peepingtoad · 4 years
@oc-lootcrate cont. {x}
Ari had never allowed himself to drink as much as he had tonight, and he was sure that he’d most certainly regret it in the morning. He never had been a lightweight or anything, but he does remember drinking without care when he was a bit younger and experiencing the worst hangover in his life that made him think twice about drinking without considering the consequences. To be honest, he thinks the only reason he had allowed himself to go so far was that it was Jiraiya with him. Maybe he wasn’t the best influence on him, but as Ari took another shot and grimaced at the slight burn in his throat he certainly didn’t mind.
He couldn’t help but look at Jiraiya out of the corner of his eye, noting that the sannin certainly looked much more relaxed and accustomed to a night on the town, sipping his sake from his ochoko and looking at Ari in amusement with a brow raised, looking almost as if he were biting back some witty comment on Ari’s appearance. 
A part of him wished he would, though.
Ari hesitated to order another drink, already feeling like he was floating and that his mind was jumbled, though that voice in the back of his head was telling him that he’d already gone far enough so why not go even further? With that, he gave the bartender another wave to indicate that he was willing to keep going only to hear Jiraiya’s amused chuckle at his side.
❝What’s so funny?❞ Ari couldn’t help but get a little red in the face as he watched his drink be poured, using it as a distraction to force himself not to look at Jiraiya. He eventually caved, of course, looking over just in time for Jiraiya to wave the thought away with that damn grin on his face. Why did he have to smile like that? 
❝I hate it when you do that!❞ All thoughts were out the window at this point, almost as if Ari was completely unaware that he was in a public area. Thankfully for him though, the bar was pretty full this night meaning that anything he said was most likely going to be ignored by anyone other than Jiraiya and the bartender who had focused his attention on another pair at the other end of the bar. ❝While you wave things off with that damn smile of yours like there’s nothing wrong, I get to sit here and think about it for the rest of the night!❞
The shot glass is once again in Ari’s hand as he tips his head back and swallows it all in one go, slamming it down on the table but thankfully not hard enough to shatter the thing. One arm rests against the surface of the bar while the other runs through his own hair, pulling the stray strands away from his face and tucking them behind his ear. 
❝God, sometimes I wish you’d just take me into the bathroom and fuck me until I can’t walk, but instead, I just sit here like... like an idiot!❞ Ari’s not even sure if he’s angry anymore, but he does know that his face is hot when he looks over at the sage again, debating whether or not he needs another drink, especially after a confession like that.
Nothing, absolutely nothing out of sorts had ever happened between them, and yet here Jiraiya was having convinced Ari to come out yet again, with his arm draped ever so casually over the backrest of Ari’s stool, while feeling very much afflicted by an acute case of déjà vu. Of course, if there was a certain been-there-before quality to the picture they currently painted, it was obviously completely and utterly imagined. After all, this was only the second time they’d decided to come to this particular bar, having made a habit of visiting the many other places Konoha had to offer at the behest of the busy Jōnin’s schedule.
One thing certainly stood out as new here though—that being that Ari had drunk much, much more than the sage had ever seen him drink before, and with no sign of stopping just yet either. The change in the man this seemed to bring about… well. 
It was pretty entertaining, to say the least. 
Seemed that alcohol had a way of revealing some of his rougher edges, which might have been just plain attractive if he wasn’t such a soft bundle of nerves the rest of the time.
So of course, that contrast made it just a little more funny than sexy, a fact that Jiraiya made very little effort to hide. Even less so when Ari decided to question him on it (and rather irritably at that), because it was all too satisfying to keep playing it smooth compared to… well, that. The fact the word ‘hate’ had come out of that mouth at all was telling of how far gone the man was getting, and it almost had the sage thinking he should quit enabling him. Almost.
But something he said plucked a chord of curiosity in him, which may have shown in the brief spark of his eyes, if Ari happened to be of the right mind to catch it. It was the part about thinking about it for the rest of the night, and Jiraiya couldn’t help but wonder exactly what sort of thoughts his amusement had provoked in the past, and when.
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“Psh! I’ve got no idea what yer talkin’ about~” he said with a teasing lilt, watching as yet another shot was downed in one. He himself wasn’t exactly nursing them, having paced out the drinks just enough to keep from straying into ‘smashed’ territory, but it was undeniable that everything was starting to become tinged with that familiar hazy filter. All very relaxed, in contrast to the other.
