#odo's bucket ( guest appereance)
Newly Wed
Fandom: Star Trek Deep Space Nine Pairing: Kira Nerys x fem!Reader, Odo x Reader (PLATONIC!!!) Words: 1.9K Warnings: Fluff, maybe a bit angst Summary: Y/N and Kira return from their honeymoon and Y/N feels obligated to report to her best friend Odo. All the good things and maybe the fears too. A/N: Odo is not in love with Kira, he never was. He's just a very good friend in this one. We don't wanna make things awkward
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Silently, the doors of the security office slid apart and Y/N crossed the threshold into the room, a wry smile on her face. "Reporting for duty, sir," she smirked. Odo turned, a feigned serious mask on. "Acknowledged. At ease." He leaned forward. "Shouldn't you be showing up by tomorrow, Lieutenant?" She lifted her chin. "I thought I'd just have to see the loving face of my best friend that I've missed so much sooner than tomorrow."
"Is that any way to talk about your commanding officer?" She could see the amusement in his eyes. "No, but I do to my best friend." Apparently Odo couldn't fight his smile any longer, because the corners of his mouth turned upwards, causing her smile to widen as well.
"Oh, come here, "she laughed, spreading her arms as wide as she could. Odo sighed, but stood up anyway to comply with her request. A contented yawn escaped her as she rested her head on his shoulder. "That's nice." Odo only gave a grumpy snort that proved to her that he was as happy to see her as she was to see him. Nevertheless, she noticed very well that he was quite stiff and slowly released the embrace. She knew very well that Odo was not yet very comfortable with physical or social contact and she did not want to invade his comfort zone. The smile and his small nod showed her that she had done the right thing.
"Please, sit down."
"I'm definitely not going to turn down that offer," she laughed and dropped into one of the armchairs. Odo took a seat opposite her, hands folded, resting his head on them. "I certainly hope I'm not interrupting your work. I could come back later if you'd prefer." Y/N knew how much her friend hated to be disturbed in his work. For him, there was hardly anything more important than having his work done conscientiously and perfectly. Odo, however, just shook his head slightly. "Not at all. It is already late in the evening, the station will manage a little without me." He tilted his head slightly. "So, tell me. How was the honeymoon? "
Y/N smiled while at the same time shaking her head in disbelief "Not the way I expected, I can tell you that. Maybe we should have flown somewhere else after all. To Earth, perhaps. Or Risa. I hear Betazed is very pretty this time of year too." She winked at him. "Then perhaps we could have said hello to Lwaxana for you." Odo rolled his eyes and tipped his head back. If he had had a blood system, though, he would most likely have blushed. Giggling, she pointed to the replicator in his office. "May I? The replicator in the shuttle and our quarters didn't work and I'm dying of thirst. I haven't drank anything for the last hours" Odo gestured for her to help herself. "Thank you."
She stood up and walked to the alcove in the wall. "Computer, Y/N Alpha One, 200 millilitres." She had made her own drinks and food list and stored it in the computer, with a little help from Chief O'Brien, since what she normally got from her replicator didn't taste nearly as good.
With glass in hand, she returned and sat down opposite Odo, who eyed her. "So I guess Bajor wasn't so to your satisfaction."
She sighed and took a sip. Instantly the slight scratching she had been feeling for hours now stopped. "I wouldn't put it that way." Odo frowned, obviously confused. "Explain, please." She rubbed her face. "Bajor itself is beautiful. I think the problem was more with Nerys."
Odo sat up straighter. "With Kira?"
"Don't get me wrong," Y/N hastened to add. "I love her to death and marrying her was the best decision I ever made. However, I felt she was trying to get too much out of everyone." Odo now seemed even more confused. "Isn't it the desire of every newly married couple to have a perfect honeymoon?"
"Perhaps. But I had hoped that we would just enjoy our time together. Nerys seemed tense and nervous so often, though, that I'm afraid she didn't enjoy those weeks as much as I did." Her gaze was fixed on the floor, her lips pressed tightly together. All at once, she felt fingertips gently slide under her chin and lift her face. Odo had come around the table and was now squatting in front of her. "What makes you think things would have been better on another planet?"
"Maybe the fact that we would have been further away from Ds9? Nerys checked her padd for messages every hour. Maybe the fact that she got at least three visits from Kai Winn? I honestly don't know." She bit her lower lip. "On the other hand, she looked so amused, pleased and proud when she showed me her home. Like a child showing off her constructions."
"See." smiled Odo, stroking her head before standing up and sitting back down behind his desk, "Not so bad after all." She heaved another sigh. "I never said I personally didn't enjoy the honeymoon. It was wonderful for myself. I learned so much about her culture, her religion and about her life in general. It's just that I felt Nerys had taken on so much that she couldn't enjoy it herself."
Odo nodded slowly. "Do you feel better now? Now that you've talked that off your chest."
"Somewhat, yes." She smiled at him. "Thank you Odo."
