ochori · 4 months
This is the lore doc for all of the commonly-known stuff in the Ochori world setting. This document was made so my players can have a reference point for any info I dump during session, but none of it (aside from the playable races) was required reading. Have a look!
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Havok O'Chori
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Havok O’Chori
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 The Misfit King
General .
Nickname: Havi
Title: King of Misfits, The Misfit King
Age: 100
Occupation: Leader of Misfit Village
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Gender: Male
Race: Elven half Dragon
Characteristic: Elemental Magic, Heightened Senses
Skills: Element Manipulation, Holy Magic, Sense Motive, Knowledge Nobility, and Arcana, Sleight of hand and Stealth
Weaknesses: Elemental Weakness, Light Bone Structure
Appearance .
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Height: 5’10
Hair: Black hair that is styled nicely. The ends change color depending on what element he is channeling.
Eyes: Color changes depending on the channeled element. His natural eye color is pale blue.
Markings/Piercings: Ears are tipped and have ridges. He had scars all over his chest and torso and on his face.
Face Claim: Davey Havok
History .
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Family: Orian (Father), Gabriella O’Chori(Mother), Cerbera O’Chori(Sister), Harper O’Chori(Brother), Cyr O’Chori(Bother)
Friends: Hades Blackwell, Sylvie
Past Relationships: Serana Howling
Past: Havok was born a sickly elven child that no one believed would survive past a year old. There were many times during the first few days that he was almost lost. There was no hope until Dragan, the then-dying dragon god came. He was not expected but nonetheless welcomed by the worried parents. What they were told made them pause and look at each other. Dragan wanted their son as his successor and they weren’t sure how to feel about that. At the same time, they knew that he would not survive into adulthood if they did not do something. After a few minutes to talk over things they agreed to allow it. This would save their son and ensure that the dragons would survive once he reached adulthood and took up Dragan's mantle. They would not be where they were today without the dragon's sacrifice and so they would do this to ensure that sacrifice was not in vain.
It was the day after that he performed the ritual. It was not something that was shared and even his parents were not permitted to watch. Dragan could take no chances in case something went wrong. Though he did have Daurge with him just in case. Unfortunately, the dying god did not have the strength to complete the ritual. Forced to improvise he would turn the boy into a half-dragon as that would allow him to become a vessel for the divinity that Dragan had meant to belong to the boy entirely. The Winter goddess aid in this aligned his dragon side with the element of ice. This would allow Havok to live a full and long life. Hopefully, someone would notice that he held Dragan’s divinity for someone to take to become the next dragon god. That was really all that could be hoped for at this point. Of all his children Dragan knew that Hades was the one most likely to figure it out. Once the boy returned to Croi anyway.
Havok would have a good childhood despite his out-of-control elven magic. It was something that had always worried his parents. Mutants were not permitted to stay in the kingdoms once they came of age. He was their only child for the moment after all so he would be raised to rule one day. They did manage to bring his elven magic under control. Though it was found that it was easier to control if Havok kept his emotions from overwhelming him. So he was taught technics to help him with that. In learning to control his wayward elven magic, his draconic element came to light. Using said element was second nature to him and so this was the main magic he would use as it was not unstable in the way his elven magic was.
When the twins were born it was a happy time for the kingdom. This took Havok out of the running for the crown because of his mixed blood. Their people were no aware of just how he had become a half-dragon and didn’t care to know. Though they were happy his life was spared they didn’t want a half-breed to rule over them. This didn’t bother Havok in the slightest and he welcomed the freedom that came with no longer being first in line for the throne. This allowed him room to explore and date who he wanted.
The young prince had a long string of short-lived relationships that helped him to discover a great deal about himself. This trend came to an end when Lady Serana left him enchanted at a ball. Though very much a lady of the court, Serana had a fire to her that drew many to her. Only have had the audacity to actually pursue her. Her grandfather was known for not being nice. Though he was technically the leader of the family, Serana was the one seen at the balls and social events. Lord Draven had withdrawn from court after the death of his wife. There was a short stint where his daughter Ophelia had been attending court. After her elopement with a low-ranking human wizard, things got blurry. There were rumors of a set of twins and then suddenly Draven was announcing his grandchildren coming to live with him. One would have thought that such history would have done much to make Havok wary. It did not and she accepted him as a suiter. Which was also odd given that she had never had a suiter before. At first things went well. There was the customary gift giving. Though outings where absent of the normal chaperons. That did set off alarm bells, but it was the only thing that was off. Though that did change.