... That is, until he said something that truly and genuinely surprised Jiraiya to his core, to which he drew back his head with a definite stiffness of the shoulders and neck, blinking repeatedly while he just… processed that. It took only a second for it to sink in, though, before he recognised the familiar rush of warmth throughout his body for what it was; a luxurious sensation that soon had his eyes darkening to a more sultry charcoal as his muscles relaxed, his body sinking forward to share a more intimate space with that embarrassed, agitated face now staring right at him.
“Really now, Ari…” he purred the name, a hint of canine showing through the smirk that teased the corner of his mouth as he canted his head coyly, leaning close enough that the man might feel his booze-sweetened breath on his skin. “We haven’t even kissed yet, and you’re thinkin’ about stuff like that?”
With no thought of sparing the man any mortification, he tutted softly while offering the barest shake of his head in pseudo-disappointment.
“Y’know, nothing’s ever stopping you from not sittin’ there like an idiot.” Nothing... except on those occasions where a certain someone makes a hasty escape after an awkward incident. That may well be a cause from some idiotic sitting… hypothetically. “I’m right here, Ari. There’s no invisible wall in the way or anything.”
Potential was a heavy and stifling presence between the two men, going largely unspoken, and very much danced around. And although Jiraiya recognised that fully and was playing it somehow rather cool, he wasn’t about to let anything happen right here and now. Not with so many people around, and not now that the reason for that déjà vu was being slowly acknowledged as reality (inwardly, granted, but at the same time finally).
“Aaaaanyway,” he said breezily, reverting to his usual, playfully melodic tone as he flashed a playful wink-and-grin at Ari. “M’goin’ to the bathroom!”
There was a definite, loaded gravity to those words despite his airiness as he pushed himself from his seat, and the hand curled around the back of Ari’s seat lingered for just a moment before sliding away with a feather-light brush of fingertips over his back.
The bathroom was empty, aside from him. 
Propping the window open was a two-by-four—or at least, that’s what it looked like at a glance, until closer inspection revealed it was in fact a red lacquered geta sandal that some moron had no doubt left there by 'accident’. But if all was right this time, there shouldn’t even be time to consider making a hasty escape. He was right here, like he’d said. All Ari had to do was not sit.
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fxtelism-moved · 3 years
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@oc-lootcrate​ sent: ‘something strange happened here.’ (from ren to irvall!)
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"Keep your guard up, danger could lurk around us.” Dark red eyes gazing around the area, while there was nothing to meet his eye, his other senses however were telling him otherwise. Therefore the Crimson Reaper braced himself. 
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miraiconnection · 3 years
‘i don’t like being told what to do.’ (from kenji to tonio!)
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"I-I'm very sorry, but you can't be in here! This lab has dangerous equipment, you could get injured!"
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kusunokihime · 4 years
@oc-lootcrate​ whispered: ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them (this one is from toshi to reika!!)
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     By now, Reika is more than used to pit stops on road. Be it weather, obstacles, or even people getting in her way, she’s had to develop a patience for when her schedule gets waylaid.
     Not that she has much of one. A wandering healer mostly just goes where the wind takes her. Or...where it lets her rest.
     Today it’s a rainstorm, clouds rumbling with thunder as the sky unleashes its downpour. Without an umbrella, Reika’s taken to waiting it out beneath the tattered awning of an abandoned shop, the banners faded and drooping in the deluge.
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     With nothing to really pass the time, she’s taken to staring out across the road at the trees beyond. Leaves dance with every impact of rain, puddles quickly forming as the storm rages on. Passively, she lets her body take in nature chakra, the extra energy helping to ward off the drop in temperature...and the gnawing feeling in her belly. It’s early yet to concede to the supper she has in her pack.
     But greys slide to their corners as a signature - long since felt, but only now coming into view - rounds the corner at a brisk jog. With a huff and a shake of the moisture from his clothes, a man joins her in the shelter of the awning.
     Reika only gives him a brief once-over, ensuring he’s not going to be trouble before returning to her vigil. She’s typically not too talkative, but...she’ll respond if he asks. Until then, she’ll let the rain do the talking.
[ send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ] [ Accepting ]
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eyecanfixthat · 4 years
Starter for @oc-lootcrate​ || w/ Kondo Sato
Shisui notes the exact moment when things start to look a bit different. The signs on the shops change -- symbols and letters and colors shifting as if in a dream -- and the walls of the buildings around him adopt varying stages of wear: stages that look completely different to what they did merely hours ago. Trees that were once here are now no more, and even the animals seem to have moved and taken their homes with them to entirely different spots. Where it was relatively sunny only moments ago, it is now raining softly. Judging from how wet the ground is, Shisui figures it has been raining a while now.
