thefleetsfinest · 1 year
✧˖° → @oceansfirst
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It had been one HELL of a surgery, and an EXCRUCIATING long one at that. Leonard's entire spine, and absolutely EVERY joint he had were aching but that didn't stop him from slipping up behind Linda (who had just been INNOCENTLY scrubbing down her hands, minding her business even.) and wrapping his still damp arms around her waist. Leonard's head dipping down (despite his spine's disapproval) and pressing the a kiss to the base of Linda's NECK.
Leonard LINGERED there, his eyes slipping closed as he could feel the STEADY & STRONG beat of her pulse under his lips. There wasn't any need to fill the silence with words, instead content to just HOLD her close in his arms. She fit so PERFECTLY right there pressed against his chest, wrapped up in his arms, it was as if he had been made to HOLD her close.
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indirecticn · 8 months
( @mastcrmarksman ) “ i don’t really wanna psychoanalyze it.”
he leans on his elbows and cups his chin in his palms, long fingers tapping against his cheeks.
tap tap tap
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"...so when did this start exactly? childhood? early teens?"
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cardiomyapathy · 9 months
🌿🍒 -> @lastavenged for pepper potts
His elbow digs into her ribs and he raises his eyes to look at the mistletoe. She doesn't catch it the first time, so he rolls his eyes up again -- dramatic flair included. Now she sees. " Pucker up, Potts. " The disgraced doctor bends his neck, hovering by her lips as though to ask for permission, before planting a soft peck to her lips. " One more for the road? "
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crisispider · 11 months
another dumb question, but did you know i will love you forever?
[ ◉¯] ✧˖° → Ask Peter Questions - Accepting - @oceansfirst
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"Mhmmm do I?" He is teasing, and it's a dead give away from the smile he was attempting to hide by pretending to be FAR TOO BUSY playing with Mayday's hands. "What do you think May? Do you think he will love me forever?"
Said little bug was far too busy making little BABBLING NOISES as she played with her father's fingers, honestly rather UNINTERESTED in the current conversations, but that didn't even REMOTELY stop him from acting as if she HAD answered him.
"Mhmm I suppose you are making some VERY solid points, and I'll let this CLEAR favoritism pass just this once, I can't even be mad he is my favorite too." Yes he was pretending as if Clint wasn't standing DIRECTLY in front of both of them.
"We do in fact know that you will love me forever, but ONLY if you promise that.. if it ever changes you won't.. make yourself unhappy for my sake. I'm a tough cookie, just ask May.." He wasn't a tough cookie, but that didn't matter.
The important part is that Clinton Francis Barton loves him and that? That made EVERY BAD THING that had ever happened to him COMPLETELY worth it.
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respondedinkind · 1 year
@oceansfirst asked: “ it’s just my job five days a week . ” -> Linda
"Five days a week?"
Khan sounds genuinely surprised, at least for a fraction of a moment; The tone of his voice is accompanied by him lifting his head to properly look at her, his bright blue eyes taking in the sight of the woman in front of him.
She's a nurse, obviously so, currently taking his vitals while running a few other checks on his physique. Khan hasn't met her before; It's usually the doctor himself, McCoy, who treats him whenever something needs to be done on him. Perhaps he's busy, or perhaps McCoy gets bored by needing to work on him, who knows.
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"---I didn't expect Starfleet to offer their medical staff a two-day-weekend."
In fact, he expected her to get one day off every two weeks - maybe every week if things went slow within medbay for once. Having two days off almost sounds humane to him; And yes, surprising as well.
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grimmusings · 1 year
⭐️ James Rhodes (Marvel) + Clint Barton (Marvel): I'm only vaguely familiar with the crossover in their comics (and I don't think there's a lot?), but hear me out. Clint's chaos is not wholly unlike Tony's chaos, which makes Rhodey particularly adept at wrangling disaster humans. Forced to work together on a mission or something, they might be a lot of fun, or they might totally hate each other, but I think the result would be interesting either way! (I adore your Clint though, and I'd be glad to pair him with any of my Marvel muses!)
⭐️ Castiel (Supernatural) + Liandra (Fallen Angel): I'm not familiar with her comics so Cas and I would have to learn together, but I think a crossover with the fallen angels would be such a vibe! From her bio, it sounds like it would be super easy to fit Cas into her universe, and I could see him coming to her occasionally for help on a case. Same for John Constantine, but with significantly more bitter arsehole energy.
⭐️ Red (The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys) + Pepper Potts (Marvel): Her blog is in progress because I've only written her on Discord so far, but Red is an android from a dystopian future universe. In her Marvel crossover verse, she arrived broken with her battery almost dead and is restored by Tony Stark (who looks a lot like her god, Destroya, in his iron suit). I'd love to see how she vibes with Pepper!
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thefleetsfinest · 11 months
✧˖° → @oceansfirst
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"How ya feelin' Lin? " He had been watching her the ENTIRE time she had been unconscious, from the MOMENT they had beamed her aboard the ship he had been at her side, monitoring and seeing to ALL of her medical care himself. Of course he didn't want to think TOO DEEPLY into all of the why he needed to be the one to do it.
