xranker · 5 years
Affiliate Marketing Tips For Complete Beginners | Building A Successful Foundation 💰
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5figuredigital · 3 years
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WHAT is Affiliate Marketing and HOW Does it Work? For Beginners!
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pushbuttontraffic · 3 years
How to Sell on Amazon FBA for Beginners! EASY Step-by-Step Tutorial
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I'm just gonna, be honest with you guys. I'Ve taken a $ 4,000 Amazon FBA course out my own pocket. I spent the money they didn't pay me or anything like that. I took that course, but in this I think it's been less than hour. I feel like I've gotten like as much value like ( upbeat song, ), ODI Productions, ( upbeat song, ) ( engine start ), Hey what is up guys. I am back with Kevin David You guys asked for him. We did a three part: video series on drop shipping before Kevin's the guy to go for for E-commerce. He is the one expert in this space on YouTube that I trust for a thing: E-commerce, You guys know me as the affiliate marketing guy, but when it comes to anything about selling products online, this is the guy to talk to. So I got a lot of questions, a lot of comments, mostly positive from our first series, But a lot of people want to learn about Amazon FBA, which is a different beast. Then drop shipping Absolutely It's another form of E-commerce right, but it is completely different in terms of how much it costs to get started in terms of the profit margin and just selling on Amazon versus selling on your own Shopify store Right. So we brought Kevin David back to explain everything in this Beginner's Guide for Amazon, FBA So first I'm gonna have Kevin, introduce himself and just tell a little bit about his background with E-commerce and then we'll jump into the tutorial. Sure Yeah, So thanks for having me back on the last Thursday, it was incredible Like I literally got so many awesome students from your channel. You have such an amazing passionate following of people that, like really do what's necessary to become successful, So we go For everyone who doesn't know me. My name is Kevin David. I started working as an accountant after college. I was working 80 hours a week. I hated it I decided I had to do something And so like. Basically after I got home after my like two hour commute home, I would work from like 11 pm or so after I got back from the gym until 2 am trying to find ways to make money online. So that I could quit my job And so I would work from like 11 to 2 am and then wake up at 6 am and drive for two more hours to get back to my commute, And that was very draining and I, like I couldn't sustain that, And so I tried a lot of Things I did I created a mobile app. You know, I've created blogs, travel all these different things. That kind of didn't have much success. I tried affiliate marketing and failed so ( laughing ). You guys know that ODI definitely beat me there, But what I finally had some success with first was Amazon FBA, Amazon FBA, like literally out the gate right when I first started selling my first week ever selling on Amazon, I was making $ 1,000 a day And, Like that, all of my other stuff, Nothing even came close to that, So I was like okay, this works. For me. I buy everything on Amazon. I buy toothpaste on Amazon, I buy toilet paper on Amazon right. I think a lot of people our age do just because we're like lazy and everyone is - Is just so much easier. Getting things delivered to your door then like having to like going to a shopping, you know actually go into a grocery store. I'M too lazy for that right. And so I knew that I buy everything on Amazon, so a lot of other people probably do too, and so I went all in basically Yeah, so Amazon FBA, for you guys who don't know Fulfillment by Amazon, basically is like private labeling Right For the most part. Yeah yeah So basically, Amazon FBA for people who don't know right What it means is fulfilled by Amazon. The beautiful thing about Amazon FBA is Amazon, does all of the hard work for you. I don't have to go to UPS and ship out like a product that I sell on the internet right. I don't have to do any of the work. I don't have to collect the payments. I don't have to make a website. Amazon, Obviously amazon.com already exists. So all I have to do is find a product right, A product, that's going to sell well on Amazon and there's a lot of ways to be able to figure that out with a ton of precision right, Find a good product to sell on Amazon. Once I've found that then literally, all I have to do is create a listing, create some basic marketing campaigns on Amazon's marketing platform, and then that is it And the best part about Amazon is Amazon. Has millions of people is browsing the web site every single day Yep? So I don't have to bring traffic from external sources. Amazon already has the traffic. All I have to do is get my product to rank on. To page one for the search terms that I'm trying to rank for and there's some very, very strategic ways that we figured out to do exactly that. I love it because Amazon ..., So you don't. You just basically need to find this product right, But Amazon not only do they have the traffic, but they had the customers. Absolutely And they had the customers, billing info and credit cards already in their system. It'S literally one click ... Yeah for most people Exactly Yeah Like it's literally one click. The friction in the process is almost zero. Like the problem with Shopify. Is people come to your site? They don't necessarily trust you. You don't have the brand recognition right. The shipping times are 12 to 20 days or even longer, Yeah With Amazon, obviously as you and I both