He's crossed dimensions again, though this time it looks like he's simply crossed over to an alternate version of the same place. 
Here's hoping it's not the Kirigakure that still remembered who he is. He can only hope that, after twenty years, he looks different enough that neither the people from the past nor the future would recognize him. As it is, he's dressed in civilian clothing similar to that of a local farmer's-- no indicator that he is from anywhere outside the Land of Water. 
The goat walking beside him suddenly takes off, though, and decides to try and ram into a kid nearby. 
Shisui takes after it, and manages to pull it back by its collar before it tries to get up to any more mischief. 
"I am so, so sorry!" Darned goat. "He's usually very well behaved. You're not injured, I hope?" 
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And he's not exactly making eye contact, looking for any signs of injury instead to avoid having to look at the person he just bumped into...
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sylveradrake · 4 years
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     [ First of the five year anni g.iveaway art: Etsuko Senri for the darling @oc-lootcrate​! We...adore Senri. Ryū especially, she has pretty much adopted this kiddo, so it was super cool to be able to give drawing him a shot! Hopefully this looks accurate to your vision of him, Faith! And thank you for being an awesome mutual and for participating in the anni!
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     And as always, a still png of the babb! :D ]
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nezasuyami · 4 years
“ i like to watch the stars. it reminds me how small we all are. ” (random meme from my blog cause im uncreative!! how about we make this be from Ari? uwu)
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[ classified memos | always accepting ] [ @oc-lootcrate ] 
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This one was soft, for a member of the Cross clan. He knew this through observation and his knowledge of their grisly history, and while this softness didn’t make him a good fit for ROOT, he was loyal and hard-working. Unusually affable, too, which must have been why he was even entertaining this small-talk at present.
❝A keen observation,❞ he said in a gentle monotone, voice like a shadow. ❝Although I prefer to think that they are the small things, that they are all part of one great tapestry. One whole. Consider a tree, and each individual leaf that makes up that tree. Those seemingly tiny components, and yet that is what makes the tree capable of breathing life out into the world...❞
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... Ah. He was getting rather poetic about this, wasn’t he? Rather out of character for him, particularly in front of a shinobi he hardly even knew outside of gathered data. He’d best nip that in the bud.
❝Is there anything I can help you with?❞
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
[ @oc-lootcrate ] [ x ]
     When it comes to blood, Ryū is practically akin to a hound - she’s so keen on the smell and what it means in her field, it typically doesn’t go unnoticed for long. Turning to it, she notices a boy about genin age, the crimson dribbling along his chin telling of a split lip.
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     But before she can address him herself, he gives a snide remark at her look, coming to duck behind a hand to hide the wound. Something about his manner brings a furrow to her brow. Maybe he’s in some kind of trouble...? A split lip doesn’t come from nowhere, after all...maybe he was in a fight.
     “Sorry...” she begins slowly, nonetheless stepping aside. “I’m a medic from the hospital - do you want me to take a look at that injury?” And maybe she wants to get a better look at him, see if she can worm a reason for the wound from him. Her gut is telling her something is amiss...she just isn’t sure quite why...
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deardeerdude · 6 years
+ ( Don't mind me )
@oc-lootcrate - meme
I sent one in to you!!!! 
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peepingtoad · 4 years
@oc-lootcrate​ said: ❝Are you the guy that Ari-sensei keeps talking about?❞ She's got a suspicious look in her eye, almost as if someone has been listening to Kimashi a little too much recently... ( from Faith :> Team Ari will interrogate this man to the grave over their adoptive dad lmao ) | impromptu asks | always accepting! |
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Oho?! Now who’s this?
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Jiraiya can comfortably say he at least recognises the face, having spotted Ari’s team hanging around together a number of times in the past—but for whatever reason, he’d yet to actually speak with the sole girl among the three. This was possibly (probably) on account of the fact he’d already managed to traumatise one of them, so he figured it was for the best... but he couldn’t exactly weasel his way out of it when he was being addressed directly, could he? And did he even want to, when the chance to talk about himself was being dangled right in front of him?