"You're welcome. But now," he leaned forward. " I would like to have some details." Y/N laughed. Who would have thought that Odo was such a gossip?
"Well, the first few hours were the most relaxing, I think." She took another sip of her drink. "We had this beautiful house right by the sea and near a small town. It was wonderful, really. However, I noticed that Nerys was getting restless after a few hours, probably because she really needed to stretch her legs, so we went into town because there was a market going on."
She sighed and Odo tapped his chin. "And let me guess, it didn't go well." She laughed. "Yes, it did, actually. Nerys bought me a beautiful traditional Bajoran toga and introduced me to culinary cuisine. However, then a young man, maybe twenty years old at most, thought he had to make a stupid comment." She shook her head. "Nerys didn't think it was funny." Odo chuckled roughly. "I can imagine that. Is there anything left of him?"
"Yes. But she was pissed off. It took all my strength to keep him alive. I can't afford to have my wife arrested on the very first day of our honeymoon." Despite the seriousness of her words, she had to smile. She couldn't help it. The words "my wife" still caused butterflies in her stomach.
"Understandable." Odo snorted in amusement. "I would have hated to invade your honeymoon to take her out of it." Y/N laughed out. "Could you have imagined the conversation between us though? 'Hey Odo, I know we're on our honeymoon, however Kira killed an idiot in the market and I'd need you to bail her out of jail'." As she spoke she kept being interrupted by her own laughter. She was obviously overtired.
Perhaps it was because Odo was already close to his regeneration cycle, however, he gradually joined her laughter until they were both barely able to stay on their feet. Y/N even had tears running down her face and was gasping for breath.
"How did I know you'd go first to Odo- what's going on here?"
Y/N and Odo slowly caught themselves and looked up. Nerys had apparently stepped into the office during their laughter and was now looking at them with a confused smile. "Are you all right?" Y/N tried to suppress a rising laugh. "Yep." However, she then made the mistake of turning back to Odo. As soon as their eyes met, they both burst into unrestrained laughter. Y/N had to cling to the table to keep from falling over.
"Okay?" Nerys pointed to the door. "I'll just go then, shall I?"
"No, honey, wait!" panted Y/N, trying to calm herself with even breaths. "I- I'll come with you." Still giggling, she turned back to Odo, who was also slowly getting his laughter under control. "We- We'll talk more tomorrow, yes?" Odo simply waved, gesturing for her to finally leave. "See you tomorrow."
With that she grabbed her wife's hand, oh how she loved saying that, and led her over to the promenade deck to the turbolifts, still giggling.
"Level 11," Nerys ordered, leaning against the wall in amusement. "I don't know what you did, but I don't think I've ever seen Odo laugh so hard."
Y/N grinned broadly. "I have a natural talent for making people laugh." Nerys laughed out. "Of course."
"Ha, see!" She pointed at the Bajoran. "You laughed."
" Shut up," Nerys muttered, pulling her close by the waist and pressing her lips to her wife's. This successfully silenced her, even when they disengaged she only had a dreamy smile on her face. The turbolift stopped. Nerys gestured her arm towards the door. "After you, dearest."
Sighing, Y/N crawled under the covers of their bed and snuggled into her pillow. "I'm so tired, I probably could have even slept in Odo's bucket." Nerys laughed out and slipped under her own blanket. "And I'm sure he would have let you do that."
"He loves me," she murmured sleepily and Nerys pulled her close to press a soft kiss to her temple. "Not as much as I love you," she whispered before wrapping her arms around Y/N's waist and pulling her close, sighing contentedly. There was silence for a few moments, but Y/N couldn't hold it in any longer.
"Nerys?" A soft "Mhhh," was the reply. "Did you enjoy our honeymoon?" Silence. Then the rustling of duvets was heard and Nerys had sat up, leaning on her elbows and looking at her anxiously. "But of course. You didn't, did you?"
"No! No! I've enjoyed it very much. It's just-" She bit her lip. It was stupid, why had she had to bring it up? "You always seemed so tense and nervous and worried about Deep Space Nine. I was afraid you didn't like it."
"Oh," Nerys gave out, sitting up properly to take her face in her hands. "Oh darling, why didn't you say that before? I could have saved you all that worry." Sighing, she pulled her closer. "Of course I enjoyed our honeymoon. I was able to devote two weeks to just us, of course I enjoyed it. It's just- I'm not used to doing nothing for two straight weeks. I grew up during the occupation, so we didn't really have time for that. But I really enjoyed it. And I'm sorry I made you feel like I didn't." She kissed her tenderly. "How can I make it up to you."
A sly smile spread across Y/N's lips. "Dinner tomorrow night in our quarters followed by a bath together." Nerys laughed and kissed her again. "How about I add a massage on top?" Y/N began to beam and dropped into bed, pulling Nerys with her. " Nothing I'd like better than that."
They stared lovingly into each other's eyes for a while before Nerys grasped the intiative and leaned forward to kiss her softly again.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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