know it's two days, Sometimes it's the same day if you live in large cities, And so that's just like a much easier, frictionless process that makes the buying you know the overall buying process extremely easy. And when the buying process is easy, people buy more things right And so like it. All you have to do, is kind of get your products live and in most cases, Amazon literally handles the rest, and you just start magically getting sales without having to drive traffic. Because one of the other parts about Shopify that I don't like as much is every person who buys from you more or less you have to pay for that person. You have to pay in the form of Facebook ads Yeah. You have to pay with ad spend But with Amazon you get organic sales, free sales And so that's a very difficult thing to replicate, like otherwise on the internet, which is why Amazon FBA has had so much like attention and success of my thousands and thousands of students you know, many of which now Are making six and even seven plus figures Mm hmm Yeah? I would like to say that you know for all these people seeing success. A lot of it stems from the business model and just kind of piggybacking off of Amazon, Because Amazon is such a beast in terms of like a company being one of the biggest companies in the world. Right, The biggest E-commerce store online Yeah By far not even close Yeah. It'S literally shutting down massive businesses. Like JC Penney, Sears Toys, R Us, like these companies, aren't going out of business by chance. Yeah, Like Amazon, is destroying them obviously, And like it's not like a thing about whether or not they hate them They're, just they created a better model. Yes, Its the same thing, how would you like, when was last time you took a taxi Yeah like ... I haven't taken a taxi .. Yeah, I haven't taken a taxi and over a year or more, Because why would I do something? That'S less efficient! It'S it's harder for me to do. It'S more expensive Taxis always want to like try to rob you, especially in other countries. ( laughs, ) And Uber is just so much easier. It'S all handled via your phone. They come right to you right, It's just a better business model And Amazon has a better business model than the predecessors before it, And that's just you know when, and I love what you said, because it's so true . A lot of success on the internet is predicated right. It'S because of the business model you choose Yeah Right And Amazon is such a beautiful business model. If you know how to choose the right product and how to get your product in front of people's eyes right, Get it to page one run marketing successfully, and you know those things aren't the easiest things in the world, but once you learn them, it's just it's incredible what you can do with Amazon Awesome i love it. I love all of it. Okay, so we've just going we've discussed what Amazon FBA is, but I want to jump into the actual steps. Let'S say someone is watching this video and they liked the idea of this Yeah They like the idea of Amazon FBA and they think it's the right business model for them Right. So if they want to get started, could you list out just some simple steps that they can do in order to get in the game? Yeah? Absolutely And that's a great question: So, let's actually go through this like a little bit. ... will get really granular with this, and you know some people like really granular some people like high level So high level Amazon, basically, is you find products from China or from cheaper markets right You you get them made, you get them shipped to an Amazon, fulfillment center Amazon fulfills them all for you, You get paid right, That's the high level you buy it for $ 1 from China. You sell it on Amazon. For 20. Amazon takes their fee, obviously for fulfilling it for handling all of the hard work for you. You get paid to the profit, which is the difference between what you pay and what you sell it on Amazon for that's high level right Yeah, So um granularly there's a few steps right And let's go through them one by one, so that we can get you so that you guys can all have like a really clear idea of exactly how this works Step. One is product research right, Product research is the most important step of the entire process right, It's what I go into the most depth when I teach on my YouTube when I teach my private students right, Because the thing is guys and what I've learned over the past 16 months having thousands And thousands of thousands of people join. My Amazon program is, if you pick the right product right, You can do pretty much everything else wrong and still make a ton of money, and I actually mean that I've seen it happen a ton of times. But If you, if you pick the wrong product right, Then you're going to have a harder time, And obviously you can still be successful, but with the beautiful part about Amazon is, if you pick the right product, it's very difficult to not make money, And so how this works. Guys is. There'S software right There, software and the software I use is called Viral launch product discovery and viral launch market intelligence. It'S a it's a web app and it's a Chrome extension right. And what these apps do, what these soft piece of software do? Is they allow you to identify kind of diamond in the rough right Products that have a lot of sales, but don't have many reviews right Products that don't have many sellers? So what you do is you come in and you identify those kind of disparities, those differences. You find that the sweet spots where a lot of people are searching for a product, but not many sellers, are offering that product right. Or the sellers who are offering it are offering low quality or there's there's room for improvement by bundling products together or by doing any different