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“Depends!” he announces with a jovial and obviously very self-satisfied grin, then cradles his chin thoughtfully, as though trying Very Hard to put a finger on what the young kunoichi could possibly be talking about. “Is the guy in question described as a tall, handsome sage with a certain mature appeal, who just happens to write his favourite series of novels? Is his name known throughout the land as belonging to one of the most fearsome and legendary ninja of his time, not only that but one of the most excellent lovers ever to grace the beds of man and woman alike? Because if so, my dear, then—”
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The spiel grinds to a halt all of a sudden when one specific thing she’d said finally wiggles its way through to the actually thinking part of his brain. Jiraiya blinks dumbly for a few moments, feeling a flush creeping up his cheeks with its telltale prickles, and when the smile returns it’s just a touch more gooey than smug, unlike before.
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“... Wait. He... talks about me? He... ‘keeps’ talking about me?!”
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fxtelism-moved · 4 years
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Unprompted ask. - @oc-lootcrate​​ said: “I never thought I’d ever get tired of playing games.” ( from ken to lux! )
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“Aren’t games supposed to be fun...?” The fallen angel merely blinked by his statement. One that barely remembered the very concept ever since she was banished.
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kusunokihime · 4 years
[ @oc-lootcrate ] [ x ]
     Right away, Ryū finds herself far more at ease around Hikari than she has been regarding other Senju thus far. Still a bit new to the direct politics (though having vague notions of inter-clan warfare given her own clan’s neutral position), it’s been a bit of a shock finding herself glowered at for ‘siding’ with the Uchiha. While very few clans are allied and come anywhere near trusting each other, she’s been quickly learning that Uchiha and Senju are among the bitterest of enemies.
     Hashirama, despite her new husband’s annoyance with the man, has been quite pleasant in her opinion. It’s Tobirama that she’s been wary of. Being the man that almost (though in all technicality, temporarily) ended Izuna’s life, Ryū regards him with the most caution. But Hikari seems far more like the former than the latter, so Ryū lets herself relax a bit further.
     “And you,” she replies in earnest. “Things have taken some...adjustment to acclimate myself to. But I’m doing my best to earn a favorable impression. Given how...tense things seem to be, I aim to at least not make things any worse.” Her expression turns a hair sheepish. She knows she can hardly mend the rift between the clans. But far easier would be making it deeper should her actions in any way offend either side.
     “I hope so, too...” She too lets her eyes wander over the gathered clansmen of Senju and Uchiha alike. “Even without my own clan’s history of neutrality and peace-seeking, it’s such a shame to see the open wars between the shinobi clans. And I’ve been swiftly learning just how deeply the river runs between these two in particular.” When Hikari balks, she simply smiles. “Not at all. I knew, at least in part, what my new role would mean. I can hardly shy from the politics now.”
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kusunokihimea · 5 years
     [ OKAY, so I’m not sure I’ll be able to get online tonight on either blog - I’m behind on my dailies, and I’m...wiped. Today was a long day, as was yesterday, and the next few weeks are gonna be FULL of long days. I can’t elaborate why for now, but I promise it’s nothing bad! Just know I’ma be slow. 
     In fact, I’m probably going to go on semi-hiatus again until further notice when life is a bit more stable for me. That means I will TRY to be on when I can, but my activity will be very spotty and unpredictable. The only thing I’m going to work absolutely on are my dailies due to the nature of that challenge and not wanting to fall too far behind. RP will take a back seat to that!
     On that note, I just wanna do a quick thread check to let everyone know what I have drafted! If you’ve replied to something and I DO NOT have it drafted, PLEASE let me know. I’ll do so on @hyuuchiha as well here in a jiffy!
@historias-multorum - I have the follow threads drafted on THIS blog from you: x x x x x x x x 
@ncgeru I have this draft from you: x
@oc-lootcrate​: I’ve got these two from you: x x
@despairinghxpe​: I have your starter drafted: x
aaand @silverfaxg​ I have this reply from you: x
     If anyone else has any other replies for THIS blog that are NOT listed here, I DO NOT have them drafted. Please let me know somehow - IMs, Discord, a reply to this post - what I’m missing so I can get them in my drafts! And again, I’m probably going to have to go on semi-hiatus at least for the next two weeks while my fam and I sort out some irl shenanigans. You can probably reach me best on Discord - I’ll have more time to check that on and off during the day while I’m swamped rather than Tumblr.
     Thanks as always for your patience, and I’ll do my best to be back here soon - love y’all <3 ]
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cursedfortune · 4 years
“There are no limits, only power and potential.” ( from toshi! )
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The witch’s gaze slid into the direction of the voice. Oho~, did this man speak because he knew what she was or was it merely an opinion he sincerely believed in? It amused her greatly either way but as well brought a sense of satisfaction due to his perspective. The things he spoke of were large parts of the very foundation her nature was built upon. Things that people often liked to preach about and yet did not fully weigh the understanding of - placed limitations upon even while believing they were free of them. One common thread between mortals and immortals was their love for stipulations upon themselves and others.