Leonard knew himself all TOO WELL to know that when he got insistent about a person's care when they got sick or injured to this degree.. that meant they were someone IMPORTANT to him, and he knew EXACTLY how and why she was.. but, right now his main concern was making sure SHE WAS OKAY.
God he needed a drink..
"Ya gave everyone a REAL scare there, I thought for sure they were gonna have to claw Clint off the guy."
If he closed his eyes he can still remember all the BLOOD that covered her and Clint who had been the one who had CARRIED her and handed her off to Leonard in the transporter room. They had shared a look, one of PANIC and REASSURANCE mixed together in a silent conversation that they have only ever been able to have.
But she was STABLE..
Without even fully realizing he had done it, his free hand reached out.. finding hers and giving it the GENTLEST of squeezes.
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arachnidiots-a · 1 year
@oceansfirst [text]: Hey you know that show floor is lava? I may have turned the apartment into that..this isn’t a joke, btw. the floor is sticky. 
liam stares at their phone, a little lost for words. about five or so minutes passes before they reply.
[ to NADIE VAN DYNE ] : when you say "into that"
[ to NADIE VAN DYNE ] : what was the lava? are we talkin lava lava? fake lava?
[ to NADIE VAN DYNE ] : why is the floor sticky?
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mr-tony-stark · 1 year
❝ I'm just sayin' that we're both getting up there in age and wanting to wind down, take on more reserve roles and there's literal alien baby in a pod with a note from mom saying take care of her; that could be us instead of the guardians taking her some galactic orphanage. Think about it? ❞ Clint says as he takes out his hearing aids, and tucks himself in for the night knowing that Tony would probably still be up working away on a tablet. -> remember when we chatted a family thread/verse for the boys <-
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Tony looked back at Clint as he climbed in to the bed beside him. His husband didn't even give him a chance to answer. He just pulled the pin on a grenade, lobbed it and ran.
The little girl who was currently sleeping in the corner was very cute, and she did need a home. But how the hell could they raise an alien baby? They knew nothing about her physiology. What would her needs be? What if she ate things that didn't exist on earth? What if her puberty stage involved turning into a pile of goo that needed to be kept at exactly 63 degrees. He'd already had the experience of raising a super powered baby and that had ended by nearly destroying him.
Which brought him to point two. He'd They'd already lost a kid way before her time. The grief of it had been crushing. Add to that that Clint had been through a miscarriage when he was married to Bobbi, there was a lot of evidence that Clint and Tony didn't get to have children. They only got to lose children.
His gazed flicked over to the makeshift bassinet in the corner. God - how could he take that risk and open his heart again.
He turned back to Clint and tapped his arm to get his attention. 'How?' he signed. The word carrying with it so much. How could they even legally adopt an alien baby? How could they raise an alien when they didn't know anything about her species needs? How could they open their hearts like that?
Maybe if Clint had the answers then Tony could say yes, because really - he wanted to say yes.
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amethystarrows · 1 year
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@oceansfirst sent: ▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). (here / a)
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Kate's a high school grad with some college classes under her belt. She took a few in between helping out Clint and the YA. She hasn't picked up anything new, though she might. She didn't really see a point to it, until she buckled down and got her P.I. license.
A part of her misses studying (she'd be one of the ones to make her notes aesthetically pleasing, let's be honest here. Mostly with arrow décor around the pages). A part of her doesn't mind not having to worry about it right now.
Maybe someone could talk her into taking it up again, and maybe help her decide on a major. She's got no ideas at the moment.
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crisispider · 11 months
Who did this to you? -> whoever you want if you wanna mix it up
[ ◉¯] ✧˖° → Hurt Peter Meme - Accepting - @oceansfirst
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To say that Peter had an ABSOLUTELY SHITTY day would honestly be a gigantic understatement. Though it was hardly the first time he found himself beaten to a blood pulp, his mouth duck taped closed. He had just managed to break his arms out of their RESTRAINTS when he heard Clint's voice.
How in the hell did he?
Confusion for how Clint had managed to find him sparking for only the smallest of seconds before he had vaguely remembered pressing some smashed text into his phone before it had been RIPPED away from him by one of FISK'S goons.
« Doesn't matter. Call MJ. »
His movements were slow and sloppy. The fact that he was still CONSCIOUS was a down right MIRACLE.
« Check on bug. Please. »
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spinxeret · 1 year
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+ @oceansfirst asked: “You’re sticking to that story, huh?” -> pepper
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+ " Right until the train hits the STATION . " Arching her brows over the top of her sunglasses, Mary Jane lowered them just enough to WINK at Pepper . Had to love when BUSINESS matters dragged out to UNGODLY lengths. " C'mon , you know this doesn't have to be all BUSINESS . We can let lose and have a little bit of FUN . "
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indirecticn · 8 months
( @mastcrmarksman ) “ it didn’t fucking put itself there, that’s for sure.”