number of things to add quality. Because when you add quality - and you add value to people's lives, right, You make money, That's all businesses is, is adding value to other people in some in some way or medium. So that's how it works right! You find products that are in the sweet spot, they have a lot of monthly searches, They have a lot of people looking for them, but they don't have good product offerings currently being sold on Amazon. You create that you know that higher quality, that more value that added value and then you reap the benefits. It'S simply. It'S literally that easy. Okay, so first step you use a software Viral launch to do your product research to look into basically Amazon system. How much of each product is selling how much revenue they're making You get to look at dimensions of the product? How much it weighs, etc, etc. So, basically you're just trying to find a gap in the market and then that's somewhere where you can come in and basically fulfill that gap Exactly And like most people who teach Amazon right Like a lot of people that have taken my course have actually gone on, to become like teachers of Amazon, obviously, which is funny ( laughing ). But you know people who teach it and gurus and everybody who was around before me and now they all kind of have like some criteria, that they say right. You want it to be small, So because it's not going to cost as much shipping, You want it to be non breakable, so it doesn't break during shipping. You want it to be not particularly complex or you know, because people don't like complexity. A lot of times your returns will be higher if people can't figure out how to use the product. But you know the funny thing is sometimes going against. The grain makes you the most money right: Yeah Because everyone's saying do this this and this Exactly And everyone's doing that, So, if you kind of figure out ways ... How I teach my students is different than what most people teach And so we've identified kind of ways to go against the grain. So to speak, where you can really find the true ways to make the most money with Amazon. So don't always listen to what everyone's saying Sometimes you got to go a little bit different Use, your creativity use your own experiences and you can really find the truly best offers out there. I love it All right step two. What next So step two guys once you found your product, you have to actually find someone to make it right. So where do you actually do that The main way is called Alibaba? So Alibaba it for those of you who don't know is a massive massive company in China right Founded by jack, Ma who's. I think the richest person in China multi multi billionaire What they do. Basically, what Alibaba is is a directory of manufacturers right So, like you, if you wan na, have a basketball made or Bluetooth headphones or a tripod or glasses or whatever it is it doesn't matter. You literally go on alibaba Com and you search for what you want to have made Hundreds of manufacturers are going to come up right. They make this stuff, because everything that you could possibly imagine is made in China, And so you know there's criteria that you're looking for You want to. You want to find manufacturers that have years of history that have years of history, That have ... Years of history. They have a badge right Right. They have a badge So it's called gold supplier, So gold supplies you can actually buy that badge from Alibaba. So Oh wow, (, laughs, ). You know and not a lot of people talk about that. So I don't rely on the gold supplier badge because you can buy it. And when you can buy something Yeah Its not particularly credible, in my opinion, So what I look for is years of history right. They actually have an online presence Like they have a website. They have a phone number. I call the phone number make sure it's a real person answering it. It'S not like a scam or anything like that. I like to look for transaction history right, So lots of transactions Alibaba lists those transactions. I like to make sure that you know they have a lot of reviews. Generally, you're vetting them, as you would any other online business. You want to make sure that they're legitimate that it's a real real company, real people work there. They have a real website Just that they're kind of legitimate and then once you're able to do that right. What you want to do is I like to reach out to the top three manufacturers based on those criteria based on reviews based on longevity based on you know, the factors that we just discussed And I want a quote for it: I wan na say ,'': how much would you charge to make me 500 units of x'', Okay Right of you know essential oils or whatever it is right, And so then, what the reason that I asked all three is because you never just want to ask one Quote right Because then you don't know if it's a good deal, So I asked three independent manufacturers. How much would you charge me to make 500 essential oils or 5000 And the reason that I asked 500 to 5000 is sometimes they'll say `` for 5000 will give it to you for $ 1 apiece for 500 will give it to you for $ 5, a piece .''