!! I hope I remember you right because you're one of the my very few regulars who also commented on my stuff. :D You even read my obscure shit too, omgs, and that's hilarious to say because I main obscure/rarepair hell. What a neighbor—you're a gift that keeps on giving. QwQ I write my fics for you (and, like, the five other guys who come around, lololololol). That whole middle paragraph really be doing be good. QAQ (I'm breaking down now, I'm an emotional.) Now I'm curious as to who other people's fics read—I really don't know at this point; I've driven myself into a corner because it's been a pretty long time since I've read other fics because all I want is Kizuna and only me and my friend Schatten provide. xD
I have no idea where you get the impression that I know TCG. OwO I just collect pretty cards and obsess over Blackwings. But you know, let's make all the TCGbros mad—I do know TCG, you're right, and I refuse to do it right. U_U But in all honesty, Tumblr YGO fandom is mainly into the anime, and we know how they break their own rules regarding TCG, lmao. Additionally, writing duels and/or breaking down is pretty difficult; if you're getting into TCG irl, it can get pretty expensive too in order to make your deck competitive. Konami purposefully print cards exclusively, and the card market is pretty hard to keep up with if you don't know meta (which includes learning meta) or understand the general vibe among collectors. =_= Please, I just want to show you my Blackwings. I have no idea what they do, they just like to hangout together. This is a hostage situation.
And yes, you are a new face here. Where's this wave of new users coming from? It's an infestation up here. /J Maining Arc-V is questionable—kidding! (Or am I? owo) And oh! essays and fic and doodle! I hope to see them soon! Re-educate me on Arc-V and/or card lore. (Oooh, if you like TCG and dragons AND you write, you should consider applying to the Dragon's Den zine (@aygozineproduction). 030) And omgs, you did it again!—I'm glad you're here too. QQWQQ
Regarding your reply from earlier, yes, @saltiestcoconut and I are friends! They're one of the first I made getting into YGO fandom, and I'm glad to say we're still friends to this day. ^^
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cloudspark · 2 years
Hi there ! For the ask-game about your WIPs, I'm interested to hear more about : (in)convencince store ; skull shuts up AU and the rarepair week (Rain and Cloud particularly) if you have some time to answer it :D
oh thank you so much for asking!!! i always have time to answer :)))
(in)convencince store
a comedy/horror thing partially inspired by "welcome to nightvale" in which Viper is an edgy as hell, but completely normal highschool student who takes a job at a convenince store only to find it is an absolutely batshit supernatural horrors hotspot- where all of the other arcobaleno work. and also their awkwardly edgy chunibyo demeanour somehow makes everyone think they're an incredibly powerful magician and nothing they do can convince anyone otherwise.
the owner is Kawahira, excpet he is never around and nobody likes him. probably won't show up even if hell freezes over- "he didn't last time it happened", according to Skull.
Speaking of Skull, he is 19 and anyone you ask will confirm. How many centuries he has been 19 is more debatable. His fashion sense is as supreme as it is questionable... about as questionable as his standing feud with the ghost-police.
Then we have Verde and Reborn. Verde is the manager, but stays holed up in the backroom-turned-lab, so Reborn plays stand-in, waltzing around pretending he's hot shit and not the fake-manager of a cursed supermarket.
Lal is the vampire BAMF with on/off boyfriend Nello. Everyone but Viper have a supernatural sense for when they break up and get back toghter, which they do almost daily. "geez, keep up??"
Fon is nothing remarkable, really. Really really, except for the little "possessed by a demon" thing. Very kind and polite and occasionally kills and eats people and everyone treats it as a minor inconvenience at best.
Yeah so basically these are the main characters, and the do whacky shit like badly exorcising a daemon spade- posessed freezer or spring cleaning of doom. Everyone thinks Viper's algebra homework is black magic.
skull shuts up AU
ok so i Definetely need a name for this, but I couldn't figure anything good enough out yet lol. I did post a bit about this one before i think actually.
Ok but basiaclly a collection of short oneshots in which Skull is pretty much like his usual lovable self in his thoughts n stuff, but doesn't know much in the way of Italian and as a result keeps largely quiet around the arcobaleno and kind of fade into the background because he avoids inserting himself into things and even opts out when he can’t communicate it. Avoids playing grandiose because it just looks odd that way. A series of coincidences happen too, like things end up looking a certain way for an outsider on missions, and in turn, the arcobaleno ends up perceiving Skull’s personality/person much differently- and as some of it matches Cloud stereotypes they don’t question it.
Some funny misunderstandings, different pov’s and situations, and the arcobaleno gaining quite a bit of healthy respect/fear while skull screams internally.
KHR rarepair week cloud day
hey, u caught me lol, it's the bermuda/skull mid-16th-century-ish painter/model thing.
so bermuda is the son of a german aristocrat who moved to france to purpuse his passion of being a painter during the renaissance, who feels quite lonely in general but has developed a frindship with hsi myserious neighboor skull who now models for his paintings, though bermuda has feeling running deeper by now. this is a look into one of their sessions, as bermuda thinks on their relationship, his own feeligns plus the appeal of the mystery surrounding skull, but the frustation and doubt when it hinders them from getting closer.
KHR rarepair week rain day
ok so be honest; how obvious is it that i am way too fond of skull? haha, he's the best character though so obviosly i'd write for him.
anyhow in this one the prompt was "gamer" so skull gets stuck as a dating sim protagonist, except all of his dialogue options are consistently shit. it's halfway isekai too- as skull in his original world was a wannabe stuntman; he had just graduated and he wakes up to this with no knowledge of how he magically has a career now, he’s still the same person but he has a different history he doesn't know. while freaking out a little bit over how he can maintain this impostor facade checker face shows up and he gets his first 'dialogue option’ as he's invited to the choosen seven.