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"the AUDACITY, that you would think I would do ANYTHING like that, and the sheer arrogance to think an item like that can't be sentient and choose where it wants to be at any given time... i am offended."
it was him, of course, but he is still offended.
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"DO ANGELS CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS?" Steve mused as he loaded a fork full of cake into his mouth. "Or holidays in general?" @oceansfirst (Liandra)
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thefleetsfinest · 11 months
✧˖° → Verse Timeline
♡ ✧˖° → You’ll be my sunny day & I’ll be your shade tree ♡ ✧˖° → Single Ship Verse with @oceansfirst
★ → June 7, 2223: Leonard Horatio McCoy was born to Dr. David McCoy and Mrs. Eleanora McCoy
★ → August 2230: Seven year old Leonard falls out of a tree and breaks his arm, which was splintered and later repaired by his father.
★ → August 2237: Started High School at the age of fourteen.
★ → May 9, 2240: Met Jocelyn Darnell when she pulled him into a dance at a high school party.
★ → September 2241: Started undergrad at University of Mississippi, while still keeping his relationship with Jocelyn.
★ → May 2245: Graduated Undergrad.
★ → September: 2245: Started Medical School at University of Mississippi
★ → April 2249: Jocelyn became pregnant.
★ → May 2249: Graduated from Medical School.
★ → March 25, 2250: Joanna McCoy was born.
★ → June 15, 2250: Leonard and Jocelyn got married in a small ceremony.
★ → October 10, 2252: Leonard’s father, David McCoy passes away.
★ → November 2253: Jocelyn filed for divorce.
★ → February 2255: The divorce finalized giving Jocelyn their Georgian home, and primary custody of Joanna. Though Leonard was awarded visitation rights.
★ → May 2255: Leonard enrolls in Starfleet and meets Jim Kirk on the shuttle at the shipyard. ★ → Leonard meets Clint, Nyota, Carol, & Peter during his years in the academy and becomes quick and close friends with all of them. ★ → Carol and Clint in particular become like siblings to him and he is very protective of them. ★ → By his third year in the academy after many wild and sometimes stupidly reckless nights, and a certain incident that will not be talked about, Clint and Leonard agree to go sober together. ★ → It's one hell of a struggle at first, but eventually the two manage to make it stick. Leonard with his once daily drink allowed in order to help cope with his phobia, and Clint who can't even have a drop.
★ → Year 2258: Leonard became Chief Medical Officer on the Enterprise when his superior died during Nero’s Attack. ★ → Following the death of Nero, Jim was made Captain. ★ → In needing to make sure they have a fully staffed ship, Dr. Linda Carter was transferred to the enterprise, and they hit it off right away.
★ → Year 2259: The Enterprise is sent to apprehend the fugitive Khan. ★ → Leonard relapses after Kirk’s almost death and Linda is the one to find him, and she helps him get back on his feet. ★ → It is during this that he realizes just how much he has fallen for Linda over the last year. ★ → Before they leave for their five year mission Leonard takes some time off and invites Clint, Linda, and Peter to the farm for a couple of weeks so he can get some Jojo time in and and to introduce his family to Linda.
★ → Year 2260: The Enterprise begins their five year mission into unknown parts of space.
★ → Year 2261: Linda gets critically injured while on a mission, and it's after she is on the mend he realizes just how much he loves her and finally confesses his feelings, and the two start officially dating.
★ → Year 2263: He talks Donna into bringing Jojo out to Yorktown so he can spend more time with her. (He had plans to talk to her about a few important things like her thoughts on Linda and a possible proposal.) ★ → Once arriving at Yorktown he barely gets an hour of family time in before the ship and it's crew is ordered out on a mission in which the ship ends up crashing after being attacked, though despite all odds What was left of the crew managed to get off the planet and stop the attack on Yorktown. ★ → Leonard puts engagement thoughts on howls giving it a few months after the hell that is loosing their ship, and going home to talk and make amends with Jocelyn. ★ → While Leonard is visiting home Jojo managed to convince her mom and dad to let her go up into space on the enterprise so she can be with her dad when it’s done being built. ( She attends school with any other kids whose parents are also crew members abroad the enterprise.) ★ → Leonard proposes a month before they got back up on the new ship. Somewhere important to them because he is sappy.
★ → Year 2264: They get married, with all their friends and family there to witness it. (Jim is the officiant because he is Jim.) ★ → At an Undetermined time after Linda and Leonard have a baby boy together.
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neonwebs · 1 year
@oceansfirst // Well, if Miguel is gonna do the squinty murder glare than Clint is going to do the squinty murder glare right back. ❝ HA ⸺ TOP THAT! ❞ Shit, did he say that out-loud?
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ᴜɴᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛᴇᴅ || ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴀᴄᴄᴇᴘᴛɪɴɢ!
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A look that says, "Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you."
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