. Okay, And so then, what I try to say is: okay, `` well I'll make the deal right now, if you give me 500 for $ 1 each right. So, like you kind of used.. Ahh, The the cheaper price for the larger amounts, and then you apply it to the smaller amounts, Because you know manufacturers have what they call MOQ's, which is Minimum Order Quantities And we're not going to get too in depth on that. Obviously, that's for another time. But how I teach it is you want to order as little products as possible so that you're going to stay in stock for three months right, Which is generally the amount of time the longest amount of time that it takes to restock. So you want to always: you want to have as few units as possible to never go out of stock, That's kind of how it works for step. Two Wow Yeah So it's kind of a lot . ., That's a great value. I think you gave us some like ninja tips right there, that really like are worth real money. Yeah. No, definitely - And you know, inventory forecasting and figuring out what that number is is a little bit more involved. Obviously you know all of my students. I teach exactly how to choose the perfect number of products to order for you. But that's a little bit more complicated than like this particular setting. But obviously nothing is left to chance my students, step by step by step So .. You give them templates too right. Yes For contacting Yes, so we give them a manufacturer's template And what that is. Is it basically gives you credibility, because manufacturers get hundreds or thousands of inquiries a day, Yep Right, So you want to make sure that they're actually paying attention to you Yeah. So you have to kind of give yourself edify yourself, give yourself a little bit of credibility so that they treat you better. They give you the the best. You know the senior level sales staff who have the ability to give you the best prices, and you have that kind of additional leverage. And if you just like, come in as like some random person, they're just not going to treat you as well. They'Re not going to give you the same level of care, and so we give you a manufacturer's template that guarantees that you get the cheapest price Wow and that directly correlates with your profit margin. Absolutely yeah. I mean a lot of people. Don'T realize like what you should be buying a product for Like if you bought, if you're selling a product on Amazon for $ 20 like one of our most profitable products on Amazon, for example. We sell for between 1495 and during Christmas time - and this sounds crazy. But during Christmas time you can literally sell stuff are basically whatever you want. ( laughs ) Like so we've sold a 1495 product 11 months a year we sell for 1495. During Christmas we sell it for nearly 7999 ( gasps ). I'M not kidding we're selling hundreds of at that price. That'S crazy, Yeah, but anyway, so 1495, most of the year we buy that product are landed, cost is 96 cents per unit. Wow Yeah, so we buy it and that's including shipping. That'S including cost of goods sold all the like fees and the Chinese customs, everything 96 cents per unit. We sell it for 1499. That'S crazy, Yeah! Wow And so that's kind of like the the margin that that's going to give you like a 50 to 60 % profit margin per per unit sold. I generally teach my students that you want to look for between 45 and 50 % margins. Okay, So those are great margin, especially compared to like drop shipping. Read the full article
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mikevalleofficial · 6 years
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mbedrane-blog · 6 years
Internet IM Jetset Course Review by John Crestani 2018
Internet IM Jetset Course Review by John Crestani 2018
Internet Jetset by John Crestani Super Affiliate Marketing System Review
So who Internet Jetset For?
Internet Jetset is for anyone who is wanting to start an online business doing affiliate marketing.
John's course cater for the newbie as well as the intermediate and advanced internet marketers (the up-sells with case studies on niches like Gold…
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phungthaihy · 5 years
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scottwinters714 · 6 years
How to Start Affiliate Marketing for Beginners - EASY!
How to Start Affiliate Marketing for Beginners – EASY!
In this video, I teach how to start affiliate marketing in 2018. I share 3 easy methods to start Amazon affiliate marketing today. If you’re looking for how to make money online in 2018, this is the video for you!
► EVERYTHING Online Business: https://odiproductions.com/
► FREE Affiliate Marketing 101 Course: https://odiproduction…
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mervinjdugger34 · 5 years
5 Ways to Go from $100 to $1,000/DAY Affiliate Marketing
%BA FREE How to Start Affiliate Marketing Guide (Step-by-Step): this video, I teach 5 ways how to scale from $100 per day to over $1,000 per day with affiliate marketing for beginners! I've been fortunate enough to have hit my first $1,000 day back in 2016 (long before I made personal videos on YouTube), and here are the key factors that helped me scale.
%BA My A-Z Affiliate Marketing for Beginners Course (Limited Time $300 OFF with Coupon "FREEDOM"): NEW Affiliate Marketing Support Group: FREE Affiliate Marketing Training *NEW*: My FREE Make Your First $1,000 Training: My Hands-On Mentorship Program ($500 OFF Limited Time Discount): Make sure to LIKE and COMMENT "Affiliate Marketing" on this video if you want me to make more videos on this topic!
If you're new to my channel, my name is Odi and I'm an Entrepreneur, Music Producer, and Passive Income Expert. I first started by doing Amazon Associates affiliate marketing then branching out to other affiliate networks and more profitable niches. Affiliate marketing is the best source of passive income IMHO and has allowed me to live in my dream home and own my dream garage. Make sure to check out my other videos for more!
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%BA 7 Best Affiliate Programs for Beginners 2019: 4 Passive Income Ideas for 2019 (How I make $30k/Month w/ Proof): How to Start Affiliate Marketing Step by Step for Beginners in 2019: How Long to Make $1,000/Month with Affiliate Marketing:
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janetberrymx · 5 years
Why 99% FAIL with Affiliate Marketing…%BA FREE How to...