Thank you for the ask!!!
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brynfelan · 4 years
ALDJSHSKS OH THANK GOD I WASN'T WORRIED BUT I WAS A LIL WORRIED...alright imma start off with a Kuzuhina(ish) idea, because rarepair hell sucks let's suffer together. Hajine gets kidnapped by a psycho group NOT because of his relationship to Fuyuhiko, but because they "wanna see what makes the Ultimate Ultimate tick." Which is infinitely worse because the human experimentation is back on for our tsundere ahoge boy. He got lobotomized and now he's back in that particular hell. Izuru's also suffering because he's grown to care for Hajime in his own way, because they're two separate minds in one body, and he can't protect Hajime from this. Fuyuhiko is basically going postal because "MY BOYFRIEND WAS KIDNAPPED BY LUNATICS, WE DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT, AND NO ONE'S DOING ANYTHING WHAT THE FUCK." The rest of the Remnants are also pissed and worried, but Fuyuhiko moreso. Your thoughts???
like one day he’s just gone ?? no note? just poof?
holy hell i have this image of fuyuhiko absolutely TEARING UP the 100km area around them just looking. ofc the other remnants are pissed too but nobody has ever seen fuyuhiko just go off like this. eventually he realises he can’t find him by just searching aimlessly so soda builds some walkie talkies STAT (or they get to ask future foundation for help? i haven’t decided which is better), but point is all of the remnants absolutely descend on the surrounding area, with their own sections to search. the communicators have lil GPS things on em so they always know where the other is.
it’s gotta be fuyuhiko that finds him though, right? because like... angst. anyway, fuyuhiko finds this old underground bunker, and can’t open it by himself so he calls everybody over. akane, gundham and nekomaru manage to get it open, n peko has to literally hold fuyuhiko back to stop him just bolting down there as fast as he can.
they get to have a fucking cool fight scene when they’re down there, because I can’t resist letting Peko absolutely go off with her sword, and we saw what kinda mess akane and nekomaru can make fighting in the despair arc. those three people could definitely take down like 30 people between them, trust me on this one.
the worst part is when they get to the room that has hajime in it. the door got locked when whoever got him realised that they’d had a security breach, and it’s a proper lead door that won’t open for anybody and everybody has to repeatedly throw themselves against it in order to get it to open. everybody’s panicking, but there is nobody worse than fuyuhiko. like, to the point where some of them are worried that he’s gonna get his ass despaired again. but nobody says anything because main priority is hajime. 
at some point, nagito started looking through the pockets of the people that got absolutely knocked tf out, and Lucky Him! he finds a key! it’s maybe the first time ever that fuyuhiko ever thanks him for something (and my god does he thank him like, he’s crying and while he’s a lil bit aggressive he’s so grateful) and they get in and find hajime hooked up to a ton of different machines.
you ever heard of project MKUltra? when the US government tested psychedelic drugs (particularly LSD) as a torture device/truth serum? yeah well, this is it! hajime is tripping absolute balls and not in a fun way, occasionally getting some electric shocks! why? well, it’s in the “doctor’s” file on the desk! because wouldn’t hajime also be the ultimate weapon if he’s the ultimate everything else? imagine having him as something that can be controlled, told what to do. you could end the world, overthrow a government, you name it!
mikan has to carefully remove the electrodes from him because he’s fighting her hard, but there isn’t a way to get him to stop tripping and freaking out until it passes, except to just straight up sedate him. they have no idea how long this has been happening to him or what he’ll be like when it’s over. mikan has to scrounge through everything that this place has to find something, and even though it takes a while she does eventually find a high enough dose sedative that will help without just making him OD and die. unfortunately, it has to go in through a needle.
historically, hajime isn’t good with needles. he’s even worse when he’s off his fucking face and having the very definition of a Bad Trip. he barely knows where he is, and there’s a part of him that does recognise the people around him but his brain isn’t working properly and he just can’t stop freaking out. he’s already restrained though, so it isn’t too hard to just quickly sedate him. fuyuhiko’s basically glued to him now, telling him he’s sorry and that he’ll be okay soon, that it’s gonna be alright.
luckily, without getting it directly and constantly, the effects of LSD only take around 12 hours to wear off. by the time they’re back at wherever they’re living, most of the hallucinations have worn off, but he’s quiet and hurt, and the electric buzzing kinda fried his brain a little bit - he’s still there, but izuru is basically the one in charge of the body right now since he’s letting hajime rest for now.
fuyuhiko still thinks izuru is a little weird, but like... he’s part of hajime, so he’ll put up with whatever bullshit izuru can throw at him. izuru isn’t as affectionate, but will hold his hand every so often and give him small smiles when he needs them, and it just feels good to have him back and safe. when hajime comes back again though, it takes a while before he can be left alone again. not that fuyuhiko is leaving his side basically ever now because he’s sure as hell not letting that happen ever again. and it takes him a while to heal, he never truly forgets or gets over what happened to him, but everybody’s there for him. he knows he has a family now, and everybody understands if he needs to go away for a little while and let izuru take care of the body when he can’t.
okay this got super long and i am very sorry but you threw this concept at me and i ran because i love angst so much, but the comforting after the angst is also so good.
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