“Then what say you, man of no limits - what do you use your power for? What good is your potential?” Mortem inquired; her body pivoted fluidly, fully engaged with the conversation at hand and taking in the one before her. Her gaze, though curved by the smile adorning her lips, ever a haunting abyss that now faced him.
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peepingtoad · 4 years
|| @oc-lootcrate​ ; cont. {x} 
Ari never really had been one for parties himself, only really attending them when he was younger and didn’t really care about the consequences. Now that he’s gotten older and become a jōnin with a team of his own, he’s never really given himself the chance to relax and have a good time, in that sense. That is, until he met Jiraiya, of course. Considering the two of them were pretty different in terms of how they would spend their free time, Ari was really surprised that Jiraiya wanted anything to do with him in the first place.
As such, as soon as Ari got invited to a party by one of those people that you don’t quite consider a friend but know each other well enough to not exactly be strangers, instead of declining right away like he usually would with the “i’m busy” spiel he’d usually give, Ari slowly nodded with a smile and told them he’d ‘think about it’. So here he was, trying to be casual as he brought it up in a conversation with the sannin, hoping that Jiraiya would catch the hint that he wanted the sage to attend with him.
❝You think so?❞ Ari was doing the best that he could to look as if he were focused on the mystery novel in his hand, not daring to spare the other so much as a glance in fear of stuttering and ruining it all. It was then, of course, that Ari started to really think about what was said, brows furrowing as he stared at the same word on the same page he’s been on for the past five minutes.
❝W-Wait, does that mean it sounds good or bad? I mean, if you gotta get paid to go to it and all...❞ Okay, so maybe he was really bad at pretending to be busy, so much so that he wasn’t able to fully process what was being said. Instead of asking, Ari just turned the page of his book without understanding any of what happened on the last two pages, once again trying to “read” his novel. ❝You don’t think it would be worth it to go?❞
Just as Ari was seemingly engaged in a novel (thankfully not one of his this time, because that could be a little awkward), so too was Jiraiya seemingly engaged in the daily newspaper as they discussed this party that Ari had been invited to. 
Now in the grand scheme of things, Jiraiya hadn’t known Ari all that long. But he still knew him well enough to know that actually giving a ‘maybe’ to the invite was a big deal for him. Guy took his job way, way too seriously—barely seemed to get out at all until his favourite author had unexpectedly gotten his hands on him—so Jiraiya had to admit, he was a little bit proud of him for not being a ‘no’ man this time.
Still, he couldn’t help but pull the man’s leg a little after he’d stumbled gracelessly around inviting him to come along with, the comment “It sounds like the finest party I can imagine getting paid to go to,” slipping from his lips with the practised ease of an experienced tease even while he appeared to be so absorbed. Of course, it hadn’t gone lost on him that no progress was being made on that book, a scatter-brainedness that seemed to extend to the conversation in general.
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“Hehehe, oh Ari… sweetheart. Honey. I’m yankin’ your chain.” He took a sip of his tea, then added ever so casually, “y’know, implying that I’d go as your paid escort or something.”
A joke utterly without class, as ever. Yeesh, Ari really should be used to those by now!
“Surely you know by now that I’m always up for a party! However…” He trailed off, always knowing exactly when to leave a pause for effect. Even as he continued leafing through the newspaper, a silver eyebrow was raised in combined curiosity and amusement—which would no doubt pique curiosity in Ari too, should he care to look at him. “You do know you’ll get asked an awful lotta questions, bringing me along as your date, right?”
And this was what brought him conveniently onto the heart of the matter, which he finally placed down his paper in preparation for, his fingers tented before the tip of his nose and mouth in such a way that left only his neutral gaze open to being read.
“So, just out of curiosity… what would you tell ‘em?~”
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fxtelism-moved · 4 years
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Send “👋” if you want to RP with me but have been too shy to approach. - @oc-lootcrate​ said: 👋 (im a big ol' coward ;w;)
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No, you don’t have to be! Like everyone, you’re more than welcome for reaching out to me, whether is for a little talk, plotting or sending an ask, these are all good to me! 
I have to admit my activity is quite slow especially I’m currently in Crestoria and Genshin hell, but don’t let that discourage you from doing so. I’m sure we can work things out!
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