Why 99% FAIL with Affiliate Marketing…
%BA FREE How to Start Affiliate Marketing Guide (Step-by-Step): this video, I share my honest Clickfunnels review of their marketing software and the Clickfunnels affiliate program. Make sure to sign up for the free resources below!
%BA My A-Z Affiliate Marketing for Beginners Course (Limited Time $300 OFF with Coupon “FREEDOM”): My FREE Clickfunnels Mini-Course: FREE 14-Day Clickfunnels Trial: Make sure to LIKE and COMMENT “Affiliate Marketing” on this video if you want me to make more videos on this topic!
If you’re new to my channel, my name is Odi and I’m an Entrepreneur, Music Producer, and Passive Income Expert. I first started by doing Amazon Associates affiliate marketing then branching out to other affiliate networks and more profitable niches. Affiliate marketing is the best source of passive income IMHO and has allowed me to live in my dream home and own my dream garage. Make sure to check out my other videos for more!
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from The IM CHARRO https://theimcharro.tumblr.com/post/189656407321
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onlinemoola-blog · 6 years
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BEST Way To Make Money Online in 2018 (PROVEN &! ...has been published on: http://po.st/DeyBVy
-- Visit for more: https://onlinemoola.com/money-channel/youtube/best-way-to-make-money-online-in-2018-proven/ -- #BestMethodToMakeMoneyOnline, #BestWayToMakeMoneyOnline, #BrkoBanks, #Freedominfluencer, #HowToMakeMoneyOnline2018, #HowToMakeMoneyWithAffiliateMarketing, #JoshElder, #MakeMoneyFast, #MakeMoneyOnline, #MakeMoneyOnline2018, #OdiProductions, #SeanBagheri
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disndatlife · 6 years
How to Start Affiliate Marketing for Beginners – EASY!
How to Start Affiliate Marketing for Beginners – EASY!
In this video, I teach how to start affiliate marketing in 2018. I share 3 easy methods to start Amazon affiliate marketing today. If you’re looking for how to make money online in 2018, this is the video for you!
► FREE Affiliate Marketing 101 Course: https://goo.gl/NwzW44
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► Get My COMPLETE Affiliate Marketing Course + Mentorship Here (CLOSING SOON): https://goo.gl/R1PsWL
I spent a lot of time on this video so please THUMBS UP and COMMENT if you found it helpful
Affiliate marketing is a fantastic business opportunity for people who want to learn how to make money online in 2018 through passive income. I strongly believe that affiliate marketing is the BEST online business to start for anyone, due to minimal to no investment and unlimited upside and earning potential.
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from DISNDAT.LIFE https://disndat.life/how-to-start-affiliate-marketing-for-beginners-easy/
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xranker · 5 years
5 Ways to Go from $100 to $1,000/DAY Affiliate Marketing
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=XOVuGDKr_n0 Read the full article
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xranker · 5 years
10 Things to Know BEFORE Starting Affiliate Marketing...
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=ToSHIIzBsaA Read the full article
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xranker · 5 years
How LONG to Make $1,000/Month with Affiliate Marketing
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https://youtube.com/watch?v=YPrnW7LeluI Read the full article
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mikevalleofficial · 6 years
Where Is Odi Productions? 🤔
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mervinjdugger34 · 5 years
Odi Productions Makes More from Courses than Affiliate Marketing? The TRUTH
%BA FREE How to Start Affiliate Marketing Guide (Step-by-Step): this video, the truth is revealed about ODi Productions and whether he makes more money from affiliate marketing OR from selling online courses. Exposed.
%BA My A-Z Affiliate Marketing for Beginners Course (Limited Time $300 OFF with Coupon "FREEDOM"): NEW Affiliate Marketing Support Group: My FREE Make Your First $1,000 Training: My Hands-On Mentorship Program ($500 OFF Limited Time Discount): Make sure to LIKE and COMMENT "Affiliate Marketing" on this video if you want me to make more videos on this topic!
If you're new to my channel, my name is Odi and I'm an Entrepreneur, Music Producer, and Passive Income Expert. I first started by doing Amazon Associates affiliate marketing then branching out to other affiliate networks and more profitable niches. Affiliate marketing is the best source of passive income IMHO and has allowed me to live in my dream home and own my dream garage. Make sure to check out my other videos for more!
%BA FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @odi_productions
#affiliatemarketing #passiveincome #odiproductions
%BA 7 Best Affiliate Programs for Beginners 2019: 4 Passive Income Ideas for 2019 (How I make $30k/Month w/ Proof): How to Start Affiliate Marketing Step by Step for Beginners in 2019: How Long to Make $1,000/Month with Affiliate Marketing:
****> What are you wating for today
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