As the weeks pasted and they grew closer she seemed to get more and more paranoid. No matter what Havok did this only seemed to grow worse. Yelling matches that would end in her crying in his arms. Fights happened too, but it was more her fighting then him. He just stood there and let her bang her fists on his chest. That was usually the extent of it.
This went one for about a year and then it happened. There had been rumors of the leftover followers of the Mad God planning something. The kingdom found out the hard way as their capital was ransacked from the inside. It was chaos and Havok had rushed to check on Serana. When he got to her home things were strangely calm. He had never been there before, and she suddenly understood why. Walking into the front door sent a shiver through him and he was met by Lord Draven.
The Lord smiled upon seeing him before clocking the half dragon over the head and knocking him out. When the prince woke he was hanging from the ceiling of a torture chamber. Havok blinked his eyes to see Draven and Serana in front of him. He would have been glad to see she was ok, except something was off. There was a madness in her eyes and in Dravens. It was then he looked around and realized this was no mere torture chamber. It was room dedicated to th mad god and he was about to be a sacrifice.
“ I told you not to come here.” Serana had stated as she started to walk toward him. There was a cat’o nine tails in her hand. She did not bother to go to his back instead cracking the whip over his chest. There was guilt in her emerald hues but it paled in comparison to the madness. “ Now I must punish you.” Punish him she did with Draven watching. Havok screamed and begged for mercy even as she tortured him. Hot coals, whips and other methods were used, all on his chest and torso. Eventually Draven would stop her and ask was his face was left un marked. If she really wanted to punish him that she need to make sure everyone knew he had crossed her. 
Havok looked at Serana, eyes begging her to stop. His emotions were starting to boil over and that would only lead to his eleven magic going crazy. He would be exiled if anyone found out and he had been doing so well in keeping it hidden. The madness in her eyes told him that any pleading would fall on deaf ears. A blood curdling scream left him as she dragged her nails down over his eye and along his cheek. He remembered the blood and a wave of elemental energy coming from him before he passed out.
When he woke he was back in the castle in the infirmary. His parents were there and their faces looked grave. Lord Draven was claiming that Havok had attacked himself and his grandchildren. There were no witness and their home was in ruins with clear evidence of a misfit elf. The eldest prince was also found there unconscious and the blast clearing originating from him. They didn’t have a choice, hands tied by their laws they were force to exile him.
Havok would make his way to Darkwood with only the cloths on his back. Some whispers spoke of some that hoped he would die in Darkwood. The half dragon still remembers seeing Serana at the edge of Darkwood waiting for him with a single flower. She set it down on the ground before teleporting away. As he reach the flower he noted that it was a single yellow daffodil. Forgiveness? She wanted forgiveness after this? How passive of her. 
He did not bother to pick up the bloom and instead chose to step on it as he entered the wood. The walk to Misfit Village was rather uneventful. He met a hunter that was after those that would seek to harm those that lived in the wood. They shared a simple chat before Havok moved on and found the village. What he was met with was something he had only ever seen in books. Mud huts and people that were hurting. When he asked about a leader he found there wasn’t one, but that was about to change. There was an exiled prince here now and he could do much for this village and its people.
Personality .
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Temperament: Though Havok can often be aloof, but he is never cruel. He does not believe in unnecessary cruelty and will be the first to call someone out on it. He fears no man or god and can be ruthless when needed. If it protects his people and those he cares for nothing his off limits. He is extremely wary of woman.
Traits: Kind, caring, aloof, Ruthless
Likes: Darkwood, Music, his family
Dislikes: Needless Cruelty, Stupid people, Serana, Lord Draven
Headcanons . 
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Mutant: Havok elven side is mutated. This means he can use basic manipulation of the four main elements. He rarely uses this magic as it is unstable and hard to control at the best of times. He much prefer to use is Dragonic element which is ice.
Art is done by @cryhollow
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devvadoodles · 3 months
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Meet Vergeten, my newest dnd boi for the @ochori campaign!
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444names · 3 months
Names generated from American, French, German, Irish and Roman Emperor forenames, 7 letters long
Adharry Affabre Aibhria Aldrine Alenton Alleraf Alviona Alvièle Alérène Anadhla Ancerne Andrete Andylas Aneacht Angeing Annieta Anothel Aodhach Aodhent Aoibhín Aoiline Aoiriar Aomáird Aotthen Apronce Arnairt Auriann Aurigne Aurtons Aximona...
Balaudy Baptine Barstan Bastona Beaveen Beidhán Belmuir Belotth Berinus Bernait Bertach Bertine Bliquel Bobhfla Bobyros Bonicam Brainne Brenton Bresios Bretris Bricion Brickim Briette Brinail Bronaid Bréadie Bróidna Bróilis Buadhna Calixie Callaur Canique Caodhne Caolant Caruana Cathear Ceacárd Cearane Cheries Cionack Claitho Claithy Claitua Claoiff Clonios Clémyra Coberie Cobessa Coddint Codhala Colmies Comaema Comarie Comarin Comelil Comenny Congéra Coniane Conicin Coremil Cottinz Cualard Curaith Cédéalf Cúmhane Cúmhlia Dalanne Damaxim Danuena Darbhán Dartray Deibhry Delaile Dellach Dermild Detheal Diacine Diannch Diedrey Dilíony Dinetth Diodhla Dionnie Domáire Donatyl Donifro Doninez Dorbhón Doreenz Dorghín Dorried Doviane Duadhbh Duberis Dubhghe Dubháin Dwillen Eamharn Eimonne Eindant Einiany Eirster Elestel Elinher Elmenth Elsoper Elvidne Ernacki Euntona Fabeach Faberta Faighus Feilipp Fianick Fiannev Findian Finmhna Fionord Florine Fodoran Fradhán Frarlin Fraumel Freanne Galbean Gendike Gensied Geoilín Gertran Gethola Gianiel Gisandy Glenéim Glorlad Goisann Goraith Gorinus Graisea Granine Graprie Gretrín Grettas Grédris Grégine Guestin Gweslie Günthna Hallyne Haëllyn Healuth Heandra Hearold Heigisa Heinnio Heithus Helbeán Helerit Helmarg Helvich Henrick Hericky Herseph Heryste Hiannes Hildian Hilexim Hiliand Hiosell Holgara Hollinn Holmhne Hosaith Hugored Irickim Irkolan Jachard Jachrin Jaciann Jamélia Jeabeas Jeachri Jealius Jeamhín Jeandie Jeannín Jeanste Jeraisa Jernaid Jernale Jernora Jerondo Jestene Jimhíon Jochrio Jodhbhe Joniart Joranie Jorleán Joseard Jovicky Jovindy Juademy Juailia Juantie Julaudo Juliany Justíof Jérolen Karagla Karisla Karleta Karlyne Karryan Kathert Kellean Klistín Laelius Lainnin Lairius Laorguy Laudrie Laurail Lavetto Leantin Leileen Lenrann Liximín Locarne Loibébh Loiléil Loracky Lorenth Lorgere Loseoge Lubethy Luciane Luciann Ludorge Lukarth Lupeark Lydeara Léabina Mabhrán Maellan Maellip Magóidh Maidhne Mailbyn Mainain Maireir Maitran Majohna Malacht Maodius Maoirek Maoiren Marandy Maranne Maromán Marrale Masaman Mathine Matjand Matteri Mattine Maudrik Maulius Maximín Maxisty Maylara Meartúr Meddius Melhert Meranne Miandsa Micardo Michacy Michine Milille Minette Mircard Miricky Monaice Moneine Muislie Mulacht Muthéan Mélinín Mónárdh Mórdhal Nateach Neardgh Neenrin Niamhóg Niamine Nichrie Nifredo Nikonny Ninisar Nóisíth Ochoris Olacher Olfgard Olus-pe Onostan Opaurie Ophemmy Orarrya Patruan Pealian Peidhna Peteran Phannik Phelane Phelmón Phianne Phianth Proncia Póindre Quismut Rachain Raklias Ranntiú Ratherd Rearley Riamore Rikasán Ristina Ristine Roibhín Ronadin Roseves Rottyad Roydece Ruadius Ruaidna Rualipp Ruathra Ruatter Rubeney Rudeard Rudicky Rundoue Runetas Réasaba Régorma Róislán Sameinn Sannbha Saoirdt Searian Selphil Seruste Shadhal Shadhna Shaitne Sharach Shardie Sharyla Shieris Siamony Siannán Sigilha Sonnait Stachad Sus-per Sverdgh Sylvall Séadria Sévenda Tacheon Telerie Teredia Terenta Therris Thérôme Tomarie Toniodh Téodidh Ulruale Vadrian Vaidhel Vaithna Valbhgh Velmuir Veniane Venrine Vestied Virkold Waniève Wighach Wighill Wilanus Wilémil Wolenán Woliena Wolieve Yolmune Yvellen Yveslán Yvonich Yvonnie Ágarmae Áittaín Éamarah Éamisli Éibhlas Éiliene Éilinna Éristan Étannya Éthghan Évettyl Órdgert
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deangbird56 · 8 months
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Ochori Kato, son of San Cadillo in my wattpad (books in spanish srry)
Ochori Kato, hijo de San Cadillo en mi wattpad (libros solo en español perdon)
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elleonora · 2 years
Pohon dverí
Na kľučkách dverí sa držia choroboplodné zárodky každého druhu. Napríklad lekárske ordinácie a zdravotnícke priestory preto potrebujú riešenie, aby ľudia mohli dverami prechádzať bez kontaktu s kľučkou. Pohon PortaMatic  otvára a zatvára dvere pomocou špeciálneho senzorového snímača. Tak je možné prakticky zabrániť kontaktným infekciám prostredníctvom kľučky dverí.
Bezkontaktné ovládanie dverí pôsobí proti prenosu chorôb
Vírusy a baktérie sa často šíria prostredníctvom kvapôčkovej infekcie. Odolné patogény sa prenášajú aj rukami a pri kontakte so spoločne používanými predmetmi, ako sú napríklad kľučky dverí. Preto je vhodné vybaviť dvere tak, aby sa dali otvárať a zatvárať bezkontaktne. S pohonom PortaMatic je nákladovo efektívne a ľahko montovateľné hygienické riešenie.
Vďaka imunitnému systému: nie každý, kto prichádza do styku s choroboplodnými zárodkami, ochorie. Napriek tomu je vhodné dodržiavať všeobecné hygienické odporúčania: Kašľať a kýchať do ohnutého lakťa a pravidelne a dôkladne si umývať ruky. Patogény sa však môžu zachytiť aj na predmetoch. Rukami sa potom rýchlo dostanú na povrchy slizníc a môže dôjsť k nákaze. Vírusy a baktérie sajú dajú výslovne nájsť na kľučkách dverí – vo verejných budovách a v lekárskych ordináciách, za štyrmi stenami vlastného domova a na pracovisku.
Na umožnenie bezbariérového a bezkontaktného ovládania vnútorných dverí  pohon PortaMatic s príslušným ovládacím príslušenstvom. Aktivuje sa prostredníctvom nástenného snímača: Podržíte pred ním ruku a dvere sa otvoria – bez toho, aby ste sa ich dotkli. Alternatívne je možné pohon ovládať aj prostredníctvom aplikácie. Ručný vysielač sa sériovo dodáva so svetelným a výstražným signálom.
PortaMatic vyžaduje len nízku spotrebu prúdu a je až o 25 percent výhodnejší ako porovnateľné pohony vnútorných dverí. Je dostupný v bielej a striebornej farbe. Pohon je určený pre drevené a oceľové dvere do hmotnosti 125 kg. Inštalácia trvá len pár hodín, kabeláž je možné uskutočniť na omietku alebo pod omietku. Vďaka tomu, že sa dá PortaMatic bezproblémovo a bez zvyškov odstrániť, predstavuje ideálne riešenie aj pre prenajímané nehnuteľnosti.
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montovanedomy · 2 years
Pohon vnútorných dverí
Na kľučkách dverí sa držia choroboplodné zárodky každého druhu. Napríklad lekárske ordinácie a zdravotnícke priestory preto potrebujú riešenie, aby ľudia mohli dverami prechádzať bez kontaktu s kľučkou. . Pohon PortaMatic  otvára a zatvára dvere pomocou špeciálneho senzorového snímača. Tak je možné prakticky zabrániť kontaktným infekciám prostredníctvom kľučky dverí. Vírusy a baktérie sa často šíria prostredníctvom kvapôčkovej infekcie. Odolné patogény sa prenášajú aj rukami a pri kontakte so spoločne používanými predmetmi, ako sú napríklad kľučky dverí. Preto je vhodné vybaviť dvere tak, aby sa dali otvárať a zatvárať bezkontaktne. S pohonom PortaMatic ponúka  nákladovo efektívne a ľahko montovateľné hygienické riešenie.Vďaka imunitnému systému: nie každý, kto prichádza do styku s choroboplodnými zárodkami, ochorie. Napriek tomu je vhodné dodržiavať všeobecné hygienické odporúčania: Kašľať a kýchať do ohnutého lakťa a pravidelne a dôkladne si umývať ruky. Patogény sa však môžu zachytiť aj na predmetoch. Rukami sa potom rýchlo dostanú na povrchy slizníc a môže dôjsť k nákaze. Vírusy a baktérie sajú dajú výslovne nájsť na kľučkách dverí – vo verejných budovách a v lekárskych ordináciách, za štyrmi stenami vlastného domova a na pracovisku. PortaMatic vyžaduje len nízku spotrebu prúdu a je až o 25 percent výhodnejší ako porovnateľné pohony vnútorných dverí. Je dostupný v bielej a striebornej farbe. Pohon je určený pre drevené a oceľové dvere do hmotnosti 125 kg. Inštalácia trvá len pár hodín, kabeláž je možné uskutočniť na omietku alebo pod omietku. Vďaka tomu, že sa dá PortaMatic bezproblémovo a bez zvyškov odstrániť, predstavuje ideálne riešenie aj pre prenajímané nehnuteľnosti.
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hnedooka · 7 years
Jeseň, obdobie kratších dní a dlhších nocí. Obdobie, kedy obloha je už smutná a ortuť na teplomery neukáže viac ako 20 stupňov. Obdobie, keď večerné západy sú krajšie ako jej oči a každé druhé dieťa soplí.
Po uliciach začínajú chodiť ľudia v jesenných farbách, v šáloch ochraňujúcich pred hurikánmi. V mestách a dedinách už začal čas jarmokov a vône pečeného mäsa a burčiaku, medovníkov a varenej kukurice. Stánky s ručne vyrezávanými hračkami a doma vypestovanými koreninami. Čínsky predajcovia plastových hračiek a cukrová vata pre najväčších. Uletujúci balón, ktorý možno raz nájde môj marťan. Grilované pochúťky, ktoré zaplnia plné bruchá alkoholu, nahlas hrajúca hudba, čo po čase prestáva dávať význam a plátené tašky a ručne zdobené tričká z bavlny pre tých "divných" kreatívnych ľudí. Búchajúce sa lakte v dave chaosu a roztvárajúce sa nožíky po vreckách skorých ranných hodín.
Rozfúkavajú sa dni, počas ktorých čakám na chlapca s čiernymi očami a neviem sa dočkať piatku. Tmavé noci voňajú vôňou kníh a sprejom do nosa a a trávim ich čakaním, kým mi zavolá a povie mi, aký mal deň. Čas vtedy preteká pomedzi káble rýchlejšie ako inokedy a ja s ozvenou v izbe zaspávam.
A keď, už aj tak dosť chabé, telo ochorie, nastáva v hlave vojna. Vtedy chlapec s čiernymi očami držal moju ruku a upokojoval moju dušu tým, že každé choré telo vyzdravie a každá zlá vec má svoje plusy. Len tu sedel a odvádzal moju myseľ od zlého. Držal ma za koleno a hovoril, aké hlboké sú čierne diery a že ich niekto musí vytvoriť. Hovoril, aký nekonečný vesmír je a že sme len smietka v tomto časopriestore. Hovoril, že aj keby mal ochorieť aj on, tak tu bude pri mne sedieť a stláčať mi ruku. Hovoril, že možno dnes tá tenistka vyhrá, pretože minule nevyhrala. Hovoril dobrú noc a zaplietol si prsty do mojich chorých vlasov. Hovoril, že sa výborne vyspal. Hovoril, že som opäť nepočula budík a že ma musel zobudiť on. Hovoril, že príde po zápase a bude tu až dokým nezaspím.
A keď odišiel a ja som po nás upratala posteľ, spala som ďalej. I keď sa mi bez neho spalo horšie. Spala som, až kým opäť neprišiel. A za celý víkend mi, držiac za koleno a stláčajúc moju ruku, vytlačil chorobu spod perín a vniesol do smutných dní za oknom trochu denného svetla.
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usacurrentnews-blog · 6 years
Survivor Recounts Tanzania Boat Accident That Left More Than 200 People Dead
Survivor Recounts Tanzania Boat Accident That Left More Than 200 People Dead
Tanzanian rescue workers search for victims on Sept.22, 2018. (Credit: STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images)
Tanzanian rescue workers search for victims on Sept.22, 2018. (Credit: STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images)
A man who survived a ferry capsizing in Tanzania described the harrowing ordeal that left six of his relatives dead and the East African nation mourning 224 people killed.
Ochori Burana…
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